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Chronicles of NarniaThe Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

by: C.S. Lewis

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About this book:

• - I found this book very interesting starting on its cover. The English is not really hard to interpret; I can say that this book is very good because I can really visualize what the author’s message. Also, there is a lot of drawings in the book that describing what I red, by the help of drawings, I feel I’m the one who is brought in the land of Narnia.

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• Main Characters

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1. Lucy Pevensie – She is the youngest among Pevensie child, she is the one who discover the Magic Wardrobe when they are playing in the Professor house.

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Edmund Pevensie – He is the second youngest child of Pevensie, he is one of the 3 kids who is playing in the Professor house.

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Susan Pevensie – She is the second-oldest child of Pevensie, at first she does not believe in the land of Narnia but when she actually discovers it, she help in defeating the devil witch. She was crowned as Queen Susan, the gentle.

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Peter Pevensie – he is the oldest child of Pevensie siblings, like Susan, Peter disbelieved Lucy’s story but changes his mind when he sees it for himself.

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Aslan – a very strong lion that rule the land of Narnia, he save the life of Edmund.

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White Witch – is a self-proclaimed queen, she use her power to rule over the land of Narnia. She turns the land of Narnia into winter without christmas for 100 years and make other creatures into stone when they disobey her.

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• As I understand in the story, it all start after the world war II,

• and sent into professor house.

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•One day, they’re playing in the Professor’s house when Lucy Pevensie, discover the Magic Wardrobe that brings to the land of Narnia.

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When she come back from the magical land of Narnia, she told all her siblings about what she discover, but they disbelieve here until they are the one who sees the Land of Narnia.

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The white witch brainwash Edmund by giving him a French Delight food.. She told Edmund to bring his siblings into her and she will give him many French Delight.

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Edmund was caught by the white witch and brought as a prisoners but later on, Aslan, the king of Narnia save him. The 4 siblings decided to help in defeating the white witch.

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They fight the White witch and help all the creatures that petrify by the White Witch, after that the land of Narnia goes back to normal life that ruled by Aslan.

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I learned a lot of things after I read this, It enhance my English grammar. I also learned some good moral in this story like helping others when they need me and using what I have for good things not like the White Witch who's using her power to rule and make other creatures suffer.

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