Download - Chinese Spanish English. My winter holiday that my family and I celebrate is Hanukah. We light the menorah in commemoration of the oil lasting eight nights.





*Lilly’s Winter Holiday book

*Penal Letter

My winter holiday that my family and I celebrate is Hanukah. We light the menorah in commemoration of the oil lasting eight nights in Jerusalem. A menorah is a candle holder. Not only in my house but many others with all the candles in menorahs we create lots of beautiful light! In this holiday oil plays a big role…. A tradition is eating food fried in oil. The main food that people think of is latkes or potato pancakes! After we eat all the yummy

homemade food we eat, our parents give us presents!! Some years we get eight small presents and others we one big present! Not only is blue and

white Hanukah colors but they also Israel's country colors like on the flag! We also play a game called derides and we get golden chocolate coins. We also sing a song called ''I had a little dreidle'' Some years we get lucky and

have family travel into Florida. This year my little cousin and aunt are coming in from North Carolina! Also as a family we decorated the house and in my room I have a little menorah in my window! This year is a lucky one because it is really cold which reminds me of when I lived in -New York we

had snow all over the place! In conclusion, this is one of my favorite holidays not only because it was a great miracle but it is one that me and

my family celebrate together.

* Correspondencia Carta

Hanukah es vacaciones de invierno.los colores azul e blanco.La familia poner la velas.

La familia decorars me casa.E la familia comeres los alimentos frito en el

aceite.Que recibir el regalo.

Que jugar con Dreidles e las monedas doradas.

* 笔友的信




* happy hannuka picture

* latka picture

* menora picture

*,r:11,s:0&tx=70&ty=119- present picture

*,r:3,s:0- present picture

*,r:4,s:0&tx=64&ty=43- travel picture

*,r:8,s:0- snow picture

