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Definition of child labourThe term child labour ,suggests ILO is best defined as work that deprives children of their childhood. Their potential and their dignity and that is harmful to physical and mental development it refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children or work whose schedule interferes with their ability to attend in any manner their ability to focus during school or Experiences a healthy childhood. UNICEF defines child labour differently . A child suggests UNICEF is involved in child labour activities if between 5 to 11 years of age he or she did at least one hour of economic activity or at least 42 years of economic activity and domestic work per week UNICEF in another report suggests ,” children work need to be seen as happening along a continuum , with destructive or exploitative work at one end and benefice work –promoting or enhancing children's development without interfering with their schooling , recreation and rest –at one other . And between these two poles are vast that need not negatively affect a child development

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end and beneficial work –promoting or enhancing children's development without interfering with

their schooling , recreation and rest –at one other . And between these two poles are vast that need

not negatively affect a child developmetIndia census 2001 office defines child labour as

participation of a child less than 17 years of age in any economically productive activity with or without compensation wages or profit . Such

participation could be physical or mental or both this work includes part time help or unpaid work on the farm , family enterprise or in any other economic activity such as cultivation and milk production for sale or domestic consumption

india government classifies child laborers into two griops main workers are those who work 6 months or more per year. And marginal child

workers are those who work at any time during the year but less than 6 months In a year. Some child rights arguethat child labour must include

must include every child who is not in school because he or she is a hidden child worker. UNICHEF, however points out that india faces major shortages of schools. Classrooms and teachers particularly in rural areas where 90

percent of child labour problems is oberserved. About 1 in 5 primary schools have just one

teacher to teach students across all grades.

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Can we eliminate child labour ? Though it is a desirable goal the fact remains that in the given socio-economic scenario that is prevalent in our country, it is virtually impossible to do away with child labour. On cannot dispute the fact that employers exploit children by paying them much less than what they would pay in adult and the future of the working children is runied as they will not be able to attend schools and get educated for a better future.but when one considers the economic compulsion of the families which force the children to work,one will be compelled to admit that elimination of child labour will a distant dream as long as the socio-economic status of these families is not improved. realization the harm caused by child labour, the indian government made laws to protect children from exploitation at work and to improve their working confition.besides, a comprehensive law called child labour.

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Realization the harm caused by child labour ,the indian government made the laws to protect children from exploitation at work and to improve their working condition . Besides,a comprehsive law called child labour(prohibition and regulation ) act.1986,was promulgated employment of children in certain hazardous occupations and processes .in 1987,the indian governmet formulated national police on child labour to protect the interest of children and focus on general development programmes for the benefit of children. As a part of this policy national child labour projects have been set up in different parts of the country to rehabilite child labour. Under these projects, special schools are established to prove non-formal education , vocational traning , supplementary nutrition etc . To children who are withdrawn from employment though elimination of child labour is an impossible task in the current socio-economic scenario, the indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child illiterate, hungry and without medical care . When this deal will be achieved is a million dollar question .The development countries are exerting pressure on developing like india to eliminate child labour. According to the current thinking the developed countries may stop imports of these goods that involve child labour in their production . These carpets which are being exported , may soon lose their market abroad if the producers of these carpets persist with child labour.

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Child labour is , no doubt, an evil that should be done away with at the earliest. The prevalence of child labour reflects very badly on society that is not able to stop this evil. But in society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work , beggars can’t be choosers . These families have to spend their children to work , even even if the future of these innocents is runied ,as that is only choice open for them to survive in this world . Therefore, unless the socio-economic status of the poor is improved , india has to live with child labour.

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Child labour is the employment of children under an age determined by law or custom. This practice is considered exploitative

by many countries and international organization .child labour was not seen

as a problem throughout most of history only becoming a disputed issue with

beginning of universal schooling and the concepts of workers’ and children’s rights.

Child labour can be factory work, mining or quarrying agriculture , helping in the

parents ‘ business, having one’s own small business ( for example selling food), or doing odd jobs . Some children work as

guides for tourists, sometimes combined with bringing in business for shops and

restaurants(where they may also work as waiters) .

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Other children are forced to do tedious are reptitive jobs such as assembling boxes or polishing shoes. However ,rather than in factories and sweatshops, most child labour occurs in the informal sector,”selling on the street,at work in agriculture or hidden away in houses – far from the reach of offical labour inspectors and from media scrutiny. the most controversional forms of work include the military use of children as well as child prostitution . Less controversial, and often legal with somerestrictions, are work as child actors and child singers, as well as agricultural work outside of the school year( seasonal work).

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India has the dubious distinction of being the nation with the largest number of child laborers in the world .the child labors endure miserable and difficult lives. They earn little and struggle to make enough to feed themselves and their families. They do not go to school; more than half of them are unable to learn the barest skills of literacy. Poverty is one of the main reasons behind this phenomenon. The unrelenting poverty forces the parents to push their young children this phenomenon. The unrelenting property forces the parents to push their young children in all forms of hazardous occupations. Child labour is a source of income for poor families they provide help in household enterprises or of household chores in order to free adult household members for economic activity elsewhere. In some cases , the study found that a child’s income accounted for between 34 and 37 percent of the total household income. In india the emergence of child labor is also because of unsustainable systems of landholding systems in agriculture areas and caste systems in the rural areas.

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Bonded labor refers to the phenomenon of children working in conditions of servitude in order to pay their debts .the debt that blinds them to their employer is incurred not by the children themselves but by their parent . The creditors cum employers offer t these loans to destitute parents in an effort to secure the labor of these children . The arrangements between the parents and contracting agents are usually informal and unwritten. The number of years required to pay off such a loan is indermitinate .the lower castes such as dials and tribal make them vulnerable groups for exploitation. The environmental degradation and lack of employment avenues in the rural areas also cause people to migrate to big cities .

On arrival in overcrowded cities the distortion of family units takes place through alcoholism, unemployment or disillusionment of better life etc. this is turn leads through emergence of street children and child workers who are forced by their circumstances to work from the early age. The girls are forced to work as sex-workers or beggars . A large number of girls end up working as domestic workers on low wages and unhealthy living conditions. Some times children are abandoned by their parents or sold to factory owneers. The last two decades have seen temendous growth of export based industries and mass production factories utilizing low tecnologies.

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They try to maintain competitive position through low wages and low labor standards .the child laborers exactly suit their requirment they use all means to lure the parents into giving their requirment . They use all means to lure the parents into giving their children on pretext of providing education and good life .in india majority of children work in industries such as cracker making,diamond polishing ,glass brass –ware carpet weaving ,bangle making , lock making snd micca cutting to name a few . 15% of the 100,000 children work in the carpet industry of attar pradesh .70-80% of the 8,000 to 50,000 children work in the glass industry in firozabad. In the unorganised sector child labor is paid by piece – by- piece rate that result in even longer hours for very low pay.

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Inadequate schools , a lack of schools ,or even the expense of schooling leaves some children with little else to do but work . The attitudes of parents also contribute to child labor; some parents feel that children should work in order to develop skills useful in the job market ,instead of taking advantage of a formal education from the time of its independence , india has committed itself to be against child labour .article 24 of the indian constitution clearly states that “no child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed in any hazordous employment" the bonded labour system act of 1976 fulfills the indian constitutions directive of ending forced labour A plethora of additional protective legislation has been put in place. there are distinct laws governing child labour in factories in commercial establishments, on plantations and in apprenticeships. There are laws governing the use of migrant labour and contract labour. A recent law the child labour of 1986 designates a chlegislation has been put in place. there are distinct laws governing child labour ild as a person who has not completed their 14 year o of age .it purports to regulate the hours and the conditions of child workers and to prohibit child workers in certain enumeratd hazardous industries. However there is neither blanket prohibition on the use of child labour universal minimum age set for child workers.

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All of the policies that the indian government has in place are in accordance with the constitution of india, and all support the

eradication of child labour. The problem of child labor still remains even though all of these policies are existent.

Enforcement is the key aspect that is lacking in the government’s efforts child labour is a global problem . If

child labour is to be eracicated, the government s and agencies and those responsible for enforcement need to start doing their

jobs. The most important thing is to increase awarnessand keep discussing ways and means to check this problem we have to decide whether we are going to take up the problem head-on and fight it any way we can or leave it to the adults

who might not be there when things go out of hand.

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Millions of children in today’s world undergo the worst forms of child labor which includes child slavery, child prostitution, child trafficking , child soldiers . In modern era of material and technological advancement ,children in almost every country are being callously exploited. The official figure of child laborers world wide is 13 million. But the actual number is much higher of the estimated 250 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 who are economically active, some 50 million to 60 million between the ages of 5 and 11 are engaged in intolerable forms of labor. Among the 10 to 14 year-old children the working rate is 41.3 percent in kenya,31.4 percent in senegal,30.1 percent in bangladesh,25.8 percent in nigeria,24 percent in turkey ,17.7 percent in pakistan, 16.1 percent in brazil,14.4 percent in india,11.6 percent in china ILO estimated that 250 million children between 5 and 14 work for a living and over 50 million children under age twelve work in hazourdous circumstances. United nations estimate that here were 20 million bonded child laborers worldwide. Based on reliable estimates ,at least 700,000 persons to 2 million ,espically girls and children, are trafficked each year across international borders. Research suggests that the age of the children involved is decreasing.

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Most of the poor children between the ages

of 13 and 18 although there is evidence that very

young children even babies, are also caught up

in this horrific trade . They come from all parts of the

world .some one million children enter the sex

trade,exploited by people or circumstances . At any

one time, more than 300,000 children under 18- girls and boys- are

fightning as soldiers with government armed forces

and armed opposition groups in more than 30

countries worldwide. ILO estimates that domestic

work is the largest employment category of girls under age 16 in the


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After its independence from colonial rule, india has passed a number of constitutional protections and laws on child labour. The constitution of india in the fundamental rights and the directive of state policy prohobits child labour below the age of 14 years in any factory or mine or castle or engaged in any other hazardous employment . The constitution also envisioned that all india shall ,by 1960, provide infrasture and resourses for free and compulsory education to all children of the age six to 14 years . India has a fedral form of government and child labour is a matter on which the both central government and country governments can legislate , and have. The major national legislative developments include the following: The factories act of 1948; the act prohibits

the employment of children below age of 14 years vin any factory. The law also played rules on who , whwn and how long can pre-adults aged 15-18 years be employed in any factory.

The mines act of 1952: the act the employment of children below 18 years of age in a mine.

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The child labour act of 1986::the act prohibits the employment of children below the age of 14 years in hazardous occupations identified in any list by the law. The list was expanded in 2006, and again in 2008.

The juvenile justice of children act of 2000: this law made it a crime ,punishable with a prison term, for anyone o procure or employ a child in any hazardous employment or in a bondage .

The right of children to free and compulsory education act of 2009: the law mandates free and compulsory education to all children aged 6 to 14 years . This legislation also mandated that 25 percent of seats in every private school must be allocated for children from disadvantaged groups and physically challenged children.

India formulated a national policy on child labour in 1987. this policy seeks to adopt a gradual & sequential approach with a focus on rehabilitation of children working in hazardous occupations . It envisioned strict working in hazardous occupations . It envisioned strict enforcement of indian laws on child labour combined with development programs to address the root causes of child labour such as poverty . In 1998 this led to the national child labor project initiative. This legal and development initiative counties with a current central government funding of 6 million, targeted solely to eliminate child labour in india . Despite these efforts child labour remains a major challenge for india.

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For much of human history and across different cultures ,children less than 17 years old have contributed to family welfare in a variety of ways. UNICEF suggests that poverty is the big cause of child labour. The report also notes that in rural and impoverished parts of developing and undeveloped parts of the world , children have no real and meaningful alternative. Schools and teachers are unavailable.

Child labour is the unnatural result. BBC report ,similarly concludes poverty and inadequate public education infrastructure are some causes of child labour in india. Between boys and girls , UNICEF finds girls are two times more likely to be out of schools and working in a domestic role parents with limited resources , claims UNICHEF have to choose schools coasts and fees they can afford when a school is available. Girls tends to be a lower across the world.

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The international labour organization and spreading smiles through organization suggests

poverty is the greatest single force driving children into the workplace . Income from a child work is felt to be a crucial for his/her own survival

or that of the household . For some families, income from their children labour is between 25 to 40% of the household income. According to a 2008 study by ILO among the most important

factors driving children to harmful lab our is the lack of availability and quality of schooling . Many communities , particularly rural Are do not posses adequate school facilities . Even when schools are sometimes available they are to away difficult to reach, unaffordable or the quality of education is so poor that parents wonder if going to school is really worthwhile. In government – run primary

schools even when children show-up , government-paid teachers do not show up 25% of

the time. The 2008 ILO study suggests that illiteracy resulting from a child going to work rather than a quality primary and secondary

school, limits the child ability to get basic educational grounding which would in normal

situations enable them to acquire skills.

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An albeit older report published by UNICEF outlines the issues summarized by the ILO report. The UNICEF report claimed that while 90% of child labor in India is in its rural areas , the availability and quality of schools is decrepit; in rural areas of India, claims the old unicef report, about 50% of government funded primary schools that exist do not have a building ,40% lack a blackboard ,few have books ,and 97% of funds for these publicly funded school have been budgeted by the government as salaries for the teacher and administrators. A 2012 wall street journal article eports while the enrollment.

India school has dramatically increased in recent areas to over to 96% of all children in the 6-14 year age group, the infrastructure in schools ,aimed in part to reduce child labour ,remains poor-over 81,000 schools do not have a blackboard and about 42,000 government schools operate without a building with makeshift arrangements during monsoons and inclement weather.

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Bigger and merit have studied the macroeconomic factors that encourage child labour. They focus their study on five Asian including india,pakisthan ,thailand and Philippines's . They suggest that child labour is a serious problem in all five, but it is not a new problem. Macroeconomic causes widespread child labour across the world , over most of human history. They suggest that the causes for child labour include both the demand and the supply side. While poverty and unavailability of good schools explain the child labour supply side. They suggest that the growth of low paying informal economy rather than higher paying formal economy-called organised economy in india- is amongst the causes of the demand side. India has rigid labour laws and numerous economy in india – is amongst the causes of the demand side. India has rigid labour laws and numerous regulations that prevent growth of organised sector where work protections are easier to monitor , and work more productive and higher paying . The unintended effect of indian complex labour laws is the work has shifted to the unorganized , informal sector as a result , after the unorganized agriculture sector which employs 60 5 of child labour ,it is the unorganized informal sector.

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As a result, after the unorganized agriculture sector which employs 60 % of child labour it is the unorganized trade , unorganized assembly and unorganized retail work that is thee largest employer of child labour. If macroeconomic factors and laws prevent growth of formal sector , the family owned informal sector grows developing low cost , easy to hire easy to dismiss labour in form of child labour . Even in situations where are children are going to school , claim beggary and mehrotra , children engage in routine after school and economic activity.

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Other scholars too suggest that flexibility and structure of india labour market ,size of informal

activity. Other scholars too suggest that flexibility and structure of india labors market

size, size of informal economy , inability of industries to scale up and scale back and lack of modern manufacturing technologies are major

macroeconomic factors demand and acceptability of child labour. Cigna et al suggest the

government planned and implemented land redistribution programmes in india , where poor families were gives small plots of land with the idea of enabling economic independence have had the unintended effect of increased child

labour. They find that smallholder plots of land are labour – intensively farmed since small plots cannot productivityrly afford expensive farming equipment . In these cases a means to increase

output from the small plot has been to apply more labour, including child labour.

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Srivastava describes bonded child labour as a system of forced , or partly forced , labour under which the child, or usually child parent enter into an agreement , oral or written with a creditor. The child performs work as in kind repayment of credit. In this ilo report , srivastva claims , debt- bondage in india emerged during the colonial period, as a means to obtain reliable cheap labour , with the loan and land- lease relationships implemented during the era of indian history . These were orginally called hali, or halwaha or jeru systems; and by colonical administration the indentured labor systems. These systems included bobded child labour. Over time , claims the ILO report, this traditional forms of ling-duration relationships have declined . In 1997 , india passed legislation that prohobots soloication or use of bonded labour by anyone, of anyone including children. Evidence of continug bonded child labour continue report by the special rapporteur to india’s national human rights commission reported the discovery of 53 child labourrers in 1996 in the 10,0000 to 25,0000. the children were made to work for 12 to 14 hours a day and recived only rs 2 to 3 per day as wages. According to an ILO report, the extent of bonded child labour is difficult to determine, but estimates from various social activist groups range up to 350,000 in2001.

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Despite its legislation , prosecutors in India seldom use the bonded labor system act of

1976 to prosecute those responsible. According to one

report the prospectors have no direction from the central

government that if a child is found to be underpaid , the case should be prospected not only under the minimum wages act

1948 and the child labor act 1986, the case should include charges

under the bonded labor act of India . The few enforcement

actions have been some unintended effects. While there has been a decrease in children working in factories because of enforcement and community

vigilance communities the report claims poverty still comples

children and poor families to work. The factory lends money to

whoever needs it puts a loam in the person home and then family

childrenwork their homes and finished product to pay interest

and get some wages.

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The presence of a large number of child labourers is regarded as a serious issue in terms of economic welfare. Children who work fail to get necessary education. They do not get the opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and physiologically. In terms of the physical condition of children are not ready for long monstrous work because exhausted more quickly than adults. This reduces their physical conditions and makes the children more vulnerable to disease. Children in hazardous working conditions arte even in worse conditions. Children who work, instead of going to school ,will remain illiterate which limits their ability to contribute to their own being as well as to community they in.. Child labour.

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child's labour has long term adverse effects for India. To keep an economy prospering , a vital criteria is to have an educated workface equipped with relevant skills for the needs of the industries . The young labourers today, will be a part of India's human capital tomorrow. Child labour undoubtedly results in a trade-off with human capital accumulation. Child labour in India are employed with the majority in agriculture some in low-skilled labour- intensive sectors such as sari weaving or as domestic helpers, which require neither formal education .

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Child labor is the practice of having children engage in economic activity , on part or full-times basis. . The practice deprives children of their childhood, and is harmful to their physical and mental development. Poverty , lack of good schools and growth of informal economy are considered as the important causes of child labor in india. The 1998 national causes of india estimated to the total number of child labors, aged 5-14, to be at 12.6 million out of a total child population of 253 million in 5-14 age group. A 2009-2010 nationwide survey found child prevalence had reduced to 19.8 million children.

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In 2001 n estimated 1% of all child workers., or about 120,000 children in india in india were in a haxzourdous job. UNICHEf estimates that india with its larger population, has the highest number of labourers in the world under 14 years of age, while sub- saharan african countries have the highest percentage of children who are developed as child labor . International labor organization estimates that the agriculture at 60 percent is the largest employer of child labor in the world while united nation food and agriculture organization estimates 70% of child labor is developed in agriculture and relegated activities outside of agriculture, child labor is observed in almost all informal sectors of the Indian economy companies including gap, Primark Monsanto have been criticized for child labor in their product . The companies claim they have strict policies against selling products made by underage children but there area many links in supply chain making it difficult to oversee them all. In 2o11 , after three years of Primark effort ,BBC acknowledge that its award-winning investigation journalism report of Indian child labor. Use by primary was a fake. BBC agonized to Primark, to Indian suppliers and all its viewers.

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