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Page 1: Coke manufacture

s?. 1 Vol. XXII., No. 16.1 SHORT-COKE MAMIFACTURE. -- --


Newcastle Section. with high ash (7 t o 12 per cont:) may be 1 por cont. out, 1 and wet small conl, if not nir dried on a fnirly lnrgc

con4 or moro on consecutive samples. A sampling error

tho sampling is done systemnticnlly under skilled supcr- vision. Even oil fucl has its own eumpling dinicultics, owing to the frequent prescnco of wnter, nn cmulsion being formed which is vcw dificult to scparnte.

scale boforo taking tho finnl snmplr, may differ by 2 pcr 1 - N e e l i n g hcld ut tlriiistrotig College, OIL Tiiursday, Narc/& 171h,

1010. of 0.5 por cont. t o 1.0 p r cent. mny bo looked upon as 1 & fair average. This accuracy can only bo obtnincd when -

Tho author is nt-present engngd on n fitudy of tlic nccurucy obtninablo in conl snmpling by hnnd under nrdinnry conditions, nnd hopes to bo nblo t o communiouto tho results fihortly.

The conclusions nrrivcd a t niny bo sunimnriscd ns follolvs :-

( I ) The limit of nccurncy in the compnrison of the heating vducs of fuols is from 0.1 por Cent. to 0.3 pcr ccnt., and this can only be rcnchcd nftcr n most careful study of tho thermornoter and cnlorimctcr and tho npplicntion of numerous corrections.

(2) If tho small corrections arc nc*glcctcd the crrors may amount t o from 1 por cpiit. to 2 per cont.

(3) The hents of combustion of tho stirndnrd substances used for the determinntion of tho wntor equivnlcnt aro not ccrtnin within 0.5 por cont. (1) The crrors due to hnnd snmpling cannot be reduced

witlr certainty below 0.5 por cont., and muy easily amount t o 1.5 por cont. to 2.0 por cont.

Hence, so far a5 coal is conccrnrd, i t is a t resent mom important t o devise mcnns for rcducing t i o errors of snmpling than to incrcnso tlic nccnrncy of tho culorimotric determination.

DISCUSSION. Tho C i I h I R u a s mid thnt nnyonowho curried out pliysicul

observntions on instruments such ns had been referred to would bo nblc t o npprcciiite the largo amount of work 111. Huntly had brought bcforc them, which ought specinlly to nppcni to tho younger members. Ho woultl nsk if BIr. Iiuntly thought i t m a over possililo in this country, ns wns heing dono in Cermnny and Americn, to buy conl by the cnlorific vnlrio ?

Jlr. J. S. S. BIt.\JlE snid thcrc wero compnrntively few workers n4io lind tlcnlt with the qucstion of tllc relative accuracy of dctcrniinntions. 111 n previous pnpcr (Brnino Ip: Cotvnn, this Journnl, 02. p. 1230) tlic mnsimuni crror obtained with tho 3Inhlur bomb cnlorinwtor. nmountetl to 0.3 pcr cent., wliich was nbout whnt tho niitlior tlioiiglit rcnsonnblo. Gray and Robertson olrtninctl n innsirnuin crror nt 0.7. Only one othcr compnrison lind come to his noticc, by Professor Lord, whcro an orror. of 0.7 per cont. wns obtained.

Most pcoplo who lint1 IL desiro to prescrvo our conl supplies und to get tho best vnlue for nioncy ndvocntctl tho pnrclinso of fucl on u cnlorific busis ; but the litrbility of culorifio detcrrninrtions to cliffcrcnccs such thnt lit.tle rclinnce could bo plnccd upon thcm hnd been tho stumbling Iilock. Now thoy had .the bomb cnlorimcter giving relinblo results wlien pioporly worked, nnd thorn wns nothin ngninst thnt mothod of urchnso which wns being Fnrgcly adopted in tlio unid' Stntcs nntl also by so1118 firms in this country. All thcr;o contracts wcro lrnsed on n sliding scnlo, a prcmium being givon for Brit,isIi Thormnl Units nbovo tho stnudnrd, pr a tleduction bcing inndo if tho vnluo fell n ccrtnin amount below it. 'L'hc point ivns, how much should bo nllowcd, considering tho outsido rnnge of nccurncy of deterininntioii. including sumpling. Hi0 thought something liko 60 citlorics or 100 British Il'hcrninl Units in conl linriiig a vnluo of 12,500 Btitisli Therninl Units woold l o tlie utmost ncourncy on0 could insist upon for tlio cnlorimcter clctorminntions ; nntl the pcnnlty could not bo cxnctctl or,? bonus espectctl to IJO p i d on nnytliing much smnller. 1110 Aincricnn govcrn- mnt tlieniselves ndmittcd n 2 p r conti vnrintion on British '~lieri)inl Units, niid tliuy pnid n proportionnto 2 per cont. bonus or .deduction from tho origiiinl trico, niitl n lnrgc trttctioii conipniiy i i i tilo Stcites r ~ s o ndowctl of n 2 pcr cent,. error, wliioli \vns nbout \\*licit lru undorstootl Blr. ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ t l y woriltl agreo to, such nllownnco including snnipling 111lt1 cnlorinietcr i'rrors.



The objoot of this papor is to givo an account of tho progicss of Coko mnnufacturc, nnd to roviow tho methods now in IISO in this industry, which,tan now bd classed as a brnncli of chcmicnl industry. lho importanco of tho industry will be men whon it is mmcmbomd tha t tliu world's production of pig iron hns rcnclked tlm enor- mous tatnl of nbout 00 million tonsnnnunlly, nnd to produce n ton of pig iron n littlo over n ton of cokc is rcquired. Tho first successful nttcmpt to utiliso coke for tllis purpose \vim mndo IJY Abrnhnrn Dnrby, nbout tho cnr 1736, though cnrlicr nttcmpts hnd bean ninde, Dud& hnving usrd eokc for this p i i r ~ r ~ ~ in 1619.

Coking Conb.-Chkc ns ordinarily known is tho product. of the dry clistillntion of cortnin bitnminous cools, in which process the volntilo portion is driven off. The cob1 cnkes together nnd lenrcs n dcnso hnnl ninss of somcnhnt cellulnr stnictum known ns coke.

It is not ovory kind of conl which is cnpn1)le of being made into colce. Somo conls lenve, on distillntion, n soft. friable mnss which would bo uscless for bcnring a burden in the blnst furnncc.

Hielory o/ Coke Nanufadure.1 .1foimh.-Thc enrliest m e t h d of coking cod was vcry

cnidc, nnd consisted simply in piling u p tho conl in the form of mounds or rcctnngiilnr licnps, corering the heap over with biwm (smnll coke), igniting the conl nnd nllowing it to sinoultlcr, niucli in tlic snme vny tlurt clinrcoal i s niniiufnctiiretl nt tlio prcseiit time. Tho h n t producctl wnfi suficicnt to clriro out tlio volatile ninttcr which bunit. nntl nlt imntdj n lien11 of col ;~ wns pbtnincd.

SilesinjL sfcd/s.--Litc-r, tlirsu Iicnp tvcrc~ surrounded Iry wnlls linving ciir pn8i;ngc's n t rnrioiis ~Inccs. Tlic IJrici;\rnrk was built i n tlio form of stnlls, in wvliicli tlic cont wns plnced, corcrcd with n lnyrr of lonm to prorcrit ex- owtivo wnsta I)y combustion of tliu uppor lnycrs of cod. H t ~ l c ~ I ~ C I U piciocil i n the lower portion, thu conl ignited by i)rushwood nnd the rntc of comblistion wns rogiihted by opnning or olosiiig tho nir-holes in tlic cvnlls.

Ttiougli tlicsu inutliotls protliicctl good cokc, tlioy ivcm obriouely wnstcful, iintl ultimntely d i n t is known nt tlic . 1)ccliiro o w n wns cvolvcd. This typo of ovcn is moro cconomicnl nntl is lnrgoly in uso at tlio prcscnt dny, boll1 in this country nnd in Amcricn, sinco i t produccs cxccllcnt coko, which is mncli prized for its silvory nppcnrnnco nnd doi)so hnrd nnturc. Tho Bccliivo oven is a clomc-shnpcd .structuru, nbout

If! ft . dinmotcr by 7 ft. high. In tlie originnl typo i t lint1 nn oponing in the crown, wliicli nllo\vetl tho products of combustion to pnss off into tho air. At tho front of thooren, Horcrnl nvcns being built in n row, a doorway is provitlccl, sonio 4 ft. high. Tho c o d is thrown into tlio ovon tlirougli tho door. sprend on the floor of tliu ovon to 11 clcptlr of nl)out tlirco feet., nnd Icvcllcd. Ti10 door is then clofied up nnd tlic oonl ignited. Gcnuinlly tliu licnt of tho wnlle ia siifficicnt to ignitu tho conl. Air is ndniitted tlirougli IL serics of holes provided abovo tho door, mid thc hent produced by tho coml)ustion of tho :olntilc portion of tho conl is siiliiciont to coko tlio mnss. Plic nwns iiowndnye nro provitlcd \vitli whit is 1;nown nfi n " buck-eyc "-a Iiolu i l l tllu IJllclC of tho ov(*n wliicli conimiiiiicntcs with n coininon Huo built behind, n i d rcccirou tho hot ga~cs from n row of OWIIH. U8iinlly two rows nrci built bnck to back, witli tllu innill wnsto ~ I I H lluo botwccii t lmn Icwling to p oliimnoy. \\'11c~Ii the colting proccsfl is conq)lctcd tho door IS tnltri! dowii, cind tho coltu quunolied~ \vitl;,wrttcr, in tho own. It ifi roi~iovct~ by Iiienns of a pcd with n long Ilcultllo s\viing 011 a s\virvl crniic. Tlio ovens nro IIOW

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922 SHORT-CORE MANUFACTURE. [Aun. 16, 1010.

chnrgcd through tlic " topayo " from tubs running nlong rnils lnid on tlio top of tho owns.

Sincc, with such nn orcii, nir is ndmittcd to tlic chnrgc. in order to complotc tlic combustion of tlic volntilc ninttcr, n ccrtnin nniount of tlic conl or cokc is burnt nrid lost. A conl \vliich, hcntcd in nn cntircly closed vessel, would yield, sny 75 pcr ccnt. of coltc, yields only G5 per cant. to 67 pcr ccnt. in tho bcehirc oren, tlic loss being duc t o combustion.

In order to nroid this loss, ovens linrc bccii dcriscd in wliich tho conl is bnltcd in n closcd cl~nnibcr, no nir bcing admittcd into tho o w n itself. This typo of oven is lcno\vn ns tlic Rclort own, nnd ninon s t tlic cnrliest niid inost succcsstu~ t y p s wcrc tlioso of E o p l ~ c nnd ~ p p ~ t .

Coppdc, 2 1861.-Tlic Copp&c orcn, wliicli wns introcluccd in 1861, consists of n rcctangulnr liorizontnl fire-brick clininbcr closcd nt cncli cnd by nn iron door. In tho roof of tho own liolcs nrc pro\.ided for tlic purposc of clinrging. Tho ovcn is licntcd by tho combustion of tlio products of distillntion. Ncnr tlic roof of tlic orcn nrc opnings, t o nllow thc products of distillntion to ~ m s s into rcrticnl flucs nrrnngcd in tlic sidc wnlls bctwecn tlic ovens which nrc built sidc by sido in rows. Tho air ncccssnry for combustion is ndmittcd through ports nt tho top of thcm flues, nnd the products of combustion froni two ndjnccnt ovens pnss down tlic flues into n fluo undcr thc o\cn then along thc solo fluc of tlic ncxt oven into tlic wnstc

ns fluo, nnd on to tlic cllinincy. Tho cokc is rcmorcd from tho ovcn by forcing i t out wi t~ i n rnni trnrclling niong- sidc. and qucnchcd in tlio open, instcnd of bcing qiicnclicd in tho oron, ns is thc cnsc with tho bcchivo type.

AppZL-The Ai)polt oven (1862) wns similnr in principle, buL differed rndirnlly in design,, innsniucli as i t consisted nf n rcrticnl fircbrick retort, somc 16 ft. high by 4 It. long, by 10 in. brood at tlic bnse. tnpcring to 3 ft. 8 in. by 13 in. a t tho top Tlic bottom of tlio ovon wns irorided with ono or t w o hinged doors, nnil n cllnrging l i J c wns provided nt tlic top. The gnscs cvolrcd wcro led out of tlic oven tlirougli openings in tho side wnlls lending into flues bctwcen tliq ovcm, mccting air, nnd thcrc burnt, nnd thus tlio colang wns cffoctcd. No spccinl npplinncc for unloniling wns ncccsmry with this typo of o w n sincc on opening tho bottom door tlic cokc fall out of tlic orcn into iron trucks running under- nentli. This t y p of oven did not Iiotvcvcr ninkc iiiucli progrcss owing to high first cost, nnd to the cost of upkeep duo partly to tho difficulty of rcgulnting tlw lients in tlic flucs.

By-proditcla.-!Cha rrtnrt type of oven resulted in n hi&licr yield of cokc tlinn tlic I~ccliivc typc. hit lins becn still fiirtlicr iinprovrtl iipoii by tho rccorcry of tlic vnliinblc suhstnnccs, con1 tnr, nninionin nnd ~)ciizol, from the products of distillntion. Tlic fii~cec~sful recovery of tliesc constitiicntb ninrlcs tho clorclopnicnt of tlic inorc chcmicnl sido of tlio intlustry, nnd the niotliocls cvolrcd for tlicir rccovcry linro now rcnclictl n high stntc of jmfcction. Tlic industry now constitutes nii iniportnnt l~rnncli of clicrnicnl industry.

Tlicrc nrc, liowovcr, sonic points in fnrour of tho bccliirc type of orcn. Tlic cost of 1)uilding nnd of upkeep is low nnd tlio coko lins n rrry good np nmncc. Also tlic nnioiint of wnsto licnt nvni~nlilc nt n colKry for tlio purpoao of stcnm-prodiiction is n rnlunl~lc nssct, nnd in reccnt trinls with n bnttcry of bccliivo OVCIIF, using Stirling boilers, nn nrcrngo of 2 lb. of Rtcnni cnlciilntcd from niid nt 2 1 2 O 1;. lins brcn mised pcr pound of conl cnrhnnisetl.

Tliougli tlic bccliirc typo of oven docs not lcntl itsrlf to tho siicccssfiil recorory of l)y-prodiicts, scrci~d nttcnipts linvo bccn nindo to ndnpt this typo of ovens to rccorrry processes, nmong ~vliicli nttcnipts those of Jnmcson nrid Aitlicn niriy Iio niciitioiied.

Joiiiesoi18 ninilc grrnt clTorts to constriict n iccovrry bccliivo ovcn. Hc used n p~rforntrd floor, connectrtl wiili n coiiiinon ilisclinrgc pipe to wliicli suction could I)o nlqilii~tl, tlicrcliy clrnwing 011 sonio of tlic ~ i r o d u c l ~ of distillntiori. tho liquid portions of wliicli COlidCIIHCd. Air w n s niliiiittrtl in tho usunl wnj, and ns tlic licnt wns siipplicd by tlic coiii- hustion of n portion of tho rolntile iiinttcr nntl a portion of tho conl nlso, tlic yield both of coltc nrid l~y-piod~~cts wnR low.

rlilkeii npplicd suction to tho bottom of thc oven and famed in nir mixcd with tlic gnscous portion of tho product drawn nway from tlic bottom of tlic oven.

Pcrtiolcb nlso dcsignctl nn oven whioh wns prncticnllg n closed bcchivc oven. Tlic oven lind a spncc undcrnentli tlic floor mliicli wns hcntcd by mcnns of n firc, thus bnlcing tho conl in tlic orcn nlmre. Tlic gnscs wcro led nwny tlirougli n holc in tlic top of tlic orcn nnd condcnscd.

Xonc of thcsc proccsscs hnrc bccn siicccssfiil. Tlic rctort-oren, Iioworcr, lcnds itself wcll to tho rccorcry

of by-products, nnd i t is this tylm of oven which lins conic to tlic front of late. Tlic first succcssful nttcmpt in tlie by-product rccovcry process wns inndc by Comb in 1862, \vho modified nnd ndnptcd Knnb's own for hy-product recovcrg. Knnb lind in 1856 designed n retort own Iicntcd by flucs plnccd undcr the floor. Cnrrfs nddcd flues in tlic side wvnlls. Simon nddcd R simplc form of rccupcrntor, nnd this design of own hns becn crtcnsirely used. Tlic by-product rccorcry process, howcrcr, did not mnkc niucli Iicnd\vny ( n t lcnst in this country) until 1881, since ivhicli dntc tlic progress ]ins bccn rapid, but not so rapid, in this country, as on tlic Contincnt, ivhcro no kchire ovens cxist today. One rcnmn for thc slo\v growth in this country is found in tho fnct tlint iron mnltcra considcred tlie bcchivc cokc to IN better tlinn retort cnkc, partly bccnuso of tho briglit* silver) nppcnmncc of tlic formor, duo t o its linving hen quenched in tho orcn, out of contnct with tho nir. C. Lowthinn Bell (Jour. Iron niid Stecl Institute, IDOJ), howcrcr, gives the rcsults of tests inndc with hcli irc nnd rctort colic, nnd prows tlint tlicrc is little cliffcrenco betweon thc cfficicncy of tho two kinds of cokc in tlic 1)lost furnnce. Boforc giving nn nccount of tho rnctliorls ado ted for tlie rccovcry of tlic by-products i t will bc \vcH briefly to indicntc tlic rnrious types of ovcns in use.

Tho typo of ovcn in uso is nlniost crclusivcly tlic Iiori- zontal oven siniilnr to tlic originnl 'Simon-Cnrvfs nnd CoppEc ovcns, nnd consisting esscntinlly of n horizontal brickwork clinnibcr nbout 33 ft. long, 6 f t . 0 ins. to 7 ft. high, nntl 18-21 inches widr. in \vliicli tlie conl is coked. This is providctl with Iienting flues, built into tlio sido wnlls, nnrlmornblc clooranrc proridcd nt cncli cnd of tlio ovcn, niid

I ,*I

lhi . 1.t. S i i i i ~ ~ i i - C i i ~ w ~ s llupeiiontlivc OVWI.

IL Iiolo iii tlie c r o w lentl~ uwny tlic gnncoiis 1)roduets of rlintillnlioii to n coiiinioii iiiniii. Tlic gnscs, nftcr reiiiovnl of tlic by-prorlucts, nrc lctl bnclt to tlio ovciis nnil burnt in

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Vol. XXIX., So. 15.1 S H O R T 4 O K E X4NUFACTURE. 923

tlic sido flues in order to cnrry out tho process of coking. Tho ovcns nro usunlly built in bnttcries of 26-GO, and plnrits nro in cxistcncu wliicli coniprisc u p to GOO ovens.

Tliero nrc vnrioiis nrmngcmcnts of OVCIlR, thc diffcrcnces being mninly in thc nrrnngcmcnt of tlic lienting llues and tlic methods of lcnding thc gns into tliesc flues.

IIorizonfal refort ovens may be divided into t a o distinct clnsscs-(1) Ovens with liorizontnl lienting flues (Sirnon- Cnrvirs typo), (2) Ovens with vcrticnl lienting flues (Copph typc), Theso .ngnin may bo sub.dividod into (a) wnstc hent ovcns, I.c., tliosc in wllicli nll tlic wnsto hcnt is convcrtcd into stcnin under tlic boilen, nnd (b) regcnem- tivo ovcns wlicro surplus gns is required. Blost builders linvo two typcs of ovens, rcgcticrntivc nnd non-rcgcncm- tive, nccording to tlic rcquiromcnt of tho buyers.

Horboafnl / l i d M)c~s.-(A) Simon-Cnrrbs originnl typc. Li this oven tho walls nm Iiollow, bcing fornicd of cliniincl bricks. which diridc tho partition wnll bctwecn two contigu- ous ovcns, into four liorizontnl llucs. Under tho oven runs a solo flue, nnd this lends up to tlie to liorizontnl flues. Tlic gns is ndmitted at tlio cnd of tlic s0fo fluc, dong with nir for its combustion. Tlic flntno tmvcls nlong tho solc fluc, up to, and nlong tlic tqi liorizontnl flue, tlicn through tlic lower flues in turn, and finnlly into a siniplc rcculwrntor, consisting of two wnsto gns flues built in httvccn thmo nir flues, in whicli tho nir is prohcntetl bcforo coming into contnct with tlic gna. Alternnto ovens exluaust their wnstc gnses into tlio two wasto gns flues, tlicru b i n g two cliinincys provided for encli mspctivo bnttcry of ovens.

This typo of Simon-Cnrvks oven lins mccntly Ixcn supcr- seded by nn improved t y p wliicli will bo described under n subsequent licndilig, but i t serves ns the originnl t y p of tlic liorizontnl flued ovcn.

(B) Somot-Solvnys ovens linvc n sonicwhnt sitiiilnr nrrnngcnient of sitlc flues, with tlio cxccption tlint cncli

ench own from its neighbour acts ns n support for tho sulnx- structuro nnd mlicvcs from nny unduc strnin tlic flues, which must bc lwpt gns-tielit. It nlso nets as n stomgc for hcnt, nnd tends to mnintnin tho tcnipcrnturo of tho own when cold con1 is tliro\vn in, or during tcmpomry stoppges of tlic gns supply. A fentum of the Scniet Solvny oven is tlic usc ,of sninll bricks for building up tho flues. It is clninied thnt t l l i ~ niininiiscs tlic dnnger of crncks in tho flues, with tho consequcnt lenkngc of gas from tho ovcns into tlic flues nnd loss of by-products.

Tlic llucs in tliesc owns am usunlly four in numbcr. Tho gas nnd nir enter a t tlio end of tlic top Biic, travel along this nnd slowly do\vnwnrds nloiig tlic othcr tlircc in turn, nnd finnlly pnss nlong a soh flue into tlic mnin wnstc gas fluc lending to tlic boilcr.

Tlic nir is gencrnlly lcd tilroirgh flues built undcrncntli tlic ovcn, nnd is heated up to n ccrtnin cxtcnt bcfoiv cntcr- ing tho combustion flues. (Lntcly a form of continuou8 rcgcnerntor }ins been npplicd to this oven, tho wnsto gns pnssing through sun11 flues, between wliicli tlic air pnsses on its wny to tho orcn fluc.)

(c) Tlic Hucsscnd oven wns tilo first by-product oven built in Gcrninny. This .typo nlso Ins a separate sct of

. .. . Fio 3. Hucesencr Ovon.


ovcn lins its o w n sct of Iliics : the ovens nru sopnrntcd from cncli otliur by n solid wiill, nnd tliu flues nrc plnced on citlicr fiidc of this wall. Tliu ndvnntsgu of tIii& mutliod is t.wo- fold ; in tho first plnco tlic solid an11 in questioii, dividing

Ilucs for cneh oveii with nii iiitcruciii~ig wnll. Tlic llucs nru built up of tOlig1lCd nnil tlovctnilccl bricks which nru nccurntcly fitted to ciwh otlier. In this t , y p of ovcn tho g n ~ CIIIUI'B nt tho solo fluu, of wliich tliere arc two to

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ench oven, ono serving cncli sct of sido flues. The gas nncl air enter the sole flue, travelling along undcnienth tho OVCII nnd rising through a vcrticnl fluo to the top flue. The flame tlion traverses tho otlicr flues, reinforced by more gns nnd nir if necessnry, nnd finnlly pnsses into tho mnin wnsto gns flue.

Vertical flrred ozens.--copple lyp.-Tlio Copp60 modcni typo Iins the flues placed somcwhnt similnrly to those in tho on inn1 type. Tho side ~ v n l l is compomd of n srries of rertienf flues, with n flue running ~ongitudinniiy nbove nud ~ 1 0 ~ . Tho 611s is foranrded into the lower horizontal flur t)irough n Bunscu misi?ig Ciibc, and issiics from n scries of holes, cnch holc corresponding to a vcrticnl flue. 'nough air is mised with the gns to givc n non-luminous flnmc : combustion tnkes plncc in tho liorizontnl clinmber, the ncccssnry air for the completion of tho combustion bring ndmitted into this clinmber. Dnmpcrs nre plneed nt inter- rnls to refiuintc the SUppiy. The hot gflSCS pnss up the vcrticnl flues, nlong tho top liorizontnl fluc and down two vertical flues in the centre, thence through ports into the solo flue, nnd on to tlic wnstc gn8 main flue.

*,a a-C.0,. I I E I l O . F.I 4 -am, arn80.

Frn. 4. Kollpur's wnsto liont Coku.ovu11.

,..OY~. a.a..oztl. ... O W " O.,..OI1LI

Kooppcra7 occll.-Jn tllis o\-cn tilelo fir0 30-35 vort iciil flues, tliu siipply of g~is to aicli of \rliio]i en11 bu rcgilintcd.

Tho gns is led into the flucs by means of a fire-cldy pi running tho wliolo length of the sido wolls, with ndjustn!; orificcs of ingenious type, lending to endl fluo; nn nip distributing chnnnel runs dong undcrncntb the oren with ports to cnch gns nozzlc, whcro i t mixes with tho gns, and tilo flnmc pnsses into tho vcrticnl flues. Tho air is controlled by mcnns of dnmpcrs n t tho top of cnch flue, nnd tho pm- ducts of combustion pnss dong tlio u pcr liorizontnl Iluo down two vcrticnl flues a t tho cad o f t h e scries, nnd on to the ninin fluc.

Tlic ?icw Sii~ioid'arutb type is designed to overcome this odjustmcnt of dnmpors, by plncing rcgulntors on to tlio sides of tho ovcn. Tlic gns is led through Scvcrnl p i p e to tlio rnrious points in tho oren nnd replntcd to ninin- tn in tho ricccssory tcmpcmturc. Tlie nir is mgalntcd by clnmpcn, \vhich nro nccessiblo from tlio ends of the ovcn. Tlic gns supply is also regulntcd from this position, nnd tlic coiitml of hent in the flues enn bo reylntcd from tlint point.

Tlic Otto-Hilgcilslocka ovcit is. nn extremely sim lo nnd cffectivc design, tho gas flues nre roplnced by n row ofl6--I(J

, lnrgo Bunseti burncrs, which l i d up tho verlicii~ flues. Tho gns Rlippiy is under cnsy control, nnd tlic air is regu- lntcd by n dirmpcr, plnccd nt tho openiiig lending t o tho mnin lluu.

The ndrniitngo of vorticnl flucd ovens orcr tlio liorkontnl flued ovens lies in tlio ens8 with wliicli tlio licnt cnn bo mgulnted nt vnrious points nlong tlic own by ndmission or Inoro,or.less gns, nccording to tlio tempcmture rcquirctl, n t the diffcrcnt pnrts. Also, owing to tliseliorter flues, tliu gnses lime n sliortcr distnnco to trnrol, and consc~iieiitly IL lo\vcr cliiinncy dinught is iiccessnry. This nvoicls tlio drnwing in of giises lioiii tlio ovcu into tho flues, with con-

Il'ctatc hecd a i d sirrplrra yas.-l\'itli \\asto Iicnt ovons, the wliole'ot tlic protlucts of tho combustion n t IL teinporiiturc of 1700-1050° l?., aftcr hnviiig t lw ovun fl l lrR, nru collected i n IL wnstc gns uiniii, riuiiiirig alougsitlo tliu ovem belo\\, tllu ground level, niitl 11nsfi"etl tlirc~iigli bdlers, wlicru rilso tliu siirliliis gns, which ninoiints to 30 per cuiit. i i i innny ensre., is goncinilly biiriictl. l'iirt of tho steriiii is used on the plnnt, biit tliu Iiiillc of i t is gcnoriilly iisod lor the iiirposo of niising c~cctrioni powor, ni ic~ sijice froin 1-14 11i. of wntcr cnii bo ornpoiatcd por poii~id of con1 cnrboiiisod, i t \\*ill be eccn t l int IL Iwgo timount of unorgy cnu l o

s1qul"eut losr of by-produots.

Page 5: Coke manufacture

Xol.'XSLS., So. 16.1 SHOIW-COJCE lIANUYACTUJ1E. . : 925

Page 6: Coke manufacture

Tliu tar yield is grunter, iuid t ho tar bettcr qiiiility ; tlic irniinoriiii yiolcl, Iiowuvcr, is tliu. must. interesting, being 30 per cciit. higlicr with tlic verticnl retort. Droiidbnrry itiitl COICII~IIII, ,!n tlicir report to tho Jnstitutioii of (411s Bngiiiccm on Dcssn~i I' rotorts, uaing now Pcltoii coitl, giro tlic following TL'SUkH fo r tar, viz. :-

Vorticnl Ilctortci. . ~ -

Page 7: Coke manufacture

Yul. SSIS., So. 1G.l SHOltX-COKI3 31 AN UFAC'f Uha; 927, ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . ..__._I

poisonous sul~stnnocti, siicli 14s oulciiun sulpllido iriid sulpho- oyariide, nro uvcn after clirrifying, too pinonous to bo run. into strunlns or oannls. In sonio purls of tho country t h , tlisposd of this liquid is nii uxtreiucly difficult question.

JSfforts Imvo I)wn n~itdu Lo siinplify tliu recovery plnnt. nnd to. nvoitl cit,liur p r t l y or wholly tlic forination, of ~~nimonincnl liquor nnd conauqiicritly to avoid tlio injurious. ytill wnsto.

Thcsu,. ollorts Iiitvc 1)ccii succcasfiil, cud iiow +wid, systotns nro in iiw, notrtbly tliu Koppcra niid tho Oflo syituiiis, both of wliul i itiu Lciiig instnlletl iii this couiilrj. Tliu uiut.licids ccirisiyt~ uf tliu tliicut mcovury of 1111: ~rmii ioi i i~~,~ iinB r~~tii~trl i~tl~lo duvclopinciits Iiitve I)ccn intitlo iii tlic lusL ycvtr or so.

111 t ~ i u Kolipors tiy~ti~tii tliu gcis is first cooled doivii to, 11 tuntporiitiiiu of nborit %i0 C., trntl piBsCtl tliiuugli nii I ! S ~ I I I I I H I ~ P .to n tirr oxtriwtor. This TUIIIOVOM t l iu- titr, nud Homo virgin itiiiini)ni~i liqiiur is obtrrincd. Tliu .gas ia tlien Iicirtc!d up IJY Iic!iug Iinswd tliniugh wliat. is iuiiiallg tho nir sptcu iu tlm lIuro i t is rehcrrtctl,.aiitl t 1 ; ~ )IIWVI on to I L Iirrgu luutl nntiirtrtor, iiiid is bubbled t~ircwtly t~irnirg~iu bittIiofsulj)liirriucicid. A L t ~ i u wino tiiiu. t Iio virgin liiiuor ccillcctctl frnni the, in a sindl st,ill, tliu itminoiiiir tlrivcii ou t i t i d iniscd with tlio giw. Thiu is very littlo ultlueiit liquor, iiiitl tIiu.wrlt in five finw tnrry inattor, wliidi pruvctl n tioui'ce of trouble i i i u:trlicr tliruct rccuvury p~cesses. Tliu gas is. ~ ~ a w c J

wro.... ...a """*,"-.. "..I.~....L""..*..c..r


ERY O F ~ { ~ T ~ ~ ~ E ~ t l O M THE O I O .

Page 8: Coke manufacture

By 'tlfa simple nicnns the gnscs nru h d frolll tnr, n u 1 tlicn nn exhauster drnws thcm oB, iind forces t l~c gnr tlirough it Inrye lend-lirtctl rwlturntor in which tliu nntnioniii is nlieorhd by siilpliuric ncitl, tlic siilplintc fornicd h i i l g fmc froni tnrry mirttcr nntl of good qnnlity.

Tho gns jfi tlion pnssctl on to 1110 I~iirncm, ~ i i i l i * ~ t l i t ir mqnired to mniovo bciisol, nritl on1 tliun ni'o coolc~s nocosunry. ~ ~ v c n tlwn no iittiittoitincit~tiqitorrr nrc f o r m i ! nnd nny conclensrd irntrr, fiinrc it contninfi no linw lilt^ cnn IIC used np for qiicncliiny cokc, ctc. Tlic Iiiescn of hnzol tliic to the nlJSOrp( ion i n tlic. st:nil~liing wiilcr iindcr ortlinnry cunclilions is nvoitletl, niitl nn incrcnsctl hnzol yicltl will tloul~tle~s l)n olJtninct1. If IJC-~IZO~ is not uxtrnctctl,-'no wntrr ifi i~ect-~~ciry for cooling. \rliicli i n the ortlinnry nirt.liotl is ii corisitlrnil~lu itcwi, i int l nlso t11c inltinl cost of tlic ~m~tliict plnnt is vcry nine11 cli~ol.cwwl. Sorenil Iilnnts tin t Itis system nre working at 1irosu11L in Gcrniniiy, nncl some iinclrr conatiiiatinn in t,liis c ~ c i i i n l r y will soon IJC in olwrntion.

l l l i t i i~ i i tn t i~ ig !Itis frmii colic oi~~i~x.-Siiico colic: on* giis nppronclics vcry Iimrly to tlic qiiiilit.y of ortlitinry lighting giifi, tliu qiirstion IJf its iitiliHiition for tliis ~ i i ~ r j i t i ~ ~ litin been rniacl st rnrioiis tilnrn, nntl in Anicriw attwiipts linvr h c n Inntlc to nilopt coku ovt.118 for tlic liitr~~itw. Dr. Sclinic!wintl tins titvilt . with this cliicdon very fully i n ii IinIit't rrnrl Iic4onr tlic (:ns Ihgint~iw' Congrcsv a t Ulnsgoir in 1001, sIio\ving linw tlio qiin1it.y of the giis wries n t diNemnt tinws clnring tlio cnrlmtisntin1i Iwbrititl.

Iteccrit ly nrriingcnicwts 11iivc Iici*n 11int11! witli ii vicw to siiplilping ,11113 district of Little liulton in tliis counlrj witli gns, of 550 I3.T.U. cnl. value, nnd 1 4 cnndlt- jioivw, in qunntities iili 10 400,000 CIJ. f t . Iirr clny frtmi the colw nvcns nt. tlio 1hrl of I~~IICHIII~IU Collicrics. A sclirnit! is nlso Iming IJIYJII r l i t irirtlcr Iioticc! hi t l i c J h h r District i d ~tlirri is~i \\lrstpP"'lin, wlicrct cot;e iivi*iis osist in I n r p niiinbc~x, to cclitmlist! 11 grin sl ntioii qililietl front t l i c vnrious cokc oven pliints, wliicli if siicccwfiil \rould mfiitlt in n wry clirny~ giis ~ i i ~ ~ p l y , i i i ~ t l avoid tlic cti~lly niitlortnking of ninny gns works in tlio dintriot.

I hnvo to thnnk nIossrs. Christophcr nnd I3yrom for tho lonn of wmo of tho clrnrings to illiistrato tlds pipor , nntl nlso tho mnkors of tlio \wioulr 1~110s of coko OWIH for kindly supplying informution. ~ __ __

1 l'liiri J., IBKL, (MI-OIWI. i m , BO5-5l2 'l'liiri -1.. IIWYI. 1183.

J 'I'lliri ,I,; INXI: I l i ir lrrl l 611. 4 'I'hi" .I.. I&

c .- rhr.