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Chicken Soup for the Soul (Just for Teenagers)PRESENTED BY : JESICA GRACE UTOMO

XI-IS 1 19

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When I was kid, I used to thing everything cganged on your teenth birthday. I remember going to sleep and thinking when I woke up, I’d be a totally different person. Teenager ! suddenly, I was going to be like every cool character in the books I read and movies I watched. The difference between seventeenth and teenth seemed hug.Of course, when I woke up the morning of my teenth birthday, I wasn’t any different. You learn quickly that just being one of them --- teenager --- doesn’t change everything. But six years later, on the morning of your seventeenth birthdaym you’re bound to look back, realize how much you changed , and wonder when it happened.

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Why did we call this book Chicken Soup for The Soul. Just for Teenagers ? Simple. Teenagers really do need a book that’s just for them while so much is happening. Chicken soup for the soul has always provided upport yo teens over the years, bu that different now, but the basic struggles of teenagers stay the same. Who are my real friends? Where do I belong ? Why am I so short or tall or big or small or ... different? And the age-old question : why doesn’t my skin seem to understand that it’s Homecoming and I really can’t have a pimple ?That’s where this book comes in. These are stories from real teenagers who are making their way through the obstacle course right now. They’re having their first kisses and gettingtheir heart broken. They’ere learning to be kind to others and to themselves. They’re finding their place in life, the things they’re passionate about, and discovering just how much they love their family, their pets, and their friends.

Within these pages, you won’t find out how to be pupular, or how to get good grades, or even how to please your parents. What you will learn is how other teenagers felt about the good and bad times they had. Maybe you’ll feel the same, or maybe you’ll feel different --- but you definitely won’t feel alone.

I hope you enjoy these stories.

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Identity book :Compiled by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark.

Summary : A collection of 101 true stories from teenagers and adults about their teenage years, recalling issues with friends, embarrassing moments, bullies, family, sports, self-confidence, crushes, life lessons, and learning to do the right thing.

Interest age group : 012 – 017

ISBN : 978-1-935096-72-6

Printed in the USA

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Why I chose this book to be presented?

This book is very interesting to read because of all the stories in this book is a true story. I borrowed this book in our school library. our school has a library with books that have life lessons. In addition, I also want to practice reading English-language books.

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Benefits from Reading

Reading is very important to us.

Reading it has many benefits. And I think reading it has no adverse effects.

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Reasons why you should read this book

Feeling good about yourself

True friends and new friends

Funny moments

Setting goals and meeting challenges

Tough times for you and your friends


Family issues

Learning to do what’s right

And lots more stories about your teenage life

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2.Life Lessons

3.Liking Yourself

4.Love and Relationship

5.Family Ties

6.Tough Times

7.Taking a Stand

8.Giving and Getting Kindness

9.Funny Moments

10.Setting and Reaching Your Goals

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The titles are ..

1.Encountering Grace

2.Life Lesson

3.What’s next ?

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1. Encountering Grace

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There a volunteer at Children's Medical Center who volunteer their time to play, talk, and accompany a child who suffered a severe illness and no chance to live again. The child was named Grace. Despite the pain, he had a huge spirit and always smiling. Although he wanted to recover and return the same way again, but the disease was increasingly menggorogoti body. Grace and volunteers became close friends. Until the end, Grace died. Volunteers are getting a very valuable lesson about the sincerity and gratitude will live it.

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2. Life Lesson

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3. What’s next ?

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First, Lyssa fun and addictive to watch TV shows that are not quality. Then not long after she watched the story of Lauren, Heidi, Stefanie, Christian, Whitney, Audrina. The story has a life lesson and how they know what they want to do. When Lyssa in the senior class, he was afraid with all that he has, because he has to go through a future she did not know. He wanted to be himself. maybe something he feared, would be done tomorrow someday. He was confused and did not know what he should do. He still wants adventure and change these fears. The future is a future. He did not want to just be quiet. But he wanted to do something useful.

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