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Collective Action in CGIAR Capacity Development

A Project Implemented by the Capacity Development Unit of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)International Conference on Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services, Nairobi, 15-18 November 2011

Purvi Mehta -Bhatt, Julius Nyangaga and Jan Beniest

Introduction ILRI with other CGIAR Centers, partners in eastern and southern Africa and the Regional Plan for Collective Action in Eastern and Southern Africa conducted a study on collective action in capacity development. Forum discussed past, present and future collaboration within the CGIAR, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, limitations. The outcome aimed to contribute to the on-going CGIAR reform and implementation of Consortium Regional Projects (CRPs).

The project activity involved ILRI, 11 other CGIAR Centers, international, regional and national institutions with interest in capacity development in agricultural research for development

1. Desk Study 2. E-Consultation with CG Centers 3. Stakeholder meetings in Kenya and


Successful inter-Centre collaboration occurs when:

Process is driven by partner demands

Process is integrated in research and linked to an overall results framework

Process provides a clear and quantifiable benefit for participating Centers

There is sustained funding for longer term efforts

Efforts are demonstrated and documented to enable championing at high levels of the CGIAR

Factors inhibiting inter-Centre collaboration

Personalities Inter-personal relationships and conflicts Involving too many centers when not necessary Inadequate commitment/championing

Use of emerging innovative trends


Outcomes, Findings

From Desk Study and e-Consultations

From Stakeholder Meetings and Consultations

Limitations to collaborating with CGIAR Centers in capacity development


Links to network of excellence and donor community

Great contribution to individual trainings: fellowships, attachments and thesis research

Demand exceeds what Centers can provide

Centers focus on own agenda and not on interest and needs of partners and rural communities Expensive to work with

Joint research and capacity development projects that address learning needs and inequalities among partners

Long term perspectives that allow development of critical mass of national partners

Advantages of collaborating with CGIAR Centers in capacity development


Linking capacity development to innovation systems and value chain functioning

Participatory learning

Strengthening learning institutions

Mobilizing resources for partners

Using advances in ICT/KM and e-learning

Forming regional alliances on thematic subjects

On the CGIAR Research Programs:

Learning alliances and strategies:

Centers prefer to work with stronger national partners at expense of weaker ones who need capacity development even more

Confusion and questions how CRPs will deal with Capacity Development at individual and collaborative levels

Limited strategy on inter-Centre collaborative plans

Centers critical of proposed ‘dedicated network’ approach and in favor of more formal mechanism for a specialized unit as think tank for CGIAR on capacity development and related collaboration