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Cloud verification: a review of methodologies and recent developments

Anna Ghelli ECMWF

Thanks to: Maike Ahlgrimm Martin Kohler, Richard Forbes

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  Cloud properties   Data availability   NWP model fields and observation: the matching

game   Standard scores and new ideas   Example plots   Active satellite profiling: new challenges   Conclusions

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Stratocumulus Lenticularis Los Lagos -- Chile

Bernhard Mühr,

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Macrophysical properties   Cloud base height

  Cloud fraction

  Total cloud cover

  Cloud top height

Stratocumulus stratiformis translucidus

Germany Bernhard Mühr,

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Microphysical properties   Cloud water ice content

  Cloud liquid water content

  Cloud droplet size

  Liquid water path

  Radar reflectivity

  Optical depth


Stratocumulus stratiformis opacus cumulogenitus

Yellowstone, USA Bernhard Mühr,

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What does the model produce?   Total cloud cover

  High, low and medium clouds

  Temperature, humidity and cloudiness --> can be transformed into brightness temperature.

  Cloud fraction, Liquid Water Content, Ice Water Content (on Model Levels)

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Observations -- what is available?

Conventional observing systems:




Satellite data:


  Polar orbiting

  Active satellite profiling

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Conventional observing systems:

  Sparse and inhomogeneous coverage

  Decreasing in number

  Differences between manual and automated


  The data volumes are manageable

  Available at synoptic times

  Available in real time

  They measure the weather

Satellite data:

  Large data volumes

  Need location and time matching

  Thinning algorithms are needed

  May not be available in real time


  Wide spatial coverage

  High spatial and temporal resolution

  Weather phenomena like fog can be assessed, not possible with conventional data

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•  Need to address mismatch in spatial scales in model and obs (1 km)

•  Need to address mismatch in time scales

Approaches: •  Obs to model --> Average obs to model representative spatial scale

•  Model to obs --> Statistically represent model sub-gridscale variability using a Monte-Carlo multi-independent column approach.

Obs Cloudy Cloud-free

Model gridbox cloud fraction

The matching game

Model generated sub-columns

CloudSat Obs

Obs averaged onto model gridscale

Model gridbox cloud fraction CloudSat Obs



Model Cloudy Richard Forbes, ECMWF

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The matching game VOCALS field experiment off Chile

GOES12 10.8µm ECMWF 10.8µm

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The matching game SYNOPS

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Desirable properties

  Equitable --> random forecast scores zero   Difficulty to hedge --> do not reward under or over predicting

  Independence of the frequency of occurrence --> can be used for rare events

  Dependence of forecast bias --> bias may influence the score

  ………… and more?

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Range: -1/3 to 1, Perfect score = 1, No skill level = 0

Scores and their properties

Continuous scores:

  MAE and MAESS (Mean Absolute Error Skill Score)

  Bias (forecast - observation)

  Fractions Skill Score

Contingency table-based scores:

  Heidke skill score

  Equitable Threat Score

  Odd Ratio

  Log Odd Ratio

  Extreme Dependence Score

  Symmetric Extreme Dependency Score (Hogan et al., QJ 2009)

Range: 0 to , Perfect score = , No skill level = 1

Range: - to 1, Perfect score = 1, No skill level = 0

Range: -1 to 1, Perfect score = 1

Range: - to , Perfect score = , No skill level = 0

Perfect score = 1

Range: 0 to 1, Perfect score = 1

Perfect score = 0

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Symmetric EDS

• EDS is easy to hedge predicting the event all the time • EDS is not equitable

ln[(a+b)/n] + ln[(a+c)/n] --------------------------------- - 1

ln (a/n) SEDS=

Hogan et all, QJ 2009

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Timeseries of MAESS for total cloud clover (reference: persistence)


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Timeseries of bias and stdv

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Time series of ETS Total Cloud Cover : Model vs SYNOP

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6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48




PPM umosBIN umos

6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48

0.40 PPM umosBIN umos



Percentage correct

Heidke Skill Score hours

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FC bias -- Winter Total Cloud Cover: 36h forecast versus SYNOP observation (high pressure days over central Europe)

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Observation to model trade cumulus clouds

  Low clouds over ocean have large radiative impact

  Low cloud fraction, but ubiquitous

Maike Ahlgrimm, ECMWF

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Observation to model

Can the model predict accurately this type of clouds? Probably not!

Cloud characteristics: • Ubiquitous • Relatively small scale

Verification strategy: Relax time and space constraints, i.e. I am not asking the model to forecast my cloud at the exact location and time. The new verification question is: Given an area and period of time, what is the frequency of occurrence of my event in the forecast and in the observation?

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TCu frequency of occurrence CALIPSO

Model has TCu more frequently than observed (66% vs. 47%)

Maike Ahlgrimm, ECMWF

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Observation to Model Cloud top height


ERA-I model clouds have higher cloud tops than observed

Maike Ahlgrimm, ECMWF

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Eq Eq Eq Greenland Antarctica

Observation to Model Ice Water Content

Model ice water content (excluding precipitating snow).

Ice water content derived from a

1DVAR retrieval of CloudSat/


log10 kg m-3

(Variational method: Delanoë and Hogan, 2009)

26/02/2007 15Z

Example cross section

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Richards Forbes (ECMWF) in collaboration with Delanoë and Hogan (Reading Univ., UK)

Observation to Model Ice Water Content (cloudsat/calipso)

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Radar Reflectivity: Cross-section through a mid-latitude front

Richard Forbes, ECMWF


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STATISTICS: Frequency of occurrence (Radar Reflectivity vs. Height) Tropics over ocean 30S to 30N for February 2007

Significantly higher occurrence of cloud in model


Richard Forbes, ECMWF

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Conclusions …….. or our challenges   Observing systems.   Data management issues.   Model and observations: the matching game.   2D verification of clouds are well established, 3D

evaluation of cloud properties is now possible with active satellite profiling.

  ……… users --> involve them in any verification process.