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Weather Space






Ocean Animals

Polar Bears


Did you know…

Ants never sleep!

Ants can carry over 50 times

their own body weight with

their mouths!

The biggest spider in the

world lives in South America

and eats birds.A butterfly has to have a body temperature

greater than 86 degrees to be able to


An oyster can change it’s gender!If a lobster loses a eye or

a claw, it can grow a new


A starfish can turn it’s stomach inside out!

Australia’s box jellyfish has toxins more

potent than the venom in cobras. A

person who is stung can die within


Did you know…

Polar bears can eat as

much as 10% of their body

weight in less one hour!

Polar bears can

smell seals who are

20 miles away!

When a polar bear cub

is born, it cannot see or

hear. It takes about one

month for the cub to

gain those senses!

If you spray an

antiseptic on a polar

bear, it’s fur will tu



Did you know…

Bloodhounds have been

used since the 1600’s for

tracking criminals!

The Basenji is the only dog

that can’t bark!

There is a doggie disco every year in Italy where owners can dance with their dogs!

Neptune & Pluto

10th Planet?Jupiter



Did you know…Sometimes, Neptune and Pluto change

making Neptune the farthest away from the sun for a few years!

One Neptune year equals 165 Earth years!

Pluto is the only planet that has not been visited by a


Neptune was the first

planet to be

discovered by


Scientists have argued

for years over whether

to even consider Pluto a planet!

This new planet is almost

10 billion miles from the sun!

It was announced in July 2005!



Artist depiction

2003 UB313 has a moon that orbits

the planet!

Name: 2003 UB313

Did you know…Did you know…The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a

hurricane-like storm system. It is large enough that two Earths could fit across it!

A Jupiter day is only about 10 hours long.

Jupiter has the

shortest day of any planet in the Solar System!The most

volcanically active

body in the solar

system besides

the Earth is

Jupiter's moon Io!

Jupiter's moon Ganymede is the

largest moon in the Solar System and is

larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto!

Did you know…Did you know…

The atmospheric pressure

you would experience on the

surface of Venus is about the

same as diving 3000 feet in

the oceans! That is about 90

times the pressure at the

Earth's surface!

A Venus day is


243 Earth days long!

All of the major features on Venus are named after

famous women in history and


Venus is almost the same size as Earth and is covered in deadly poisonous clouds!

Did you know…Story Musgrave is the

only astronaut to

have flown into space

on board all five Space Shuttles,

including Challenger!

The first American to eat

food in space was Scott

Carpenter aboard the

Mercury spacecraft

Aurora 7 in 1962

Ron Evans, pilot of Apollo 17,

circled the moon alone while his

fellow astronauts went to the

surface. This makes him the

last astronaut to fly in space

alone in a spacecraft!

Take a weird astronaut facts quiz and see if you can be fooled!

Astronauts sleep in sleeping bags attached to the


Even though lightening bolts are hot, the sun is still hotter!

When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop!

Starfish never sleep?!?

There are now 10 planets?!?

A mushroom walked into a bar. The bar tender said, "Get out of here! We don't serve your kind." "Hey, what's the problem?" "Just get out of here. We don't serve mushrooms." The mushroom in anguish says, "Why not? I'm a fun guy."

Q: What's the most important thing to learn in chemistry?

A: Never lick the spoon.

Q: What is a tornado's favorite game? A: Twister!

Teacher: What is the formula for water? Student: H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O Teacher: That's not what I taught you. Student: But you said the formula for water was...H to O.

Q. What do you do when you find a dead chemist?

A. Barium.

Q. What is the purpose of a doctor?

A. Helium

Q: What kind of materials do dinosaurs use for the floor of their homes? A: Rep Tiles

Q: What's as big as a dinosaur but weighs nothing?

A: Her shadow!

Q: How do you ask a dinosaur to lunch? A: Tea Rex?

Q: What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks? A: Foul (fowl) weather.

Q:What is horsepower? A:The power it takes to drag a horse a given distance in a given amount of time.

Q: What did the thermometer say to the graduated cylinder?

A: "You may have graduated but I've got many degrees"

Q: What did the Nuclear Physicist have for lunch? A: Fission Chips.

No two snowflakes

look the same

Snowflakes come

from clouds, which

are really just big

clusters of water


An average raindrop falls

600 feet per minute

while the average

snowflake falls at about

11 feet per minute.

In a five-month span between

1987 and 1988, small pink frogs

rained from the sky over parts of

Great Britain.

All sorts of animals and plants

have showered down during


There have also been rains of blood which have been reported all over the world ever since biblical times.

Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute.

Lightning bolts can sometimes be hotter than the sun (about 50,000 ºF, 27,760 ºC).

In 1859, a shower of fish fell from the sky in

Glamorgan, Wales. The fish covered an

area the size of three tennis courts.

A hurricane has a calm 'eye' in the centre, because no matter how strong the rotating winds are around the centre, there must always be a point where there is no wind at all.

In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all

of the world's nuclear

weapons combined.

All hurric

anes are born

over water, a

nd their

life span is about 10


About 1,500 volcanoes are

located on the ground with

10,000 located in the sea.

Most volcanoes

are between

10,000 and

100,000 years old.

Visit to see real volcano videos!

About 40 volcanoes in the continental USA

have had activity

within the last 10


The most frequent month for a tornado to

occur in the United States is in May.

The width of a tornado can range from less

than ten yards to more than a mile.

In 1964, an earthquake hit Prince William Sound in Alaska. It was so strong that people in Hawaii could feel the aftershock.

Seconds before a quake, dogs and cats

might act up, as they seem to be able to feel

the trembling before we do.

Thousands of quakes occur across

the US each year, but almost all of

them are too small to feel.

The Heart

The Head

The Nose

The Stomach

The Mouth


The Eyes



The human heart

creates enough

pressure to squirt

blood 30 ft

Your heart beats


times in a year.

During your life

it will beat two

and a half billion


According to German researchers, the risk

of heart attack is higher on Monday

than any other day of the week.

The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Every single day you lose as many as 100 strands of hair, which is about 36,500 per year.

85% of your brain is water.

Scientists say the higher your I.Q. the more you dream.

The average human dream lasts only 2 to 3 seconds.

Your brain is more active and thinks more at night than during the day.

The average person has at least seven dreams a night.

A sneeze can blast out of your nose at speeds greater than 100 mph

If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib

When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop - even your heart

It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open

The tooth is the only part of

the human body that can’t

repair itself

If saliva can not dissolve something, you can not taste it

It takes 17 muscles to

smile and 43 to frown

When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dialate, they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate.

You blink about 84 million times a year.

The human body can survive lo


without fo

od than with

out sleep.

While starvatio

n takes a

few weeks,

a person would die afte

r 10 days

without s


It takes food seven

seconds to go from the

mouth to the stomach

via the esophagus

The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades

Babies are born with

300 bones, but by

adulthood we only have

206 in our bodies.

Babies are born without

knee caps. They

don’t appear until

they are 2 - 6 years


Every square inch of your body is populated by about 32 million bacteria

The largest human organ is the skin, with a surface area of about 25 square feet

Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour - about 1.5 pounds per year. By 70 years of age, an average person will have lost 105 pounds of skin

In a hot climate, you can sweat as much as 3 gallons of water a day

A team of medical experts in Virginia contend that you’re more likely to catch the common cold virus by shaking hands than by kissing

A simple, moderately severe sunburn damages the blood vessels to such an extent that it takes four to fifteen months for them to return to their normal condition

People have legs of slightly different lengths

Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime

Laughing lowers the levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day, while adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day The left lung is smaller than the

right lung to make room for the heart

The fastest human swimmer can

swim at 6 miles per hour. The

fastest mammal - the dolphin - can

swim up to 35 miles per hour!

Fish talk to each other! Some of them communicate by making

noises in their throats by rasping their teeth, others use their swim

bladders to make sounds!

A crocodile can't move its tongue and cannot chew yet

its digestive juices are so strong that it can digest a

steel nail!

Did you know that you are more

likely to be killed by a cork fly


out of a bottle than by a poiso



The flea can jump 350

times its body length, that

is like a   human jumping

the length of a football field!


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