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Choking First Aid & Handling Emergencies:

First Aid for Choking, Rescue Breathing, And CPR


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To arm you with the ammunition to combat the worst of emergency situations.

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What you need to know:

1. Define key terms listed under vocabulary list2. Learn proper first aid administration techniques, as

well as learn proper CPR and rescue breathing techniques

3. Learn the importance of emergency medicine4. Learn proper prevention methods concerning

emergency medicine

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Changing your attitude…

1. Feel comfortable with emergency situations2. Have a feeling of empowerment by being

able to identify emergency situations

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What you will be able to do:

1. List the steps for aiding a choking adult, child, and infant

2. Demonstrate the process for administering rescue breathing for adults, children, and infants; demonstrate the steps for administering CPR for adults, children, and infants

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Key Terms

-Abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver)-respiratory failure-carotid pulse-cardiovascular failure-cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)-Xiphoid Process-Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

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Incidences of Choking

• <14 years old-17,537 treated in ER

FOOD-60%NONFOOD-31%Not Reported-9%


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Choking procedures

Alternating techniquesMore than one technique may be needed in

removing a severe obstruction. Use back blows, abdominal thrusts, chest thrusts

Conscious choking (adult, child) Perform alternating back blows and

abdominal thrusts 5 back blows

- Bend victim over, near parallel to the ground- Support victim with one arm across their chest- With other arm apply 5 back blows, between the

shoulder blades 5 abdominal thrusts

(chest thrusts for pregnant or obese)


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Steps for aiding a choking person

-ADULT- (Conscious choking)1. Encourage forceful coughing2. Administer five back blows between shoulder

blades3. Administer five abdominal thrusts

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Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.

-ADULT- (Unconscious choking)1. Call 9-1-1 1. Attempt two rescue breaths2. Give 15 chest compressions3. Check victim's mouth for obstruction and remove if

possible4. If no obstruction, continue with second set of 15

chest compressions5. Give 2 rescue breaths if chest rises

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Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.

-CHILD- (conscious choking)1. Encourage forceful coughing2. Administer five (5) back blows between

shoulder blades3. Administer five (5) abdominal thrusts

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Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.

-CHILD- (Unconscious choking)1. Call 9-1-12. Attempt two rescue breaths3. Give five chest thrusts4. Look in victim's mouth for obstruction and remove if

possible5. Repeat cycle of rescue breaths, chest thrusts and

mouth sweep until two rescue breaths are achieved

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Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.

-Infants- (Conscious)1. Turn infant face down and give five back

blows2. Give five chest thrusts (using 2 or 3 fingers)

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Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.

-Infants- (Unconscious)1. Call 9-1-12. Attempt two rescue breaths3. Give five chest thrusts4. Look in victim's mouth for obstruction and remove if

possible5. Repeat cycle of rescue breaths, chest thrusts and

mouth sweep until two rescue breaths are achieved

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Care for Choking Adults and Children

1. Stand behind the victim with one leg forward between the victim’s legs. Keep your head slightly to one side and reach around the abdomen.

2. Make a fist with one hand and grasp it with the other (thumb side into abdomen) just above the navel.

3. Thrust inward and upward into the abdomen with quick jerks. Continue until the victim expels the object or becomes unresponsive.

4. For a responsive pregnant victim, or any victim you cannot get your arms around, give chest thrusts.

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Helping a responsive adult or child victim…

When you see a responsive adult or child victim• Coughing, wheezing, having difficulty breathing • Clutching at the throat • Pale or bluish in coloring around mouth and nail beds

Do this first: - If coughing, encourage continued coughing to clear the object. - If not coughing, ask if the victim is choking or can speak. If not, get victim’s consent to help and give abdominal thrusts.

If the victim becomes unresponsive - call orhave someone call 9-1-1. Then provide CPR, beginning with chest compressions. Check mouth for object before giving breaths.

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Self-Treating ChokingIf you are alone when choking, give yourself abdominal thrusts to try to expel the object.

Lean over and push your abdomen against the back of a chair, table or other firm object.

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2. Check to see if the object has been expelled. If not, continue on.

1. Support the infant’s head in one hand, with the torso on your forearm and your thigh. Give up to 5 back slaps between the shoulder blades.

Choking in an Infant

3. With other hand on back of infant’s head, roll the infant face up. Place two fingers on breastbone just below nipple line. Give up to 5 chest thrusts with middle and ring fingers. Check mouth for expelled object.

Repeat above steps, alternating back slaps and chest thrusts and checking the mouth. Continue until the object is expelled or the infant becomes unresponsive. If the infant becomes unresponsive, call or have someone call 9-1-1, then give CPR. Check mouth for object before giving breaths.

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Don’t Choke! Act Fast When Someone is in Distress

Hang this poster in high-traffic areas as a reminder of steps to take when someone is choking.

Recognize the danger & act quickly. You could save a life!


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Process for administering rescue breathing

Rescue Barriers

*always use to protect yourself and victim

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Rescue Breathing Process


1. Tilt head back

2. Pinch nose

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Rescue Breathing Process cont.

3. Give two normal breaths (give time for exhalation between breaths)

* If chest does not rise, tilt head more

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Prevention Methods

1. Avoid food that can be a choking hazard2. Keep dangerous household items away3. Supervise children4. Red Cross for kids5. Learn Information on emergency medicine

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Choking Hazards Include…

-Hard, raw vegetables-Hot dogs/ sausages sliced into rounds-Whole grapes-Hard candy, pretzels, popcorn, chips-Marshmallows, spoons of peanut butter-Chewing gum

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To Prevent Choking…

-Shred hard vegetables and fruits-Slice hot dogs lengthwise-Remove pits from fruits-Finely chop seeds and nuts-Spread peanut butter thinly, do not serve

directly from spoon

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