Download - Children of the Sun RPG Demo Kit

Page 1: Children of the Sun RPG Demo Kit

Children of the Sun™ Quickstart Kit 1.1All content Copyright 2002 Misguided Games, Inc. Children of the Sun is a trademark of Misguided Games, Inc.

Welcome! Thank you for downloading the quickstart demo kit for Children of the Sun (CotS) role-playing game. This

packet includes an overview of the CotS game world, a simplified set of rules, and a complete adventure, including characters.

CotS is a 352 page book; this is by no means the full game, but we hope it is enough to give you the flavor of the system and

setting. Many of the details and special cases have been glossed over to make it is as easy as possible for your group to give the

game a try and decide if you like it.

If you have comments or questions about this document, or suggestions to make it better, please drop by our forum at or email me at [email protected]


Lewis Pollak, President -- Misguided Games, Inc.

Setting OverviewDieselpunk 2

Krace 2

Green Sheath 2

Races 2

System OverviewAttributes and Tests 3

Skills 4

Culture and Occupational Skills 4

Social Interaction 4


Initiative, Movement, Multiple Actions 5

Summary of Equations 5

Melee 5

Unarmed 6

Thrown, Missile, and Ballistic 6

Wounds, Unconsciousness, and Death 7

Magic 7

Tokens 8

Trouble in TiltonAdventure 9

Token and Magic Point Use Summary Sheet 16

Character Sheets 17

Character Notes 33

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DieselpunkChildren of the Sun is what we call dieselpunk fantasy. Dieselpunk is an amalgam of golden age fantasy and technology

meshed to create a pulp fantasy adventure setting. Dieselpunk means a world where: giant radio towers and skyscrapers tower

over large cities; knights in chainmail wield swords, and sometimes guns; arcane airships soar above the landscape and fight off

air pirates with cannons; elite law enforcement officers patrol city streets on motorcycles; and horrific creatures lurk underneath

the very ground you stand on.

You can play up the pulp action and technology aspects and have a very high adventure setting, or easily tone them down and

play a more traditional high fantasy style of game. Similarly, you can keep the tone relatively light, or go for a more horrific style

of game.

KraceThe island of Krace is the central focus of CotS and where Trouble in Tilton takes place. The island is ringed with mountains

around the outside. The interior of the island is dominated by the massive 2000-foot tall Culhainne trees. These trees give off

tremendous branches that twine together with branches from other trees nearby to create a stable, nearly solid surface 2000 feet

above sea level, that Kracians think of as "ground". While some of the largest cities are located in the mountains, many cities are

located on the cut trunks of Culhainne trees or simply on these branches.

Fresh water is available from special plants that tap into vascular system of the Culhainne trees. The major crops, fruits and

mushrooms, grow underground and are harvested from hazardous tunnels by orchard miners. Electrical power is available in

larger cities and some towns, provided by arcane generators.

Green Sheath"Green Sheath" is the name given to the upper surface of Krace provided by the Culhainne trees. The ground is mostly solid,

but very uneven and rough. There are many cracks and openings in most areas, so standing water is rare. Openings large enough

for a person to enter, or something far more hideous to come out of, are not uncommon. While the cities may be relatively

civilized, life out on the Sheath is like any other wilderness area. There are many dangers and it is best to stay on your toes. It is

worth noting that Culhainne wood is extremely hard and durable, and is also quite resistant to fire.

The area known as the Sheath has been cleared of most of the trees growing above the surface. However, there is a much

larger concentration of these in the center of the island, creating a forest above the forest. The areas of moderate density are

referred to as "low growth". There are two "old growth" forests, which are so dense, that journeying through them is akin to

exploring caves.

Trouble in Tilton takes place in a Culhainne logging camp on the edge of the low growth. This area has the feel of a pioneer

town from the American West. Buildings are made of Culhainne. Electrical power is supplied by small generators. It is not at all

unusual for people to walk about armed.



The Banfilidh are magical plant creatures. Their appearance varies tremendously, from small versions of other races to half-

animal to walking sticks. Most live among large tribes. Each tribe has a Singer that leads them and helps them care for their

lands. Banfilidh tale on features of the land around them, so those that are closer to cities tend to have more Human or Elven

features. As plants, their physiology is drastically different from the other races. They have no genetic material, nor do they



Pointy ears, but forget the rest. To say that Elves are disliked is an understatement. The Elves, on the whole, are despised by

the other races. Certain among their number launched a campaign of ethnic cleansing from the nation of Lysirial 150 years ago.

While this may seems like a long time, the Elves are long-lived, so the pain remains fresh in the minds of many. The hatred is far

from universal. Krace is actually relatively tolerant, and King Aetheri, an Elf, is well-loved.

Hu Lenkra

Hu Lenkra are part bigfoot, part Viking. The Hu Lenkra, or Hu'Kra for short, used to survive by raiding other nations. In

more recent times they live in relative harmony with the other races. They are no taller than Humans on average, but physically

imposing nevertheless. They are a proud and boisterous people, with a love for telling tales and contests of all sorts.

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In some ways the spiritual opposite of the Elves, Humans are a rugged, adaptive people. They can survive and flourish in

remarkably adverse conditions. Humans are also known for their facility with arcane engineering.


These turtles have what seems to be a barely civilized society to outsiders. They live in small villages and don't seem

concerned with modern conveniences. Though small, and generally peaceful, they can be fierce when provoked. having a shell

to protect them in combat doesn't hurt, either.

There are several races that do not feature prominently in this demo adventure. We thought they were worth mentioning



These leonine creatures were driven into underground vaults thousands of years ago. They still tend to distrust the other

races. They are known for their ability to detect nearby movement with their whiskers.


The Luparathi are not universally regarded as sentient. These wolf-like beings are often treated as animals. Still many are

able to live among the rest of society, using their physical gifts to earn a living doing manual labor.


The Jhe live beneath the ocean waves, their gill-cloaks billowing behind them and allowing them to draw oxygen from the

water. Jhe society is militaristic. They function on land just fine, provided they are supplied with water.

Attributes and TestsAttributes in CotS have a die type (d4, d6, etc.) that represents potential, and a number of dice that measures consistency in

achieving that potential. If a character or creature has d4-2 as their die type, then subtract 2 from the result after rolling the dice

(treat any result less than zero as simply zero). Die rolls in CotS are open-ended/climbing/exploding. This means that if the

largest possible value is rolled on a die, the die is rolled again and added to the previous total until a different value is rolled.

For instance, if a 6 is rolled on a 6-sided die, the 6 is rolled again. If another 6 were rolled, the die would be rolled a third

time. If the third roll was a 4, the result would be 6 + 6 + 4 = 16.


Strength - Sheer physical power; determines damage in melee

Agility - Physical dexterity and speed; gives an advantage in melee

Vigor - Stamina and endurance, resistance to injury; resists physical maladies, unconsciousness, etc.

Focus - Intellect; important in casting techniques (spells) on others

Perception - Physical senses, ability to notice change or summarize quickly; determines initiative

Discipline - Willpower or mental toughness; Resists magical attacks

Charm - Convince others through flattery or trickery

Leadership - Convince others through rational thought

Ferocity - Convince others through intimidation or fear

Quality Test; denoted Q(Attribute)This is the fundamental test in Children of the Sun, and is by far the most common. The other two test types are special cases

of the Q test. For a Quality test, roll all dice for an attribute and keep only the largest result. remember that the dice are open-

ended. If Q(3d4) is required, and the result is 2,3,4 then the 4 is re-rolled producing a 2, the roll is 2,3,6. The final result is the

largest value, in this case, 6. A Quality test is a success if the result is equal to or greater than the target.

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Resistance Test; denoted R(Attribute)

A Resistance test is usually needed when someone casts a technique on you. This is the same as a Quality test, except that all

dice that are equal or greater than the target are counted as successes. For the above die roll (2,3,6), if the target were three there

would be two successes. If the target were 6 there would be one success. if the target were 8, there would be no successes.

Peril Test; denoted P(Attribute)

Peril tests are needed only rarely. Usually, this indicates something pretty nasty is about to happen. A Peril test differs from

Q and R tests in two important ways:

Two dice are always rolled, regardless of how many attribute dice there are, or even if there are none available.

Rolling equal to the target or lower is a failure.

When making a P test, count the number of failures. The problem which necessitated this test will indicate what happens

depending on how many dice fail.

SkillsSkills have a rank associated with them. The rank is added to the result of a Quality test when a skill check is made. That is,

the basic formula for a skill check is Q(Attribute) + Rank of an appropriate skill. Like a Quality test, the skill test is successful if

the total is equal to or greater than the target. Note that there is a loose relationship between particular skills and the Attribute

used. For instance the skill Swimming might be used with Strength, Agility, or one of the others, depending on circumstances.

The GM decides which attribute is relevant. A player may make a case for a particular attribute or skill.

Culture and Occupational SkillsCulture and Occupational skills are a little different. They don't give a character the ability to do anything, but instead

represent their knowledge base. For instance, a character with Occupation (Soldier) still needs a separate skill to be able to fight,

but this skill reflects their standing in their unit, knowledge of how the unit works, etc. Similarly, a character with Culture

(Krace) knows what common folk living in Krace would know.

When you need to determine if a character would know something and prefer to leave it to a random die roll, then the

percentage chance that the character knows something is based on their rank in a relevant Culture or Occupational skill times one

of the numbers in the following chart, based on how obscure the information is for someone with the skill:

Common Knowledge Rank x 25%

Uncommon Knowledge Rank x 15%

Obscure Knowledge Rank x 5%

Social InteractionWhen one person is trying to convince another (non-PC) of something, the GM may simply decide the outcome based on

role-playing. The following procedure may also be used:

1) Player makes statement in character; GM decides which social attribute is most relevant

2) Modify the speaker's attribute dice for Appearance or situational factors

If using Charm, add Appearance. If using Ferocity, subtract Appearance.

Situational factors typically modify the number of dice by a die or two.

Trying to be Ferocious with a duck on your head might give a -2.

Telling a harrowing tale while covered in filth and blood might give +1 or +2.

If the number of dice would be reduced to zero, reduce the die type instead.

3) Speaker and target roll Q(Attribute), adding a relevant skill if applicable and compare results.

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Initiative, Movement, and Multiple ActionsTurn order is decided at the start of each round by rolling Q(Perception). Use Q(Agility) to resolve ties.

Characters roll Q(Agility) to determine how many movement points they receive that round. If a character has no Agility

dice, they receive a single point. Each point translates to a number of yards based on movement rate as follows:

Cautious .5

Slow 1

Standard 2

Run 4

Sprint 8

When a character takes their turn, they may do more than one thing. Multiple actions incur penalties. The first task

undertaken has no penalty. The second and each additional task incurs a cumulative -1 die penalty. A character can not perform

a task for which they have no dice in the relevant attribute (the penalties apply to the test to attempt the task only, not any effect

test that might also be made, e.g. when attacking someone, they apply to Agility but not to Strength).

The first time a character begins movement, do not count this in the task total. If they stop, then begin to move again, this

does count. If you run to a wall, climb up, then hop down the other side, there is no penalty for the move, no penalty to climb

(task 1), and a -1 penalty to hop down (task 2). These penalties end once your turn expires.

Combat SummaryThis table is reprinted on the character sheets

Combat Advantage (CA) Damage Calculation

Melee/Counter Q(Agility) + Q(Weapon) + Skill Q(Strength) + Q(Weapon) + Combat Advantage

Thrown Q(Agility) + Skill Q(Strength) + Q(Weapon) + Combat Advantage

Bows/Guns Q(Perception) + Skill Q(Weapon)*Damage Factor + CA

Active Defense Q(Agility) + Q(Weapon) + Melee*3

Passive Defense Q(Weapon) + Melee

Dodge Q(Agility)(*2 if running) + Dodge

Melee CombatMelee combat is treated as an exchange of blows, not a single swing of a blade. When an individual is attacked, they choose

if they want to counter attack, actively defend, or dodge. In some cases (such as no Agility dice), they may be able to do none of

these and passively defend instead. If a target can not protect themselves, they are defenseless.

Note that because melee is an exchange, you may not attack the same target in melee more than once during your turn. You

may attack multiple targets; each attack is a separate action/task. When it is your opponent's turn they may attack you even if you

have attacked them that round. You may then counter attack if you wish.

Combat Advantage

Combat Advantage (CA) reflects which combatant gets the upper hand in an exchange. Use the formula above. Combatants

subtract their opponent's result from their own. A positive result in excess of the character's melee skill is reduced. That is, if a

characters CA is 5, but their skill is only 3, they reduce their CA to 3. A negative CA does not generally indicate a miss. Both

parties may do damage.

Counter Attack

A counter is identical to an attack. Must have a weapon.

Active Defense

An attempt to reduce damage, not effective if you are unskilled. Must have a weapon.

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Attempting to avoid damage by moving aside. If your opponent's CA is negative, they do no damage.

Passive Defense

Not considered a task for calculating multiple action penalties. Must have a weapon.

Defenseless Targets

If you are defenseless, treat your melee result as 0, and your opponent's maximum CA equals their melee skill rank times



Reduce damage suffered by Q(Armor) if appropriate.

Unarmed CombatUnarmed Combat is similar to standard melee, but there are no Q(Weapon) rolls and Unarmed Combat skill is substituted for

Weapon Use, Melee. More elaborate rules are included in the CotS rulebook on page 157. If using a weapon against an unarmed

opponent, the attacker's maximum CA = 2 x their melee rank.

Thrown/Missile/Ballistic CombatUnlike melee combat, Missile combat of all forms is not an opposed test, that is, shooting someone is not affected by their

skill with a weapon. Instead, a target number is based on their size and distance. The base target number may be obtained from:

Size Category Example Target

1 Tiny (Fist-sized) 14

2 Little (Banfilidh) 12

3 Stunted (Avendera, Thorqua) 10

4 Man-Sized (Elf, Hu Lenkra, Human, Zheol-Jhe) 8

5 Large (Luparim) 6

6 Huge 4

7 Behemoth 2

Range FactorDivide the distance to the target in yards by the weapon's range factor and round down. Add this value to the target number.

Additional Modifiers to Target Number

Target Behind Partial Cover +1 Light, +3 Medium, +5 Heavy

Target Lying Down +4

Target in a Crowd Treat as partial cover based on how clear the shot is

Target Movement (Linear and Steady) +1 Walking, +2 Running, +3 Sprinting

Target Movement (Erratic) +3 Walking, +5 Running, +7 Sprinting

Shooter Only Partially Aims +4

Penalties to Shooter's Attribute Dice

Darkness Varies by Race

Shooter Movement -2 dice Walking, -4 dice Running, -8 dice Sprinting


Aiming is a separate task from shooting and is required before each shot. You may aim in one turn then fire in the next,

provided nothing else is done in between.

ReloadingFor demo purposes, all guns and bows take two tasks to reload one shot.

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Dodge and Throw/Shoot

With a single task a character may dodge and throw a weapon or shoot. Subtract 2 dice from both task attempts. Melee

opponents get a free attack (no token required).

Wounds, Unconsciousness, and DeathStrain is temporary. Q(1dVigor) is recovered per minute of rest, two minutes while standing or walking leisurely, etc.

Healing strain has no effect on wounds. Wounds are incurred when current damage equals or exceeds the strain limit. At this

point the number of wounds increases by one and strain is reset to zero. Each wound after the first reduces all attributes by one

die (1 wound = no penalty, 2 wounds = -1 die to all attributes, 3 wounds = -2 dice, etc.).

Characters are knocked out if they suffer twice their strain limit in one blow. Duration in rounds is damage - 2 x strain limit.

Unconsciousness also occurs if the current number of wounds equals or exceeds the character's Vigor dice.

Death occurs when Vigor, Discipline, and Tendency (one of the social attributes) are reduced to zero dice.

MagicAll player characters in Children of the Sun can use magic. There are many different kinds of magical techniques for

different kinds of characters. Magic points can be used to augment techniques in various ways, and for other purposes. Please

see the summary sheet with uses for magic points and tokens. Note that magic points can be used at any time to increase the

attribute dice received for an individual roll. Magic points that are not maintaining a technique replenish at the end of every

round. Magic points do not accrue if they are not used. Outside of combat, magic points replenish at a rate of one per hour.

TechniquesThe base cost in magic points is the technique rank. Additional magic points can increase range, duration, area, duration, and

Effect (see the sheet with uses for magic points and tokens). To cast a technique, decide if any extra magic points will be used,

spend the points, make the required tests based on the type of target (see below), then roll Q(Effect) if applicable.


Self: These require no die rolls.

Other: Contested Q(Focus) then R(Discipline)

The caster rolls Q(Focus), which is the difficulty for both of the target's rolls. If the target's Q(Focus) is successful,

the technique fails. Each success from the R test reduces the Effect dice by one. If Effect is reduced to zero, the

technique fails.

Environment: R(Discipline) + Magic Point buyoff

The R test is identical to above (the target is the caster's Q(Focus)). Tell targets if any Effect dice remain; they may

then reduce the number of Effect dice by one per magic point spent. If Effect is reduced to zero, the technique fails

to affect that person. Depending on the R tests there may be a different number of Effect dice for different targets.


Durations are measured from the start of the round after a technique begins. Techniques may be canceled at any time, and

they will expire at the end of the round.

Instantaneous: Here and gone. may have lasting secondary effects.

Concentration: Caster may only maintain one of these at a time. If they are wounded, they must spend an additional magic

point or the technique ends. Magic Points remain in use until the technique ends.

Indefinite: Lasts as long as the caster likes. Magic Points remain in use until the technique ends.

Dodge and Cast

With a single task a character may dodge and cast a technique. Subtract 2 dice from both task attempts. Otherwise a caster is

defenseless. If a character suffers a wound while casting a technique, they must spend an additional magic point or the technique

fails. Melee opponents get a free attack (no token required).

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TokensTokens are a vital part of CotS, and the full system is called the Token System. Each player (and the GM) gets one token

each round. it is best if they are distinct from one another. They do not accumulate across rounds.

Initiate CombatIn a non-combat situation, a player can throw out a token at anytime and combat begins immediately. For that round only,

the initiative order is the order in which tokens are thrown out. Also, in the first round only, a character may only take their

regular turn in the initiative order OR use an interrupt (see below).

SupportCharacters may spend a token to get a one or two die bonus for another character. They should say how they are helping.

Verbal encouragement is sufficient. The GM is encouraged to be a bit lenient and allow creativity here.


Interrupts are like taking an extra turn, but with the express intent of preventing an action. A valid interrupt must attempt to

stop someone else from doing something. For instance, don't use an interrupt to counterattack someone, you can do that without

an interrupt. You COULD use an interrupt to draw a weapon before they attack or dive behind a wall before someone shoots you.

To make an interrupt, throw out your token when the task you want to prevent is announced. These are like any other turn

except that penalties to tasks start at -1 die for the first task and increase by 2 dice for each additional task (-3 for the second task).

These penalties last until the turn of the person interrupted is over.

The GM must decide what effect, if any, these have on the original action that was interrupted. The person interrupted may

change what they are doing, but count all declared actions when considering penalties, whether or not they were performed.

Interrupts may themselves be interrupted, but this can get tricky in a hurry, and it may be best to avoid that for now. If you

wish to try, resolve interrupts in reverse order of declaration. That is, resolve the interrupt of an interrupt before the initial

interrupt itself.

If multiple persons wish to interrupt a single action, they must declare such intent when the task is announced. They may not

wait for the outcome of an interrupt to decide. In this instance, resolve the interrupts in the order played. If one prevents the

intended action, the remaining characters trying to interrupt have lose their tokens for the remainder of the round.

In general, save interrupts for those times when you desperately need to do something, but it isn't your turn.

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Trouble in TiltonAfter their ship crashes in the forest, the characters are asked to investigate the disappearance of a number of Banfilidh from

the sleepy lumber town of Tilton. Time is of the essence, for the leader of the Banfilidh tribe, their Singer, grows impatient.

Note that this is an event based adventure. The precise locations are not mapped out relative to each other. Thus, you could

have the party hit Event 2 regardless of where they go. Use this flexibility to your advantage if the group gets sidetracked. We

hope the adventure is very straightforward for you. Once you get started with the adventure proper, it should take you perhaps

two hours to run.

The Story so FarThe party set sail from Echoton to Kracia on the airship “Reliant.” All party members have their own reasons for travel. En-

route the Reliant goes down at the edge of the old growth forest during a terrible storm. Captain Harris (male human captain) and

Chief Engineer Duncan (male human arcane engineer) both die in the crash. Characters aboard ship that are chosen by players

also survive unscathed. If Eru is not chosen by one of the players, she could be used as an NPC, because her healing skills will be

useful. Otherwise, if Arahi is in the party, you can have him on his way to find Eru instead, as noted on Arahi's sheet.

The Reliant

The “Reliant” is a small ship with a crew of three. It is a converted seafaring vessel. It can carry up to twelve passengers and

two tons of cargo. The ship receives little damage in the crash, but the power plant is damaged beyond the party’s ability to


Location Overview: TiltonTilton is a small logging community that processes trees from the nearby forest. Most of the population lives in small huts or

even tents. Nearby there is an arcane mill used to make lumber. The lumber is transported via a large air barge that come every

two weeks. The next stop is over a week away.

There are a number of Luparathi laborers mostly kept in line by Borak the foreman (remember that Luparathi are not

considered a truly intelligent race by many and are often treated as animals).

Tilton is also occupied by a number of other laborers and support persons (laundry, cooking, etc.)

The Town Council

Chelis the Human Chief Accountant: Keeps production records and tends to payroll. Chelis is a pencil pusher and will be of

little use, except for complaining about what all of this mess with the Banfilidh is costing the camp.

Hadrick the Human Chief Engineer: Hadrick tends to all of the arcane machinery used to run the town of Tilton. He can

examine the Reliant and determine that he can fix it within a few days. Once the investigation begins, his attention will be on

fixing the ship.

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Borak (HuLenkra Foreman)

Borak keeps the laborers in line by using his bulk and skills as a grappler. He is very concerned about the unrest between the

camp and the Banfilidh Singer. In combat, Borak wields a long axe, which does Q(2d4) damage with one hand, or Q(2d6)

damage with two hands.

Strength 2d10 Focus 2d4-2 Charm 2d4-2

Agility 2d6 Perception 2d4 Leadership 2d6

Vigor 2d10 Discipline 2d4 Ferocity 3d10

Notable skills:

Occupation (Logger) 4 Tracking 2 Pillar (Energy) 1

Unarmed Combat 4 Demolitions 3 Pillar (War) 1

Weapon Use, Melee 3 Climbing 3

Dodge 3 Magic Points 1

Ignore Pain

HuLenkra may also ignore pain. This allows them to ignore penalties from wounds until their vigor reaches zero dice.

Awesome Aspect (Energy/War)

The recipient gains an aura of power and violence. Enemies intending to engage them in combat must make a successful

Q(Ferocity) test versus Q(Effect) or take a different course of action, though it will not deter them from fighting if attacked or


Rank Target Area Range Duration Effect Resist

1 Self/Other 1 Creature Touch 1 minute 2d4 0

Seppida (Banfilidh Forester)

Seppida's job is to act as a liaison between the local Banfilidh and the logging operation at Tilton. When the Singer gets

angry BAD things can happen. She resembles a small child with bark for skin and long, green vine-like hair. Seppida is afraid of

what might happen to the camp if the Singer is not appeased soon. Seppida carries a throwing axe (she has to throw it with both

hands Q(3d4)) and several throwing knives Q(2d4-2). Both have a range factor of 2.

Note: Seppida is a great NPC to show off the combat system a little bit. This character was used as a PC during a playtest

session. The person running her used her leaping ability to get away from an oncoming attacker by leaping backward, then cast

Nails and Teeth, then charged forward into combat, then attacked, all in one turn. Players accustomed to other types of games

may not realize they have more flexibility.

Strength 1d4 Focus 1d6 Charm 1d6

Agility 3d10 Perception 2d6 Leadership 1d4

Vigor 2d8 Discipline 1d6 Ferocity 1d4

Notable skills:

Unarmed Combat 1 Climbing 3 Pillar (Body) 1

Weapon use, Thrown 3 Tracking 3 Pillar (Alteration) 1

Dodge 2 Stealth 3

Acrobatics 2 Trap Design 3 Magic Points 1

Persuasion 1

Diplomacy 1

Holistic Medicine 3


Banfilidh are very flexible, making them difficult to tie up. They can squeeze through openings as small as 6 inches in



Filida can see under low light conditions much better than Humans and are able to see twice as far using any source of

illumination. In darkness they retain up to four dice of Perception

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Normal healing means, both magical and mundane, do not affect Banfilidh. Those that heal plants, do. Seppida can use

Holistic medicine to collect herbs that will heal her.

Lack Internal Structure

Banfilidh have no internal organs, so can not bleed to death, have concussions, etc.


Leaper Banfilidh may Leap as per the rank one technique Leap once per turn or interrupt. Each Leap costs one movement

point to execute, and covers a maximum distance of Q(Agility) yards. Other types of Banfilidh have the ability to run very

quickly or glide through the air.


Filida can speak with any other being within line of sight without those in the interim hearing anything. This ability does not

function in winds above 20 miles per hour or through barriers.

Toughen Skin (Body/Allteration)

When Toughen Skin is used, the caster's skin thickens and toughens. The effect is slightly disconcerting and the caster's

Charm is reduced by one die per die of Effect when trying to influence others. Toughen Skin absorbs Q(Effect) damage from

all blows unless wearing armor, in which case it simply adds one to the quality dice of the armor.

Rank Target Area Range Duration Effect Resist

1 Self Self 0 3 minutes 1d6 NA

Nails and Teeth (Body/Alteration)

The caster must touch the target, who grows ripping talons and savage fangs. Substitute Q(Effect) for Q(Weapon). These

may be used to attack with the Unarmed Combat skill or with Weapon Use, Melee (divide rank by 2).

Rank Target Area Range Duration Effect Resist

1 Self/Other 1 Creature Touch 1 minute 1d4 0

Banfilidh Sector

The logging camp employs a number of Banfilidh workers. Although they could easily sleep in the woods, some choose to

spend time closer to the other loggers. They are provided with some tiny huts to use. This is the location of the most recent

disappearances a couple of days ago.

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Event 1 The Banfilidh SectorThrough the driving rain, as the survivors compose themselves and survey the ship, an approaching lantern is spotted. This is

Borak, the head foreman of the local logging community, investigating the crash. After shouting explanations back and forth

through the howling winds, Borak leads the party back to town where they are taken to meet with the council inside a tent. They

are told about the disappearance of some local Banfilidh including several from the Banfilidh Sector of the camp just days ago.

The council suspects foul play but are ill equipped to handle the situation. They fear that the Singer (Banfilidh chieftain) may get

angry and retaliate against the loggers if answers aren't found quickly. The council offers to have Hadrick and his crew repair the

Reliant if the party will look into this problem on their behalf.

In the Banfilidh Sector, if investigating the exterior of the huts, a Q(Perception) test result of 5 or better will reveal some

scratches on one of the huts about a foot off the ground. They appear to be too big to have been made by a Banfilidh.

Item: Claw

Sticking out from the hollow of a nearby tree is a hand. Have everyone nearby make a Q(Perception) test and have those

with the highest totals notice the hand.

If picked up, this claw latches onto the wrist of whomever grabs it. It can be removed by making a contested Q(Strength) test

versus the claw's Strength of 1d4. At first glance, this hand first looks to be from a Banfilidh, but closer inspection reveals that it

is manufactured. Pins in the joints and the uniformity of the surface reveal this to be a fake.


Nearby where the claw is found, drag marks and broken twigs lead into the woods. These are easy to spot.


This section should be kept as brief as possible. The clues are all easily found. It’s a chance to make a few Quality tests,

which will get the players ready for the next encounter. Allow the players to absorb a little atmosphere then move them along to

encounter two. If the party starts to sidetrack at any point in the adventure, you can have the hand reanimate and head off in the

direction you want them to go.

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Event 2 Hey, That's MineThis encounter takes place in the woods not far from Tilton.

While following tracks in the forest, the party is set upon by a group of strange abominations. One is missing a claw. Tracks

in the underbrush will lead the party to a cave.

Minor Abomination

Strength 2d4 Focus 1d4 Charm 1d4

Agility 2d6 Perception 2d4 Leadership 1d4

Vigor 1d4 Discipline 1d4-2 Ferocity 1d6

Little (2) Strain Limit 6

Magic Points None

Bite 1d4 Unarmed Combat 1

Claw 2d4

The minor abomination is a small constructed creature similar to a stringless marionette. At first glance they may appear to

be Banfilidh. They understand only the simple commands of their master. They are immune to mental attacks.


More tracks and drag marks lead to a cave hidden behind a copse of trees about ten minutes away.


Adjust the number of abominations here for the number of players. About one for every three characters will suffice. This is

not meant to be a long fight. Give the players a taste of combat for a round or two, then point them towards the main encounter.

If you are short on time, simply have the Abominations automatically fall unconscious when they take their first wound.

The precise location of the event is immaterial. Suppose your group decides they must speak with the Banfilidh Singer. You

can tell them they are on the way, and simply throw this encounter at them.

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Event 3 We Were Just LeafingThe party confronts the mad doctor Esarius and his abominations in his lab.

Doctor EsariusDoctor Esarius is a human scientist working out of a lab that is hidden in a cave near Tilton. He is obsessed with creating

artificial life. In his pursuits, he has focused his attention on the Banfilidh. He hopes to discover the secrets of their magical

existence and create life of his own. All of his experiments thus far have met with failure. While they have the semblance of life,

they have no intellect of their own. Doctor Esarius will not fight the party, he will instead attempt to escape under the cover of his

abominations when things turn sour. Until then, have him hide behind large objects..

Location: Dr. Esarius LabThe tracks lead to a stairwell inside a cave-like hollow in a massive Culhaine tree. At the bottom of the stairwell the group

will discover a crude bridge of tree roots leading across to a door in another tree trunk. Inside is a large hollowed-out area filled

with a number of small cages, a variety of arcane equipment (think the old “Frankenstein” movies), and evidence of numerous

incomplete or failed experiments. As the party enters the lab they see what appear to be two statues (if 5 or more PCs, otherwise

only 1 statue). These are called Howling Abominations, and they are sensitive to sound; any loud noises or attacking them will

set them off. Esarius can also command them to attack. Also present are one major abomination per two characters.

Howling AbominationStrength 2d6 Focus 1d4 Charm 1d4

Agility 2d6 Perception 2d4 Leadership 1d4

Vigor 3d4 Discipline 2d4 Ferocity 2d6

Size Human-sized (4) Strain limit 10

Magic Points None

Claw 2d6 Unarmed Combat 2

Abominable Howl

The abominations let off a hideous howl. The abomination's Q(Ferocity) sets the difficulty for Q(Ferocity) tests by the party.

A success (equal or greater) negates the effect. If anyone fails, they lose one die from all attributes when facing the howling

abominations for the rest of the encounter. Characters may not use any attribute reduced to zero dice. For example, if Agility is

reduced to zero dice, they can't move or attack. One die may be recovered for one round for any one attribute per each magic

point spent at the very start of a round. This is a free action, and these points recover at the end of the round. Magic points may

also be spent on an individual action, though that is less efficient.

This monstrosity resembles a human sized wooden statue with a dead-looking Banfilidh strapped inside. They are nearly

mindless, as the process used to create them drives the Banfilidh host mad. They react to any stimulus louder than a quiet noise

by howling and attacking. They have an unnatural fear of their creator and will do as he says. The howling abomination IS

vulnerable to techniques that affect the undead, but are unaffected by mental attacks.

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Major Abomination

Strength 2d6 Focus 1d4 Charm 1d4

Agility 3d6 Perception 2d4 Leadership 1d4

Vigor 2d4 Discipline 2d4-2 Ferocity 1d6

Size Little (2) Strain Limit 8

Magic Points None

Weapon Varies Unarmed Combat 1

Claw 1d6 Weapon Use, Melee 2

This is a slightly more competent version of the minor abomination. They understand only the simple commands of their

master. They are immune to mental attacks. Major abominations can carry and use weapons to attack.

Most carry either a cudgel or a short sword both of which do 2d6 damage.


This is the climactic battle of the adventure. Feel free to scale the enemies to make them tougher or easier depending on time

constraints. Be sure to play to each character's strengths. Showcase the combat system. If a player isn’t using all of his

character's potential it may be appropriate to remind them of what they can do. Don't overwhelm them too much, as they will be

trying to figure out how to use the system. Best advice: ask them what they would like to do and facilitate as best you can.


As the fight starts to go against his servants, Dr. Esarius looks to escape through a back exit. One of his partially completed

constructs manages to trip him, sending him sprawling across the floor and delaying him just long enough for a party member to

catch him. [Alternately, if one of the PCs catches on to the interrupt idea, they could play a token and stop him when you

mention he seems to be heading for an exit]. Esarius is afraid of physical harm and while cocky with a shield of abominations, he

will not resist if confronted with force.

Once captured, Esarius will be no trouble to take back to Tilton. Meanwhile, the Banfilidh from the unfinished construct,

Branching Twig, is still alive. Twig can easily be removed from an apparatus identical to the Howling Abominations. He is

weak, but otherwise ok and will refuse treatment [recall that normal healing techniques have no effect on Banfilidh]. Twig is one

of the Banfilidh taken from Tilton and will be able to corroborate the entire story that the group relates to the council if Borak or

Seppida are not present. The other Banfilidh are not so lucky. All have been used for various failed experiments and are beyond

help. If the group wants to clean up the lab, it should be pointed out that the Singer will probably want to survey the scene

personally, and things should not be disturbed further. The Filida will take care of their own.

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Uses for TokensBefore combat begins:

Initiate Combat

In a social situation, any player can turn it into a combat encounter by playing a token. Other players should then play their

tokens immediately as well. When combat is entered in this way, the first round is called a "half round". During the half round,

the order of initiative is determined by when the tokens are played. During a half round, each character gets one action at their

initiative OR one interrupt (see below) OR one support.

During Combat:


You can play a token and give a bonus to a comrade. A support is something less than your full assistance. It can even be

verbal, such as yelling encouragement. Be creative.


An interrupt basically lets a player take a turn out of sequence by throwing a token out. Interrupts are performed not simply

to get an extra turn, but to directly intervene with the stated course of action of another person. The first task in an interrupt

carries a -1 die penalty. Each additional task increases the penalty by 2 dice (-1, -3, -5).

Uses for Magic PointsWhen casting techniques:

Increase Effect Dice

Effect dice of a technique can be increased at a cost of one magic point each.

Increase Effect Die Type

The Effect die type can be increased by one (e.g. from d4 to d6) for each two magic points spent.

Extend Duration

Spending a magic point to increase duration doubles the base duration. Two points triples, etc.

Boost Range

Similar to duration. One point doubles the range, etc. Range of zero or touch may not be increased.

Expand Area of Effect

Similar to duration and range. An area of Self may not be increased. If the area has multiple dimensions, e.g. 10-foot square,

each point may be used to increase one dimension.


Boost Attribute Dice

You may increase the attribute dice for any single Q or R test by one die per point spent.

Negate Magic

Techniques targeted at the environment (not directly at you) can be shrugged off by spending magic points. Each point

reduces the effect by one die. Your Guide will tell you how many dice remain before you decide.

Recover Attribute Dice

If you are at a temporary penalty to an attribute, from a temporary cause other than a wound, you can spend magic points at

the start of a round to recover these dice. Each magic point recovers one die from one attribute. If the cause of the penalty is an

ongoing effect, such as a technique or the presence of a particular person, the penalty is only alleviated one round at a time.

Recover Strain

This is an intricate task (takes your whole turn). Spend one magic point and roll Q(Vigor). Reduce current strain by the

result. Strain can't be used during an interrupt.

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Arahi is the Thorqua bodyguard for Eru. He was selected to guide and protect Eru because of his skill and experience inlife outside of the village. If Eru is not part of the party, Arahi is on his way to find her because people from his village areill.

Skill Notes

CarousingFriendly interaction with strangers and hiding the effects of intoxication.

Traits & Notes

Combat FlexibilityThorqua may turn their heads 180 degrees. Thorqua can fight behind them as effectively as they can those in front. Theymust know the opponent is there and be able to turn their head to look at them, so fighting two opponents on oppositesides still poses problems.


Dodge (Body/Harmony)Aids the caster against a number of attacks equal to the effect dice. The caster decides when the power is used. Wheninvoked, the caster suddenly moves or slides away from where a melee blow is coming. The caster must be aware of theattack to invoke this power, and it is not effective against missile attacks of any sort. Dodge boosts the caster's Agility dietype by one and adds one Agility die when dodging.

Leap (Body/Harmony)The caster may make one Leap forward or backward per die of Effect. Roll Q(Agility) to determine the maximumhorizontal distance traveled in yards. Maximum vertical rise is half of the horizontal distance traveled and minimumvertical rise is one fourth of the horizontal distance traveled, both rounded down.

The leaper does not take damage when landing, unless they land at a much lower level than where the Leap was initiatedfrom. In this case, determine falling damage from the launching height to the landing height. During combat, each Leaptakes one movement point.

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Erik Haggin- Human

Erik Haggin is a Kracian soldier returning from leave to his garrison in Kracia.

Skill Notes

ConcealmentHiding items from observation, from a dagger under a cloak to covering an airship with brush.

Field RepairsMake quick repairs (up to one quality die) to damaged equipment. Use of this skill takes about 10 minutes. The nature ofthe problem must be clear in order to fix it.

Traits & Notes

Eye of the DreamerHumans, for whatever reason, have a tendency to attract the attention of the Dreamer. Even when His eyes are closed tothe world, they still receive his favor. Characters who choose this ability may void the result of any one basic task attemptor one effect result and re-roll. The second die-roll is binding. Eye of the Dreamer may be invoked once per gamesession.


Deft Attack (Body/War)Deft Attack places a combatant into a mindset focused on striking the enemy. For each effect die, increase Q(Agility) forall Combat Advantage rolls by one die when attacking only. Deft Attack dice may allow you to make an attack when thiswould not otherwise be possible. The caster may use dodges or defenses while this technique is active, but the bonus isnot received.

Deft Defense (Body/War)Places a combatant into a mindset focused on defense. For each effect die, increase Q(Agility) for all Combat Advantagerolls by one die when actively defending. Deft Defense dice may allow you to actively defend when this would nototherwise be possible. The caster may attack or dodge while this technique is active, but no bonus is received.

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Eru- Thorqua

Eru is an elderly Thorqua shaman. She is traveling southward to another Thorqua villiage where she has been summonedto help with a breakout of crimson fever. She is kind, but uncomfortable outside the village.

Skill Notes

Holistic MedicineHealing through natural means, including aromatherapy, massage, herbal remedies, etc.

Traits & Notes

Commune with NatureThorqua have a divination ability through which they can commune with nature spirits and discern recent activity that hasoccurred in the area. The more lengthy and landscape-altering this activity is, the easier it is for the spirits to remember it.This ability does not work in most cities or other civilized areas.

The Thorqua enters a meditative state for 30 minutes while extending a sensory net through the air and ground for adistance of one mile in all directions. They can feel the presence of life (sentient beings, animals and plants) and givenenough time can sort through the mass of data to identify how many of a given type of being are present. They can alsosense aetherial energy and gains some idea of its nature.

The mass of data received is overwhelming. Each time a specific piece of information is sought, the caster makes aP(Perception) check versus the number of questions asked. If one die fails, an answer is received, but the Communeends. If both dice fail, the Commune ends without an answer and the caster suffers a one die penalty to all actions for thenext ten minutes while recovering from sensory overload.


Drop (Body/Control)If any effect dice remain, Drop will cause the target to release their grip on whatever they are holding with one hand(specified by the caster). The technique cannot be made to affect both hands at once by spending more magic points.

Healing (Body/Life)If the target has two or fewer wounds, this enchantment will restore one. Healing does not work on Banfilidh. Healingmay not repair more than one wound per day on the same individual.

Slow (Body/Control)Reduces Q(Perception) rolls for initiative and Q(Agility) rolls for movement by one die per die of Effect. No other die rollsare affected. The target of the technique seems to blur and slow down when moving.

Harm Undead (Body/Life)The caster singles out one Undead creature and blasts it with Life energy for Q(Effect) damage. If this damage is greaterthan the strain limit of the creature, it loses one point of Fugue.

Detain (Body/Control)Prevents the target from moving though they may turn in place and defend. If a Detained target suffers damage, thecaster must roll Q(Focus) and equal or exceed the damage done or the effect ends for that creature. If the creature isthreatened, roll Q(Ferocity) for the target and use that as the target for the caster's Q(Focus) test to maintain thetechnique.

Healing, Wide (Body/Life)Restore one wound to any target who has 2 or fewer wounds. Healing does not work on Banfilidh. Healing may notrepair more than one wound per day on the same individual.

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Evadue is a young and beautiful apprentice war mage. She is on her way to Kracia to collect some books from the libraryof her master’s colleagues.

Traits & Notes

DarksightElves can see under low light conditions much better than Humans and are able to see twice as far using any source ofillumination. In darkness they retain up to four dice of Perception.

Exceptional HearingElves add +2 dice to all hearing-based Perception tests.

Resistance to DiseaseElves have a very active immune system and add +3 dice to tests to resist disease.


Deft Defense (Body/War)Places a combatant into a mindset focused on defense. For each effect die, increase Q(Agility) for all Combat Advantagerolls by one die when actively defending. Deft Defense dice may allow you to actively defend when this would nototherwise be possible. The caster may attack or dodge while this technique is active, but no bonus is received.

Uncertain Footing (Matter/War)The very ground becomes treacherous. Anyone trying to run or fight within this area can attack normally but mustimmediately make a Q(Agility) check versus Q(Effect) or fall over. The caster is unaffected and may exempt otherpersons from the effect at a cost of one magic point per person.

Flame Gout (Energy)Gouts of flame rush from the casters fingers to envelop the target, causing Q(Effect) damage. Increase the effect die typeby one step (e.g. d4 to d6) if the target is carrying combustible or flammable materials. Armor does not reduce thedamage taken unless it provides specific protection against fire.

Stone Flight (Matter/War)

The caster conjures stones which whirl about the caster then fly through the air at the target causing Q(Effect) damage.Armor provides protection against this damage.

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Juan Carlos- Human

Juan Carlos is the first officer of the Reliant. The reliant is a small airship that carries passengers back and forth fromEchoton and Kracia

Skill Notes

Field RepairsMake quick repairs (up to one quality die) to damaged equipment. Use of this skill takes about 10 minutes. The nature ofthe problem must be clear in order to fix it.

Traits & Notes

Eye of the DreamerHumans, for whatever reason, have a tendency to attract the attention of the Dreamer. Even when His eyes are closed tothe world, they still receive his favor. Characters who choose this ability may void the result of any one basic task attemptor one effect result and re-roll. The second die-roll is binding. Eye of the Dreamer may be invoked once per gamesession.


Cannibalistic Agility (Body/Alteration)The caster’s metabolism is drastically altered. Agility increases by one die type per die of Effect (from d8 to d10 forJuan), but the metabolic increase comes at a grave price. The caster gains a wide-eyed, manic gleam about the eyes.Their body begins to digest muscle to feed the speeding biological engine inside.Strength immediately drops by one die type (from d6 to d4 for Juan), and every round the character must roll P(Vigor)versus the number of rounds passed. If both dice fail, the target loses a Strength die, and if Strength dice are reduced tozero Cannibalistic Agility ends and the caster falls unconscious for one minute per round that the technique was active.

Strength is regained at 1 die per hour of complete rest or four hours of gentle activity. The lost die type returns afterQ(1d4) days, provided decent food and rest are available.

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Leonado is a young Elven gunslinger. Unusually homely for his race, Leonado often unsettles his opponents with hisglare. Of course if this doesn’t work he uses his techniques to affect his opponents' hands (a method that has actuallycaused several gunslingers to surrender without a shot.) Leonado is traveling southward in search of his fortune.

Skill Notes

ConcealmentHiding items from observation, from a dagger under a cloak to covering an airship with brush.

Field RepairsMake quick repairs (up to one quality die) to damaged equipment. Use of this skill takes about 10 minutes. The nature ofthe problem must be clear in order to fix it.

SubterfugeSpotting or concealing hidden motivations.

Traits & Notes

DarksightElves can see under low light conditions much better than Humans and are able to see twice as far using any source ofillumination. In darkness they retain up to four dice of Perception.

Exceptional HearingElves add +2 dice to all hearing-based perception tests.


Shaking Hands (Body/Corruption)The victim is afflicted with a palsy of the hands, which interferes with any delicate tasks – including using a bow or firearm,but not hand-to-hand skills. Reduce Q(Agility) by Effect dice when performing fine motor tasks.

Slippery Hands (Body/Corruption)Causes the target's hands to exude an oily fluid that makes manipulating objects difficult. Reduce the target's Q(Agility)by one die per die of Effect. The target leaves no fingerprints while Slippery Hands is in effect and the fluid vanishes atthe end of the technique's duration.

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Marcus Edwardson- Human

Marcus Edwardson is a young candidate of Ebrigil. Ebrigil is the Elder Spirit that personifies law and justice. Priests ofEbrigil often act as judges and peacekeepers. Marcus is on his way to begin training as one of Krace's elite Rangers, alaw enforcement unit best known for their use of Arcane Steeds (motorcycles) and the deadly .505 Havoc Revolver (note:Marcus has neither).

Traits & Notes

Eye of the DreamerHumans, for whatever reason, have a tendency to attract the attention of the Dreamer. Even when His eyes are closed tothe world, they still receive his favor. Characters who choose this ability may void the result of any one basic task attemptor one effect result and re-roll. The second die-roll is binding. Eye of the Dreamer may be invoked once per gamesession.


Ebrigil's Blessing (Matter/Harmony/Law)Calls upon Ebrigil to bestow his blessing on a weapon. Weapon's blessed by Ebrigil are more potent than typicalweapons against divine spirits, infernal spirits, and related creatures such as demonic fusions that are normally resistantor immune to mundane weapons.

Gleaming Armor (Energy/Harmony)Creates brilliant shimmering armor around the target. This armor provides Q(Effect) protection against attacks, but is notcumulative with other base armor types. It also inspires confidence and increases the wearer's Leadership by one diewhile worn. If cast on an unwilling target, Gleaming Armor takes full effect unless all dice are resisted. That is, if theeffect is 2d4 and the target resists only one die, the armor still provides 2d4 protection.

Purification (Matter/Harmony)Removes impurities from up to enough food or water to make a single meal for one Human-sized person per magic pointexpended. Purification can prevent many illnesses. If the food is contaminated by a magical effect or poisoned make aQ(Effect) test versus the potency of the effect or the Q(Focus) result.

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Nicolette Tanner- Human

Nicolete Tanner is a young human troublemaker. She grew up in the streets of Echoton and is fleeing southward, accusedof a theft that for once she didn’t commit! Perhaps she can get a new start in the capitol?

Skill Notes

Lip ReadingMust be able to understand the language being spoken.

Lock DesignConstructing or picking locks.

PrestidigitationSleight of hand, palming objects, picking pockets.

Trap DesignCreating and defeating traps used for hunting and defense.

Traits & Notes

Eye of the DreamerHumans, for whatever reason, have a tendency to attract the attention of the Dreamer. Even when His eyes are closed tothe world, they still receive his favor. Characters who choose this ability may void the result of any one basic task attemptor one effect result and re-roll. The second die-roll is binding. Eye of the Dreamer may be invoked once per gamesession.


Mudslinging (Matter/War)Looks very similar to Mud Armor when it is cast, but the globs of mud instead leap toward a target of the caster'schoosing, doing Q(Effect) damage and dirtying the target.

Uncertain Footing (Matter/War)The very ground becomes treacherous. Anyone trying to run or fight within this area can attack normally but mustimmediately make a Q(Agility) check versus Q(Effect) or fall over. The caster is unaffected and may exempt otherpersons from the effect at a cost of one magic point per person.