Download - Colonoscopy Test - CSCS, Sydney


Test to detect colorectal cancer and polypsColorectal cancer also known as Bowel Cancer occurs in the colon or rectum. Colon and rectal are in the lower part of the body's digestive system. During the digestion process, the food we intake moves through the stomach, small intestine and then reaches colon. The colon absorbs nutrients and water from the food and stores stool which is then moved out of the body.

Colonoscopy is an examination to inspect the inner lining of the large bowel (rectum and colon) using a flexible tube with a camera at its tip. It is inserted via the anus and gently guided to the start of the large bowel (caecum).Preparation for Colonoscopy:

Preparation is required prior to the colonoscopy test; if the diet procedure is not followed properly it may lead to incomplete or inadequate examination of the colon so you may have to repeat the examination. Person who will go through colonoscopy test should drink a bowel prep solution which has laxative effect. During the process you will not be allowed to eat any solid food. It is advised to take only clear fluids like apple juice, water or clear soup 6 hours before to the procedure.Colonoscopy Procedure During colonoscopy, patient will lie on their l back or left side.Patient is continuously monitored for heart beat(rhythm) and blood pressure and oxygen in the blood. Medications are given through a intravenous line so the patient feel relaxed. After tip of the colon or last portion of the small intestine is reached, the colonoscope is withdrawn slowly, and the colon lining is carefully examined. Colonoscopy may often make you feel bloating and cramping in the abdomen area, but with the medications pain becomes infrequent and tolerable. Generally, the colonoscopy procedure last for 15 to 60 minutes; if the colon cannot be visualized properly, the physician can try colonoscopy again at a later date.Colonoscopy is a safe procedure with a low risk of complications. The most significant risk of this is a perforation of the bowel. The risk of this is approximately 1 in 1000. If a biopsy or polypectomy is performed the risk of bleeding from this is about 3 in 1000. In addition, although this is the best test for detection of cancer there is a small risk of missing a small cancer. The risks and benefits of colonoscopy should be discussed in detail with your doctor prior to proceeding with the test. For more information about colonoscopy check out the website