Download - Civic Engagement and Volunteering Mentee Guide Week 7 The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership.

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  • Civic Engagement and Volunteering Mentee Guide Week 7 The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
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  • How do you define service? Directions: Each person needs to take a moment to copy the following list to a piece of paper. Individually, place a 1 next to the service activity that best aligns with your philosophy of service, or what you deem to be the most important way to serve. Place a 10 next to the activity that least represents your philosophy of service Providing dinner once a week at a homeless shelter Leaving your car at home and biking to work every day Donating $50 to the Red Cross Giving blood Writing a letter to a congressional leader about homelessness in America Tutoring children at a local elementary school Voting in every election Chaining yourself to an old growth tree as loggers enter the forest Serving on a committee at a religious institution Adopting an 8 year old child Choosing a career in social services Created by: Kent Koth and Scott Hamilton, Salem, OR. 1993 Revised 2003 The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
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  • Reflection Compare Share your service rankings, are your lists exactly the same? What criteria did you use to rank the activities? What past experiences or personal values impacted the way you ranked each activity? Define Would you argue that any of the activities are not service? In your opinion, can service ever be harmful? Discuss Is there a universal definition of service? Please explain your answer. The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
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  • Categories Of Service Activism: Chaining yourself to an old growth tree as loggers enter the forest Charity or Philanthropy: Donating $50 to the Red Cross Citizenship: Writing a letter to a congressional leader about homelessness and/or voting Direct Service: Providing dinner once a week to a homeless shelter and/or tutoring children at a local elementary school Lifestyle: Leaving your car at home and biking to work every day and/or Giving blood Religion or Spirituality: Serving on a committee at a religious institution Vocational: Choosing a career in social services Mini Discussion: Does your service philosophy align with some categories more than others? The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
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  • Community Engagement Experience (CEE) Vision The CEE constitutes an initiative derived from inspiration experienced abroad Collaborate Partner with different organizations to draw on everyones resources, time, energy and ideas! Innovation Think outside the box and come up with an entirely new initiative! Teamwork Form a team with other VIH awardees and community members to achieve your goals! The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership
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  • Mentor Share Please take a few moments to discuss your Community Engagement Experience (CEE) with your mentee. Share the vision of your CEE; how your CEE was a new initiative; and, how you navigated team dynamics. Share the impact on Your community Your team Your leadership skills Together review the resources on the Leadership Development page and the CEE page of the VIH website. The Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership