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Coaching & OJT:Two Ways to Solve Three Employee Development


[email protected]

Find five things in commonApplies to coaching: build rapport by finding things in common
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Objectives• Address three employee development

dilemmas:• “I have a limited budget for training classes.” • “Back on the job, my employees don’t apply what

they learn in training classes.”• “There isn’t a specific class for what my

employees need to know.”

• Stimulate participants to get employee development off the “back burner.”

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1. Overview

2. How coaching addresses the three dilemmas

3. How OJT addresses the three dilemmas

4. Comments and questions (also any time during presentation)

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How Coaching Addresses the

Three Dilemmas

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Coaching Is…

• Helping another to achieve her/his goals by empowering rather than telling

• Affected by the changing paradigm of management

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Two Hats of Management

Managing Focuses on getting

things done Getting things

done: directing by telling

Coaching Focuses on

developing people Developing people:

guiding by asking

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Which hat?

1. An employee needs you to bring in a temp to help complete a project

2. An employee doesn’t have a specific required skill

3. An employee doesn’t meet expectations from time to time

4. Your boss is hindering the progress of one of your employees

5. Your team needs a new tool to do a task

6. An employee consistently doesn’t meet expectations

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Coaching Opportunities

• Coach an employee when she/he needs:• OJT• Encouragement• Motivation• Alignment• Realignment

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Steps Opportunities


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1. Evaluate the situation: Observe behavior and/or result.

Match the situation with an opportunity on the right.

Take notes on how you will approach the situation using the remaining steps as a guideline.

2. Describe the situation: Introduce the opportunity. Discuss the impact. Gain agreement that there is a

situation that needs to be addressed.

3. Plan a change: Collaborate on a solution

Ensure understanding Gain commitment



4. Revisit the plan: Set a date Be supportive

OJT Encouragement Motivation Alignment Realignment

Exercise: What's the difference?Have participants look at motivation and alignment and come up with a general or specific difference between the two.Example: specific difference - Motivation ends step 3 with enthusiasm
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Effective Communication

Be flexibleBe flexible




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Coaching Also Involves

• Well-formed outcomes• Backtracking (paraphrasing

with their words)• Challenging• Precision model

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How OJT Addresses the

Three Dilemmas

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• OJT and SOJT• The value of SOJT• OJT vs. SOJT• What does it take?

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The Value of SOJT• Training is consistent

• Proven system: trained the same way

• Training is efficient• Proven process: trained in less

time• Training is effective

• Proven methods: trained right the first time

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Informal OJT vs. Structured OJT

• Done at or near the job site

• Provided by job experts • One-on-one or small

group • Job experts create

materials for trainees• Systematic: scheduled,

consistently demonstrated, tested, and measured

• Done at or near the job site

• Provided by peers • One-on-one or small

group• Trainees takes notes

while peer demonstrates• Unsystematic: “Let me

show you…Got it?”

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What it Takes

1. Analyze the work and the environment. Which analyst tasks need to be

trained outside of the classroom?

Discover environmental obstacles.

2. Identify the trainers and train them.

3. Create training materials.

5. Implement SOJT. Evaluate results & make


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MMaannaaggeemmeenntt 4. Address environmental obstacles.

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What is a job aid?

• A task or procedure written in a format that helps trainers do a better job and helps employees learn more effectively

• Use job aids to teach employees a variety of work-related skills (e.g., write reports, create purchase orders, analyze policy).

• A job aid should be SMART

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SMART Job Aids

S - Start the task when they should

M - Get the correct materials

A - Perform the correct actions

R - Produce the desired result

T - Meet task standards

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• Final questions or comments?• Items on a table• [email protected]• (916) 337-8255• Thank you!