Download - Childwall CE Primary School Newsletter


Hebrews 13:8 It was lovely to welcome Vicar Andrew into school to lead our worship for our first day on Wednesday. Andrew talked about new beginnings and doing things for the first time, with children from all year groups keen to contribute their own experiences of exciting new opportunities. Linking this to the excitement and possible trepidation of starting a new school year, in a new class, with new teachers, Vicar Andrew reminded us how, despite changes all around us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.”

Year 5 Interview featuring Jess and Dexter

Adam asked Jessica which was her favourite lesson so far. Jess replied, "The science - trying to find materials and their properties via experiments!” They have settled in well and like their teachers. They also like the arithmetic test you do in year 5; the maths is also a bit harder. They enjoyed English when they wrote a story. As they move in to year five, we welcome our new reception children as they start coming in for half days. By Ruby, Millie, Adam and Jacob

Childwall CE Primary School


Issue 1 Friday 6th

September 2019

It has been wonderful to welcome everybody back to school this week and hear from children, staff and families about events of the summer. A very big welcome from all of us at Childwall to new children and families who have joined us, whether in EYFS, at the start of the primary school journey, or joining us from other schools in other classes. We look forward, with God’s grace, to many years of teaching and supporting these and all our children to develop the values and tools which will enable them to thrive and flourish, embracing both success and challenge, prepared for “life in all its fullness.” John 10:10

Highlights of the week Class 3 liked being on the big yard. Class 4 liked drawing and playing with the lego. Class 5 liked writing news reports in English. Class 6 liked counting in 2s and 5s and 10s Class 7 Daily Mile Class 8 making ‘All About Me’ cogs Class 9 they loved the ROAR lesson Class 10 writing about The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Class 11 science experiments Class 12 seeing friends after the holidays Class 13 going back to school into year 6 Class 14 making our class charter by Ruby, Millie, Jacob and Adam, C 14

Community Links: ***Casting call information: BBC1's hit show 'Eat Well For Less?' is BACK and looking for households to take part! Eat Well For Less? is on the hunt for families / households looking to save money on their food shop! Is the cost of your weekly food shop spiralling out of control? Perhaps you're desperate to save but under pressure to keep providing the household favourites? Or do your health requirements affect your diet? Are you in need of some new inspiration? Maybe you need help adjusting to a new financial situation? Or are you just bored of buying and cooking the same foods every week? ... Masterchef's Gregg Wallace & award winning grocer Chris Bavin are on a mission to prove that it is possible for families to save money on their food budget without scrimping on taste and nutrition. They hope that by analysing the shopping habits of UK families, they can help to show where we can source the best and cheapest quality food. We’re currently on the hunt for families / households to take part in our new series – so get in touch with the team TODAY! Email: [email protected] or Call: 0117 970 7682

Food Bank Last school year we began to support a local food bank all year round to help our children gain an understanding of the need for commitment to long-term projects which rely on community donations of time and money. We are very fortunate to have such generous families and staff within our school community as is shown by your tremendous support in our various charity collections and by contributions of items for our food bank. If you are able, at any time, to send in tinned food, jars of cooking sauces and dried food such as rice or pasta whenever you can, this will be taken to the food bank every few weeks. One tin or packet will be more than sufficient on any occasion and you can be assured that it will be going to support an excellent cause. Please don’t feel under any individual pressure to donate at any time; our aim is for the children to see us coming together as a school family and committing collectively. Items can be sent in to school on any day for the children to add to the collection basket in the foyer. Many thanks for your continuing support as always.

PTFA – AGM Tuesday 24th September 2019 - 4pm We have been extremely fortunate in our school for many, many years to have had a committed core of volunteers who have served the school through their involvement in the PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends Association). I wrote in a recent newsletter, during the summer term, that it had been recognised that there are not enough committee members, either to organise and run events, or to meet the requirements of the PTFA’s constitution which states a minimum number of members and committee members required. As a consequence, we had to reluctantly cancel plans for PTFA events in the summer term, including the Summer Fair and the Parents’ Inter-Class Football Tournament which was such a popular event last year. PTFA plays a hugely important role in school in terms of fundraising and organisation of events. In recent years, PTFA have funded the transport and entry costs for the entire school to visit The Terracotta Warriors; bought play equipment, including large fixed play apparatus for lunchtimes and playtimes; funded advice booklets for parents and carers about Bullying; funded ‘B Tales’ Drama Productions for the children, and many more experiences, resources and opportunities……. In addition to the fundraising aspect, PTFA organise and lead a number of enjoyable events for children, including ‘Breakfast with Santa’, Christmas Discos and ‘The Great Pancake Toss’. We are holding the PTFA Annual General Meeting in the school hall on Tuesday 24

th September at 4pm.

All parents, carers and teachers in school are automatically members of the PTFA; membership can be extended to any adult with a connection to school through children either currently or previously at the school (e.g. Grandparents or previous parents/carers). From this membership body, it is required to have a committee of at least 14 people; clearly the more active members there are, the less each individual is required to do! If you would like to be involved, in however small a way, please try to come to the AGM. Don’t be concerned that too much will be asked of you; nobody is ever required or pressurised to take on a role or task against their will and each tiny contribution of time or ideas is hugely valuable! Even if you only feel that you are able to attend the AGM, your presence there to vote-in committee members would be greatly appreciated. If you can’t attend, but would like to be involved in future PTFA activities, please e-mail to let me know. Finally, can I say an enormous thank you, on behalf of all of the children, to all who have contributed their time and efforts to our PTFA, both recently and in the past and I very much hope that we can now move forwards with renewed enthusiasm and dedication from many– thank you!

National Parents and Carers Conference: Special Educational Needs and Mental Health We are delighted to inform you about the first Partnership

National SEND Conference for Parents and Carers to be

held on Saturday 5th October at the Liverpool waterfront

ACC Conference & Exhibition Centre. Included in the

conference will be speakers in education and health from

across the UK, Dr Ned Hallowell from Boston USA, Lou

Brown of ‘Thriving with ADHD’ from Perth, Australia and

renowned doctors, nurses, teachers and psychologists

who will offer interactive workshops and seminars

throughout the day. The cost for the conference is £10.

To book your place, please click on the following link:


‘Kind to Teeth’ Event We are delighted to have been offered the opportunity to host this free event at our school on Friday 20

th September.

Parents/carers/grandparents are all welcome to come along any time between 9.15am and 12noon for information and freebie food samples. In addition, we have been offered free health checks with a nurse and/or a free short massage. Please e-mail me if you are interested in attending the event to give us an idea of expected numbers. If you would like a health MOT and/or a massage, I will allocate a time slot.

In ‘Votes for Schools’ this week, the debate centred around what it would be like to be a professional sportsperson. We considered the characteristics that children felt were necessary to succeed at a high level in sport, with children making suggestions such as perseverance, resilience and commitment and we related these to our own ‘Thrive in 5’ programme and the values and characteristics that we aspire towards in our daily life in school. We discussed some of the positive aspects of being a sportsperson – opportunities to travel; relationships with teammates; being strong and healthy – and some of the potential negative aspects – effects of injury; feeling frustrated with own performance; impact of mistakes on team and how others might respond. Our older children went on to discuss how, in many cases, sportspeople might be considered to have a responsibility as a role model to others and the importance of having a positive impact. They then considered a small number of ‘problem page’ scenarios where sportspeople wrote of their concerns relating to fear of letting people down; how others had responded to a missed goal; and how training was impacting on other aspects of their life. As a school with so many children who compete in various sports events, this was an excellent opportunity for children to consider the role we all have, whether actually competing, or as supporters, to always act in a way that reflects our Christian values of compassion, friendship, forgiveness and thankfulness. Voting on the question, “Do we expect too

much from sportspeople?” led to 56% of our children voting Yes, slightly less than the national figure of 64%.

Chill Kidz is 1!

Welcome back! We hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer. We have enjoyed listening to the many stories the children have told us this week about their adventures during the holidays. We would also like to welcome all our new children and parents and look forward to meeting many of you at Chill Kidz during the course of this term.

Marvellous Me During September, we have a range of activities planned that celebrate our own individuality and personalities. This is a great way to learn all about our new EYFS children and find out how much our older children have changed since last year. We are particularly looking forward to making self-portraits of ourselves using biscuits and icing!

This week we celebrate our first birthday! What a wonderful year it has been. We would like to thank all our children and parents for making Chill Kidz such a fun place to be.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Bread rolls with

cheese or ham

Sausage wraps

Pitta bread with a

selection of dips, carrot

and cucumber


Pasta with cheese or


Hot chicken


Menu week commencing 9th

September 2019

We’ve got off to a fabulous start with attendance this week and I’m delighted to say that 5 classes have 100% attendance.

Our menu for this week is: Monday – Pizza Selection with Herb Diced Potatoes & Vegetables Tuesday – Minced Beef Garlic Crust or Vegetable Stir Fry with Creamed Potatoes & Vegetables Wednesday – Meatballs in Tomato Sauce with Pasta or Garden Lasagne with Garlic Bread with Vegetables Thursday – Roast Dinner or Veg Power Pasta Bake with Roast Potatoes & Vegetables Friday – Fishy Friday or Fishy Frittata with Oven Baked Chips & Beans Every Day: If children prefer, we also have a selection of sandwiches, hot baguettes, pasta pots, wraps and jacket potatoes available daily. The salad trolley and sliced bread are also available each day, in addition to the selected meal. Children are very welcome to try a small amount of ‘something new’ alongside what they have chosen to try to encourage them to be ‘more adventurous’ in their food choices. Desserts this week include Ice Cream Roll, Iced Topped Cake, Chocolate Mousse, Toffee Apple Flapjack, Gingerbread Cookie, Ice Cream, Yoghurt and Fresh Fruit.

A reminder of the options for school dinners: 1. Packed Lunch for Junior Children 2. Packed Lunch with Fishy Friday for Junior Children 3. School Dinner Once you have selected an option, this will need to remain the option for the remainder of the half term. This ensures that our kitchen staff are able to order and prepare the correct number of school meals. The cost of a school dinner is £2.00 per day and must be paid for weekly in advance. All infant children receive a Universal Free School Meal.

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Class 5

Class 6

Class 7

Class 8

Class 9

Class 10

Class 11

Class 12

Class 13

Class 14

100% 96.7% 100% 100% 98.9% 98.9% 96.9% 100% 100% 94.4% 95.4% 99%

Any new dates added will have *new* to make them easily identifiable; we hope this helps.

Tuesday 17th September Year 6 History trip to Museum of Liverpool *new*

Wednesday 18th

September ‘Can Do Again’ project begins with Childwall Abbey School *new*

Thursday 19th September Reception 2020 Open Afternoon 2-3pm and 5-6pm *new*

Friday 20th September Free Health Awareness Event “Save Kids From Sugar” Drop in 9.15-12noon *new*

Tuesday 24th September PTFA AGM – All Welcome – 4pm

Friday 27th September Debate group to St Silas to discuss faith experience

Wednesday 2nd

October School Photographs – Individual & Siblings

Thursday 3rd

October Y6 Height & Weight checks – School Nurse *new*

Monday 7th

October Book Bus in school

Friday 25th October Finish for Half Term

Monday 4th

November Back to School

Friday 8th November Maths Trails at Hope University *new*

Friday 8th November B Tales Anti-Bullying Programme KS2 *new*

Thursday 5th

December Action for Children Concert – Anglican Cathedral – choir *new*

Thursday 12th December Year 1 and 2 Nativity 2.30pm *new*

Friday 13th December Year 1 and 2 Nativity 2.30pm *new*

Friday 20th December Finish for Christmas 1.30pm