Download - CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June

Page 1: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June




February 14, 2016Apri l 8, 2018





Page 2: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June

After his resurrection, Jesus entered a room ful l of fr ightened disciples who

had been in hiding since his cruci fixion and said, ?Peace be wi th you (John

20:19).? These words were not a greeting, l ike saying good morning or good

afternoon. His words were a profound prayer and expression of hope. Through

these words Jesus was praying that the disciples would find peace. They were

words of assurance that he would be wi th them in the future. They were a

source of tremendous strength for the anxious disciples.

Jesus says, ?Peace be wi th you? to us too. As they were for the disciples, his

words are a prayer for us, his sometimes panicky disciples, to be at peace wi th the assurance that he is wi th

us. His words also beckon us to do more than simply greet each other wi th hel lo or how are you. Like Jesus,

we are cal led to say ?Peace be wi th you? to others as a prayer, as a declaration of our hope that the other

person knows the presence of God in his or her l i fe.

In this spi ri t , what else might saying ?Peace be wi th you? mean? Perhaps i t means, ?Peace be wi th you?I want

to talk , I know I have avoided some tough topics, now I?m ready to face them.? ?Peace be wi th you?I?ve

changed my mind, you were right, I was wrong.? ?Peace be wi th you?wi l l you forgive me?? ?Peace be wi th

you?I forgive you.?

What could saying ?Peace be wi th you? to the world mean? ?Peace be wi th you?I?m final ly wi l l ing to

acknowledge that violence is not stopped by acts of violence.? ?Peace be wi th you?I want to change my

aggressive behaviors.? ?Peace be wi th you?I?m wi l l ing to take another look at my

negative att i tude toward people from other cultures and rel igions.? ?Peace be wi th you?I

want to consume less and share more.? ?Peace be wi th you? (now you complete the

prayer and hope).

It is l ikely that we wi l l have many more opportuni t ies to greet others wi th a hel lo or how

are you. The resurrected Jesus invi tes us to match our greetings wi th a prayer and a

hope. Peace be wi th you!

Together in fai th,

Rector?s Column


Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

Thank you f or your gener osit y! Sunday Col lect ion Food Service

03/25/18 $ 36,859.29 $ 3,486.11

03/26/17 $ 33,201.78 N/A

Page 3: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June


GOSPEL OF JOHN - Fol l ow Me: Meet ing Jesus in t he Gospel of John Being Cathol ic takes more than simply bel ieving in God or doing what he asks of us. Jesus wants you to be more than just a bel iever? he wants you to be his disciple and friend. To help you answer this cal l to deeper friendship wi th Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Fai th Formation is offering Fol low Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, Apri l 18-June 13, 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the Pastoral Center. Part icipants of Fol low Me need to purchase a workbook and wi l l meet every week to view a video presentation fol lowed by a t ime of group discussion and fel lowship. For more information or to register, contact Dianne at 714-971-2141 or [email protected]

Chr ist Cat hedr al Concer t s pr esent s:De Angel is Vocal Ensemble on Friday, Apri l 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Arboretum. Enjoy one of Southern Cal i fornia?s finest vocal ensembles as they transport you to the glories of France in a program enti t led Sacre? France. The evening?s program features works by Durufle?, Peeters, Desenclos and Francis Poulenc, including the stunningly beauti ful Mass in G Major. Tickets are $40, $25, $20, $10. For more information please go on-l ine ? or contact the music office: (714) 971-2141, x.5529 or [email protected]

JOY Minist r y If you are 55 or over, please join us on Apri l 26 at 6:30PM for a potluck dinner and then a talk by Fr. Paul Vu on the topic: ?Did the Church real ly ?change? wi th Pope Francis?? Fr. Paul is a Parochial Vicar at Christ Our Savior Church in Santa Ana and an Adjutant Vicar at the Office of Canonical Services. Invi te your friends and join us on the 3rd floor of the Cultural Center for an evening of food, fai th and friendship.

SAVE THE DATE! Christ Cathedral Parish fi rst ever Unity Restaurant opening for one day only on Sunday, Apri l 29, 2018 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Large Gal lery Sui tes. We wi l l feature the most popular PHO cuisine wi th beef or chicken flavor or you can try the secret chef choice cuisine. $7.00 per t icket includes a main course and a drink or you purchase a fami ly or friends discount bundle of (5) five meal t ickets for $30. Tickets wi l l be sold after al l the Masses beginning Easter Sunday unti l the Grand Opening, Apri l 29. You can also stop by the parish office for your t ickets. Al l proceeds go to our fai th formation programs. We are in need of financial sponsors for buying suppl ies. If you would l ike to give a monetary gi ft , please contact Sr. Theresa for more detai ls at 714-971-2141 or emai l : fai [email protected]. "The fami ly that eats together, prays together, wi l l stay together!"

Chil d Abuse Pr event ion Mont hApri l is national Chi ld Abuse Prevention Month. It is most appropriate that Chi ld Abuse Prevention Month is held during the Easter season as there is no better t ime than this when we experience renewal and growth that we celebrate the protection of our most valuable gi ft from God - our chi ldren.

The Diocese of Orange has codes of conduct for al l adults who work or volunteer around minors. Reading and fol lowing the code in al l si tuations creates a culture of protection and keeps our chi ldren safer.

For information about how you can become more informed and involved in keeping our chi ldren safe, log on to www.chi or visi t the Diocesan Office of Chi ld and Youth Protection web page at ld-and-youth-protection/

Page 4: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June

Segundo Domingo de Pascua (Domingo de l a Divina Miser icor dia) 8 de abr il de 2018 ¿Quién es el que vence al mundo? Sólo el que cree que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios. ? 1 Juan 5:5

Después de su resurrección, Jesús entro a un cuarto l leno de sus discípulos que estaban escondidos desde su cruci fixión y les di jo, ?La Paz este con

ustedes (Juan 20:19).? Estas palabras no fueron un saludo, es deci r como

buenos días o buenas tardes. Sus palabras fueron una profunda oración y una

expresión de esperanza. Por medio de estas palabras, Jesús estaba orando para

que sus discípulos encontraran la paz. Fueron palabras que les daban la

garantía que él estaría con el los en el futuro. Fueron una fuente de fortaleza

para los discípulos ansiosos.

Jesús también nos dice ?La Paz este con ustedes?. Como lo fueron para los

discípulos, sus palabras son una oración para nosotros, sus discípulos que a veces t i tubeamos, para estar en

paz con la certeza que él está con nosotros. Sus palabras nos l laman a que nos hablemos los unos a otros con

más de un simple hola o como estas. Al igual que Jesús, estamos l lamados a deci r ?La Paz este contigo? unos

a otros en oración, como una declaración de esperanza de que la otra persona conozca de la presencia de

Dios en sus vidas.

En este mismo espíri tu, ¿qué más puede signi ficar el deci r ?La Paz este con ustedes?? Tal vez puede ser, ?La

Paz este contigo?quiero hablar, sé que he evadido algunas si tuaciones di fíci les pero ya estoy l isto para

enfrentarlas.? ?La Paz este contigo?he cambiado de parecer y t ienes la razón, yo estaba equivocado.? ?La Paz

este contigo? ¿me perdonas?? ?La Paz este contigo?Te perdono?.

¿Qué signi ficado tendría ?La Paz este con ustedes? al mundo? ?La Paz este contigo?finalmente estoy

dispuesto a reconocer que la violencia no se para con actos de violencia.? La Paz este contigo?quiero cambiar

mis modos agresivos de ser.? ?La Paz este contigo?estoy dispuesto a cambiar mi

manera negativa de pensar de personas de otras culturas y rel igiones.? ?La Paz este

contigo?deseo gastar menos y comparti r más.? ?La Paz este contigo? (Ahora tu termina

la oración y esperanza).?

Lo más probable es que tengamos muchas oportunidades de saludar a otros con un

?Hola? o ?Como estas?. Jesus resuci tado nos invi ta a que cambiemos nuestro saludo a

una oración y a dar esperanza. ¡La Paz este con ustedes!

Unidos en la fe,

Mensaje de Nuestro Rector LA PAZ ESTE CON USTEDES

Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

Page 5: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June

NOTICIAS CATÓLICAS / ANUNCIOSEvangel io de Juan - Sígueme: Conociendo a Jesus en el Evangel io de Juan Ser catól ico toma más que simplemente creer en Dios o hacer lo que él nos pide. Jesús quiere que seas más que un solo creyente, él quiere que seas su discípulo y amigo. Para ayudarte a responder a esta l lamada a una amistad más profunda con Cristo, La Formación en la Fe para Adultos y La Parroquia de la Catedral de Cristo está ofreciendo Sígueme: Conociendo a Jesús en el Evangel io de Juan los miércoles, del 18 de abri l al 13 de junio, 6:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. en el Centro Pastoral. Los part icipantes de Sígueme necesi tarán comprar un l ibro y se reuni rán cada semana para ver una presentación en vídeo seguido por un t iempo de discusión en grupo y compañerismo. Este curso es en inglés. Para más información o para registrarse, comuníquese con Dianne al 714-971-2141 o [email protected].

Concier t os en l a Cat edr al de Cr ist o pr esenta:De Angel is Vocal Ensemble el viernes, 20 de abri l a las 7:30 p.m. en el Arboretum. Disfrute de uno de los conjuntos vocales más finos del sur de Cal i fornia mientras les transportan a las glorias de Francia en un programa t i tulado Sacré France. El programa de la noche cuenta con obras de Duruflé, Peeters, Desenclos y Francis Poulenc, incluyendo la asombrosamente hermosa Misa en Sol mayor. Los boletos son de $40, $25, $20, $10. Para más información, por favor visi te nuestra página de internet o l lamando la oficina de música al (714) 971-2141, x. 5529 o por correo electrónico a [email protected].

Minist er io de JOYSi eres de 55 años de edad o mas grande, te invi tamos el 26 de abri l a las 6:30 p.m. para una cena esti lo pot-luck (todos traen algo para comparti r) y después una charla por el Padre Paul Vu con el tema: ?Realmente ?cambio? la Iglesia con el Papa Francisco?? El Padre Paul es el Vicario Parroquial de Christ Our Savior Church en Santa Ana y el Vicario Coadjutor para la Oficina de Servicios Canónicos. Este tema se dará en inglés. . Será en el tercer piso del Centro Cultura (Cultural Center). ¡Venga e invi te a sus amigos a experimentar una noche de buena comida, fe y nuevas amistades!

¡Guar da l a f echa! La Parroquia de la Catedral de Cristo tendrá la apertura por primera vez del restaurante Uni ty por un solo día el domingo 29 de abri l de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en el Large Gal lery. Tendremos en el menú PHO en los sabores más popular, carne o pol lo o puede probar la opción secreta del Chef. Los boletos son a $7,00 cada uno, incluye un plato principal y una bebida, o puedes comprar un paquete fami l iar (5 boletos) de comida por $30. Los boletos serán vendidos después de todas las misas comenzando el domingo de Pascua hasta la gran inauguración, el 29 de abri l . También puede pasar por la oficina de la parroquia para comprar sus boletos. Todos lo recaudado es para nuestros programas de Formación de Fe. Estamos buscando patrocinadores financieros para comprar provisiones. Si usted desea dar un regalo monetario, por favor comuníquese con Sr. Theresa para más detal les al 714-971-2141 o por correo electrónico: fai [email protected]. "La fami l ia que come juntos, ora juntos, se quedará juntos!"

Mes par a l a pr evención del abuso infant il Abri l es el mes nacional para la prevención de abuso infanti l . Lo más apropiado es que se celebre en la temporada de Pascua. No existe mejor época que la pascua para celebrar la protección del regalo más val ioso que nos ha dado Dios ? nuestros hi jos.

La Diócesis de Orange t iene códigos de conducta para los adultos que trabajan o son voluntarios en torno a menores. Leer y seguir el código en todas las si tuaciones crea una cultura de la protección y mantiene a nuestros niños más seguros.

Para mayor información acerca de cómo estar mejor informados e involucrados en mantener la seguridad de nuestros hi jos entre a esta página del internet: www.chi topics/preventing/preventionmonth/ o l lame a la Oficina Para la Protección de Niños y Jóvenes, 714-282-3069.

Page 6: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June

Sau khi s?ng l?i , Chúa Giêsu b? ?c vào m?t c?n phòng ??y ch?t các môn ?? ?ang ?n náu vì s? hãi t? khi Chúa ch?u ?óng ?inh. Chúa nói v?i các ông: ?Bình an ? cùng các con (Gioan 20:19).? ? ây không ph?i l?i chúc, nh? v?n chào nhau bu?i sáng hay bu?i chi?u. Nh? ng l?i Chúa Giêsu nói là m?t l?i nguy?n sâu th?m, di?n t? ni?m hy v?ng. Qua nh? ng l?i này, Chúa Giêsu c?u nguy?n cho các môn ?? tìm ?? ?c bình an. ? ó là nh? ng l?i b?o ??m Ng? ?i s? ? cùng các môn ?? trong t? ?ng lai . Nh? ng l?i Chúa nói là ngu?n mang l?i s? c m?nh nâng ?? l?n lao cho các môn ?? ?ang âu lo.

Chúa Giêsu c?ng nói v?i chúng ta: ?Bình an ? cùng các con?. Nh? ng l?i Chúa t? ng nói ?? c?u nguy?n cho các môn ??, c?ng ?? ?c dành ?? nói v?i chúng ta, nh? ng môn ?? c?a Ng? ?i v?n ?ôi khi c?ng s? hãi , ?? b?o ??m chúng ta s? ?? ?c bình an vì có Chúa ? cùng. Nh? ng l?i Chúa nói m?i g?i chúng ta hãy làm h?n l?i chào và l?i th?m h?i thông th? ?ng m?i khi g?p nhau. Chúng ta ?? ?c m?i g?i hãy nói v?i m?i ng? ?i nh? Chúa Giêsu ?ã nói : ?Bình an ? cùng b?n?, ?? c?u nguy?n và nói lên ni?m hy v?ng c?a chúng ta: m?i ng? ?i s? nh?n bi?t Chúa ?ang hi?n di?n trong cu?c ??i mình.

Trong t inh th?n ?ó, câu ?Bình an ? cùng b?n? còn có ý ngh?a gì khác n? a? Có l? mang nh? ng ý ngh?a này: ?Bình an ? cùng b?n? Tôi mu?n nói chuy?n v?i b?n, tôi bi?t mình ?ã tránh né m?t s? v?n ??, nh? ng nay tôi s?n sàng ??i m?t v?i chúng.? ?Bình an ? cùng b?n? Tôi ?ã thay ??i suy ngh?, b?n ?úng, tôi sai .? ?Bình an ? cùng b?n? b?n s? tha th? cho tôi ch? ?? ?Bình an ? cùng b?n? Tôi tha th? cho b?n.?

? ?i v?i th? gi?i , câu ?Bình an ? cùng các b?n? mang ý ngh?a gì? ?Bình an ? cùng các b?n? Cu?i cùng tôi ?ã s?n sàng nhìn nh?n r?ng không th? dùng b?o l? c ?? ch?m d? t b?o l? c.? ?Bình an ? cùng các b?n? Tôi mu?n thay ??i cách c? x? hung h?ng c?a mình.? ?Bình an ? cùng các b?n? Tôi s?n sàng xem l?i thái ?? t iêu c? c c?a mình ??i v?i nh? ng ng? ?i thu?c các n?n v?n hóa và tôn giáo khác.? ?Bình an ? cùng các b?n? Tôi s? b?t t iêu xài và chia s? nhi?u h?n.? ?Bình an ? cùng các b?n? (bây gi? b?n hoàn t?t l?i c?u nguy?n và hy v?ng).

Có l? chúng ta s? có nhi?u c? h?i h?n n? a ?? chào và h?i th?m m?i ng? ?i . Chúa Giêsu Ph?c Sinh m?i g?i chúng ta hãy g?n k?t l?i chào h?i c?a mình v?i l?i c?u nguy?n và ni?m hy v?ng. Bình an ? cùng các b?n!

Cùng nhau trong ni?m tin ,

X? NG T? I L? N ?? U Xin c?ng ?òan c?u nguy?n cho các Em h?c sinh s? lãnh nh?n Bí Tích Hòa Gi?i l?n ??u vào th? T? ngày 11 tháng 4, 2018. Xin Qúi Ph? Huynh ?? a các em t?i nhà th? l?n lúc 6:30PM và ? l?i tham d? v?i các em. M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c v?n phòng giáo x? t?i 714-971-2141.

Rector?s Column BÌNH AN ? CÙNG CÁC B? N

Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

Page 7: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June

CATHOLIC NEWS/ Thông Tin Công Giáo

PHÚC ÂM THEO THÁNH GIOAN Hãy Theo Ta: G?p Chúa Giêsu trong Tin M? ng Thánh Gioan. Là Công giáo ?òi h?i nhi?u h?n là ch? t in vào ? ? c Chúa hay làm theo nh? ng gì Ngài ?òi h?i chúng ta. Chúa Giêsu mu?n b?n không ch? là ng? ?i t in, mà Ngài mu?n b?n tr? thành môn ?? và b?n c?a Ngài . ? ? giúp b?n tr? l?i cho l?i m?i là b?n thân v?i Chúa Ki tô. Giáo x? chính tòa Chúa Ki tô ch? ?ng trình t i?p t?c h?c h?i v? giáo lý và thánh k inh cho Ng? ?i l?n c?a Giáo H?i Chúa Ki tô ?? ?c m?i theo tôi : G?p Chúa Giêsu trong Tin M? ng Gioan vào các Th? T? , t? ngày 18 Tháng T? t?i ngày 13 Tháng Sáu, 6:30 chi?u -9: 30 p.m. t?i Trung Tâm M?c V?. Nh? ng ng? ?i tham d? khóa h?c c?n mua m?t 1 cu?n sách và s? g?p nhau m?i tu?n ?? xem video sau ?ó s? có th?o lu?n nhóm. ? ? bi?t thêm thông t in ho?c mu?n ghi danh, hãy l iên h? v?i Dianne at 714-971-2141 ho?c [email protected]

HÒA NH? C T? I NHÀ TH? CHÍNH TÒA? oàn ca nh?c De Angel is vàoth? 6 ngày 20 tháng 4 lúc 7:30PM trong Arboretum.M?i c?ng ?òan tham d? bu?i hòa nh?c v?im?t trong nh? ng nhóm thánh nh?c t?t nh?t c?a Nam Cali fornia,h? ?? a b?n ??n vinh quang c?a Pháp trong m?t ch? ?ng trình có t? a ?? Sacré France. Các ch? ?ng trìnhs?g?m các tác ph?m c?a Duruflé, Peeters, Desenclos và Francis Poulenc, bao g?m c? Thánh l? tuy?t ??p tuy?t ??p ? G Major. Vé là $ 40, $ 25, $ 20, $ 10. ? ? bi?t thêm thông t in, hãy truy c?p tr? c tuy?n - ho?c l iênl?cv?i v?n phòng âm nh?c: (714) 971-2141, x.5529 [email protected]


Giáo X? Chính Tòa Chúa Ki tô l?n ??u t iên khai tr? ?ng Nhà hàng Hi?p Nh?t ?Unity Restaurant? m?t ngày duy nh?t vào Chúa Nh?t ngày 29 tháng T?, t? 7:00 sáng ??n 7:00 t?i t?i Large Gal lery. Chúng tôi s? gi?i thi?u món PH? ?? ?c r?t nhi?u ng? ?i bi?t ??n: Ph? Bò ho?c Ph? Gà v?i h? ?ng v? và bí quy?t ??c ?áo c?a nhà hàng.

Giá vé 1 ph?n là $7.00 g?m 1 tô Ph? và n? ?c u?ng ho?c quý v? có th? mua vé chung gia ?ình ho?c b?n bè $30 g?m n?m (5) ph?n ?n. Vé s? bán sau t?t c? các Thánh L?, b?t ??u t? Chúa Nh?t Ph?c Sinh ??n ngày Khai Tr? ?ng. Quý v? c?ng có th? mua vé t?i v?n phòng giáo x? .

T?t c? l?i nhu?n s? ?? ?c chuy?n v? cho Ch? ?ng Trình Giáo Lý. Chúng tôi ?ang c?n các nhà tài tr? ?? mua s?m nguyên l i?u. N?u quý v? có h?o ý, xin l iên l?c v?i Sr. Thùy-Trang Theresa ?? bi?t thêm chi t i?t qua s? ?i?n tho?i 714-971-2141 ho?c g? i emai l : fai [email protected]. "Gia ? ình ? n Chung, C?u Nguy?n Chung s? S?ng H?nh Phúc Chung!"


Giáo ph?n Orange v?n t i?p t?c giúp nh? ng ng? ?i ?ã tr?i qua tình tr?ng b? l?m d?ng và gia ?ình h?. Khi chúng ta b? ?c vào tháng 4 là tháng Ng?n Ng? a các L?m D?ng n?i Tr? em, Giáo ph?n mu?n xác nh?n l?i m?t l?n n? a là Giáo ph?n mu?n cam k?t giúp ?? các n?n nhân và gia ?ình h? ?? ?c ch? a lành và tìm th?y bình an. N?u quý v? hay ng? ?i nào quý v? bi?t ?ã là n?n nhân c?a s? l?m d?ng tình d?c trong Giáo ph?n do m?t

nhân viên, m?t ng? ?i t ình nguy?n, hay m?t giáo s?, xin vui lòng g?i cho V?n phòng ? ?c trách Giúp ? ? c?a Giáo ph?n ? s? (800) 364-3064 ?? ?? ?c giúp ?? và h? ?ng d?n. ld-and-youth-protection/

Giáo ph?n Orange ?ã có Quy t?c ? ng X? cho t?t c? nh? ng ng? ?i làm vi?c v?i tr? em, k? c? nh? ng nhân viên tình nguy?n. Vi?c ??c l?i và tuân theo nh? ng quy t?c ? ng x? s? t?o ?? ?c m?t môi tr? ?ng b?o v? và gia t?ng an toàn cho các tr? em.

Page 8: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June


PRAY FOR RELATIVES & FRIENDSRaymond De LeonMiguel Angel MendozaArturo MendozaMartin SosaNancy ShanafeltEl izabeth NewmeyerBobbie JumperThinh VuAgui lera Fami lyVal ladares Fami lyJuan Jose Delgado Fenandez and Fami lyJorge MarquezLeo MontanoKevin MontanoDella WellsStan SavageCarmen MendezNorah NicholsMerida HughesFel ici tas LopezOfel ia BanuelosCarlos Guzman

Adeline GarciaManuel GarciaJoey VazquezGloria Gui jarroNicholas TanRoberta Cebal losCrist ina MarquezMargari ta ChavezAntonio Amezqui taRalph RivasJessica RosalesEstela Lucero RivasMaria Dolores DelgadoDiaz Leal Delgado Fami lySalvador MontesLeoel GonzalezEmi l io Alvin Munoz SoteloThanh Van NguyenTi ffany HuynhVictor Manuel GodoyJosefina AguayoLorena AguayoJose Martinez




Apr il 14, 2018Nguyen Minh & Nguyen Thi Nhu Lan

Paul Minh Pham & Tina Ngoc Han Nguyen

Apr il 21, 2018Huy Nguyen & Lucy Nguyen

Humberto Sanchez & Nancy AlcantarDr. Vinh Xuan Nguyen & El izabeth Xuan Nguyen

Apr il 28, 2018Kenny Van Nguyen & Shana Lou Federis Remeti r

Theo Quach & Sandy Le

Dail y / Ngày Th??ng / Diar io6:30 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Engl ish (Monday - Thursday)

6:30 a.m. & 8:15 a.m. Engl ish (Fridays only)5:30 p.m. Ti?ng Vi?t

6:30 p.m. Engl ish (First Wednesday of the month) 6:30 p.m. Español (Viernes)

7:00 p.m. Español (Viernes durante Cuaresma)

Sat ur day / Th? B?y / Sábado8:00 a.m. Engl ish

5:00 p.m. Engl ish Vigi l (except Holy Saturday)

6:30 p.m. L? V?ng / Ti?ng Vi?t Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Sunday / Chúa Nh?t / DomingoEnglish 9:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.(Youth Mass) Ti?ng Vi?t 6:15 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Español 7:45 a.m, 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m.

Chinese (L.G.) 10:30 a.m.

Reconcil iat ion / Gi?i T?i / Confesiones Friday - Th? Sáu - Viernes 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Saturday - Th? B?y - Sábados 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.  

Par ish Of f ice Hour s Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Mon. Apr. 09 6:30 am Anna Gui Vu  ?

8:00 am Theresa Bae ? Tue. Apr. 10 6:30 am Ana Qui Vu ?

8:00 am Clari ta Matsumura ?Wed. Apr. 11 6:30 am First Communion Students *

8:00 am Anna Qui Vu ?

Thu. Apr. 12 6:30 am Anna Qui Vu ?8:00 am Sriniyes Rao Kakani ?

Fri . Apr. 13 6:30 am Rogelio T. Campos *8:15 am Eusebio Bi l l Sevi l la ?

6:30 pm Maria de la Luz Bustos Bustos ?Sat. Apr, 14 8:00 am Giuse Tran Van Luat ?

5:00 pm Giuse Lai Tran & Giuse Luan Trran ? Sun. Apr. 15 7:45 am Juani ta & Marcela Muñoz ?

9:30 am Jose & Juancho Santos ? 11:15 am Maria Jesus Ramirez ?; Francisca

Rangel ?; Beatriz Vega ?; Jeus Ruvalcaba ?; Ramon Lagunas ?; Ramiro Alcoser ?; Teresa Giron ?; Demetrio Bautista ?; David Resendiz ?; Jul io Lopez ?; Enrique Gonzalez ?; Enrique de Jesus Gonzalez *

2:30 pm Elva, Violeta & Lorena Lechuga *

5:30 pm Giuse Thuan & Maria Luong Tran ?

7:00 pm Inocente Maya ?

? Deceased * Living

Page 9: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June

CALENDAR APRIL 8 - 14, 2018



Chr ist Cat hedr al Par ish Mission Stat ement

We, the people of Christ Cathedral Parish are a

faith-filled community who gather to worship our Lord

Jesus Christ.

Through the celebration of the Eucharist, we unite as

one family. 

As a community, we share our love of Jesus through

prayer, education, evangelization and service to

one another.

cHINESE MassOrange County Chinese Catholic Association (OCCCA)Location: Large GalleryWhen: 10:30 am

Spanish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 7:45 am, 11:15 am, 2:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Viet namese Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:15 am, 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm

Engl ish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 9:30 am & 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Rosar y of Our Lady of Per pet ual Hel pLocation: Small GalleryWhen: 6:30 pm ? 7:30 pm

Jesus Pan de Vida(Spanish Charismatic Gp. Child Care Available) Location: Large Gallery When: 7:30 ? 9:00 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Spanish Divine Mer cy Gr oupLocation: Large Gallery C When: 7:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

ConfessionsLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:30 am ? 9:30 am

engl ish massLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:00 am

Engl ish Vigil MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:00 pm

Viet namese Vigil MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 pm (Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Chr ist cat hedr al communit y out r each pr ogr amLocation: Building in rear of ArboretumWhen: Grocery Distribution at 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and again from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Contact: 714-282-3097. Please leave a message. A representative will contact you.Hot meals served at 4:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Teen Angel sLocation: Large Gallery CWhen: 7:00 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:15 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Large GalleryWhen: 5:30 pm

ConfessionsLocation: Small GalleryWhen: 7:15pm - 8:15 pm

Spanish massLocation: Large GalleryWhen: 6:30 pm

j ovenes par a cr ist oLocation: Large GalleryWhen: 7:30 ? 10:00 pm

Page 10: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · with Christ, Christ Cathedral Parish Adult Faith Formation is offering Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John on Wednesdays, April 18-June