Download - Clear Your Womb From Past Lovers & Trauma eBook...goddess and create hormone balance through nutritious recipes, sacred self-care, and menstrual cycle/moonpause balance. The recipes

Page 1: Clear Your Womb From Past Lovers & Trauma eBook...goddess and create hormone balance through nutritious recipes, sacred self-care, and menstrual cycle/moonpause balance. The recipes

Clear Your Womb from Past Lovers

& Trauma

Women's Health Educator

& Hormone Balancing Chef

By: Allie McFee

Page 2: Clear Your Womb From Past Lovers & Trauma eBook...goddess and create hormone balance through nutritious recipes, sacred self-care, and menstrual cycle/moonpause balance. The recipes

How to Work with this eBookThis eBook is a tool to help you develop a deeper relationship

with your womb space- your sacral chakra. Whether you still

have your uterus or not, the energy of Divine Feminine

wisdom always resides here.

In these pages, you will find practices, mantras, rituals, and

ceremonies that all help to release emotional residue within

the sacral chakra.

Play with what resonates and leave what does not.

These are a few life's lessons and useful practices that I

incorporated into my own womb-clearing journey, and they

can be done easily at home.

As clearing can sometimes invoke releases of grief that cause

changes in other areas in life, it's important to commit to

regular self-care practices. In addition to working with the

rituals in this eBook, do the things that bring you happiness,

that restore you, and help you feel nurtured.

Our paths are unique; the journey of the womb is

individualized. Know that you are strong, capable, and have the

ability to create the relationship with yourself and others that

you desire. Trust your own womb's guidance- trust yourself.

Blessings on your journey!

Love,  Allie of Modern Goddess Lifestyle

Page 3: Clear Your Womb From Past Lovers & Trauma eBook...goddess and create hormone balance through nutritious recipes, sacred self-care, and menstrual cycle/moonpause balance. The recipes

How the Womb is ImprintedThe womb and yoni are both POWERFUL energy centers,

located at the sacral chakra.

The womb is the organ of creativity. It's where we connect to

our desires of expressing our sacred gifts and dharma. It's also

where the fertilized ovum grows into a baby.

The yoni, (meaning "sacred space" in Sanskrit), which is our

vagina, cervix, walls, lips and clitoris, is where our PUSSY

Power resides. Our Divine Feminine Intuition is in our yoni.

She speaks to you, sometimes fiercely telling you "NO"-

when not to move forward with certain life decisions & when or

when not to be intimate with a lover. Trust your instincts- if

there is tightness or pain in the womb, feel into this and

perhaps invoke more boundaries in life from self-love.

"Maybe" always means "NO." Honor your timing- a slow pace

invites more sides of the situation to present before making a

decision. Sexual fluids contain DNA, hormones, and

consciousness. When mixing our fluids, deep bonding can


Your yoni may also purr and feel juicy as well as

intuitively tell you "YES"... when your plans, your choices, &

your lover are in harmony with your whole being. Your womb

& heart are directly connected, so the heart chakra may feel

open or tingly as well.

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***Learn to TRUST your yoni and womb's signs by

connecting with these potent energy centers daily through

listening and breathing into these organs in meditation.***

These areas of your body are receptive and sensitive to others'

energies. Intentions from others that are not in the highest

LOVE and RESPECT... as well as your own intentions- if you

feel fear, guilt, uncertainty, obligation, and/or shame when

coming to love-making... may cause unprocessed emotions to be

stored here, causing blocks within your Creatrix abilities +

hormone health.

In addition, if there have been challenges in relationships (and

most importantly the relationship with yourself), such as power

imbalances where we lose our sense of self-worth and self-

trust based on: unconscious desire for approval, need to be

liked, constant sacrifice of our own needs, deceit or

unfaithfulness, a recent breakup, or verbal and even physical

abuse, as well as womb losses such as miscarriages or

abortions... these can all affect the sacral chakra, resulting in

blocks in energy flow.

It's potential for these blocks to result in hormonal imbalances:

cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, or even lead to STIs & STDs, and

emotional pain & trauma, as our body is expressing what we

may not have felt safe to verbally express.

Never shame yourself for experiencing any of these

physical symptoms. Return to self-love. You are pure and

worthy. Your womb & yoni are so sacred.

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Intentions NOT of the


Using sex as a way to escape or

retaliate from a betrayal

Coming to intimacy from a need to

fill a void

Needing validation of worthiness

Feeling deep rooted sexual shame

or guilt

To please, because it's what's


Lack of communication about

important sexual history

Lack of clarity around one's own

sexual history/testing

Mistrusting your inner "NO"

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My Womb Clearing Journey

We can clear our womb temples with our intentions and by

using "releasing" meditations, massages, and mantras.

We can return to our heart spaces and be present in love and

respect for ourselves and the other persons before the act of

love making.

We can also be conscious and discerning of who we invite into

our Sacred Yoni Temples and when.

We can reclaim our FULL GODDESS-Presence in our womb

spaces. By inviting full awareness to our sacral chakra, this

energetically seals our womb and yoni, and prevents lower

vibratory energies from leaking into this sacred space.

Becoming aware of our needs as well as our unconscious

emotional patterns, and communicating our personal TRUTHs

are ways to create trust within ourselves, which allows us to

more authentically communicate with others.

2015 was a year of breakups and boundaries for me. My womb

was ready to clear what was not in full alignment with my


Not only did I resign from my high stress dream job as Head

Chef at a Raw Food Cafe in order to nurture my hormones to

heal my 2-week long period, but my engaged relationship

ended of six and a half years as we were planning our wedding.

Page 7: Clear Your Womb From Past Lovers & Trauma eBook...goddess and create hormone balance through nutritious recipes, sacred self-care, and menstrual cycle/moonpause balance. The recipes

This caused so much change... rapidly, with lots of sadness,

confusion and anger.

I began listening to my womb in ways I had never before. This

led me to connect with a lot of pain and trauma around

sexuality and relating.

The experiences were a catalyst for massive clearing, and

stepping into sovereignty. I married myself on the beach in

Thailand, committing to be there for myself in all roles:

partner, lover, provider, counselor, best friend, etc.

I vowed celibacy to focus on my own relationship with my

sexuality and worked with mantras, crystals like black

obsidian, epsom salts, yoni eggs, and yoni massage for clearing.

My womb guided me to heal the relationship with my female

lineage, and develop a stronger relationship with my mother

and Pachamama, as well as create healthy boundaries in my

own life with my time and energy which involved charging

appropriately for my sacred work and enhancing my self-

worth and self-love.

I share with you here a few tools that have helped me in times

of deep pain.

If you would like assistance in going deeper into Womb

Clearing + Sovereignty, please join my waiting list for my

signature 12-Week Group Program: "Juicy Feminine Living,"

where we go through a 4-step process with Self-Care

Foundation, Womb Clearing, Yoni Eggs + Manifestation.

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Womb Clearing Mantra

"Om Kleem Kalika'ye Namaha"

The Hindu Goddess Kali (Kah' lee) is often associated with

Death, Transformation, and Destruction.

In India, she is also seen as the Mother Goddess, a loving

mother-figure who brings great change into our lives to help

create space for experiences that are in full alignment of the

growth of our higher selves.

This mantra can be chanted with the hands placed over the

womb. You can use mala beads and chant a full 108x, or just

several times over the womb space when you feel clearing

needs to happen. Signs for clearing are when the vital Qi

energy has leaked, causing lack of clarity, weak boundaries,

intense emotions in relating with others, and/or low energy.

Mantra learned from my tantra mentor: Leyolah Antara.

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Salt Bath Release Meditation

Epsom Salt (to pull out toxins and trapped


Bath Tub

Candles, Roses, Essential Oils (or anything

to make your space sacred)

Black Crystal or Stone: Black Obsidian,

Hematite, Jet, Black Tourmaline (you can

even use a Black Obsidian Yoni Egg if you

have been trained in this practice)- black

crystals draw out negativity

Calming Music or Silence

As much time as needed- clear your


Tools Needed

Page 10: Clear Your Womb From Past Lovers & Trauma eBook...goddess and create hormone balance through nutritious recipes, sacred self-care, and menstrual cycle/moonpause balance. The recipes

1. Create a Sacred Portal/Temple

Set the space: light candles, burn incense or sage,

make it cozy and safe, turn off lights if needed, play

soothing music or choose silence to connect with the

sound of your breath. Call forth your guides for


2. Draw Your Bath & Add Epsom Salt

Feel sensual, relaxed and ready to go deep

3. Set Your Intention into Your Black Stone

What are your ready to release? Are you ready to

release energies of past lovers? Or perhaps it's

energy from someone in your life you said "YES" to

when you didn't want to- your boss, a family

member, etc. Maybe you are ready to let go of

your own emotions of shame, guilt, and need for

approval around your sexuality? Maybe it's time to

enhance your boundaries and Sacred "NO"?

4. Place Black Stone Over Your Womb or Inside

Your Sacred Yoni Temple (if using a yoni egg)

Place right hand over the stone and left hand over

the heart.

Salt Bath Release Meditation

Page 11: Clear Your Womb From Past Lovers & Trauma eBook...goddess and create hormone balance through nutritious recipes, sacred self-care, and menstrual cycle/moonpause balance. The recipes

5.Womb Breaths- 10 deep breaths into your womb

Breathe into your womb, feel present here, feel the

connection building.

6. Call Forth the Energy of Past Lovers

Say their names, one by one, feel their energy and

allow yourself to recall memories and fully feel

emotions that may arise whether it is joy, grief,

anger, or pain. If you are clearing something else,

state what that is and allow yourself to feel the

emotions that arise.

7. Forgiveness:

Now breathe into your heart. Feel compassion, thank

them for the lesson (and identify what it was you

learned). Forgive both you and the other person for

what was said and done at the time

Then release them into the water and imagine the

black stone drawing out negative emotions.

Salt Bath Release Meditation

"I'm Sorry Please Forgive Me

Thank You I Love You."

*You may want to say the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono Prayer- it is asimple but powerful prayer of forgiveness and release.

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8.Cord Cutting

Now ask your guides and Spirit to release any cords

of attachment that are not serving you and this

person's energetic connection. Ask to take back

what's yours and for them to keep what's theirs.

Visualize yourself cutting a cord or you can take your

hand and lift out the energy from your womb and

yoni from your etheric body and imagine it

dissolving into the epsom water.

9. Repeat

Do this exercise for your past lovership history, or for

anyone in your life you are wanting to cut cords with

and forgive.

10. Infuse Yourself with New Intentions

How do you see yourself living in your Priestess Self,

with compassion, upholding and stating your

boundaries gracefully? How will you love yourself

more? How will you listen to your womb and yoni-

your fierce feminine intuition? Journal if needed.

11. Drain Water & Bury Stone in the Earth for a couple

days to cleanse with Mother Earth's energy.

Salt Bath Release Meditation

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Conscious Uncoupling

Divorce Ceremony

Often, during a breakup, there can be a lot of pain and blame.

In Conscious Uncoupling, a term introduced by Katherine

Woodward Thomas in her book "Conscious Uncoupling," the

individual looks deeper into their ways and patterns of relating

and the role he/she played in the breakup.

This allows space for reflection, for deep interpersonal work

that can stop patterns from manifesting again in future

relationships and usher in a shift from victim to creator


Holding onto blame can further cause energy cords with the

other person, as we might be "attached" to seeking justice. Let

go, trust the Universe sees all- as it is not our responsibility to

hold onto "teaching a lesson."

Ceremonies for weddings are common... but divorce


Just as we prepare for a wedding by creating intentions for a

life together in Sacred Union, we can also create intentions in

a divorce ceremony, to invite closure with the help of ritual.

This ceremony allows for unraveling of the relationship, to

bring closure with intention. Couples can do this alone, or

even invite family and friends to witness. Creating a

ceremony around this transition may assist in peaceful

resolutions for everyone involved to help move forward in


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But He/She Was My Soul Mate!Often times, in deep lovership, we feel deep entrainment

with our beloved, such as telepathic thoughts, mystical

experiences, and a deep sense of union where we just get each

other and feel we were feel made for each other.

And often, when breaking up, this leaves us feeling confused,

wondering how this wasn't destined to work out.

It is my personal belief from my trainings in Metaphysics,

that we come into this world with multiple soulmates. These

souls come into our lives to assist us in our learning and vice

versa. They can show up as beloveds, mothers, children,

fathers, siblings, grandparents, best friends, etc.

This perspective was so healing for me when my relationship

of 6.5 years ended. I blessed it and trusted one day I would

meet another soulmate who was more of a long-term match.

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How Can Yoni Eggs Help?

Yoni Eggs and/or Yoni Wands (particularly black obsidian

crystal) can be used as a physical tool with our affirmations and

intentions to clear out the sacral chakra blocks that were

described in this ebook.

There are breathwork methods and cleaning practices to learn

before working with the eggs and wands, and it is HIGHLY

important to use an egg that is GIA certified, as many egg

shaped crystals are mock versions that are toxic to put inside

the yoni.

We work with a Yoni Egg that I mail to participants in my

"Juicy Feminine Living" 12-Week Group Online Program.

Yoni Eggs, particularly the Jade Egg practice, have been used

for millennia. In ancient China, women used the practice of

inserting an egg shaped crystal made out of jade into their

yoni, to strengthen and tone Kegel muscles to prevent urinary

incontinence & prolapsed uterus from childbirth, as well

as increase sexual vitality.

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Journal Prompts

1. In what situations in my life do I find it challenging to say "NO"? 2. What are the patterns I notice I repeat when relating to others? With my lovers? My parents? My co-workers or boss? My children? My friends? 3. What is my current relationship to my sexuality? To my womb & yoni?  4. What was I taught about my sexuality from my upbringing: religion, family, media, etc? 5. What does empowered sexuality & womb-centered living personally mean to me?

The journey of the womb continues on throughout our lives.

As we enter new jobs & new relationships, as well as continue

to relate to our families and friends, we often see similar life

lessons pop up again and again to work through. This is called

the Spiral Path of the Feminine. When we have clarity about

ourselves: our areas of growth & our triggers, we have more

insight to use for healthy communication in challenges.

Communication, self-awareness and love have been my

biggest tools for my own womb journey.

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About the Author:

Allie McFee is a Women’s Health Educator, Raw Foods Chef, andRed Tent Facilitator. She helps women activate their inner

goddess and create hormone balance through nutritious recipes,sacred self-care, and menstrual cycle/moonpause balance. The

recipes and practices she shares help women live a “ModernGoddess Lifestyle,” which she defines as a lifestyle intended to

help women use their cycles of womanhood as a source ofempowerment for juicy feminine living.

She is exquisitely in the process of birthing a cookbook on

women’s hormone health. Allie facilitates Red Tent women’sceremonies and Intuitive Womb Healing sessions to help women

activate their womb space energy to clear out blocks fromtraumas, and connect with their sisterhood tribe.