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Page 1: Cluster basics: the Role of University in Cluster Development

Role of a University in Cluster Development

Flower E. Msuya

Facilitator, Zanzibar Seaweed Cluster Initiative,

Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es

Salaam, P.O. Box 668, Zanzibar, Tanzania

11th Annual Global Conference on The

Competitiveness Institute, Southern Sun Cape Sun,

Cape Town, South Africa, 29 — 31 OCTOBER 2008

Page 2: Cluster basics: the Role of University in Cluster Development

Lay out of the presentation

O Definition of a university

O Definition of clusters and clustering

O Role of universities in Cluster development

Case study: The role of the university of Dar O Case study: The role of the university of Dar es salaam in cluster development in Tanzania

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Defining university

O The word university is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et

scholarium, roughly meaning "community of teachers and scholars”of teachers and scholars”

O Universities deal with accumulation of knowledge, its development and transmission across generations and its practitioners and transmitters.

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Defining a cluster

O According to Porter (1990) “Clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, firms in related industries and associated institutions etc in particular fields associated institutions etc in particular fields that compete but also cooperate”

O Clusters are based on common technologies or know how, commodity or service linkages, competitive advantages etc.

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The role of universities in cluster development

O Clusters can develop naturally

O A university can hasten and direct the process

O Universities can provide technology, training personnel, identify opportunities and linkages and assess the developmental processand assess the developmental process

O Universities ( as a part of triple helix) and clusters can work together to develop organisational structure, assess needs, identify problems and solutions and identifying new areas of development

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The case of the University of Dar es Salaam

O Vision: “to become a reputable world-class university that is responsive to national, regional and global development needs through engagement in dynamic knowledge creation and application.”

O Mission: “the unrelenting pursuit of scholarly and strategic research, education, training and public service directed at attainment of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development of Tanzania and the rest of Africa.”

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Contributions of the University to

clusters and Cluster Initiatives

O Education and training

O Research

O Technology

O Extension

O Financing

O Economic Role

O Other roles

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O Provision of the right education to ensure

formation and sustainability of cluster


O Incorporating the cluster idea curricula

••••O Education/Training

O Incorporating the cluster idea curricula

-CoET-UDSM: Innovation courses

-Diploma, Certificate, short courses,

training an extension

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O Training of facilitators (e.g. ISCP-Tz has

done 3 trainings with more than 100 trained


O Training of stakeholders


O Training of stakeholders

– how to run activities as

business (entrepreneurship), innovation,

O Pave way to changing established/ present

mind-set of people

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O Training of researchers (within & out of

Univ.) in innovation/ Cluster development and


-need to have batch of researchers with


-need to have batch of researchers with

innovation skills

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O Training of groups of cluster members

on particular skills-Special courses

e.g. A special course to tour guides by


e.g. A special course to tour guides by

UDSM (History Dept) for the Bagamoyo

Cultural Heritage Tourism Cluster


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Conduct research on issues related to cluster problems

-quality control, diseases, resistant

/alternative varieties


O e.g. IMS-UDSM:

research on a new/alternative

seaweed sp. for Seaweed cluster


O die-off mitigation


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O Seaweed farming

O Deep water floating lines seaweed farming technique to combat die-offs

O Seaweed soap production machines O Seaweed soap production machines

O Mushroom farming

O Solar panels?? Food processing cluster?

O ……

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The seaweed soap production machines made at


Kettle for boiling and mixing

• Technology

Solar drier Seaweed grinder

Kettle for boiling and mixing

Extruder Moulder

Official launching

Seaweed soap

Other examples also available

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O Benchmarking visits

O Exchange visits

O Participatory identification of a problem


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O To establish what is there and give reports

O Help in establishment of collaboration between clusters

O Create environment for sharing experiences

Benchmarking visits

O Create environment for sharing experiences

O Evaluate and give e.g. certificates to best performing clusters etc

Courtesy: Mr. Samuel Asman

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••••O Make use of the well established

clusters as (practical) training centres

for students e.g. University students

to visit and do research with various

Exchange visits

to visit and do research with various


O National & international students

visits to cluster activities

O Clusters visiting the university

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Participatory identification of a problem faced by members of a cluster/needs assessment and looking for answers

O Conduct seminars to identify the problems


O Example: Meetings of facilitator based at O Example: Meetings of facilitator based at the IMS with cluster members in 3 villages-identify problems the cluster groups have and want to solve

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O Sourcing of funds

OISCP with Sida, Rockefeller, other sources

O e.g. Zanzibar Seaweed Cluster Initiative-


O e.g. Zanzibar Seaweed Cluster Initiative-

worked with IMS to obtain funds from SMEs

Competitiveness Facility, Tz Commission for

Science & technology

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O CoET-UDSM Support to Cluster Initiatives-ISCP-Tz

E.g. Mushroom Cluster Initiative through ISCP

Economic RoleO••••

Courtesy: Mr. Samuel Asman

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Morogoro Metal Works

Cluster Initiative










2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Turnover (Mil TZS)

Firms Groups

© pchisawillo



(Mil TZS)

Year 2’3 2’4 2’5 2’6 2’7

Firms 2.68 4.06 4.94 5.53 6.51

%Incr. 34 18 11 17

Groups 0.74 1.11 1.40 2.59 2.72

%Incr. 34 21 46

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Zanzibar Seaweed Cluster Initiative

Number of Seaweed Cluster Initiative






2006 2007 2008






Number of Seaweed Cluster Initiative









2006 2007 2008


. o

f g



Year Year

Soap sales and profit in Kidoti Village, Zanzibar

(1 US$=1,150 Tsh.)







2005 2006 2007 Jan-


T. S





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O Advertise, create, and coordinate cluster initiatives/clusters

O Support facilities to clusters

O Linkages and filling gaps

••••OOther roles

O Linkages and filling gaps

O Support to cluster initiative specific activities

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O Shout!/advertise the cluster initiatives /programme

O Enable creation of (more) cluster initiatives

Other rolesAdvertise, create, and coordinate clusters

-Lead the league

O Coordinate/monitor/evaluate the functioning of cluster initiatives

-What stage, How to proceed, Make changes etc

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O Create a service centre e.g. A Hub for

cluster consultation/servicing

O Give continuous support -even if not

Other roles

Support facilities to clusters

O Give continuous support -even if not


-To let clusters always count on it

-Interact more to remove the fear of


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O Linking different clusters

O Linking clusters with other stakeholders e.g.

government, financial institutions,

Other roles

Linkages and filling gaps

O Fill-In the gaps

-Get involved in activities that are not/no longer

interesting to the other part of the triple helix

-Participatory identification of problems

-Participatory working out of the solutions

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O e.g. CoET, IMS, and other university institutions

support participation of the clusters in trade fairs

and exhibitions: -Exposure

••••OO Support to specific activities of cluster initiatives

Other roles

and exhibitions: -Exposure

-Marketing their products

O CoET-SCP-Provided funds for the training on

technology transfer to Zanzibar Seaweed Cluster


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O Take the lead in influencing policies

O Lobbying in government, politicians

– can be hard in some countries but needs more effort

••••O Policy Issues

more effort

-In some countries there are ministries on clustering and innovation

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