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Cheryl – 50????

Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what

the hell happened.

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How did you get me to stop crying long enough to take this picture?

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Second Grade Through My Twenties

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May 5, 2000

Although I know that a lot of things happened between my twenties and our wedding day, apparently not

much of it was captured on film. Or more likely, what was captured was destroyed by me, since I don’t

usually like pictures of myself, particularly if I’m in a picture by myself.

I do like this picture, though. I remember so well how I felt that day, and how relaxed and happy I was when the preparations were done. If I ever to start to lose

that feeling, I think this picture will bring it back to me in a millisecond. There is nothing about this picture

that does not say bliss to me.

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It’s All About Me

As much as I sometimes enjoy bandying about

that phrase, I’m always well aware that nothing

could be further from the truth.

Everything I do, everything I am, is a result of

the people I have loved, who have loved me,

forgiven me, accepted me, nurtured me.

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Not Mars his sword nor

war’s quick fire shall burn

the living record of your


William Shakespeare

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In Loving Memory

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but

what is woven into the lives of others.Pericles (attributed)

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Gussie and Nate ParmetMy mother’s parents

My grandfather gave me a work ethic. He instilled in me his belief that “if you’re going to do something, take the time to do it right,” words that still resonate in me today.

From my grandmother I learned a lot about loyalty and being a good friend. Her friends were truly friends for life.

From both I gained a love and respect for family that I will always carry with me.

To live in hearts we leave behind, is not to dieCampbell – Hallowed Ground

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Edward Mellish

When I write a book, it will be about Edward. He was the most extraordinary ordinary person I will ever know.

He was like all of us – very real, not a paragon. The first time I ever saw him he was kicking a photocopy machine in frustration. He was human.

He was like no one else. He was bright, funny, dedicated and loving. He poured a lifetime of love into his time here. His devotion to his family was palpable and amazing to behold.

His last words to me were these:

When people are frail, most people

back away. Real friends come closer.

You have been the best of the best.

He was wrong. Edward was the best of the best.

Edward gave me 4 of the greatest gifts in my life: his friendship, which I carry in my heart always, and Rosalie, Hayley and Claire, who are more precious to me than they will ever know.

To live in hearts we leave behind, is not to dieCampbell – Hallowed Ground

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Sandra Smith

My father’s sister. She got married when I was about 5 or 6 and I was a junior bridesmaid at her wedding. My brother was a junior groomsman, so we walked down the aisle together.

My relationship with my father’s family has been sporadic at best – after he and my mother parted ways I saw very little of his relatives, because he didn’t see much of them.

But I’ve always loved Aunt Sandi – she had a great sense of humor and was a great mom to her daughters.

In 2000, I think I had seen Aunt Sandi twice during the previous 20+ years. But she came to our wedding and was the loving aunt I remembered despite the brain cancer that she had been fighting for several years.

My cousins have said that they think I look like her. I don’t see it, but I would be honored to resemble such a strong, loving woman in any way.

To live in hearts we leave behind, is not to dieCampbell – Hallowed Ground

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In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to

our future.

Alex Haley

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MomMy mother has been my staunchest supporter, my rock, my home. I don’t know if she will ever truly understand how much she means to me, but I hope to one day be worthy of all she has done and continues to do for me.

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MomDid I mention that she’s a LOT of fun? It’s pretty common knowledge that I love all things Disney and that I refer to Disneyworld as the happiest place on earth. I’ve been there alone, with Larry, with other family members, but going with Mom is the BEST.

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DadMy father has retired three times and is currently putting together a plan to take another job which will move him to London for a while. He has no real concept of how to relax. I seem to have inherited some of that. He was a great dad to grow up with and still always finds a way to be here for me when I need him – he attended my wedding a few hours after undergoing an outpatient surgical procedure. There is no one else like him. I love him a lot.

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HowardMy brother. It would be easy to go for the quick laugh here and say that there were no pictures of us close together and smiling between 1960 and 1999, but I’m not going there. Sure, I couldn’t find any, but… No, no, I kid, I kid. Howard and I are close in age (vanity compels me to state that he is older) and were close for the first few years of my life. After that, not so much – until we stopped living under the same roof. Since then, we have had a warm, loving relationship that I cherish.

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My sister-in-law, and one of my absolute favorite people on the planet. She is strong, smart, funny, giving, open, honest and loving. I love her a lot.

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It has been a rare privilege to be able to watch Benjamin grow up. As a distant (by location) but very proud aunt, I marvel at the man he is becoming.

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Uncle Paul and Esther

My uncle the doctor… Always and forever one of my favorite people!

Esther inherited an almost-adult niece and nephew when she married Uncle Paul. Two of the things I always remember fondly about Esther -- One was when my cousin Lauren was about 8 months old. I asked Esther to bring her to National College of Education for a class I was taking there. She cheerfully gave up her morning without a second’s thought. The other happened years later, when we were packing to move into our house and I ran out of supplies and was unable to get more due to a back problem. I called Esther to see if they had boxes we could pick up. They didn’t, but she immediately insisted on going to buy us some and brought them to us as a gift.

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Lauren and Chad Dana and Doug

My cousins – thank you, Uncle Paul and Esther!

Two of the most impossibly beautiful women (inside and out) on the planet.

Chad officially became my cousin when he and Lauren got married in October of 2000, and Doug will be joining the family in March when he and Dana get married!

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My aunt. Susan is pretty close to my age, so I never called her “Aunt Susan”. I always thought she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. When I was young I fervently wanted to look just like her.

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Mike and Steve

My cousins – thank you, Susan!

Despite the occasional restaurant food fight, two fine men with a strong sense of family.

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Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.

Ludwig van Beethoven

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In June of 1993, the apartment building in which I was living caught fire. I was taken to the hospital due to smoke inhalation and spent the night in intensive care.

Rosalie was waiting outside the building with a small crowd when I was taken out. I blurted out that I had not been able to find one of my cats. She left me and returned in a few minutes with the cat in her arms.

She took my cats to her apartment, made sure that Edward was all right (he had had a seizure when he realized that it was my building on fire), then she came back.

Making numerous trips up and down the 3 flights of stairs in both of our buildings, she removed my computer equipment and anything else she thought I needed to be sure that nothing I needed for my (then new) business was stolen or damaged.

In the morning, she brought me back from the hospital. Walking back to her apartment, I remember stopping and saying, “I thank God for you every day, Rosalie.”

I still do.

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Hayley and Claire

I could not love you more if you were


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Top Left: Rosalie Cyrier, Hayley and Claire MellishTop Center: Rhonda and Ron Messina

Top Right: David SteeleBottom Left: Joyce Keane

Bottom Right: Melissa Wafer, Robert Lusky, Madeline Nelson (where the heck was Bill?)

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What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.

George Eliot

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Lover, Partner, Husband, Friend

As many people can attest, I could talk about Larry for a very long time. In a rare attempt at brevity, I’ll just say that I’m so grateful now that I didn’t find someone earlier in my life, because that would have been the wrong person . Larry is the person I was meant to be with, and I am forever grateful that we found one another. And look at him – he’s SO cute!

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Fuzzy Family

“’Men have forgotten this truth,’ said the fox. ‘But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for

what you have tamed.’”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Our first dog. I was 5 when we got him, I think, and 18 when he died.

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Such a sweet cat – she came when you called her, even if you woke her from a sound sleep.

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Trying to walk in Larry’s shoes. He always thought of himself as the Alpha Male…


Always the princess…

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St. Louis DogsTwo of the four dogs Howard and family have had since he moved to St. Louis. Shown here: Annie, the Great Pyrenees on the left and Boulder, the Australian Shepherd on the right. Not Shown: Jack (breed forgotten by me) and Reno, a Bernese Mountain Dog.

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Zoe and Kitty

Our remaining cat population. Zoe at 8 weeks and as full grown mouse assassin; Kitty full grown having a rare moment with Larry where she is allowing herself to be touched.

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Our “baby” Bouvier. These pictures show Payton at 10 weeks. At 6 months he weighs almost 60 pounds and his head is bigger than Kitty –not Kitty’s head – Kitty.

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Mom’s Tibetan Terrier and the belle of Morton Grove – people literally stop their cars to look at her and ask what kind of dog she is. She hates the heat, loves the snow and is generally a perfect dog.

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I hope that memory is valued – that we do not lose memory.

Studs Terkel

If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.

Psalms 137:6

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Memory is funny. Once you hit a vein the problem is not how to remember but how to control the flow.

Tobias Wolff

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.

Walt Disney