Download - Christ is Baptized! St. Mary ~ Holy Protection ACOLYTESIn ... · 1 January 2017 / 7525 The Sunday before Theophany, The Circumcision of the Lord, Our Holy Father Basil the Great,

Page 1: Christ is Baptized! St. Mary ~ Holy Protection ACOLYTESIn ... · 1 January 2017 / 7525 The Sunday before Theophany, The Circumcision of the Lord, Our Holy Father Basil the Great,

Christ is Baptized! St. Mary ~ Holy Protection In the Jordan! Христос крестаеся! Byzantine Catholic Church в Иордане!

4480 Route 981 Latrobe, PA 15650

Administrator: Fr. Paul-Alexander Shutt, OSB Parish Office: 724-423-3673 Hall: 724-423-8838 Confession Schedule: Saturday 16:00–16:30, Sunday 9:00–9:30, or by appointment Parish email: [email protected] Website:

1 January 2017 / 7525 The Sunday before Theophany, The Circumcision of the Lord,

Our Holy Father Basil the Great, Archbishop of Cæsaria in Cappadocia


Sat. Dec. 31 17:00 Vigil: Sunday before Theophany Suffrages for George & Agnes Rusinko – daughter Aimee Kakos (née Rusinko)

Sun. Jan. 01 10:30 Sunday before Theophany Suffrages pro populo

Thus. Jan. 05 19:00 Vigil Divine Liturgy for Theophany w/ Great Blessing of Water

Fri. Jan 06 09:30 The Theophany of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ Suffrages for George S. Rusinko – sister Aimee Kakos (née Rusinko)

Sat. Jan. 07 17:00 Vigil: Sunday after Theophany Suffrages for Cody Fullman – The Fullman Family Sun. Jan. 08 10:30 Sunday after Theophany Suffrages pro populo



Sat. Dec. 31 --------------- J. Kontir J. Snitzer, D. Mihalko Sun. Jan. 01 E. R. A. Hess J. Hess D. Hess, A. Syphan Thus. Jan. 05 E. R. A. Hess J. Kontir, O. Syphan Any two present Fri. Jan 06 T. M. Syphan J. Krynicky Any two present

Sat. Jan. 07 --------------- M. Harhai J. Kontir, J. Snitzer Sun. Jan. 08 T. M. Syphan S. Vacha G. Krynicky, J. Overdorff

12 / 25 / 2016 Adults: $2976 Students: $25 Holy Day: $70 Collection Candles: $318 Fuel: $20 Christmas Flowers: $20 Total: $3625 Initial Offering: $5 Other: $191


~ Illuminare Ierusalem ~ Be adorned, O Jerusalem 15th Century English Carol

Illuminare Ierusalem, This day three kings made oblation: The Duke appeareth in Bethlem. He gi’th to water sanctification;

He baptiseth our renovation: Illuminare …

His sign is a star bright, The Holy Ghost o’er him alight, That shineth over him with light; The Father’s voice was heard on height: It is nought come but of his might: «This is my Son me please him right»: Illuminare Ierusalem, … Illuminare Ierusalem, …


n His love for the human race, the Savior condescended and willed to be wrapped in swaddling clothes. Eight days old according to His mother and eternal according to His

Father, He did not look down upon the circumcision of the flesh. Therefore, O believers, let us cry out to Him: You are our God; have mercy on us!

he holy chrism of grace was poured out upon you, O God-inspired Basil, and anointed you as minister of the Gospel of the kingdom of heaven. You were the sweet

fragrance of Christ; you filled the earth with the fragrance of His knowledge. Graciously hear the voices of your servants and ask abundant mercy for us who honor you.

adiant was the feast that has just passed; but more brilliant, O Savior, is the one approaching. The first had an angel as a herald; this one has John the Forerunner.

The first had blood spilled and had Bethlehem lament as one who was childless; the second has blessed waters recognized to be a bath having many children. Before, the star proclaimed to the Magi; now the Father shows You to the world, that You are incarnate and are openly coming again. O Lord, glory be to You!




Page 2: Christ is Baptized! St. Mary ~ Holy Protection ACOLYTESIn ... · 1 January 2017 / 7525 The Sunday before Theophany, The Circumcision of the Lord, Our Holy Father Basil the Great,

THE TRADITION OF ST. BASIL’S BREAD, βασιλόπιτα, dates to the 4th century, when St. Basil the Great wanted to distribute money to the poor in his eparchy. He asked some women to bake sweetened bread, in which he placed gold coins, The poor were pleasantly surprised to the find the coins when they cut the bread. This custom is still kept among Eastern Christians, who, on 1 January – St Basil’s Day,

place coins inside a loaf of sweetened bread in honor of the saint’s care for the poor. The one who finds the coin in his or her piece is considered to be commissioned by St. Basil to carry on his work for the poor, and in exchange the saint will ask the Lord for whatever is needed in the New Year.


Next Sunday’s Readings: Sunday after Theophany Epistle: Ephesians 4:7 – 13 The Unity of the Body

Gospel: Matthew: 4:12–17 The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

~ Announcements ~ NEW TABLES AND CHAIRS have been bought for the parish center. The old ones are for sale. See

Jim Basinger if you would like to buy any.

Due to «a supply chain issue» the 2017 LITURGICAL WALL CALENDARS are late in being printed.

The wooden floor at the parish centre has just been refinished. The work was done by

St. Cecilia Parish, Whitney will be having their monthly BINGO on Sunday, January 8. Doors open at 12:30 and Bingo starts at 14:00. Refreshments will be available!