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Chinese Military Knife Fighting by Dennis Rovere

Understanding the "Big Picture"

When students of the martial arts ask me about Chinese military knife combat, and/or close combat in general, their questions

invariably revolve around "technique" or physical application. What grip is preferred? What type of knife is favored? How does this

compare to other, more widely practiced arts? and so on. While such questions are valid and obviously important to the student who

asks them, they none-the-less fall short in understanding the "big picture". Chinese military knife fighting is designed by practical

people and employed in extreme circumstances. While physical application (cutting, thrusting, hooking, stance, etc.) is of paramount

importance, it is only the first and most obvious step in overall mastery of knife combat. In order to be truly and consistently

successful, one has to couple this physical ability with a clear understanding of the principles of the strategy of knife fighting. The

notion of strategy operates at all levels and throughout all stages. From basic training to operations in the field, principles , whether

implied or obvious, are always present. These principles must be adhered to in order to develop a realistic, effective means of offense

and defense. While I am limited in this article by the amount of detail I can relate, I will try to give you, the reader, at least a

preliminary understanding of what Chinese military knife strategy entails.

)o "One School" of Knife Fighting

Some basic premises upon which Chinese military knife fighting techniques are developed from include:

1. Assume opponents are armed and highly trained. If they are unarmed or inexperienced so much the better. In war however, the

likelihood of either occurring is virtually non-existent. Therefore, techniques should be effective against a variety of weapons -

- whether they be short ones (such as a fighting knife) or a long one (such as a rifle and bayonet), wielded by single or multiple

skilled adversaries.

2. Techniques must be simple and effective. Since combat is a high stress situation, complicated movements are not easily

recalled or performed. Additionally since soldiers operate under physically taxing circumstances (especially fatigue), any

techniques requiring great expenditures of energy (such as high kicks or complicated throwing techniques) must be avoided.

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3. Weapons are not simply extensions of the body. If your hand was 12 inches longer it would still not have the slashing

capability of a knife. Weapons have certain inherent characteristics that must be recognized and dealt with.

4. There is no "one school" of thought in Chinese military knife fighting. -- unless it is, to paraphrase Mao Tse Tung and not

Bruce Lee "absorb what is useful". Certain units may emphasize particular applications, but I have been taught both fighting

and "silent killing" techniques using both forward and reverse grip. For example, Wu Jing training emphasizes defense and

counter. Some of their applications even include the knife as a mechanism for restraint. Military bodyguards follow the general

rule: "draw the knife as a last resort". While the commandos on the other hand view the knife primarily as an offensive

weapon. Their repertoire of skills include its use in "silent killing".

(This ability to use a variety of techniques is also apparent in the tactical shooting skills of the Chinese counter-terrorist unit of

the People's Armed Police. In the West the debate revolves around which stance and "method" of combat shooting is most

effective. In China, I noted that soldiers from this unit were familiar with the complete range of shooting techniques.

Depending upon the circumstance, they adapted the stance, position and method of shooting to the situation at hand.)

5. Combat occurs under adverse conditions. Therefore only battle tested techniques, proven to work are taught and employed.

Besides being at the previously mentioned point of exhaustion, fighting usually occurs in the rain; cold; mud; snow; uneven

terrain; etc. Unproven "academic theory" and fancy techniques such as "flipping" the blade from forward to reverse grip and

vice versa are strictly avoided. (Remember: the hands probably are wet or covered with mud.) Deep stances, while good only

on flat, dry surfaces, or for developing leg strength are often discouraged. Although "traditional" terms such as "horse stance"

or "bow stance" are used, knife combat stances tend to be more shallow and natural than their "classical" relatives. Short low

steps actually allow you more stability and speed in covering distance over rough terrain. (The military bodyguard instructors

that I trained with in Beijing told me that having a background in competitive or performance wu shu would automatically

disqualify you from entering their unit. Additionally, all of these same instructors come to the unit with a minimum

requirement and most often, extensive "street experience".)

When in Doubt, Attack

The primary direction of movement in knife combat is forward. This accomplishes two things:

1. It instills in the soldier an aggressive nature.

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2. It allows you to close distance, move inside the opponent's range and seize the initiative.

The general rule of thumb is "when in doubt, attack". Now having said this it is important to understand that this does not mean

disregarding your opponent completely and blindly charging in. To do so would be both stupid and dangerous. However, by the same

token, side stepping or stepping backwards more often than not causes you to lose any advantage you may have for a successful

counter. To compensate for the fact that distance is sometimes required between you and your opponent, combatants are taught how to

"withdraw" the body -- either through an empty stance; curving the mid- section of the body or; a combination of both. These same

withdrawing techniques can be employed in empty hand defense against a low thrust, often with the addition of a hooking technique

that carries the knife past your body. In both instances, distance is gained without allowing the opponent the opportunity of stepping

in. Additionally, in both instances, the defense is immediately followed by a lethal counter.

Example 1:

An opponent attempts a mid section thrust. Respond by moving into an "empty stance" (i.e. shift weight to back leg and move lead

foot back.) Curve your stomach to create additional distance from his blade to you. Execute a reverse cut to the opponent's arm.

(Figure 1.1.) Immediately step forward and allow your blade to continue forward. The pressure you exert when cutting will cause your

knife to slip around and hook his wrist. (Figure 1.2.) Use your knife and left hand to direct opponent's blade away from your body.

Continue to step in, turn your blade towards your opponent and stab him in the shoulder or neck. (Figure 1.3.)

Use the Knife

Strikes, punches, kicks, trapping, locking, throwing, etc. are all used in conjunction with the knife. They are however, secondary to

actual slashing or thrusting. Since our opponent is (most likely) armed, unnecessarily exposing a limb to a series of rapid cuts and

thrusts is an invitation to disaster. "Checking" when used, virtually always takes the form of a strike. Intent here is to cripple, break or

damage the opponent in some way. At the very least, a sharp strike causes the adversary to pause -- giving you a momentary lapse in

the action in which to deliver your counter. The general rule here is: "if you draw the knife, (lead with) or use the knife".

Developing Strategy and Technique

The most fundamental method of developing strategy and proper technique is through practicing knife combat forms. Many readers

may dismiss this notion claiming that forms are useless patterns of movement that have no relation to actual combat. While that may

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be their experience, it is not the case here. The military knife forms teach proper stance and footwork; timing; correct angles of attack

and defense; multiple or combinations of techniques; positioning of the blade; how to drop your body weight when slashing; how to

disrupt the opponent's center line; etc. All of these skills contribute to your ability to "set the opponent up" and defeat him.

Military knife fighters realize that standing, moving, or engaging the opponent in a certain way will cause him to respond in a manner

that is predictable. Such knowledge of human nature and subconscious physical response makes trapping and defeating your adversary

a much easier task.

Example 1A Example 1B Example 1C

Example 2:

The opponent holds a knife to your throat or under your chin. (Figure 2.1.) Respond by first lifting your chin up and back. (The

pressure he exerts against your chin will cause the knife to move up.) immediately after you move your head, use your knife to hook

his hand and weapon. (Figure 2.2.) As he begins to pull his knife back (either to disengage or attack you again) apply pressure to his

arm-- causing it to collapse. Check his arm with your free hand and stab him in the solar plexus. (Figure 2.3.) (The reaction of him

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being hooked causes the opponent to pull back. This motion couples with your forward motion to actually help you complete your


Example 2A Example 2B Example 2C

Example 3:

Opponent executes a high thrust to the head. Respond by stepping in and using a rising block (with knife in reverse grip) to cut his

arm. Immediately follow this with a vertical punch to the ribs. (Figure 3.1.) The combination of cut and punch should cause him to

drop the knife and lurch his body forward. Regardless of whether the knife drops or not, continue to step in and use a reverse slash to

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cut his neck. (Figure 3.2.) This slash will bring his head down . Now that he is completely off balance, sweep his lead foot, and bring

him to the ground. (Figure 3.3.) From here either deliver a finishing blow or hold him prisoner. (Figure 3.4.)

Example 3A Example 3B Example 3C Example 3D

Sharpen Your Skill But Don't Dull Your Senses

Training does not end with mastery of the forms or in the practice of prearranged applications. Such repetitive drills may sharpen

skills but if practiced in isolation they, more often than not, help dull the senses. Anticipation of what you know is coming (this is the

drill!) can lead the knife fighter to react too soon. Knowing that someone is not trying too hard to hurt you may cause you to be sloppy

and/or complacent. Because the battlefield is the last "testing ground" or more realistically the final "proving ground", much time is

spent "free sparring" putting applications and combinations to work in a relatively unstructured environment. It is through this

progression in training and the clear understanding and application of technique and strategy! that makes the Chinese military knife

fighter "better than we expected".