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Chris Kypriotis - Various Recommendations

Recommendation for CK in the position of: CEO & Chairman of the Board of Directors Black Tag Inc. Eduardo Galdino Diretor CFO & COO - Prior Billabong SA CFO & COO:

“I had the privilege of working with Chris Kypriotis during 8 years at Billabong Int’l, South America HQ in Sao Paulo. Chris was the President and I was the CFO. During these 8 years I had the opportunity to work very closely with Chris in all areas of the operation and had the opportunity to learn a great deal from him as he gave me the exposure and participation in all areas of the business, not just the financial aspect of the business but brand, production, logistics, and operations among others. He always made it a point to have all the leadership team exposed to all areas of the business in an effort to give each member of the team added experiences outside their unique domains which ultimately served as personal growth for all as well as yielding educated and valid opinions from the team in the business which Chris always solicited and took under advisement. Chris is without doubt is a natural leader, competitor and team player, always seeking to align the team in the same direction for the good of the business and the team. He also is a natural for spotting talent and always made it a priority to either develop or hire the best people for all roles in the organization. He always said to all of us that we will only be as good as our collective team, and many times we went out of our way to bring on board key players at all costs to make sure our team was the best in the market. Chris always sought the advise of the team while at the same time providing his own unique perspective and in my opinion, unparalleled understanding of the consumer which for Chris was always at the forefront of every decision made in the Company. All this and much more elevated Chris to the unofficial and unsolicited position of leader and visionary of the entire South American Action Sports Industry and of course Brazil; he is still considered in this light today. I imagine that this was one of the reasons Nike sought him out so vigorously from an industry it does not normally hire from for that level of seniority. His departure to join Nike was a big blow to our organization but also a big point of pride as we saw one of our own hired to lead such a large organization in this crucial moment. Further, Chris never took credit for himself, always distributing the credit for our unparalleled success to the entire team and never was shy about rewarding his team for “a job well done!” Chris was a demanding leader, always seeking to outperform not just our

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competitors but find new avenues to bring our business always to the forefront of success and innovation. For all his skills and attention in the entire business, Chris never took his eye of the numbers and made sure that we were always over delivering to the Global Group. He is always focused on organizational success and he has very clear objectives in his approach to leading a business:

December 22, 2014, Eduardo reported to Chris at Black Tag Inc.

Recommendation for CK in the position of: CEO & Chairman of the Board of Directors Black Tag Inc. Jorge Martins Muzy - Presidente do Grupo Muzy

“Tive enorme prazer em ter o Chris como Key Note Speaker do Sétimo Seminário Nacional de Esporte. Mais que um prazer foi uma honra! A palestra foi perfeita, o tema escolhido foi direto ao ponto, e sem dúvida foi o que mais motivou e surpreendeu a plateia. Seu conhecimento sobre o negócio do esporte é algo impressionante!

December 16, 2014, Jorge Martins was a contractor to Chris at Black Tag Inc.

Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Paulo Mündel: National Sales Director at Nike Brasil

“Chris' relentless focus on the team, customer and consumer were instrumental in driving Nike Brazil’s business, and to post both top and bottom lines’ high double digit growth rates.”

December 10, 2014, Paulo reported to Chris at NIKE INC.

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Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Nathalie Maranesi: Category Manager at Adidas - Prior Nike Brazil Category Manager

“Chris was always a great leader to me during the time I worked with him in Billabong and in Nike do Brasil. At Billabong, besides more than tripling the brand business in Brazil, he paved the way to structure, professionalize, and grow the surf industry as a whole in Brazil. At Nike besides hugely growing the business and results of the Company, he planned and set a clear direction for Nike do Brasil to go through the World Cup and Olympics, signing new teams and planning the opening of statement retail spaces bringing Brand relevance locally, helping Brazilians establish a connection with the brand. Besides all of this, to me he is a creative visionary that brings innovation and transforms the business wherever he is. I would not hesitate to work with him again for I know that wherever he is will be an exiting place to work where amazing things will happen.

February 5, 2014, Nathalie worked indirectly for Chris at NIKE INC.

Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Jim Sutton: Bois D'Arc Leadership – Prior Nike Inc. VP H&R

“Chris is a strategic, visionary leader. He has a command of the market place and understands deeply the consumer. Chris has a passion for the business balanced with a passion for promoting employee well being and is focused always on developing his team. He values corporate priorities, employee development/well-being, customer focus and consumer satisfaction equally; that is a unique talent I have seen in very few individuals over my 40 year career.”

October 6, 2012, Jim was a consultant or contractor to Chris at NIKE INC.

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Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Joel Cooper: CEO-Lost International LLC

“I have known Chris for over 15 years and have watched him build a successful career starting off at Rusty Europe and moving on to head Billabong Brazil and than to Nike. His wealth of experience could prove an asset to any company requiring his services.”

February 10, 2014 Joel was with another company when working with Chris at NIKE INC.

Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Decio Bueno: Financial Planning Director at Sephora - Prior Nike Brazil DTC Finance Director.

“I had the opportunity to work with Chris and I would like to highlight his capacity to motivate people around him through his projects and proactivity. Chris always demonstrated focus on the results and extremely connected with sports, where is very influent in this business.

April 24, 2013, Decio worked directly with Chris at NIKE INC.

Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Marcelo Rodrigo: Manufactory and Controllership at MonsantoI – Prior Nike Brazil Controller.

“I had a pleasure to work with Chris, I learned a lot of things from him, he is wise in communicating and professional in company strategy, marketing, finance, sales and supply chain, he has strong strategic and analytic thinking and always can bring us overcome difficulties to turn them into realities. And he always gave us support, conduct and opportunity to improve our professional development. He is the right person for the company's head or executive.”

April 24, 2013, Marcelo worked with Chris at NIKE INC.

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Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Erika Santos: Marketing/Retail/Styling/Merchandising Professional & CommunicationFounder at @NomadStylist (Instagram) – Prior Founder of É10 Publicidade

“I found Mr. Kypriotis to be one of the most insightful and personable executives I have ever had the chance to work with. He is completely connected with the culture, consumer and retailer of Brazil and he is very strategically focused so he knows how to get results. It was a pleasure to be involved in meetings with him; I always felt that everyone left the room having learnt something new. It is a shame for Nike that Chris decided to leave since I know for a fact that the Company has suffered without his lead! Most of Nike's key accounts are customers and colleagues of mine, and they all lament Chris' departure and wish he would come back! They claim Chris' tenure as the best period in Nike Brazil's history and so does the staff. It's a shame that a lot of key staff has left Nike for other brands given the change in atmosphere and the lack of enthusiasm in that Company since his departure. In conclusion I would not hesitate in recommending Mr. Kypriotis for any senior C role since he brings results, enthusiasm and team work as well as passion, morality and know-how wherever he goes. I wish him the best of luck, I know his success will continue as it has so far.”

April 18, 2013, Erika was a consultant to NIKE INC.

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Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Afonso Whitehead: Retail (DTC) Nike Inc. Retail Manager

"Strong leadership skills and a multi-task mind, together with a clear teamwork vision, are the strengths I'd like to highlight in Chris' career path."

May 2, 2013, Afonso worked directly with Chris at NIKE INC.

Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:Fabiana Monteiro: CEO - Global Partners International Human Resources Management

“Tornar-se um grande líder não é uma tarefa fácil. A capacidade de liderança é uma característica que qualquer empreendedor procura ter. No entanto, o talento necessário para guiar seu time eu sei que Chris Kypriotis tem. Tive a oportunidade de estar em reunião com ele em 2012 e vi um Executivo que muitas organizações deveria ter.”

February 5, 2013, Fabiana was Chris's client

Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil:RICARDO FURTADO:Controller at WMcCannI – Prior Nike Brazil Finance Lead

“I Had a great opportunity to work with Chris in Nike.., great leader and great boss! For me is a great pleasure endorse Chris!”

May 23, 2012, RICARDO worked indirectly for Chris at NIKE INC.

Recommendation for CK in the position of: Chairman Wheelchair TennisInternational Tennis FederationSunil Kaikini: Head of Media Operations at Premier League – Prior ITF VP and Head of Communications/Media

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“Chris is a true leader and expert in his field – his breadth of knowledge is excellent. Chris has infectious enthusiasm for every project he works on and brings passion and a variety of business skills to the table. He has a refreshing forward thinking outlook and the determination to deliver results. It was a pleasure to work with him at the ITF and I wish Chris every success in the future.”

January 25, 2011, Sunil was with another company when working with Chris at International Tennis Federation(ITF)

Recommendation for CK in the position of: Nike Inc. VP/GM, Nike Brazil & ITF Board of Directors:Eduardo Borges: CEO Americas at B4Capital – Prior IMG VP LATAM

“Chris, besides being one of the smartest and energetic people I know has a unique combination of qualities:

• Passion • Know how • Creativity • Customer focus • Professional

This unique combination of qualities gives Chris the ability to make a big impact in any situation, market or corporation. Finally, it's very rewarding, pleasant and interesting to work and be his friendless.”

January 3, 2011, Eduardo worked directly with Chris at ITF with Nike Inc.

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Recommendation for CK in the position of: ITF Board of Directors & Chairman of Global Wheelchair TennisMark Bullock: ITF VP & Wheelchair Tennis Manager

“Chris has provided me with great advice and guidance since he became Chairman of the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee. He is a strong leader with a very dynamic approach. He is very committed to assisting in the growth and development of wheelchair tennis. Through his varied background he has brought a lot of new ideas to the table.”

December 20, 2010, Mark worked directly/reported to Chris at International Tennis Federation(ITF)

Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC):Eduardo Galdino: CFO & COO

“1) Being always connected with the consumer, 2) Providing innovative and unique product and experience connections for the brands, 3) Rallying the entire organization into one team effort, always aligned and performing to the maximum, and of course 4) always delivering the numbers to the Group. I have been privileged to have worked with Chris and contribute much of my own growth and future professional success to the time I worked with him. I recommend Chris without doubt to lead any organization, as his skills and approach to leadership are truly unique, inspirational, bring results, unity and create history. “


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“I’ve been very lucky during my career in retail to have been exposed to the most visionary leaders. The trait that seems to be consistent with them all is the desire to surround themselves with the best and the brightest people they can find; people who will challenge them to think better about their brand; people who embody and live the brand; people that understand the true essence (the DNA) of the brand. Having spent time with Chris and his team here in South America I can honestly say that he has adopted this strategic approach with Billabong. What I witnessed during my interactions was an environment where ideas are solicited and appreciated. Chris has been successful in building a team that is dynamic, energetic and creative. Being able to constantly think outside the box, anticipate your customers needs and deliver product that sells in an environment of inclusion and cooperation takes the skills of a world-class executive. Chris is among the few executives who, through their actions and accomplishments, have gained my respect and admiration. I wish him the best as he begins his new assignment and I know that the culture of inclusion and the record of success at Billabong - South America will continue under the team that he is leaving behind.”

December 24, 2010, Melvin was with another company when working with Chris at BILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC)

Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC):Romeu Andreatta: Owner, Alma Surf Magazine, Alma Surf Festival, Founder of Fluir Magazine & VP at Abril Publications.

“Chris Kypriotis kindly known as CK, the boardsports and beach business has been getting new barrels and new visions with his leadership. For sure CK, changed the market in Brasil and I would say he also change the way of think of GSM, that means, he has changing the world vision.

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I can to affirm that he give a new life and a new oxygen for the surf industry, more than prepared and talented he is a visionary! I'm proud to be your friend and ideas and projects follower.

December 20, 2010, Romeu Andreatta was with another company when working with Chris at BILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC)

Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC):Cecilia Castro De Andrade: President at OceanView Investments Corporation – Prior Co-Founder of Fluir Magazine, Surf & Beach Trade Show,, GM Havainas USA.

“It was a true pleasure having CK as my client during the time I was running Surf & Beach Show and Waves Networks Group in Brazil few years ago. CK’s unique vision, intelligence and talent allow him to be in a league of his own. As president of Billabong South America he not only set the visionary focus for the company, but more importantly he transformed the brand to a top select item for the South America region. I also had the honor of working with CK at ABIT (Brazilian Textile and Clothing Association), together we built the Action Sports Committee to improve the active sports sector in Brazil. In parallel to our work at ABIT, we lead in the fight against piracy in our industry, through the FNCP (National Association Combating Piracy, Counterfeiting and illegal trade practices). Nike Brazil could not select a better President. Congratulations Chris!

Cecilia Castro de Andrade President Oceanview Investments CorporationlessDecember 20, 2010, Cecilia was a consultant or contractor to Chris at BILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC)

Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC):

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Erika Santos: Marketing/Retail/Styling/Merchandising Professional -Founder at @NomadStylist (Instagram) – Prior Founder of É10 Publicidade

“Chris is the greatest leader I have had the opportunity to meet: a visionary, able to deliver results never seen before as he did in Billabong, Nike, and in all the companies who had the opportunity to work with him. His knowledge of the market and product has an unbelievable level, and he has a gift to give soul and keep the roots of the brands who he collaborates. He understands fashion like no other in Brazil, and knows better than anyone how to establish a brand and make it grow sharply - this is what he can do and does as anyone. Chris has a kind heart and its employees are rewarded with a faithful leader, friend and very funny. Working with Chris had a growth so absurd that I can never repay all that I learned; I grew up and got from him. It's really a privilege to work with someone so passionate and who has the ability to ignite everyone around you with your enthusiasm and passion. Chris loves what he does and does VERY well! I'm thankful and I will ever be for everything I've learned from him. I have no doubt he is the most intelligent and capable professional I've ever met in all my professional life.”


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Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC):Ana Paula Vellozo Luz: Brand Manager - Product I Marketing I Communications Nike Brazil, New Balance, etc.:

“CK is a very authentic and unique leader. He challenges creative thinking and give the best coaching sessions I could ever had! He is very active and has great talent and knowledge at retail, a great sense and connection/ability to understand the consumer and their needs; he always taught us that this sense in him comes from himself being and thinking as a consumer naturally and not trying to just read report or “patterns” in consumer behavior. He always encouraged us to go into the market and “live” the consumer, live the experiences. He was the first and last boss I have ever had that has said this. I never forget this advice; I am sure only a true visionary leader thinks this way. However, he never looses his focus on the key of results; he brought record results consistently and growth to GSM! He is very approachable, organized and definitely people oriented. Having the opportunity to work with Chris has been my greatest professional experience and definitely the one that taught me the most in my career!”


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Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC):Guilherme Scarano: Menswear Product Coordinator at Cia. Hering - Prior Billabong Int’l Product Director, RVCA Brand Manager:

“Throughout this almost four years working together, Chris has always been a great leader and a visionary. He has a strong way of leading, and knows how to be reachable and is always open to hear and discuss new ideas. He has a very clear understanding of the market that he chose to work on and always tried to pass that on to his employees. I feel lucky to have spent that time working with him and being able to learn about product, leadership, and, among other things, how an excellent professional works.

December 23, 2010, Guilherme worked indirectly for Chris at BILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC)

Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC):Luiz Porto: Director of Business Development at Creative License – Prior CEO Rip Curl LATAM:

“I know Chris for a while, since he started working for Billabong in Brazil. I must say he's an outstanding individual and business leader. He has the highest level of professionalism and integrity. I strongly recommend Chris in any management role.

October 7, 2009, Luiz was with another company when working with Chris at BILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC)

Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, VON ZIPPER, RVCA, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC):

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Don Meek: EVP/Chief Commercial Officer at TalenthouseI & Pioneer of Surfing & Action Sports Media Globally:

“I had the pleasure of working with Chris when I was president of the Action Sports Group and Chris was heading up Billabong in Latin America. We collaborated on several important initiatives, including exploring the expansion of our distribution in the region. Chris is a seasoned and smart executive who understands that being focused and detail oriented is not the enemy of “cool”, particularly in the Action Sports industry.”

December 20, 2010, Don was a consultant or contractor to Chris at BILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC)

Recommendation for CK in the position of: PRESIDENT South America & Group Senior Mgmt TeamBILLABONG INT'L GROUP (BILLABONG, ELEMENT, NIXON, RVCA, VON ZIPPER, DAKINE, SECTOR 9, ETC): Eliana Frias: Coordenadora de Produto – Prior Product Director Element Inc.

“I had the opportunity to work with Chris, he is mega-demanding, determined, energetic and passionate about everything he does. A true leader, focused on the market, consumers, and the team to achieve company goals. I have seen him and am sure he will succeed in everything you propose to do and wherever you are. It was a pleasure to meet him!”


Recommendation for CK in the position of: President C&C Brands Worldwide RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES & Global Brand DevelopmentDac Clark: Founder of C&C Companies (Group Brands Include Gotcha, Redsand, Rusty, Level 7, LSpace, Sanuk, etc.)

“Chris is most probably the most inspirational employee and now friend, I have ever worked with. He worked in my Company for 11 years and I can say that every day working with him and watching him develop professionally and personally within the organization was nothing short of inspiring to me and motivating. Chris started with us

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as an assistant merchandiser and grew to dominate design/merchandising, then moved to production where he exceled and implemented innovative initiatives that we still use, then moved to sales management and with a complete vision of product from inception to production to sales to logistics we promoted him to the role of Global Brand Director and at the same time sent him to Europe as President of that, struggling Division of our Business. He succeeded and surpassed all expectations myself and my partner, Paul Carr, ever set for him. I don’t know anyone else I could recommend as highly as I can Chris. After working with him for over 11 years the day came when he took the decision to leave to accept a much larger opportunity; I hated the idea of loosing what I like to call my “protégé” but I knew the day would come where Chris would have to move on into a challenge/something bigger than we could provide for him; he had already reached the top of our organization. His loyalty over the years is also something I should point out because I know for a fact, never from him, that many competitors provided him opportunities, however I saw him never waiver from our Business. Chris without doubt is not just the most talented employee I’ve ever worked with, but I now consider him a friend and is part of what I’d like to think of as a “legacy”.I couldn’t be more proud to see him succeed in every role he’s had since C&C.”

August 12, 2010, Dac Clark was the owner and Chris reported directly to me at C&C Companies/Rusty, etc.

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Recommendation for CK in the position of: President C&C Brands Worldwide RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIESCarole DIGER CHIQUIRIN: ASPOM /ACCESS RESSOURCES (Executive Search & Business Coaching) – Prior CFO at O’Neill Europe, CFO Rusty/C&C Companies Europe:

”I worked with Chris for 4 years, when he was CEO for Rusty Europe (HQ in Biarritz, France) and I was Director of Finance and HR. He came from operating the USA market and into to get the European business, a new acquisition for the Rusty Group, on line and perform a complete integration and turnaround. Chris adapted very quickly to European business life and being able to speak French he was able to integrate and quickly move the Company in the right direction. We worked really closely and I can say that as a Manager he directs and strategically places the Company in the right direction and then really allows the people to take initiative to progress innovation. Chris is very balanced between the operational/business/results side as with the creative side. He is a very creative person and his ability to read trends in all areas repositioned the brand and put us in the path to success. He gave new input in the collection trends and in the marketing strategies which were very successful and market leading. Most of this work was adapted worldwide and was a point of prestige for the European operation. Finally, Chris is a very caring person who is highly concerned with the people and their ability to grow and have opportunities to succeed. It was a pleasure to work with Chris and I know that Rusty became a better, stronger Company during his leadership.

September 24, 2010, Carole reported to Chris at RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES

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Recommendation for CK in the position of: President C&C Brands Worldwide (RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES) & Mossimo Inc.James Sowins: Vice President Creative Director & Brand Director - Dr. Scholls Division at Brown Shoe Company – Previous Rip Curl Global VP & Head of Product Development, Mossimo Inc. Head Designer.

”Chris is a leader within the alternative sport industry due to his high taste level and superior understanding of popular culture worldwide. My experience with Chris during our tenure together at C&C companies was always inspiring. He continues to be a leader within the surf/alternative sport lifestyle industry worldwide.”

October 14, 2008, James worked directly with Chris at RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES & Mossimo Inc.

Recommendation for CK in the position of: President C&C Brands Worldwide RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES & Global Brand DevelopmentRoger Wade: Streetwear/Culture Pioneer, CEO/Founder BOXPARK RETAIL CONCEPT BOXFRESH BRAND

“Chris, is a major player in the Action Sports market. He has great connections with major Action sports brands like Quiksilver, Rusty, Billabong and Hurley as well as streetwear brand pioneers like Stussy, RVCA, Boxfresh, etc.”

December 20, 2010, Roger was with another company when working with Chris at President C&C Brands Worldwide RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES & Global Brand Development

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Recommendation for CK in the position of: President C&C Brands Worldwide RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES & Global Brand DevelopmentSebastien Marcq: Senior Marketing Manager VANS (EMEA) at VF Corporation – Prior Volcom Inc. Marketing Director, Rusty Marketing Coordinator:

“Chris Kypriotis or CK has been a real mentor in my first job. I have great souvenirs working for him as he has always provided excellent advices and directives that allowed me to outperform my objectives. Chris's excellent leadership skills kept me motivated and happy to work for the group he was directing. He gave me the motivation to get things done right, the passion to serve clients and the inspiration to achieve great results.

January 2, 2011, Sebastien reported to Chris as President C&C Brands Worldwide RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES & Global Brand Development

Recommendation for CK in the position of: President C&C Brands Worldwide RUSTY INT'L - C&C COMPANIES & Global Brand Development & Stüssy Inc:Nick Bower: Independent Apparel & Fashion Professional – Prior Stüssy Inc. VP Product Director, Redsand Apparel VP Product Director, Gotcha Inc. VP Product Director, Valentino Product Development Staff:

“Chris is determined, detail orientated and smart. I have over the years worked with Chris and people who have worked with him. His rise in the active sport industry has been nothing short of spectacular. I have no hesitation in endorsing Chris.”

October 13, 2012, Nick worked directly with Chris at RUSTY INT’L, REDSAND STÜSSY, INC.

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Other Recommendations not on file but accessible come from former Brazil President Lula Ignacio da Silva, Brazilian Olympic Committee President Carlos Nuzman, President of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and full IOC Member Francesco Ricci Bitti, Founder of Mossimo Brand Mossimo Giannulli, Founder of Stüssy Sean Stussy, Former Nike Brand President Charlie Denson, Former Nike President Operations Gary De Stefano, Nike Inc. CEO Mark Parker.