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     Circle of Sharing Official Bulletin of the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District Volume 20 Issue 10 January 2014

Meet NEW WI-UM Key Club Gov.


Bluffs and service: meet UW-L Circle K


Discover the District Board Positions

PAGE 12-15

UW-Eau Claire’s Habitat trip builds three homes and friendship during week in Lafayette, Louisiana >> P. 8-9

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In this issue… Call for ELIMINATE Sweatshirt Sale……..…………………..……Page 3

Key Club Governor’s Address….......….………………………..…...Page 4

WI-UM Key Club Announcements...………………………..…..…..Page 5

I-I District’s Winter Escape/Holiday Embrace……..........Pages 6-7

UW-Eau Claire’s Habitat for Humanity trip.………...……..Pages 8-9

Recruitment Tips for Spring Semester...............................Page 10

Winter Weekend Getaway…………………………………………..…Page 11

Running for District Board/Leadership Positions.....Pages 12-15

District Convention Updates: themes revealed.………Pages 16-17

Club Highlight: UW-La Crosse……..….…………………..............Page 18

Set your sights to the future with CKI…………………………..Page 19

Awards Announcement: Awards Application FAQs……….Page 20 District Goals Update: January 2014..………..…….……..Page 21-23 2013-2014 W-UM District Board Directory…………..………Page 24 Do you like the new look of the Circle of Sharing? Want to be featured in next month’s issue? E-mail all inquiries to District Bulletin Editor Taryn Grisham at [email protected]!

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Circle K International ELIMINATE Sweatshirt Sale

Our sweatshirts have made it to the California-Nevada-Hawaii and Capital Districts…but have they made their way into the closets of all Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K members? The answer is ‘no,’ but that’s okay, because we still have more to sell and more lives to save!

For ONLY $35 you can have your very own Circle K sweatshirt (pictured below). Each sweatshirt purchased will donate $11 to ELIMINATE. That's save SIX lives with each purchase!

Don’t wait any longer and order yours TODAY!

THANK YOU for helping our district support the ELIMINATE


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Meet Connor Sawyers 1

Hello W-UM Circle K’ers, My name is Connor Sawyers and I have the honor to serve as the WI-UM Key Club District Governor for the 2013-2014 year! My passion for service and enthusiasm for Key Club are a few things I'd like to bring to the table. I cannot express how excited I am to work with not only the Key Club Board but the Circle K Board as well!! I look forward to partnering with Circle K Governor, Lena Scheibengraber to bring Circle K and Key Club closer together than ever before. Although I only have a few months remaining left of my term I have high hopes for what we can do together to lay the foundation for future partnerships between the W-UM and WI-UM Districts. Whether it be the promotion of Circle K with our Key Club Seniors or the collaboration between Boards on various service initiatives, I am confident that we can continue a partnership that has been around for years. Some of my goals as Governor include wanting to continue building on the contributions WIUM has already made to the Eliminate Project and take our participation to new heights. Working with Circle K, I know we can set a new record in donations to the Eliminate Project. Communication, education and service are some of the most important things we can focus on right now and I want advocate their importance. Partnering with the Key Club and Circle K Lieutenant Governors and other District Board members I know we can achieve greater communication and collaboration between the clubs and their LTGS and continue in the education of our members about the Kiwanis Family.


With the Key Club District Leadership Conference quickly approaching I am more than excited to work with Circle K Board to promote your organization at our Conference. I want nothing more than to help facilitate the transition of Key Club Seniors to the amazing Circle K WUM District! I also am looking forward to presenting at the WUM District Convention in just a few short months and getting to meet everyone! Through hard work and dedication I know we will be able to have a great year of service and leadership. I look forward to learning more about your organization and doing everything I can to continue to bridge the gap between Key Club and Circle K. I can not stress enough that I am always available for you to get in contact with me, whether it be email, Facebook, text or phone call, I am here for you and the entire District. All I ask is that you continue in your service to others and help me as we continue on our journey of servant leadership and make this a fantastic year. Yours In Service, Connor Sawyers Key Club International Wisconsin Upper-Michigan District Governor [email protected] (Email) 608-228-8597 (Cell Phone)

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By Celia Nalbach WI-UM Key Club District Bulletin Editor

This year the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Key Club District Board has been making strides in serving our home, school, and community. As the District Bulletin Editor, it has been really amazing to be a part of our achievements.

With the help of our Webmaster, the District Board made a major change this fall. Instead of the same Fall Rallies or RTC’s that WI-UM has held in the past for the purpose of member training, we made short, informational videos. These training videos, as we call Webshops, are available on our District Website for members to view at their leisure. The Webshops allow members the ability to receive complete training at their home, and it saved the District a lot of money. The Webshops were fun to make, and some of them are pretty funny to watch!

With the New Year upon us, preparations for our District Leadership Conference are in full swing! Our theme for this year’s DCON is A Night at the Oscars. From March 7-9, the Hyatt on Main in Green Bay, Wisconsin will be decorated like a walk down Hollywood Boulevard. The workshops being created look outstanding, and personally I can’t wait to hear the keynote speaker and participate in the crazy dances. It is crazy to think that this Key Club year is almost over, but we’ve had a blast so far, and I plan to finish it out strong!

WI-UM Key Club Update

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Sub C Winter Escape

By Monica Wang

During the first weekend of January, several members from our district traveled to Naperville, IL to participate in two different Circle K events; the first was Subregion C Winter Escape where members from our Subregion (which is composed of five different Circle K Districts: Michigan, Iliinois-Eastern Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota-Dakotas and of course, our very own Wisconsin-Upper Michigan), and various other districts like the Ohio and Texas-Oklahoma were present. Here, we bonded as a Subregion with in house service projects on Friday night such as writing cards for a Children’s Hospital and making dog toys. We also played a ton of fun icebreakers to get to know each other more. The highlight of the night, however, was the Mr. and Mrs. Subregion C pageant, which is similarly set up like our Mr. WUM and Mrs. Universe pageants at MAC and Spring Fling, respectively. The winners were Emily from the Michigan District and Nick from the Minnesota-Dakotas District.

On Saturday, attendees continued to do service in the Naperville area, first at ‘Fishes and Loaves’ food pantry in the morning where we helped serve an incredible amount of people in the community. Then, in the afternoon, we volunteered at the ‘Dupage Children’s Museum’ and helped tidy up exhibits for the children and got to explore the amazingly fun learning displays ourselves. The second event of the weekend was the Illinois-Eastern Iowa Circle K District’s Holiday Embrace formal dinner event, one of their largest fundraisers for their district project, Spastic Paralysis. This is an incredibly unique project because it is a huge initiative that all branches of their Kiwanis Family participate in year after year. To make this event even more memorable, it was Harry Potter themed, with the motto, “Casting a Spell for a Cure”. There were many different silent auction items that attendees could bid on, from local basketball tickets to a pair of TOMS shoes to an assortment of gift baskets. The dinner had wonderful food, an educational component to help us better understand what Spastic Paralysis exactly is and good company from Key Club, Circle K, Kiwanis and guests. Afterwards, attendees had the choice of participating in the dance, creating their own magical Harry Potter wands and bonding with old friends. I had an awesome time and even won a beautiful vase and a $20 gift certificate to Buffalo Wild Wings in the silent auction/raffle! In the end, there were around 158 attendees to the event that helped raise a ton of money for Spastic Paralysis!

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& I-I’s Holiday Embrace

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UW-Eau Claire Circle K’s Habitat for Humanity trip can best be described in numbers.

3 homes

4 clubs

5 days of service

33 volunteers

40 hours of driving

960 hours of service

$4,250 donated

1 large impact on Lafayette, Louisiana

The trip, which took place from January 6 to 12, featured members from the Circle K clubs at UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-Madison and UW-Platteville. Planned by, UW-Eau Claire, this trip gave attendees the opportunity to work alongside homeowners and professionals, as they painted, tiled, cleaned and put up walls.

When attendees were not volunteering, they ventured off on a swamp tour of the Atchafalaya. They also experienced the Cajun lifestyle by eating traditional meals of jambalaya, red beans and rice and gumbo. On the final night, they were given a private performance at a nearby historical neighborhood, which included traditional music, stories and dance.

Photo credit: Jordan Grapentine, U



ircle K

UW-Eau Claire’s


[Lafayette, L.A.]

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Recruitment Tips for Spring Semester

By Kelly Kloth Are your membership numbers not quite where you want them to be? Do you think that you can’t do anything about it this late in the Circle K year? Have no fear, the second semester is here! The start of the second semester is a great time to recruit new members for a few reasons. At this point in the year, freshmen are starting to get a feel of their workload and are more likely to join new organizations. Second, there are a number of people that transfer at semester that are looking for ways to get involved. In addition, there are probably a number of people that were once interested in your organization that were overwhelmed by their first semester classes and became uninvolved, so now is a perfect time to draw them back in! Recruiting at second semester is very similar to recruiting at the beginning of the school year, but it is important to keep a couple things in mind. First, you can’t expect to recruit the same number of people as you do at the beginning of the school year. Aim to recruit 20% of your total current membership. Second, you have to keep in mind that you have to put forth more effort because most schools aren’t eager to hold organizational fairs at second semester. This means that you need to be willing to put in the time, effort and creativeness that it takes to recruit new members this time of year! The Membership, Development and Growth Committee has some awesome suggestions on how you can kick start your second semester recruitment efforts: 1. Utilize Your Classes

Ask your professors if you can do a short 1-2 minute presentation about Circle K before one of your first classes. After your presentation, give your classmates a handout listing all upcoming Circle K meetings and projects and pass around a sign up sheet for your email list!

2. Tabling

Just like at the beginning of the year, the second semester is a great time for tabling! Reserve a table in a high traffic area and be creative! Be sure to make a cool handout, give away some treats or you could even have a raffle that people enter for a giveaway at your next meeting! 3. Bring A Friend Meeting

This is the perfect time of year for a Bring A Friend Meeting! Make this tactic do double duty and offer your current members incentives for bringing a friend...recruitment AND retention?! I don’t think it gets any better than that!

4. Make Friends with an RA Buddy up with an RA and ask them to help recruit members for Circle K! Ask them if you can hang up fliers on their resident’s doors about Circle K or if you would be able to put fliers in their common area. 5.Attend the MDG Committee Webinar!

Join the MDG Committee at their upcoming webinar in February (date and time TBA)! We will be talking about all things recruitment and retention, so be sure to attend for even more ideas and brainstorming!

If you want any ideas or tips specific to your club, or if you are having any difficulties meeting your membership goal, please do not hesitate to contact Membership Development and Growth Chair Kelly Kloth at [email protected]!

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Winter Weekend Get-away

When: Jan 17-19

Where: Houghton, MI

Registration - $20- Opens at 6:00pm EST

Name: Club Name:

Phone: E-mail:


Service: Woodsplitting Activity: SnowshoeingDog Walking/Washing Skiing/Snowboarding

Send Registration and Payment To:Janet DeGroot

207 23rd St Dr SECedar Rapids, IA 52403

Janet Degroot207 23rd St Dr SECedar Rapids, IA 52403

WWG 2013Houghton, Mi

Make Checks Payable To:W-UM Circle K District

Questions?Contact Hal Holmes – [email protected]

orEmily Condon – [email protected]

Must be Postmarked by:December 20th, 2013

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Everything that you need to know about running for a position

on the 2014-2015 W-UM Circle K District


It’s hard for me to start thinking that my year as Governor is almost over, but it excites me that a new wave of leaders will be stepping up to the plate and taking our district to greater heights. My hopes are that the next district board will be full of selfless, service-minded individuals who don’t care about the spotlight, don’t talk themselves up, and really focus on serving the membership. If you are one of those people, you should definitely check out the positions below! You will also find my opinion on what the district board is versus what it is not, as there are many myths surrounding the district board.

By Lena Scheibengraber

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District Board Positions- Elected by WUM Members at DCON

Lieutenant Governors: These lovely folks have the responsibility of communicating with different clubs in their divisions. They mainly work with executive board members to relay information about district and divisional events, but are also the main contact for questions or concerns. LTGs can be mentors, mediators, cheerleaders, and much, much more depending on the club.

Questions? Contact your current Lieutenant Governor!

District Bulletin Editor: This person collects, edits & writes articles for Circle of Sharing, our district publication. It is possibly one of the most creative positions, as it allows the editor to add their own personal style into everything they create. They also get to be the training contact for club Bulletin Editors/Marketing Chairs and can provide feedback on club publications.

Questions? Contact current District Bulletin Editor, Taryn Grisham!

District Treasurer: This person has the important job of keeping track of the district budget! Not only do they generate financial reports, but also they sign checks, deposit money from district events, monitor registration payments, and more, with the help of the District Administrator. In addition to this, they are the contact for Treasurer training, MRF questions, fundraiser ideas & other resources.

Questions? Contact current District Treasurer, Nico Galles!

District Secretary: This person collects all information from the district officers & e-board members to compile a district directory. In addition to this, they take detailed notes at district board meetings, which they use to compile & publish meeting minutes. Finally, they communicate with all club secretaries, offer help on Monthly Report Forms and training on record-keeping and other duties as requested by the Governor.

Questions? Contact current District Secretary, Briana Tucker!

District Governor: As the face of the district, the Governor plays many roles. They oversee the entire district board, and provide directives for individual district board members or committees. They communicate with the club presidents to provide training, updates and guidance; they are actively involved in chartering, re-chartering and reactivating clubs; they act upon feedback (good and bad) provided by the members; they collect and provide feedback on resources created, Monthly Report Forms (club and district board); attend Kiwanis and Key Club functions as requested; communicate with the District Administrator and International Trustee frequently. There are many more things I can list, but I think you get the picture!

Questions? Contact current District Governor, Lena Scheibengraber!

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District Board Positions- Appointed by the Governor after DCON

Awards, Regulations & History Chair: They actively work on district history, the district policy code & bylaws, collect clubs bylaws, and edit & create club awards for District Convention. They also have the pleasure of educating the district board & any members on Parliamentary Procedure. They compile & file Monthly Report Forms (both club & district board) in addition to keeping other important district files.

District Convention Chair: This person plans & promotes the annual District Convention. Plans activities, workshops, & sessions; works with a committee to select promotional items, fundraisers, t-shirts & souvenirs. Creates & distributes registration forms and website information. Works directly with hotel staff to coordinate rooms for sessions, A/V equipment and more from the direction of the Governor.

Kiwanis Family & Outreach Chair: Promotes relations between Circle K and other Kiwanis Family branches; assists Circle K clubs with connecting to sponsoring Kiwanis Club(s); plans outreach speeches; plans & promotes the annual Kiwanis Family Baseball Game & Hockey Night and more from the direction of the Governor.

Membership, Development & Growth Chair: This person actively works on growth throughout the district. They work with chartering/re-chartering/reactivating clubs, and may act as the district’s contact if trying to start a brand new club. While working with a committee, they plan & promote MERP, create and distribute membership education resources, host membership education workshops at district events, and more tasks as assigned by the Governor.

Service Chair: This person creates & promotes meaningful service projects throughout the district. With the help of a committee, they plan all service projects at district events as well as plan & promote the annual Kiwanis Family Service Day. Finally, they track and report club service hours in addition to any tasks the Governor requests.

Special Events Chair: Plan & promote district events- create budgets, make food choices, come up with activities, fundraisers, workshops and more. They work hand-in-hand with their committee, who helps facilitate these events. They

Webmaster: This person will keep the district website up-to-date and assist any club webmasters with website construction or upkeep.

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What does being on district board require?

• Attendance at regular board meetings (most are attached to district events). • Submission of Monthly Report Forms & completion of directives from the Governor. • A commitment to positively represent the WUM Circle K District in person and on social media. • A passion for service and facilitating leadership skills in others. • A basic knowledge of Circle K International, the district and the position that you are interested in.

What the district board is:

• A group of people who work for the membership. • A chance to influence district projects, fundraisers, and other initiatives. • An opportunity to develop your leadership skills further. • An insanely rewarding year of service.

What the district board is not:

• A place to flaunt your position, too make yourself to be “more important” than anyone else. • An ego-booster or exclusive “club”. • Easy-breezy; requiring no work. • Reserved for past district board members or past eboard members.

Point is, anyone can run for district board or apply to be a chair. If you have an open mind, a caring heart, and ears that can handle feedback (both good and bad), I highly suggest running or applying. Many times people think that you have to have a certain amount of experience in Circle K to run or apply. While I suggest that a member have a minimum of one year in Circle K to do this (so they know what the organization is about, attend events, etc.), if you are excited to make a difference and commit to serving our membership (and not practicing any of those things that the district board is not), I encourage you to reach out to the current district board members and talk to them about the positions that you are interested in.

Want to know more about what you need to do to run for a position? Attend the “Running for District Board” webinar on Thursday, February 13th at 7:00pm. In addition to this, feel free to reach out to District Governor, Lena, at [email protected] to set up a chat!

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Running for District Board. Nominations for all elected district board positions open up right away at Opening Session on Friday night of DCON. The best part: any member can run for a spot on board! Once nominated, individuals will then have time to introduce themselves to members and answer questions during caucuses. There are two caucusing sessions, one on Friday night and another after the K-Family Luncheon on Saturday.

Friday Night Activities. Immediately following Opening Session, convention attendee’s will be put to the test in one of the most intense competitions ever known to mankind. Sure Olympic sports are challenging, but what about all of the events that never made the cut? We knew that only WUM members would be able to take on such events! House of Delegates.

Each club in good standing is allowed to have two voting delegates and two alternates. These individuals will then be responsible for voting on any proposed bylaw changes and ultimately electing the new district board for the upcoming Circle K year.

Sergeant at Arms. These are the individuals that step up to be in charge of making sure that all convention attendees are abiding by the code of conduct and set policies for the weekend. Additional duties include assisting in caucusing rooms and more. A meeting for all Sergeant at Arms will be held on Friday night of convention before Opening Session. Each club, like House of Delegates, is allowed to have two Sergeant at Arms and two alternates.

Spirit Themes. Each year at DCON every division is given a spirit theme that is based on the overall theme of the convention. Members are encouraged to eat, sleep and breathe their theme. Remember that every effort to embody a theme helps your club out in the race for the oh-so-coveted spirit award! This year’s spirit themes are as follows:

Capital - Figure Skating Chippewa - Football Lakes - Swimming Metro - Basketball Southeast - Hockey Superior - Curling

Workshops. With sessions focused on professional development, connecting the k-family, membership education, social media use, Circle K spirit and more, there’s a workshop fit for everyone! Look out for more detailed information about each workshop in February!

District Convention 101

With all of the great events that happen throughout the year in WUM it can be hard for any Olympic Circle Ker to keep them all

straight. So grab some hot cocoa, get comfy in your favorite reading spot and get ready to brush up on your district

convention knowledge.

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If you have any other questions feel free to contact Convention Chairwoman, Sara Hujar at

[email protected]

Also, make sure to get your registration forms in! The deadline for early registration is January 31,


Kiwanis Family Luncheon. Great food and even better company, what more could you want? At the Kiwanis Family Luncheon we celebrate the entire K-Family and get to hear from some of the gold medal members from different branches! We also start to hand out awards in this session and recognize all of our WUMderful seniors and 4-year members who will be graduating at the end of the semester!

Awards. Is your club going to take home the gold this year? There are various awards that you can apply for. All applications must be postmarked by January 27, 2014 in order to be considered! Please direct any questions about awards to ARH Chair, Laura Killingsworth at [email protected]. Find the entire list of awards here:!awards/c218w

President’s and Parent’s Banquet. Every Olympian needs a proper dinner to recoup from all of their hard work! At the President’s and Parent’s Banquet attendees will spend the evening recognizing all of the amazing successes our clubs and members have had throughout the past year and we’ll finally get to see who takes home the gold when awards are handed out! Plus we get to see how sharp everyone looks in formal attire!

Closing Session. As the final session of the weekend, we retire the existing district board and instate the newly elected members for the upcoming year. We also get to take one last look at the past year and hear from our newly elected District Governor. Tip: Bring tissues.

Serving Faster, Leading Higher, Making Friendships Stronger


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Club Highlight:

2013-2014 Executive Board

Chloe Mayer (President) Major: Accounting She loves hiking and anything that involves being outdoors! She joined Circle K her sophomore year and immediately loved the welcoming atmosphere and all the volunteering that goes along with it.

Megan Moneta (Vice President) Major: Psychology / Minor: Interpersonal Communication Besides volunteering, she loves cookies, the outdoors and reading. She plans on going onto graduate school for student affairs in higher administration.

Kayla Lentz (Secretary) Major: plans for go to graduate school for Student Affairs She loves La Crosse and how many people there are willing to help others. She enjoys Circle K, because it has helped her meet others that want to help the world around us.

Alayna Stein (Treasurer) Major: Psychology and English She loves playing guitar and spending time with family and friends. She’s also a member of UW-L’s Eta Phi Alpha honors society and Capable Canines of Wisconsin, a nonprofit organization.

Service, Fundraisers & Socials, oh my!

During September they made bookmarks to donate to the local library, which brought out members’ creativity. The other main service project they’ve done as a group was going to the Salvation Army and putting on a Bingo/Craft night for the kids that live there. The kids enjoyed Bingo, and the prizes that went along with it. A lot of the members also enjoy volunteering at the Children’s Museum of La Crosse. Their major fundraiser is the Welcome Package fundraiser. They send out letters to each of the incoming freshman’s parents to ask if they would like to purchase a surprise package with various treats, mugs, pizza cards, etc. to be sent to their son or daughter. It was very successful this year, as they had over 300 orders sold! Last spring they had a small bake sale to raise money, as well as raise awareness of the UW-La Crosse Campus about Circle K International. Socials are another frequent happening for this club! They’ve held successful root beer float meetings, bluff hikes, a pizza party and an Ugly Sweater-themed study session filled with holiday treats, study tips, and more!

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Set your sights to the future with CKI

Winter Weekend Getaway Houghton, MI January 17-19, 2014

51st Annual W-UM CKI District Convention (DCON) Green Bay, WI March 14-16, 2014


CLUB AWARDS APPLICATIONS DUE January 27, 2014, via US Postal Mail

DCON EARLY BIRD DEADLINE ($80) January 31, 2014

DCON REGISTRATION DEADLINE ($90) February 14, 2014

Kiwanis One Day Celebration Worldwide April 5, 2014

Circle K International New Year! Worldwide April 1, 2014

UW-Madison’s Shake, Rattle & Roll: A Benefit for Babies Concert Madison, WI April 3, 2014

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By Laura Killingsworth

Hello, W-UM! District Awards applications are due in 12 days. That’s right – 12 DAYS! Has your club started working on them yet? In the past few weeks, I’ve gotten several questions from a number of clubs. That is why I decided to compile them for all to see!

Q: What does it mean to have a “club member in good standing” complete the award? A: A club member in good standing just means that the member completing the form is an active, dues-paying member of the home club in which the award is coming from. Q: Some of the general criteria for general criteria (such as district events or committee work) weren’t met by the person who I am writing a nomination for. Can I still apply? A: Short answer: absolutely, positively 100% YES! As stated in the award, these are GENERAL criteria, written out to give applicants an idea of what it means to truly be an outstanding Circle Ker.

Q: Our club doesn’t have an awards CD. How do I get the awards? A: You can find all of the awards on the District Convention website under the “Awards: tab,, OR on the Wisconsin Upper Michigan Circle K website under “Resources”, I am also willing to email you with any awards you are interested in applying for. Q: What signatures do we need on the forms? A: The following signatures are needed on ALL awards: Circle K member completing the awards, Club President, Club Secretary, and Advisor (school or Kiwanis). Q: Is there a preferred way to put all the awards together? Stapled, paper clipped or just all together? A. Please make sure that every page of a single application are stapled/clipped together so I can be sure that all the pages and additional items are taken into consideration.

To everyone who has sent in questions, thank you so much! Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any questions. Our district has so many strong clubs and members and you deserve the recognition for it!

Awards  Announcement:  Awards  Application  FAQs  

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2013-14 Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K District Goals Update – January 2014



CURRENT: 644 members 93% of our goal

CURRENT: 9,497.35 hours 54% of our goal

CURRENT: $3,600 65% of our goal

CURRENT: $255.15 20% of our goal

CURRENT: $3,605.14 66% of our goal

CURRENT: $4,526.66 50% of our goal

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2013-14 Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K District Goals Update – January 2014









GOAL: 130 attendees

ACTUAL: 113 attendees 87% of our goal

GOAL: 15 attendees

ACTUAL: 13 attendees 87% of our goal

GOAL: 15 attendees

ACTUAL: 13 attendees 87% of our goal

GOAL: 50 attendees

ACTUAL: 37 attendees 74% of our goal

GOAL: 175 attendees

ACTUAL: 62 attendees 35% of our goal

GOAL: 150 attendees

ACTUAL: 93 attendees 62% of our goal

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2013-14 Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K District Goals Update – January 2014





GOAL: 150 attendees

ACTUAL: 78 attendees 52% of our goal

GOAL: 150 attendees

ACTUAL: 213 attendees 142% of our goal

GOAL: 35 attendees

ACTUAL: Coming soon!



GOAL: 175 Circle K members

250 attendees

ACTUAL: Coming soon!

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2013-14 Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Circle K District Board Directory


District Governor Lena Scheibengraber Alverno College 6301A W. Lakefield Drive Milwaukee, WI 53219 [email protected] 414-418-9779

District Secretary Briana Tucker Michigan Technological University 301 Isle Royale St., Apt. 2 Houghton, MI 49931 [email protected] 313-910-0304

District Treasurer Nicolaus Galles Edgewood College 1725 Madison St. #2 Madison, WI 53711 [email protected] 212-295-5204

District Bulletin Editor Taryn Grisham University of Wisconsin-Madison 1002 Spring Street, Apt. P Madison, WI 53715 [email protected] 262-271-2620

Capital Lieutenant Governor Monica Wang University of Wisconsin –Madison 1021 Fahrenrook Court Madison, WI 53715 [email protected] 608-239-5707

Chippewa Lieutenant Governor Matthew Bowe University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 325 Towers South, 642 University Dr. Eau Claire, WI 54701 [email protected] 715-933-2404


Lakes Lieutenant Governor Katie Hobbs University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 2136 Klondike Road Green Bay, WI 54311 [email protected] 262-515-5375

Metro Lieutenant Governor Lizzie Anderson Marquette University 1311 W Kilbourn Avenue, Apt. M Milwaukee, WI 53233 [email protected] 509-378-4183

Southeast Lieutenant Governor Shannon Thiesenhusen University of Wisconsin-Parkside 6409 N. Tichigan Rd Waterford, WI 53185 [email protected] 262-492-8626

Superior Lieutenant Governor Hal Holmes Michigan Technological University 504 Shelden Ave Apt#2 Houghton, Michigan 49931 [email protected] 989-751-7958

Awards, Regulations & History Chair Laura Killingsworth University of Wisconsin-Madison 202 Marion Street, #3 Madison, WI 53703 [email protected] 920-382-4425

District Convention Chair Sara Hujar Northern Michigan University 2972 Cedarville Dr., Apt. 3 Marquette, MI 49855 [email protected] 607-242-1744


Kiwanis Family Chair Elizabeth Henderson University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh 14208 58th Road Sturtevant, WI 53177 [email protected] 262-902-2064

Membership, Development & Growth Chair Kelly Kloth University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee 4442 N Oakland Ave., Apt. 8 Milwaukee, WI 53211 [email protected] 414-469-1066

Service Chair Colin Buckley Edgewood College 1725 Madison St. Madison, WI 53711 [email protected] 920-572-0139

Special Events Chair Emily Condon Alverno College 2131 N 118th St Wauwatosa, WI 53226 [email protected] 414-403-9744

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“Follow” us on Twitter: @wumcki