Download - Church Officer Nominating Committee Nominees to the ... Files/CONC Brochures and... · Habitat for Humanity ‘Hall’ house. Charley notes that he was a Boy Scout in Troop B-7 at






Linda Ayres – Linda Ayres has been a member of Kirk in the Hills since February 2014. In that short time, she has become immersed in three activities – Adult Ministry, Capital Campaign Local Mission and the Membership Committee, as well as participating in Kirk Women events, including the annual retreat and the Tuesday morning Bible Study. At her previous churches, Linda was a Sunday School

teacher, Bible School teacher, and was active in Adult Ministries. Linda and her husband, who passed away in 2013, were active in the Young Couples club. Linda is a retired university professor, public school teacher and administrator.

Robert Beck – Bob Beck has served three session terms at two PCUSA churches in the Detroit presbytery and as a Deacon in Alabama. He has served on and chaired many session committees including Pastoral Administration and Adult Ministry, as well as chaired a senior pastor search committee, served on a handful

of interim searches and led How to Be a Ruling Elder classes for the Presbytery of Detroit. Bob feels a call to teach Bible history classes at the Kirk and continues to find ways to use those gifts in this community of faith.

Richard Brown – Buzz Brown has been a member of the Kirk since 2013. He has served as chair of Men of the Kirk and on the Self-Study Committee. Buzz served as an elder at First Presbyterian Church of Farmington where he also played in the Brass Choir. Buzz says, “I am looking forward to working with the Kirk’s leadership during this interesting

time of change: both in the congregation and the community in general.”

Kirk in the Hills1340 West Long Lake RoadBloomfield Hills, MI 48302

(248) 626-2515 .

Church Officer Nominating CommitteeNominees to the Governing Boards

Kathy Coe – Kathy Coe’s family joined the Kirk in 1966 and she has been attending ever since. She attended Sunday School and confirmation classes as a youth – as an adult, she has taught Sunday School and served as a youth sponsor for retreats and mission trips. Kathy is an ordained elder, having served in the class of 2009, and is an ordained deacon. Most recently she taught in the Adult Education – Youth and

Parent classes.

Jan Keeling – Jan Keeling has been a member of the Kirk since 1974. She has most recently been involved as a deacon, serving with Ministry With Pontiac and the Capital Campaign Committee for Local Mission. She has also begun tutoring at WHRC, the school in Pontiac that the Kirk supports. Jan is a retired (since January 2015) educator who

says, “As a long-time Kirk member, I cherish our community of faith.”

Randal Pappal – Randy Pappal is finishing his term as a trustee, serving as President of the Board in 2015. He has been a member of the Kirk since 2000 and is an usher. He also taught Sunday School, and has been an active member of both the Budget and Annual Giving Committees of the Board of Trustees. Randy is

currently employed as the Executive Director of Purchasing for General Motors and has a teenage daughter, who is also active at the Kirk.

Thomas Libcke (Youth Elder) – Thomas Libcke joined the Kirk when he was confirmed this past spring. He attended the Kirk Preschool and weekly Sunday School. He is active in the Kirk youth group and has gone on the mission trips to Pittsburgh and Belize. Thomas has been in the youth choirs since first grade and now sings in the Senior Boys’ Choir. He has

also served as an acolyte since sixth grade. “As a servant-leader, I hope that I can serve my congregation well.”

Sue Gelbach – Sue Gelbach has been a member of the Kirk for eight years and has served on the Board of Trustees for five of those years. In addition, Sue serves with Ministry With Pontiac, specifically with the children at WHRC Elementary School. She is a member of the Trinity Stitchers, a knitting ministry of the Kirk that provides prayer shawls and blankets

for Kirk members, and baptismal blankets for the children who are baptized here. Sue made costumes for two Vacation Bible School sessions, as well as the Confession Banners that we use in worship periodically. Sue also designed the new glass doors in the Narthex. She is looking forward to serving in her new capacity: “Participating as an officer puts me in a position to help to make a difference to others and to the church.”

Curtis Hay – Curtis Hay has been a member since 2012, when he and his family returned to Michigan after he retired from the Air Force. Curtis and his wife, Christy, formerly our Sunday School director, have taught Sunday School classes. Curtis is presently serving as an usher, and recently joined the Adult Ministry Committee. Curtis and Christy have three teenage children that keep them all busy, but

Curtis is looking forward to serving as a deacon.

Robert Heuer – Bob Heuer has been a member of the Kirk since 1992 and has served in numerous capacities, including Ruling Elder in the Class of 2001. As an elder, he chaired the Officer Nominating Committee and served on the Adult Ministry Committee. He chaired the APNC that called Lana Russell to the Kirk. Most recently, Bob has led The Daily News and

The Good News adult class, was one of the ‘Three Bobs’ for the 2015 Lenten Series, and has participated in Habitat for Humanity, SOS, Camp Hosanna, Focus: Hope food delivery and Ministry With Pontiac. Bob is also an usher!

Susan Krawczyk – Susan Krawczyk grew up at the Kirk, was married here, and after a brief time away, rejoined the Kirk with her husband, Kevin, and two young daughters in 2005. She has served on the Kirk Preschool Board and the Kirk Women’s Ministry Council. She has participated and led adult Sunday School classes with a focus on the parents of teens.

Susan is a speech and language pathologist.

DeaconsCarol Beggs – Carol Beggs has been a member of the Kirk since 2013. She has been involved in many church activities since then, but has not held office. She has two teenage children who are involved in the church and keep her very busy. Carol is “very happy to be asked, and I want to serve and help the Kirk thrive…I like to talk to people, and so I think being a

deacon is a good fit for me.”

Laura Cook – Laura Cook joined the Kirk in 2011 as result of participating in a Bible study with Kirk members. Laura, husband Matt, and their two young sons attend Sunday services regularly; she attends the weekly Bible Study with Your Pastors, and her boys sing in the Young Children’s Choir. Laura and Matt also participate in a supper club composed of

parents of young children. Laura says about being nominated, “…I feel this nomination is a reminder to me to put God first in my life…I happily accept this nomination and welcome the responsibilities.”

Susan Davis – Petie Davis is a relatively new member of the Kirk, having joined earlier in 2015. She has participated in Faith in the Arts and the CROP Hunger Walk. She is a member of the Barnabas Bible study group and the Welcoming Committee of Membership. During the Kirk’s SOS week, Petie served dinner and led an interview seminar for the SOS guests. Outside of the Kirk, Petie is an

automotive manager. Of her request to serve she states, “I am honored and humbled to serve. It will be an exciting adventure!”

Courtney Effinger – Courtney Effinger joined the Kirk in 2012 when her son, Taylor, was baptized. Courtney is on the Kirk Preschool Board and is serving on the Kirk’s Self-Study Committee. Courtney is also a substitute childcare provider in the Kirk’s Sunday morning nursery. Although she is particularly interested in youth activities at the Kirk, she is

“honored to be asked to be a deacon. I look forward to helping in any way I can!”

Clara Davis – Clara Davis joined the Kirk in 2011 and is just finishing a term as a deacon. Clara has served with the SOS team here at the Kirk and enjoys the senior luncheons and trips. She is looking forward to serving with the Diaconate Alumnae as well as her service as a trustee. She also plans to continue to attend and enjoy the classes and lectures. “I am honored and challenged. The Kirk is a special

place for me, and I am pleased to have such a responsibility.”

James Devlin – Jim Devlin joined the Kirk in 1991 and has previously served as both an elder and a trustee. Jim also served as Chair of Men of the Kirk. He has been active in local mission in Pontiac, including Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together, and the Overcomers Bible Study ministry. He is presently teaching the 4th and 5th grade Sunday School class and says that teaching Sunday school is a great

blessing in his life. Jim says, “I feel honored to serve at this time of transition in our church.”

Matthew Eriksen – Matt Eriksen has been a member of the Kirk since 1989 and is a tax accountant. He was instrumental in developing the group that eventually became known as the Kirk Singles. In 2003 and 2004, he was a mentor to the Mid High Youth Group and accompanied the group on mission trips to Pittsburgh. As his children grew, he and his

wife, Hollie, have become more involved in the youth programs. They have taught and participated in the Parents of Teens and Confirmation classes. “I am eager to serve our Lord in any manner He believes is best for the Kirk.”

Ronald Gardhouse – Ron Gardhouse grew up with Presbyterian roots, but travel during his career had kept him from regular attendance at the Kirk. Since retirement from that part of his work, Ron has served one term as a trustee in the Class of 2009. During that term, Ron worked extensively with the Endowment Committee and was instrumental in forming a

special committee devoted to bringing greater awareness of the endowments to the Kirk’s membership.

David Hoisington – David Hoisington was confirmed at the Kirk in 1976 and has been a member since then. He has served as a Sunday School teacher, and on both the Worship Study Committee and Children, Youth and Families Ministry Committee. His particular interests at the Kirk include worship and the Music Ministry.

Carol Lay – Carol Lay joined the Kirk in 1964. She and her husband, Paul, were married by Dr. Harold DeWindt. Carol served as a deacon in the Class of 1996 and now serves as a Diaconate Alumna for the Sunday morning coffee hours and other events. Carol has also taught Sunday School. Carol and Paul’s two daughters were baptized, confirmed, and married at the Kirk.


Jill O’Hara – Jill O’Hara has been a member of the Kirk since 1980. Her involvement started with the Tuesday Evening Circle and has included a term as trustee and a previous term as deacon. Jill has taught Sunday School and participated in VBS. She helped to arrange and traveled with Kirk groups to Russia and Israel. She served on a Church Officer Nominating

Committee and served on the Associate Pastor Search Committee that brought Troy Hauser Brydon to the Kirk. Jill is “honored to be considered for a position as an officer at the Kirk.”

Charles Sarlund – Charley Sarlund has been a member for more than 25 years and has served as an elder, trustee and usher. He has been on the Men of the Kirk board and worked on the Habitat for Humanity ‘Hall’ house. Charley notes that he was a Boy Scout in Troop B-7 at the Kirk in 1953! “I am ready and willing to serve as a deacon.”

Carl Hanpeter (Youth Deacon) – Carl Hanpeter has been attending the Kirk since birth! He is a participant in the Senior High Youth Group and has gone on the mission trip to Belize the last two years. He volunteers in Sunday School, for SOS and says he has been to the CROP Hunger Walks since before he could walk.

Katie Paulson (Youth Deacon) – Katie Paulson attended the Kirk Preschool and that’s what brought her family to the Kirk. She sings in the Senior Girls’ Choir and serves as an acolyte. Katie is an active participant in the Senior High Youth Group and has gone on the mission trips to Belize. She says, “I feel humbled and honored that Christ called me to

serve at Kirk in the Hills.”

Guidelines for officer nominations:

Elders – The Presbyterian Church USA’s Book of Order (Part II 2015/2017) cites a Ruling Elder Defined(G-2.0301) as follows: “…persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership

and being compassionate in spirit…chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to theWord of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life…exercise leadership, government, spiritual

discernment and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church…”

The Session is the governing body of the congregation and is made up of 18 elders who serve for a three-yearterm, and one youth elder who serves a one-year term.

Deacons – The Presbyterian Church USA’s Book of Order (Part II 2015/2017) cites a Deacon Defined(G-2.0201) as follows: “The ministry of a deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and

service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives,

brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry.”

The Board of Deacons is comprised of 30 members who serve for a three-term and two youth deacons whoserve a one-year term. Deacons undertake ministries of care and compassion within and beyond the congregation.

Trustees – Trustees have major responsibilities in the areas of budget and finance, endowments and investments, property maintenance and insurance, personnel and legal affairs. Trustees shall be members of the church who demonstrate qualities of honesty and integrity, energy and business acumen, Christian dedication and responsibility. Under the law of the church and

state they hold and manage properties and, as authorized, conduct business for the Kirk. Their business dealings should exhibit Christian faith and values to those with whom they deal.

Kirk in the Hills has a board of 18 trustees, elected for a three-year term.

Congregation-at-Large – Two individuals elected from church-wide membership to serve on the ChurchOfficer Nominating Committee for a one-year term.

Congregation-at-Large MembersHsin-Hong Huang – Hsin Huang is finishing his term as an elder in the Class of 2015. He is an ordained deacon and serves as an usher. Hsin has been involved in the Kirk in many ways, including the following committees: Membership, Outreach and Mission, Inter-board Budget, Stewardship, Christian Education Family Council and the APNC

that called Troy Hauser Brydon to the Kirk. He has participated in Habitat for Humanity, CROP Hunger Walk, SOS, Adopt-A-Family, Adopt-A-Road, Bible studies, Men of the Kirk, and Kirk Couples. Hsin says, “It is an honor and responsibility” to serve.

Laurence Biehl – Larry Biehl joined the Kirk with his wife, Ginny, in 1989. Since that time, Larry has served twice on session.He is an usher and has been involved with Men of the Kirk, including serving on that board. While on session, Larry served on the Music Committee, the Outreach Committee and chaired the Pastoral Administration

Committee. Larry and Ginny both work as Monday Tellers, counting and depositing the Sunday collection.

Barbara Eldredge-Everett – Barbara Eldredge-Everett has been a member of Kirk in the Hills since 1986 and has served in many capacities. She is an ordained elder and deacon, and she has chaired the Music Committee, the Communion Committee, and the Kirk Women Committee. Barbara has also taught Sunday School, worked with the Mid and Senior High Youth Groups, helped with

new member dinners and went with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance group to help with the cleanup after Hurricane Katrina. Barb is a cardiac nurse and is interested in health and medical missions.