Download - Collins Seafoods & Wraggs Seafoods newsletter Summer 2015

Page 1: Collins Seafoods & Wraggs Seafoods newsletter Summer 2015

CatCh - up“The Finest Quality Frozen At Sea Fish”


KirKella launCh maKes history

History in the making History has been made as the first British white fish trawler to launch this century headed out to sea on her maiden voyage. The Kirkella – named after a village situated to the west of Hull - was launched by UK Fisheries Ltd and is the sixth vessel to bear this name in the Hull fleet.Measuring an impressive 86.1 metres in length and weighing 4290 tonnes, the majestic ship is set to overturn the misconception that large vessels are environmentally unsustainable and features advanced freezing techniques maximising quality and freshness of the fish. She will catch Cod and small by-catches of Haddock and uses special equipment to ensure the by-catch of smaller fish is kept to a minimum. In fact, the state of the art design operates some of the most

productive and well managed fisheries in the world. The Kirkella is revolutionising the way our fish and chips make it from sea to table and a huge 95% of her catch will be bought and consumed in Britain, mainly via fish and chip shops.Every single trip she makes will land a massive 1200 tonnes of fish fillets - the equivalent to 3.5 million fish suppers. She also operates with a zero discard policy, meaning everything caught is landed and accounted for. Fishing predominantly in Norwegian waters, the Kirkella looks set for a successful future providing world-class sustainable fishing and keeping Hull firmly on the fishing map.For a more in-depth look into the Kirkella, visit:

Issue 5

Page 2: Collins Seafoods & Wraggs Seafoods newsletter Summer 2015

National F ish and Chip DayFIRST EVER NATIONAL FISH & CHIP DAYFish and chip lovers everywhere came together to celebrate the first ever National Fish and Chip Day on Friday June 5th, 2015. The event which was all about giving fish and chips the recognition it deserves and helping to secure its position as the UK’s number one takeaway proved a huge success and from now on will take place on the first Friday in June every year. The nationwide event had been highlighted during the National Fish and Chip Awards in London by Dino and George Papacaoullas of Papa’s, in Warrington. The duo talked about how there is a Frozen Food Day, a Marmalade Day, National Sandwich Day and many more, so questioned why there wasn’t a National Fish & Chip Day. Many people used social media, such as twitter and Facebook, to show the rest of the country how they were celebrating this national event, so we have chosen to share a few of our favourite posts with you.If you were unfortunate enough to miss out this year, just make sure you put the date in your diary nice and early next year. After all, any excuse to eat Fish and Chips is well worth celebrating!

Product Promotion

Size 4’s and 8’s




50p disCount on blaKemans supreme sausages

Page 3: Collins Seafoods & Wraggs Seafoods newsletter Summer 2015

F ish is the dish for kids

Here at Collins Seafoods, we’re passionate about our Frozen at Sea Cod and Haddock and the health benefits they bring.

This is especially significant for our children, with a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet being so important for their development.

We think it’s vital to promote the health benefits that Cod and Haddock have on the growth of our children including developing a strong heart and nervous system, maintaining brain function and vision and creating healthy skin and bones to name just a few.

The government recommends we eat at least two portions of fish a week, so we believe it is important for kids to learn all about fish.

Some initiatives have tried to incorporate knowledge of fish into the school curriculum, so we thought it would be a great idea to share with you some of the ways of getting your kids to enjoy learning about fish at home.

Here are some top tips on making learning about fish fun:

• Can your kids pick out a Cod from a Coley, a Haddock from a Pollock? In order to know the benefits of fish, they first need to be able to tell them apart. Try making it into a game, like family favourite guess who.

• How many reasons can your kids name, on why fish is good for you? The more reasons, the more rewards!

• Make fun sized samples of different types of fish to see which ones they like best.

• Teach your young ones some simple recipes. By taking part in preparing a meal, they will gain a better understanding of what makes a healthy fish dish. Try laying out the ingredients, with a few missing. Can they guess the missing link?

• Make fish dishes look fun, let your and their imagination go wild.

There are so many ways to help children learn all about fish. For more information visit the Seafish website:

To find out more about our Frozen at Sea Cod and Haddock go to:

Page 4: Collins Seafoods & Wraggs Seafoods newsletter Summer 2015

Meet the Wraggs Team

Team member name: Emma Haggie Job title: Sales AdministratorWhat is your favourite fish joke? What do you call someone who is good at catching f ish? – Annette!What do you order when you go to a fish and chip shop? I order cod and chips with curry sauce from the chippy

Fenham Fish Bar Where are you based?Fenham, Newcastle Upon Tyne.

What type of business do you have?Fish and Chip Shop – Take away.

How long have you been supplied by Collins Seafoods?Over 20 years.

What services do Collins Seafoods supply to you today?High quality Frozen at Sea Cod and line caught Haddock, Plaice and Lemon Sole.

Do you find Collins Seafoods achieve all of your requirements, in terms of cost, delivery times,

If you would like any further information or would like to get in touch, please do so: [email protected]

01325 315544 or [email protected]

0113 2498832

Want to get in touch?

Wraggs Seafoods Ltd@WraggsSeafoods

promotions etc?In terms of cost, Collins Seafoods continuously beat all other suppliers. We never feel the need to shop around. Delivery Times are prompt; when you request an early delivery they are there without fail.

Would you recommend Collins Seafoods to others? If so, why?Yes we would highly recommend Collins Seafoods. They always have high quality products at the best price. You can also set up a standing order which is a great, one less thing to worry about on busy mornings.

Collins Customer Casebook Q&A

Collins Seafoods Limited

We were delighted to be asked by our accounts administrator, Joanna Chilton, if we would sponsor her and her friend, Leah Copelin, in this year’s Race for Life.It seemed fitting for Collins to help out, as like many businesses, several members of our staff have been personally affected by cancer. Joanna and Leah, from Newton Aycliffe, trained hard for the race, which took place on Sunday, 28th June, by going on long walks and runs together and even started going to the local gym, in a bid to increase their fitness.Joanna, 23, who ran in memory of her granddad, said: “This was my first Race for life and I loved every minute of it. “We had already raised £200 before the race so we are feeling really positive that we can hit our target of £300.”Carer, Leah, 23, who took part in the race to honour her Nana, added: “We trained hard together and got round together.“It was a lovely day and we are really pleased with what we have raised.“Both our grandparents would be so proud.” If you would like to donate money, please visit :


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