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JULY 2015 • Issue TWENTY-FIVE •



Somehow these days we’ve convinced ourselves that we can’t be happy unless we have all this stuff and experience all these

things and… when the truth is, that all that stuff and all those things are creating

a financial noose around our necks as we live beyond our means and fail to put

something away for a rainy day...3 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

by Berni Dymetpage 8

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04 Warrior Woman: Beryl Henwood

06 Spirit of Thanksgiving

07 A Season of Change for Missions Interlink NZ

08 3 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

10 Local News

11 Book reviews

12 Shine TV programme guide

14 News

16 Euthanasia – We Can Live Without It.

17 Christian Life Classifieds


Publisher Matthew Danswan

Editor Marie Anticich

Art Director Nicole Danswan

Accounts Elizabeth Yeo

Advertising Manager Ray CurleP 09 281 4896 E [email protected]

CorrespondencePO Box 318 334,West Harbour, Auckland 0661

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part, without

prior written permission. Opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. All attempts are made to verify advertising material, and no responsibilty is taken for misleading or erroneous material.

© Copyright

NEXT ISSUE OUT August 2015

DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGRay Curle 09 281 4896 [email protected]

Booking deadline: 31st JulyArt deadline: 4th AugustDistribution: 10th August





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F O R M O R E I N F O O R T O R E G I S T E R V I S I T S I S TA S . O R G . N Z


1 0 -1 2 S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 5 .


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Beryl doesn’t look like a stereotypical warrior, but is unquestionably an asset in stealth mode. Her intes-

tinal fortitude is exceptional. I like that. Her life exhibits character I can only pray I would possess in the same tri-als, but can never truly be known until the rubber meets the road.

The family moved around a lot while she was growing up after her parents divorce. Life was difficult and Beryl was well acquainted with lack. Being part Rotuman Is-lander, she walked closely with rejection and resentment. She believed she was ugly, stupid and unpopular so when the dashing, sophisticated pilot Ken came into her life when she was 17, it wasn’t long before she was pregnant. She was pressured to adopt; her doctor prescribed her Valium to cope with the grief, and a ten-year habit began.

Ken and Beryl married and an extremely tumultuous few years ensued. They had two girls, Ken worked seven days a week and was hardly home. Unable to cope, Beryl had an abortion followed by deep depression, self-hatred, overwhelming grief — and much more Valium. Ken suf-fered terrible headaches and black moods, and they both longed to be free of the misery they inflicted on each oth-er. Beryl left for the second time, taking the girls.

She began to pray the Lord’s prayer with desperation

and really think about what it meant. Outwardly life was all parties, restaurants, and entertainment but inwardly a nightmare of fear and confusion. Her life was out of control and she felt powerless to break the pattern.

Lonely and desperate one evening Ken picked up a bible and began to read. He read all four gospels that day and suddenly he knew it was true. He believed for the first time. On his knees, he repented before God, felt some-thing leave him and then a great peace. From that mo-ment he changed and moved closer to Beryl and the girls. Beryl still had no peace and by now had added Mogadon to her prescription drug-fest.

Desperate, she cried out, “God if you’re real; tell me what to do!” Then, filling the room came an authoritative, gen-tle male voice. “Go back to Ken.”

So she did, although she was still hard-hearted and unhappy. Ken was kind but seemed to put his faith aside and they both explored alternate avenues of finding peace, still resistant to church.

Nevertheless Beryl attended a church meeting held at a pub. Touched by the Holy Spirit, she saw all her sin and pain, and felt a great surge of love pouring through her in a classic salvation experience. For the first time in her life she felt truly loved, accepted and whole. She was baptised

and began to pray Ken would come to the Lord in a deep and committed way.

One freaky thing about life is that we just never know when we’re saying goodbye to someone for the last time. Ken gradually softened to the things of God over three years, but wasn’t to fully surrender his life and be filled with the Spirit until seven days before his death. But those seven days were heaven.

After receiving the call that her husband’s plane had gone down in severe conditions, Beryl ignored her emo-tions and prayed out of faith the most incredible thanks-giving prayer praising Jesus for what He had done in their lives. Indestructible peace descended on Beryl and the house.

Although everyone was praying for Ken’s surviv-al, Beryl knew he’d gone. Such was Beryl’s deep peace she was able to comfort the grieving visitors in their loss; even through Ken’s memorial service three weeks later. Many gave their lives to Christ because of the peace and strength Beryl carried with God’s incredible grace.

Beryl poured herself into serving the Lord, and af-ter a few years, she met Bill and remarried. Along with Bill’s young son and Beryl’s two daughters, God blessed them with a boy and girl, making a beautiful new family.

JANET BALCOMBE meets BERYL HENWOOD the woman who emerged from the crucible of personal tragedy shining as gold...


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Inspiring story

Then Jesus visited her and asked her to make another tough journey. That tough journey was saying goodbye to Bill as the Lord took

him home after a battle with cancer.


La Vida Centre34a Hansons Lane, Upper Riccarton

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This page clockwise from top left: Ken and Beryl’s wedding day; Ken and deer-stalkers loading up; Ken in Sydney ferrying new plane from USA to NZ; Bill’s last summer in Northland; Ken and float plane, Te Anau; Opposite page: Beryl and grandson, Brent, the first-born son of Beryl’s first-born son working with her at YWAM

Over the years Beryl had attempted to find her adopted son, to no avail. Then one day after a prompt from the Lord to make another call to find him, Beryl received a phone call. “Hello Mum.” Her son had a wife and a baby boy. “You say you’re a Christian. What sort of Christian are you?” he asked. “I’m a spirit-filled, tongue-speaking Christian,” Beryl answered. He laughed and said, “So am I.” God had told the social welfare officer organising his placement, “This baby must go to a Christian home.”

Beryl and Bill have fostered teenagers, trained at the Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Discipleship Training School (DTS), worked in Hong Kong for Jackie Pullinger helping minister to heroin addicts, and smuggled bibles into China three times. God showed Beryl His broken heart over abortion and she helped save dozens of babies outside an abortion clinic by offering hope and support to desperate mothers. She wrote for the Pro Life Times and speaks and counsels on this issue. Bill and Beryl were involved with YWAM since 1990.

The Lord taught Beryl to warfare in the spirit for in-dividuals, homes, businesses, churches, communities and nations. She saw God sovereignly restore the area and

people of Gate Pa in Tauranga through her team work-ing alongside local Maori during a week of spiritual war-fare. On the last night they prayed for the grandson of the chief. The chief had been a godly man who had recently died, and the grandson took up his mantle.

They saw breakthrough with the Tuhoi people in the Urewera Ranges after much spiritual warfare and a sovereign move of God. Beryl has ministered to witches leaving covens; and seen chronic illness, depression and demonic oppression healed in Jesus name.

Then Jesus visited her and asked her to make another tough journey. That tough journey was saying goodbye to Bill as the Lord took him home after a battle with cancer.

Sometimes God has to take the big Kauri trees to make way for the young ones. Bill had run his race well. And once again, it was just Beryl and her God.

And once again she came through shining as gold through the toughest of trials. Beryl now heads up YWAM Zion in Paparoa, Northland.

It’s criminal how many epic parts of Beryl’s story I have had to leave out in this short article. She is an inspi-ration and a generous gift to our generation. Seriously — you need to get her book!

The Oil of Joy for Mourning is available from Beryl on [email protected], most Christian bookstores and Kindle from


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Spirit of Thanksgiving

Tak Bhana is the Senior Pastor of Church Unlimited. He has a radio and television program called Running with Fire, which broadcasts in New

Zealand and other nations. His church also produces a magazine with the same name which is distributed in 70 countries, and he has written a book

titled “Wired for the Supernatural”.

Many of you will understand how a grateful child can just melt your heart. Max Lucado tells how one of the thousands of street orphans in Brazil affected him in that way

when the orphan searched him out to thank him after he’d bought the boy something to eat. The little outcast stood looking up at him with a big smile and said, “Obrigado” (thank you), then, nervously scratching his ankle with his big toe he added, “Muito obrigado” (thank you very much). Max Lucado said at that moment he had the crazy desire to buy that little boy the whole café! How much more is God’s heart moved when we thank Him for the gifts He gives to us?

As human beings we are made in the image of God and as His creation we appreciate being thanked and praised. The one we’re fashioned after also likes to be thanked and praised.


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resources for evangelism, small group study, youth groups and equipping believers.

If you’ve been feeling a bit grouchy lately, if life has been hard and it’s been a struggle to find things to be thankful for, this well known quote may help to bring some perspective. “If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world. If you have money in your wallet, you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture, or the horrible pangs of starvation you are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering. If you can read this message you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read at all.”

Most of us have all that and more and yet we can tend to focus on what we don’t have and what’s not right, rather than on what we do have and what is right in our lives?

Why should we be thankful? Well, God likes grateful people and so do we. So if we want to please God and get on better with others, it pays to count our blessings.

Firstly, gratitude is a key to spiritual growth. The surprising results of a survey involving 90,000 Christians from 300 churches found that those who were growing spiritually in leaps and bounds, in other words who were com-pletely sold out for God and involved in serving Him, were the ones with thankful hearts. Other people showed godly qualities such as faithfulness, but when it came to measurable Christian growth, those who excelled in thank-fulness came out on top.

Secondly, as we see in Psalm 100:4, we can, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” Many a time we enter our prayer closet with a list of needs, and I’ve got nothing against that, because the Bible tells to bring our needs and requests to God. It tells us “We have not because we ask not”, but it also teaches us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. This is the entry point and this is the protocol: God wants us to approach Him with thanks and praise. It’s like He’s saying, before you ask for anything, please thank Me for all the things I’ve already done for you.

Thirdly, gratitude changes people.Praying Hyde, a great missionary to India, was burdened to pray for a nation-al pastor who had grown cold spiritually, along with his church. He started by saying, Lord you know how cold…….then the Holy Spirit stopped him. He wouldn’t let him accuse a brother in Christ but told Hyde to thank God for all the good qualities he saw in the man. Hyde obeyed and the result was amaz-ing. Almost immediately the national pastor experienced a great personal revival and began preaching with the fire of God.

It’s too easy to be like the nine lepers who got what they wanted and went on their way without making the effort to go back and say thank you. Can you imagine being healed of leprosy? What a miracle, what a reprieve to be able to get back to normal life after living for however long as an outcast with a grossly disfiguring and debilitating disease! Having nothing to look forward to except a lonely and miserable death, always being rejected and misjudged, never seeing your family again, having to keep your distance and yelling out “unclean” to warn others to stay away and suddenly you’re healed!

Luke 17:15-19. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?”

How could you get healed from such a cruel disease and go on your way without saying thank you to the healer? Actually, I think it’s easy, we probably all do it from time to time with smaller blessings.

Recently I read about a helicopter pilot who risked his life to save climbers who were in trouble in the Himalayas. One died but several others were saved from certain death. When they landed, they staggered away without a word of thanks to their rescuer. Incredible, but apparently that’s quite common in so many cases where rescuers have risked their lives. Well, Jesus more than risked His life for us; He laid it down in the most horrible way. Let’s make a point of putting that one right at the top of our list and thank Him every day for saving us. And we must say it, as someone said, “Gratitude that is not expressed is like a gift that’s never unwrapped.”


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The nature of missions in, to and from New Zealand is changing, and will continue to change. While our

experience and understanding of mission is being trans-formed through a ‘new wave’ of missions, we can still learn from the Godly wisdom, experience and sacrifice of those who have gone before us.

As the national networking organisation for missional churches, organisations and individuals across New Zea-land, Missions Interlink uniquely represents our nation’s rich missions heritage while also serving its members in the context of shifting paradigms and worldviews.

Over recent years, MI has supported and under-taken major initiatives such as ‘Missionary Enrichment Retreats’ and ‘Pacific2Nations’ as well as ‘Destination World’ and ‘The Call’ conferences.

Various mission streams including Member Care, Third Culture Kids, Mobilisation, Mission Administra-tors and Regional Prayer & Fellowship Gatherings have also been established.

As the Director of Missions Interlink, David Hall has been instrumental in leading many of these initiatives, but is himself anticipating a new season in his life. He has therefore announced that he will step down as Di-rector with effect from MI’s next AGM on 17 November - in order to make room for a new, younger, leader.

The Missions Interlink council is now seeking to recruit a new director over the coming months, not only to continue providing core benefits to members, but also to focus on some specific priorities in the coming season including:

• Engaging with current issues and trends• Recognising that developing nations are also raising

and sending workers to the mission field• Engaging more intentionally with Maori and other

nationalities based in New Zealand• Representing member organisations and networks

in the wider, global scene• Developing ‘best practice’ standards for the benefit

of the wider missions community

A Season of Change for MISSIONS INTERLINK

For more info about Missions Interlink visit or phone: 09 275 8333

David and Lydia

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Something remarkable has been ignited in ourcountry. The Hope Project is a powerful multi- church initiative that’s working for Christian churches throughout New Zealand. The �rst two phases have used TV and online advertising to engage audiences with content and with local churches – with interactions being counted in the tens of thousands.

An important ingredient has been the creation and distribution of high quality booklets, with two in the series now delivered to 1.4 million Kiwi homes. That’s 2.8 million booklet deliveries – each containing re�ections on our Christian nationhood, the authenticity of scripture and why Christians believe what they do. Plus stories from everyday New Zealanders which link to online videos and more.

The third ‘hope’ booklet is now in production and is due for release at Easter 2016 – but now is an important time to help with funding. To assist, please go to: your giving, prayer and conversations, you can help ignite even more hope in our nation.

It’s a Different WorldJust a half a century or so ago when I was growing up, life was completely different. Things were much simpler back then. Did people still experience stress? Sure they did. I remember how hard my parents worked to put food on the table, to put a roof over our heads and to give my sister and me a decent education.

But the pace of life was much slower back then for two main reasons.

Firstly, things were simpler. People had one bank ac-

count, one mortgage and an insurance pol-icy. Today, we have share portfolios, credit cards (plural!), multiple investment prop-erties (and hence investment accounts and loans) and even self managed superannu-ation funds. That’s not to mention all the different insurance policies you can have.

Secondly, we were less connected. Back then our family didn’t even have a tele-phone in the house (I still remember the day it was installed – a time of great cel-

ebration). Today, just about everybody has at least one mobile phone, a home phone, a tablet, a laptop, emails and social media alerts interrupting them every few min-utes … and on it goes.

Oh, and did I forget to mention the need to manage all these devices and accounts and payments and overseas roaming and data plan limits and …

So above and beyond the basic stresses of life that have been around since time immemorial, we’ve now lay-

ered two more stress–creators on top: com-plexity and immediacy.

When I was a lad, on the odd occasion that my father (a su-perintendent at the local steelworks) was called out to work after hours, they had to send a taxi in the middle of the night and pound on the door until some-one was roused to an-swer. Needless to say, with that level of cost and inconvenience, it didn’t happen all that often.

But today, com-panies expect their employees to answer emails and SMS’ all hours of the day and night, even when they’re on holidays.

And we own a lot more stuff too. I re-member looking inside my parents’ wardrobe when I was young, and there wasn’t all that much in it. But these days, it seems that we need to rent storage units in which to stuff all the stuff that we can’t fit into our hous-es!

There you go. I think it’s called … progress.

Now I’m not for

one minute lamenting the past, nor suggesting that we turn back the clock. Not at all. My point is simply this: the complexity and the immediacy that, for better of or worse, we’ve been saddled with, has added significantly to the stresses of life.

And according to the surveys, instead of getting bet-ter, things are getting steadily worse.

The Numbers Don’t LieWhatever developed economy you go to, you will find that people’s sense of wellbeing is deteriorating rapidly, and what they put it down to is, yep, you guessed it, stress!

Here’s the opening paragraph of the executive sum-mary to the 2013 Stress and Wellbeing Survey published by the Australian Psychological Society:

Overall, while the pattern of findings was largely consistent with those reported in 2012 and 2011, the key findings of the Stress and Wellbeing Survey 2013 indicated that Australians had significantly lower levels of wellbeing and significantly higher levels of stress and distress, and depressive and anxiety symptoms than in previous years.

Well, after all, Australia is just some small backwa-ter so let’s head over to the American Institute of Stress which reports that:• 44% of Americans feel more stressed than they did

5 years ago,• 1 in 5 Americans are experiencing extreme stress,

and• 3 out of every 4 doctor’s visits are for stress–related

ailments.Okay, the US has been going through some tough

economic signs. But Australia hasn’t seen a recession since the early 1990’s – and that people, is over twenty years ago. And since we know that stress has a huge im-pact on our health, our wellbeing and our mortality rates, it kind of makes sense to do something about it.

So here are three simple things that you can do, to reduce your levels of stress:

1. Tidy UpIf there is one maxim that holds true in life, it is this one: mess causes stress.

Whether it’s an untidy house, an untidy desktop or even an untidy email inbox, mess causes extreme ineffi-ciency. And inefficiency causes stress. Right down to the simple things of … I can’t find that blouse that goes with this skirt … as you’re rushing to get the children out the door and yourself off to work.

Am I right, or am I missing something?I regularly have hundreds of emails in my inbox, be-

cause (not withstanding my excellent spam filters) I re-ceive more emails than I can cope with. And knowing that I haven’t replied to people causes me stress. There are to many loose ends, to many things slipping between the cracks … it bothers me and it just hangs over me.

So here’s what I do. I invest a couple of hours each week (usually on a Friday afternoon) to clear my inbox, reducing it down to half a dozen or so emails that are waiting for other people to do something. I have to tell you, it’s a great feeling heading into the weekend knowing that that’s all done.

Another simple thing. I try to get my tax return infor-mation to the accountant within a few weeks of the end


Stress is the highest area of felt need in society today. That’s not some wild assertion by yours truly. It’s a matter of fact. It’s on the record. And whilst there are many causes for stress, I want to share just

three simple thing that you can do, to reduce the stress that you’re under in your life today.

3 easy ways

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Your best life





Berni Dymet is the ceo of the global media ministry – Christianityworks. His radio and television broadcasts

reach millions of people each week in over 160 countries around the world. For instant access to his

free, daily eDevotional, stop by at

of the financial year, rather than letting this task (which I don’t enjoy one little bit!) hang over me for months on end.

Just some simple things in my life, to lift some stresses of me. So, I wonder what messes in your life are causing you stress. I wonder which ones you could take in hand, knock over and sort out in the just next seven days, to reduce your levels of stress?

Well, don’t just sit there …

2. Strip BackComplexity is a pain in the neck (not to mention other parts of one’s anatomy). And believe it or not, a large amount of the complexity we have in our lives, is self–in-flicted.

Think about all the telecommunications and internet devices you have in your life. When was the last time you rationalised your accounts and providers, and perhaps took advantage of bundles that different providers offer, to simplify your life.

How many bank accounts, credit cards and mortgag-es do you have with your bank (or with different banks) and when was the last time you spent a couple of hours rationalising them, closing unneeded ones down, oh, and by the way, setting up automatic payments for your regu-lar bills (instead of having bills, late payment statements and letters of demand cluttering your home office desk).

A small investment in stripping back the unnecessary complexity in your life is going to pay huge dividends in reducing your levels of stress.

You know the routine, don’t just sit there …

3. Be Content With What You HaveHere is one of my favourite Scriptures, have a read and let it sink in:

There is indeed great gain in godliness combined with content-ment; for we brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it; but if we have food and clothing, we will be content with those. (1 Timothy 6:6,7)

Somehow these days we’ve convinced ourselves that we can’t be happy unless we have all this stuff and expe-rience all these things and … when the truth is, that all that stuff and all those things are creating a financial noose around our necks as we live beyond our means and fail to put something away for a rainy day (now there’s an old–fashioned idea).

The moment we stop believing this lie that stuff and things are going to make us happy, the moment we refocus ourselves on the life that God wants us to live, a life of sacrifice, a life of generosity, a life of willing submission to Him … so many stresses are lifted off our shoulders.

Or, as A.W. Tozer writes in his book The Pursuit of God:The man who has God for his treasure has all things in One.

Many ordinary treasures may be denied him, or if he is allowed to have them, the enjoyment of them will be so tempered that they will never be necessary to his happiness. Or if he must see them go, one after one, he will scarcely feel a sense of loss, for having the Source of all things he has in One all satisfaction, all pleasure, all delight. Whatever he may lose he has actually lost nothing, for he now has it all in One, and he has it purely, legitimately and forever.

It’s either that, or this:But those who want to be rich fall into temptation and are

trapped by many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains. (1 Timothy 6:9,10).

It’s a simple choice, isn’t it? Don’t just sit there, do something about it.

On a Personal NoteI spent much of my life living in a mess, in complexity and in a desire for wealth. And I can tell you, as someone who turned that toxic little cocktail into something of an art form, it was absolutely dreadful. It ruined my life.

So, three simple things to help you reduce your stress:1. Tidy up, 2. Strip back, and3. Be content.That list won’t solve all your problems. It won’t take

all your stress away, but take it to heart, put it into action, and it’s a pretty good start.

The longer you carry a burden around, the heavier it gets and the more it hurts. This is about getting your life back in synch with what Jesus has for you. After all, it was He who said:

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Mat-thew 11:28–39)

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Local news

The peaceful rural setting in 10 acres outside Whakatane with its’ gracious home-stead accommodation remains the same while the recently formed team brings fresh touches to the place. The ministry of prayer plus a setting for emotional and relational healing to take place continues.

The last guest to leave, Helen Hermansen from Taupo, said this: “When I arrived at Titoki I felt like a heartbroken, crushed little girl.I was desperate to find out if there could ever be healing for me.I was made to feel so welcome, taken to a beautiful warm room, and left to rest.The counselling I had was excellent, thoughtful, at my pace, and totally set me free of wrong

beliefs I held.The meals were like a top restaurant every night, and every evening the fire was lit for my

comfort in the lounge,I cannot recommend this place highly enough, it has totally changed my life”.

FRESH TEAM for TITOKITitoki Healing Centre is alive and well after 40 years. It comes up for its 40-year celebration in February 2016.

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“EMPIRES is the story of two worlds. Our prayer and desire has been to simply create the most honest project we could. Songs that seek to listen first, and then with God’s breath speak the good news reality of Jesus and His grace into the dichotomy, tension and hopeful-collision of this broken and fragile world we see here and now, and the unshakeable and mysterious reality of the Kingdom we can’t see, but no-less know is here - and NOW.” Hillsong Australia


The Pacific2Nations team has announced that its next major event will take place at the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau, on 11 & 12 September 2015.

Guest speakers include HRH Princess Mele Siu’ilikutapu of Tonga, Paulus Wiratno (with his team from Mercy Indonesia), Ps Iliafi Esera, Ps Norm McLeod and Ps Lui Ponifasio.

A capacity crowd is expected for this significant missions event - with powerful Praise and Worship, Prayer for the Nations, Pasifika choirs, colourful Cultural Presentations, Mission Workshops and displays from more than 20 mission organisations.

This follows the success of the last P2N event in Nov 2013, and subsequent youth events, leaders’ meetings and cross-cultural mission training. More than 130 Pacific Island people have since successfully completed the P2N Kairos course and several short-term missions to India, China, Indonesia, The Philippines and other destinations have been completed - with a number of Pacific Island people now preparing for full-time missionary service.

For more info about Pacific2Nations visit or phone: 09 889 9422

Pacific2Nations 2015by Andrew Marriott

The current Titoki team: L to R: Joe Mathews (Promotions), Bev Mathews (Administration), Roberta Devereaux (Hospitality), Cherry Scatchard ( Chaplain), Margie Upson ( Counsellor) and Roger Upson ( Property Manager).

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The story of an ordinary woman and her brother and how they handle being Christians amidst the joy and turmoil of life on the West Coast of New Zealand.

There is drama and adventure in the high mountains of the Southern Alps with stories told with humour and charm. Real answers to prayer along the way and a personal visit from Jesus!

Wendy is a housewife, volunteer and artist. Dennis is a builder, Steel mill worker and car fanatic. Now living in Auckland.

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12 | Christian Life Issue Twenty-Five July 2015


6:00Lakewood Church:

Joel Osteen P

Unlocking the Bible:David Pawson P Leading the Way:

Michael Youssef P The Catholic Guy:Bruce Downs P Derek Prince P Hope Centre:

Wayne Alcorn P Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew C 6:00

6:30 Joni and Friends D Hearts Wide Open D Give Me An Answer:Cliffe Knechtle D Rhema Worship M Your Best Life:

Phil Pringle P Buzz and Poppy C 6:30

7:00Hour of Power:Robert Schuller P

Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew C From Aardvark

to Zucchini CVeggie Tales C

Friends and Heroes C Adventures from the Book of Virtues C Friends and Heroes C 7:00

7:30 Paul the Little Missionary C Friends and Heroes C Jovis Bon-Hovis and

the Creation Crew C Buzz and Poppy CVeggie Tales C


8:00 Connection Point:Reuben Munn P Friends and Heroes C Jovis Bon-Hovis and

the Creation Crew C From Aardvark to Zucchini C Paul the Little

Missionary C OKTV C 8:00

8:30 Running with Fire:Tak Bhana P Impact for Life:

Peter & Bev Mortlock P Word For You:Terry & Jayne Calkin P LIFE TV:

Paul de Jong P Running with Fire:Tak Bhana P Connection Point:

Reuben Munn P RocKids TV C 8:30

9:00In Touch:

Charles Stanley PDestined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri) P Paul the Little

Missionary C 9:00

9:30 Give Me An Answer:Cliffe Knechtle D The Exchange D Answers with

Bayless Conley P Leading the Way:Michael Youssef P Brian Houston @

Hillsong TV P OKTV C 9:30

10:00 Word For You:Terry & Jayne Calkin P HarvestLite

(Highlights from the Harvest Show)

P The 700 Club (Tue-Fri) NLife fm

Presents Y


10:30 Songs of Praise M 10:30

11:00Turning Point:

Dr David Jeremiah PFull Circle (Mon-Fri) D 11:00

11:30 Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri) P Hearts Wide Open D 11:30

Noon LIFE TV: Paul de Jong P Precious Memories M

Sue Thomas:FB Eye D

Christian World News NThe American Bible

Challenge ETheDRIVEtv Y

FEATURE:See adjacent for details


12:30 The Visual Bible:Aug 2 – John (Pt 2)Aug 9 – John (Pt 3)Aug 16 – Acts (Pt 1)Aug 23 – Acts (Pt 2)Aug 30 – Acts (Pt 3)

Creation Magazine D Kiwis Can Fly D Everytown Australia D 12:30


FEATURE:See adjacent for details

FEATURE:See adjacent for details FEATURE:

See adjacent for detailsFEATURE:

See adjacent for details

FEATURE:See adjacent for details


1:30 1:30


FEATURE:See adjacent for details

Planetshakers TV P 2:00

2:30 The Restoration Road D Live from Studio B M 2:30

3:00In Touch:

Charles Stanley P Living Truth:Charles Price P Turning Point:

Dr David Jeremiah P Lakewood Church:Joel Osteen P Hour of Power:

Robert Schuller P3:00

3:30 Give Me An Answer:Cliffe Knechtle D 3:30

4:00Living Truth:Charles Price P

Friends and Heroes CVeggie Tales C

OKTV C Buzz and Poppy C RocKids TV C Leading the Way:Michael Youssef P 4:00

4:30 Paul the Little Missionary C From Aardvark

to Zucchini C Friends and Heroes C OKTV C The Catholic Guy:Bruce Downs P 4:30

5:00Turning Point:

Dr David Jeremiah PRhema Worship (Mon-Fri) M TV4DADS D 5:00

5:30 Full Circle (Mon-Fri) D Creation Magazine D 5:30

6:00 Joni and Friends D

The 700 Club (Mon-Fri) N Lakewood Church:Joel Osteen P


6:30 Hearts Wide Open D 6:30

7:00 Precious Memories M Impact for Life:

Peter & Bev Mortlock P Word For You:Terry & Jayne Calkin P LIFE TV:

Paul de Jong P Running with Fire:Tak Bhana P Hope Centre:

Wayne Alcorn PFEATURE:

See adjacent for details


7:30 Songs of Praise M

What’s on Shine Christian World News NThe American Bible

Challenge ELive from Studio B M TV4DADS D 7:30

Sue Thomas:FB Eye D


FEATURE:See adjacent for details

Kiwis Can Fly D Everytown Australia D

FEATURE:See adjacent for details



FEATURE:See adjacent for details FEATURE:

See adjacent for detailsFEATURE:

See adjacent for details

FEATURE:See adjacent for details


9:00Sue Thomas:

FB Eye D9:00

9:30 Planetshakers TV P 9:30

10:00 Brian Houston @Hillsong TV P The Restoration Road D TheDRIVEtv Y Joni and Friends D 10:00

10:30 Your Best Life:Phil Pringle P Give Me An Answer:

Cliffe Knechtle D The Exchange D Answers withBayless Conley P Your Best Life:

Phil Pringle P Brian Houston @Hillsong TV P Hope Centre:

Wayne Alcorn P 10:30

11:00 The Catholic Guy:Bruce Downs P Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri) P

The Mark Gungor Show E


11:30 The Exchange D Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri) P 11:30


Hope Centre:Wayne Alcorn P Unlocking the Bible:

David Pawson P Leading the Way:Michael Youssef P The Catholic Guy:

Bruce Downs P Derek Prince P Connection Point:Reuben Munn P LIFE TV:

Paul de Jong P Mid-night


Details correct at time of printing. (Dates in italics indicate programme change during the month)For up-to-date 24-hour listings and programme information go to

KEYP Preaching C Children M Music D Doco/Drama

N News Y YouthE Entertainment

A Shine viewer says... “My 8 year old granddaughter and I happened on Shine by accident racing through the channels. A movie was on. We watched - no swearing, sex, etc - I was hooked. We’ve been addicts ever since. She will check the channel out even without me encouraging.”

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To watch ShineFreeview Satellite 25Sky 201or online at

Escape (run time: 85 min)Doctors Paul and Kim need a drastic change. They join a medical mission in Thailand. Then Paul is kidnapped...Sat 1 @ 12pm

Ring the Bell (run time: 96 min)A big-city sports agent is stranded in a small town where the simplicity of life is in contrast to his own fast paced life.Sat 1 @ 2pm

Mercy Rule (run time: 117 min)When the game is on the line, you want people you can count on, in baseball and in life. A story about mercy, patience, sacrifice and trusting God.Sat 1 @ 7pm; Sun 2 @ 2pm; Sat 22 @ 2pm

Let Freedom Sing (run time: 94 min)In one of the most turbulent periods in American history, daring musicians brought music, medium and message together as never before.Sun 2 @ 8.30pm; Fri 3 @ 1pm

The Derby Stallion (run time: 98 min)15-year-old Patrick doesn’t know what to do with his life. A misunderstood horse trainer convinces him to train for the Derby Cup.Sat 8 @ 12pm; Sat 4 @ 12pm

This Is Our Time (run time: 88 min)After graduation, five friends set out to make a difference in the world for God. But will they have the courage to fulfill their calling regardless of what comes?Sat 8 @ 2pm

Season of Miracles (run time: 79 min)An inspiring story about sportsmanship, friendship and courage in the face of adversity.Sat 8 @ 7pm; Sun 9 @ 2pm; Sat 29 @ 2pm

WWJD2: The Woodcarver (run time: 86 min)Matthew is from a broken home. When he vandalises the local church to get back at his parents, Matthew has to repair the damage to the church.Sun 9 @ 8.30pm; Mon 10 @ 1.30pm

The Trial (run time: 100 min)An emotionally crippled lawyer, who has lost his faith in God and himself, takes one final case: defending a young man facing the death penalty.Mon 10 @ 8.30pm; Tue 11 @ 1pm

Two Hats (run time: 86 min)In 1998, Brad and Deborah Wells left the comfort and familiarity of Idaho and moved their family to the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea.Tue 11 @ 8.30pm; Wed 12 @ 1pm

Uncommon (run time: 103 min)When the students of Rosewood High School lose their theatre, music and dance departments due to budget cuts, they create their own.Wed 12 @ 8.30pm; Thu 13 @ 1pm

Hope is Erupting (run time: 79 min)With passionate melodies and Heaven-breathed lyrics, Citipointe Live’s latest record is set to open people’s hearts to the reality of the hope we have in Jesus.Thu 13 @ 8pm; Fri 14 @ 12.30pm

Rosemont (run time: 87 min)In a raging blizzard, two people meet: Lisa, pregnant and scared, and Brad, a professional snowboarder. Both want to make it over the mountains ahead of the storm.Sat 15 @ 2pm

Home Run Showdown (run time: 89 min)Two little league end up doing battle in a place the baseball world never expect: in the outfield of the Home Run Derby. Sat 15 @ 7pm; Sun 16 @ 2pm

Details correct at time of printing. For up-to-date 24-hour listings and programme information

go to

CourageousFour men, one calling: to serve and protect. When tragedy strikes home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Protecting the streets is second nature. Raising their children in a God-honouring way? That’s courageous.Fri 14 Aug @ 8pm; Sat 15 Aug @ 12pm


WWJD3: The Journey Continues (run time: 90 min)A drifter arrives in a town. When the local pastor loses his way, the drifter leads the community back to faith.Sun 16 @ 8.30pm; Mon 17 @ 1.30pm

Undaunted (run time: 68min)Josh McDowell’s story left him with deep scars, until God’s overwhelming love touched him and he came to face a life-changing truth.Mon 17 @ 8.30pm; Tue 18 @1pm

Saints and Soldiers (run time: 86 min)Five soldiers in Europe during World War II struggle to return to Allied territory after being separated from U.S. forces during the historic Malmedy Massacre.Tue 18 @ 8.30pm; Wed 19 @ 1pm

Believe in Me (run time: 104 min)A young man’s wish to coach the boys’ high school basketball team is halted by a school board decision that makes him the new coach of the girls’ team.Wed 19 @ 8.30pm; Thu 20 @ 1pm

Moving On (run time: 84 min)A documentary about choosing to risk, to enter the lives of others and to not define people by their circumstances.Thu 20 @ 8pm; Fri 21 @ 12.30pm

The Redemption of Henry Myers(run time: 101 min)After his latest heist goes wrong and his partners leave him for dead, Henry is surprised to find extraordinary kindness from a widow and her children.Fri 21 @ 8pm; Sat 22 @ 12pm

The Last Brickmaker in America(run time: 88 min)A man coping with the loss of his wife and the obsolescence of his job finds redemption by becoming a role model to an equally lost 12 year old.Sat 22 @ 7pm; Sun 23 @ 2pm

Hopeville (run time: 91 min)Amos is trying to force a relationship with his estranged son. When they arrive in the town of Hopeville, they change the town for good. Sun 23 @ 8.30pm; Mon 24 @ 1.30pm

The Moment After (run time: 84 min)In a split second, a mass disappearance occurs. After the initial turmoil, the FBI is called in to investigate.Mon 24 @ 8.30pm; Tue 25 @ 1pm

Captivated (run time: 107 min)Stories from individuals and families who have escaped media addiction and learned to make discerning and God-honouring choices. Tue 25 @ 8.30pm; Wed 26 @ 1pm

Ambulance Girl (run time: 83 min)Jane takes her life in a new direction by volunteering as a medical technician. She learns how to save her marriage and career by saving the lives of others. Wed 26 @ 8.30pm; Thu 27 @ 1pm

Let Freedom Sing (run time: 94 min)n one of the most turbulent periods in American history, daring musicians brought music, medium and message together as never before.Thu 27 @ 8pm; Fri 28 @ 1pm

Season of a Lifetime (run time: 92 min)A football coach, terminally ill with Lou Gehrig’s disease, refuses to retire, instead coaching for one last season.Fri 28 @ 8pm; Sat 29 @ 12pm

Stand Strong (run time: 92 min)Through a series of financial and family crises, Matt and his family lose all they own and are humbled enough to learn what success is really all about.Sat 29 @ 7pm; Sun 30 @ 2pm

The Velveteen Rabbit (run time: 88 min)A lonely boy wins over his distant father and strict grandmother with help from a brave velveteen rabbit whose wish is to become a real rabbit someday.Sun 30 @ 8.30pm; Mon 31 @ 1.30pm

Civil Love (run time: 90 min)A bitter Civil War widow reluctantly takes care of a wounded soldier and discovers the courage to love again. Mon 31 @ 8.30pm

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14 | Christian Life Issue Twenty-Five July 2015

When I ask Reverend Justus Miwanda to tell me what his exact title is at International Needs Uganda (I want to get his details right) he recoils, like I have put a bowl of some-thing inedible in front of him. He reluctantly tells me he is the Executive Director and says ‘I don’t like big titles’. When I ask Justus about the millions of orphans living in Uganda: he sits up straight, his face lights up, he begins to tell a story and 2 hours later I am walking away with two sponsor children.

Justus is a man on a mission, he loves what he does and it’s contagious.

Abandoned by his teenage mother at 3 months old, he struggled with rejection in the early part of his life. He says “I never felt the warmth of my mother and, …I was

angry and I blamed God”.Justus starting working for International Needs

12-years-ago and that anger and rejection has been trans-formed into compassion and love.

There is an estimated 2.5 million orphans in Ugan-da and that number is growing. Aids accounts for half of that number and the rest are poverty, disease such as malaria, poor health care and high pregnancy mortality rates.

Justus doesn’t have time to dwell on his past; there are children all around him who need help. He says he thanks God for the challenges he has faced in his life, his aban-donment has brought vision and understanding.

“Whenever I look at these children I can appreciate what they go through because I have been there. I see these children cry and I can cry with them,” he says.

For Justus the answer to Uganda’s problems lie in ed-ucation, he agrees with Nelson Mandela’s famous quote “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

International Needs runs three schools in Uganda. The schools have a holistic approach to education; school is more than reading writing and maths. Justus says “Stu-dents are taught health and hygiene, for example they are taught to wash their hands before eating and to boil water before drinking.” He says meals are provided – hungry children can’t learn. Students are given practical skills they can use in their village. Most importantly the chil-

dren are loved. Justus’ vision and the vision of IN Uganda is to ed-

ucate as many children as possible so they can grow into responsible contributing adults. They do this mainly through child sponsorship.

Justus visited NZ at our invitation to tell us about these children. When I ask Justus how many children had been sponsored on this trip his eyes widen in excitement and he replies “42”.

I think about the millions of orphans in Uganda and it’s quite overwhelming and only 42 children sponsored doesn’t seem to cut it. However when I look at Justus I realise he is going home to tell 42 children they are not alone anymore. I imagine their little faces when they get the news that they can start school and they don’t have to worry about where their next meal is coming from. I imagine him telling them there are people living thou-sands of kilometres away - that care what happens to them.

Justus is desperate to tell more children the same thing and I couldn’t just ignore it. This time I didn’t want to just walk away with a great story. I want to be part of one. Two Ugandan children are now a part of my family and their photos are on my fridge.

For more information about child sponsorship go


Meeting the Need


Freelance Journalist Samantha Ives spoke to Justus Miwanda from International Needs Uganda when he visited New Zealand earlier this year…

If you think this role is ‘you’, and you would like to make a difference in facilitating better relationships and resources for churches to be more effective in missions, and work with a variety of passionate leaders serving God’s Kingdom purposes, contact Patti Clark with your CV and cover letter on [email protected] or phone 021 444 228 for further info.

full-time or part-time

They are seeking an Executive Officer who will raise the profile of Missions Interlink, reshape what they have to offer and how they connect with their members and external partners, and form new strategies in response to changes in the mission world. Responsibilities include:Effectively represent member organisations in public forums and ensure they are accurately represented in both the New Zealand and global scene;Promote the new wave of missions, engage with the issues and trends and relate with all generations;Connect and dialogue at higher church levels and with all relevant agencies and organisations; Facilitate, inform and strengthen the working together of member groups to enhance the promotion of missions to benefit all the groups;Promote all resources and information available to members.This is a leadership role so the right person will have ‘mana’ in the community, be able to demonstrate their leadership experience, be diplomatic while being able to challenge, and be known for their ability to bring collaboration amongst people and lead change.

Missions Interlink connects people and groups who have a heart for mission, enabling them to gain mutual benefit and cooperate in joint initiatives.

executive officer

Essential characteristics and competencies include:Passion for missions, an active spiritual life and agreement with MI’s beliefs and values;Excellent communication skills recognised in a variety of situations;An advocate for change with the ability to lead people forward;A relationship builder and experienced networker able to draw others together from a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints;Technically and financially competent;Motivated and energetic;Fundraising skills.The ideal person to make a difference at Missions Interlink could come from a variety of backgrounds, but will be well-connected, have a broad world-view and cross-cultural experience. This position could be full-time or part-time. This was the challenge from a Ugandan church leader who visited New

Zealand recently. Pastor Jonah Kawere noted that the people who helped Saul escape in a basket over the Damascus wall (Acts 9:25) had no idea their assistance would have so much impact on the future of Christianity and millions of people.

National Volunteer Week recently reminded us that many organisations would not survive without volunteers. Each Labour Weekend helpers at the Elevate Christian Disability Trust National Camp impact beyond their realisation the lives of up to 180 campers with a disability. It’s the highlight of the year for many who are disabled and they are encouraged and enabled to participate and minister to others. The volunteers, themselves, are also challenged and blessed.

If you can hold the rope for someone this October see the Elevate ad in the classified section.


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Conference proudly sponsored by:

Plus “FAMILY SOAPBOX”: Kiwi families share their stories regarding the issues of prostitution, CYF, abortion, Downs Syndrome, and more




Ryan T. Anderson is the author of the just-released “The Future of Marriage and Religious Liberty” (2015). He is also co-author with Princeton’s Robert P. George and Sherif Girgis of the acclaimed book “What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense” (2012).

Ryan Anderson researches and writes about marriage and religious liberty as the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy. He also focuses on justice and moral principles in economic

thought, health care and education, and has expertise in bioethics and natural law theory. Anderson has appeared on ABC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, and the Fox News Channel.

His work has been featured in or published by major newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner, National Review, Weekly Standard and Christianity Today. The Washington Post recently labelled him the “conservative movement’s fresh-faced, millennial, Ivy League-educated spokesman” on redefining marriage.

OTHER SPEAKERS:Dr Gregory Pike, Ph.D.

TOPIC 1. LEGALISING MARIJUANA (incl Medicinal Marijuana) – A DOPEY IDEA?


Dr Greg Pike is a Bioethicist and the Director of the Adelaide Centre for Bioethics and Culture (ACBC). He was formerly the director of the Southern Cross Bioethics Institute from

2004 to 2012. He focuses on bioethics, and has participated extensively in public debates on stem cells, cloning, abortion, euthanasia and illicit drug policy. He is the Chairman of the Board of the Australian Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Programme, a member of The Institute on Global Drug Policy and a member of the Australian Health Ethics Committee for the 2006-2009 triennium.


NZ-born Peter Saunders is Campaign Director of the Care Not Killing Alliance, a coalition of over 40 organisations in the UK promoting palliative care and opposing euthanasia, and chair of the European Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. Since 1992 he has served full-time with the Christian Medical Fellowship, a UK-based organisation with 4,500 UK doctors and 1,000 medical

students as members, first as Head of Student Ministries and since 1999 as Chief Executive. He has been a member of the ICMDA (International Christian Medical and Dental Association) Board since 2003 and also serves on the Coalition for Marriage board and the European leadership forum steering group.

Marriage, Life & Strong Families 2015

Register online at:

Hosted by Bob McCoskrieNational Director

Family First

WHATThe 9th annual New Zealand Forum on the Family will bring together a national network of family-focused organisations, scholars, lobby groups, leaders and family groups who seek to promote and protect the wellbeing of families, the vital role of parents, and the welfare of our children.

WHERELife Convention Centre,110 Montgomerie Rd,Airport Oaks. (2 mins from Auckland Airport)

WHENMonday 24th August 2015 9.00am – 4.30pm

REGISTRATION$99 Early Bird Individual (if registered by 1st August)$109 Individual (full rate)$149 Early Bird Married couple (if registered by 1st August)$159 Married couple (full rate)$59 Special Student RateGroup rates also available. Cost includes morning tea, lunch and refreshments during the day, and shuttle to and from the airport – if applicable. Book now and take advantage of cheaper airfares if travelling.

FOR MORE INFO: tel 09 261 2426email: [email protected]:

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16 | Christian Life Issue Twenty-Five July 2015

that their life has no value.” One of the countries to decriminalise euthanasia has been the Netherlands.

Professor Theo Boer was a member of the Dutch Regional Euthanasia Commission for nine years, during which he was involved in reviewing 4,000 cases. He admitted to being a strong supporter of euthanasia and argued that there was no slippery slope. However, by 2014 he had a complete change of mind. He testified to UK politicians considering the issue:

“Whereas in the first years after 2002 hardly any patients with psychiatric illnesses or dementia appear in reports, these numbers are now sharply on the rise. Cases have been reported in which a large part of the suffering of those given euthanasia or assisted suicide consisted in being aged, lonely or bereaved. Some of these patients could have lived for years or decades.”

Recent studies in Belgium have found that almost half of the Belgian euthanasia deaths may not have been reported in 2013 and more than 1,000 assisted deaths were done without the patient’s explicit request – a so-called safeguard designed to prevent abuse. A Belgium politician admitted that during the debate on the passing of child euthanasia laws in that country, euthanasia supporters talked about children with anorexia, mental illnesses, and children who were simply tired of life being able to access euthanasia.

Ex-Labour MP Maryan Street who attempted to introduce a change to the law last year said “Application for children with terminal illness was a bridge too far in my view at this time. That might be something that may happen in the future, but not now.”

The majority of the medical profession and national medical associations around the world have been resolutely against the introduction of voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide.

Euthanasia would also send a conflicting message to young people and our communities about suicide and the value of life.

Please understand – opposing euthanasia does not mean that a person opposes compassion, or that they do not have huge empathy for those with a terminal illness.

Patients facing death have a fundamental human right - a right to receive the very best palliative care, love and support that we can give to alleviate the ‘intolerable suffering’ that they fear. This is real death with dignity – surrounded and supported by loved ones, rather than a right to try and preempt the ‘uncertainty’ and timing of the end. Assisting suicide is not the answer.

We need a palliative care regime in NZ that is fully funded and world class. The Budget just presented by the Government included additional spending in this area, which is a welcome investment.

We should not remove the protection for vulnerable people - including young children.

One of the main reasons that politicians in NZ have rejected previous attempts to decriminalise euthanasia is that they realised that the safeguards, while sounding good, would not guarantee the protection required for vulnerable people including the disabled, elderly, depressed or anxious, and those who feel themselves to be a burden or are under financial pressure.

The international evidence backs up these concerns, and explains why so few countries have made any changes to the law around this issue.

But the debate will continue – and I would encourage you to familiarise yourself with the arguments for and against.

Please take the time to read the Report. It’s on our website under RESEARCH.

Family First

EUTHANASIA – We Can Live Without It.

There is a strong push for assisted suicide to be decriminalised in NZ as has happened in a few overseas countries – but note, it is only a very small number of countries or states.

Family First recently released a report on the history of the euthanasia debate in New Zealand and an examination of what has happened overseas where it has been allowed. The Report “Killing Me Softly – Should Euthanasia Be Legalised?” by Professor Rex Ahdar of Otago University warns that to allow assisted suicide would place large numbers of vulnerable people at risk – in particular those who are depressed, elderly, sick, disabled, those experiencing chronic illness, limited access to good medical care, and those who feel themselves to be under emotional or financial pressure to request early death.

Patients, even those without a terminal illness, may come to feel euthanasia would be “the right thing to do”, they have “had a good innings”, and they do not want to be a “burden” to their nearest and dearest. It won’t be about the ‘right to die’ but the ‘duty to die’. A recent documentary in Belgium when euthanasia is allowed featured a doctor killing a healthy young woman who was struggling purely with a mental illness.

Those concerned about the rights of people with disabilities are right to be concerned. A disability rights group in NZ said “There are endless ways of telling disabled people time and time again

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Bob McCoskrie is the National Director of Family First NZ. Visit for more information

on how you can become involved.

Page 17: Christian Life_ Issue_25_July 15 | 17

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The NZ Government is using its present position on the UN Security Council to try and bear pressure on the State of Israel to give up its historical, ancestral, Biblical, God-given Land to placate the International Community by agreeing to a ‘Two-State solution’. This is where much of the Bible Land of Israel will be given into the control of those whom God has not destined to have sovereignty over it.

This should be a concern for those who take their Bibles seriously, as the Bible calls very clearly for the restoration of the Jewish People to their Land in these, the last days. What is happening is unfair for Israel and dangerous for NZ.

If we as a Nation were to force Israel’s hand in giving up her God-given Land then the prophet Joel says we should expect nothing short of judgment (Joel 3:1-2). Please sign this petition which states that we don’t agree with our Government’s present policy on Israel.ISRAEL’S CAUSE IS JUST: Biblically the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. Historically they have had a claim on the Land for 4000 years. Geographically the current size of Israel, including the disputed territories, is only 10% the size of NZ. Morally Israel is the only true democracy in the region and cares for the humanitarian needs of all people.


To download a petition and further explanation, please go to (Events tab)



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18 | Christian Life Issue Twenty-Five July 2015


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are fully catered by our resident catering team or [email protected] or phone 07-8884700

Peter Snell Youth Village is situated on 27 acres of native bush and parkland about 45 minutes north of Downtown Auckland. With amazing sea and island views towards Waiwera and the Mahurangi.

In recent years the facilities have been updated to meet the needs and comfort of the many school and community groups that take advantage of this beautiful site. Excellent catering and friendly hosts enable guests to focus entirely on getting the most out of their stay.

Onsite activities include an initiative course, burma trail, horizontal bungy, water slide and trampolines, as well as an abseiling tower. Kayaking and sailing is also available but needs to be  booked with an outside provider. The beach track gives access to a rocky shore as well as a sandy beach for beach games and swimming if desired.


Tree Tops provides motel type accomodation for missionaries and supporters.Two full-time positions are available, ideal for a husband and wife team. The roles have a wide range of duties including general maintenance (buildings, grounds and cars), servicing, reception and administrative duties in a team enviroment.

The position is physically demanding and has a fixed roster which includes weekends and some evenings. Candidates will need to be either Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.

This is a voluntary, unsalaried position and as Mission Aviation Fellowship staff, applicants will need to raise their financial support.

To find out more go to apply contact the MAFNZ CEO: email: [email protected] or ph: 0800 87 85 88

ASSISTANT MANAGERSAt Tree Tops Lodge, a missionary motel in Cairns, Nth Queensland


We are a multi-generational, multi-cultural community church where weekly life groups meet using English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Japanese. We worship in English with Chinese & Japanese translation. We value the faithful, clear preaching of God’s Word, prayer for each other & missions. We are a growing church with two Sunday morning services. Our new Pastor needs a servant heart to reach the nations.If you love God’s people, have some cross-cultural experience and enjoy preaching God’s Word please contact us. If you speak Chinese and/or Japanese, this would be a great advantage but not essential.

PastoralMairangi Bay Community Church,

North Shore, Auckland — Affiliated to Christian Churches New Zealand

For info call 09 478 6314 or email [email protected] Applications close Aug 30, 2015

Jules RidingEastern Europe 2016Talent Search

Jules Riding, NZs most prolific and accomplished Christian singer/songwriter is touring Eastern Europe Apr-July 2016.

He is inviting Singers/Musos to Audition for this team in Auckland Saturday Sept 19th 9am. Venue: Church of the Saviour, 2 Heaphy St, Blockhouse Bay.

Also needed: SoundTech/Roadie, Co-ordinator, Cameraman.

Full info from [email protected]

JRiding_120X83_01.indd 1 22/6/15 3:44:24 PMAssociAting churches & Ministries oF nZ

enquiries to national overseer, AcMnZ, Po Box 589 Whangarei 0140 or see

• A national network of autonomous local churches, house-hubs and specialist ministries

• Christ-exalting & Holy Spirit honouring• Mentoring Christian leadership• Assisting urban and rural evangelism & church planting• Indigenous to NZ and cross-cultural• Annual Convention and ordination of ministries

To pick up your copy each month find a Christian store near you:

Visit or


The Jesus Experience by Wendy AndersonAdventures in the Southern Alps of New ZealandStories told with humour and charmReal answers to prayers along the way

The charisma and wit set it apart from otherChristian-themed memoirs

Check it out at your local Christian bookstore or email [email protected]

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H I L L S O N G . C O M / C O N F E R E N C E

And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Revelation 22:17 (NIV)

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Do you sometimes feel stretched beyond your means as you try to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want your ministry to be? Let's face it. If you have all the resources you need right now to ful�ll your vision, your vision is probably too small! The Kingdom grows and grows and your community-facing ministry should be growing too. Of course resourcing your plan is about more than just dollars. At this workshop you will learn how to extend your vision, cultivate fruitful partnerships as well as how to �nd the money you need.

Michaela Vernall

 Andy Eldred

 Richard Black

Do you have the uneasy feeling that your community �ows past your church without really seeing it or needing it? If this is true, you may need a new purposeful and sustainable plan for engaging your community for the sake of the Kingdom. Where is God already at work in your community and what steps do you need to take to join Him? At this highly practical workshop you will learn more about Community Mapping, how to put your church and your community in touch and the importance of keeping relationships (rather than service delivery) at the core of things.

To register visit :

Jono Hesp

Julie Navatsyk

 Chris Grantham

Aimee Mai



JONO HESP Your Vision is Too Small • CHRIS GRANTHAM Cultivating Fruitful Partnerships

JULIE NAVATSYK (Auckland) Show Me the Money • AIMEE MAI ( Wellington) Show Me the Money

Auckland 25 July • Wellington 8 August

MICHAELA VERNALL Putting my Church and my Community in Touch • ANDY ELDRED Community Mapping

RICHARD BLACK Relationships are at the Heart of Change

Tauranga 25 July • Christchurch 8 August

Helping Churches Reach their Community