Download - Codes of Creation - · Antares – held by Uzi & Gaia – Sacrum Chakra – Seed of Creation ... space beyond existence thy divine blueprint is activated as

Page 1: Codes of Creation - · Antares – held by Uzi & Gaia – Sacrum Chakra – Seed of Creation ... space beyond existence thy divine blueprint is activated as

Codes of Creation

Information Manual

Page 2: Codes of Creation - · Antares – held by Uzi & Gaia – Sacrum Chakra – Seed of Creation ... space beyond existence thy divine blueprint is activated as

The Codes of Creation – Stellar Light Masters Energy Course Introduction.

Connecting with the Universal Light Masters through the stellar gateways to open and activate the creational gateways held within our form this Codes of Creation Online Course will activate each and every chakra within your being to its fullest potential as a portal of dimensional light.

With a series of 13 attunements transmissions that we recommend you follow individually on the full moon of each month, commencing on month one with the Maia transmission then the second month Arcturus and so on.  With each transmission each chakra portal will be activated and cleansed through a stellar gateway, re-formatting our geometrical codes and DNA to its original Earth Light template.

The 13th transmission is the final key code to activate all 12 transmissions into their fullest potential, this is received after all 12 transmissions have been processed.

During this experience you will find the energy transmissions will open/expand a portal within a chakra of your body multi-dimensionally awakening a free flow to a dimension of Source/God/One Heart.

With each transmission there is written instruction and a picture code together with the recorded meditation and a mantra to follow for at least 21 days following the transmission.

Each transmission is channelled by specific Universal Light Masters, and will bring you to completely embracing the One Heart into Earth-Light existence.

Codes of Creation / expanding through the Star Gateways - guided message.

Coming forth now from the star mothers and fathers of the enlightened ones we speak with thee now. We ask the angels of ascension to contract now unto us to be the portals of this our stellar transmissions, to integrate into the guardians of earth-light the encodements of the 13 dimensions of creational light through the star pathways thus awakening, energising and cleansing thy galactic embodiment through thy crystalline matrix.

This we ask of thee now, through the love-light of the One Heart we travel unto thee to embrace thee in the wisdom of the star mothers/fathers through the open crystalline heart of the Terra Gaia we connect unto thee now to walk with thee through this 13 monthly earth cycle merging with thy form only once on each of thy full moons to unlock the codes of thy stellar ancestry and illuminate thy crystalline form with the full energy of the star world, opening the gateway to creation, to aspect of the One Heart in order for thy chakra portal to receive an energetic cleansing that will dissolve illusions of disharmony and re-connect thee with thy Universal Divine Dreaming.

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Serafina, we call upon thee now to commune with thy Earth Ascended Masters in thy energetic light presence to release thy illusions of disempowerment and disillusion to recognise thy stellar light connection and bless thy form to empower thee to transcribe these words, mantras and codes whilst also open thy form as a portal to harness these transmissions into the earth grid so that all who choose to receive will be able to with thy full support, energy and wisdom.

Breathe now beloveds, as we now transcribe the 13 stellar worlds, 13 gateways to 13 dimensions of creation.

Maia – held by Lord Maitreya & Lady Nada of thy Ascended Masters – Heart Chakra – Womb of Creation.

We connect this with thee in the month of March to open to the womb of creation through thy heart chakra – this portal will energise thy heart to open into the womb of the divine mothers, the star mothers and be embraced into the unbirthed creation of light, of life. Here thy heart will recall the deep nurturing of the warm, untouched, innocence before the light transformed thee into physicality – it will cleanse thy cells and create a safe, trusting memory for the following transmissional awakenings.

Arcturus – held by Serapis Bey & Amaya – Throat Chakra – Sound of Creation.

Breathe deeply into thy navel and allow thy vibrational sound to form. This portal opens thy voice to thy truth, allowing thy true sound to be activated. As thy throat chakra is cleansed patterns that hold thee beloved in fear of expressing thy truth will be cleared as thy throat is returned to its original aspect and thee will explore the ability of sounding the tone of creation through thy crystalline form.

Alpha-Centuri – held by Ywyllwa & Lucia – Third Eye Chakra – Light of Creation

Opening thy third eye chakra portal to access the stellar wisdom held within thy form, this transmission will unlock the codes of thy star ancestors and activate hidden abilities – encouraging the true light of creation to shine through thy crystalline, accessing thy DNA & RNA receptors to illuminate thy shadow for thee to accept with open heart.

Chiron – held by Centauras & Isis – Crown Chakra – Soul of Creation

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Activating thy soul commandments to unlock thy true divine purpose or mission for thy earth-light journey. This transmission will connect thee to thy akashic/karmic patterning to thus dissolve any illusions created that hold thee in a space of disharmony with thy divine mission. An empowering transmission that refocuses thee to thy true purpose as guardian of earth-light.

Solarius – held by Ashtar, Kumaras & Ra – Soul Star Chakra – Star of Creation

As the sun dawns the warmth of the light awakens and transforms thee. This energising transmission through the Solar Gateway unlocking the powerful sun energy for thy whole form to be embrace in the sunlight of creation shining light into all illusions held through thy stellar memory. This portal awakening also cleanses thy Earthly Egyptian patterned encodements of disharmony between the masculine and feminine aspects of thy form.

Alcyone – held by Melchizedek & Cristala – Thymus Chakra - Law of Creation

Within this dimension of creation there holds the laws of life, of geometrical enpatterning, of cellular transformation, the law of creation itself. Carried through the stellar cosmos of the Alcyone to re-empower thy form to thy true creational existence. Through thy crystalline this energy will portal through thy thymus, linking thy heart to its true nature in all quantum dimensions.

Sirius – held by Dune & Amra – Solar Plexus Chakra – Fire of Creation

The phoenix rising, this sun star awakening burns through thy portals of thy form to cleanse thee of all past illusions to rise thee into the golden age of earth. A cleansing of the Atlantean and Lemurian influences to reform thy DNA to its true nature and empower thy cellular matrix to carry a high frequency of light energy. Vibrating fire energy for huge transformation.

Andromeda – held by the Magdelana & Sananda – Womb/Hara Chakra – Heart of Creation

Cleansing from the form the illusions of persecution of thy masculine/feminine as one awakens into the arms of the divine mothers, carried forth with the Christ-light this portal through the gateway to the heart of creation where miracles occur in the totality of complete and utter unconditional love – surrender here into the arms of creation, of divine light itself and allow thee to be transformed, to see/feel/recognise the miracle of Gaia, of life itself.

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Antares – held by Uzi & Gaia – Sacrum Chakra – Seed of Creation

As Gaia opens her Heart unto thee and through the energy portal star world of Antares the gateway to the seed of creation shines for thee to merge into and embrace. With this transmission comes the awakening to the truth of thy personality, the revelation of thy ‘ego’ or identity of thyself to recognise the truth of thy illusion on Earth. Realisation of the power of thy ego through the formation of thy genetic encodement. Beginning to awaken thy holy grail from within and cleanse the genetic karma of thy ancestral lineage.

Orion – held by Metatron & Satron – Base Chakra – Root of Creation

Cleansing the memory of the stellar wars held upon the battlefield of Orion – releasing the illusion of projection – recognising Ones own judgments of thy form and perceptually releasing such into full acceptance in the loving space of the root of creation where all is birthed. This is the space where we have travelled from and so this births our memories of individuality, moving forth into transmissions of unity, of oneness.

Zodius – held by Zeus & Athena – Link Chakra – Spirit of Creation

Unlocking our zodiac, our patterning that is formed through the date of our birth – rewriting the stellar imprints of our form to re-pattern to the new wave of illumination. Releasing control of the inner child, cleansing her/his memory of fear patterns that have formed through thy zodial/earth cycle to re-encode the star formation of thy birth to encourage a new trinity evolution. Embracing the holy spirit into form and unlocking the holy grail of thy unity.

Lyra – held by Amra & Onyx – Earth Star Chakra – Source of Creation

Carried through this transmission is the birthing of the blueprints of human creation. Connecting with thy geometrical sphere to reform thy original template, intertwining through the portal of thy Earth Star chakra to the heart of Terra Gaia to unlock the original blueprint of Gaia – awakening Gaia to her true nature as a divine planet.

Madlek – carried through 77,000 Universal Light Masters, 144,000 Ascended Masters & 222,000 Archangels of the Angelic Realm

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What was once separated is now rebirthed as One. The exploded star of Madlek. The mergence of all to the One Heart. As all dimensions of creation are activated through the 12 chakra system of thy form, through the 12 dimensional matrix of thy crystalline these all now merge as One. From the Earth Star beneath thy feet to the Soul Star above thy head these now travel through thy form to thy Solar Plexus where thy central seed of light is birthed and held now combining to create One Beauteous chakra portal that energises to One voidal space without dimension, without time, without form, an energy of pure totality of creation and here in this space beyond existence thy divine blueprint is activated as the presence of God I AM awakens into the full mergence of One, of Divinity, of Eternal light. Thy true form is thus empowered into thy Earth-Light Matrix.

From the continuum of the Black Madonnas, through the love-light of the star mothers/father, the illumined ones of all light divnity we bless this transformation unto thee. We are One.

Diamond Crystalline Activation Transmission

Before commencing the Codes of Creation course we highly recommend you activate your Diamond Crystalline matrix to access all dimensions of your being. This takes a period of 7 days and we recommend you listen to the Diamond Crystalline transmission meditation each day for this 7 day period and then rest for a minimum of 7 days before commencing the Codes of Creation course.

Please also find attached a picture code created by Shekinah Melchizedek that is a visual experience of the Diamond Crystalline Activation Transmission. To use this please focus on this image, if you can print it out, look into the image whilst simply focussing on your breathing, breathe deeply into your navel and allow yourself to become entranced by the image, see how it expands through your visual receptors, how it activates your third eye – focus for approximately 20 minutes.

Once you have fully integrated the picture code into your form you may now use this when in meditation. Hold the print out of the picture code to your heart (let the image face into your body) and then follow the meditation, this will deepen the effects of the meditation.

Be gentle with yourself during this transmission as you may be feeling somewhat vacant, distant and perhaps even a little light-headed whilst you are in this transmissional space, as the week continues you will begin to feel the crystalline matrix or body settling into your own and then you will feel more grounded and settled.

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Maia Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Message for Maia Transmission

With the cosmic rays we enlighten thee. Here from a place without time, without space we speak with thee, merging now into thy presence beloved to be One with thee - this now we transmit into thy aspect the stellar transmission of Maia, here from the Pleiadian emissaries we shower blessings of the One Heart as we connect with thy heart and openly transform our radiant star light into thy being, thy form, for we are One Beloved and as we merge with thee our hearts begin to beat as One. For within the cells of thy body lie the truth of our ancestral lineage - our starry lineage, the path that hath crossed, mixed, blended to form the beauteous multi-dimensional divine individual aspect of God-Light that you are. Awaken now Beloved, awaken to the truth of the light of thy serenity, of thy eternal divinity as through the crystalline portal of thy heart chakra we open now the gateway held within thy form, held closed, locked within the chakra portal of thy heart this the gateway to the heart of God, to the dimensional heart of Gaia, of Maia, of all the starry realms, this the divine aspect, divine dimension of pure creation.

As we ask thee to repeat now this mantra calling thy own heart portal to open on all dimensions of thy crystalline template, to repeat 13 times one each to each dimension

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with the last and final call to divinity/creation itself, calling now from thy heart as its wounded centre lays itself now open to the ultimate healing of its mergence with God-Light, with creation.

She-Ta-Oo-Maia Sa-Va-Mat-Sek-Nai-La Man-Tu-Ra-Vak-Oo-Gaia Breathe deeply now and repeat this 13 times and then focus thy thought on breathing deeply in and out through thy mouth again 13 times to allow this awakening to occur. Blessings are now showered upon thee as we now ask thee to step forth through thy heart portal and swim in the ocean of the divine heart, to draw into thy body, thy form the totality of this divine aspect of creation - allow now thy heart portal to be an open door, an open access for both the receiving and the giving of creation, to recognise this now as a Master of Creation that through the access of this divine energy thy true hearts wish can be manifested into reality as Gaia now rises through thy form and merges with thy heart to expand thy divine nature with the energetic divine dreaming of the Gaia within. Through this cosmic portal the star world of Maia now transcends and the unweaving of unconscious patterning thus commences as illusions are released through thy form and thy starry knowledge held within thy genetic encoding is thus awakening into thy consciousness. Birthing now with the blessings of Maia, the beginning of a mergence into consciousness thy star twin of Maia - harmonising now the masculine/feminine, the Earth/Light, physical/spiritual aspects of thy being as the arch-angelic kingdoms of Maia and Gaia now merge thy angelic presence into thy form interweaving now new codes of creation, releasing now more aspects of the geometrical parallels of conscious fear, of unconscious fear, of illusions of the story unfolding through thy manifested creation. Breathe once again beloved as here now Lord Maitreya and Lady Nada breathe into thy form and bless thee now with a diamond sapphire awakening that rises up from thy heart portal into thy crown accessing thy brain and this electrical currents now spark consciously pathways of dormant cells to awaken gifts of love-light, wisdom and knowledge. Follow now the numerical coding; follow this daily for 13 days to complete this transmission.

72, 2, 24, 3, 34, 10, 5, 32, 11, 13, 5, 9, 45

Repeat this 13 times for 13 days.

From the heart of Maia, the heart of creation to thy own heart we breathe love-light and recognise thee now as eternal divinity - we are One.

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Arcturus Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience some feelings of being unwell, your throat chakra is cleansing and so you may suffer with a cough or cold, these symptoms should last between 3-7 days depending on the nature of the cleansing, please be gentle with yourself during this transitional phase.

Message for Arcturus Transmission

In the presence of love we call forth unto thee, as the illusions of the vocal delivery are cleansed and purified through thy form we love thee. Here in our loving embrace we ask thee to fall, to surrender and allow us now to nurture thee, to fold our arms around thee and hold thee beloved in safety and love. We are One. From thy form through this transmission of the Arcturus we focus now, as the glands of thy body have swollen to expand thy light consciousness we now ease this light transformation through thy system. As we intertwine our hearts with thine we remind thee now of thy attachment to the stories of thy life. Blessing now thy illusions as creative script that thee has chosen to perform and the use of the word to dramatise thy tales of life. As the adventure unfolds beloved we remind thee of thy choice, for thee has chosen to walk this path, chosen to explore the world of Earth, of the physical, of the illusion of individual, exploring the matter of feeling alone and the journey to return to a

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home where we are all One. Recognise now beloved that this journey is not one of travel, of exploring externally from thy form, more that it is a journey of the self, a journey of the soul to recognise its own unique and beautious pattern and how this intertwines in perfection with each other, with every strand of perfect light that creates and is everything, divinity, infinity, eternal, expanding light. So what now as we open through thy throat chakra the sound/voice of creation, as now this energy of pure light expands through thy form and through thy crystalline into all dimensions of thy light body. What does this enlightenment create for thee. Look now in the mirror and see thy reflection, see the perfect, magical illusion of thy form and see now the illusion of others that are simply an expression of thyself. All that is experienced through thy life as perceived discomfort caused by another is simply an external expression of the internal chaos of thy beauteous form. Beloved thee are a creation of all atoms of light, every particle is at one with thee regardless of thy conscious acceptance of such. To deny this is to deny the self, a projected external manifestation of thee flawed in its perfection, awaiting recognition, acceptance and love. So now Beloved as thy voice is cleansed and thy words of truth released let thy words be of peace, of love, of acceptance as our words are to thee. We are One Beloved, this is your own master of light communicating with you, sharing with you in total love, in complete acceptance of all that you, that we are. Breathe deeply now into thy navel, breathe in through thy nose and out through thy mouth 7 times breathing deeply into thy form and at the final out breath allow a deep, clear, loud sound to form. Practice this sound, explore its vibration, its depth and clarity it is the sound of your soul calling forth from within.

Follow now the numerical coding; follow this daily for 13 days to complete this transmission.

7, 24, 3, 36, 5, 2, 22, 74, 11, 13, 25, 6, 10

Repeat this 13 times for 13 days and now call unto the soul light of thy transformation at the close of the 13th day.


Beloved we come in love, we are One..

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Alpha-Centuri Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. The recording is approximately 22 minutes long; you are guided to rest for 40 minutes after listening to the recording to allow the transmission to settle through your system. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience feelings of dizziness, or feel light-headed. Your crown chakra is cleansing so you may also experience some strange sensations or aches in your head. These symptoms should last between 3-7 days depending on the nature of the cleansing, please be gentle with yourself during this transitional phase.

Message for Alpha-Centuri Transmission

With the love of the One Heart we come forth now unto thee as the trinity blue moons of Alpha-Centuri converge with thine in a steller union of divine light we awaken now our conscious presence within the crystalline aspect of thy form. We are One.

Breathe now Beloved, breathe deeply into thy stellar form as we enlighten thee with the wisdom of our union, as the geometrical spheres that spin through thy multi-dimensional body are activated with intelligent light consciousness and thy eyes are awoken to thy reality of physical life. Breathe and relax, breathe and trust for we are One and we are thy stellar light masters, residing through the portals of the trinity of the Black

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Madonnas, of the portals of our moons convergence with thine we shower thee now with the blessings of our planets, of our dimension of light consciousness, cleansing now thy vision of illusion to encourage wisdom of all that it and in this recognising the eternal peace and acceptance of all life exploration. We are One.

Breathe deeply once more Beloved as we open now thy heart to the truth of thy God consciousness and release once more from thy form the illusion of the physicality, of the mind consciousness of the light field of God. This thy universe is God, all universes are God, all dimensions are God, everything is God. Thy God is one pure stream of light, of the one central heart of light. All is illusion, nothing is real, yet in this illusion all is real and all can be created through the love of the One Heart. All is possible, awaken now Beloved and inhale now the elixir of thy holy grail as the golden sparkling brilliance of dimensional light of thy light of creation is gifted unto thee, pouring now into thy forehead, through thy eyes, thy mind, through thy crystalline matrix into every single cell and aspect of thy form as now this chakra of thy being is cleansed now of the Christ-Light consciousness and the Shekinah is awoken - recognise now thy divine presence, the essence of thy being and breathe, relax and energise as simple illusions are unfolded to misconceptions and truth is unveiled that encourage a deep peace with all that life has created for thee with thy divine dreaming and allow now the mother Gaia to once more merge her heart with thine and awaken again the beauteous divine dreaming of Gaia - the light stream of Shekinah - the creation of Heaven on Earth.

Be well Beloved, dream of us, listen to each other and see clearly now beyond thy fears, thy illusions to the truth of thy beauteous heart. One Heart. We are One.

Breathe now, breathe deeply and repeat now this numerical sequence of light consciousness.

7, 24, 3, 10, 44, 24, 3, 10, 5, 67, 2, 35, 66

Repeat these numbers 13 times for 13 days.


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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Chiron Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. The recording is approximately 23 minutes long; you are guided to rest for 20 minutes after listening to the recording to allow the transmission to settle through your system. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience feelings of dizziness, or feel light-headed. Your crown chakra is cleansing so you may also experience some strange sensations or aches in your head. These symptoms should last between 3-7 days depending on the nature of the cleansing, please be gentle with yourself during this transitional phase.

Message for Chiron Transmission

In the light of Chiron we come forth unto thee, bringing our blessings of shekinah light into thy conscious form, we embrace thee and encourage thee with our hearts open in the shekinah truth of One to open thy hearts as One with ours. We are the Continuum of the Black Madonnas calling forth into thy presence, we masters of thy universal light recognise now thy holy shekinah presence, the very essence of thy being, the Oneness of all, thy soul star light chakra that has risen through the fracturing of thy illusioned experience out of thy physical body, out of thy perfect form to an enlightened aspect above thy form that thee recognises as divine, as angelic, as heavenly or god like. This is the soul, core aspect of thee, thy divine light core. We ask you now to simply breathe and acknowledge in your mind that all divine ones that thee has created as brighter,

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lighter, empowered, encouraging thee with divine love-light as dimensional aspects of thyself in their divine soul star essence. We are you, we are One. We are a dimensional aspect of thy soul star essence.

Breathe once more and allow now thy crown chakra to expand now, to spin through the dimensions of all aspects of thy being as in this moment through thy crown the soul of creation merges with thee, as a gateway or portal opening to the energy field or plane of the soul energy of creation. Breathe once more Shekinah, breathe Gaia, breathe and allow now the soul of creation to flow now through thy soul star portal, through thy crown portal, through and down into thy form and through thy form to the very centre and core of thy Earth, thy Mother Gaia as she rises consciously through thy multi-dimensional being and merges her heart with thine activating a union now as her fractured chakras begin their commence to return to one. One heart, one portal, one centre, one core, one, one, one.

Breathe once more, focus thy thoughts on simply breathing we encourage with love-light empowering thy conscious form to allow now the truth of thy heavenly, divine, god self to expand now throughout thy entire being, expanding through into each and every cell of thy being, through thy crystalline matrix into each and every cell and strand of thy multi-dimensional form - cleansing thy geometrical spheres of disillusionment of god, of wounded soul and recognising now in each and every single aspect of thy entirety that thee are divinity, that thee are the light, the love of shekinah of the holy spirit of the god consciousness that is only love without religion, without any form of thought than to love in total and complete unconditionality for beloved in essence, in truth that is all that we are, love, love surrounded by illusions, stories created to experience individuality in the stream of the christ light, let thee now expand from christ light and embrace thy shekinah, choose now to be one with shekinah light, choose the shekinah light consciousness and continue on this journey to be one heart, for in truth thee already are, it is simply that thy form has chosen a process of remembering through a concept of awakening through these transmissions of light.

Breathe deeply again as we invite thee now to follow the numerical patterning to cleanse thy crown chakra, to reformat thy soul star in preparation for the reunion of chakra to One Heart.

Breathe now, breathe deeply and repeat now this numerical sequence of light consciousness.

7, 42, 34, 10, 2, 100, 5, 67, 24, 11, 13, 1, 24

Repeat these numbers 13 times for 13 days.

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Solarius Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. The recording is approximately 20 minutes long; you are guided to rest for 20 minutes after listening to the recording to allow the transmission to settle through your system. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience feelings of high and lows emotionally. Your Soul Star chakra is cleansing and all of your chakras that you have received codes of creation transmission for will be preparing to return to One so you may also experience some strange sensations, change in behaviour, routine, etc. If you have thought of making a lifestyle change or start a new project this would be a fantastic time to do so. Any symptoms should last between 3-7 days depending on the nature of the cleansing, please be gentle with yourself during this transitional phase.

Message for Solarius Transmission

She-Tu-Ra-Van-TuCa-Kai-Su-Na-Mai From the birthing of the light of man we came forth into thy presence and embraced our unity as One. We are the star ones, the cosmic force of Ra, wehath come before unto thy presence and called forth from the cells of thyform the remembrance of our kin, for we have journeyed on thy planet ofEarth and merged with thy humans to create a new species of man. Hiddenwithin thy cells is the knowledge that we birthed unto thee and now the time

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hath come to pass for this knowledge to be awoken as thee evolves to a new race of Stellar-Gaia, as thee reunites thy chakra to the cosmic unity of Oneand embraces thy Shekinah.

Ra, comes forth now through the core of thy central star called Sun and inhis presence calls forth thy own central core star of thy being. For withinthe core central aspect of our forms we each host a star seed, for this isthe seed of God Light, the seed of divine light, it is the purest most golden light, brighter than one could possibly imagine with an intense powerful energy that is endless, infinite, expansive yet in illusioncontained by the physical form of thy body. In reality it is One with all, no separation, no mergence, just simply One, divinity.

From the cosmic union of the Ashtar and the Kumara a new field of illusion of light will come to transform thy entire experience of being. Through the cleansing of thy physical cells to re-awaken a new harmony of feminine/masculine empowerment where once more thee will be released from the karmic memory of the dis-formation of the culture of power domination in relation to thy gender.

Tera-Kai-Me-Sai-NadaNo-Tu-Ra-Oo-Mai There are no words to describe the unity that we feel with thee, we are One Beloved and through the cosmic birthing of the Divine Mother/Father we cleanse from the cells of thy crystalline form the disillusionment of thy divine soul, thy divine form and ask thee now to choose to recognise the Oneness of thy being with the Oneness of all.

Through the trees and the nature of Gaia we ask thee now to breathe light into, go be with nature, touch, feel and breathe with nature. Allow thy energy centre to be at One with nature and experience how nature is nurtured by thy great central star, thy Sun.

Te-Na-Ku-Ra-Mei Repeat now, repeat 13 times for 13 days, choose a plant and share these words with it each day for 13 days and see how it transforms, as you transform also.

10, 7, 2, 11, 13, 4, 56, 7, 72, 13, 1, 22, 10

Te-Mai-Kai Es-Sa-Naya-GaiaWe are One

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Alcyone Transmission

‘Let Gaia hold and nurture you in the bud of your favourite flower and rebirth you through her divine dreaming.’

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. The recording is approximately 17 minutes long; you are guided to rest for 25 minutes after listening to the recording to allow the transmission to settle through your system. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience feelings of distortion, a separation from the world as you currently see it. Begin to recognise your diet, if you can please try to eat less or no meat and more fruit and vegetables. Exercise more, choose an exercise that you can do alone such as swimming, running or walking, explore how your body feels as you are active, and begin to sense the memories, the emotions held within your body rather than those within your mind. Bring the healing energy to these feelings, love and accept the parts of yourself that are held in judgment or holding traumatic memories.

Message for Alcyone Transmission

With the love of the light of creation we call forth thy Shekinah, our almighty presence of one is creation. We are the love-light of thy Shekinah, we come forth with the illusion of separation for thy physical form cannot contain or comprehend our cosmic unity of one.

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We are the Melchizedek and the Cristala of thy universal light, we are the Light Masters from within thy core and through thy being we expand and bless within thee the divine light of creation.

We call forth through the stellar gate of thy cells of Alcyone the Law of Creation, this gateway containing the law of light, powerful divine contracts of light creation that when carried within thy form will empower thee to create light consciously, that we carried through the physical form of Gaia can empower thee to create the divine dream of Gaia. The illusion that thy mind, thy thoughts are separate from Gaia slowly dispersing to allow more Gaia consciousness, more light truth to be revealed into thy earth light journey. We are one Beloved and we open our hearts to merge with thine with intent that thy heart will activate thy law of the light master and through thy thymus chakra spin forth now into thy creational law as thee portals all dimensions of thy form through thy crystalline matrix and all contracts formed through the illusion of separation will now be dissolved and released from thee.

In order to fully dissolve these illusionary laws and embrace the divine laws of creation we request thee now follow this numerical sequence for thy earthly days of 13, repeating each day 13 times to trigger the pattern dissolution and creation from thy DNA and through thy crystalline to all aspects of thy form.

Repeat now 7, 8, 10, 3, 13, 9, 42, 10, 50, 11, 6, 44, 2


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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Sirius Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and/or reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. The recording is approximately 15 minutes long; you are guided to sleep for a whole night after listening to the recording to allow the transmission to settle through your system. On the following day you are guided to drink nothing but pure still water and eat simple foods which include fruit and vegetables, in particular green vegetables allowing no meat for 24 hours. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience some raw emotions, feel a little vulnerable as your star consciousness awakens through your physical/conscious field. Now is the time to simply sit and experience, know that whatever you are feeling will soften and pass as the transmission settles through your body. These symptoms could last between 7-14 days so please be very gentle and forgiving of yourself. Exercise will help the transmission energy penetrate and expand through your entire physical body, yoga, walking, swimming, gentle exercise daily is fantastic.

Message for Sirius Transmission

Breathe now Beloveds, breathe deeply as we come forth now from the blue sun star of Sirius. For many moons ago we travelled through the solar system unto thy planet of Earth, to bless upon thee our knowledge and wisdom of the stars, to share with thee the light of thy physical journey in which, with experience, we knew thee would wish to awaken from the cosmic unity of individual, of separation to become the truth, the true nature of One.

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In this unity we decreed upon thee, that in this time of awakening, we would once again call forth unto thee and through thy star heritage we would awaken within thee the knowledge of our kinship. For Beloveds when we journeyed and lived amongst thee we shared with thee our seed of Sirius, our seed of star light, which now resides in each and every Earth Light being of man – Guardians of Earth, cousins of light, brothers, sisters we now call forth from within thy physical body our star seeds of Sirius to awaken now, awakening the knowledge of thy power, of thy truth, awakening now through the dissolving of illusions the truth of universe light, of life, of thy individual existence and the very nature of thy physical mortality.

For Beloved we come now through thy dreams, through thy light consciousness to once again merge with thee and awaken within thee the truth of Gaia, of all stars, planets, all universe, all dimensions and all divinity. For we are the Masters of Light, together as merged as One we are the Masters of Light. Here now the call from Amra, from Dune as through the merging of masculine/feminine, of the union of Oneness they come forth now in physical unity awakening through this empowerment of pure and total openness the expansion now of all of thy chakras, all of thy cells, relax and breathe now as through the expanded form of thy being they now activate and awaken thy white sapphire flame and allow the Phoenix to ignite, to burn pure cosmic light through thy dimensional body and expand thy light even further as in this moment of pure awakening thee allows now thy truth to expand and all story, all illusion are now thusly dissolved by fire flame, burnt with such power, such heat that no ash remain, no residue, nothing but light left to fill the void as awakening now the truth, awakening now divinity, awakening now Shekinah.

So Beloveds we ask thee now to allow thy geometrical spheres to be enhanced through the repetition of the numerical sequence that we gift to thee now, allowing thy star seed consciousness to integrate within thy DNA.

Repeat now, repeat 13 times for 13 days,

12, 77, 4, 6, 5, 10, 33, 16, 7, 11, 6, 3, 44

We are One, Beloveds, feel the truth and allow thy light to expand to Oneness. Blessing Shekinah, Blessings Earth-Light, Blessings of Love, of truth, of One.

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Andromeda Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience a variety of emotions. Your womb/hara centre is being cleared, the space where we tend to dump our emotional baggage, it is being empowered with energy from the very heart or core of creation/God/light so each and every ‘negative’ feeling we have is being loved, accepted and nurtured in order that we too choose to love and accept this aspect of ourselves. Please be aware the more you resist the longer it will take to settle this energy through your form, so let the mind go and all your heart to expand into every aspect of your being.

Message for Andromeda Transmission

Beloved of the One Heart, we beings of light from the planet star of Andromeda come forth now to shine our blessings of love upon thee. We are One Beloved and we come now forth to shine the star light of Andromeda through thy form to awaken from the cells of thy body the memory of thy kin upon Andromeda. We have walked with thee in this world and well as in thy own beauteous planet of Earth and now through the cosmic union of time we call forth upon thee our stellar light consciousness.

Awaken now with the Divine energy and light of the Magdalenas the Black Madonnas shine forth and with Divine Mother energy call into thy being to thy inner child to

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consciously hold thee and nurture thee to cleanse this form of inner child of all dissolutions of thy Mother. Dissolving, releasing and removing now the contracts of controlled loved that thee has felt from thy Mother and thus removing the patterning of behaviour that thee unconsciously performs when in story union with thy Mother – cleansing now the pathways of illusions to once more experience thy truth of thy love for thy Mother as Divine union now precedes and thee now recognises the reflection of the heart – as thee now accepts thy Mother in unconditional love, accepting her flaws and her perceived judgments thee now can more fully accept thyself Beloved.

Calling forth now the Divine energy and light of Sananda, the Black Madonnas shine forth with Divine Father energy to call now into thy being and awaken thy inner child for once more many illusions can now be cleansed from thy form as the Divine Father releases now, removes now, dissolves now the patterns of controlled love felt by thy inner child and thus thy story relationship with thy Father can now be cleansed and new patterning of balance and empowerment revealed. Releasing now the contracts held through the generations of thy ancestors for thy role in relationship to thy Mother and Father, reconciling the imbalance with love and acceptance, total acceptance of all that they are for all that they are is love-light, held within the physical form and carrying the illusions of their cells, of their connection with the conscious light of man.

For now Beloved we request thee through our guidance and love to release now the belief that thee are separate from thy neighbours, from the race of man for Beloved we ALL are ONE, separated only by the illusion of thy story, the exploration of thy journey upon Earth, chosen to come here now in thy form to experience this time of awakening to the Golden Aquarian era of Shekinah Light and experience the Oneness of all the Universe, experience the awakening of Gaia and the unveiling of the vortex of light.

Be well Beloved, we now gift you with the formula of cell awakening of the 13 numerical sequence to be repeated now 13 times each day for the duration of 13 days. In union with the time/space sequence of thy beloved planet of Earth to integrate through your system of crystalline to all dimensions of Gaia.

12, 14, 3, 24, 7, 8, 10, 4, 5, 44, 7, 6, 22

With blessings of the One Heart we empower thee now to transform and accept thy light consciously. We are One.

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Antares Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

The cleansing following this transmission will be unique to you, my only guidance is that it will raise to the surface consciously behaviour or patterns in your personality that are attached to the idea of individual or separation from One. You may experience a month of transition; time will seem to stop and projects slow as you are given opportunity to release stories identifies with certain behaviour and once more trust the cosmic unity of One.

Message for Antares Transmission

Calling forth now from the beloved heart of thy planet of Earth the energies of the feminine Gaia and the masculine Uzi, streaming forth together now in embrace of the One Heart they call out to thee and request thy presence here now to merge with thee and in loving unity awaken the Gaia, the Uzi from within thy physical form so that thee can realise and experience Oneness with Earth.

Beloved, we love thee and through the loving heart of Antares thy kin from this beauteous world stream forth in masculine/feminine unity and eternal balance opening their heart unto thee and asking thee now to trust their presence, their love, their light stream so that thee can realise the stellar awakening that is occurring through thy form, to recognise and enjoy the multi-prism light formation that is thy Earth/Stellar self.

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Blessed Beloved child of light, we awaken from within thy geometrical spheres the prisms of multi-dimensional light, of colour, of rainbow and wonderment for through these prisms there can be a wonderful experience of thy journey upon Earth as thee creates with thy empowered physical form a true revelation of thy Oneness with Earth and with all Stellar Universe.

Beloved, thy ego is transforming and re-awakening a new identity as the concept of separation, of individual is now cleansing from within thy DNA, thy geometrical spheres, the prisms of light carry forth expanding through thy egoic presence clearing past illusions of misconception where thee has held forth the cycle of mis-interpretation of ancestral experience and thee can now transform this into wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment realising now how powerful positive acceptance can encourage wisdom and understanding to all situations thee have chosen to explore.

Nothing is real, nothing is illusion, everything is eternal and endless for thee are Gaia, thee are Uzi, held in physical form for the journey in this light body that thee Gaia, thee Uzi hath chosen to experience and yet this experience will not end, it will continue as One Heart hath always continued. This, perhaps beyond the understanding of man, for now Beloved but thee are evolving and new understanding is expanding through thy conscious mind and the electrodes that vibrate through thy physical brain are also exploring new pathways, they are transforming and awakening sleeping cells in which holds a deeper understanding of thy Oneness with Gaia, with Uzi and a deeper understanding of thy Stellar unity also.

Beloved, breathe and allow, release the concept of trying, release the desire to be more for this constricts thy form with judgment, recognise and realise that thee are perfect in the present for thee hath always been perfect, accept all that thee hath been for this is a journey of exploration, a journey of revelation, of understanding, a journey that awakening and expands the love through thy heart, thy body, thy light.

Beloved, thee are loved so deeply, so completely in all of thy perceived faults, recognise and love these now for they are what hath made thee so unique and perfect.

Repeat now this numerical sequence to expand the prisms through thy crystalline and expand the colourful light of love through every single aspect of thy existence.

13, 12, 2, 44, 5, 14, 6, 77, 2, 11, 8, 9, 3

Repeat this for 13 days to truly experience the expansion as thee rebirths thy prisms of light as seeds of creation.

We are One, Beloved we bless thee from our open hearts and wish thee great joy.

The Black Madonnas

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Orion Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience a variety of emotions as your base chakra focusses on all aspects of fear and abandonment that have been carried through your form from both Earth and Stellar experience. During this time we recommend you focus on your heart centre, remind yourself of your compassionate heart and allow your core light centre to expand with grace, any discomfort will pass.

Message for Orion Transmission

Calling forth now from the unity of the One Heart we speak now through the cosmic curtains of time we shine our light through unto thee and bless thee now with the re-birthing of the union of One. Beloveds we recognise that thee hath experienced the journey of separation that has birthed the experience of projection and reflection of thy forms, where thee has believed thyself to be greater or lesser than another, that thee hath chosen to destroy or damage another in a space of fear or judgment of their form.

Beloveds, recognise now that in the union of the One Heart all is One. Everything that thee sees in another is simply a reflection of thyself, for all is One. Just as Metatron and Satron hath merged as One to dissolve the disillusionments of the Stellar Wars that are held within the light conscious streams of thy form.

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Breathe now Beloveds as we shine the light of the Stellar Awakening through thy form and merge thy being, thy body with that of the Metatron and the Satron for the memories held within thy form to be dissolved now, to be released now and for thee to truly forgive thyself for all that thee hath judged in thy own form as being less or more than, and in this forgiveness and acceptance recognising that thee are accepting, that thee are forgiving all Beings for all is One.

Beloved breathe once more and thy expanded form feels the unity of the Oneness and thy base chakra begins to release the concept of abandonment, of separation and begins to recognise the safety of the One Heart. A deep, profound trust in thyself as thee accepts even more of thy being, a deep, profound trust as thee experiences the energy of the One Love. All is One, nothing separate, never separate.

Releasing now Beloveds the illusion of separation and all contracts that have held thee in this experience of separation, of individuality as the One Heart once more reaches out to touch thee and expand through thy own beating heart. Allowing once more the safe haven of love-light that expands now through thy being, thy body as each and every cell begins to recognise its unity with One, with All.

Beloveds, we are One.

Speak now these codes of Earth Light that will cleanse the memories of the Stellar Wars from thy light centre.

72, 24, 4, 7, 33, 10, 9, 88, 72, 2, 11, 12, 7

We request you repeat these numbers 13 times each and every day for the following 13 days to truly allow full vibration throughout the cells of your multi-dimensional form.

Beloveds, our hearts open unto thee and shine a gold elixir of love-light to cleanse thy very core and awaken trust of the One Heart, once more we decree, We are One.

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Zodius Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience some feelings of being detached from the world. You may find yourself observing behavioural patterns in those around you and in yourself in a seemly non-judgmental manner, recognising how you can adapt/change your behaviour to create a more positive interaction releasing the conceptual wound that initially created the dis-empowering behaviour or role.

You may also experience an ache in your legs, feet and also teeth and gums, this is due to the ancient ancestral codes that are being released and cleared.

These symptoms should last between 7-14 days depending on the nature of the cleansing, please be gentle with yourself during this transitional phase.

Message for Zodius Transmission

In the loving wisdom of the Ancient Ones of Earth, of Zodius we come forth now, the Gods and Goddesses who created the stellar line and bore forth unto Earth the pearlescent wisdom of light. Beloveds we are One and shine forth our light through the hearts of man, of woman and child. We are created by thee, by thy kin who walked the

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Earth before thee and through thy blood line still remain eternal and infinite in thy own holy light.

We are the creation of thy belief of a greater and more powerful light than thyself, created by thee and thusly controlled by thy Light Nature, once born unto Earth and now forever held in the stars of thy night sky. We are the Zodius, the Gods of Man who shed tears of light so that thee could travel to the stars on a bed of crystalline, we created the paths that thee hath journeyed and expanded thy Earthly bodies to become Earth Light, creations of both Earth and Stellar light. And through this union, thee hath chosen to host the memories of both Earth and many, many beauteous planets that thee hath journeyed through on thy stellar light path.

Now, Beloveds, we come forth with the light of creation, the pure simple cosmic spirit of creation to cleanse now from thy form the memories of corruption, of disharmony, destruction and essentially the memories of the story of abandonment, where thee hath chosen to believe that thee is less than the powerful, almighty essence of pure divinity or God, that thee hath been abandoned by God, cleansing the believe that thee is judged by God and seen to be something other than the pure, light essence that thee truly are.

Beloveds, recognise now that thee are God, that thee are pure light Divinity and allow thy holy spirit, thy shekinah to breathe conscious light into every single cell of thy crystallined form, all dimensions of thy existence recognising its own unique divinity and perfection, recognising the God form itself in all that is. Now we cleanse the pathways of thy stellar journey, releasing the Zodiac formation of thy personality to let thee be thee, be whatever thee wishes to be without pre-judgment of thy imposed personality. Calling forth now the soul light of thy holy grail and allow now fragments, particles of creational light to complete thy core light seed and know that as thee hath journeyed and are journeying through each dimension of creation thy holy grail or seed of light is becoming whole once more, completing the jigsaw of eternal light consciousness and awakening the God self into complete fulfilment and recognition – become the Shekinah Beloved and know thyself.

Now Beloveds speak, repeat this numerical code to confirm the intention of completion and acceptance of light creation.

12, 42, 11, 3, 24, 5, 88, 12, 11, 44, 2, 11, 7

Repeat these numbers 13 times each day for 13 days and expand.

Beloveds, we are the Zodius, we come in light, in love, in infinite divinity, We are your brothers, your sisters, your kin, Beloved we are One.

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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Lyra Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

Please be aware that following this transmission you may experience some headaches, your stomach may be a little sensitive to food over the first 7 days and the soles of your feet may ache. Please drink plenty of still water, eat natural food and immerse yourself in water as often as you can to allow the body to relax and allow transformation to occur.

You may also experience an ache in your teeth and gums as your genetic blueprint is re-written to the original codes of Gaia. Take a moment each day to be with nature, take a walk and have some time of quiet contemplation with Earth – emotionally some fears of the physical body, of life and death may rise to the surface to be questioned, to find resolution or to simply be dissolved with the love-light of Gaia.

These symptoms should last between 7-14 days depending on the nature of the cleansing, please be gentle with yourself during this transitional phase.

Message for Lyra Transmission

With open heart we come now Beloveds, the Love-Light of the Black Madonnas come forth and shine our opened hearts in a golden elixir of love, of light unto thee and to allow now through thy crystallined form the expansion of thy template of Gaia, of man.

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Beloveds we are One and we expand our hearts as One unto thee. The cosmic union of Lyra comes forth now to thy planetary core of Earth, of Gaia as a union of One Heart and through this now we access your bodies template to release now the contracts, the vows and promises that thee hath made through this journey and the journeys of thy ancestors to be in a space of separation of the Source of Creation – feeling this now as the Source of Creation invites thee now to release all the concepts of separation from the One Heart of Creation, from all dimensions of Creation as thee now releases through thy crystallined system and allows now the dissolution of many illusions, many stories of separation, of abandonment of the light of thy God, recognising now that thee is the light of God, that in thy core, in thy separated stated thee is still the energy, the light of God, that we are indeed One, without judgment, without the illusions of separation of the stories that thee mankind choose to display, to perform, to explore and journey through in thy chosen life here upon Earth.

Allowing now to choose to release from the core of thy form the illusion of separation and embrace now the heart of Gaia to rise up through thy Earth Star to release the fears of the consciousness of Man, to wash away the fears of the physical form of man, of the journey of man upon Earth and realise now that as we speak of man we speak of the union of the Oneness of the feminine and the masculine recognising all as One, man – woman – one – Gaia – Earth – all One – all Light – embrace now thy I AM Presence – Gaia I AM – Man I AM – Woman I AM – Earth I AM – Creation I AM – One Heart I AM – One Heart I AM – Divine I AM - Light I AM – We are ONE.

Breathe Beloveds, breathe the air of Gaia and allow its energy to cleanse through thy form, through thy body and expand light air into each and every single cell of thy physical body, expanding the template of man, of woman, of Gaia as a unity of One allowing the divine dreaming of Gaia to expand now through thy cells of thy body, allowing thy heart to be cleansed and re-awoken with the divine dreaming of Gaia as the Source of Creation gives thee the power now to invoke and empower the divine dreaming of Gaia throughout thy whole form, throughout thy whole life allowing change now, allowing transformation now as thee allows now the stories of old, the patterns of disharmony and dissolution to be dissolved from thy karmic patterning, as thy akashic records are now accessed and re-imprinted with the divine dreaming of Gaia and old dissolution, old pathways are now cleansed and re-written to encompass the codes of creation to empower thee now with the transformational access codes of Gaia – of light – of One Heart.

The Divine Mothers stepping forth now to bring thee nurturing love as this transformation occurs, together with the Ancient Masters of Earth who wish now to transform the light of Earth with the energy of the Source of Creation and walk with thee now for the next 13 day as they request now that thee in the love heart of the Amra and the Onyx the Mother/Father of the Ancient Masters of Earth speak now in the original tongue of Earth this divination of Light/Gaia transformation.


Now Beloveds, breathe once more into thy Earth through thy bodies of Earth-Light and repeat this numerical coding 13 times for the 13 days following this day of transformation upon the Full Moon of Earth.

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7, 12, 3, 44, 11, 10, 7, 12, 3, 5, 66, 7, 9

In the love of the One Heart we shower blessings of illumination upon thee now, sparkles of love-light with crystal diamonds of infinite wisdom be blessed upon thee. Beloved we are One.


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Codes of Creation/Stellar Gateways

Madlek Transmission

Please read, absorb and meditate upon the following channelled message on day one of this transmission.

A guide to focus on this message, find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted for about 20 minutes, perhaps print out this message and hold it in your hands whilst you close your eyes and allow a moment to focus on simply breathing. Let your chakras open, let Gaia/Earth connect with you through your feet, allow your heart to relax and open and your mind to clear – as you focus on breathing allow the outside world to drift away.

When you are ready begin to read, follow any instructions; if you are requested to speak please try to do this out loud rather than in your head. When you have finished reading close your eyes again and spend a little time focussing on breathing again as the key codes hidden within the words activate transformation.

You will also find below the message a picture code, please print this out, focus on it often, hold it to your heart face down whilst listening to the meditation and reading the message. Each day hold this picture code face down on your heart or focus on it whilst repeating the numerical code for the 13 days.

We recommend you listen to this recording just before you go to sleep on day one of the transmission. You can listen again to this recording at any time during the transmission.

The cleansing following this transmission will be unique to you, the focus of the transmission is to complete the dimensions of creation through your central chakra system, expanding it through your crystalline matrix into all dimensions of your body. It is described as a returning to One. It can be an emotional experience, perhaps with tears, sadness or alternatively pure joy. A new reality awakens to life here upon Earth, a new appreciation of the journey, the cyclic flow of life, birth and death. Enjoy.

Message for Madlek Transmission

Beautiful Beings of Earth-Light, we come forth now with the energy and love of the Black Madonnas, you have travelled with the concept of your time through all the dimensions of source creation unto this space now, this space of completion. Completion of this process of soul returning to One. One Being, One Experience, One Light, One Joy. Shekinah.

Your soul hath travelled through the cosmic birthing of source and now can hold, can host and expand all of these dimensional portals of One. Thee are reborn on this day, and we bless thee now with our love-light. So little to speak of now Beloveds for we are One and through thy form now we can communicate and expand our thought, our words, love and guidance for thy full appreciation of thy experience of thy Earth-Life journey. The Beloved Gaia rises now through thy form and awakens her conscious light,

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she and thee are One, an eternal light that travels through the voidal space of thy universe.

Blessings now coming forth from all the Illumined Masters, the Ascended Masters and Archangels of thy Earth Light, the Elementals now shining their sparkles of light upon thee and through their connection unto thee empowering thee with unity to the Earth upon which thee walks, lives, breathes.

So Breathe now Beloved and know, know the truth of thy concept, thy choices are divination itself, no destiny, no rules, no expectation, just the truth that is thee, Be Beloved and know that in simply Being thee is the most freest form of light that exists, liberating all illusions of control, of expectation and destiny, becoming thy truest form floating through the cosmic divine eternal space that is.

And so now Beloved we impart upon thee the final code that will unite all dimensions that travel throughout thy expanded form, this the code that portals all of source, all of creational light and empowers thee to create…

12, 24, 5, 10, 9, 11, 6, 77, 12, 12, 12, 1, 1

We invite thee to experience the repetition of this code throughout thy form 13 times for the duration of 13 days and invite thee to journey further with the Black Madonnas.

For now our journey completes yet we will be returning with new codes of enlightenment Beloved, we are One.

The Black Madonnas

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All rights reserved. Copyright © 2012 Ascending Angels. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior permission in writing from either Donna Swan or Caroline Sharp of Ascending Angels. All images by Shekinah Melchizedek, music by Symbiosis.