


CHAPTER 1: Understanding Diversity

A. Choose the correct option.

1. Diversity

2. Hindi

3. Inequalities

4. Diversity

5. Oneness

B. Write True or False

1. F

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. T

6. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Diversity

2. Hindustani, Carnatic

3. Diversity

4. Anthem, Flag

5. Geographical

D. Answer in one word.

1. Diversity

2. Wealth

3. 22

4. Culture

5. Carnatic

6. Unity in Diversity

E. Give short answers

1. Define diversity

Ans. Diversity is the state of being different from each other.

2. What is the meaning of term “culture”?

Ans. Culture refers to the ideas, customs and social behavior of

a particular society or people.

3. Mention two classical and two folks dance of India.

Ans. Two classical dances are – Kathak, Kathakali

And two folks dances are – Bihu, Garba.

4. How is India a secular country?

People are free to follow, practice and promote any religion.

5. What do you understand by the term ‘inequality’?

Ans. The term- ‘inequality’ could be an unfair situation when

some people have more rights or better opportunities or

resources than others.

F. Give long answers.

1. The economic activities of the people are influenced by

geographical and climate changes. Explain.

2. Write a few lines on how inequalities bring about differences

among the people.

3. Write a few lines about the linguistic of India.

4. How do you think India’s struggle for freedom depicts unity in


Ans. Do yourself (page 196)

G. Give very long answers.

1. India is a land of diverse culture and religions. Elaborate.

the climate, season and landform. This leads to the diversity in food

habits of the people.

and Jainism also flourished in India. Each religion has its own customs,

traditions, festivals and places of worship.