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Wash State U-Pullman

#mla15 #s54

“Digging into these layers, we often find that, depending on

different contextual factors, various infrastructures have

distinctive temporalities and evolutionary paths. Through

‘excavation,’ we can assess the lifespans of various urban

media and ascertain when ‘old’ infrastructures ‘leak’ into

new-media landscapes, when media of different epochs

are layered palimpsestically, or when new urban media

‘remediate’ their predecessors.”

—Shannon Mattern, “Deep Time of Media Infrastructure”

Michael Faraday, Faraday Disc, 1831

Hyppolite Pixii, Dynamo, 1832

Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, Galena Detector

(Semi-Conductor), 1894

Jack Kilby, Integrated Circuit, 1952

Four-Phase Systems, Microprocessor, 1969


1. Black Box of Technology

2. Long Periods vs. Deep Periods

3. Recursive History, Time Criticality



#mla15 #s54