Download - Co-creation workshops for UX Research


Hi, I’m Aaron. See that URL for more about me.This short presentation is all about how I approach spreading user research inside an organization via a workshop.

Tangibility/physical representations/prototypes of research results is extremely important for several reasons. 1) It helps to have something to refer, point to, and manipulate during a conversation thus helping create common meanings. 2) Physically arranging things changes the way we think about things, allowing for different insights, i.e. “things to think with.” 3) Such artefacts allow a “conversation with the materials” to really see what is possible. For primary human needs think Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

My PhD thesis is focused on understanding communication across boundaries within a company. This framework presented here talks about the basis for such communication and is the basis for much of the workshop methodology. 

In slide 2 I mentioned user data. This can mean many different things to different people. These examples will help you understand what I mean by that.

This will help you get the feel for what a half-day workshop looks like. This is compressed into the smallest time frame possible. This will only work with a limited amount of data to be considered. Larger amounts of data will require more time. It is also important to note that such a workshop requires some willingness to participate fully.

IMPORTANT: Researcher(s) are to craft an artefact or two (such as poster or ppt) that can be hung up in team area and/or sent to all participants/stakeholders within 2 business days of workshop


For questions, catch me on twitter @houssian.