Download - City of Alexandria Demand Letter - Ignored


Janice Wolk Grenadier

15 West Spring Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22301


[email protected]

July 14, 2015

Christopher P. Spera

Deputy City of Attorney

301 King Street, Suite 1300

Alexandria, VA 22314


[email protected]

Prince William County

Michelle Robl Acting County Attorney

1 County Complex Ct

Prince William VA 22192


[email protected]

State of Virginia

Office of the Attorney General Mark Herring

900 East Main Street

Richmond, VA 23219


[email protected]

RE: Meeting on June 29, 2015 agreed a Demand Letter to be submitted to the City of Alexandria for Claims and Relief sought by Janice Wolk Grenadier. To prevent further litigation of the City of Alexandria Virginia, including her appearing at City Council Meetings informing the public of the corruption - Please note I have been on this road for Justice a long time These are only the highlights not close to all that has been done to me to prevent Justice.

Dear Gentlemen,

I first want to start out thanking the Mayor Bill Euille of Alexandria, Christopher P. Spera Deputy City Attorney , Chris Wemple III Police Captain that I write this letter with the intention of putting this behind us. This demand only includes the litigation part of the City of Alexandria, Prince William County and The State of Virginia which still leaves open the Others (family, lawyers, banks, CPAs et al) and the Federal parties. I tried to take your suggestion of breaking it down to who is responsible for what - why, but due to how they overlap it was impossible. The acts and actions of overlapping parties, you can not settle one without settling all three. I am hopeful you see that, and that the three of you can find a way to make this work.

The Demand is for $100,000,000.00 One Hundred Million Dollars.

That the acts and actions were knowledgeable, willful acts malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton, or grossly reckless were done with an evil attempt to silence me first from collecting money and property (Real Estate) that is and was rightfully mine, from Divorce Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman active member of the Old Boys Network, then to silence me from exposing what was being done to me so that Senator Mark Warner could and would be re-elected. The acts and actions began on February 14, 1986, and became obvious to the inclusion of those below in September of 2007 and continue today. That I have a claim for these criminal and civil acts damages due me are Exemplary / Punitive, Compensatory, Consequential, Normal, Treble, Liquidated and Special Damages.

That the Criminal acts and actions of the below include and are not limited to other acts or actions as will be charged when the Rico and Racketeering suit is filed by my California Attorneys who do not have a dog on your side of the fight. The attorneys have not been engaged yet to date so you will be dealing directly with me on this issue, once attorneys are engaged you will be notified and deal directly with them and a Rico and Racketeering suit. The suit should be and can be anticipated right around the same time you illegally incarcerated me last year prior to Election Day and the Start of the Presidential Election Cycle if not sooner.

The following are the direct cases that are involved:

(you can find additional information in the files, on pacer, or at or )

City of Alexandria w/ Court of Appeals # and Supreme Court Cases directly involved:

Divorce Case # CH 99 1253

Court of Appeals: Record No. 2141 13 4

1. The pulling of a gun by David Mark Grenadier on me while young daughters in the home November 0f 1997

2. The appearance of the hiring of a hit man September of 1997 / and with Nancy Dunning in March of 1998 twice coming to my home to check to see if I was ok Safe - Contact COA Commonwealth Attorney Bryan Porter and ask for copy of e-mail dated Monday, Mar 10, 2014 @ 2:22 pm

September 0f 1997 On a cab ride to the airport my x-husband was yelling at me on the phone the cab driver continued to yell at me to hang up the phone because of David yelling at me he threatened to pull the cab over if I didnt hang up. When I finally hung up he said to me you never let someone treat you like that: For $5,000. I can take care of that I was shocked and said no thank you he said you dont have $5,000 we can work it out he didnt want me paying for the cab I insisted and he gave me a phone number to call which I immediately throw out. WE HAVE A MURDER FOR HIRE IN VIRGINIA CONTROLLED BY THE OLD BOYS NETWORK

3. Property Liquidation agreement done between David Grenadier and his mother Divorce Lawyer Ilona with out wifes (me) signature done by Maryland lawyer not licensed in the State of Virginia in or around November of 1997

4. The recent theft of a car

5. The numerous threatening e-mails for being Catholic to intimidate

6. Divorce Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman intervenes

7. Swindling of $30,000 July 7, 1990 by Lawyer Ilona Grenadier / Jim Arthur Fagaleson / Mays & Valentine now known as Troutman Sanders while acting as attorney to cover up law firm Grenadier et al involvement of forgery and theft of money by law firm and Ilona.

Bellefonte Ave Re-Opened September of 2007 Case # CH 01 0654

Supreme Court Appeal: No. 11 0156

No. 12 2204

1. Attempt at charging me with Extortion - Extortion Charges were enforced and made up by Ilona Grenadier and Ben DiMuro et al attorney, Randy Sengel, and Detective Pak of the Alexandria Police to intimidate me, as there is no police report number and Detective Pak admitted that there was no intention to file charges against me. I voluntarily met with the Detective and his assistant and the conversation was taped, I can prove and gave evidence of all money owed to me is detailed in documents et al, and of Ilonas criminal activities along with others. October 28, 2012 Randy has Detective Pak call me about Extortion charges in collusion with Ben DiMuro and the pattern of anytime I find the law and confront the illegal behavior Randy Sengel he finds a way to go after me in a Retribution / Retaliation pattern. Extortion Charges which there is no police incident number nor any record with the Alexandria Police Records room. January 7, 2012 several e-mails and phone calls to Detective Pak who lied on several occasions to me and there was no number to give me, as he never reported his Scare Tactics to the appropriate people. He went out of his way in collusion with Randy Sengel to harm and intimidate me.

August 2, 2010 e-mail from Randy just doesnt want to investigate Ilona, it would be bad for him

2. The Spring Street Gutter / RV case

3. The apparent 2nd attempt at my life March 2011

4. The collusion to block me from a Grand Jury requesting a Special Grand Jury to investigate the criminal acts of the Judiciary, the Government and Elected Officials in this case. September 27, 2011 Letter to Randy from Plaintiff to Convene a Special Grand Jury

September 29, 2011 Letter Randy Sengel in regard to a Special Grand Jury NO because the last thing anyone wants to have come out is the Truth about the Corruption in the State of Virginia I own the Grand Jury I have the key to the Grand Jury By all appearance the 4th arm of the Government is owned by the Commonwealth Attorney - I have yet to find that law?

October 5, 2011 Letter from Randy Receipt of Praecipe filed October 2011 to go in front of the Grand Jury on October 11, 2011.

October 6, 2011 Letter from Plaintiff commenting on his intent to obstruct Justice

October 7, 2011 E-mail from Randy acknowledging attachments.

October 11, 2011 Order Judge Haddock, Judge Kemler, Judge Dawkins recusing themselves from Grand Jury

October 14, 2011 Letter to Mr. Sengel regard to Plaintiffs rights being violated by denial of access to Grand Jury

October 14, 2011 Letter Judge Haddock retires on December 31, 2011.

November 16, 2011 Letter from Circuit Court No judge available for December 12, 2011 Plaintiff learns that is because the Clerk of Court has not filed the appropriate papers with the Supreme Court of Virginia in the appropriate order.

November 2011, Saturday after Thanksgiving with a moratorium on City of Alexandria employees working on Saturday Code enforcement comes out to Plaintiffs home.

November 2011 Order from Supreme Court Justice that Richard B. Potter has been appointed to act out Kangaroo Court.

November 21, 2011 Instruction to Richard B. Potter on what his duties are to be performed on February 13, 2012.

January 4, 2012 Randy Sengel writes letter to Judge Richard Potter Plaintiff is not one of his witnesss and should not be allowed in front of Grand Jury.

January 4, 2012 in collusion with Randy Sengel to try and intimidate Plaintiff he has City Attorney Megan Roberts threaten to sue Plaintiff for $200.00.

January 18, 2012 Plaintiff files Sanctions against Randy Sengel, to be heard on January 25, 2012.

In collusion with the Circuit Court Judges, Randy Sengel & Judges decide that Judge Richard Potter will hear Sanctions again ignoring the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia.

Randy Sengel has lost immunity. He has acted in an unprofessional and illegal manor. His actions have been intentionally, willfully, wantonly, and maliciously to insure that Plaintiff did not get a fair trial. Mr. Sengels blatant abusive regard to the United States of America Constitution, Virginia Constitution, Religious and Civil Rights of Plaintiff,. . The acts of the Mr. Sengel are egregious and vicious actions against Plaintiff a pro se, single mom with her 2 girls because they are Catholic and are x communicated from the Old Boy Network. Mr. Sengel is a Elected official, lawyer and officer of the court he has abused his power, and his oath.

Randy Sengel is guilty of Fraud on the Court, malpractice, Deceit: Non- Disclosure / Concealment of his relationships with the Judges and others, Constructive Fraud,

Ed Semonian - Elected Clerk of Court / Elected official of the City of Alexandria - Elected Clerk of Court / Elected official of the City of Alexandria is guilty of: Judicial Misconduct, Criminal Misconduct, Discrimination for Religious, Social, Economic, Hierarch, Gang Type Behavior Similar to the Klue Klux Klan, Attempt to harm Plaintiff and her Girls through Drugs & Rape, Slander of Plaintiff to prevent Due Process, Tampering with Evidence, Mail Fraud, Violating the Law and the Rules of the Supreme courts, Violation of the Judicial Cannons, Obstruction of Justice, Fraud on the Court, TREASON, Title 18 U.S. Code 241 & 242; Title 42 U.S. Code 1981 & 1983 Color of the law Abuses Ignoring his Oath of Office, VSB Duties of an Officer of the Court, Bribery By appearance with Patsy Ticer fund raising donations for his Campaign to influence his decision, Brach of Fiduciary Duties, Government Liability, Conflict of Interest, 18.2-481 Treason, Collusion / Conspiracy, Ignoring due process for JWG, Ignoring JWGs rights under the Constitution of Virginia & the United States, Ignoring JWGs civil rights Virginia Code 17.1-105 (b) 18.2 21 and other laws

September of 2007 when all the Circuit Court Judge's recused themselves, because of Ilona Greandier a lawyer/officer of the court lied in Court, it was Mr. Semonian's job to file the appropriate paper work with the Supreme Court of Virginia

October 11, 2011 It was Mr. Semonians job to insure that JWG was permitted to go in front of the Grand Jury. It was Mr. Semonians job to insure on October 11, 2011 that the appropriate paper work was submitted to the Supreme Court of Virginia for a Judge to be designated by the Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser for December 12, 2012 at 9am when JWG by Chief Judge Donald M. Haddock was demanded back to go in front of the Regular Grand Jury. The paper work was not submitted to the Supreme Court of Virginia in a timely manner and customary appropriate channels.

January 25, 2012 It was Mr. Semonians job to insure that JWGs Motion for Sanctions against Randy Sengel was heard on January 25, 2012 by Judge Clark who confirmed with JWG that he had not recused himself.

It was Mr. Semonians job to answer reasonable basic questions about the Grand Jury when JWG asked them of him. Which he refused to do.

February 8, 2012 It was Mr. Semonians job to insure JWGs Motion for Sanctions against Mr. Semonian to be heard on February 8, 2012 was heard by Judge Clark or that Judge Clark then recused himself. Judge Clark did not recuse himself and heard other Motions that were not on his docket on February 8, 2012. It was Mr. Semonians job to send a deficiency notice to JWG if any fees were due on case # MO 11001482, or to inform her when paper work was filed. It was Mr. Semonians job on February 13, 2012 to insure JWGs file was in order - Ed Semonian did not do his job. But with the support of The Network was reelected in November of 2011 for another 8 years.

February 13, 2012 It was Mr. Semonians job on February 13, 2012 to insure that JWG went in front of the Regular Grand Jury.

Ed Semonian has lost his immunity. He as the Clerk of Court did not follow the law, i.e. you are a trespasser of the law, he as a Clerk of Court. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232, 94 S.Ct. 1683, 1687 (1974) stated that "when a state officer acts under a state law in a manner violative of the Federal Constitution, he "comes into conflict with the superior authority of that Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is subjected in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct. The State has no power to impart to him any immunity from responsibility to the supreme authority of the United States. Mr. Semonian with Defendants acted intentionally, willfully, wantonly, and maliciously in their collusion to protect Ilona a wife of a past judge part of the network. Mr. Semonains and Defendants blatant abusive regard to the United States of America Constitution, Virginia Constitution, Civil Rights of Plaintiff is obvious. Mr. Semonian had the responsibility of knowing the law, In conclusion he either did not know the law incompetence, or, he ignored the law unconscionable! Ed Semonian to date is ignoring the rules and the laws and allowing Judges without Jurisdiction to rule on Plaintiff

5. Mailing back of Documents properly submitted into court which I still have the box unopened See above for Clerk of Court Ed Semonians responsibility and lack of care of documents placed in his passion for safe keeping

6. Meeting with Patsy Ticer who instead set me up with Martha Kent x-wife of Judge Kent. I will not be spineless like Martha Kent and Patsy Ticer who when I went to Patsy she would not meet with me in Alexandria I had to go to Richmond and where she was too busy so see me so she set me up with an older women who claimed to be her assistant I would find out later that was a LIE - After listening to my story she said to me

Do you know who I am? no

I am the x wife of Judge Donald Kent Martha Kent

I have walked in your shoes you cant win this

Me and My family cant get a fair trial either

You are no longer one of them

That is when a few more pieces of the puzzle as to who was the King of the Old Boys Network started falling into place Who was behind this - it is and was her x-husband Judge Donald Kent best friend to Judge Donald Haddock on the bench at the same time as Judge Grenadier. Judge Haddock chose all my Judges and stated to me You will never win this WE LOVE ILONA - Judge Haddock and Judge Kent by all appearance have done everything they could for there LOVE

7. The hiring or as a friend to Ilona with Judge Clarks request of Ilona et al to find me incompetent of Mark / Michael Stuart to drug me and get sexual inappropriate pictures, to rape one of my girls or plant drugs in our home or on one of the girls

8. The Discrimination for religion et al and threats through Loretta Miller et al alias

9. The blog Libelous and Slanderous taken down while I was in jail stated I was a homosexual and the Anti-Christ threatening me and my children. Again no where for me to go for help as the Police had been told with the Mark Stuart threat they were to take no reports from me. Preventing me from work and funding for my invention.

10. City of Alexandria Police Report: ignoring the law - with the help of the Commonwealths attorney's office took the report

Police Report in the City of Alexandria by JW Grenadier October 10, 2014 Notes

Case No. 14 - 142420

On Friday October 10, 2014 Janice Wolk Grenadier went to the court house to file a motion to have a court appointed attorney.

Janice went to the court house to file my Motion for an emergency hearing - The Clerk politely explained I needed to call Judge's chambers to set it up. I am actually by their Order of October 12, 2014 forbidden to call Judges Chambers, write to Judges Chambers etc. This is just one case where they are allowing outrages legal fees and trying to put me in jail no on October 22, 2014.

I went to the Commonwealths attorneys office which even though they are attorneys they don't look into anything that does not come to them though the police. I have called the police several times to report the corruption and the man they had hired to harm me, along with the Leah Lax bullying. The police would come to my house and say well we aren't allowed to write a report. That Randy Sengel Commonwealth Attorney had ordered no one was to write a report on my complaints. So I called the police right there at the Court House and had them come there and take the report.

Officer M, Vaccaro #2371 and P. Taylor #1979 his supervisor / training officer was with him. The crime was headlined as "Criminal Corruption in the Courthouse is what you are claiming" me "YES" this report was taken in the Clerks office. I gave them the pictures of my evidence that was stolen out of my file and the Order that came with it, The attached documents and since my files were in the court house right there I asked if they would like to go through them. They were not interested in doing that. Replied "This will be turned over the to the White Collar Crime division, that this was above their job" the Case No is 14 - 142420

After the report they wanted me out of the Court House, They said that I did not have to leave but, it was best for me. They insinuated I had done something to be removed that the Commonwealth Attorney's office did not want me in the building. When I asked why and what was said they refused real comment and admitted I had done nothing wrong.

The Commonwealth attorneys office has said several times they would not put me in front of the Grand Jury to ask for a Special Grand Jury that I had to go through the Police as is in my attached documents about the Corruption in Northern Virginia- yet it has always been the Commonwealth Attorney who blocked me from a police report in regard to the corruption.

I gave them copies of documents showing criminal intend for the officers to open the case. The document with the Box of Evidence and the Order from Judge Clark, Kemler & Dawkins is modified by the Notes that were filed in my Statement of Facts in November of 2012

Virginia is being closely watched by the FBI or that is the appearance -

Other Links:

Virginia Rated 47th and 49th in Corruption - Daily Beast rated Virginia second most Corrupt State - -

State Integrity Gave them an F - 47th most corrupt States -

The FOIA request was completely redacted by the City Attorneys - This was in collusion with the Commonwealth's Attorney whose suggestion it was to call the police.

11. That a Judge with Jurisdiction has never been had in this case. All Judges were improperly chosen with or by Judge Haddock

12. Jailing me on the pretense of legal fees that Alps Insurance said they were paying, for lawyers who had lied in almost if not all documents submitted to the court, the affidavit of legal fees showing more calls to Judges chambers than to their own clients. Most importantly we do not have debtors prisons in the United States of America

Stated and released early:

That your actions have turned back time. Giving me less rights then a slave. Taking someone under Title 42 US Code 1994 and Title 18 US Code 1581(a): Whoever holds or returns any person to a condition of PEONAGE, shall be fined under this title for imprisoned not more than 20 years or both. That on October 22, 2014 I was placed in jail for failure to pay legal fees in 30 days which is a violation of my Thirteenth Amendment "Neither Slavery not involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime where of the party shall have duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any subject to their Jurisdiction". Furthermore the right by placing me "under" a state Peonage / Involuntary Servitude violating the Fourth Amendment right by malicious prosecution, false imprisonment and unconstitutional arrest. This violation of my Eight Amendment Right as to Excessive Bail which in this case constitutes "Restitution Bail" which further shows the knowledgeable malicious intent to silence me till the election was over on November 4th. 2014. Bias, Retaliation and Retribution to further line the Lawyers pockets by Judge Clark.


14 days Solitaire Confinement till around 5pm on election day which is Torture

What is Solitary Confinement? In the early nineteenth century, the U.S. led the world in a new practice of imprisoning people in solitary cells, without access to any human contact or stimulation, as a method of rehabilitation. The results were disastrous, as prisoners suffered severe psychological harm. The practice was all but abandoned. Over a century later, it has made an unfortunate comeback. Instead of torturing prisoners with solitary confinement in dark and dirty underground holes, prisoners are now subjected to solitary confinement in well-lit, sterile boxes. The psychological repercussions are similar

CCRs Challenges to Solitary Confinement In May 2012, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a lawsuit against the state of California for its use of prolonged solitary confinement in the infamous Pelican Bay prison. Ashker, et al. v. Governor, et al., is a federal class action challenging prolonged solitary confinement and deprivation of due process, based on the rights guaranteed under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments, at Pelican Bay In Wilkinson v. Austin, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in support of CCRs claims that prison officials cannot confine prisoners in long-term solitary confinement in a super maximum prison without first giving them the opportunity to challenge their placement.

Solitary Confinement is Torture The devastating psychological and physical effects of prolonged solitary confinement are well documented by social scientists: prolonged solitary confinement causes prisoners significant mental harm and places them at grave risk of even more devastating future psychological harm and at times, these harms were found to be permanent or persist even after one was released from solitary. Researchers have demonstrated that prolonged solitary confinement causes a persistent and heightened state of anxiety and nervousness, headaches, insomnia, lethargy or chronic tiredness, nightmares, heart palpitations, fear of impending nervous breakdowns and higher rates of hypertension and early morbidity. Other documented effects include obsessive ruminations, confused thought processes, an oversensitivity to stimuli, irrational anger, social withdrawal, hallucinations, violent fantasies, emotional flatness, mood swings, chronic depression, feelings of overall deterioration, as well as suicidal ideation.

Exposure to such life-shattering conditions clearly constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Further, the brutal use of solitary has been condemned as torture by the international community. Juan Mendez, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, concluded that even 15 days in solitary confinement constitutes torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and 15 days is the limit after which irreversible harmful psychological effects can occur. Other independent human rights bodies at the UN have also expressed concern about Pelican Bay prison and the overall use of solitary in U.S. prisons. However, many prisoners in the United States have been isolated for far longer than just 15 days I was only a few hours short of 15 days

Denied phone calls till 10 pm on 1st day

Woken up every 2 hours at night

Not allowed out of cell till 2 or 3 am for one hour, left in cell for over 24 hours limit.

When tried to make phone calls the calls through system did not work and could not get help

Sat down and told I had less rights than someone who murdered someone by City employee Jonathan Teumer and Lt Rea for sneaking out the documents that got me out of jail early. The actions were deliberate and evil to intimidate me further. That Mayor Euille was given such documents as well as all other State officials

Denied access to Priest and when I did see him and asked for my cross or rosary He explained he had been told by Lt. Rea it would have to be if she deemed it appropriate for me to have. He did not understand or had never seen such a situation where it went through a Sheriff like Lt. Rea. This action was pure evil.

No Advocate

Denied mail returned to sender saying I was not there my mail I did received had been opened I requested a copy of the court order and was denied

Denied phone calls to lawyers

Stripped searched patted down men watching me shower

I was lied to consistently by the Sheriffs especially Lt Rea and Capt. Williams

Moved around to try and disorient me and show control they had

The Magistrate when finally I was allowed in front of him warned me If I did not stop this it would only get worse for me? Which I took as a personal threat on my life and on my childrens lives Which I took as a personal threat on my life and on my childrens lives Especially with the knowledge of at least 5 known hits in the City of Alexandria and the Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser being forced to retire early Gift to the Democrats letting Fund Raiser Michael Gardner out of jail who had by DNA results found guilty of molesting young girls in McLean only to turn around and try to hire one of those hit men to kill the girls Do it the Virginia Way as Senator Mark Warner would say in his Campaign

Denied appropriate forms for filing of complaints and requests

All Avery v. Johnson rights denied

Denied my documents on my day of court, prior to going to court.

Judge Clark in Court stated Ms. Grenadier I have no choice but to release you and then turned to Lawyer Michael Weiser and stated I am sooooo very sorry I can not collect your legal fees for you you will need to do a judgment against her for collection As Lawyer Ben DiMuro et al were no shows after lying in court, lying in court documents et al.

The head Sheriff assured me I would be released within 2 hours of getting back to the jail I was not released till after 8 pm over 8 hours from getting back from the Court. The apparent reason was to further try to intimidate me and further the mental anguish of false imprisonment and to try and enforce the EVIL POWER they believe they have in controlling a single mom who told the TRUTH, and did not spinelessly walk away from the Old Boys Network.

Grand Jury Case # M01101482 October 2011 - Denied access to the Grand Jury and kidnapped with witness into another court room. Even with a Demand from the Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser to Be allowed into the Grand Jury to request a Special Grand Jury to review the Corruption

Spring Street Gutters / RV Case # GV 12 3028 - Question should be: How often does an attorney write a threatening letter over $200. to a homeowner?

Megan Roberts / George McAndrews et al City of Alexandria Attorneys are guilty of: Judicial Misconduct, Criminal Misconduct, Discrimination for Religious, Social, Economic, Hierarch, Gang Type Behavior Similar to the Klue Klux Klan, Attempt to harm Plaintiff and her Girls through Drugs & Rape, Slander of Plaintiff to prevent Due Process, Tampering with Evidence, Mail Fraud, Violating the Law and the Rules of the Supreme courts, Violation of the Judicial Cannons, Obstruction of Justice, Fraud on the Court, TREASON, Title 18 U.S. Code 241 & 242; Title 42 U.S. Code 1981 & 1983 and other laws

January 4, 2012 Letter from Meghan S. Roberts threatening Plaintiff with legal action over $200. For infractions of code a gutter & RV parked in my driveway. Collusion with Randy Sengel in attempt to scare/intimidate Plaintiff.

Megan S. Roberts attorney for the City of Alexandria, abusive actions towards JWG are RETRIBUTION and RETALIATORY ACTIONS for JWG exposing corruption by several taxpayer paid employees of the Courts of the City of Alexandria. RETALIATORY actions are not legal. Megan S. Roberts in collusion with The actions of the City of Alexandria, Judges, Commonwealth Attorney, Clerk of Court, VSB, JIRC, Courts of Justice, the Democratic party, Supreme Court of Virginia has acted intentionally, willfully, wantonly, and maliciously in their collusion to protect Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman founding partner to the law firm Grenadier, Anderson, Stracae, Duffett & Kiesler, the late wife of Judge Albert Grenadier, from being held responsible for her and her law firms criminal activity.

A few days prior to Thanksgiving 2011 (right after receiving documents in the Mail from Judge Clark) a Code Inspector showed up at JWG home asking how she was coming with getting the gutter re-attached and the RV moved. JWG explained her financial difficulties and that she would in the next few weeks have the RV moved and the gutter fixed. He informed her not to worry and call him when it was completed.

JWG then learned through the Supreme Court that the City of Alexandria had not followed the customary procedure for filing the recusal paper work, they did not handle it appropriately, with regard to the Grand Jury

The SATURDAY after Thanksgiving JWG was charged $200 twice. JWG has learned there is a moratorium on overtime work on a Saturday in the City of Alexandria. Approximately a week later JWG was fined again.

These fines came after JWG contacted the Virginia Supreme Court after being blocked from exercising her RIGHT to speak to the Regular Grand Jury, blocked by both the Presiding Chief Judge Donald M. Haddock of the City of Alexandria Circuit Court, and by the City of Alexandria Commonwealth Attorney Randy Sengel.

That the actions of Megan S. Roberts coincide with the actions of other Government employees (Judges, Commonwealth Attorney Randy Sengel, Clerk of Court Ed Semonian, etc.) to maliciously intimidate JWG, this is just one of the many scare tactics they are using, to try and scare JWG from following through with suits

against other Government employees and complaints against them with other state agencies.

January 4, 2012 JWG receives a letter from Ms. Roberts threatening to sue her over the $200.00.

Plaintiff responses, with no intention of paying and why

On January 4, 2012 Randy Sengel writes a letter to Judge Bowne Potter who has been appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia Cynthia Kinser to oversee that Janice Wolk Grenadier goes before the Grand Jury. Randy Sengel writes Judge Potter that JWG is not one of his witnesses and should not be allowed in front of the Grand Jury.

February 13, 2012 In what amounted to little more than a Kangaroo Court, proceeds to take place

at the City of Alexandria Circuit Court when the Grand Jury met, where Randy Sengel proceeds to tell the Judge what he is allowed to do and not do. Tampering with the Grand Jury

On the morning of May 14, 2012 JWG delivers letter to Ms. Roberts she is on the list to be sued with other Government employees and lawyers that have prevented JWG from due process her United States Constitutional Rights, her Virginia State Constitutional and her Civil Rights.

May 14, 2012 Ms. Roberts has the Code Enforcement Lawmaster do a statement and in turn files suit against JWG. Mailing out a letter with the suit documents saying JWG had not responded to the $450. the City ALLEGES the JWG owed. JWG never received a letter from Ms. Roberts in regard to the $450.00. Ms. Roberts actions in November and May are abusive and RETALIATORY against JWG for her exposing Alexandria Corruption to Virginias Chief Justice.

JWG has filed a Counterclaim and Cross-Complaint. which was denied by Judge from Arlington who lied in court.

Divorce Lis Pendens Case # 1400 2193 Just a miscarriage of further Justice

Prince William County

Divorce Lis Pendens Case # 14-2185 and 14-2185 1 I was allowed by the Judge to record the court hearing. The sheriffs on the end of the tape can be heard saying to erase it. None of the Judges who heard this case allowed witnesss to speak nor did they have Jurisdiction due to Bias all Orders were and are VOID even with the Judgments the lawyers were given Legal Collection agencies have refused to enforce when they have seen the evidence of corruption.

USDC of the Eastern Division of Virginia

Rico and Racketeering Filed October 20, 2011 Case No. 1:2011 cv - 01136

USDC of District of Columbia

State of Virginia, Loretta Lax Miller et al, Ilona Grenadier Heckman et al, Filed January 21, 2014 Case No. 1:14 cv 00162

Appeal Court No. 14 7020

The Blog by all appearance was taken down while I was in jail. You can find and read parts of it at or go to the above law suit on pacer. This was public till I was jailed. I was unable to get work nor hold on to a patent I was trying to get Valued over millions which is why the claim $ 100 million from the City of Alexandria, Prince William County and the State of Virginia is more than a reasonable relief from the acts and actions of the below parties. My Emergency Restraining Order was for ignored as were all pleas in the City of Alexandria Police to protect me and my daughters:


COMES NOW Plaintiff Janice Wolk Grenadier (JWG) reserves the right to amend Emergency Restraining Order and add additional Parties per FRCP Rule 15. Plaintiff Janice Wolk Grenadier complains against the captioned Defendants as follows:


1. This is an action for appropriate relief pursuant to the common law, statute and/or Constitution of the United States of America, for impermissible restraints upon the Plaintiffs constitutionally protected property, entitlements and other Constitutional rights, in Violation of a persons Civil Rights under 18 USC Sec 249 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Plaintiff will show statement made by Defendants are Slanderous, Libel and Defamation of Character of Plaintiff. The False statements that have been published as Fact and communicated through several e-mails will show defamation. That the statements have forever ruined the reputation of Plaintiff and her ability to promote a family friendly child product. The retaliation of Defendants to prevent the TRUTH coming out of IGH.

2. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 65 and LCvR 65.1, Plaintiff hereby moves the Court to issue a Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction requiring Defendants to immediately remove for the disingenuous statements and threats to JWG and to JWGs life, neighborhood and children.

3. In support of this motion, plaintiff attached notarized complaint filed with the FEC complaint and below history of events by above defendants

4. One of several e-mails:

[email protected]

Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 10:39 AM

To: [email protected]



The Threat of coming to JWGs home through LLM blog

We hope that you join us on Friday, January 10th, 2014 outside of Janice Wolk Grenadier's house to protest her anti-American pro-Satan values. Email us at [email protected] for Janice Wolk Grenadier's address. We are expecting at least 200 people so don't forgetto bringHoly Water from your church to purify and sactify theland ofthe supporter of the Anti Christ and the mother of the vessel of Satan. We will have aprayer session to pray for her lack of soul but do not look her straight in the eyes or you will be turned to stone.

JW Grenadier aka Janice Wolk Grenadier

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Janice Wolk Grenadier supports the Anti Christs Obama and Hillary Clinton

Not only is Janice Wolk Grenadier a traitor to the American people by being a card carrying Commie Pinko but she is also supporting the Anti Christs Obama and Hillary Clinton. Yes we said it here, Anti Christs meaning plural. Why is Janice doing this? Because they are not only going to let her keep her hairy vag but they are going to give her the chance to grow a penis as well. Well penises. Yes, Janice Wolk Grenadier will have 6 penises all over her body including one over her vagina. The other 5 will be as so: one in the palm of each hand, one on the bootom of each foot and one right where a tramp stamp would be on her back. That way when Janice Wolk Grenadier dies, she can go to Allah's heaven and have her 72 virgins. These 72 virgins will be a mix of males and females that she can rape with all of her penises and then the next morning at sun up they become virgins again. We have figured it out that the fetal body of little Joshua that Janice keeps in the basement of her home is going to be the vessel for the Dark Lord Satan himself to resurrect in a human body to carry out the apocolypse. That way, Janie Wolk Grenadier is guaranteed her 6 penises.Proof she supports the Anti Christ is in her letters she has posted and her other posts of Hillary's and Obama's support defending both oneverything Loretta Lax Miller fought against including the ObamaCare and Islamic Terrorism which Obama and Hillary support. Janice is for the destruction of the Catholic Church's values of having Nuns despense birthcontroll pills. Janice supports this by supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Husein Obama. Everything Obama stands for is to destroy American Family Values and Janice has no values and worships Satan.We at Muggy Cat take the religious stand that Janice is the Anti Christ and does not beleive in God and the wonders God has done on this Earth. Maybe Janice should move to sin city Las Vegas and sell her soul aswell as her fugly body on the strip since she is whoring for Satan.-----Original Message-----From: JWG To: muggycatscreams ; leahlax1234 Sent: Wed , Jan 1, 2014 10:45 amSubject: Re: i agree with youYou FUCKEN JEWS!!!!!! ALL OF YOU . DICK FARREL JOSH COHEN, LEAH LAX AKA LORETTA LAX MILLER AND THE REST OF YOU FUCKEN 30 JEWS. Hitler was right! Ya'll deserve to die! YOU SHOULD BE PLACED IN A BIG OVEN.Warmly,JW Grenadier

The above e-mail was tampered with or hacked and sent through JWGs account at AOL. The e-mail disclosed on the blog WAS NOT WRITTEN BY JANICE WOLK GRENADIER as many OF THE E-MAILS THAT ARE ON THE Leah Lax et al ones she has on her Blog

According to Lea Lax et al through e-mails it will show Ilona Grenadier Heckman was involved in this on or prior to December 24, 2013.

We hope that you join us on Friday, January 10th, 2014 outside of Janice Wolk Grenadier's house to protest her anti-American pro-Satan values. Email us at [email protected] for Janice Wolk Grenadier's address. We are expecting at least 200 people so don't forgetto bringHoly Water from your church to purify and sactify theland ofthe supporter of the Anti Christ and the mother of the vessel of Satan. We will have aprayer session to pray for her lack of soul but do not look her straight in the eyes or you will be turned to stone.

Posted by muggy cat at 8:48 AM

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Labels: CIA, FBI, Hillary Rodman Clinton, Janice Wolk Grenadier, KGB, leah lax, MI5, MI6, My Pillow Pack, Obama, virginia law 2010

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The above e-mail was tampered with or hacked and sent through JWGs account at AOL. The e-mail disclosed on the blog was not written by JWG as many LLM has on her Blog

According to LLM through e-mails it will show IGH was involved in this on or prior to December 24, 2013.


5. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference all of the allegations contained in

Paragraphs 1 through 4 of this Complaint

6. Plaintiff Janice Wolk Grenadier (JWG) is the Victim of the above Defendants since October of 1985, and LLM since May of 2013 when she began stalking of JWG.

7. Defendant Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman (IGH) a lawyer is guilty of the following and this can be proven with documents and witnesss Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Aiding and abetting obstruction of Justice, Fraud on the Court, Involvement of Forgery, Theft of money from the Sonia Grenadier Trust account through her law office for great personal gain over $10 Million in Real Estate,Theft of Herman Grenadier, malpractice, Bribery, Abuse of her Oath of Office, Conspiracy, Collusion, Miscarriage of Justice, preventing Due Process, conflict of interest related to the practice of law, violating code of ethics, has liability to her victims, has violated PlaintiffsReligious, Political, United state Constitutional, Virginia Constitutional and Civil Rights, Breach of Fiduciary Duties,RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT,Title 18 US code 241 Conspiracy against rights, and 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law, Retaliatory & Retribution actions, Treason,Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964Title VI, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., was enacted as part of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964,18 USC912.With her Intention to18 USC 1341-Frauds and swindles,Defraud, Breach of Contract,ArbitraryandCapricious behavior, Committed Fraud on the Court, 18.2-498.3. Misrepresentations prohibited, 18.2-172 - Forging, uttering, etc., other writings et al.

THE ABOVE IS THE MOTIVATION OF ILONA GRENADIER HECKMANS going to the extremes that she is to stop the Truth from coming in front of a Judge. All actions from the IGH and her firm have been willful acts that were and are malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton, and grossly reckless.

[ The above is a copy and paste out of my Emergency Motion on January 21, 2013 for a restraining Order - Ilona Grenadier Heckmans MONEY and POWER reach far and the Federal Government will be held accountable for the Federal Judges who have allowed her to get away with this. The State of Virginia by the Police coming and ignoring how afraid I was shows further there involvement in helping her and her Klux Klux Klan type behavior Keep in mind I have and can prove Bias in every Judge who has ruled which illuminates Stature of Limitations and allows all cases to be re-opened.

PARTIAL FILING IN FEDERAL COURT MAY 2014 remainder on line and on Pacer






Pro se

15 West Spring Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22301

[email protected]



v. Civil Action No. 14-0162



4200 Massachusetts Ave Apt 410

Washington DC 20016-4752

[email protected]



649 S. Washington Street

Alexandria, VA 22314



Mark Herring

Office of the Attorney General900 East Main StreetRichmond, VA 23219

[email protected](804) 786-2071


Presidential Candidate for 2016

Campaign Headquarters

350 Market StreetHighspire, PA 17304

[email protected]


And all employees/volunteers

350 Market Street

Highspire, PA 17304


Jointly and Severally, in their Official and Personal Capacities.

Plaintiffs Response to Home Grown Terrriost: LORETTA LAX MILLER aka- LEAH LAX aka-MUGGY CAT aka- BILLY SULLIVAN Presidential Candidate for 2016 Answers to the Amended Verified Complaint and NEW MATTER

COMES NOW PLAINTIFF PRAYS FOR THIS COURT TO SEND A STRONG MESSAGE TO a home grown Jewish Terrorist Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax aka Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cat claiming to be a Presidential Candidate for 2016 AND HER BY ALL APPERANCE BEST FRIEND AND IN COLLUSION WITH ILONA GRENADEIR HECKMAN (LAWYER) who should scare this court and all Americans. Her response to the Verified Complaint is in keeping with her disingenuous behavior to the American people and to Plaintiff. That this court should immediately inform the FBI, Homeland Security, the FEC in regard to her disingenuous behavior and the scamming of the American people. Bernie Madoff was left to do as he pleased and we all know that outcome, that LLM et al and Campaign shows the same signs of a Scam as was ignored by this Government by him. That Plaintiff will be able to show the disingenuous behavior of LORETTA LAX MILLER aka- LEAH LAX aka- MUGGY CAT aka- BILLY SULLIVAN.

That all of Plaintiffs BLOGS ARE copies of LLM et als blogs and other Social Media is/are approx 95% copy and paste or screen shots of what home grown Terrorist LORETTA LAX MILLER aka- LEAH LAX aka- MUGGY CAT aka- BILLY SULLIVAN. Has said through e-mails, on LLM et als weekly blogradio spot or written on LLM et al blog.

Plaintiff incorporates in this all previous filings to protect Plaintiff from this Home Grown Terrorist. Emergency Hearings requested and Complaints.

When Plaintiff felt Defendant - Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax aka Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cat could be in danger Plaintiff immediately contacted the FBI to ensure Defendant - Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax aka Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cat safety. What Plaintiff would learn it was a JEWISH TERRORIST ACT made up by Defendant - Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax aka Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cat to harm herself /Defendant - Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax aka Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cat. The e-mails the FBI can confirm this(page 8 & 9) of this complaint. The disingenuous statements made in New Matter as well as the Exhibits attached to this Response and all other Exhibits will show that Loretta Lax Miller denial of who Muggy Cat and Billy Sullivan is a joke AND DESINGENOUS and should be very scary to this court. That Loretta Lax Miller uses the names Muggy Cat and Billy Sullivan to maliciously and knowingly to intimidate and bully Plaintiff, by all appearance trying to impress and in collusion with the disingenuous behavior of Defendant Ilona Grenadier Heckman.

Part 1 of Defendant - Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax aka Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cat Plaintiff Response to : Answers to the Amended Verified Complaint and New Matter

1. Denied 1- 47 by LLM et al

Plaintiff Of Couse Defendant LLM et al Denied everything. Defendant LLM et al is a scam artist and Plaintiff through Exhibits and past filings has proven all aspects of the Jewish terroristic scam artist that Defendant - Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax aka Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cat along with her best friend Ilona Grenadier Heckman. That their HATE FOR Catholics can be seen in several e-mails but, this is the two that Christmas Eve tells the true story who they are Page 3 of this complaint.

2. That LLM et al was not properly served

Plaintiff Complaint had not been approved by court. Planitiff under service has always said e-mailed. Plaintiff can prove LLM et al received the e-mail from Plaintiffs complaint by FB and Linkedin for allowing the e-mail / notification to go to her. That Defendant has an e-mail address for her campaign that LLM et al by all appearance has Plaintiff blocked. Defendant also has a gmail account that Complaint went through to. LLM et al mentioned such complaint on her BlogRadio and her blogs.

3. & 4. Defendant complains again of not receiving through US mail a copy of complaint.

Part 2 of Defendant - Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax aka Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cat Plaintiff Response to : New Matter

5. LLM et als Exhibit 1 demonstrates a Cease and Desist letter

Plaintiff: The Letter was sent the day after the Response was mailed. That the harm that Defendant Loretta Lax Miller as Muggy Cat et al has done forever harmed Plaintiff. That Plaintiff in 2010 started a Blog to protect herself from the Disingenuous Courts in Virginia

6. JWG went beyond the right of Freedom of the Press as well as Freedom of Speech by making inflammatory remarks and incitement through slander and defamation.

Plaintiff: Has done nothing but, tried to protect herself with no help from the Police, this court from very Powerful Scam artist LLM et al and her best friend Defendant Ilona Grenadier Heckman (lawyer) and their and by all appearance others Hate for Catholics.

As shown in this e-mail Christmas Eve:

From: [email protected]

Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 2:05 PM

To:[email protected]

want to hear something more scarier I contacted Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman your witch hunt is over

From:[email protected]

Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 10:39 AM

To: [email protected]



The Words of Presidential candidate Leah Lax et al

That Leah Lax et al made a fool of the FBI With this e-mail strand E-mailing Plaintiff as Billy Sullivan aka Muggy Cats that she was going to harm herself for me? The following initials have been used FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations), JWG(Janice Wolk Grenadier), LLM /MC (Leah Lax aka Muggy Cats/ Billy Sullivan) The e-mails that are missing Plaintiff has copies of but, have been deleted off her computer by all appearance Leah Lax et al which it will be shown in court has hacked Plaintiffs computer. The e-mails will show that Plaintiff contacted the FBI even though all the evidence pointed to one more of Defendant Ilona Heckman lawyer games in trying to intimidate Plaintiff and to supple information to Circuit Court Judges in the hopes of destroying Plaintiff. Plaintiff cooperated with the FBI in regard to Leah Lax et al and her game.. All e-mails will prove that Plaintiff has never lowered herself to the level of Defendants. Plaintiff doesnt have to because Plaintiff has the TRUTH





Description of E-mail [email protected]


Dec 28, 2013

12.18 pm

Muggy Cats (MC)


hello janice

ihave been following you for about 1/2 year and ifind your story amazing.i can relate to these jews attacking you and we need to do something about getting these hebs out of our christian country.

these hebs are nothing but trouble makers who have been kicked out ofcountries in europe you as an attorney are on the right track . we should all buy guns to defend ourselves against theLeah Lax -aka- Muggy Cats -aka- Billy Sullivan -aka- Loretta Miller se money grubbing kikes and fnish the jewish solution.

im all for you kid

in the name of jesus christ our savior bless you and merry christmas

billy sullivan

12.58 pm




Thank you for your support. It is not easy going through this - But, I want to stress to you - This issue needs to be dealt with through the law. We are lucky we live in a Country - even though it is corrupt in many ways that this can be settled peacefully - That someone who makes those types of racial comments will never become President of the United States of America. Billy also - I am just like you or like the person standing behind you in the grocery store. I am not a lawyer - I am a single Mom - who has worked hard to put her girls through school. I am just standing up against a very powerful system - and unfortunately when you stand up - sometimes you stand alone. So thank you for the words of support. I am grateful -

We need to stand together in Christ and fight this to where the Freedoms here in the United States of America and the American Dream is kept alive -

Again - Thank you for the e-mail and the support


JW Grenadier

1:05 pm



janice we can take care of that jew if you know what i mean. she wont be able to say anything anymore.we dont want a jew for president as much as you do. i know you say court but i suggest action on all these hymies these hebs own the courts and the banks. we need to fight for christ. you are one of us janice all you say if it is true you want blood not paper tell me when i can find this jew and i'll take care of her billy

8.26 pm




I apologize for not getting back to you sooner - this had gone into spam? But, please lets not get violent -

You know here is someone who has worked her whole live for a goal - and a stupid moment with those e-mails she has lost everything.

Again - I am grateful to you for your support - But, harming someone else is not something I could ever do - and please don't you do it either -

Can you believe it just a few more days and it will be a New Year -




Dec 28, 2013

11.56 pm



janice it's too late. i found out where she lives in florida as well as her headquarters in pa. and you said she hates catholic's and christians it's right in your blogs i have been following. i too hate jews all jews , the wheel is in motion. and you know what she's friends with that darkie west. that jew is so easy to pick out. you said on your site she hates catholics and christians that means she hate our savior . i want to get her before someone else does. i want this glory for jesus and the patriots. thank you for directing me on my path of righteousness. for the glory is in our lord and savior.

you are our new virgin mary who guide us into the light of salvation.



Dec 29, 2013

8.46 am




You have to STOP what ever you have started. We need to fight this through the press. What I said and if you read her e-mails that is the appearance that she dislikes Catholics,Christians, Muslims - They are her words and she will never win as President for them - We have to fight this through the press - and the legal system - Don't ever give anyone the powerbecauseof words over you to make choices that can harm you. That choice could harm you. Please don't do anything that can harm you - Fight this as others havepeacefullyfought- Through the press - and the judicial system - She is a piece of dirt that isn't worth getting yourself into any trouble - PLEASE - you are better then this -



10.13 am



jancie look lady you started it, i read her blogs and her site and i can not see a thing of hate . she quoted articles and nothing else. but she is a jew and you want her destroyed by the press? you are the cause of me wanting to take action. you said it was from foolish comments back and forth if they were foolish then you shouldnt have gone after her. you have another deep underlying agenda, according to the your quotes she knew nothing about you and you contacted her to encite her in a messagr with your jew attorney. that is what i read from your blog on her.then it became personal with you, then you want her gone after you encited, you change moods like i change underwear. i also found a blog your case virginia real estate board vs you and you stole money from your lost your license and you lied to the board. maybe you should retract, remove and stop making an ass out of yourself.maybe now beause of me you hate christians too as you do jews. i think your hate is to get attention what is that disease called munchausen syndromebut you know sweetie we are going to use you we own you now. you think the press is not going to read right through you ? all these jews are going to say look what she did to her own customer and her license was a removed she is a bitter old lady whose children want nothing to do with her. your daughter is in texas in college, you other daughter moved out and has nothing nice to say about you other then you are sick. you made a mistake lady in making your dirty underwear air in public. my dad use to say once a thief and a liaralways one. i am going to her community today and finish this with the boys and then i am going to leave a note you sent me or if i am caught i am going to say you sent me.janice and your address is right on your blog with all the information about how you hate that jew. you have caused attention to an innocent women who according to her site wants to make thiis a better country but you a liar said she hates muslims she hates christians said she hate catholics , but between you and me you hate jews like i do becauseall jews are evil, jews own this world and will make any excuse to expose any jew because we hate them. your daughters are 1/2 jew hoaw could you live with the fact your daughters are racially impure and will take on the traits of jews when we take over this country are going to cleanse it . you started this lady the revolution and this jew is the first of many. you pointed out all the rich jews of virginia. you are just as much fault of this infact more

you think i am scared of you and going to away think again where do you think i spent the last 10 years.

10.27 am




I did not start this - and interesting all the information you have and alot of it is off on the Truth and the true facts -

I do not hate anyone - Hate is an emotion that harms - and I am not wasting my time on that type of emotion and I suggest you don't waste time on it either.

The United States of America and the public should see her words - and her thoughts - and make their own decisions -

I do not hate anyone -

I wish you the best in life - Don't do anything stupid -


JW Grenadier

10.35 am



I felt it important you have these e-mails - I believe they could just be a set up by ya'll - But, to be on the safe side I have forwarded them to you.

When I received Leah Lax's e-mails I called the City of Alexandria Police - of course as all threatening e-mails I have received the police has said to ignore -I have forwarded everything to you and as this person gets more and more aggressive - I see he or she is a set up also - which I expected - but, thought I would forward on to you- any questions please feel free to call me at 202-368-7178

JW Grenadier




randy.sengel randy.sengel

I believe Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman is behind these e-mails

JW Grenadier the Above e-mail strand was attached -




So share with me - how well do you know Ilona?

JW Grenadier




you didnt answer lady real estate board vs you .. you lied and stole money james warbassea nice christian man you stole from so you hate christians too. or was this a business dealing you wanted to destroy him in the news too? you are right i am going to send this to the jew and let her take it one step farther and expose you. this should be fun



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"Open Complaints" reflect only those complaints against regulants for which a departmental investigation has determined that sufficient evidence exists to establish probable cause of a violation of the law or regulations. Only those cases that have proceeded through an investigation to the adjudication stage are displayed. State law prohibits the disclosure of any information about open complaints [Code of Virginia Section 54.1-108]. Members of the public may review official records and obtain copies only after a complaint investigation is closed.

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"Closed Complaints" reflect complaints against regulants closed since 1990. Cases closed without disciplinary action are purged after three years in accordance with DPOR's record retention policy.

To inquire about closed complaints, see the department's Public Records Access or contact the department's Information Management Section at (804) 367-8583 or [email protected].

Recovery Fund Claims include claims against a licensee where a judgment has been obtained for improper or dishonest conduct in a court of law. The Contractors Transaction Recovery Fund and the Real Estate Transaction Recovery Fund provide monetary relief to consumers who incur losses through the improper and dishonest conduct of a licensed contractor or licensed real estate professional. The funds are supported entirely by assessments paid by licensed contractors and licensed real estate professionals, not by any tax revenues.

The information on this page was last updated on 2013-12-28.

billy sullivan





Good Day Ms. Grenadier,

FBI WFO is in receipt of your email. Do you by chance have any personal information for Billy? This would include a full name, home address or city and state in which he resides, DOB, or perhaps a web page or Facebook page. Any additional information would be helpful. Thank you.

FBI Washington Field Office

601 4th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20535

(202) 278-20005278




You are right I didn't respond - he harmed me - and at the time I did not have the strength to fight it - He is not a nice man and if you want to make that public - go ahead it is already public - and I do now have the strength to put out their what happened - How could I have lied if I didn't answer?

Again how do you know Ilona - This is not the first time someone has tried to do just what you are trying to do -

Ilona has tried all kind of e-mails and using all kinds of people -

James Warbasse is not a nice person - and I have the proof of that - So you go for it -

JW Grenadier




No don't but, we have had more e-mails and I believe he may be a set up as my x-mother - in -law has done to me several times in the past 20 years

He reached out to me - my computer is hacked into - it could be him or someone in collusion with Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman -

JW Grenadier




I have attached the most recent e-mail strand of e-mails

I am pretty sure this is a set up by Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman to Bully and try to scare me -

This is being seen by someone else so you know -

JW Grenadier





Here is the information from his e-mail - I tried to look up the IP address and it looked like NJ


Received: from ( [])

by (OMAG/Core Interface) with ESMTP id 9EBB338000086

for ; Sat, 28 Dec 2013 12:18:44 -0500 (EST)

From: [email protected]

Full-name: MuggyCatScreams




This is the e-mail source of the last e-mail I received from him -


Received: from ( [])

by (OMAG/Core Interface) with ESMTP id 0CF0838000082;

Sun, 29 Dec 2013 11:19:02 -0500 (EST)


To: [email protected], [email protected]

Subject: Re: i agree with you




x-aol-sid: 3039ac1add5052c04b76141d

-----Original Message-----From: MuggyCatScreams To: Jwgrenadier3 Sent: Sat, Dec 28, 2013 12:18 pmSubject: i agree with you

hello janice

ihave been following you for about 1/2 year and ifind your story amazing.i can relate to these jews attacking you and we need to do something about getting these hebs out of our christian country.

these hebs are nothing but trouble makers who have been kicked out ofcountries in europe you as an attorney are on the right track . we should all buy guns to defend ourselves against these money grubbing kikes and fnish the jewish solution.

im all for you kid

in the name of jesus christ our savior bless you and merry christmas

billy sullivan




This is a pattern of Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman in trying to Bully and Scare me. I have all the documents and can show this pattern of hers. She had Leah Lax - Lorretta Lax Miller - you can read what happened and all the e-mails etc. at - Where she reached out to me - and then as you will see in the e-mails she was in touch with Ilona doing that - I then got a call from Josh Cohen of WDBR radio supporting and trying to Bully me -***Josh Cohen and Dick Farrell of WDBF Radio in Support of Racial Emails sent to me by Presidential Candidate for 2016 and write in candidate for 2012 Democrat Loretta Lax Miller aka Leah Lax -QUOTES OF LEAH LAX - "THIS FAMILY REJECTED YOU FOR NOT BEING JEWISH. YOU STUPID GOY. YOU WERE REJECTED .. GET THAT INTO YOUR THICK SKULL" -"want to hear something more scarier I contacted Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman your witch hunt is over" -"YOU ARE THE NAZI WORSE A MUSLIN LOVING NAZI! YOU HATE YOURSELF THAT IS WHY YOU HATE JEWS" - "NO YOU ARE NAZI BITCH" - you can read the e-mails in the intire These were sent by all appearance in collusion with Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman and discussed on WDBF radio in support of the opinions of Leah Lax by Josh Cohen and Dick Farrel this is the message from the Radio Station left for me -

I can show you e-mails sent the day after my Father dying - a guy she hired in Baltimore to harm myself and my girls - The issue is for over 20 years she and my x-husband were able to control me - My girls are older now and I have found my voice - and my back bone - and they are trying to shut me up -

JW Grenadier





let me get out the smallest violin and play it. you need help and janice is paranoid too are you drunk most of the time?or on drugs?.everyone is not a nice person but you. and you go after the people who piss you off , dont agree with you and YOU stalk them. i am the press! no i am going to make it public you are crazy and go after innocent people.what do you have 20-30 people on your the list 1/2 dont even know you 1 who became your victim because she is running for office and a jews. you made it very clear she is dirt. you dont know her you never met her i did and she is a lovely lady. she directed the goy comment to you and to you only. she called you stupid because you are. she said you are thick headed because you are! you also said "and a stupid moment with those e-mails" you lost it not her. you went over board to insanity.

you have not proven"she dislikes Catholics,Christians, Muslims" where is it written, you make claims. take things out of context and lie. you are a pathological liar and i am going to tell everyone at the news room and send a press release out to every new outlet to ignore you and treat you how they should by ignoring you.

and by the way i am going as a witness for loretta lax miller when she sues you for defamation and slander. you are right other people have done this and haven't pressed charges yet and yet is the word just because you declared chapter 13 or 11 defamation and slander is not covered by this bankruptcy laws and loretta will go after you.she is collecting information and has a arm full with witness this includes your virginia law 2010 blogs, leah lax blogs and your face book virginia law. this women loretta lax miller has done more for the america by exposing obama going after him in theeligibilitycases. exposing hillary clinton with huma abedin her chief adviser and a member of the muslim sisterhood which is a branch of the muslim brotherhood and if you are for Islamic laws in the USA then you dont love this country and you are unamerican. she is sticking her neck out for people like you! but you know lady one day you will pick on the wrong person who is not peaceful and it will be karma.

what you wrote about loretta lax miller is malicious intent to incite people. but let me tell you what she told me. with lemons your makelemonade. because ofyou she has more hits on her webpage and donations are coming in . so what you did did the opposite.

not billy sullivan




Maybe you can share with the FBI who you really are -

JW Grenadier




ha ha ha they know who you are. they have a long list of complaints from judges and attorneys




to the fbi agent who ever you are. this janet has stalked esteemed judges, wrote lies and i was on an under cover mission to get information on her intentions and where her insane mind has been. please ignore her she is a pathological liar




Maybe now they will also look into you : )

JW Grenadier




The women is nuts

In a message dated 12/29/2013 12:24:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes:

let me get out the smallest violin and play it. you need help and janice is paranoid too are you drunk most of the time?or on drugs?.everyone is not a nice person but you. and you go after the people who piss you off , dont agree with you and YOU stalk them. i am the press! no i am going to make it public you are crazy and go after innocent people.what do you have 20-30 people on your the list 1/2 dont even know you 1 who became your victim because she is running for office and a jews. you made it very clear she is dirt. you dont know her you never met her i did and she is a lovely lady. she directed the goy comment to you and to you only. she called you stupid because you are. she said you are thick headed because you are! you also said "and a stupid moment with those e-mails" you lost it not her. you went over board to insanity.

you have not proven"she dislikes Catholics,Christians, Muslims" where is it written, you make claims. take things out of context and lie. you are a pathological liar and i am going to tell everyone at the news room and send a press release out to every new outlet to ignore you and treat you how they should by ignoring you.

and by the way i am going as a witness for loretta lax miller when she sues you for defamation and slander. you are right other people have done this and haven't pressed charges yet and yet is the word just because you declared chapter 13 or 11 defamation and slander is not covered by this bankruptcy laws and loretta will go after you.she is collecting information and has a arm full with witness this includes your virginia law 2010 blogs, leah lax blogs and your face book virginia law. this women loretta lax miller has done more for the america by exposing obama going after him in theeligibilitycases. exposing hillary clinton with huma abedin her chief adviser and a member of the muslim sisterhood which is a branch of the muslim brotherhood and if you are for Islamic laws in the USA then you dont love this country and you are unamerican. she is sticking her neck out for people like you! but you know lady one day you will pick on the wrong person who is not peaceful and it will be karma.

what you wrote about loretta lax miller is malicious intent to incite people. but let me tell you what she told me. with lemons your makelemonade. because ofyou she has more hits on her webpage and donations are coming in . so what you did did the opposite.

not billy sullivan

-----Original Message-----From: JWG To: muggycatscreams Sent: Sun, Dec 29, 2013 11:39 amSubject: Re: i agree with you


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From: [email protected]

Full-name: LeahLax1234


Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 12:39:43 -0500 (EST)

Subject: Re: i agree with you

To: [email protected], [email protected]

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fbi agent black mail and stalking by this person press charges


















Randy, Alex Police, FBI, Charles Pax














JWG and -

----Original Message-----From: MuggyCatScreams To: MuggyCatScreams ; jwgrenadier3 ; randy.sengel ; ilona ; washington.field ; james.young ; LMManitta ; bdimuro ; charles.pak ; charles.pax ; leahlax1234 ; renovo1 ; aharman ; bduffett ; cjun ; cpatterson ; crubin ; dbrodsky ; evadas ; hjenquine ; jtran ; jwinkler ; llevi ; mjwesq ; astarace ; asimpson ; info ; jcthomas ; jkloch ; jmcgrath ; Lori.Knoernschild ; sjohnston ; wshaw ; DelWCleaveland ; delwhowell ; DelACrockett-Stark ; DRobelen ; drewh Sent: Sun, Dec 29, 2013 4:16 pmSubject: Re: This woman Janice Wolk Grenadier is a pathological lair

you can find this blog at



MuggyCatScreams ; and the above e-mails

This is all in collusion with Leah Lax running for President of the United States of America and Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman and Muggy Cat - (Who doesn't have the balls to give a real name) and most likely has the support of all of you - Because your actions have shown that through the legal battle to have the Truth about Ilona exposed - -

[email protected]