Download - CO HCO CaCO H CO P - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020. 12. 31. · 1 3 5 7 CO 3 a 2 HCO 3 -CaCO 3 (s) (Ca2+)max H 2CO 3 P CO 2 Fixed Log C-pH diagram for Ca2+ and carbonate at equilibrium

  • 1 3 5 7




    HCO3 -

    CaCO3 (s)



    PCO2 Fixed

    Log C-pH diagram for Ca2+ and carbonate at equilibrium with PCO2 = 10-3.5 atm

    and CaCO3hatched area of the graph is supersaturated with respect to CaCO3(calcite); at equilibrium the free calcium concentration and the pH must yield a point on the

    the condition [HCO3 -] = 2[Ca2+

    from the intersection of the corresponding vertical line the graphs of the various species.


    pH 9 13








    +1 1o of freedom if aqueous fluid, CO2 (q) at fixed PCO2, and CaCO3(s)



    P, T, and

    (s). A system whose calcium concentration and pH yield a point in the

    saturation line of the diagram. The solution is given by point a, which satisfies ]. The composition of the system is then obtained


    are in eq at fixed P, T (so if no P, T, no [Ca]

    Figure by MIT OCW.