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Katie Skaggs

CI 350 – 11-12:15

Twitter Observations

1. Harold Blanco - @CI350class

Following Harold on twitter only brought a giant question mark to mind when wondering what in the world he might tweet from day-to-day. But really, he only provide happiness and helpfulness. His tweets stood out most to me a couple weeks ago when he provided links to things such as “Google for storytelling” and “Using social media in education”; two things that most people would call impossible. Since they titles within the tweets intrigued me so much I, of course, opened them to read further. Both links provided tons of interesting information in great detail. Those are the types of sites that need to be shown to public teachers who have been in that career for many years; I’m willing to bet they would discover and realize more than they could ever imagine.

2. Jerry Blumengarten - @cybraryman1

Jerry was probably my favorite twitter that I followed over this particular time span. He tweeted relevant information numerous times a day. Everything he would put out there was always interesting or extremely helpful in some way. I also really enjoyed following him because he constantly participated in “education chats” with others with the same interests. During these chats the conversations he would answer great questions with even better answers and all of them would appear on my timeline. Fantastic!

3. Chris Wejr - @ChrisWejr

Following Chris was enjoyable because he always participated in “educational chats” which appeared on m timeline. Though his chats didn’t appear on my feed as often as Jerry’s, they were still interesting to read and observe. Also, some of his tweets made it very apparent how important his family is and how much they mean to him. He always has sweet, positive tweets about them concerning something special that may have taken place that day, week, etc. That made me happy to see and happy to continue following him for the purpose that he loves what he does and loves those around him even more.

4. Steven W. Anderson - @web20classroom

Following Steven was a great pleasure. He constantly posted inspirational quotes that never failed to catch my eye while scrolling up and down my newsfeed. Not only did he randomly post

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encouraging words, but he also replied to a lot of tweets people sent him. His replies always had some kind of encouraging or positive words that would no doubt give that particular person the best outlook, along with an incredible answer. Steven just seems like “that guy” that everyone would want to have as a teacher before they moved onto the next school.

5. Eric Sheninger - @NMHS_Principal

For some reason, I didn’t see as many of Eric’s tweets as I did the rest of the guys. At some points I would actually have to search his twitter handle to find his page so I could see what types of ideas he was providing for his followers. To my surprise he tweeted often, tweeted the types of helpful links that any great principal would, and even participated in the same types of “educational chats” that I mentioned earlier. In between all of those things he’d also throw in some great, inspiring quotes – the kind that you read and instantly remember that anything’s possible with some effort and a positive mind.