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DOI: 10.1002/ejic.200700360

Chirality Transfer through Helical Motifs in Coordination Compounds

Cheng He,[a] Yonggang Zhao,[a] Dong Guo,*[b] Zhihua Lin,[a] and Chunying Duan*[a]

Keywords: Helical structures / Chirality / Building intermediates / Conformational chirality

Helicates obtained by self-assembly have initiated a revolu-tion from classical coordination chemistry to extensive supra-molecular concepts. The design of helicates will be de-scribed, and the structural features that are necessary for chi-rality transfer, as well as the extension of chirality from one-dimensional to three-dimensional chiral polymers in compli-cated chiral architectures will also be addressed. Chiralassembly by using achiral components has been given con-

1. Introduction

The term helicate was introduced by Lehn in 1987 todescribe a discrete metal-based helix comprising one ormore covalent organic strands wrapped and coordinated toa series of ions defining the helical axis.[1] Such kinds ofcomplexes have elegantly illustrated how the specific forma-tion of architecturally complicated assemblies are directedby the interplay between relatively simple parameters suchas the stereoelectronic preference of the metals and the po-sition of the binding sites of the helicands (helicating li-gands). Previously, the chemistry of helicates was reviewedthoroughly with a focus on the description of the topologiesand conformations of the helical structures, as well as aninvestigation into the design of special helicates.[2,3]

Chirality is the intrinsic character of helicates. It can beright-handed (plus, P) or left-handed (minus, M), de-pending on whether the rotation is clockwise or anticlock-wise when a helicate is considered to wind from the eye ofthe viewer towards a distant point from the viewer. If weneglect the helical domain produced by the spacers betweenthe binding units, the chirality of a helicate would be de-duced from the absolute configurations of the metal centers(Figure 1). Clearly, chiral helicates will be created only whenthe metal ions in the helical axis display the same absoluteconfiguration. Because they are constructed from achiralcomponents, the helical molecular assemblies in the crystal-

[a] State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Dalian University ofTechnology,Dalian 116012, ChinaE-mail: [email protected]

[b] School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan Instituteof Technology,Wuhan 430073, ChinaE-mail: [email protected]

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–3463 © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3451

siderable attention in this review paper. The understandingof the essential processes and mechanisms in the chiral as-sembly on the basis of helicate supramolecular structures isa fundamental study in a variety of disciplines ranging frombiology to materials science.

(© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim,Germany, 2007)

line phase have two possibilities: either the crystals are com-posed of both P and M helices (centric space group) toafford an internal racemate or by a spontaneous resolutionprocess where each crystal is enantiomerically pure (P orM helicity, chiral space group), but the mixture of crystalsis racemic, as a so-called conglomerate.[4] A much moreinteresting case for the latter is homochiral crystallization,by which all the crystals obtained in one crystallization havethe same chirality. Usually, the interhelicate interactions as-sociated with donor (or acceptor) groups hosted on the chi-ral helicates should be always directional and homochiral.If such kinds of interactions are substantially strong, thechiralities of the metal centers could be extended into high-dimensional frameworks to achieve the complicated chiralspecies. Whereas a large number of chiral superstructureswere developed through the covalent arrangements of chiralbuilding blocks at the molecular level by using the “bottom-up” strategy,[5] the chiral assembly from achiral componentson the basis of helical motifs is of current interest in bothsupramolecular chemistry and materials science as one ofthe most attractive and evocative strategies. This microre-view will focus on the current research developments in thestructural features and the design of helicates modulatingthe transfer of chirality between metal ions, and chiralityextension in the formation of high-dimensional chiral poly-mers.

Figure 1. Helical and chiral properties of double-stranded dinuclearhelicate with C2 symmetrical ligand strands.

C. He, Y. G. Zhao, D. Guo, Z. H. Lin, C. Y. DuanMICROREVIEW

2. Discrete Oligonuclear Helicates – LocalChiral Translation in Helicates

Oligonuclear helicates, especially dinuclear helicates, areone kind of classical helicates that have been investigatedmost extensively. Proverbially, single-, double-, and triple-stranded helicates possess one, two, and three coordinatedstrands wrapped around the metal ions, respectively. Theligands are obviously partitioned into two or more distinctmultidentate (commonly bidentate) binding sites with aspacer linking them together. For a dinuclear double helicalarchitecture, it is postulated that the chosen spacer shouldhave enough rigidity to sterically prevent the two binding

Dr. Cheng He was born in 1973. He completed his Ph.D. in 2000 under the supervision of Profs. Chunying Duan andQingjin Meng at Nanjing University, China. After postdoctoral studies at Peking University and the Pohang Universityof Technology, he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship and then worked with Prof. Herbert W. Roeskyas a postdoctoral researcher at Goettingen University. Since 2006 he has been an Associate Professor at the DalianUniversity of Technology. His research interests are in the area of coordination chemistry.

Yonggang Zhao completed his B.S. in Polymer Materials Science in 1996 at Nanjing University, China. Five years later,he returned to Nanjing University and joined Prof. Chunying Duan’s group. After finishing his Ph.D. in 2006, he movedto the Dalian University of Technology as a postdoctoral fellow. Currently, his research focuses on molecular assemblyand modulation in the metal-directed self-assembly of functional molecules.

Dong Guo was born in 1973. He completed his Ph.D. in 2003 under the supervision of Profs. Chunying Duan and QingjinMeng at Nanjing University, China. He then worked with Prof. James K. McCusker as a postdoctoral researcher atMichigan State University. His main research interests are in the areas of inorganic and materials chemistry.

Zhihua Lin completed her undergraduate studies in chemistry at Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China, in 2000. She com-pleted her Ph.D. in 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Chunying Duan and Dr. Zhiping Bai at Nanjing University. Shethen moved to the Dalian University of Technology as a postdoctoral fellow. Her current research interests are focusedon the self-assembly and host–guest chemistry of cage compounds.

Prof Chunying Duan was born in 1967, China. He completed his Ph.D. in 1992 under the supervision of Prof. XiaozengYou and Yuansheng Jiang at Nanjing University. He then started his academic career in the Department of Chemistryat Nanjing University. Since 2006, he has worked at the DaLian University of Technology. His research interests coveraspects of coordination chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, molecular sensors, and chiral materials. © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–34633452

sites from coordinating to one single metal center, and inthe mean time it should also have enough flexibility to per-mit it to wrap around the metal–metal axis.[2,3,6] However,investigations on the construction of helicates by using li-gands L1�L4 (Figure 2)[7–10] showed that each ligand spansboth metal ions but does not wrap over (from one side tothe other) the metal–metal axis (Figure 3). Despite the factthat both the rigidity of the ligands and the close proximityof the two metal centers seem to be unfavorable for theformation of helicates, the absolute configurations of thetwo metal centers in each molecule are identical. Furtherstructural studies of double and triple helicates with twopyridylimine units linked by a single –N–N– confirm that

Chirality Transfer through Helical Motifs in Coordination Compounds MICROREVIEWthe nonplanar bridging mode might be essential for suchkinds of ligands to encode metal ions in the formation of

Figure 2. Diazine ligands and generation of conformational chiral-ity.[9]

Figure 3. Structures of helicates Ag2L32 (left) and Co2L3

3 (right).The rigid ligands are twisted but not wrap over the metal centers.[10]

Figure 4. Ligands exhibiting an atropisomerically chiral bridging mode.[12,13,15–18]

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–3463 © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3453

helicates.[11] From a mechanistic viewpoint, upon coordina-tion, the rotating freedom of the –N–N– bonds on the li-gands is restrained, and the ligands can be locked in anatropisomerically chiral conformation. At the same time,the strong and directional bonding interactions could trans-mit the original chirality of one metal center to another,leading to the formation of the helical species. Reasonably,it suggests that in both double and triple helicates, there isnot any necessary relationship between their formation andthe rigidity/flexibility of the spacers in ligands. In otherwords, the chirality translation between the metal centersonly occurs when the bridging modes of the ligands exhibitatropisomeric chiralities in the formation of a helicate.

This type of chirality translation through atropisomericchiral bridging modes of the ligands could also be observeddirectly in the formation of helicates that are based on bi-phenyl ligands (Figure 4).[12,13] For example, ligand L5 insolution is achiral due to the free rotation about the twophenyl groups.[12] In the solid state, however, this ligandshows atropisomeric chirality due to the constraint of therotation around the C–C bond as described as a monohelix.Upon coordination to the metal centers as a bridge, such aspecial conformation of the ligand induces the formation ofhelical species with the metal centers being homochiral,even in the case where the two metal centers are bridged byone ligand. Similar atropisomeric chiralities of ligands wereobserved in several other dinuclear monohelicates of which

C. He, Y. G. Zhao, D. Guo, Z. H. Lin, C. Y. DuanMICROREVIEW

Figure 5. Ferrocene-containing ligands exhibiting a conformationally chiral bridging mode.[19,20,29,30,32]

the chiralities are determined by the helicands themselvesrather than the metal centers.[14]

Another evidence to support the above hypothesis comesfrom the assembly of enantiopure double helicates derivedfrom conformationally chiral ligand L7. Generally, enantio-merically pure chiral ligands only introduce a second sourceof chirality into the helicates, forming diastereomers ac-cording to the screw turn and the arrangement of the li-gands. However, in the resulting triple helicate Zn2L7

3, theconfigurations of the stereogenic metal centers are com-pletely controlled by the atropisomeric chiral configurationof the binaphthyl groups, and the discrete dinuclear com-plex adopts an overall D3 symmetric P configuration withboth of the two octahedral metal centers exhibiting the ∆configuration.[15] In fact, a lot of homochiral discrete poly-nuclear complexes and infinite coordination polymers wereconstructed by introducing the binaphthyl group as the stereo-genic resource of conformational chirality (Figure 4).[16–18]

Two-armed, multidentate, ferrocene-containing com-pounds are another sort of ligands that could efficientlytranslate chirality from one transition metal center to theothers (Figure 5).[19,20] Generally, the 1,1�-substituted ferro-cene derivatives exhibit a planar chirality. When they actas bridging ligands to coordinate to metal centers in theformation of the helicates, atropisomeric chirality of the li-gand is generated and replicated with the bridged metalcenters being homochiral (Figure 6).

In terms of the structural requirements of bridging li-gands for chirality translation between metal centers, theprinciple obtained from the dinuclear species � that the chi-rality transformation between the metal centers occurs onlywhen the bridging mode of the ligands exhibit conformationalchiralities � should be valid to explain the formation ofsome complicated helicates besides the dinuclear hel-icates.[21] For example, in the trinuclear CuI complex de-rived from ligand L3 and a variety of other circular hel-icates,[22–24] the nonplanar bridging modes of these ligands © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–34633454

Figure 6. Molecular structure of the copper–ferrocene helicateCu2L18


are likely to facilitate the chirality transfer, which resultsin homochiral metal centers. Whereas in the metallocyclesderived from the ligands containing carboxhydrazone units,the planar bridging conformation causes the formation ofachiral species, despite the presence of a similar –N–N–bond within the backbone of the ligands.[25]

Recent developments in the design and assembly of heli-cal species have spanned to the construction of supramolec-ular architectures by hydrogen bonding and coordinationbonding. As shown in Figure 7, two ligands L21 coordinate

Figure 7. Hydrogen-bond-linked dinuclear helicates Co2L21a2X2,

L21a,R = H; L21b, R = CH3, X = Cl, Br, NO3.[26,27]

Chirality Transfer through Helical Motifs in Coordination Compounds MICROREVIEWto a cobalt(II) atom in a bis(bidentate) fashion by the pyr-idyl and alcohol donor groups.[26] Two chelating units aretwisted through the O–H···O hydrogen bond, achieving anew conformational chirality, which is transmitted from onecobalt center to another by hydrogen bonds between thealcohol oxygen atoms. Interestingly, when the alcohol car-bon atom is stereogenic, the chirality at this point couldcontrol the absolute configurations of the metal centers andthe helicity sense of the overall structure.

3. Aggregation of Oligonuclear Helicates –Chirality Translation in SupramolecularAssemblies

Whereas the basic requirements for the design of a dis-crete helicate from achiral components have been well-es-tablished, the design and control of the formation of homo-chiral superstructures that are based on helical units stillremain a substantial challenge. Assembling small molecularunits into complicated aggregations in a controlled fashionis one target of sophisticated supramolecular chemistry.[27]

Especially, the assembly of helical units into a homochiralarray is of great interest in this case.

Investigation into the superstructures assembled fromhelicate building blocks reveals that the functional groupsattached to the ligands of helicates are able to carry weakinteractions to favor the extension of the homochiralities.In principle, if the interactions between helicates are sub-stantially strong and directional without mirror symmetricelements, the local or whole homochiral assembly might beachieved.[28] As shown in Figure 8, the twisted bridgingmode of diacetylferrocene thiosemicarbazone L19 leads todinuclear complexes that crystallize in a helical fashion.[29]

The imino nitrogen atoms of the thiosemicarbazone moie-ties attached in the double helicates act as H-bond ac-ceptors paired up with the corresponding amino nitrogenatoms of the thiosemicarbazone group on a parallel neigh-boring helix through hydrogen bonds. Only the helicateswith the same chirality can be connected to each other intoan infinite chain such that all the zinc ions in the infinitechiral chain have the same chirality. It is likely that the chi-rality of the helicates is translated through the discriminat-ive bridges. The same structure is also found in an analo-gous CoII compound.[30] Weak additional coordination in-teractions could also be utilized to construct helicalchains.[31] In the ferrocene-containing double helicateCuL20

2Cl2, the copper center is coordinated by two pyr-

Figure 8. The hydrogen-bonding one-dimensional tube from ferro-cenyl-based Zn2L19

2 dinuclear helicate with water molecules in-cluded.[29]

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–3463 © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3455

idylimine groups with the fifth coordination site occupiedby a chloride ion.[32] In the crystal, a chloride anion bridgestwo homochiral double helicates featuring a one-dimen-sional polymer. Each chain exhibits a crystallographic 21

helix with the double helicates in the chain being a singleenantiomer.

By introducing multiaromatic rings into the dinuclearhelicates, homochiral assemblies and even 3D homochiralconglomerates could be obtained through π–π stacking in-teractions. Reaction of potentially atropisomeric chiral li-gands L22 and L23 with AgI generate the silver double hel-icates [Ag2L22

2]2+ and [Ag2L232]2+, respectively.[33] The sym-

metry-related helicates are connected together through face-to-face stacking interactions between the pyridine and ben-zene rings to form an infinite chain around a 32 screw axis(Figure 9). Owing to the twofold symmetry of the dinuclearhelicates, these screws align in parallel and maintain the he-lical chirality, featuring a homochiral 3D structure with thespontaneous resolution occurring. On the basis of solid CDmeasurements of the 20 crystals of the latter upon crystalli-zation (Figure 10), the ee value of 60% clearly reveals theappearance of a chiral selectivity in the bulk crystals. From

Figure 9. Infinite helical chain for Ag2L232 with P helicate through

π–π stacking interactions and the 3D network stabilized by thehomochiral interactions.[33]

Figure 10. Solid-state CD spectra exhibiting the significant Cottoneffect of the crystals of compound Ag2L23

2 consisting of P (a) andM (b) configurations of helicates.[33]

C. He, Y. G. Zhao, D. Guo, Z. H. Lin, C. Y. DuanMICROREVIEWfurther investigations of the crystals in 50 independentcrystallizations, it was found that the intensities of the CDsignals show a bimodal probability distribution. Such anoccurrence of bulk crystal chirality, namely spontaneousresolution, accidentally through a chiral autocatalytic reso-lution process in the absence of molecular chirality is muchmore haphazard.

High-dimensional homochiral structures could also beassembled by the helical fragments and adducts as initialcomponents. Chen et al. reported a 2D network built fromhydrogen bonds between the connecting water clusters andthe helicates.[34] The initial fragment for the assembly is abinuclear CdII helicate with two spiral-like N,N�-bis(picolin-amide)azine ligands (L2) coordinated to the two CdII cen-ters. The chiral binuclear helicates are assembled intohomochiral layers by water tapes. However, owing to thelack of strong interlayer chiral interactions, the layers arealternatively stacked in a heterochiral fashion to yield thefinal racemic crystal. Hahn and coworkers reported a triple-stranded helical complex Na(PNP)3[Ti2(L25)3] [PNP = bis-(triphenylphosphoranylidene)ammonium], where the Na+

ions act as bridges between the [Ti2(L25)3]4– helicates, lead-ing to the infinite homochiral chains in the crystal lattice.[35]

Both metal centers of [Ti2(L25)3]4– in the crystal are formedwith the same configuration, but crystallization in the P1acentric space group indicates that the opposite enantiomermust have also formed.

Another interesting example of the aggregation of helicalspecies was reported by Matsumoto et al. He described afascinating model for the assembly of the homochiral struc-ture.[36,37] The initial building block is a mononuclearCuL26 complex containing two imidazole groups. This spe-cies could be described as a mononuclear helicate witheither ∆ (clockwise) or Λ (anticlockwise) enantiomorph(Figure 11) owing to the spiral arrangement of the ligandsaround the copper(II) ion. In the presence of an equimolarratio of base, one of the two imidazole groups loses a pro-ton and functions as a hydrogen-bond acceptor to connectwith the neighboring protonated imidazole as a donor. Forthis to occur, the hydrogen bond between the imidazolegroup and the deprotonated imidazolate group in the twoneighboring molecules is asymmetric, and the helicates arelinked into a one-dimensional helical chain with the chiral-ity of the initial unit being translated from one to the other,and then extending to the whole helical chain.[36] Similarly,the cobalt(III) complex with achiral tripodal-type ligandsconsisting of three imidazole groups induces the chiralitiesof the C and A enantiomers,[37] The hemideprotonated spe-cies [Co(H1.5L27)]1.5+ functions as a self-complementarychiral building block, generating equal numbers of proton-ated and deprotonated molecules by an acid–base reactionto form an extended 2D homochiral layer consisting ofhexanuclear structures with trigonal void units (Figure 12).

To further develop such a synthetic strategy, an interest-ing mononuclear helicate MnII compound was synthe-sized.[38] The thiosemicarbazone metal complex MnL28


adopts either a ∆ or a Λ enantiomorph, depending on thearrangement of the two thiosemicarbazone ligands in which © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–34633456

Figure 11. 1D helical chain formed from hydrogen bonds betweenthe imidazole and imidazolate groups of adjacent mononuclearCuL26 units (R2 = Me).[36]

Figure 12. Structures of C (clockwise) and A (anticlockwise) mono-nuclear CoL27 enantiomers (top), and the top view of the 2Dhomochiral sheet in which the same enantiomers are linked by theintermolecular imidazole–imidazolate hydrogen bonds (bottom).[37]

the amine groups act as the proton donors and the pyrazinegroups as acceptors. The neutral complex functions as chi-ral building blocks to be assembled into 2D layers throughthe pyrazine–amino hydrogen bonds (Figure 13). The head-to-tail fashion suggests that the hydrogen bonds that linkthe neighboring mononuclear units are chirally discriminat-ive and maintains the metal coordinative spheres to exhibitthe same absolute configuration. The chirality is then pre-served and extended into the whole 2D sheet. Furthermore,the homochiral layers develop parallel to the ab plane andstack along the c direction through π–π interactions be-tween the neighboring delocalization skeletons of the li-gands. Adjacent sheets are related by 41 screw axes and

Chirality Transfer through Helical Motifs in Coordination Compounds MICROREVIEWstack in an ABAB fashion (A and B represent layers withdifferent orientations but with the same chirality, respec-tively), resulting in a homochiral porous 3D network.

Figure 13. Structures of the ∆ and Λ mononuclear Mn helicateenantiomorphs (top), and the carton scheme of the hydrogen bond-ing homochiral discriminating MnL28

2 (bottom).[38]

4. One-Dimensional Helical CoordinationPolymers – Precursors of Chiral Crystals

One-dimensional helicates are intermediates between thediscrete molecular helicates and the solid-state helicity (chi-ral crystals) in the homochiral aggregations from achiralbuilding blocks. Obviously, the construction of chiral solidsfrom one-dimensional metallohelical chains would be moreefficient than that from the oligohelicates. As mentionedabove, the simple way to ensure the chirality extensionwithin the infinite chain is to use the ligands as bridges thatexhibit atropisomeric chirality. For example, assembling sil-ver(I) or copper(I)[22] with helicand L4 facilitates an infinitemonohelicate with each metal atom bound to two bis(bi-dentate) ligands in a distorted tetrahedral geometry, and theligands chelate and bridge the two metal centers byturns.[10a] Thus, the obstacle that limits the possibility toobtain a chiral solid from one-dimensional helicates hingeson how the chirality of the building fragments can be ex-tended by chiral discriminative interactions.

An interesting example reported by Aoyama et al.[39] ischiral adduct L29·Cd(NO3)2·H2O·EtOH, which was pre-pared from achiral 5-(9-anthracenyl)pyrimidine (L29) butcrystallizes in a chiral space group P21. The chirality of thiscompound arises from the twist of the two pyrimidine ringsin a helical array of the pyrimidine/Cd2+ coordination poly-

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–3463 © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3457

mer, in which the anthracene substituents are arranged inC2 chirality across the chain (Figure 14). The helices arestabilized by intrastrand water–nitrate and ethanol–nitratehydrogen bonds. The ligand has one extra free proton,which is used to connect the neighboring helix chains withthe same chirality (helicity) by interstrand water–nitrate hy-drogen bonds. Thus, the chirality translation through H-bonds occurs inside the layer and then is preserved on bothsides of the resulting sheet across the helices. The sheets arethen assembled through herringbone-type packing of theanthracene moieties into the actual 3D structure. Crystalsof this adduct exhibit significant CD signals that are consis-tent with the absolute helicity P or M with a positive ornegative Cotton effect, respectively. All the crystals reco-vered from one operation of crystallization show the sameCD sign with the same chirality (helicity). It is reasonablethat the chirality of the crystals is essentially governed bythe chirality that happened to the first-separating nucleusserving as the seed for the subsequent crystal growth.

Figure 14. Crystal structure of L29·Cd(NO3)2·H2O·EtOH: frontview of two neighboring helices hydrogen bonded to form a sheetand its schematic explanations.[39]

Because the direction of the interhelicate donor–acceptorinteractions between the chiral helicates is controlled byspatial affects and intrinsic characters of the interactionsthemselves, these interactions are likely to be characteristi-cally chiral and run through inheriting the original chiralityof the helicates they linked. Thus, the strategy to connecthelical chains in a homochiral fashion rests on the potentialchiral interactions, despite that some of these interactionsare quite weak. As shown in Figure 15, a helical chain isalso formed through the coordination of potential atrop-isomeric chiral ligand L30 to the ZnII ions. Neighboringchains are bonded together through π–π interactions be-tween the phenyl groups and the cyclopentadienoneunits.[40] These supramolecular interactions of exclusivelyachiral building blocks contribute to the helical chirality ofthe coordination polymers that arise from spontaneous chi-ral resolution. The bunches of needle crystals show pro-nounced (and partially opposite) Cotton effects in their CDspectra, suggesting that one kind of enantiomer is in localexcess and even dominant.

C–H···X interactions also have the potential to act asdirectional interactions in the formation of helical chainsand the homochiral aggregation of helicates.[41] With theuse of an achiral α,α,�-bis(pyrazolyl)-m-xylene ligand (L31),Mukherjee and coworkers identified two different handedsolids of ZnII coordination polymers.[42] As shown in Fig-ure 16, the chiral pseudotetrahedral coordination environ-

C. He, Y. G. Zhao, D. Guo, Z. H. Lin, C. Y. DuanMICROREVIEW

Figure 15. Multiaromatic ring ligand L30 (left) and π–π inter-actions leading to homochiral interactions between helical chains(ZnCl2L30)�.[40]

ment around the Zn centers and the twisted conformationof the bidentate ligands bring about the formation of helicalchains with the positions of the chlorine atoms fixed. Theadjacent parallel helices are held together along the b axisprimarily by directional C–H···Cl interactions and second-arily by weak π–π interactions between the phenyl rings,leading to the formation of the homochiral 2D sheet. Thesheets are again stitched together through the chiral inter-molecular C–H···Cl interactions to generate the chiral chan-nels.

Figure 16. View of the 2D helical sheet (L31ZnCl2)� formedthrough C–H···Cl interactions.[42]

The N-positional isomer 2-pyridinyl-3-pyridinylmethan-one (L32) is another simple ligand that was investigated interms of chirality transfer.[43,44] Reaction of ligand L32 withAg(CF3SO3) in different solvents lead to the generation ofa pair of different helical conformational polymorphs. Inthe racemic crystal A, the ligand winds latitudinally aroundthe helical axis of 21. In the chiral crystal B, the ligandspans longitudinally around a 41helical axis (Figure 17).Spontaneous resolution occurs in the assembly from the he-lical chains to a homochiral conglomerate {[AgL32]-(CF3SO3)}�. It seems that the rotation of the pyridyl rings © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–34633458

causes the presence of atropisomeric chirality, and the metalcenters are bridged to form the homochiral helical chainsdirectly.[44]

Figure 17. Two kinds of bridging conformations of L32 in its coor-dination complexes. Heterochiral (A, top) and homochiral (B, bot-tom) assembly of different conformational polymorphs AgL32 heli-cal chains by argentophilic interactions.[43,44]

5. Homochiral Frameworks – From AchiralComponents to Chiral Crystals

Chiral coordination polymers, which possess chiral func-tionalities such as enantioselective absorption and catalysis,are of great interest. The generation of chiral coordinationpolymers from achiral ligands without any chiral auxiliarythrough spontaneous resolution not only provides an easymethod for the preparation of chiral functional materials,but also helps the understanding of the chirality origin oflife.

Discovered as early as 1846 by Louis Pasteur, spontane-ous resolution is still a relatively scarce phenomenon andcannot be predicted a priori because the laws of physicsdetermining the processes are not yet fully understood. Theformation of three-dimensional crystal conglomerates is notvery frequent (and is even less predictable), reflecting thetremendous preference (more than 90%) for compounds tocrystallize in centrosymmetric space groups. However, ifthere are substantially strong, selective, and directionalenough interactions, such as coordination bonds, betweenneighboring chiral units, the chirality would be able to ex-tend to higher dimensionality, and hence spontaneous reso-lution would be more likely to occur. Usually, in the prepa-ration of homochiral coordination polymers by spontane-ous resolution, two steps are achieved: the generation of thechiral units from the achiral components, and the chirallydiscriminative interactions may arise from additional inter-molecular interactions. Of course, it is quite difficult to iso-late the chiral units, always helical chains, from the well-connected network in some case.

Chirality Transfer through Helical Motifs in Coordination Compounds MICROREVIEWOne simple way to construct a homochiral 3D frame-

work is to use the ligands that not only have an atropisom-erically chiral bridging mode but also several additionalchelating units – some chelators attribute to the formationof helical units, and the others contribute to the extensionof the chirality to the whole crystal. Ligand L24, N,N�-bis[1-(pyrazine-2-yl)ethylidene]benzil dihydrazone (Figure 18),falls well into the category of conformational chiral bridg-ing models.[45] As shown in Figure 19, its silver complexcomprises a chiral infinite 41 monohelical chain through thetwo pyrazine–imine bidentate chelating sites. Each ligandadopts a twisted chiral conformation and spans two silverions to transmit the chirality from one silver center to theother. The metal centers with the same chirality are coordi-nated by the coupled ligands, leading to the replication ofthe conformational chirality from one ligand to the other.Such a helical fashion provides an opportunity to modulatethe positions and the directions of the additional groupsassociated with the pyrazine nitrogen atom for interhelicatecoordination bonding. Two pyrazine nitrogen atoms fromdifferent helical chains coordinate to one silver atom Ag(2)and connect the helical chains together to form a three-dimensional helical network, in which all the fourfold heli-ces are homochiral. Therefore, it is revealed that the chiral-ity of the silver(I) is transmitted through the discriminativehelical linkage, or alternatively, the chirality of the helicalchain is transmitted through the discriminative bridgedunits. However, owing to the presence of large voids, thesecond network with the opposite chirality interpenetratesthe former one. The two enantiomeric frames are centro-symmetrically relative, forming a three-dimensional en-meshed “racemate”.

Figure 18. Benzil-based and -related ligands exhibiting a conforma-tionally chiral bridging mode.[33,35,45]

Multicarboxylates with two or more carboxylates con-nected to aromatic rings are another kind of ligand for theconstruction of high-dimensional frameworks (Fig-ure 20).[46–50] These species with conformationally chiral co-ordination modes were also used for homochiral assemblyin which the versatile coordination modes of the carboxyl-ate donors make the networks quite complicated.[51] Li-gands containing biphenyl groups with more than two car-boxylate groups might induce all the metal centers in thenetwork to exhibit the same absolute configuration.2,2�,3,3�-Oxydiphthalic acid (L33) is one such ligand, whichwas used to build various homochiral 3D features based on

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–3463 © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3459

Figure 19. A view of the double interpenetrating nets of AgL24 en-antiomeric forms of the chiral 3D networks.[45]

helical chains with a suitably bridged bipyridine co-ligand.[52,53] For example, in the ZnII complex,[52] two kindsof Zn ions are bridged by 2,3- and 2�,3�-carboxylate groups,respectively, to form two similar helical chains from whichthe chiral puckered herringbones are formed by aligningthese helices in parallel (Figure 21). Adjacent layers areinterrelated by the 21-screw axis and stack in a slipped AAA

Figure 20. Symmetrical multicarboxylate ligands.[46–50,52,53]

C. He, Y. G. Zhao, D. Guo, Z. H. Lin, C. Y. DuanMICROREVIEWfashion through hydrogen bonds, resulting in a 3D homo-chiral network. The Cd complex also has two kinds ofhomochiral helices and chiral 2D sheets, and different fromthat of the ZnII complex, the chiral layers are parallel andstack through interlayer interactions of coordination bonds(Cd–O) to give a 3D chiral network.

Figure 21. Zn(bpy)L33 complexes with homochiral 3D structure as-sembled from helical chain building units.[52]

Of course, the additional coordinated sites might comefrom short auxiliary ligands, so that the direction of theseinteractions could be controlled by the spatial affects of thechiral building units.[54,55] Yan et al. used the simple bis(di-dentate) pyridylimine ligand containing a –N–N– bond tobuild a 2D manganese–azido framework.[9] The chirality ofthe structure unit is induced by the twisted chiral conforma-tion of the coordinated diazine ligands (Figure 2). The con-straint of the diazine ligands in the twisted chiral conforma-tion imparts chirality to the triple linkage that consists oftwo end-on azido bridges plus a –N–N– bridge. This chirallinkage equipped with two chelate sites is chirally discrimi-native and requires that the two metal coordination sphereshave the same absolute configuration. The chirality is pre-served when the dimers are interlinked into the 2D networkby the homochiral interdimer interactions that arise fromthe unique bridging topology of the single EE azido brid-ges. As a result, two kinds of crystals are obtained in thesame batch by evaporating the solution of this compoundand separating the crystals manually. In both crystals, thehomochiral layers extend parallel to the ab plane and stackalong the c direction. In one of these two kinds of crystals,adjacent layers are related by 31 screw axes and stack in anABCABC fashion (A, B, and C represent layers with dif-ferent orientations but with the same chirality), resulting ina homochiral crystal.

Poeppelmeier et al. reported another interesting complexZn(pyrazine)(H2O) (MoO2F4),[56] where the cis-MoO2F4


anions in the complex are ordered and coordinated to trans-[Zn(pyrazine)2(H2O)2]2+ cations in an alternating fashion,forming a 31 inorganic helical chain. It is found that whenthe large organic cations associated with the coordinateddonors pack orderly in the solid, the negatively chargedMoO2F4

2– anions are fixed in a special arrangement to fitthe helical formation with the two bridged fluoride sitespositioned oppositely to the cis O atoms. Considering morethan six helices interleaved through the Zn–pyrazine–Zn © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–34633460

bridges, it is likely that the presence of a short enough linearpyrizine bridging ligand could give rise to the helices pack-ing without introducing any inversion center among them.As illustrated in Figure 22, helices with the same hand-edness share identical spatial and translational orientationsalong the Zn–N bridges. When two helices with oppositehandedness are bonded together, there are no matchingsites for any other helices of either handedness.

Figure 22. Helix with possible interaction packs with other helicesthat have the same handedness in compound Zn(pyrazine)(H2O)-(MoO2F4).[56]

Another way to construct homochiral 3D frameworks isby using the unsymmetrical ligands as effective connectorsto form the polymeric chiral helicates (Figure 23).[57] Linand his coworkers pointed out that the steric interactionsin cis-pyridylethenylbenzoate (L42) would cause the pyridyland phenyl groups to be significantly deviated from copla-narity.[58] Such a “skewing” of coordination sites of L42

should favor the formation of a helical structure. Hong andcoworkers used 4-sulfanylmethyl-4�-phenyl carboxylate pyr-idine (L43)[59] to construct a homochiral ZnII coordinationnetwork. As shown in Figure 24, each zinc(II) atom is lo-cated in a distorted tetrahedral environment. The chiralitytransmitting model could be described as that in the formerexample, in which two kinds of homochiral helices are alter-natively assembled along the crystallographic b axis. Onetype of helix is formed by hydroxy-bridging ZnII atoms, andthe other is constructed by L43-bridging ZnII centers. Thesedistinct homochiral helices are arranged orderly with thezinc(II) atoms acting as hinges, and the novel two-dimen-sional layers in the bc plane stack along the crystallographica axis in an interlocking fashion. The chirality of the [Zn–spcp] helicate should also arise from the sp3 configurationsof the C and S atoms in the –CH2S– spacer, which forcesthe ligand to be nonlinear and results in the formation ofthe twisty helical conformation. Because the compoundcrystallizes in an asymmetric space group P21, only onekind of tubular helix is involved in the crystal structure.

Another interesting ligand is 2,5-pyridinedicarboxylateL45. Its unsymmetricial coordinated mode and the shortseparation could force the helices to pack together withoutthe introduction of any inversion center.[60] Hong et al. illus-trated the dimensional extension of chirality in the helicatesbased on {[NH2(CH3)2]FeIII(L45)2}n. In this complex, theFeIII coordinates to L45 in a cis mode, forming 21 helical

Chirality Transfer through Helical Motifs in Coordination Compounds MICROREVIEW

Figure 23. Unsymmetrical ligands.[57–61]

Figure 24. A view of the two types of homochiral helices in theZnL43 complex.[59]

chains that are arranged parallel or perpendicular to eachother with the metal atoms as the connective nodes. Thiskind of interaction of the helical chains is directionalenough to force the 3D network to be homochiral (spacegroup P43212), namely the overall structure being chiral.Qiu et al. synthesized the compound Co(L45)(H2O)2·H2O,which crystallized in a space group P212121.[61] In this com-pound, there are two types of twofold screw axes along thecrystallographic b axis, and the helices are interconnectedto each other through the cobalt centers to produce aninteresting two-dimensional layered structure (Figure 25).Furthermore, the interlayer hydrogen bonds corresponding

Figure 25. The 2D structure including the right-handed helicalchains of –C–O–Co– (the space-filling view) and the left-handedhelical chains of –PDC–Co– (the cylindrical view).

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3451–3463 © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3461

to the homochiral sheets are directional and strong enoughto further pack the 2D undulating layers into a 3D homo-chiral supramolecular framework. It is notable that the re-sulting crystals are not racemic as verified by the observa-tion of strong signals in the vibrational circular dichroism(VCD) spectra. The enantiomeric excess might be ascrib-able to the initial crystals formed as seeds for the hand-edness of the bulk product, in which the particular hand-edness of the bulk sample is dependent on what randomhandedness was formed in the initial crystals.

6. ConclusionsThe rational design and construction of chiral materials

from achiral sources requires fundamental understandingof the chirality origination and translation. Helicates ob-tained by self-assembly possess fascinating structures andcould act as excellent model systems for studying the ex-tended supramolecular chirality developed from the confor-mational chirality in classical coordination complexes. Inthese processes, the coordination bond has become a veryuseful tool for the construction of large, well-organized, chi-ral architectures and further chiral aggregations, in the pres-ence of various noncovalent interactions, such as hydrogenbonding, π–π stacking interactions, and van der Waals in-teractions. Though the structural control and molecularprogramming in the chiral assembly by using helicates asbuilding intermediates with conformational chiral bridgingmodes have been significantly explored and improved, theuse of achiral ligands to provide self-organized chiral supra-molecular species through spontaneous resolution is still inits infancy. The construction and chiral aggregation of hel-icates will probably suffer from the competition of otherfascinating metal-containing achiral assemblies, but theywill keep a dominant place if their promising potential ap-plications as molecular and supramolecular functional de-vices are confirmed and developed. We have no doubt thatacademic and aesthetic interests will lead to further devel-opment in the formation and aggregation of new chiralcrystals with helical features. We do think that the enor-mous potential applications of helical complexes will makeit become a considerably attractive field in the near future.

C. He, Y. G. Zhao, D. Guo, Z. H. Lin, C. Y. DuanMICROREVIEW


Financial support from the National Natural Science Foundationof China is gratefully acknowledged.

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Received: April 1, 2007Published Online: June 29, 2007