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Page 1: Cinquecento


Mar Nogué, Irene Gras, Clara Planells, Cristina Sanz and Marc Herranz

Page 2: Cinquecento

architecture The architecture of the

Cinquecento is characterized by simplicity and harmony .

The most important of classicism is Donato Bramante, with works like the Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio and the project of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.

(Tempietto of San Pietro)

Michelangelo is the originator of Mannerism architecture. He looks for the own way to use the classical language. The three most importants works of Michelangelo are: The funeral chapel of the Medici and The Laurenziana Library in Florence, and the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. It’s also important the urbanitzation project of the Camplidoglio Square with the statue of Marcus Aurelius as a center monument in the square.

(Detail of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo)

Page 3: Cinquecento

sculpture The italian sculpture of S.XVI is of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Althought he had art

works, he considered a sculptor

The most important feature of this sculptures is the size. The fractions and the expression of the face are perfect.

Some of his sculptures are:-the Pieta in the Vatican-the monumental to the Piazza della Signoria-the mausoleum of Julius II-the set unfinished of Funeral Chapel of the Medici.

( The Pieta in the Vatican)

Page 4: Cinquecento

painting In the High Renaissance in Florence, Rome and Milan work the three geniuses of the

Renaissance: Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo.

Michelangelo:He liked the forms with a lot of expression and color. He always felt more attracted to the sculpture, but part of his fame is due to the Sistine Chapel frescoes.

Works:-Battle of Cascina-The Tondo Doni

( The Tondo Doni)