Download - CIRCUIT RIDER 5 - NEW Book Sale Procedure - Judith 6 - UMW Purpose 6 - Velda Rose UMW - Billie Larime 7 - Gold Canyon UMW - Carol Johnson 7 - Central UMW Social Action ...





12835 N 32nd St., Phoenix, AZ 85032

9:00a-2:00p - $15.00 (includes lunch) Registration Deadline: Wed., Oct. 3

The Golden Rule – Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12 This concept appears prominently in all the world’s major religions and cultures. We may hear “treat others in ways that you would like to be treated” or “one should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated” or “what you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself”, or “do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you.” There is value in showing respect and having a caring attitude toward others. At Annual Celebration this year we will be looking at this idea. We will have a presentation from Deb Williams with regard to the Doctrine of Discovery. Most of us learned about the Doctrine of Discovery in high school, but I had not thought about it since then until the Church started talking about Acts of Repentance to Indigenous Peoples. Never had I considered this Doctrine and its lasting effects under the umbrella of The Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Deb is a member of the United Methodist Women Program Advisory Group. She has presented at National Assembly and has conducted webinars nationally. The April 2017 response contains an article written by Deb. We are fortunate to have her speak to us and will be blessed by her words. During the day we will also have some small-group discussions. We will be looking at several books from our reading program that relate to this topic and to The Golden Rule. How can we as United Methodist Women live out this maxim spiritually as whole persons with Jesus Christ? In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.

To register, click here.

Kathy Schock, East District Vice President [email protected]




June Hanson Vol. 34 No. 3 Yvonne Fischer President September 2018 Editor

1 - District Annual Celebration - Kathy 2 - Nominations - Pat 2 - Leap of Faith - Kathy 3 - President - June 3 - Reading Program - Judith 4 - Membership - Marilyn 4 - Treasurer - Linda 5 - Mission u ~ UMOM - Kaye 5 - NEW Book Sale Procedure - Judith 6 - UMW Purpose 6 - Velda Rose UMW - Billie Larime 7 - Gold Canyon UMW - Carol Johnson 7 - Central UMW Social Action 8 - Conference Annual Celebration 9 - Calendar 9 - Comm. Coord. - Yvonne


Several years ago I was approached by Chris Spencer who asked me if I knew of anyone who might take the job of East District Secretary. I had been wondering how to get more involved, and was moved to ask what if I just do it! I wasn’t totally sure what I was getting into, but that was the beginning of a wonderful journey into being on the District Team. I have learned more about United Methodist Women than I could ever have imagined! I truly don’t think I would have understood the global outreach of our organization if I hadn’t joined the team. I am continually amazed at all that United Methodist Women do throughout the world and am now better able to

share that information with others. Team meetings are for the work of the East District, of course, but more than that they are a time for fellowship and developing friendships. When the Committee on Nominations contacts you, don’t be afraid to say “yes.” If you feel drawn to leadership, contact someone on the District team and let them know. God moves in mysterious ways – if I hadn’t said yes all those years ago, I would have missed out on a wonderful opportunity for growth. Are you being called? Take a leap of faith and say “yes”!! Blessings, Kathy Schock


Thank you to everyone who said “yes” when we called you to serve on the East District United Methodist Women’s Team! We know that it will be a blessing to you as you continue to serve and grow. Thank you also to all the ones who we contacted who said “no” or “not now.” Each one of you will know when the time is right to say “yes”!

Below is the slate of East District United Methodist Women’s Officers for 2019. As you will notice, we have separated two Mission Coordinator positions and combined the Secretary with the Communications Coordinator.

Those to be elected: Vice President ............................................ Cris Bass Secretary/Communications Coordinator .... Yvonne Fischer Mission Coordinator for Spiritual Growth .... Linda Munsil Chair of Nominations (Class of 2020) ........ Cyndi Heinecke CON Class of 2019 ..................................... Pat Goss CON Class of 2021 CON Class of 2022 Those Continuing: President .............................................................. June Hanson Treasurer .............................................................. Linda Moore Secretary of Program Resources ......................... Judith Humbert Mission Coordinator Education & Interpretation .. Kaye Rountree Mission Coordinator Membership Care ............... Marilyn Seese Mission Coordinator Social Action ....................... Tish Roberts Committee on Nominations Class of 2019 ....................................................... Betty Hosmer Class of 2020 ....................................................... Saundria Cadiente Class of 2021 ....................................................... Bridgette McClelland

Submitted by your Committee on Nominations 2018, Pat Goss, Deaconess, Chair [email protected]


Dear United Methodist Women Sisters, Hope you had a refreshing summer and are ready to get back to our joint mission work through the United Methodist Women. We have a wonderful PURPOSE and need to keep it ever before us. Your district TEAM has re-instated the position of Mission Coordinator for Spiritual Growth to emphasize our need to “know God” and become “whole persons through Jesus Christ.” Besides praying for our

members every day, this person will be able to help you with resources to address spirituality in your unit. We are looking forward to seeing all of your bright smiling faces at the District Annual Celebration on October 13 at Cross in the Desert UMC! The registration fee is still only $15. We have been a great United Methodist Women’s District for 34 years and are looking forward to another remarkable year with your faith, hope, and love in action. As units of the East District, we do quite well at fulfilling our Purpose through the Mission Today Goals. Now is a good time to review those goals for 2018 and plan for 2019. The report for the 2018 activities is requested by December 10. Remember 2019 is the 150th Anniversary of the United Methodist Women. This District Committee on Nominations is still looking for two members for its Committee. Is God whispering to you about serving on the District TEAM? If so, please contact Pat Goss at [email protected]. Be sure to read the article in response about the March Rock-a-thon. Love in Christ,

June Hanson, East District President 480.968.0520 [email protected]

To track down “hidden” reading delights, resist for a moment the flashy full-color illustrations in the 2018 Reading Program and come with me to page 27. Here on the “Recommended Readings” page we find additional books just waiting for us in plain sight. At the top of the second column, notice a Nurturing for Community offering, When Breath Becomes Air. Mysterious and intriguing, yes?

Let’s explore further. The subtitle reveals more information: What Makes Life Worth Living in the Face of Death. The author Paul Kalanithi, who grew up in Kingman, Arizona, tells an amazing story – recommended for spiritually mature readers. Dr. Kalanithi’s writing is well worth the effort. And, difficult though it is to imagine, when his wife takes her turn as writer she also creates transcendent prose to complete the family story. There are many other worthwhile books “hidden” in plain sight on the Recommended-Reading pages of each year’s Reading Program booklet. Dare to adventure, explore, and go beyond the usual comfort zone.

Yours for amazing reading, Judith Humbert, East District Secretary of Program Resources [email protected]


I hope all of you had a good summer and are eagerly awaiting getting involved with United Methodist Women at the local, district and conference levels! Presidents and membership chairpersons: Please email me a list of the United Methodist Women in your unit who have passed away in the last twelve months so that the names can be included in the October 13th District Celebration booklet. Make sure to indicate your Unit name. You can submit information to me at [email protected] or give me a call at 602-275-3960. Please have the information to me by September 20th so that I can get the information to Yvonne Fischer by October 1st.

Also keep in mind that the electronic census to National United Methodist Women is due by January 15, 2019 for the 2018 year. I hope that we will have 100% participation in the census this year. Blessings to you, Marilyn Seese, East District Membership Care Chairperson [email protected]

Our Annual District Celebration is coming up on October 13, 2018 at Cross in the Desert UMC. There will be a lot of things going on – among them will be the presentation of the district’s budget for 2019 and the local organizations will present their pledges for 2019. Please prayerfully consider what your unit can share with women, children and youth around the world who are much less fortunate than we are. Our Pledge to Mission allows us to help women, children and youth in parts of the world that we will never set foot in.

The father of Methodism, John Wesley’s first rule about money was “Gain all you can.” Despite its potential for misuse, money in itself is something good. There is no end to the good it can do. His second rule for the right use of money was “Save all you can.” He urged his followers not to spend money merely to gratify the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eye, or the pride of life. His third rule was “Give all you can.” One’s giving should begin with the tithe but should not end there. All of a Christian’s money belongs to God. Believers should use their income as God directs. Wesley offered four questions to help his hearers decide how to spend money: 1. In spending this money, am I acting like I owned it, or am I acting like the Lord's trustee? 2. What Scripture requires me to spend this money in this way? 3. Can I offer up this purchase as a sacrifice to the Lord? 4. Will God reward me for this expenditure at the resurrection of the just? Please try to think about John Wesley’s teachings when developing your pledge.

Are we giving all we can? Blessings to all, Linda Moore East District Treasurer [email protected] Source:


The East and West Districts combined Mission u for this year asked for donations of books to be given to Justa Center and UMOM. Any children’s books were designated for use by the “Read To Me” program at UMOM. Every Tuesday night children from pre-school to 6th grades can attend

the “Read To Me” event. It pairs a UMOM New Day child with an adult volunteer who reads to the child for about an hour. Snacks are also provided. This weekly event allows children one-on-one time with a caring adult and shows them the fun of reading. If the child wants to keep the book that was read to them they may. It is easy to see that children going through homelessness would not have books of their own, or the books they had would have been left behind. Educational studies show that children who have been read to when they were young have a greater appreciation for reading, and thus, have more success in school. UMOM has asked me to express their gratitude for the wonderful response of 142 books that were given to UMOM from the East and West District UMW members and friends. If any circle or unit would like to hear more about UMOM, I would be happy to present a short program for you. Kaye Rountree [email protected] East District Education & Interpretation and UMOM Board Member Representing Desert Southwest Conference United Methodist Women

New UMW Book Sale Procedure From now on, the book table at our annual meetings will feature a pre-packaged box with sample items of United Methodist Women’s resources, and paper order forms. At our meetings we will display the sample items and take orders from members. This replaces selling items for cash, checks, or credit cards. After the event the orders will all be mailed in together. After they are processed, the purchased materials will be sent directly to each member who placed an order. This streamlined process is intended to give us more time to engage around the resources and share our love of reading and life-long learning. The savings will be channeled into the important programs we support every day through our steadfast pledge to mission. Judith Humbert, East District Secretary of Program Resources [email protected]


For the past 50 years, Velda Rose has held yearly rummage sales on the church property. In 2011, the UMW stepped out in faith to expand their ability to serve the community with building the “United Methodist

Women’s Missions Warehouse.” With 20,000 square feet of storage space, the building was completed on the church property at a cost of $850,000. Within three years, the women were able to pay off the building with proceeds from the rummage sales and special donations. The rummage sales are currently held 3 days in February and 3 days in October. We have evolved into a year-round service with pick up and drop off of rummage five days a week. Volunteer staff are needed year-round to sort and price the rummage. Each three-day rummage sale event in February and October requires over 250 volunteers. We have donated substantial amounts of money or materials to the following organizations: UMOM, Wesley Center/Golden Gate, Justa Center, Lura House, Starbright Foundation, Helen’s Hope Chest, Kairos Prison Ministries, UMC Nomads, UMCOR, Teen Outreach Pregnancy Services, Heifer Project, Treasures 4 Teachers, Local School Christmas Stockings, AZ Blankets 4 Kids, and House of Refuge. We have become an older aged population in the last 10 years, and our need for volunteers beyond our local church has increased. Our total Church membership has decreased from a high of 1,252 members to less than 500. We must seek outside volunteers to run over 40 rummage departments. Volunteers may come for one day a week or up to 5 days of week. We are open for 3 hours each day (Monday-Friday) in the early morning. Volunteers are also needed to work during the 3-day sale event in February and October. There are benefits for those who volunteer. Volunteers get first choice of items that come into the building, once they are priced by the department head. You are also allowed to bring two guests to shop at the building during working hours. The people who work there volunteer because they know their service can make a difference for women and children. The friendships they form are great! If anyone has the time and willingness to help, please consider making a difference through volunteering at the Velda Rose “United Methodist Women’s Missions Warehouse.” Contact Joan and Tim Most, the designated managers, at 480-219-2669 for more information or to volunteer. Love in Action, Billie Larime, Velda Rose President [email protected]

United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.


The Gold Canyon :UMW

is excited to announce their fundraiser

“UMW Sunday Market” Featuring home baked goodies and handmade crafts,

including cloth bowls, hot/cold pads, hand painted rocks, holiday decorations and many other items.

Great opportunity to buy the perfect holiday decoration or Christmas gift! Sunday, November 4, 2018

7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Gold Canyon United Methodist Church

6640 S. Kings Ranch Road Gold Canyon, AZ

Submitted by Carol Johnson, Gold Canyon President 602-750-2008

[email protected]



Central United Methodist Church - 1875 N Central Ave - Phoenix, AZ 85004

October 6, 2018 - Saturday - 10:00am - 12:00pm

East Dining Room (Parking in the East Parking Lot)



African American, Native American, Hispanic, LGBTQ, Education, Church & Justice


Desert Southwest Conference United Methodist Women

Annual Celebration

Pondering Possibilities with Hope and Help Fri., Oct. 26 - 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm Sat., Oct. 27 - 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

Desert Spring United Methodist Church - 120 Pavilion Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89144

For more information, a registration form for the bus from Arizona, and a registration form for the event, please go to our web page ( and scroll to the yellow- orange box on the left or click here. Be sure to note the deadlines when the registration forms must be submitted, and the hotel reservation must be made.

Additional Details available on “Information” page on UMW website

The Wheels on the BUS go round and round.... On Friday, October 26, the bus will be making 3 stops to pick up passengers: Catalina UMC in Tucson, Dayspring UMC in Tempe, and Lakeview in Sun City. The first pick up at Catalina will be 6 am. All information on the trip will be emailed to those who sign up. We will arrive in Las Vegas at the hotel around 3 pm. There will be a one hour stop for lunch in Kingman, Arizona. We will leave the church in Las Vegas around 3:30 pm on Saturday for our return trip to Arizona. The bus will make the same three drop off stops as the pickups - with a stop for dinner on the way. The price includes the round trip to Las Vegas, bus driver tip and water. Check the registration form for additional information.


Bus Registration

Sept. 21 $99.00 Mail check (DSW UMW) & form to: June Hanson - 522 E. Malibu Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282-5307 Bus questions: Judi Nibbelink [email protected]

Event Registration

Oct. 12 $5 late fee

$30; Fri. Dinner $13 Mail check & form to: Gracie Campbell, 179 Laguna Hills Court, Henderson, NV 89002

Hotel Reservation

Oct. 19 $168.37 (by 10/19) Hampton Inn - 7100 Cascade Court, LV - 702-360-5700


2018 Thurs., Sept. 20 ....... DEADLINE - “In Loving Memory” lists Sat., Oct. 6 ............... Social Action Program - Central UMC - 10am-12 noon Sat, Oct. 13 .............. District UMW Annual Celebration .................................. Cross in the Desert UMC, Theme: The Golden Rule Fri/Sat., Oct. 26/27 ... Rummage for Mission - Velda Rose UMW .................................. 5540 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85205 Sat, Oct. 27 .............. Desert Southwest Conference UMW .................................. Annual Celebration in Las Vegas, Desert Spring UMC .................................. Theme: Pondering Possibilities with Hope and Help .................................. (Would you like the fun and fellowship of riding the bus?) Sun., Nov. 4 ............. “UMW Sunday Market” - Gold Canyon UMC - 7:30 am-12:30 pm Thurs, Nov. 15 ......... Circuit Rider articles are due Mon., Dec. 10 ........... DEADLINE - 2018 Activities Report

2019 - 150th Anniversary Tues., Jan. 15 ........... DEADLINE - 2018 Electronic Census Sat, Jan. 19 .............. East District UMW Leadership Event .................................. Scottsdale United Methodist Church .................................. Theme: Who Are We? What Do We Want for Our Future? February ................... Rummage for Missions - Velda Rose UMW .................................. 5540 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85205 Sat/Sun, Mar. 23/24.. Conference UMW Retreat – Tucson Sat, Apr. 6 ................ District-wide UBUNTU (Day of Mission) Fri/Sat, Aug. 2/3 ....... East/West Mission u Event .................................. Studies: Mark, What About Our Money, Our Legacy Sat, Oct. 12 .............. East District UMW Annual Celebration .................................. North Scottsdale United Methodist Church Sat, Oct. 26 .............. Desert Southwest Conference UMW .................................. Sun Lakes UMC - Annual Celebration and 150th Anniversary Celebration .................................. of the founding of the United Methodist Women.

2020 Sat, Jan. 18 .............. East District UMW Leadership Development Event .................................. Red Mountain United Methodist Church Thur, Fri, Sat, May 21/23 ................. UMW Western Jurisdiction Quadrennial .................................. Meeting in the East District at the Tempe Doubletree by Hilton (Fiesta Inn) .................................. Note: Volunteers will be needed

A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often,

dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are!

Yvonne Fischer, East District Communications Coordinator [email protected]