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Page 1: Choosing a track list for my album.

Ideas for track list that will appear on my album.

Page 2: Choosing a track list for my album.

In all of the songs on these albums, there are a lot of them which focus around love and this seems to be a pattern within the industry – these have been circled in black. I have decided to only look at female artists because this is the sex that my artist is. I think that this is a very stereotypical finding due to people seeing women as the more caring and loving sex. I think that the song ‘FU’ on the album Bangerz has been used to demonstrate Miley Cyrus’ change in image and ideology from Hannah Montana to being herself; detaching herself from Disney. Katy Perry has used a lot of songs on her album to illustrate her fun nature and to excite her fans because they are quite young – these are circled in blue. Rihanna is well-known in the music industry for her sexual pop songs, one of which the video for was taken down by YouTube for being excessively raunchy. She also released a song entitled ‘Cheers (Drink to That)’ in which she sings “don’t let the bastards get you down” which portrays how she is quite a confident artist who isn’t afraid of speaking her mind in a taboo manner. I have circled these in red, and think that these songs aren’t something that would be included in my track list because I aren’t showing my artist in this way.

Page 3: Choosing a track list for my album.

These are the songs off the albums ‘Bangerz’, ‘Prism’ and ‘Loud’ that I really like and think would be suitable for the artist that I am creating. They are all really simple and have a serene quality aspect about them and think they would go well with ‘White Teeth Teens’ which will be the main song because this seems really calm; similar to these song titles.

Song names I think would work on my album

Page 4: Choosing a track list for my album.

As these are two artists that I know of and that are in the same genre as the artist I am creating but don’t listen to them, I had to use Google to search for the albums that they have released so that I could find out the track lists of the albums. I selected the most recent albums out of the albums that came up after I searched because this meant that I had the most up-to-date styles and their ideologies may have changed since their penultimate album, so it made sense to select the most recent ones.

Page 5: Choosing a track list for my album.

Similarly to the songs that were on the albums that I looked at earlier, these all have songs on them which relate to love in one way or another – I have circled these in black again to illustrate how many there are of them. I have also circled the song titles which have connotations of negativity and sadness, as this seems to be something that happens a lot in these indie artist’s albums. There is almost the same amount of each type of song in these albums, which is something I am going to do when I create my back cover and put on the tracklist as this is conventional. I think that because both Lorde and Lana Del Rey have used a lot of songs on their albums, it would be quite difficult to create a back cover that would look good and still include this amount of songs. This is why I am going to use around 9/10 songs like Lykke Li has done as I think this will fill the back cover but not make it look chaotic and messy.

Page 6: Choosing a track list for my album.

Song names I think would work on my album

Off these albums, there are a lot more songs that I think would work for my artist than the pop albums that I looked at. I think this is because the artists that these songs are from are of the indie genre or sub-genre, so relate to the artist that I am creating a lot more. I really like these song titles and think they would fit well alongside the main song for my album which is called ‘White Teeth Teens’. They are quite deep in how they are phrased and also represent isolation and seclusion, which will fit in well with the overall them of the album.

Page 7: Choosing a track list for my album.

Chosen titles of songsThrough looking at different albums, I have decided that I will have 10 songs that will appear on the album. This is because I feel that this amount will fit really well onto the back cover and won’t look really messy and unorganised; creating a professional finish. The songs that I have chosen to use are:

White Teeth TeensGhostAwakeningAlone With My ThoughtsLearning To LoveParanormalLungsDisappearDispositionCatastrophe

I have chosen these particular songs because I believe that they all fit in really well with each other and work on a whole. I have taken inspiration from the albums I have looked at when creating some of the song names as I didn’t want to copy directly from them; for example I used ‘Paranormal’ instead of ‘Spiritual’ and ‘Lungs’ instead of ‘Ribs’. I haven’t put them in any particular order because I think that this will illustrate the artist’s disorientation in the first song on the album and the video that goes with it. Most of the songs I have chosen are only one word as I think this will make the songs more memorable and therefore may correlate to the consumer purchasing more products from the artist as they will remember her.