Download - Closing remarks Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi 2012 Geant4 Collaboration Meeting Chartres.


Closing remarks Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi 2012 Geant4 Collaboration Meeting Chartres We made progress We could have made solid steps and also solid work plan toward the version 9.6 release in November 2012 and version 10.0 in November Lets keep working together toward our targets. We could also have productive discussions on improving our credibility, and brainstormed for our longer term strategic plan. Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi2 Timeline toward Geant4 version 10 Geant4 9.6 release on Nov.30 Must already include obsoleting messages for functionalities planned for removal in the major release of 2013 Dec 2012 Drop obsolete classes/methods and code cleanup Jan 2013 Conversion of (cleaned) v9.6 to G4MT Adiabatically integrate Geant4-MT 9.6 features to main development trunk Developments toward version X will be made to main trunk as usual Patches to release 9.6 will be included in dedicated SVN branch Feb-May 2013 Adaptation of system testing and CMake build system Migration of relevant examples and tests Stress tests for both CPU and physics performance June 2013 Beta release : all changes for multi-threading and interfaces should be included Nov 2013 Final major release Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi3 Credibility The key of our past, current and future success is satisfaction of our customer users. We have to make them feel well taken care of and well supported. There are many open bug reports. Please update bug report you are assigned to. The Steering Board is now checking every open bug report at every SB meeting. There are many unattended HyperNews postings even though they are asking reasonable questions. We have to address to them. Join the collaboration-wide efforts. Testing, computing and physics performance monitoring Examples, documentation, web Publication Please encourage your local users to attend to the Technical Forum. If needs are, we may have it more than 4 times a year, and you may locally host it. Lets discuss how we can refine our user-support processes. Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi4 Before we conclude the collaboration meeting Before we move to the final slides, lets see some presentations outside of this collaboration meeting. CHEP2012 Transforming Geant4 to the Future Workshop Open Symposium of European Strategy Preparatory Group Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi5 6 7 8 9 10 Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi11 Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi12 These slides should be read We have achieved tremendous job and Geant4 now wins a big success. But we need to do more, and people expect our further achievements. Physics performance and rich functionality are essential. No doubt on this. But we need to put our major efforts on improving the cost performance of Geant4-based simulation. No single solution here. Code cleanup, data locality improvements, richer event biasing options, multi-threading, code reengineering, new trends e.g. GPGPU, etc. Just a 10% performance improvement benefits millions of dollars for LHC, for example. Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi13 Last year we concluded the collaboration with this slide. Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi14 Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi15 So, this year we conclude with this. Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi16 Last slide Thank you for your participation and contribution! Please join warmest appreciation to Alex Howard and Alberto Ribon as the program committee, Ivana Hrivnacova and Laurent Garnier as the program committee and local organizer, Nora, Sylvaine, Sarah, Thu and Marina for their most devoted supports, and Marc Verderi. Since we couldnt be here without his dedication. See you all at Seville next year! Meeting goals - Makoto Asai and Marc Verderi17