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Contents Page

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands comprises of 27 coral islands forming two atolls, situated 2768km NW of Perth and 3685km due West of Darwin, is an isolated speck in the Indian Ocean.

Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Cocos (K) Islands News 2

Public Notices 17

Sports & Rec Review 19

Cocos Snippets -

Crosswords, Sudoku & Games 22

Dates to Remember Cocos Moment Birthdays


Cocos Snapshots 2 25

Upcoming Events 24

Berita Pulu Kokos (K) 2

Notis Umum 17

Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi 19

Kepingan Cocos -

Crossword, Sudoku, & Kemainan


Tanggal untuk Diingat ‘Cocos Moment’ Ulang tahun


Gambaran Cocos 2 25

Events yg akan Datang 24

Isi Kandungan


Indian Ocean Territories Cocos Keeling Islands Australia Day Award 2015 pg3

Casual Tourism Support Officer pg6

AFP Blue Light Disco pg7

Making Headlines This Edition... Berita Yang Penting Dalam Edisi Ini...

Cocos Snapshots Gambaran Cocos

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 2

November Statistics (latest up to 18 Nov):


Latest 2014 Statistics: (latest up to 18 Nov)

1814.80mm 2013: 2659.40mm 2012: 1464.60mm 2011: 1857.20mm


Rainfall Stats


AFP 91626600 VHF Ch20

DFES HI 91627788 DFES WI 91627777

IOTHS WI Clinic 91626655 IOTHS HI Clinic 91627609 VHF Ch24

Shire HI 91626649 Shire WI 91626740

Watercorp 91626722

Emergency Contact List

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling)

Administration Building PO Box 1039

Cocos (Keeling) Islands, 6799 Phone (08) 9162 7707 Fax (08) 9162 7708

Email: [email protected] Web: [email protected]

Like us on Facebook! Search for: Cocos (K) Islands Community Resource Centre

or follow us on Twitter @CocosCRC

Feel free to email your  

thumbs up to: 

[email protected] 

To a wonderful Sydney E m d e n 1 0 0 y r s commemorative weekend. Well done to those involved in such an amazing community event.

To the crew of the RJ Hawke who did a 12 hour shift to transport the Sydney-Emden families to North Keeling.

To Amber and the Sydney-Emden 100 Team on creating such a well organised, professional and enjoyable weekend event f o r t he d i gn i t a r i e s , descendants and residents. Well Done!

Thumbs Up

Proudly supported by

STEVE PARISH PRESENTATION It was a pleasure for the CRC to welcome renowned photographer, Steve Parish to Cocos. The community enjoyed a presentation from Steve, after enjoying a traditional Cocos Malay lunch, a fresh coffee and a lesson in basket weaving. Thanks to the Home Island Seniors, Cocos Tropical Foods and the Cocos Club for the loan of the trestle tables. 2015 COCOS CALENDARS We are now taking orders for the Cocos 2015 Calendar. We are hoping to have stock by early December - just in time for you to post to family members for Xmas! Our Calendars include not only the Cocos public holidays, but the 2015 school term dates. WEST ISLAND MARKET DAY Our last Market Day for 2014 will be held on Saturday 6th December. Pick up some great Xmas gifts, some delicious food or a cake! If you would like to book your FREE table, please contact our office. A sausage sizzle is also available for local community groups to host a fundraiser.

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 3

Sticks in a bundle are

unbreakable. ~ Kenyan Proverb

Quote of the Day

"Do Great Things! What Makes something great? It's all perception. But if it can change your life for the better, consider it Great. If it can change other peoples lives for the better, than others will consider it Great." ~ Eric Eisenberg

Thought for the Day

Must help the wife

Smith goes to see his supervisor in the front office. "Boss," he says, "we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff."

"We're short-handed, Smith" the boss replies. "I can't give you the day off."

"Thanks, boss," says Smith "I knew I could count on you!"

Boss wants too much

For thirty years, Johnson had arrived at work at 9A.M. on the dot. He had never missed a day and was never late.

Consequently, when on one particular day 9 A.M. passed without Johnson's arrival, it caused a sensation. All work ceased, and the boss himself, looking at his watch and muttering, came out into the corridor.

Finally, precisely at ten, Johnson showed up, clothes dusty and torn, his face scratched and bruised, his glasses bent. He limped painfully to the time clock, punched in, and said, aware that all eyes were upon him, "I tripped and rolled down two flights of stairs in the subway. Nearly killed myself."

And the boss said, "And to roll down two flights of stairs took you a whole hour?"

Jokes of the Week

Indian Ocean Territories Cocos Keeling Islands Australia Day Award 2015

Your local government invites you to nominate an outstanding individual or group for this years inaugural Indian Ocean Territories Cocos (Keeling) Islands Australia Day Award.

The award foster, recognise and celebrate significant contributions to community life and active citizenship on the islands in the Territories.

The award promote national pride, community responsibility and participation.

Guidelines and criteria

This year a local citizen or a local community group will be eligible for the Indian Ocean Territories Cocos (Keeling) Islands Australia Day Award.

The recipient will be selected from a person or a group who has made a noteworthy contribution during the current year, or given outstanding service to the local community over a number of years through active involvement.

Selection Criteria

The winner will have been judged to have shown active citizenship and:

Significant contribution to the local community

Demonstrated leadership on a community issue resulting in the enhancement of community life.

A significant initiative which has brought about positive change and added value to community life.

Inspiring qualities as a role model for the community.

Eligibility Criteria

Nominees should reside or work principally within the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

The award may be granted posthumously in recognition of recent achievements.

A group of people or a couple will not normally be eligible except when meeting the criteria for a community group.

A person may receive an award on more than one occasion in recognition of their particularly outstanding community contribution or involvement in an alternative initiative.

Unsuccessful nominees may be nominated in future years.

Nomination Process

Your local government invites nominations for the awards from community groups and private citizens.

A form will be available on the Shire’s website and advertised in upcoming editions of The Atoll which you can use for your nominations. Copies will also be available by contacting Isa Minkom at our Home Island office.

Please keep in mind that the close off for nominations will be 4pm Wednesday 17th December 2014.

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 4

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

The Shire Ranger (Razali Zainiel) conducts a regular monitoring and inspection of all shire controlled land. During a recent inspection of the land behind the Oceania house near the brick wall I have noticed that a resident have recently planted some banana trees in this area, without seeking the written approval of the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

I remind all residents that planting banana trees on Shire controlled land without prior written approval is not permitted, and may result in the banana trees being removed. The recently planted banana trees alongside the brick wall behind Oceania house will be removed in 7 days.

I take this opportunity to advise all residents on Home Island that the Shire still has a number of garden plots available if required.

If you have any further concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me on the details provided below.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Pokok-pokok Pisang Ditanam Dibelakang Rumah Besar Didalam Tanah Yang Dibawa Tanggungan Shire

Shire Ranger (Razali Zainiel) sering menjalankan pengawasan dan pemeriksaan terhadap semua tanah yang dibawa tanggungan Shire. Dimasa pemeriksaan kawasan tanah dibelakang Rumah Besar ditepi tembok kebelakangan ini saya telah perhatikan yang seorang penduduk telah menanam pokok-pokok pisang dalam kawasan ini, tanpa mendapati kebenaran daripada Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands secara tertulis.

Saya memperingati semua penduduk yang menanam pokok-pokok pisang dalam tanah yang didalam tanggungan Shire tanpa kebenaran secara tertulis dahulu tidak dibenarkan, dan boleh menghasilkan pokok-pokok pisang ini diangkat. Pokok-pokok pisang yang baru ditanam disepanjang tembok Rumah Besar ini akan diangkat dalam masa 7 hari.

Saya mengambil peluang ini untuk menasihati semua penduduk di Home Island yang Shire masih lagi mempunyai berberapa plot tanaman yang disediakan jika diperlukan.

Jika ada kekuatiran, silahkan hubungi saya diketerangan yang diberikan dibawa.

Terima kasih atas kerjasama semua.

Razali Zainiel

Ranger Services

Email: [email protected]

T: 08 9162 6649 F: 08 9162 6668

Banana Trees Planted Behind Oceania House Under Shire Controlled Land

Free Keyboards!!!

The Shire currently has surplus second hand keyboards at its disposal. If you are interested in obtaining a keyboard/s, please contact Munirah at our Home Island Office.

Keyboard Free!!!

Shire mempunyai keyboard bekas lebih daripada yang diperlukan. Kalok ada sesiapa yang mau dan berminat, silahkan hubungi Munirah diopis kami di Home Island.

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 5

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

The Water Corporation would like to thank the Home Island community for your patience and support during the recent pro-longed power outage.

Thanks to those on Home and West Island who also assisted with transport of people, equipment and bottled water, your effort and assistance was very much appreciated.

Special thanks goes to Dave, Andy and Khoo from IOTPS Christmas Island who, with about 1 hour’s notice, dropped what they were doing on Christmas Island and jumped on a plane to Cocos to work with us to restore the power.

Finally thanks to the Water Corporation team on the ground who worked hard under considerable pressure to restore the power and keep the water and wastewater going in the right direction.

Thank you.

Water Corporation ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penduduk Home Island di atas kesabaran dan bantuan dimasa tidak ada kilap yang berpanjangan.

Terima kasi kepada semua yang berada di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang yang juga telah membantu untuk mengirimkan orang, bekakas dan air botol, kerja keras dan bantuan kalian sangat di hargai.

Terima kasih yang istimewa di ucapkan kepada Dave, Andy dan Khoo dari IOTPS Pulu Kerismis yang hanya dengan satu jam diberi berita saja dapat meniggalkan apa yang mereka buat di Pulu Kerismis dan terus berangakat di kapal terbanag datang ke Pulu Kokos untuk bekerja dengan kami untuk mengembalikan kilap.

Yang akhir sekali terima kasih kepada pekerja Water Corporation yang di darat yang telah bekerja keras dengan tekanan yang sangat dalam untuk mengembalikan kilap dan sambil memastikan yang air dan air kotor berjalan ke jalan yang kenak.

Terima kasih

Rohan Dyall

Water Corporation Operations Manager

Azmie Zaitu Centre Gym

It has come to the Shire’s attention that a window has been forcefully opened recently. This has damaged the window and required urgent repair by Shire staffs to rectify the damage.

It is a foolish crime towards a popular facility. The Shire, Dept of Sports and Recreation and community volunteers have ex-pended many hours sourcing equipments and funding to create a facility that is worthwhile for the community.

The Shire advises users to take pride in these facilities and to adhere to simple gym etiquettes that are clearly displayed on the gym walls. Should any of the equipments become faulty or damaged, kindly inform the Shire immediately for necessary further actions.

In disappointment the Shire has reported this crime to the Australian Federal Police.

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 6

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)


When standing at the most northern point of the earth, what is the name of the closest island to the west of that point?

Answer in ‘Games’ page...

Brainteaser Central!

Angry - Marah

Calm - Tenang

Sad - Sedih

Happy - Girang

Laughing - Ketawa

Crying - Menangis

Smile - Mesam

Frown - Merengut

Frightened - Ketakutan

Brave - Berani

Cocos Malay Words

A cubic inch of human bone is four times stronger than concrete!

Did You Know???

Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism Association


Commencing Early 2015


The Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism Association is calling for applications from well presented, enthusiastic and suitably qualified persons for the position of Casual Tourism Support Officer. The positions being offered are on a casual basis to cover staff leave and relief as required. A traineeship in Travel and Tourism (Certificate II in Tourism – Sales and Office Operations) is also available to the right applicant.


Competently handle all day to day enquiries (in person, via telephone and email), merchandise sales and tour bookings for the Visitor Centre.

Provide a comprehensive, accurate, friendly and prompt information service for visitors to the Islands.

Answer counter, telephone and email enquiries regarding the Cocos Keeling Islands, including its tourist facilities, attractions and activities and proficiently distribute information as required.

Provide a friendly and informative ‘Meet and Greet’ service for plane arrivals on charter days (could possibly include Saturdays).

Actively sell local tours and merchandise to visitors to the Visitor Centre.

Daily management of Bookeasy online booking system - training provided.

Data entry using MYOB accounting software – training provided.

Cash handling, EFTPOS sales and till register operation.

Daily general maintenance of the Visitor Centre to ensure that the Visitors Centre is well stocked, attractively, informatively and professionally presented.

Other duties as directed by the Visitor Centre Manager or the Marketing Manager.


Excellent customer service skills and the ability to market and promote the aims and philosophy of the Tourism Association in a professional manner.

Proven ability to work with minimal supervision.

Proven honesty, reliability, loyalty and responsibility.

High level of knowledge of local tourism products, services, facilities and activities.

Applicants need to demonstrate initiative, motivation and willingness to learn about the tourism industry.

Sound communication and interpersonal skills – including high levels of communication in person, via email and via tele-phone.

High level of computer literacy – including demonstrated experience and proficiency in Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Outlook and MYOB accounting software.


Remuneration is $25.00 per hour as a casual employee ($20.00 per hour plus 25% casual loading).


Please provide current Curriculum Vitae, plus written application addressing the duties, responsibilities, experience and skills. Closing date for applications is 3.00 pm Friday 5th December 2014.

Applications are to be submitted to –

Visitor Centre Manager - Kerenda Keogh Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism Association PO Box 1064 Cocos Keeling Islands WA 6799

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 7

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Antibiotics don’t kill viruses Antibiotics are medicines used to treat infections caused by bacteria.

The common cold or flu is usually caused by a virus

Antibiotics will not:

kill a virus

Will not help you get over a cold faster

Won’t stop your cold infection getting worse

Won’t prevent your cold from being passed onto other people

If you are usually well and healthy your immune system will step up for you. If you catch a cold you can make yourself more comfortable by:


Treating your symptoms

Drinking lots of water and non alcoholic fluids

Taking medicines such as paracetamol and ibuprofen

If you are concerned come and see us at the Health Centre.

Working with our Communities To keep us healthy

For the whole of our lives

Ubat antibiotik tidak bunuh penyakit vairas Ubat antibiotik di guna kan untok penyakit jangkitan yang menyebabkan dari bakteria

Penyakit sema-sema biasa nya di sebab kan dari vairas

Antibiotik tak akan

Membunuh vairas

Tak akan tulong kamu melebih cepat sehat dari penyakit itu.

Tak hentikan sema-sema kamu lebih maju.

Tak mengcegat sema-sema kamu menjangkit pada orang lain.

Kalau kamu biasa nya baik / sehat ubat badan kamu akan cega penyakit itu untok kamu. Kalau dapat penyakit sema-sema boleh buat diri kita lebih enak dengan,


Ubati tanda tanda penyakitan kamu.

Minium banyak ayer dan jangan ayer miniuman

Minium ubat Panadol / Ibuprofen

Kalau kamu ada kuatiran datang ketemu kami di Pusat Kesehatan.

The 17th to the 23rd of November is Antibiotics Awareness week. In acknowledgement of this important information the Health Service is running a competition. The Competition consists of 10 easy questions about the information in this article. There are prizes awarded for first 10 correct entries. So come over to the Health Centre on either Home island or West Island and test your knowledge. A small gift will be given for each entry.

Tempat: Rumah Masyarakat Home Island

Tanggal: Rebo 3rd December, jam 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Lagu akan di mainkan oleh: DJ Huz

Banyak hadiyah akan di bagikan. Makanan dan ayer akan di sediakan.

Ferry akan di adakan untuk anak-anak Pulu Panjang. Cahaya Baru akan lepas jam 6:00 pm dari pada Pulu Panjang dan kembali jam 8:00 pm daripada Home Island.  

Venue: Home Island Cyclone Shelter

Date: Wednesday 3rd December, 6.30pm –8.00pm

Music by: DJ Huz

Great prizes to be given out during the night. Free food and drinks provided.

Ferry departs West Island at 6.00pm and return trip departs Home Island at 8.00pm

Blue Light Disco  

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 8

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Notice The Cocos Club is missing a VERY LARGE number of chairs the same as the one Pictured - and this matter has been referred to the Police.

The Club has NOT given away or sold any of these chairs so if you are in possession of, or are aware of the whereabouts of any of them, could you please either have them returned to the Club as soon as possible, or notify us of their location so that we can come and collect them – no questions asked.

Thank you – Club Management

Notis Cocos Club sedang hilang BANYAK SEKALI korsi-korsi seperti dalam gambar ini - dan perkara ini telah dikemukakan kepada Polis.

Club TIDAK pernah buang ataupun jual korsi-korsi ini jadi kalau kamu mempunyai, atau tau dimana adanya, tolong kembalikan, atau beritau kami tempatnya supaya kami boleh pigi mengambilnya - tanpa pertanyaan apapun.

Terima kasih – Pengurusi Club

New Phone App to Help Tenants –iRentWA

iRentWA is a new, free phone app developed by Consumer Protection (CP) to provide all Island tenants with portable information about your rights and responsibilities when renting, as well as having handy tools to manage your tenancy from the very beginning.

iRentWA has many useful prompts including one to take photos of the condition of the property when you arrive and any items that need repair, a reminder of when to return the compulsory property condition report, rent reminders, rent increase notices, inspections and the end dates for periodic or fixed term contracts.

The app notifies you if the information entered doesn’t meet residential tenancy law – and what you can do about it. It explains the proper notice periods, getting bonds back and what to do with a breach notice – the type of information that is very useful for renters living on the Island and extremely valuable for anyone leaving to rent on the WA mainland.

iRent WA is very popular and gets great feedback. It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play, and doesn’t cost you a cent! More information can be found on the Consumer Protection website For advice on renting and all other consumer protection matters call 1300 30 40 54 or email [email protected]

These two birds are on South Island.

The small one is a Broadbilled Sandpiper and this is the first time ever seen on Cocos. It

migrates down from Russia through India and some make it to the North coast of Australia.

The larger bird is a Grey Plover which we usually get 2 or 3 passing through Cocos most years.

These Plovers are found all over the world, they breed in the Northern Arctic then head South. In Australia Grey Plovers are found on all coasts as far south as Tasmania.

Geof’s Birds Nest

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 9

Solar Power

Energy from the sun can be captured in two ways: as heat energy (thermal energy) or as light energy. Photovoltaic (PV) technology, also known as solar panels, converts the sun's light energy into an electrical current.

Solar power systems have become increasingly popular with Australian home owners, with more than 1.275 million roof top systems installed across Australia (as at 30 August 2014).

While the upfront cost of a solar power system must be met, once installed they require little maintenance, can be expected to last 20 years or more, and the electricity they generate is free. The cost of solar panels is coming down quickly and systems are becoming more affordable for many households.

The process of converting sunlight into electricity using PV systems produces no greenhouse gas emissions. Any excess electricity above your needs can be fed back into the mains power grid or into a storage system like a battery bank.

How much power can I generate

Depending on your location, electricity consumption and the system size, installing solar panels may produce part or all of your household electricity requirements. A typ ical Australian house consumes around 17 kilowatt hours (kWh) per day, so a 1–2kW system displaces an average of 25–40 per cent of your average electricity bill, and could represent a substantial saving.

What assistance can I get

Rebates are available to help with the cost of installing solar power. Renewable power incentives in the form of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) can save thousands on the cost of a new system. You can also find out whether an electricity feed-in-tariff is available in your state or territory. If it is, you will want to know the amount you will receive for any electricity you generate and feed back into the grid, and whether you will be offered a gross or net feed-in-tariff.

Green Living Tips

More tips in next edition...

Office of the Indian Ocean Territories Administration

Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands Royal Australian Navy Navy Sea Power Centre Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism Association Cocos Islands Community Resource Centre Department of Veterans Affairs Centenary of ANZAC Local Grants Program Cocos Islands District High School AFP Parks Australia Museum WA & National Trust WA Australia Post & Royal Australian Mint Sally Harrison – Cocos Historical Society Fact Not Fiction Films Australian War Memorial Toll Airport Management Cocos Dept of Immigration & Customs Royal Australian Air Force Cocos Co-op, especially the Marine Unit for

the extra ferries and North Keeling Charter staffing

North Park Cocos Club Big Barge & Peter Wicks Cocos Autos Happy Jacks Dan Seinor Office of the Prime Minister Office of the Governor General Chief of Royal Australian Navy Cocos Business & Community Thank you for making the weekend a success. Amber Watters Sydney Emden 100 Project Manager


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their assistance and participation in the Weekend of Commemorations. The Weekend was a great success and a moment in Cocos history not to be forgotten. The generosity of the community in their work, volunteering, provision of equipment for use to install the memorial and in lending household items to the Navy was greatly appreciated and each and every person contributed to make the weekend a success for our domestic and international visitors. Below is a list of but some of the key people who were a part of the SE100 project. Thank you to the people/organisations below and everyone else whom I may have omitted:

Lionel Allen – started planning from the 90th! Brian Lacy – Chair of SE100 Ref Group Jon Stanhope – Chair of SE100 Ref Group Hon. Warren Snowdon and Vince Jeisman –

Centenary of ANZAC funding for Friendship Mast

Captain Gary Kennedy Ret’d– Navy Events, IFR Sydney 2013

Lieutenant Commander Desmond Woods – Navy Events

Navy Events Team Ret. Rear Admiral Henning Bess – SE100 Ref

Group Member and Head of the Emden Familie Peter Clarke – former Shire CEO, Ref Group

Member Colonel Bernd Pfaffenbach – Former German

Defence Attaché to Australia Nek Neng – SE100 Ref Group Member Shane Charlston & CKI Ports Trish Flores – Parks Australia Ron Grant – SE100 Ref Group Lisa Smith – Former CKITA Manager – Fact Not

Fiction Films Dee Friel – Former SE100 Project Manager,

Fact Not Fiction Films David Fagan – Volunteer SE100 Project Man-

ager Simon Millcock – SE100 Ref Group, Fact Not

Fiction Films Peter Griggs – SE100 Ref group Bob Crawshaw – Event Marketing, Media and

PR Terry Humble – Bronze castings Brandnet – SE100 Branding, Historical Booklet,

Marketing Support, Merchandise Ian Paterson – Historical Booklet Jules Bush – SE100 Ref Group Member

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 10

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Tips to Handle Symptoms of Stress

Stress is one of those mental problems that are very common worldwide. According to many medical experts stress is increasing nowadays because of the busy routines of the people in which they won’t have time for any kind of relaxation activity, doctors have also told that stress carries some very common physical and mental symptoms like headache, high blood pressure, heavy stomach, improper eating and others.

Some very effective ways by which you can keep the stress symptoms away.

Try to eat a proper balanced diet. A healthy diet can offset the symptoms of stress and one of the after affects of stress is also that it causes too much or too little eating that results in effecting your health badly.

Don’t burden yourself with so many activities that you can’t even handle. Draw a limit to your potential ability and don’t try to cross the line as this activity can increase the negatives like irritability or anger.

Exercise is one of the best ways to stay away from stress and it also keeps you fresh and fit, do some exercise for at least half an hour a day especially outdoors, it will prevent you from isolation and the social interaction will keep you away from stress.

Alcohol or drugs usage is one of the major contributor of stress symptoms. They weaken your power to cope with stress symptoms and they even make the symptoms worst by bringing the negative feelings like anger and sadness.

The yoga is one of the best stress relieving activity and it should be performed to protect you from stress.

These are just some activities which can help you in protecting yourself from stress symptoms and even if you are finding such symptoms in yourself, you can follow the above mentioned tips to remove them from your personality and make you fresh and healthy.

Healthy Living Tips

More tips in next edition...

Indian Ocean Group Training Association (CKI) is looking to run the

following VET and Short courses in 2015.

Please register with us if you are interested.

RST (Recreational Skippers Ticket) Every skipper of a registrable recreational vessel powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) (RST vessel) is required to hold a Recreational Skippers' Ticket (As of 1 April 2008).

MYOB Computing Course

Advance Excel Spreadsheet Course

Webpage Design

Heavy Machinery—Backhoe, Bobcat (Skidsteer Loader), Forklift, Telehandler

Senior First Aid/ Basic First Aid

Work Safely at Heights

White Card (Construction Induction Course)

Certificate IV in Project Management

Certificate IV in Training, Assessment & Education

Certificate III in Maritime Operations

Certificate II in Stevedoring

Certificate II in Construction

Should you be interested in any other courses that you would like us to run,

please contact us at the number below or email us at:

[email protected] or [email protected].

We would love to hear from you!

The Australian Government has made an Investment in this Project

Indian Ocean Group Training Association

More than just training…

Christmas Island Office

Old Tech School Murray Road Poon Saan

PO Box 457

Christmas Island WA 6798

Tel: (08) 9164 7220 Fax: (08) 9164 7129

Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Office 6, 225 Jalan Bunga Mawar

PO Box 105 Home Island

Cocos (Keeling) Island WA 6799

Tel: (08) 9162 6776 Fax: (08) 9162 6775

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 11

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Indian Ocean Group Training


More than just training…

Results and Progress from Our RJCP Activities for Jobseekers

Below: Progress on the Khutbah area

Below: Internal ceiling installed and painted. Installation of fans and light.

Home Island Mosque Progress in Pictures from September to October 2014

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 12

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Indian Ocean Group Training


More than just training…

Northern Entrance

Below: Progress on the West side veranda

Below: Western Entrance


Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 13

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Community Busy Bees for the New Home Island Mosque

Indian Ocean Group Training


More than just training…

Indian Ocean Group Training, as the service provider for the Federal Government Remote Jobs and Communities Program (RJCP), provides structured activities for job seekers to meet their participation requirements. Activities are structured to be as job like as possible and benefit the community. The activities and training helps them develop new skills which assists them in becoming engaged and job ready.

Job seekers participating at the Home Island Mosque are doing general construction work, painting, concreting and labouring jobs. Some of our female job seekers are engaged in sewing activities and preparing meals at the community working bees on weekends. The ladies in the sewing activity are currently making the costumes for the end of year school concert from clothing donated by the Cocos community.

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 14

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

RJCP: Ladies Sewing and Batik Activity

Creating multicoloured (recycled) tablecloths and costumes for the CIDHS School Concert

Indian Ocean Group Training


More than just training…




Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 15

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Cocos Islands Community Christmas Lunch

Please bring a delicious plate of food to share.

BYO everything - Chairs, Glasses, Plates,

Drinks, Cutlery etc.

Some Chairs and Tables provided.

Gather at the beach from 12.00 midday and

plan on eating lunch together from 12.30pm

25th December 2014 at Trannies Beach

Any queries please contact Pam or Geof on 9162 6579 or

House 18, West Island

Everyone Welcome!

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 16

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Fisheries fun facts Under a Service Delivery Agreement with the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, The Department of Fisheries WA (DoF) manages commercial fishing, recreational fishing and aquaculture activities at the Indian Ocean Territories (IOTs). Since 2006, DoF has conducted research on commercial, recreational and iconic fish species, as well as fish habitats and invertebrates. Results of this research can be found at DoF would like to share the research results and some Fun Facts on species found at the IOTs with the community. Watch this space! Crabs The IOTs are home to a large number and diversity of land crabs, especially Christmas Island which is well known for its endemic red crab (Gecarcoidea natalis) and their annual migration. Research indicates that there are up to 20 species of land crabs found on Christmas Island and at least 10 on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. On top of this remarkable abundance not matched anywhere in the world, over 100 crab species have been recorded from the reefs and shallow waters around the IOTs and form an important part of the coral reef ecosystem. Crabs can be divided into two groups – the suborder Brachyura or ‘true’ crabs and the suborder Anomura. True crabs such as the red crabs have greatly reduced abdomens which fold beneath their heads. This group includes Mud crabs which are present on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands in low numbers. It also includes many species found on the coral reef, shore crabs and ghost and fiddler crabs. The other group of crabs, Anomura, has larger abdomens and their last pair of legs is greatly reduced in size. Included in this

group are the squat lobsters (actually crabs), porcelain crabs, the infamous robber crabs (Birgus latro) found on Christmas Island and Pulu Keeling, and the closely related hermit crabs, often seen in hundreds on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Hermit crabs are often used as bait on Cocos, so the pressure on these crabs is increasing and there are reports of localised depletions. Feel free to contact Kim Hands, Community Education Officer for the IOTs, at any time on [email protected] or Work: 9203 0345/Mobile: 0418 915 281.

Fakta Fisheries Yang Menyenangkan Dibawa Service Delivery Agreement dengan Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, The Department of Fisheries WA (DoF) mengurusi pemancingan ‘commercial’, pemancingan rekreasi dan aktiviti aquaculture di Indian Ocean Territories (IOTs). Semenjak 2006, DoF telah menjalankan penyelidikkan dalam commercial, rekreasi dan jenis ikan-ikan ikonik, temasuk

tempat tinggal ikan dan invertebrates. Hasil daripada penyelidikkan ini boleh didapati di DoF ingin berkongsikan hasil penyelidikkan dan berberapa “Fun Facts” berkenaan jenis-jenis yang didapati di IOTs dengan masyarakat. Jaga halaman ini! Kepiting IOT adalah tempat tinggal untuk berbagai jenis kepiting, terutama di Pulu Christmas yang terkenal dengan jumlah kepiting merah (Gecarcoidea natalis) dan pegerakkan tahunan mereka. Penyelidikkan telah menunjukkan yang hamper 20 jenis kepiting didapati di Pulu Christmas dan kira-kira 10 di Pulu Cocos (Keeling). Tambahnya jumlah banyaknya tidak tertanding dengan dimana saja didunia, lebih dari 100 jenis kepiting telah didaftar dari baria dan ayer cetek disekitar IOT dan menjadi bahgian ecosystem yang penting. Kepiting dibagi dalam dua kumpulan – sebahgian Brachyura atau kepiting ‘betol’ dan sebahgian Anomura. Kepiting betol seperti kepiting merah mempunyai perut yang berkurangan yang dilipat dibawah kepala mereka. Kumpulan ini termasuk Rajungan yang berada di Pulu Cocos (Keeling) dalam jumlah yang sedikit. Ia juga termasuk berberapa jenis yang didapati di baria, pinggir laut dan kepiting mata panjang dan kepiting gelima. Kumpulan kepiting, Anomura, mempunyai perut yang lebih besar dan kaki mereka yang terakhir lebih kecil. Yang termasuk dalam kumpulan ini ‘squat lobsters’ (ternyatanya kepiting), ‘porcelain crabs’, yang terkenal udang darat (Birgus latro) yang didapati di Pulu Christmas dan Keeling, dan bersaudaraan dengan umpan, yang biasa dilihat beratusan di Pulu Cocos (Keeling). Umpan biasa digunakan sebagai gaitan di Cocos, jadi jenis ini terancam dan telah ada laporan berkenaan kekurangannya. Silahkan hubungi Kim Hands, Community Education Officer untuk IOTs, bila-bila masa saja di [email protected] atau Kerjaan: 9203 0345/Mobile: 0418 915 281.

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 17

Public Notices Notis-notis Umum

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 18

Public Notices (cont’d) Notis-notis Umum (seterusnya)

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 19

Sports & Rec Review Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi

Cocos Islands Golf Club News & Results

2/10/14 Winners - 33 Leah, Kel, Spencer, Sarah, Utah , Ben', Steve Naga - 35 (two teams) 9/10/14 Winners - 34 Kel, Greg, Sandra, Ash NAGA - 39 Greg S, Utah, Amber, Leah LD - Leah NTP - Implement - Kent 16/10/14 Lin and Pete Testimonial Winners - 29 Ash, Tina, Johnny, Wendy, Baz, Shan NAGA - 34 Digger, Pat, Jennie, Colin, Kylie, Bec NTP - Kylie LD - Ash Implement- Pete, Wazza, Lin 23/10/14 PINK scroungers $1050.00 raised!! for Breast Cancer Winners - 32, Baz, Jennie, Kel, Dan, Kel NAGA - 35 Wazza, Lee, Smarty 1, Smarty 2, Wendy NTP - LD- Jennie Implement - Baz, Leah Best Dressed Wendy, Dan, Leah 30/10/14 Winners - 31 Baz, Lee, Steve, Bec, Greg, Shan, Joel NAGA - 34 Wazza, Ray, Colin, Judy, Jen NTP - LD - Jennie Implement - Lewis, Colin

4/9/14 Winners - 19 Ash, Brad, Bec, Tina, Mike, Leah NAGA 24 Baz, Michelle, Chris, James, Svenja, Jenny, Jude LD - Kylie NTP - Ash Implements Jenny, Svenya, Ray, Sebastian, Ryan, Hendo 11/9/14 Winners - 33 Ash, Tina, John, Steve NAGA - 40 Wendy, Jared, Mitch, Jennie LD- Shan NTP Greg Implement - Steve 18/9/14 Winners - 31 OK Dan, Mitch, Leah, Claire, Levi NAGA (2 teams) - 33 Tina, Alysia, Lee, Ray, Colin, Jude, Fiona, Collin & Wendy, Lesley, Jerry, Bas, Kel, Dan NTP - Ok Dan NTP - Lev Implement - Dan no 3 25/9/14 Winners - 31 Baz, Shan, Phil, Damien, Wazza NAGA - 35 Wendy, Kent, Leah, Shane, Michael LD - Kel NTP - Baz Implements - Kent, Kel, Moe, Mary-Anne

Scroungers Results:


A special Scroungers with Chief of Navy, German Ambassador, German Defence Attache, Administrators, Dept of Veteran Affairs, MP's, Emden descendants, Sydney descendants, journalists and residents of the Cocos Keeling Islands. A special thanks to our volunteers, the Sydney-Emden 100 group, IOTHS and Paul & Kylie Marshall for the loan of their marquees and everyone

who attended our event.

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 20

Sports & Rec Review (cont’d) Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi (seterusnya)

Cocos Islands Jukong and Sailing Club Inc.

15 November 2014

Dear Cocos Islands Community,

The Cocos Islands Jukong and Sailing Club (CIJSC) was officially formed as an incorporated body in July 2013. We are now seek-ing memberships for the 2015 sailing season. The club was formed to encourage sailing programs for youth and adults to learn the basics in sailing techniques and skills on Hobi Cats (Trimarans, Bravos and T2’s). This introduction to sailing for beginners will then lead to competitive events across different classes, including learning how to sail the traditional Jukong. This is a sustainable approach to continue the unique culture and heritage of traditional Jukong sailing for residents and visitors.

The 2015 aims are:

To affiliate (join) with Yachting Western Australia

To conduct youth sailing training programs and competitions (Little Tackers Program)

To conduct monthly twilight training sessions for West Island youth and adults.

To host corporate and tourism events for residents and visitors

To officially open the Jukong Training, Education and Restoration Centre on Home Island

The long term aims are:

To become an accredited Discover Training Centre under Yachting Australia

To host national sailing regattas for sailing clubs around Australia

To host international sailing regattas for sailing clubs around the world

There are considerable costs involved with setting up and maintaining such a Club, whilst some costs are covered by member-ship fees, there are other ongoing costs such as upgrading safety equipment, administration, insurance fees, etc. In an effort to meet these costs, we are offering individuals, businesses and organisations the opportunity to become a member, corporate member or corporate sponsor to assist with the development of our clubs aims.

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 21

Sports & Rec Review (cont’d) Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi (seterusnya)

Standard Membership

Standard Membership offers anyone interested in sailing on Cocos Islands the opportunity to utilise the Club’s sailing vessels and to participate in any of the training programs.

Junior: $10 pa. Adult Ordinary: $25 pa. Family: $50 pa. (2 adults, 2 children) Temporary (non-resident): $50 per sail

Business Sponsorship

The cost is $120 per annum. Sponsor logos will be included in the new CIJSC 2015 TRADE WINDS CALENDAR, website and facebook sites.

Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship includes corporate logos on a Jukong hull, corporate logo on a Jukong jib sail and logo inclusion in the CIJSC 2015 TRADE WINDS CALENDAR.

The cost is $1,500 for 2 years. Only 6 Jukongs are available.

The Cocos Islands Jukong & Sailing Club Membership application forms are located at Australia Post outlets on West Island and Home Island. These forms detail the clubs sailing rules and regulations. Payment must be made BEFORE 31 December 2014.

On behalf of the Cocos Islands Jukong and Sailing Club Committee, I hope you can become a member and support our efforts to sustain and develop the sport and tradition on Cocos Islands.

Kind regards

Hj Zaitol (Nek Fifi)

President Cocos Islands Jukong and Sailing Club Inc. Cocos Islands WA 6799

E: [email protected] Facebook: cocosjukongsailingclub

Membership Annual Fee Tick Full Name House # Island

Junior $10

Adult $25

Family $50

Jukong Team $50

Business $120




Hire of equipment

Youth Training Included

Member Hire $25/sail (Hobi)

Non resident $50/sail (Hobi)

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 22

Sudoku Solutions Crossword Solutions

How do I do it? 

The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only  one  condition:  each  row,  column  and  group  of squares enclosed by the bold lines must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once.  

The  rules  for  different  size  and  shape  puzzles  are  pretty much  identical. The different size puzzles simply require a different set of numbers. 

Brainteaser Answer


There is no island because when you are at the most northern point of earth all directions are south.

Crosswords, Sudoku & Games...

ACROSS 1. Sharp intake of breath 5. Ceased 10. Offended 14. Govern 15. Light wispy precipitation 16. Two-toed sloth 17. Alteration 19. Shower 20. Pen part 21. Highly skilled 22. A very proper person 23. File 25. Homeric epic 27. A late time of life 28. Clairvoyants 31. Bunches of hair or grass 34. Rituals 35. Letter after sigma 36. Makes a mistake 37. Cabs 38. Small slender gull 39. Spy agency 40. Data stream manipulator 41. High, low and neap 42. Bannister 44. Enemy 45. Doctrine

46. Incessantly 50. "Hogwash!" 52. Gain knowledge 54. In the past 55. Sweeping story 56. Pronounced 58. "Gee!" 59. American aloe 60. Troubles 61. Flower stalk 62. Units of computer data 63. Prying


1. Opulent 2. Sound 3. Thick slices of something 4. Liveliness 5. Avoided 6. Fertilizer ingredient 7. Trickle 8. Vain 9. One of the tribes of Israel 10. Yay!

11. Not financially examined

12. Police action

13. Melody

18. Most dogs have them 22. Photos 24. Collections 26. Caustics 28. Picture element 29. Concern 30. Stars 31. Engineering school 32. Murres 33. Suffrage 34. The medical use of X-rays 37. Tailless amphibian 38. Fastens

40. Team 41. 1000 kilograms 43. One eighth of a fluid ounce 44. Coerces 46. Unsophisticated

47. Forbidden 48. Leers 49. Verse

50. Pins

51. Smudge 53. French for "State"

56. Apprehend 57. Barley bristle


Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 23

Dates to Remember… Tanggal Untuk Diingat...

Date Time Particulars Venue Contact

01/01/15 New Years Day Public Holiday

05/01/15 Mari Maulud Nabi (Muhammad’s Birthday) Public Holiday (in lieu of Sat 3 Jan)

26/01/15 Australia Day Public Holiday

17/12/14 4pm CKI Australia Day Award Shire Isa 91626649

“A Cocos Moment”

Do you have a Cocos Moment you would like to share?

Email your favourite photo to [email protected] or drop into the Community Resource Centre.

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Wish to send love ones special messages on their birthdays and anniversaries? 

Drop in at the Telecentre or email [email protected] 

15.11.14: Happy 8th birthday to Henry Lacy, our l ittle cheeky monkey.

Photo: Kylie Werndly-Bohari

After it’s recent official opening during the Sydney-Emden Weekend of Commemoration, the Friendship Mast is now displayed proudly in front of the Administration building on West Island.

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 24

Upcoming Community Events

The above events are all advertised on the Cocos Islands CRC website.

If you have a community event you would like to advertise, please contact our office with your details:

Phone: 9162 7707 Email: [email protected] Website:

Event Name Event Date Event Host

Shire Council Meeting 26/11/2014 Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands

West Island Market Day 06/12/2014 Cocos Islands CRC

WI Kids Gymbercali Concert 5pm @ WI Campus 13/12/2014 Trish

Santa, Christmas Carols and Members Farewell 14/12/2014 Cocos Club

Shire Council Meeting 17/12/2014 Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands

New Years Eve 31/12/2014 Cocos Club

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 25

Thursday 4th Dec 2014

1:00pm Tuesday 2nd Dec 2014

The next edition of The Atoll will be produced on: 

Edisi The Atoll selanjutnya akan dikeluarkan pada:  

All items/materials must be received by: 

Semua majalah mesti diterima sebelom: 


[email protected]


(08) 9162 66


Contact for T

he Atoll:

Mohammed Isa Minkom

Letters to the Editor will either be accepted or rejected by the Editor. Items need to be: 

Accurate and/or factual  Not defamatory or inflammatory 

Identified by author Please take into consideration our format when preparing your items/materials to make the most of the spaces available.   

The Atoll publication staffs reserves the right to edit the formatting of articles submitted for publication. 

Materials should preferably be electronically forwarded to: [email protected] 

To ensure a timely distribution of the newsletter, we request that all items/materials be forwarded before 1pm, 2 days prior to its distribution date. 


The views expressed in articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editors or other volunteers who work to produce  

The Atoll. The editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items as considered necessary.  

No responsibility is accepted for any statement of opinion, any error or omissions. 

Have Your Say

Cocos Snapshots 2... Gambaran Cocos 2...

Welcome Daisy Joycelyn Archer born 13th November 2014 weighing 3.33kgs, congratulations to Brendon, Vanessa, Kaedon and Isla

A presentation to Shane Charlston from the Marine Troop, Special Air Service Regiment for his assistance during “Iron Moon” exercise. Fazli giving his first kite lesson 2 thumbs up!

Bonus squid! Coming home from fishing and a squid flies into your boat...WINNING!

Printed: Wednesday, 19 November 2014 Page 26

Cocos Snapshots 2... Gambaran Cocos 2...