Download - cher t Programme 2020 2019 › media › › facultyofsage... · 2019-09-23 · Researcher Development Programme Overview The Researcher Development Programme is designed to be simple

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Table of Contents Welcome ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Programme Aims ................................................................................................................................ 5

Data Protection ................................................................................................................................... 5

Researcher Development Framework ................................................................................................ 5

ePortfolio ............................................................................................................................................ 6

Project Approval Process and Annual Progression ............................................................................. 7

Postgraduate Research (PGR) Hub ..................................................................................................... 7

PGR Community .................................................................................................................................. 7

Researcher Development Programme Overview ................................................................................... 8

Accessibility and Disability .................................................................................................................. 9

Professionalism ................................................................................................................................... 9

BlackBoard .......................................................................................................................................... 9

PGRDP Credit Requirements ............................................................................................................. 10

Cohort Training Model requirements ........................................................................................... 11

School PGRDP Credits ....................................................................................................................... 11

Individual Project .............................................................................................................................. 12

Part Time Students or those involved in long-term fieldwork.......................................................... 12

2019/20 Workshop Programme ....................................................................................................... 13

Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILTHE) Course ................................... 28

Evidencing Learning and Teaching Skills (ELTS) ................................................................................ 28

SAgE PGRDP Library Information Skills ............................................................................................. 29

A1: Finding Information ................................................................................................................ 29

A1: Managing Information ............................................................................................................ 29

A1: One-to-one consultation with your Liaison Librarian ............................................................. 29

2019/20 Activities ............................................................................................................................. 30

Additional Training Opportunities ........................................................................................................ 33

In Sessional English ....................................................................................................................... 33

Writing Development Centre ........................................................................................................ 33

External opportunities mailing list ................................................................................................ 33

Online Materials and Resources ........................................................................................................... 34

Useful Contacts and Information .......................................................................................................... 35

Programme Team ............................................................................................................................. 35

School Postgraduate Administration Contacts ................................................................................. 35

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Welcome to the Faculty of Science Agriculture and Engineering (SAgE) 2019-20 Postgraduate

Researcher Development Programme (PGRDP). Here, you will find a summary of how the

programme operates. This document includes information on the diverse training opportunities

provided within the programme, guidance on choosing training activities and instructions on how to

book yourself onto them.

The programme is designed to complement and enhance the subject level provisions in your School.

It allows you to develop your transferable skills, support your development into an independent

researcher and provide opportunities for your career development.

I look forward to meeting you over the next year.

Dr Gail de Blaquiere

Lecturer in Postgraduate Skills Development

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Programme Aims

The essential purpose of a research degree programme is a period of training in research and the

generation of an original piece of work (Newcastle University Research Student Handbook). The

Researcher Development Programme is designed to help you develop skills which will improve your

effectiveness as a researcher but also develop your personal, professional and career management

skills. Our approach to training is to emphasise that one size does not fit all. The SAgE Faculty has a

diverse student body and their training needs differ. You are expected to undertake an assessment

of your own training and development needs at the start of your studies and to revisit it throughout

your degree. This training needs analysis should be used to populate your own individual personal

development plan.

For any doctoral student, training needs will cover technical elements, specific to the individual

student and the particular research project, and as well as their personal and professional

development requirements. Training in the technical elements is largely delivered at the research

group level by the supervisory team with contributions from other research group members.

Technical staff, research associates and more experienced research students will often provide

hands-on training in research techniques. Research students can also draw on modules from the

university’s taught postgraduate suite for discipline-related skills and knowledge.

Personal and professional skills training is largely delivered by the Faculty programme. This

complements subject-specific development training and builds on support provided by the

supervisory team and the broader research environment. Development as a professional involves

more than building your research profile and research skills. The programme provides workshops

and activities that will build generic skills, develop confidence in and the ability to articulate your

own abilities. Broader professional development is becoming increasingly significant as employers

look for researchers who can ‘add value’ to their organisations.

Updates to the programme and further information can be found on the SAgE Faculty webpages


Data Protection

The PGRDP team accesses your information via the booking system to enable us to monitor and

record attendance, assign the workshop credits associated to your research training portfolio and to

carry out our functions as an education provider. Further information can be found at

Researcher Development Framework

The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) is a professional development framework for

planning, promoting and supporting the personal, professional and career development of

researchers in higher education. The RDF describes the knowledge, behaviours and attitudes of

researchers and encourages them to aspire to excellence through achieving higher levels of

development (see

researcher-development-framework/developing-the-vitae-researcher-development-framework ).

The RDF has been used to categorise all workshops and activities in the SAgE Faculty Researcher

Development Programme. They are designed to introduce students to information, skills and

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behaviours which will positively impact on your experience, research performance and career


The RDF is structured into four domains each with three sub-domains:

Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities: The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques

to do research

Domain B: Personal effectiveness: The personal qualities and approach to be an effective researcher

Domain C: Research governance and organisation: Knowledge of the professional standards and

requirements to do research

Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact: The knowledge and skills to work with others to

ensure the wider impact of research


The University requires that all research degree students maintain a research training portfolio

(ePortfolio). The ePortfolio account is where you are expected to maintain records of your

supervision and your progress throughout your research degree. It is also a means of planning,

developing and recording both generic and research skills. The ePortfolio will also provide an

ongoing record that can contribute towards personal growth and career planning. Individuals are

responsible for their own ePortfolio and you should ensure it is up-to date.

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Provides a record of your personal development at Newcastle University.

Helps you plan and reflect upon your research.

Identifies areas of strength and where you need more support or training.

Full documentary record for the approval process of your research project.

Full documentary record for the annual progression process each academic year.

Enablement and recording of the formal student/supervisor monthly engagements.

How do I log in?

Visit and click on "Login to your ePortfolio." To login, use your Newcastle

University username and password.

Project Approval Process and Annual Progression

You will be required to carry out a training needs analysis and create a personal development plan as

part of the project approval process (see Programme Overview below). This is designed to show how

you will obtain or develop the skills required to carry out your research and develop as a researcher.

Students registered on postgraduate research programmes submit a progress report as part of the

Annual Progression process. This report, along with your supporting evidence, plus a report from

your supervisors, will be considered by a School Progress Panel. The panel makes a recommendation

on your progression to your Head of School and Postgraduate Dean for their formal approval.

Your participation with the Researcher Development Programme will also be monitored by the panel

each year. It is good practice to revise your training needs analysis and personal development plan at

this point. Failure to engage adequately may result in your school progression panel concluding that

your progress on your research degree is unsatisfactory.

Postgraduate Research (PGR) Hub

From January 2020 a new dedicated PGR suite of rooms will open on the 6th Floor of the Henry

Daysh Building and most training will take place there (specifically in HDB.6.11 PGR Training Space

and HDB.6.14 PGR Learning Lab). More details will be circulated in due course.

PGR Community

In 2018 a pilot community of PGRs was set up to arrange student-organized social events and offer

peer support. This is transitioning to a NUSU society in the 2019 academic year. Look out for their

social events, tagged PGR Community, on the booking system.

Further information can be found at:

Email us at: [email protected]



Engage with your fellow PGRs on WhatsApp:

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Researcher Development Programme Overview The Researcher Development Programme is designed to be simple to access. To get the most out of

it, and to maximise your own personal and professional development, you need only follow a few

simple steps:

Assess your current skills against the Researcher Development Framework using the Training

Needs Analysis (TNA) section of ePortfolio (which includes a tutorial on the process) . You should carry out your skills audit early in your research

degree programme and should seek advice from your supervisory team when doing it.

Advice on auditing your skills can also be found on the Vitae Researchers Portal

Where you recognise gaps in your skills, or areas where your skills could be improved,

identify which workshops or other events would best address your professional

development needs (the TNA section of ePortfolio will suggest upcoming activities which

may help or you can browse the entire programme at ). All

activities are categorised under the domains of the RDF. There are also additional School-

based development activities from which to choose. The programme of workshops and

other activities that you identify becomes your own Personal Development Plan (PDP). You

should upload your initial TNA/PDP as part of the research project proposal process to

demonstrate that you have or can obtain the necessary skills to carry out your research


Book yourself onto the relevant workshops and events via the online booking system at which is used by all three Faculties. Please note: You can only

book a maximum of 6 workshops at any one time (once you have attended a booked

workshop you will be able to book another). You can subscribe to a Calendar feed of your

Workshop bookings – this requires a one-off set-up.

Attend the workshop or event with your Smartcard so that your presence can be recorded.

Attendance data will be uploaded onto the system within 3 days of the activity. Your record

will show as unattended until the data is uploaded. Workshop attendances feed

automatically into ePortfolio.

You can download a pdf transcript of your workshop attendances for use at Annual

Progression. To allow flexibility for different start dates and progression dates you can

specify a date range for your list of workshops.

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You will receive an email inviting you to complete an online feedback questionnaire

whenever your attendance at a workshop has been recorded. The questionnaire is

anonymous and your answers will be used to provide essential information on the quality of

the workshops provided. Informed and constructive feedback will help us to monitor,

evaluate and modify the programme. The mean rating for the previous year (out of 5) is

included within the workshop description.

Periodically revisit and revise your Training Needs Analysis and Personal Development Plan.

If you have a particular training need which does not appear to be satisfied by the SAgE

Researcher Development Programme (not specific research techniques) please contact the

programme manager – [email protected]

Accessibility and Disability

If you have any queries or individual needs in the areas of access, mobility, communication or

workshop materials e.g. if you are a wheelchair user, require information in an alternative format,

require audio amplification/hearing loop or visual equipment, require a BSL/English interpreter, or

have any dietary requirements please let the team know at [email protected]


You are expected to identify courses which will be most appropriate for your personal training needs

and to manage your own diary in an efficient and professional manner.

In making a booking you are:

• Committing yourself to attend the course or workshop for its full duration

• Agreeing to arrive on time for the course to avoid disruption

• Indicating that you will participate in activities taking place as part of the course

• Agreeing to undertake any pre-requisite activities as requested

• Expected to stay for the whole workshop

You will receive e-mail reminders in advance of your workshop bookings. If you can no longer attend

please remove your booking as far in advance as possible. This is very important as places on popular

workshops may be limited and the place can then be offered to another person. Persistent lateness

or non-attendance will result in the removal of access to the online-booking system.

Please note: late cancellations (less than 3 working days) or non-attendance at workshops which are very popular or expensive will incur a £50.00 administration fee. You will be notified if this applies on your booking confirmation so please read this carefully.


The SAgE Faculty Researcher Development Programme has its own Blackboard Community site, to

which you will automatically be granted access upon registration. You will need to use your

University login and password. The community houses useful information, workshop presentations

and handouts etc. (n.b. these are not a substitute for active participation). Blackboard can be

accessed at

Online courses covering Introduction to Learning and Teaching and SAgE PGRDP Information Skills

are also available via BlackBoard. You will need to self enrol for these modules. Further information

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can be found on pages 29 and 30. If you are having problems accessing BlackBoard please contact

the IT helpdesk at [email protected]

You can also download the Blackboard app which is available on iOS, Android or Windows.

PGRDP Credit Requirements

All workshops, activities and events in the Researcher Development Programme carry a PGRDP

credit value which correlates with the time commitment involved. You can register for as many

credits as you feel are appropriate for your own needs. There is no upper limit. However, you will be

expected to have demonstrated your commitment to your own development by participating as


Degree Study Type Stage Max School Credits as part of total

PGRDP Credits Required

PhD Full Time 1 20 60

PhD Full Time 2 20 40

PhD Full Time 3 0 0

PhD Part Time 1 10 30

PhD Part Time 2 10 30

PhD Part Time 3 10 20

PhD Part Time 4 10 20

PhD Part Time 5 0 0

PhD Part Time 6 0 0

IPhD Full Time 1 0 0

IPhD Full Time 2 20 60

IPhD Full Time 3 20 40

IPhD Full Time 4 0 0

Combined PhD - All 50 in total 100 in total

MPhil Full Time 1 20 60

MPhil Part Time 1 10 40

MPhil Part Time 2 10 20

PhD/MPhil Staff Candidate All 0 0

The diminishing targets in successive years reflects the anticipation that, as your research advances,

you and your supervisory team will identify and take part in, an increasing range of other

appropriate development activities.

A member of staff registered for a research degree is encouraged to take up the training

opportunities available from either the postgraduate or the staff development programme.

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Cohort Training Model requirements

Students registered on a PhD or EngD as a part of a cohort training model (see below) will usually

have designated training pathways. You may be able to claim PGRDP credits for transferable skills

modules or other activities undertaken as part of their programme. Students should consult their

specific programme handbook in the first instance.

EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training: Cloud Computing for Big Data, Diamond, Digital Civics,

Geospatial Systems, Molecular Sciences for Medicine, Offshore Wind Energy and the

Environment, Power Electronics for Sustainable Electric Propulsion Renewable Energy

Northeast Universities, STREAM IDC, Water Infrastructure and Resilience.

NERC Doctoral Training partnerships and Centres for Doctoral Training: Data, Risk and

Environmental Analytical Methods, IAPETUS, Oil and Gas, One Planet.

BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnerships: Newcastle, Liverpool and Durham

ESRC Doctoral Training Partnerships: Northern Ireland and North East (NINE)

School PGRDP Credits

Designated development activities can also be undertaken within your School and can count

towards your annual PGRDP Credit total (up to a maximum number of credits – see above). This list

of activities has been agreed by the Graduate School Committee for the entire Faculty of Science,

Agriculture and Engineering.

Conference (National/ International) poster presentation (5)

Conference (National/ International) oral presentation (10)

In-sessional English (5)

Journal Club/ Seminar Series Attendance (5)

Journal Club/ Seminar Presentation (5)

Journal Club/ Seminar Organisation (10)

Masters Module Attendance (10)

PG Student Rep School/Faculty (5)

Publication (5)

School Conference Poster Presentation (5)

School Conference Oral Presentation (5)

School Conference Organisation (10)

Teaching/ Tutorial/ Demonstrating - 6 hours minimum (5)

School credits can be claimed using the online booking system at

Log in to and choose “Extra Credits” from the menu in the top left. Register for a specific activity you

have completed. For example, In-sessional English or PGR Student Rep etc. Each eligible activity is

listed in the drop down menu. Make sure all the activities you are claiming for took place in the

2019/20 academic year. Remember: Each activity can be only be awarded PGRDP credits once

during your research degree.

These PGRDP credits will be automatically registered. Your credit total is shown in the top left of the

screen when you log on to the booking system and will show in the extra credits section of the

downloadable pdf transcript of your training.

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If you claim for several activities, you may find your school credit total exceeds your maximum

allowed to carry forward to the pgrdp credit total required for your degree and stage. It is your

responsibility make sure you also gain the appropriate number of Faculty PGRDP credits.

Research students in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics may have other specific

training requirements. To record these please contact the PGRDP team directly at [email protected]

Individual Project

You can also claim PGRDP credits for development activities undertaken outside the Researcher

Development Programme via the extra credits tab. This is a way to record a unique training

opportunity or activity which leads to you own personal or career development. Please ensure you

describe how the specific activity developed your transferable skills (not research skills) and upload

some documentary evidence. Transferable skills are those acquired through any activity that can be

applied in other situations e.g. communication skills, time management, team-working. These wider

range of skills will be useful to you as you progress through your career whether you choose to stay

in academia or pursue a career outside of research. You can upload files associated with the activity

– a report about an Individual Project is best uploaded as a document, with just a brief summary in

the “Description” field.

We will award eligible projects with PGRDP credits (the amount awarded will depend on the activity

described and the length of time spent on transferable skills activities). These PGRDP credits should

also appear in the extra credits of your downloadable pdf transcript once approved.

Part Time Students or those involved in long-term fieldwork

Part-time students are welcome to attend all sessions offered by the Researcher Development

Programme but we appreciate there may be times when it is difficult to attend. Alternatively you

may be away for long periods involved in fieldwork.

The PGRDP team have arranged training in intensive blocks for all students studying part-time or

away from Newcastle University campus.

Intensive week dates for 2019/20

w/c 03/02/2020

w/c 15/06/2020

We are carrying out a research project to see how best we can support part-time students which will

feed into provision later in the 19/20 academic year. In the meantime if you encounter particular

problems accessing training please contact Dr Gail de Blaquière (Lecturer in PG Skills Development)

as soon as possible at [email protected]

For Information - Vitae conducted nine interviews with researchers who have successfully

completed a doctorate part-time

All of the researchers interviewed are different and have undertaken their doctorate at different

points in their life and with different motivations.

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2019/20 Workshop Programme

This programme was correct at the time of going to print but details may change and additional

sessions may be added. Please check the online booking system at for

the latest information.

Start Date Start End Title URL


04/09/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

19/09/2019 13:00 14:30 Induction for Continuing PGRs

Dental School: Ground Floor, RB Green Lecture Theatre

20/09/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

30/09/2019 09:00 14:15 SAgE Faculty Induction for 1st Year PGRs

Armstrong Building, Ground floor, King's Hall

01/10/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

09/10/2019 13:00 14:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

09/10/2019 14:00 16:00 B3: Job Search Strategies

Devonshire Building: G21/22

10/10/2019 09:30 11:00 C1: Health & Safety/Risk Assessment

King George VI Building, LT4, Lecture Theatre 4

10/10/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

14/10/2019 10:00 11:30 C1: Visa and Immigration information session for 1st Year PGRs

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

14/10/2019 09:30 11:00 C1: Travel Health and Safety

King George VI Building, LT4, Lecture Theatre 4

15/10/2019 09:30 11:00 C1: Chemical Safety and COSHH

King George VI Building: LT1, Lecture Theatre 1

15/10/2019 11:00 12:30 C1: Biological safety and genetic modification (GM)

King George VI Building: LT1, Lecture Theatre 1

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Start Date Start End Title URL


16/10/2019 10:00 12:00 B3: How to Succeed at Interview

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

16/10/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

17/10/2019 10:00 11:30 B1: ePortfolio and Personal Development Planning

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

17/10/2019 11:30 13:00 B1: ePortfolio and Personal Development Planning

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

18/10/2019 14:00 16:00 A1: Document Management - Content and Layout

Ridley Building 2: 4th Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

18/10/2019 10:00 13:00 A1: Preparing your thesis in LaTeX

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

21/10/2019 09:15 16:30 A2: Introduction to R

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

22/10/2019 09:45 14:00

A2: Getting Started with IBM SPSS Statistics for Beginners - Very Basis SPSS

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

23/10/2019 13:00 14:00 How to sleep King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

24/10/2019 09:00 13:00 C1: Good Practice in Your Research

Devonshire Building: G21/22

25/10/2019 09:15 16:30 D2: Scientific Writing

Devonshire Building: G21/22

01/11/2019 14:00 16:00 A1: Document Management Images and Tables

Ridley Building 2: 4th Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

04/11/2019 10:00 13:00 C1: Research Ethics (Theory)

King George VI Building: Seminar Room 1.71B

04/11/2019 13:00 17:00 A2: Introduction to Linux

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

04/11/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/27

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Start Date Start End Title URL


05/11/2019 09:45 17:00 A2: Getting Started with IBM SPSS Statistics for beginners

Medical School: 5th floor, Dene PC Cluster

06/11/2019 09:30 16:30

C2: Managing Your Research Project and Working with Your Supervisor

Stephenson Building: Teaching Room T10 (3.12)

06/11/2019 10:00 12:00 A1: Data Handling and Spreadsheet Skills

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

07/11/2019 10:00 12:00 D2: Managing the Transition into your Research Degree

Daysh Building: Doctoral Training Suite, 5th Floor, Room 5.65

07/11/2019 12:30 13:30

A2: Bioinformatics Training Opportunities for Researchers at Newcastle University

Daysh Building: Doctoral Training Suite, 5th floor, Room 5.65

07/11/2019 14.00 16.00

D1: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awareness – How to be an EDI Ambassador

11/11/2019 10:00 13:00 A2: Nvivo

Ridley Building 2: 4th Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

11/11/2019 09:15 16:30 A2: Statistical Modelling with R Day 1

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

12/11/2019 09:15 16:30 A2: Statistical Modelling with R Day 2

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

13/11/2019 09:30 12:30 D3: Introduction to Innovative Behaviours for Resourceful Researchers

Devonshire Building: G21/22

13/11/2019 13:00 16:00 A1: Introduction to Git and Github

King George VI Building: Lawn PC Cluster

13/11/2019 13:00 14:00 How to sleep King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

14/11/2019 12:00 13:00 Brilliant Club - Recruitment Event

Medical School: MED.MG.2.07 Training Room

14/11/2019 10:00 12:00 D2: Your Literature Review

Devonshire Building: G21/22

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Start Date Start End Title URL


14/11/2019 12.00 14.00

D1: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awareness – How to be an EDI Ambassador

Devonshire Building: G21/22

14/11/2019 14:00 16:00

C2: First Year PhD Processes - Writing Your Research Project Proposal and Progression

Stephenson Building: Teaching Room T13 (3.04)

15/11/2019 10:00 11:00 A1: Open Access Publishing

Devonshire Building: G21/22

18/11/2019 13:00 14:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

18/11/2019 14:00 16:00 B3: Exploring Career Options (within and beyond academia)

Devonshire Building: G21/22

18/11/2019 09:00 17:00 D2: Presentation Skills (One to Ones)

Devonshire Building: G27

18/11/2019 10:00 12:00 A1: Advanced Document Management - using Word and EndNote

Ridley Building 2: 4th Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

19/11/2019 14:00 16:30 C3: Funding & Impact: How they fit with your research career

Devonshire Building: G21/22

20/11/2019 10:00 12:00 B3: Confidential Career Conversations

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room 1

20/11/2019 09:15 16:30 D2: Scientific Writing

King George VI Building: Seminar Room 1.71B

20/11/2019 14:00 17:00 B3: Career Conversations with MSP/Computing Alumni

Urban Sciences Building, Event Space G.003

22/11/2019 09:30 12:30 C2: Preparing For Your Doctoral Viva

Devonshire Building: G21/22

22/11/2019 13:30 16:30 D1: Influencing and Negotiating

Devonshire Building: G21/22

22/11/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

25/11/2019 09:15 16:30 A2: Programming with R

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

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Start Date Start End Title URL


26/11/2019 09:00 12:30 A2: An Introduction to MatLab - Part 1

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

26/11/2019 14:00 16:00 B2: Time Management

Stephenson Building: Teaching Room T10 (3.12)

28/11/2019 09:30 13:00 A2: An Introduction to MatLab - Part 2

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

28/11/2019 09:00 16:00 C1: Emergency First Aid

King George VI Building: Howden Room

29/11/2019 10:00 12:00 A1: Presentation Skills Using PowerPoint

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

29/11/2019 15:00 16:30 Procrastination King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

02/12/2019 13:00 16:00 A1: Writing Your Thesis in LaTeX

Ridley Building 2: 4ht Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

02/12/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

03/12/2019 09:30 12:30 D2: Speak so people listen

Devonshire Building: G21/22

03/12/2019 13:30 16:30 D2: What does it all mean? Data and communication

Devonshire Building: G21/22

03/12/2019 10:00 12:00 B3: How to write an Effective CV & Covering Letter

Medical School: Level 2, Seminar Room L2.5

04/12/2019 10:00 13:00 A1: Introduction to HPC

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

05/12/2019 09:45 17:00 A2: SPSS Advanced (Follow on workshop)

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

09/12/2019 13:00 14:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme (cross-Faculty)

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

10/12/2019 09:30 12:30 B1: Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (cross-faculty)

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

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10/12/2019 09:00 17:00 Brilliant Club - Assessment Centre

Medical School: MED.MG.2.07 Training Room

11/12/2019 09:30 12:30 D3: Research Proposal to Innovation Proposal

Daysh Building: Doctoral Training Suite

11/12/2019 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

11/12/2019 09:30 16:30 A2: Statistical Design of Experiments – Day 1

King George VI Building: Lawn PC Cluster

12/12/2019 09:30 16:30 A2: Statistical Design of Experiments – Day 2

King George VI Building: Lawn PC Cluster

12/12/2019 13:30 15:30 C2: Final Stages of the PhD - Practical Steps

Daysh Building: Doctoral Training Suite, 4th Floor, Room 5.65

13/12/2019 09:30 12:30 D2: Designing an Effective Research Poster

Stephenson Building: Teaching Room T10 (3.12)

13/12/2019 13:30 16:30 A3: Innovation, Creativity & Problem Solving

Stephenson Building: Teaching Room T10 (3.12)

08/01/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

15/01/2020 10:00 12:00 B3: How to write an Effective CV & Covering Letter (cross-faculty)

King's Gate, Level 1, Room 1.26

16/01/2020 09:00 14:15 SAgE Faculty Induction for 1st Year PGRs

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

20/01/2020 13:00 14:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme

King's Gate, Level 1, Room 1.26

20/01/2020 10:00 11:30 C1: Visa and Immigration information session for 1st Year PGRs

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

23/01/2020 14:00 15:30 C1: Health & Safety/Risk Assessment

King George VI Building, LT4, Lecture Theatre 4

23/01/2020 09:30 17:00 D3: Enterprise Challenge - Creativity and Innovation Competition

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

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24/01/2020 10:00 12:00 A1: Document Management - Content and Layout

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

27/01/2020 13:00 17:00 A2: Introduction to Linux

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

27/01/2020 09:30 11:00 C1: Travel Health and Safety

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

28/01/2020 09:30 11:30 A1: Document Management Images and Tables

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

28/01/2020 14:15 15:45 B1: ePortfolio and Personal Development Planning

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

29/01/2020 09:30 11:00 C1: Chemical Safety and COSHH

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

29/01/2020 11:15 12:45 C1: Biological safety and genetic modification (GM)

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

29/01/2020 12:30 14:30 A1: Advanced Document Management - using Word and EndNote)

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

30/01/2020 09:00 13:00 C1: Good Practice into your Research

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

31/01/2020 09:00 17:00 A2: Introduction to R

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

31/01/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

03/02/2020 09:45 14:00

A2: Getting Started with IBM SPSS Statistics for Beginners - Very Basis SPSS

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

03/02/2020 09:00 17:00 D2: Presentation Skills (One to Ones)

King George VI Building: Room B.84

03/02/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

04/02/2020 13:30 16:30 C1: Research Ethics (Theory)

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

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05/02/2020 09:30 12:30 A1: Introduction to HPC

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

05/02/2020 09:30 12:30 D2: What does it all mean? Data and communication

Devonshire Building: G21/22

05/02/2020 13:30 16:30 D3: Audience, Framing and Public Engagement

Devonshire Building: G21/22

06/02/2020 13:00 14:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

06/02/2020 09:30 12:30 A3: Creative Thinking and Idea Innovation for Resourceful Researchers

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

06/02/2020 14:00 16:00 D2: Your Literature Review

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

07/02/2020 09:15 16:30 D2: Scientific Writing

Devonshire Building: G21/22

07/02/2020 09:00 17:00 D1: The Interdisciplinary Researcher

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

10/02/2020 10:00 13:00 A1: Preparing Your Thesis (Managing Long Documents)

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

10/02/2020 14:00 16:00 B3: Confidential Career Conversations

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room 1

11/02/2020 13:30 16:00 B3: Making the most of your PhD

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

11/02/2020 10:00 12:00 D2: Managing the Transition into your Research Degree

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

12/02/2020 09:00 12:30 A2: An Introduction to MatLab - Part 1

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

12/02/2020 13:00 14:00 How to sleep King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

13/02/2020 09:45 17:00 A2: Getting started with the SAS system

Medical School: 5th Floor, Dene PC Cluster

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13/02/2020 10:30 12:30

C2: First Year PhD Processes - Writing Your Research Project Proposal and Progression

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

14/02/2020 09:00 12:30 A2: An Introduction to MatLab - Part 2

Ridley Building 2: 4th Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

21/02/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

24/02/2020 09:00 17:00 A2: Statistical Modelling with R – Day 1

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

25/02/2020 09:00 17:00 A2: Statistical Modelling with R – Day 2

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: Chart Cluster 3.30

26/02/2020 13:00 14:00 How to sleep Urban Sciences Building, Room 3.032

27/02/2020 14:00 16:00 B3: How to Succeed at Interview

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

02/03/2020 10:00 13:00 A2: NVivo

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

03/03/2020 10:00 12:00 B2: Time Management

Devonshire Building: G21/22

03/03/2020 14:00 16:00 B3: Job Search Strategies

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

04/03/2020 14:00 16:00 A1: Data Handling and Spreadsheet Skills

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

04/03/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

05/03/2020 09:15 16:30 A2: Programming with R

King George VI Building: Lawn PC Cluster 2.33

09/03/2020 09:30 12:30 D2: Designing an Effective Research Poster

Devonshire Building: G21/22

10/03/2020 10:00 12:00 B3: How to write an Effective CV & Covering Letter

King's Gate, Level 1, Room 1.26

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10/03/2020 13:30 16:30 D3: The Networking Effect for Resourceful Researchers

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

10/03/2020 09:45 17:00 A2: Getting Started with IBM SPSS Statistics for beginners

Ridley Building 2: 4th Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

11/03/2020 10:00 12:00 A1: Creating Academic Posters

Ridley Building 2: 4th Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

11/03/2020 09:30 16:30 A2: Statistical Design of Experiments – Day 1

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

12/03/2020 09:30 16:30 A2: Statistical Design of Experiments – Day 2

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

17/03/2020 09:30 12:30 B1: Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Daysh Building: Doctoral Training Suite, 5th Floor, Room 5.65

18/03/2020 10:00 12:00 A1: Document Management - Content and Layout

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

18/03/2020 09:15 16:30 D2: Scientific Writing

King George VI Building: Ground Floor, Howden Room

19/03/2020 09:00 17:00 D2: Presentation Skills (One to Ones)

King George VI Building: Room B.84

19/03/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

23/03/2020 13:00 16:00 A1: Writing Your Thesis in LaTeX

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

24/03/2020 13:00 14:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme

King's Gate, Level 1, Room L1.26

24/03/2020 17:00 19:00 B3: Science Careers Outside the Lab

Hadrian Building, Lindisfarne Room

25/03/2020 10:00 13:00 D3: Generating impact from your PhD without losing your focus

Devonshire Building: G21/22

27/03/2020 09:30 12:30 A1: Introduction to HPC

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

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27/03/2020 17:00 19:00 B3: Science Careers Outside the Lab

Hadrian Building, Lindisfarne Room

30/03/2020 09:30 16:30

C2: Managing Your Research Project and Working with your Supervisor

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

02/04/2020 12:30 14:00 D3: 3 Minute Thesis Launch

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

03/04/2020 09:15 16:30 D2: Scientific Writing

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

07/04/2020 10:00 12:00 B3: How to Succeed at Interview

Medical School: Level 2, Seminar Room L2.3

20/04/2020 10:00 13:00 A1: Preparing Your Thesis (Managing Long Documents

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

20/04/2020 13:30 16:30 B3: Academic Career Pathways

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

20/04/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

21/04/2020 13:00 14:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

21/04/2020 09:30 12:30 C2: Preparing For Your Doctoral Viva

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

21/04/2020 13:30 16:30 D1: Unofficially Supervising Student Research Projects

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

22/04/2020 09:30 12:30 D3: Intellectual Property: Protecting Your Valuable Ideas

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

22/04/2020 14:00 16:00 B3: Exploring Career Options (within and beyond academia)

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

23/04/2020 09:00 17:00 D2: Presentation Skills (One to Ones)

Devonshire Building: G27

23/04/2020 10:00 12:00 C2: Final Stages of the PhD - Practical Steps

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

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24/04/2020 10:00 12:00 A1: Presentation Skills Using PowerPoint

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

24/04/2020 14:00 15:00 A1: Open Access Publishing

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

27/04/2020 09:30 12:30 D2: Presentation Preparation

Devonshire Building: G21/22

27/04/2020 13:30 16:30 D3: Audience, Framing and Public Engagement

Devonshire Building: G21/22

28/04/2020 14:15 15:45 B1: ePortfolio and Personal Development Planning

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

28/04/2020 10:00 12:00 A1: Document Management Images and Tables

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

29/04/2020 10:00 12:00 B3: Confidential Career Conversations

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room 1

30/04/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

01/05/2020 10:00 12:00 A1: Creating Academic Posters

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

05/05/2020 10:00 12:00 B3: How to write an Effective CV & Covering Letter

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

05/05/2020 12:00 13:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

06/05/2020 09:00 14:15 SAgE Faculty Induction for 1st Year PGRs

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

07/05/2020 10:00 12:00 A1: Data Handling and Spreadsheet Skills)

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

11/05/2020 14:00 15:30 C1: Visa and Immigration information session for 1st Year PGRs

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

13/05/2020 10:00 12:00 A1: Advanced Document Management - using Word and EndNote

Barbara Strang Teaching Centre: 2.40

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13/05/2020 09:00 13:00 C1: Good Practice in Your Research

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

13/05/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

14/05/2020 09:30 11:00 C1: Health & Safety/Risk Assessment

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

18/05/2020 09:30 11:00 C1: Travel Health and Safety

Devonshire Building: G21/22

19/05/2020 09:30 16:30

C2: Managing Your Research Project and working with your Supervisor

Devonshire Building: G21/22

20/05/2020 09:30 11:00 C1: Chemical Safety and COSHH

Devonshire Building: G21/22

20/05/2020 11:00 12:30 C1: Biological safety and genetic modification (GM)

Devonshire Building: G21/22

20/05/2020 14:00 16:00 B3: How to Succeed at Interview

King's Gate, Level 1, Room 1.26

21/05/2020 09:00 12:30 A2: An Introduction to MatLab - Part 1

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

21/05/2020 10:00 12:00

C2: First Year PhD Processes - Writing Your Research Project Proposal and Progression

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

21/05/2020 14:00 16:00 D2: Managing the Transition into your Research Degree

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

22/05/2020 09:00 17:00 B2: PGR Wellbeing Event Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

22/05/2020 09:00 12:30 A2: An Introduction to MatLab - Part 2

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

22/05/2020 09:45 17:00 A2: SPSS Advanced (Follow on workshop)

Ridley Building 2: 4th Floor, Nereid PC Cluster

22/05/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

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26/05/2020 12:00 13:00 Brilliant Club - Recruitment Event

MED.MG.Training Room (Med School, Ground floor)

02/06/2020 10:00 12:00 D2: Your Literature Review

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

03/06/2020 10:00 12:00

C2: First Year PhD Processes - Writing Your Research Project Proposal and Progression

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

03/06/2020 15:30 18:00 D3: 3 Minute Thesis Final Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

04/06/2020 09:00 17:00 D2: Presentation Skills (One to Ones)

Devonshire Building: G27

09/06/2020 to 11/06/2020

09:00 17:00

D1: Postgraduate Leadership Programme - leadership for today and your future

Devonshire Building: G21/22

09/06/2020 13:00 14:00 Understanding the Doctorate (Visa) Extension Scheme

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

10/06/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

11/06/2020 09:30 12:30 B1: Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

King’s Gate, Level 1, Room L1.20

12/06/2020 10:00 12:00 B2: Time Management

Devonshire Building: G21/22

15/06/2020 10:00 13:00 A1: Preparing Your Thesis (Managing Long Documents)

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

16/06/2020 10:00 12:00 B3: Job Search Strategies

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

16/06/2020 14:00 16:30 C3: Funding & Impact: How they fit with your research career

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

17/06/2020 09:15 16:30 D2: Scientific Writing

HDB.6.14 PGR Learning Lab, Level 6, Henry Daysh Building

18/06/2020 09:00 17:00 D1: Interdisciplinary researcher

Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

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19/06/2020 13:00 16:00 A1: Writing Your Thesis in LaTeX

Henry Daysh Building 6.14 Learning Lab

23/06/2020 09:00 17:00 Brilliant Club - Assessment Centre

Medical School, Ground Floor, MED.MG. Training Room

24/06/2020 09:00 17:00 Innovation Festival Henry Daysh Building: 6.11 Training Space

25/06/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

06/07/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Demonstrator

Devonshire Building: G21/22

24/07/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - Seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

26/08/2020 10:00 16:00 Introduction to Learning and Teaching one day workshop - seminar

Devonshire Building: G21/22

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Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILTHE) Course

Completion of the ILTHE course is required for research students to teach or demonstrate at

Newcastle University. The blended learning course consists of an online module and a one-day

workshop. There is a Community page on Blackboard, login to

The online modules can be accessed via If you have

teaching commitments at Newcastle University, then please complete the online course and record

your thoughts in the course booklet and then signup to do the one-day workshop via the Learning

and Teaching Development Service - ILTHE workshop programme on the online booking system at

Evidencing Learning and Teaching Skills (ELTS)

Evidencing Learning and Teaching Skills (ELTS) The Learning and Teaching Development Service

(LTDS) has a new programme for PGRs who teach - ‘Evidencing Learning and Teaching Skills’, the

successful completion of which leads to recognition as an Associate Fellow (D1) of the Higher

Education Academy, see for details.

The programme is specifically designed for PGR students who have completed ILTHE and wish to

gain recognition for the skills and knowledge they bring to their professional practice in teaching and

supporting student learning.

To be eligible for the programme you will need:

• To be in your second or subsequent year of study

• Have the 15-20 hours of teaching mentioned above

• Have the approval of your PI/Graduate School

• To have completed the ILTHE

Series One

14/10/2019 12:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

30/10/2019 16:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

14/11/2019 16:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

26/11/2019 16:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

09/12/2019 12:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

14/01/2020 12:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

Series Two

13/02/2020 12:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

20/02/2020 16:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

02/03/2020 12:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

25/03/2020 16:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

02/04/2020 12:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

01/05/2020 16:00 Devonshire Building: G21/22

In the case of over subscription places will awarded at random and unsuccessful students will be

placed on the waiting list for next semester workshops. If you meet the entry criteria and the

application is successful we will allocate you to one of the time slots.

Please register your interest via the online form:

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SAgE PGRDP Library Information Skills

The online modules can be accessed via BlackBoard ( and self-enrol on

SAgE PGRDP Information Skills.

A1: Finding Information

This self-directed online module will introduce you to the key databases and resources you now

have available to you through Newcastle University Library, making it essential for anyone about to

undertake a thorough and effective literature search. Here you will learn how to create a search

strategy, how to use advanced searching techniques to find relevant results quickly and how to keep

up-to-date in your research area. These skills will help you plan a systematic approach to finding and

using evidence now, which will benefit you whenever you are called upon to explain and defend

your approach in the future. Time: approx. 3 hours

A1: Managing Information

This self-directed online module will introduce you to ways of managing all the information you need

to read and keep track of during the course of your research, including how to reference accurately

and consistently in a variety of styles. We will explore the benefits and limitations of reference

management software, so you can make an informed decision on whether a reference management

tool is right for you. You will be introduced to EndNote, which is software that enables you to build a

library of your references, organise them into groups, share them with others and create

bibliographies automatically in a variety of styles. Time: approx. 2 hours

A1: One-to-one consultation with your Liaison Librarian

For in-depth help and advice on your literature search and the best resources to use in your

discipline, or to take an interdisciplinary approach, book a one-to-one consultation with your

dedicated Liaison Librarian. If you are about to undertake a systematic review, we can advise you on

the databases to include, the controlled vocabularies and subject thesauri which can help, and how

to build a complex search query which can be replicated across databases. You can come and see us

at any point in your research degree and we can advise on all aspects of finding, using and managing

information. Time: 1 hour

Consultation appointment times available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm by prior arrangement:

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2019/20 Activities

All the activities listed below can be awarded pgrdp credits. The number may be fixed or may

depend on the time commitment involved. This is not a definitive list and more internal and external

activities will be advertised throughout the academic year via our weekly update e-mail.

Activity PGRDP Credits

3MT Competition 10

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition asks doctoral students to explain their research in just three minutes using only one slide. The explanation should be easily understood by a non-specialist. Originally developed by the University of Queensland, Australia it has been taken up by Universities across the world. The competition offers training then the opportunity to compete in a University final in front of the public. The winner will then go forward to compete in the national competition.

3MT Competition Launch

ACTION for Impact 20

ACTION for Impact is a collaborative innovation and enterprise programme for postgraduate and early-career researchers at Newcastle University aimed at creating impact of all kinds from research. ACTION for Impact focuses on the development of entrepreneurial researchers who are aware of the relevant problems and challenges they are addressing, and are capable of realising the commercial, economic and societal impact of their research.

Bright Club Variable

Bright Club is a one-of-a-kind FREE training programme which allows you to perfect your communication skills and develop a sleek, engaging presentation style that is guaranteed to get your message across (whether you are pitching to prospective funders or trying to explain to some distant relatives what you do for a living!)

But this isn’t a long afternoon reading from slides and handouts, this is comedic training and we want to transform North East academics and researchers, just like you, into stand-up comedians performing at the Stand Comedy Club! The training begins with a session at Life looking at the public engagement skills applied to comedy, focusing on what makes things funny and interesting, how to find good material for your 8-minute set and how to structure a seamless narrative. And if you’re having doubts on whether you’ll be funny, or wondering what you’d base your routine around, then STOP! You’d be surprised at the way the perfectly normal rituals of your work, research or even daily life can be transformed into the most amusing of sets. Three rehearsals in the run up to the event will then enable you to shape and fine-tune your act and the night at the Stand will be hosted by a professional compere. Training and support will be aplenty throughout the path: you won’t be going in alone!

For further information and training session dates contact Bright Club at [email protected]

Brilliant Club 20

The Brilliant Club is an award winning charity that recruits, trains and places doctoral researchers into state schools to deliver programmes of university-style tutorials to small groups of high performing pupils. Placements offer researchers the chance to complete meaningful and well-paid work, whilst communicating their research and gaining teaching experience.

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As well as gaining teaching experience, you will deepen your knowledge of the UK education system, helping you understand the backgrounds of the undergraduates studying at your institution.

Next briefing session

Go Volunteer Variable

NUSU’s Go Volunteer team aims to make sure you get the most out of your time at Newcastle University through their volunteering opportunities.

Go Volunteer allows you to develop the skills future employers look for, supplement your degree course, help the local community and make new friends.

Language Resource Centre Variable

The Centre offers free language learning facilities to all members of the University. You can access self-study resources in 150 languages.

The facilities include:

80 PCs with language learning software

24 satellite channels in 17 languages

800 foreign language films (3,000+ available online)

online English language study materials

podcast site

{react} Magazine Variable

{react} aims to inform those interested in science or science-based research, providing an insight not only into the end products of research but all activities that go on behind the red brick doors of Newcastle’s science departments. You can read past issues of {react} online at

If you would like to get involved and gain experience in science communication, scientific writing and the process of publication please contact [email protected]

STEM for Britain 10

Presenting and discussing "ground-breaking" and frontier UK research and R&D to Members of both Houses of Parliament at Westminster. The overall aim of STEM for BRITAIN is to encourage, support and promote Britain's early-stage and early-career research scientists, engineers, technologists and mathematicians who are an essential part of continuing progress in and development of UK research and R&D.

STEM for BRITAIN Awards are made on the basis of the very best research work and results by an early-stage or early-career researcher together with their ability to communicate their work to a lay audience.

Further information can be found at the STEM for Britain website

Applications open on Monday 23rd September 2019

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SoapBox Science Variable

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do. Soapbox Science is grass-roots science outreach organisation that brings cutting edge research onto urban streets. They place inspirational speakers on soapboxes and encourage them to engage in and start conversations with the public about their work.

For further information see

University Wide Language Programme 20

The School of Modern Languages offers early evening language classes in a variety of languages to all Newcastle University students, regardless of their Degree Programmes. You will receive two weekly contact hours. Please note: applications open each summer for the upcoming academic year. • New students in 2019-20 Applications are open from 18th August until 30th September (first come first served applies so options may be withdrawn later in the month). • ALL students irrespective of stage Applications are open from 1st October until 17th October for any class that still has places.

Further information at

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Additional Training Opportunities Research students can browse and book those workshops from the Faculty of Humanities and Social

Sciences (HASS) or Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS), which have been made available to all

research students by selecting the appropriate programme on the online booking system

Faculty of Medical Sciences Research Student Development programme

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Researcher Development programme

PGRDP credits for these sessions can be claimed by contacting [email protected] if not allocated


In Sessional English

For students who do not have English as their first language. The purpose of the English support

offered is to bridge the gap between general English and the academic English needed to succeed in

UK university life. Courses range from lecture-style to workshop format, covering reading, writing,

listening and speaking. Further details are available at:

Writing Development Centre

The Writing Development Centre offers individual tutorials to focus in depth on a specific issue you

want to work on, and help you develop strategies to improve your academic work. These issues may

be associated with the process of writing your thesis (such as writer’s block, critical thinking,

planning and structuring), or the final product (for example, developing your academic writing style,

editing techniques). Further information can be found at:


External opportunities mailing list

Through our Vitae and networking activities across the University and beyond we are informed of

additional training and development opportunities that may be of interest to PG Researchers. To

enable us to contact you with these additional opportunities we have set up a mailing list:

[email protected] All PG researchers will be added to this mailing list but there is the

opportunity to unsubscribe at any time.

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Online Materials and Resources Academic Skills Kit:

designed for taught students but may have some useful materials including writing and

referencing or numeracy, maths and statistics

Data Management: –

Enterprise: The Enterprise Shed - Making Ideas Happen

Online IT Tutorials:

Data Analysis tools (Excel, SPSS, NVivo, Matlab)

Document management (Word and LaTeX)

Presentations/Posters (PowerPoint)

Professional Development:


Public Engagement:

ReCap Recordings of SAgE PGRDP workshops: (SAgE Postgraduate

Researcher Development Programme Community)

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Useful Contacts and Information

Programme Team

Lecturer in Postgraduate Skills Development

Faculty Learning & Teaching Assistant

Name Dr Gail de Blaquière Miss Angela McLaughlin

Phone 0191 208 5901 0191 208 3981

Email [email protected]. [email protected]

Address SAgE Faculty Office, Devonshire Building, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU

SAgE Faculty Office, Devonshire Building, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU

Enquiries: For general enquiries regarding the Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme

please use [email protected]

School Postgraduate Administration Contacts

School Contact E-mail address

Computing Science Catherine McAndrew

Emma Thompson [email protected]


June Kay (Marine Technology &

Mechanical Engineering)

Tina Kristensen (Chemical


Melissa Ware (Civil Engineering)

Nicola Hawdon (Electrical &

Electronic Engineering)

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Statistics and Physics Maria Adair [email protected]

Natural and



Gillian Webber (Biology, Marine

Science, Geosciences)

Alison Rowntree (Agriculture)

Brian Shields (Chemistry)

[email protected]

NU Singapore Geraldine Lee

Halimah Hassan [email protected]