Download - Cluj - Introducere in resurse educationale deschise

  • 1. Introducere in Resurse Educaionale Deschise Nicolaie Constantinescu Asociaia Naional a Bibliotecarilor i Bibliotecilor Publice din Romnia http:// Decembrie 2013 Cluj, Romania

2. UNESCOResursele Educaionale Deschise (RED) sunt orice tip de materiale educaionale care se afl n domeniul public sau care au fost introduse cu o licen deschis. Natura acestor materiale deschise presupune faptul c oricine le poate copia,utiliza, adapta i reutiliza liber n termenilegali. RED-urile includ manuale, curricule, programe de studiu, note de curs, teme, teste, proiecte, materiale audio, materiale video i anima ii. 3. O cultur CITETE - SCRIE Oamenii sunt parte a creaiei i re-crerii propriei lor culturii. Din poziia de consumatori nu putem fi dect parte a unei culturi READ ONLY. O cultur care este distribuit de la vrf, care poate fi privit ca o posesie restrnsLawrence Lessig este profesor de drept i leadership Roy L. Furman al Facultii de Drept de la Harward i director al Centrului Edmond J. Safra Center pentru Etic al Universitii Harward. nainte de a se realtura facultii de la Harward a fost profesor la Facultatea de Drept de la Stanford, unde a fondat Centrul pentru Internet i Societate n cadrul Stanford, ct i la Universitatea din Chicago. 4. Bibliothk un rol nou biblioteca public ca for vie pentru educaie, cultur i informaie Manifestul pentru biblioteci publice al UNESCO educaiei individuale i autodidacte furnizor al resurselor din Domeniul Public localO bibliotec digital este o colecie online de obiecte digitale care au o calitate garantat [...] un singur spaiu comunitar capabil s ofere acest serviciu Biblioteca public este centrul local de informare, care pune la ndemn tot felul de informaii i cunoatere utilizatorilor si. 5. Biblioteca Judeean Cluj 6. Un studiu avnd n centru bibliotecarii Concluzionm c bibliotecile, asociaiile de biblioteci i instituiile formatoare LIS ar trebui s dezvolte abilit ile necesare bibliotecarilor pentru a sprijini mai bine ini iativele RED, prin proiectarea i deschiderea unor programe de instruire i mbuntire a programelor.Integreaz biblioteca aceste resurse ca parte a resurselor oferite? 7. Cum se implic bibliotecarii 8. Responsabiliti ale bibliotecarilor 9. Expertiza Majoritatea obiectivelor iniiativelor RED care gestioneaz coninut sunt legate foarte puternic de activitile de biblioteconomie i tiinele informrii la diferite niveluri. Astfel, concluzionm c implicarea bibliotecarilor i/sau a pesonalului din domeniul tiinelor informrii constituie un beneficiu i se recomand tuturor proiectelor s ncorporeze astfel de specialiti. 10. Cum verifici resursele DP 11. La intersecie 12. GNU.ORG Software liber: 4 liberti: Libertatea de a rula programul Libertatea de a studia codul surs Libertatea de a redistribui copii Libertatea de a distribui copii modificate context favorizant Deschis 13. Declaraia de la Cape Town1. Profesori i studeni: n primul rnd ncurajm studeni profesorii i studenii s participe activ n noua micare a educaiei deschise. Participarea include: crearea, utilizarea, adaptarea i mbuntirea resurselor educaionale deschise; mbriarea practicilor educaionale constituite prin colaborare, descoperirea i crearea de cunoatere; invitarea semenilor i colegilor la implicare. Crearea i utilizarea resurselor deschise ar trebui considerate un factor integrat educaiei i ar trebui sprijinit i rspltit pe msur. 2. Resurse educaionale deschise: n al doilea rnd, facem deschise apel la profesori, autori, editori i instituii pentru a-i deschide resursele. Aceste resurse educaionale deschise ar trebui s poat fi mprtite liber prin intermediul licenelor deschise, care faciliteaz utilizarea, corectarea, traducerea, mbuntirea i mprtirea cu oricine dorete. Resursele ar trebui publicate n formate care s faciliteze editarea ct i utilizarea i care s poat fi folosite pe o diversitate de platforme tehnice. Oricnd este posibil, acestea ar trebui s fie disponibile n formate care s fie accesibile persoanelor cu dizabiliti i celor care nc nu au acces la Internet. Politica educaiei deschise: n cel de-al treilea rnd, deschise guvernele, consiliile colilor, colegiile i universitile ar trebui s fac o prioritate din educaia deschis. La modul ideal resursele educaionale pltite din taxele contribuabililor ar trebui s fie resurse educaionale deschise. Acreditarea i procedurile de adoptare ar trebui s dea preceden resurselor educaionale deschise. Depozitele cu resurse educaionale ar trebui s includ i s sublinieze activ resursele educaionale deschise din cadrul coleciilor lor. 14. De unde a nceput? MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - OpenCourseWare -iniiat n 2002 Dup 10 ani peste 2100 de cursuri postate online Licena CC BY-NC-SA 15. OpenCourseWareOpenCourseWare este numele dat resurselor educaionale deschise care sunt prezentate sub form de curs, de regul fiind incluse i planificrile cursului cum ar fi programa i desfurtorele. 16. O reea: Educational Resources The Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in EducationOfer Resurse Educaionale Deschise de calitate (Standardul Common Core State Standards n S.U.A.)Ofer instrumente a crea RED-uri Open Author i permite s combini text, imagini, materiale audio, fiiere i materiale video. Fiind salvate ca resurse educaionale deschise, poi s le distribui prietenilor, colegilor i profesorilor din ntreaga lume. Po i s le tipreti i s le descarci ca RDF-uri, dar poi s descarci i toate resursele implicate.Pentru a propune RED-uri 17. 18. UNESCO drupal.orghttp://www.oerplatform.org 19. O universitate: The Open University 20. Curriki o comunitate online 6.2 License Grant to Curriki to Host. By submitting or distributing Contributions through the Curriki Site, in addition to the Default License (defined below), You hereby grant to Curriki a worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, assignable, fully paid-up, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable right and license to host, transfer, display, perform, reproduce, distribute and re-distribute, and otherwise exploit your Contributions, in whole or in part, in any media formats and through any media channels (now known or hereafter developed), in order for Curriki to provide the services offered on the Curriki Site.6.3 License Grant to Curriki for Commercial Use. When You upload a Contribution, You will have the option to grant Curriki the right to exploit your Contribution for commercial purposes.6.4 Limited License Grant to Other Curriki Users. (a) Default License. All Contributions submitted to the Curriki Site are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial license, which can be found at (the "Default License"). 21. O academie popular onlineUnless otherwise indicated, all Licensed Educational Content is the property of Khan Academy or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and/or third-party licensors and, subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms, is licensed to You under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License (available at (the Creative Commons License). By downloading or otherwise accessing such Licensed Educational Content, You agree to comply with all the terms of the Creative Commons License. 22. Massive Open Online Courses MOOC-uriPornit n februarie 2012, Eliademy este sprijinit de CBTec LTD, o companie pornit de veterani foti angaja i ai Nokia care au expertiz n utilizarea tehnologiilor cu Surse Deschise. Eliademy a fost contruit folosind tehnologii cu Surse Deschise n cooperare cu instructori i studeni din Finlanda oferind acces liber la resurse. 23. Coursera a fost lansat beneficiind de un capital de 22 de milioane de dolari, care a generat 43 de milioane (iulie 2013)100+ parteneri instituionali Ofer 500+ cursuri la 5 million+ studeni 24. PERMISSION TO USE MATERIALS All content or other materials available on the Sites, including but not limited to code, images, text, layouts, arrangements, displays, illustrations, audio and video clips, HTML files and other content are the property of Coursera and/or its affiliates or licensors and are protected by copyright, patent and/or other proprietary intellectual property rights under the United States and foreign laws. In consideration for your agreement to the terms and conditions contained here, Coursera grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferablelicense to access and use the Sites. You may download material from the Sites only for your own personal, non-commercial use.Youmay not otherwise copy, reproduce, retransmit,distribute, publish, commercially exploit or otherwise transferany material, nor may you modify or create derivatives works of the material. The burden of determining that your use of any information, software or any other content on the Site is permissible rests with you. 25. USER MATERIAL SUBMISSIONWith respect to User Content you submit or otherwise make available in connection with your use of the Site, and subject to the Privacy Policy,Participating Institutionsyou grant Coursera and thea fullytransferable, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-freeuse, distribute, sublicense, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such and non-exclusive license to User Content. 26. Instrumente open-source pentru a elabora propriile resurse 27. Un exemplu recent, open-source and independent OERu courses are designed with you in mind. All our courses are: taught online. As long as you have an internet connection, youre good to go! based on open educational resources and openly accessible materials on the Internet. This means you wont need to buy any textbooks. designed for independent study. You will also get peer-support from your fellow learners, while in some OERu courses you will be studying with full-time registered students at one or more of our OERu anchor partners (a network of academic institutions in five continents). 28. Open Educational Resource UniversityDigital Skills for Collaborative OER Development This is a hands-on course where you will learn and demonstrate your skills in using digital technologies for collaborative OER development culminating in a design blueprint for developing an OER learning the founding director of the OER Foundation and is the designated UNESCO - Commonwealth of Learning Chair in OER at Otago Polytechnic. He is coordinating the establishment of the OER university, an international innovation partnership which aims to provide free learning opportunities for all students worldwide with pathways for OER learners to achieve credible credentials.What will I learn? In this course you will learn how to: Source images, rich media and open access materials on the Internet suitable for remix Properly attribute these resources for digital redistribution. Develop wiki skills for the collaborative development of OER within a live international wiki community. Develop a design blueprint for an OER learning sequence and corresponding inventory of OER for building a learning sequence for your own context. Participate in open collaboration design and development activities. 29. Biblioteca RED 30. Lista resurselor folosite By Xander89 By Argento By Abigor!!