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A view of the Henry Angus Building, home of social sciences and Commerce and Business Administration


4 The redirection of student government Keith Bradbury, Law 11, discusses the implication of the 1967 AMS elections.

10 Let's reform graduate education Are colleges demanding unnecessary PhD's? Dean MiZler of the Graduate School, Yale University, speaks on the subject.

13 Medical education goes to the doctor "lt is the public who are the ultimate benefactors."- Dr. D. H . Wil l iams.

6 What of mixed residences?

9 The changing face of our campus


16 18 20 21 24 26

28 31 33

Volume 21, No. 1 - Spring, 1967

Wives in waiting


Ataturk's land-ancient and modern

Dear Editor

Cecil Green Park-in full swing

Frankly name-dropping Class of '67 here on record

Nays of the University Alumni Association news

Up and doing

Next Issue: What price the sweet girl graduate's degree?


COVER Bruce Benton

Publ ished quarter ly by the Alumni Associat ion of the University of Brit ish Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Vancouver 8, B.C. Author ized as second class ma i l by Business and editorial off ices: 252 Brock Ha l l , U.B.C.,

the Post Of f i ce Depar tment , Ot tawa, a rd fo r payment of postage in cash.

The U.B.C. Alumni Chronic le i s sent free of charge to alumni donat ing to the annual g iv ing programme and 3 Universit ies Capital Fund. Non-donors may receive the magazine by pay ing a subscr ip t ion of $3.00 a year.

Member American Alumni Counci l .


Stan Evans, BA'4 I , BEd'44, chairman John L. Gray, BSA'39, past chairman Mrs. L. E. Barber, BA'37 Mrs. T. R. Boggs, BA'29 Keith Bradbury, Law I1 Mrs. G. B. Dickson, BA'60 Miss Kris Emmott, Sc II Dr. J. Katz Kenneth R. Martin, BCom'46 D. C. Peck, BCorn'48, BA'4-9 Frank C. Walden, BA'49

EDITOR Elizabe!h B. Norcross, BAS6

BUSINESS MANAGER Tim Hollick-Kenyon, BA'51, BSW'53


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The redirection of student Government

by Keith Bradbury

F OR MONTHS the campus had been on the couch for analysis of an ap-

parently troubled psyche. One after another a variety of self-styled ex- perts had probed and prodded and then issued their conclusions. And the diagnosis always seemed to be the same. The student unrest, they said, was being caused by a new ‘radical’ breed of students who were now in- habiting the campus. Tuned-in, turned-on, and revolutionary, these students of the sixties would soon cre- ate a Berkeley at UBC.

There were a number of things wrong with this diagnosis, but the main one was that nobody had bothered to ask the students about it. In fact the matter was not clearly put to them until the AMS first-slate elec- tions in February, when they were offered candidates advocating, among other things, strikes, marches and sit- ins as part of a program of ‘student action.’

The result was revealing. Not one radical was elected (although one was acclaimed to an AMS executive posi- tion) and a fee-strike proposal born in the indignant minds of the radicals was shot down by a 6-1 majority in a referendum.

Elected president for 1967-68, in the biggest AMS election turnout ever, was second-year commerce student Shaun Sullivan, a political nobody who en- tered the race because he considered the fee-strike proposal “ridiculous.” In a whirlwind campaign of only three days he picked up enough support for his anti-strike platform to beat the radicals’ widely-known candidate, Bob Cruise, by a 2-1 majority.

At the same time the radicals’ candi- date for second vice-president, arts stu- dent Doug Halverson, was trounced by a former Frosh president Kim Camp- bell. Miss Campbell’s simple campaign platform was that the politics of right and left had no place in student government.


So demoralized were the radicals when the election was over that they decided to run no candidates in the second slate election a week later. There was even talk that the acclaimed radical secretary Catherine Kerr, would resign because of the disastrous election results. As for the campus, it was making sure that none of the radicals made it on to council in se- cond slate elections either. Arts student Ray Larsen, a bearded AMS commit- teeman who had in the past been identified with the campus left-wing group, was soundly defeated in the first vice-presidential contest, even though he claimed to be unassociated with the radicals.

Just what the results say about the current campus mood is perhaps the most interesting aspect of the election. Clearly, they show that the students are not as ready as the radicals hoped-and as various analysts had claimed-to hit the bricks in picket lines and demonstrations. The main reason for this appears to be that most students feel there is no issue facing the campus at present that de- mands such drastic action.

At the same time, students were con- cerned about the sincerity of the radi- cals and their ability to lead the cam- pus. Some students felt the radical group advocated demonstrations just for a lark. Others looked at the things the radicals had done on the campus this year and decided theirs wasn’t the type of leadership that was needed. At the beginning of the year, for instance, the group had tried to arouse students to action on a student housing crisis that apparently existed more in the minds of the radical group members than in fact. A ‘tent-in’ staged on the Main Mall was a flop. Later, they badly misjudged campus opinion by viciously attacking Dr. Macdonald’s re- cord at the time he announced his re- signation. And finally they brought forth the ill-conceived strike plan. The

Keith Bradbury, Law 11

strike was so strongly opposed it be- came the main issue in the election and the prime reason for the defeat of Cruise.

However, while the students have rejected all thought of a revolutionary change, it would be wrong to sug- gest-as a recent downtown newspaper article did-that they have merely opted for continuation of the status quo. Sullivan’s campaign, for instance, was based on the claim that you don’t have to be radical to be an activist. His platform included such proposals as a year-long campaign to gain public support for higher education by clearly and accurately presenting the prob- lems. In effect a second Back Mac campaign, the program will be built around the slogan, “If you don’t help us now, it may be your child that is denied a university education.”

Simultaneously Sullivan suggested- perhaps for the first time in AMS history-that the student government take an active interest in the quality of education provided by the univer- sity. The essential difference between his proposals and those of Cruise and the radicals was that change could be brought about within the existing sys- tem and this was what appealed to the not-very-revolutionary student body.

As for the radicals, the obvious con- clusion is that for a small group they made a lot of noise. Up until last fall the members were politically astute and worked their way into positions through which they could make the student body appear more radical than it actually was. Probably this is why so many misread the campus atmosphere so badly. With their decisive rejection in the elections and the departure after this term of a number of leaders, it looks as if the group may fade away. Quietly, even. 0

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What Mary Wellwood, BA ’51:

“Segregated residences are not normal.”

Will Dobson, MA (€din.), editor Cowichan Leader: “Freedom to think does not carry with it freedom from social conventions.”

Carola Kessler, Ed1

“What about that ‘I have just crawled out of bed’ look?”

l m for Them- Wellwood

Y VIEWS on this question are based M on my own four years in a stu- dent hut in Acadia Camp and having one daughter who had four years in a college residence and another with one year. They disagree with me. One said, “I appreciate being able to run around in jeans and sweatshirt looking like a victim of the plague, so I’m conserva- tive on this.”

This daughter and her husband are house-parents in a men’s dorm at a New Hampshire college where he is a student. He is strongly for mixed resi- dences providing the rooms or suites have private bathrooms. As he said, regardless of how rigidly rules are now enforced some people will still break them, and “Sure, one is taking a chance when he decides for co-ed dorms but so do parents when they decide to have a child.”

In our society all innovations are suspect until they prove their merit. As usual, we must accept conditions before attempting changes. I propose, then. that students to be considered for a mixed residence should be at least entering third year, have a good academic record, and parental consent. By third year most students have established their personal scale of values and their responsibilities to themselves and others.

The first group to initiate this plan should be aware of their status as pio- neers who must always be conscious of the effects of their actions on those who will follow. It would not be an easy assignment for any young person but it could be a valuable part of their education. Today’s students realize, more than ever we did, the responsi- bility of all for all and I think a self- imposed discipline is one they would understand and accept.

W e are not dealing here with child- ren. These are young adults whom we


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~ of mixed Residences?

are supposed to be preparing to live constructive lives in the real world beyond the campus. Residences segre- gated by sex are accepted as normal socially in our universities and I sub- mit that these are not normal but simply more convenient for those who must administer them. I submit, too, that we parents take a good hard look at the report from the Canadian Union of Students showing that approxima- tely 55% of students had felt a desire to seek advice regarding emotional and psychological problems. The most seri- ous of these were (1) despondency and depression, (2) lack of self-confidence, and (3) relations with the opposite sex.

Can we afford to ignore the im- portance of such a report? Let us stop living in a dream world. Let us not treat this as just another statistic. W e are deceiving ourselves and betraying our children if we don’t take imme- diate action to get at the sources of this trouble and act on our findings in the most constructive ways possible. In seeking solutions let us listen to the ideas of those most concerned-the students themselves.

In planning shared accommodation let us listen to their ideas, too. I sug- gest that an architect and student com- mittee should discuss and agree on building plans so that the personal privacy of residents is assured, as it is in most of our homes. As I see it, this would simply be a natural extension of the home environment with mutual respect for the rights of others. Perhaps the planners would decide on separate floors with mixed and separate lounge areas arranged as desired.

To me implementing this idea is a necessary social experiment. Unless there is a sudden drastic change in our social structure most of our students will marry during or shortly after their academic years. I see the shared resi- dence as a good preparation for life as it is and for living together later as vital, creative partners in marriage.

Our society has evolved laws for us to follow and as circumstances change we have learned to modify these laws to our advantage. This is happening in every other aspect of life today. Why not, then, in the universities which should be in the vanguard of social change? 0

I’m agin- Dobson

OMMINGLING OF THE SEXES mLlSt have its limits at a university.

While first in ideas, first to protest political injustice, first to welcome in- novators, first in knowledge, universi- ties must furnish the further lead of distinguishing between liberty and licence.

What happens on a particular uni- versity campus reflects directly upon that university. This platitude is neces- sary to illustrate the point that in the public mind there is constantly asso- ciation between a university’s reputa- tion and the public’s idea of what a university should be.

For instance, attire which is normal under appropriate circumstances of segregation could easily become dis- tasteful under desegregation.

Student residential arrangements in England, regardless of age of students, include only a few examples of co- educational boarding schools. To date no university residences there appear to enjoy the freedom of the ordinary city hotel and motel where men and women come and go freely.

It is just as proper-rare word these days!-for segregation of men’s and women’s residences to continue as at present in normal term time as it is for faculty quarters to be out of bounds to students. W e already enjoy consider- able freedom and are legatees of a healthy tradition of eo-education from kindergarten onward.

So accustomed are we to sharing general facilities with the opposite sex

that a news item out of England last July will strike us as downright amus- ing. The world was informed then that girl students at Cambridge Uni- versity had won the right to dine in hall with students of Jesus College. “where no woman has crossed the thre:.hold since nuns studied there in the 15th century.”

There, the sweeping away of a cherished university barrier no doubt made some male students ill. To most of us here the change ranks as another victory of basic good sense over custom deeply entrenched. Even the strongest bastions fall.

Present UBC campus residences, while perhaps too few in number, rep- resent to my mind as enlightened an arrangement in university living for freshmen and other undernrads as can be coped with by the students them- selves and the university authorities.

My reasons lie within the normal structuring of authority of campus life in and beyond the lecture theatres and libraries.

Having listened to students question the value of certain subjects in their early years, I have later had the plea- sure of hearing these same students acknowledge that these particular sub- jects had after all their rightful place in the general scheme of things. Sub- jects despised at the time were seen to fit into the degree course and relate themselves to others, as elements pro- ducing unity.

By acknowledging the value at a later stage in their degree studies of subjects considered without value in the early stages, students in effect recognized their entire course as thc product of more mature minds than their own.

As master minds map out courses, so do they operate in planning other features of university life. Collective human wisdom is the democratic force which gives the best chance of success.

Stu.dents chafe at social strictures. This is as it should be because the


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inquiring mind, the questioning mind, reaches its full flower at university where the atmosphere should encour- age exploration. The student who pro- vides his own funds for fees and lodging has a right to feel he has proved himself at least in certain par- ticulars an adult worker in society. He is entitled to feel his free time should not be unduly managed.

Freedom to think docs not, however, carry with it freedom from social con- ventions of our age, when these con- ventions are based on the firm founda- tion of proven practice and established morality. Co-educational residential blocks for freshmen would pose prob- lems which could create enmity between the sexes, not co-operation.

One danger today in our society is that men may cease to act like men owing to the direction of their up- bringing at all stages by women.

Common dining and lounge facili- ties for segregated dorms represent a great concession by the authorities to recognition of freshmen as full adults. To go beyond this would be an un- necessary handicap upon the learning process which alone justifies a uni- versity. It would also, by casting doubt upon a university’s ability to lead, create loss of confidence by the public. Reputations are easily lost and are gained only by the sacrificial way of self-discipline. 0

I’m agin, too- Kessler

W HEN I WAS CONFRONTED with the problem of mixed dorms I im-

mediately adopted a negative attitude. Disquieting images formed in my mind as I attempted to picture a resi- dence in which male and female stu- dents occupied the same building.

Now a moralist I am not and the issue in this case is, in my opinion, as far removed from morals as Venus is from Pluto. To be quite frank, the issue for me is primarily a practical one-convenience-although a social situation which may vaguely be termed ‘feminine freedom of expres- sion’ is also involved.

The issue of convenience can be

discussed simply by enlarging on a series of situations typical of those in- stitutions of comfortable, convenient, and very social housing commonly known as girls’ dorms. First, the topic of hallway apparel. Now, as anyone who has lived in a dorm knows, hall- way apparel ranges anywhere from a bathtowel with matching accessories of cold cream and curlers, 10 a formal with matching accessories of glamour make-up and a tiara. Although the lat- ter occurs rather infrequently, the for- mer is standard-uite standard.

Every man likes to see a girl ‘all dolled up,’ but only a misogynist would relish the sight of a bathtowel diva. Conversely, while the average girl has no objection to playing a few musical comedy-type bathtowel scenes with a guy-strictly harmless but hilarious- only a nut would yearn to stage a nightly cold-cream-curler horror show.

Seriously, though, it would be quite awkward to be unable to leave your room without first making yourself publicly presentable. It would certainly put a crimp into all those mad dashes to the laundry room, slip-clad, dress and iron in hand. And what about that ‘I have just crawled out of bed’ look which we all have to face every morn- ing, or noon as the case may be. It’s just the thing to destroy a man’s illu- sions about the feminine mystique permanently (also prematurely).

Freedom of movement is an essential to dorm girls. At all hours of the night it is necessary to run upstairs and downstairs, in and out of rooms-bor- rowing books or stewing over assign- ments together. Sometimes you sneak next door simply because your own four walls arc closing in on you. A girl might think twice about running down the hall for a chat if it meant that she had to perform a complete personal renovation first.

I realize that every point mentioned up to now might be completely irrele- vant, depending on the proposed struc- ture of the mixed residences. In mak- ing these points I am assuming that these residences would be very similar to the existing ones, with slight chan- ges of course. I do believe that it is possible to build residences where each room would have private or semi- private facilities. I do not believe that money is available to provide these conveniences. Therefore the main argument against mixed residences, from the girl’s point of view (and I

suspect from the men’s also) is one of a loss of privacy coupled with incon- venience.

A women’s residence is not a home. Many things can be done to make it seem like a home but the essentials are simply lacking. Living in a dorm is living in an artificial situation. Tem- pers must be controlled, tolerance must be practised faithfully. Con- sideration for others becomes, or should become, a habit. What is needed under these conditions to keep girls human (sane, to be exact) are many, many valves to let off emotional steam.

In an all-girls residence these valves are blown regularly with great enthu- siasm. They include singing and danc- ing in the hallway, harmonizing in the bathtub, mutual admiration and en- couragement on week-end evenings, friendly abuse hurled back and forth, and spontaneous eruption of dis- cussions.

No one thinks it unusual if Ann Average comes skipping down the hall chanting, “He phoned . . . he phoned!” Everyone knows she has been waiting for that call for days.

Social commonsense dictates that such diversions would become extinct in a mixed dorm. Can you see a girl skipping down the hall singing, “He phoned . . . he phoned,” right past the engineer she dated the week-end before?

These experiences in themselves are amusing. The reasons behind them are not. Our society is one which stresses both male and female independence. At present too many taboos exist which would make the lives of students in mixed residences quite awkward.

Girls like to get away from the fel- lows, climb into something ugly but comfortable, and relax.

Some changes in residence are de- sirable, there is no question about that. But in my opinion and the opinion of the girls with whom I discussed the matter, the change to mixed residences is not one of them. 0


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The changing Face

ot our Lampus

Kenneth R. Martin, BCom’46 President,

UBC Alumni Association

E LSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE appears the announcement of the Annual General Meeting and Dinner. This affair

traditionally marks a stage in our Association’s history-the time when we look back over the problems and accomplish- ments of the preceding year.

But, more importantly, it marks the beginning of a new phase in the Association’s activity.

Tremendous changes are brewing within the total Uni- versity structure and your Association has been playing and will continue to play its role in ensuring that those changes are brought about in an efficient and orderly fashion.

The departure of a president, the pressure from students for a larger voice in the affairs of the University, the de- mand from faculty for more control of University govern- ment, all are serious matters facing not only UBC, but many similar institutions of learning in North America. On all of these issues your Association is currently preparing studies and recommendations.

We are delighted, therefore, to be able to announce that the man who will address us at the Annual Meeting, besides being an accomplished speaker, is one who, by his very background, understands the constant demands for change and its relationship to the academic setting. Dr. Arthur S. Flemming, president of the University of Oregon since 1961,

, is first and foremost a successful academician and univer- sity administrator. But, in addition to this, he has an out- standing background of service to his government. A mem- ber of the U.S. Civil Service Commission, he rose to the position of director, Office of Defence Mobilization, partici- pating in meetings of the U.S. Cabinet. Later he held the post (for three years) of Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare in the cabinets of President Eisenhower and Presi- dent Kennedy. He was a member of the Hoover Commission


on organization of the American Civil Service, and many many other committees and boards.

The obvious success with which he has used his ex- perience and background in administering a large univer- sity should prove a fascinating basis for his address on May 11.

May I suggest that you now make up your mind to attend, and ’phone for a reservation.

No alumni president has had the opportunity of being associated with such a hard-working and able group of Board members as has been my privilege this last year. The changes in organization and physical location have formed the foundation for a whole new success story for the Associ- ation. With so many able hands to man the ship, its pro- gress can only be rapid.

My thanks to all who helped this year; my best wishes to my successor.


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Let’s reform

John Perry Miller, Dean of the Graduate School,

Yalc University

T HE GRADUATE SCHOOLS of Arts and Science-long in the shadow of the undergraduate colleges and professional

schools-have moved to the centre of the academic stage. Today the foundations and the state and federal agencies

are providing funds which make graduate education avail- able to all the more promising applicants. In doing so they have all but eliminated lingering poverty-that old fashioned test of motivation for graduate study-which I, and many of you, knew so well in the 1930’s and 1940’s and before.

Our graduates are sought eagerly for teaching and re- search. And they are sought with equal eagerness by in- dustry, government, and foundations, as well as by those rapidly growing private research institutions which seek to avoid the red tape of government and the nuisances of the university, which I assume means the students!

The graduate school, then, is recognized today as one of the possible paths to positions of respect and responsibility, whether in the groves of academia or the world of affairs- public or private.

Coincident with the massive increase in the interest in our graduate schools and support for them and especially for the PhD programs, there has been a renewal of attacks upon them, especially upon the PhD. It is argued that PhD pro- grams take too long. That these programs are too specialized. That in the humanities they represent a “scandalous misuse of talent.” That in the sciences, too often, they develop technicians or supportive personnel rather than scientist 7

capable of independent and creative research and teaching. That for many PhD candidates the thesis requirement is un- necessary, and a dehumanizing and debilitating experience. That the programs fail to develop interesting and interested teachers for our colleges and schools. That we should alter the rcquirements or create a new Doctor’s degree for the training of college and school teachers.

It is in’evitable and appropriate that controversy should swirl around our graduate schools, that their policies and practices should be subject to public scrutiny and that they themselves should undertake searching self-analysis. These attacks are not new and the issue5 have been widely debated for the last half century.

But this is no reason for complacency. It would be tragic

if the graduate schools should not use their new position of affluence and respect for experimentation and reform. For graduate education is sorely in wed of reform-reform based on careful reassessment of our objectives and opportuni- ties. It would be specially tragic if our more distinguished and influential graduate schools were to leave this task t3 others. The time is long past when these graduate schools can dominate graduate education by sheer numbers. Our special mission is twofold: (1) the establishment and maintenance of standards of quality and (2) leadership in experimenting with and developing new forms of graduate training.

I should like to suggest some avenues for experimentation and reform in light of current problems.

First, I suggest that we dethrone the PhD as the only degree acceptable for positions of college teaching. Current prac- tice, of course, places a high premium upon the PhD degree for such positions. Accrediting agencies, in determining whether to accredit new and developing colleges, count the number of PhD’s on the faculty. In response to these ac- crediting agencies, college presidents collect PhD’s for their faculties. To satisfy the evergrowing demands of college presidents, foundations and the federal government finance increasing numbers of students for PhD study. And we gradu- ate deans produce PhD’s as best we can-not, ever, without some qualms about their quality.

But, I submit, we have let ourselves become the slave of this degree. The PhD is a research degree. As such it should be supported and respected. Its standards should be main- tained. But we have come to view it as the common currency for admission to the market for college teaching.

For many positions in college teaching it is appropriate. But is it necessary for all? I think not.

The time has come to distinguish candidly those teaching positions in our colleges and universities where the training required of the PhD is a necessity, from those where it is a luxury. W e must learn to judge a teacher’s worth, not by what he has done as a student, but by what he can do to edu- cate the young. The PhD is an honourable and respected degree. We must, of course, maintain and even raise the standards for this degree. As dean of the Graduate School which first awarded this degree in the United States over one

1 0

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by John Ferry Miller

graduate Education

hundred years ago, I would hardly think otherwise. But the PhD degree has no claim to a monopoly of college teaching positions.

A massive effort to increase the number of P h D s to satisfy our needs for college teachers can only lead to a de- cline in the meaning and value of the degree. Our leading graduate schools must resist such lowering of standards. At the same time we must be prepared to recognize an alter- native degree as appropriate for many positions in college teaching. W e must train men and women for such a degree. W e must encourage the recognition of such a degree by employing institutions.

A decline in the meaning and value of the PhD degree is the most likely alternative to the development and acceptance of a new degree. But this is no ncw problem. It has been discussed for over a decade, and several steps have been taken within recent months or are being discussed along these lines. The University of Toronto, several years ago, instituted the Master of Philosophy degree, a teaching degree. The Select Committee on Education at Berkeley, in the Muscatine Report, issued in March, recommended the adoption of a new ‘Doctor of Arts’ degree which would be the equivalent of the PhD minus the dissertation. The mid-west conference of graduate deans has recommended the in- stitution of the ‘certificate’ or ‘degree of candidate’ for persons who have reached the same level of achievement. And at Yale we have recently announced the new Master of Philo- sophy degree as our sole intermediate degree between the Bachelor’s and PhD degrees, in the usual departmental programs.

The time is ripe for action. I hope that a group of leading universities will join in establishing this degree.

The second problem to which I would speak is the alleged conflict between specializing in the graduate schools and the objectives of a broad liberal education in the colleges.

The typical PhD program is a narrow program-with em- phasis on specialization. This follows from the fact that the PhD degree is a research degree-and research (in contrast to exposition) calls for depth.

I have argued above that the PhD degree is not a necessity for all teaching purposes-even at the college level. But for

its legitimate purposes, it is appropriately an experience in depth.

This does not mean, however, that the recipient of the PhD degree must himself be a narrow specialist. What he is de- pends in part upon what he is when he comes to graduate school-what he does in graduate school-and what he does afterwards. If the PhD recipient has received training in breadth in college-if the climate of the graduate school is conducive to inquiry beyond the student’s specialty, and if his post-doctoral experience is properly structured, he need not be a narrow man.

Unfortunately, some of our graduate students are not broadly trained in college-are themselves neither widely interested nor interesting. Such graduate students may be- come technically competent PhDs. But they will lack the perspective, the sense of relevance, and the sense of values to apply their knowledge imaginatively as leaders in education or in the world of affairs.

We must find better ways to select graduate students who have the potential to communicate their learning in the larger context and with a sense of relevance. But more than this, we must seek to create an environment in our graduate schools-formal and informal-which encourages students to look beyond their specialty, and to relate it to the larger world of learning and affairs.

And I suggest that we experiment with post-doctoral pro- grams designed not, as most such programs are today, to deepen the post-doctoral fellow’s research competence, but to broaden his horizons whether by multi-disciplinary training or by providing him an opportunity to explore in- formally the exploding world of learning whether in the university or outside. Such opportunities would provide an antidote to the specialization of doctoral study.

But this leads me to m y third problem and a more fundamental proposal. I urge that the universities reconsider the whole sequence of higher education, more particularly the relation between the college, on the one hand, and the graduate and professional schools, on the other. Present programs and administrative structures were developed in an earlier era, when the bachelor’s degree was the capstone of higher education for most college students. But times

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Graduate education have changed. Today from seventy to eighty per cent or more of the graduates of Harvard and Yale and similar colleges go on to graduate education.

W e should review the educational processes and the ad- ministrative structures which we have inherited in light of this change. These structures include three or four years of secondary school and four years of college, followed by graduate or professional school. Within this structure the college has devised a curriculum based upon the twin concepts of general education and Concentration. These arrangements served an earlier generation well. But are they appropriate for the future?

Does this educational structure provide necessary flexi- bility for young men and women passing from adolescence to positions of responsibility in education, the professions, or the world of affairs? Must we proceed from general education, to a major, and then to graduate or professional study? Is this the best sequence for all persons and in all disciplines?

The concept of concentration (or the major) was based on the assumption that a liberally educated man should have pursued some subjects in considerable depth-whether the subject is related to his subsequent career or not. But in a world where most students are going on to graduate study, does the logic of the undergraduate major survive? Should we not experiment with anticipating graduate and professional training in junior and senior years? Might this not reduce the ennui that we find in so many undergraduates?

Need the rigid separation between graduate and under- graduate survive? May we not encourage early concentra- tion-even early graduate or professional training? And may we not inject more training in breadth after or along with a student’s graduate and professional training?

Higher education has greater opportunities and respon- sibilities than ever before. We are being asked to train more persons who wmbine high competence with a sense of relevance and purpose to be the leaders in learning and affairs in tomorrow’s world. As we adapt graduate education to new opportunities and responsibilities while conserving our highest traditions of scholarship, we face a great opportunity for inventiveness, creative experimentation, and reform.

-From an address given by Dr. Miller ut the Harvard Graduute Society-Law School Luncheon, June 15, 1956; re-printed by permiscion.

Medical Education by Donald H. Williams, M.D., Head and Professor Continuing Medical Education, UBC

T IS ONE THING to recognize the need for continuing 1 medical education, another to set up a program that works. When The University of British Colum- bia finds itself, as it does, attracting national and international attention from medical educators for its continuing educational partnership with practising physicians and community hospitals, one can be sure it has found a formula that works.

Last year 3576-that is, 850--of British Columbia’s 2,448 physicians in practice registered for one or more UBC continuing education courses. When it is con- sidered that the demands of patient care required an average work week of 63 hours, that becomes a truly remarkable figure and a tribute to these physicians.

The public immediacy of high quality of medical care has involved the University, the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons of B.C., the B.C. Medical Asso- ciation and its affiliated local medical societies, com- munity hospitals, private and public philanthropy, and government support both provincially and na- tionally in a congenial partnership designed to encourage a scholarly way of life for every physician in the province.

The courses are only part of the picture. The UBC concept is that-(‘reading, the day-to-day life-long, scholarly habit, whereby adequate time is set aside by the learned physician to review thoughtfully and studiously, new acquisitions to medical knowledge

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An upper Vancouver Island five-hour “free-wheeling” question-and-ansuler session nmong doctors

goes to the Doctor

and to keep fresh already acquired knowledge, is at the heart of all continuing medical education.”

Putting a firm foundation under that concept, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia is spending in excess of $60,000 a year providing books and periodicals to physicians throughout the province.

The Library Service of the College is the finest instance of an entire medical profession within a provincial boun- dary of Canada, under the educational terms of the Medical Act, and with the enlightened leadership of the Council of the College and its Library Committee, demonstrating to the nearly two million people in the province the deter- mination of the College to assure them the highest quality of medical care possible by placing the resources of the Keith Memorial Library and its 37 branch libraries in community hospitals within ready reach of every physician in British Columbia.

One of the many warm, co-operative bonds between medical ‘town and gown’ in British Columbia is the part- nership in continuing education between the B.C. Medical Association and the Faculty of Medicine. When the Uni- versity established a department of continuing medical education in 1960, the Association completely reorganized its committee on education to support the Faculity’s new program. It agreed to sponsor, along with its affiliated local medical societies the regional courses throughout the province.

This means that the Association and its affiliated local

societies now have 13 standing committees on continuing education with a total membership of 80. Once a year the chairmen of all these committees come to Vancouver for a two-day ‘Conference on Education,’ the funds provided by the directors of the B.C. Medical Association. By way of further financial support to the cause of maintaining pro- fessional competence in the province, they make a generous grant of $5000 annually to the Faculty of Medicine depart- ment of continuing education. This educational contribution of organized medicine is unique in Canada and should be a source of great public provincial pride.

Continuing medical education existed, of course, long before the Faculty of Medicine set up a department, existed as it has always done in the community and teaching hospitals of the province. It is there that a greater amount of effective continuing medical education takes place than anywhere else. Ward rounds, pathology and radiology con- ferences, corridor consultations, coffee cup clinical discourse, medical audits, tissue committee activity, accreditation re- views-all these and other Forms of professional association that occur within the four walls of every hospital add up in-toto to a very substantial continuing education effort. Every hospital is, in fact, a community medical education centre in its own right.

At present in British Columbia 18 hospitals, as their contribution to continuing medical education, provide their fine modern accommodation and facilities for the off- campus community-based courses of the Faculty of Medi-


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Doctor Wil l iams was a Beit Memorial Fellow in Physiology, University of London, and a Mayo Fellow in derma- tology between 1932 and 1937. For 22 years he was a practising consultant in dermatology in Vuncouver. Since July, 1960, he has devoted full time to the development of the University’s pro- vince-wide program 3f continuing medical education.

Dr. D. H . Wil l iams

cine. Thus, more than 150 hospital board trustees-com- munity leaders from all walks of life - and their respective hospital administrators, play a most important role in B.C.’s partnership in ‘keeping-doctors-up-to-date.’

The launching of the Faculty of Medicine’s continuing education program could not have been accomplished with- out the W. K. Kellogg Foundation’s generous grant of $60,000, and the supporting financial assistance of national health grants, the Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation, and the B.C. Tuberculosis Christmas Seal Society. In addition to its financial contribution the Society has completely renovated the Christmas Seal Auditorium as a home for the Faculty’s courses in Vancouver. This year the Canadian Arthritis & Rheumatism Society (B.C. Division), Canadian Cancer Society-British Columbia and Yukon Division, and B.C. Heart Foundation are all generously supporting the program.

Because continuing medical education is much more than just a matter of organized courses; and because its success depends on many apparently remote and seemingly un- related but essential factors, the important contribution of government, both provincial and national-and this, of course, means the people of British Columbia and Canada -is perhaps not fully appreciated. Funds that support The University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Medicine“ funds that build superb community hospitals - funds that are helping to build Canada’s first university health sciences centre, all, directly and indirectly, make the Government of British Columbia and the Government of Canada im- portant partners in the continuing education program for physicians in the province.

Unlike other forms of education, which as a rule simply involve teachers and learners, effective continuing medical education depends upon the co-operation and support of others. In British Columbia continuing medical education since its formal inception in 1960 has been a p a r t n e r s h i p and a most congenial and happy o n c f The University of British Columbia, physicians, hospitals, philanthropists, voluntary health agencies, government and the public. And it is the public-the bread-winners, the home makers and the children of British Columbia-who, through health care of the highest possible quality, are the ultimate benefactors of this ‘town-gown’ partnership in continuing medical education. 0

on University Government

EARLY IN THIS CENTURY the late Presi- dent Wesbrook, then Dean of Medicine at the University of Minnesota, gave an address in Winnipeg under the title ‘State Responsibility in University Education.’ Much of what he had to say is pertinent today. Here is a short excerpt.

As to the form of university govern- ment, no hard and fast lines can be drawn, since each community has its own local problems to solve. In general terms, however, the alumni should have a very large voice in affairs, if they maintain an active university interest and connection. They know, as no others can, what is being done in the university. They know the strong points as well as the weak in their own train- ing. If they have developed themselves as they should after graduation, they are in a position to compare results achieved at home with those secured abroad and, when working shoulder to shoulder with the staff of the univer- sity, are capable of giving advice, assistance and support that it is not possible to obtain from any other group of citizens.

The faculties should certainly have representation in the general and special conduct of affairs, in the selec- tion of new teachers and in the formu- lation and realization of a general uni- versity policy.

The government of the state or prov- ince should also be represented, since it has charge of the state or provincial treasury, and has to meet the detailed needs of the province, including inter- ests other than elncational. university interests should be so safeguarded, however, that no individual or political party can in any way, or for any pur- pose, interfere with the proper perfor- mance of its function and its natural growth. 0


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HE LONELIEST GROUP of people at- tached to a multiversity could be

the wives of students. For a few tough years while their husbands are study- ing for degrees-generally second or higher degrees-they might well be tempted to think of themselves as ‘neither fish, flesh, fowl nor good red herring,’ but here at UBC they have done something about it.

Up to the mid-fifties it was coffee parties and more coffee parties in Acadia and Wesbrook camps, time- filling but unsatisfying. Then, with the increasing number of married stu- dents the girls decided to form a club. They wanted to meet regularly, to make new friends, to take advantage of what the University had to offer, and deal with topics more interesting than diapers and housing problems.

The earliest written records date

1 n club which had been formed were not confined to Acadia and Wesbrook camps. They were meeting in the Mil- dred Brock Lounge of Brock Hall

Wives 0 back to 1957, and the members of the

o m 0 under the sponsorship of the Women’s

w a it i n a meetings were held in this lounge, IJndergraduate Society. In 1957 five

v with an attendance of 30-40 at each meeting. This was the nucleus of what has later grown up to be a large, and it is hoped, valuable club.

By 1958 the group was meeting regularly once a month to hear spea- kers on topics of interest. In addition, three subsidiary groups, later known as interest groups, were formed- bridge, sports and discussion. More such groups were formed over the years so that at present there are seven:

by Janet /. Schermbruc&er the original three plus sewing, arts and crafts, curling, and play reading.

Monthly general meetings continued to be held in Brock Hall until April 1966 under the successive sponsorships of the Women’s Undergraduate So- ciety, the AMs, and most recently the Graduate Students’ Association.

With plans materializing for the new student union building difficulties were foreseen, the Student Wives not being themselves students. It was sug- gested, therefore, that they look to the Faculty Women’s Club for sponsor-

ship. The executive of this club was sympathetic to their needs and offered them the use of their facilities in Cecil Green Park. In addition they have the use of the main floor at a very reason- able cost.

Two of the special interest groups have had their own special sponsor- ship. The sports people-and that term covers swimming, skating, volleyball and bowling-have had the use of various UBC gymnasia without fee. The seamstresses have met from the beginning in the Home Economics building where they are allowed the use O F machines and other equipment without charge. Some of the girls make their own clothes; most work on their children’s clothes and find it a great help with the budget.

The bridge players, where members take turns hostessing, meet in small groups in one another’s homes. The arts and crafts, originally a painting group. has expanded its activities to include weaving, candle making, silk screening, mosaics, rug hooking, print- ing by woodcuts and batik. They ex- pect to move their activities into the facilities provided by the Faculty Wo- men’s Club in Cecil Green Park. Play reading, the most recently formed group and proving fairly popular, will probably follow the same course.

Although membership for 1966-67 has exceeded 120, the monthly meet- ings are no less informal and enjoyable than they have been in the past. The executive provides a stimulating pro- gram et each meeting; guest speakers on a wide variety of subjects continue to be the most popular.

This year for the first time a mem- bership fee of $1 was introduced, and that modest dollar has been made to cover the costs of a children’s Christ- mas concert, a fashion show and a number of other smaller items.

Without the Association many wives of students would have few social con- tacts, their husbands having little time for anything but study. Are the activi- ties of the group valuable and satisfy- ing? If size of membership and extent of parricipation are valid criteria, the answer is “yes.” 0

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Tim Hollick-Kenyon, BA’51, B S W 5 3 ,

Director, A lumni Association.

THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION is people- people who work hard for their Uni- versity over and above their regular occupations. In many cases the alumni committee chairmen (and women) spend many hours away from their jobs and families, and I thought they should be introduced to you in this issue. Here are this year’s alumni committee chairmen:

W . H . (Harry) Whi te , BASc’63, MBA’GS (Harvard)

Annual Dinner

David M . Carter, BASc’49 Alumni Conference


Gordon B. Hewitt, BA’41, BSP’50 Alumni Interview Project

Mrs. B. M . (Donalda) Hofmeister, BA’27

Awards and Scholarships

George S . Cumming, BA’50, LLB’51 Branches

John C . W i l l i a m s , BCom’58, MBA’59 (Northwestern U.)

Alumni Annual Giving

W . R. (Dick) Penn, BPE‘49 Athletics

Stan Evans, BA’41, BEd’44 Editorial

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Peter J. de Vooght, LLB’51 Legal

David L. Helliwell, BA’57 Finance and Office Management

R. W . (Rod) Macdonald, LLB’50 Nominating

E. Douglas Sutcliffe, BASc’43, MASc’46 (U . of Toronto)

Government Relations

Donald J . Currie, BCom’61 Reunions

Russell M. Brink, BCom’GO, LLB’6I High School Visitation

T . Barrie Lindsay, BCom’58 Homecoming

W . Orson Banfield, BASc’22, MASc’23 Schwesinger

Mrs. John MacD. (Beverley) Lecky, BA’38


Miss H . Louise Huger, Arts ZV Student-Alumni Banquet

G. Sholto Hebenton, BA’57 - BA, BCL (Oxford),

LLM (Harvard) University Government

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T HIS SUMMER I was one of three UBC delegates in a total of 44

Canadian students to travel to Turkey for a six-week seminar. W e were part of a Canadian World IJniversity Ser- vice Committee program which has been going on now for 18 years. These international summer seminars spon- sored by the committee have taken students to such widely diverse coun- tries as Sweden, Japan, Poland, Chile, Pakistan, France, Germany, the West Indies.

The WUS seminars have been es-

tablished with several aims in mind: they serve to broaden knowledge and appreciation of another nation, its cul- ture, problems and people; they em- phasize a greater understanding of Canada and her role in international affairs; they allow Canadians to par- ticipate in a unique international ex- perience.

The 1966 seminar opened in late June with a four-day orientation pro- gram at St. Adele, Quebec, where we began to examine the historical, politi- cal, economic, scientific and cultural aspects of Turkey. In the course of this orientation we visited the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill Univer- sity and listened to various experts on Turkey now residing in Canada.

And then it was Rome by air and from there to Istanbul by train via Venice, Trieste, Belgrade and Sofia. Of our five weeks in Turkey, two were spent in Istanbul attending special lectures at the University of Istanbul

and touring the city in both its cultu- ral and economic aspects. During the other three weeks the group was di- vided into three: one travelled east via the Black Sea and returned through the Anatolian Plains; one travelled south-east as far as Lake Van near the Iraq-Iran border; my group, the third, took the west coast-'the Turkish Ri- viers'-and then east to Konya.

We visited fruit canning factories, hospitals, schools, petroleum develop- ments, copper mines, tobacco farms, etc. Everywhere, with the help of the

Before Ataturk and the sweeping changes of the 192O's, Turkey existed outside the concept of time; that is to say, time had no meaning as genera- tion after generation of Turks ate, lived and thought as their forefathers had done. Life on the Anatolian Plains was continuous, and though the indi- vidual died, the village and the family unit remained unchanged. But-enter the 20th century, and with it the downfall of the Ottoman Empire, the longest dynasty on earth; the rise of the most dynamic leader Turkey has

Ataturk's Land- Ancient and modern

by Petra Freybe, Arts IV

Turkish students who acted as our guides and interpreters, we talked to the Turkish people we met, whether by chance as we were touring or at official gatherings.

The general theme of the seminar was 'The Changing Character of the Turkish Revolution.' Each student was a participant in one of five interest groups; the utilization of resources, the legal and social framework, political and international relations, the effects of the increasing emphasis on science, and the institutional dwelopment in Turkey. As a member of the last group, my predominant interest lay in the development of the school system in Turkey.

Turkey is a land of opposing con- cepts: east and west, city and village, secularism and church-control, socia- listic youth and conservative old age. She is proudly independent yet in heavy financial debt; as old as history and as young as the twentieth century.

ever known; the vast leap into the modern age.

One of the main areas where de- velopment must and does take place is in the field of education. W e found that nursery schools are located in the larger towns and cities, a predominant number connected with large factories. These care for the children of working mothers and are, on the whole, quite modern and well-equipped. But smal- ler village factories will have the child- ren playing in the streets while their mothers work. More than once we saw a woman in a rug factory take a short break to breast-feed her child which had been lying on the ground in a cor- ner, surrounded by flies, and then resume her work.

The real foundation of the Turkish educational system is, however, the primary school. Typical schools we visited were characterized by starkness and a lack of all the colourful designs and displays which are commonplace


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in Canadian schools. Above the black- board in every room as well as in the halls of the schools hangs a picture of Ataturk with a slogan below it en- couraging the youth of Turkey on to a greater future.

Primary school, which today is com- pulsory between the ages of seven and

the country. Thriving modern cities such as

Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa and Izmir en- joy a 98% enrolment in primary schools whereas the average in the vil- lages is only 409;. On the secondary level the ratio of city to village enrol- ment is fi874, to a meagre 87;.

T h e village of Sille, near Konyu on Turkey’s Anotulian Plains.

eleven, is also compulsory for the deaf, blind and mentally retarded. In 1964 there were 113 teachers available for the education of 947 deaf and blind children.

After primary school, children who so wish may continue their education by entering high schools or vocational and trade institutions. Only 22% of Turkish teenagers attend these schools.

During the 40 years since education was secularized, progress has been hampered by severe problems, among which geography is one of the most important. Not only are villages in the far eastern parts of Turkey still isolated by lack of roads, but it is also extremely difficult to persuade prospective young teachers to live in the hinterland of

The conflict arises in the modern, western - oriented student. Although education, including university educa- tion, is free, the vast majority of stu- dents come from the upper class. Children of lower class families must usually assist in providing for the family at a very early age. As a result the potential teacher comes from the Turkish affluent society. But these stu- dents are alienated from country life. Several to whom I talked scarcely knew Turkey outside their own home towns, though most had travelled in Europe. The country, the village, the farms, to them were almost non-exist- ent and were certainly not areas to consider as the locality for their future careers.

Turkish school children are further handicapped by a lack of parental support for continued education. When we questioned some parents they were quite frank in stating that they did not consider much education necessary since their children would take over the farm, and girls, in par- ticular, would marry regardless.

Hinterland conservatism is strong. One cannot change a way of life simply by passing lams. The people must change slowly as well as adjust to and accept new ideas. It will be some time before traditional customs disappear; some time also before wo- men accept their role as equals; some time before girls of fourteen and f i f - teen realize that they are too young to become wives and mothers.

On the other hand the emphasis placed on foreign languages in Turkey is i.nteresting and revealing. Compe- tence in the languages of the leading countries of the world is vital for Tur- key as a growing nation. By the time a Turkish student reaches the secondary school level he may enter a high school which teaches all subjects, except Tur- kish and the social sciences, in English or French. Again and again we were impressed and humbled at the remark- able proficiency in English, French and often German demonstrated by the students we met.

The actual seminar ended in Is- tanbul on July 31. We then had three weeks free time to travel in Europe and the Middle East. Now, in Canada, all former participants are looking for- ward. to welcoming two delegates from each country that has been visited during the past 18 summers. They will compose the next international sum- mer seminar, to be held in Canada as part of the ccntennial activities. 0


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“To learn and study”

May I express unqualified disagree- ment with a recent article in your valued pages, entitled ‘The Vast Silent Campus Society.’ The writer deplores the type of student who is “alienated from the social structure on campus,” the student who “doesn’t march in protest, sit through speeches, or soap- box in anger.”

A student of this kind is quoted: “I’m out here to get an education, of course, but ultimately I have to gradu- ate. Society says I need that little piece of paper, that diploma, if I want to advance. What does society care, if I spend five years out here without getting my degree? Sure 1 would like to be involved. I see it as being an essential part of my education but society sees it a little differently.” An accompanying illustration shows a per- sonable young man deeply engrossed in half a dozen books, with the cap- tion, “I’m here to learn and study.” The reader is invited to look on him with something between pity and contempt.

It might be remembered that the society in which we live, between the Rockies and the Pacific, is of very re- cent growth. The history of Vancouver is comprehended within the actual memory of some residents still living. Our educational system is still hap- hazard. Students of considerable po- tential ability often arrive on campus ill prepared, through no particular fault of their own or on the part of society. The UBC tradition has been to make good these defects by hard work and close attention, on the part of all concerned, in the hope that our gradu- ates in law, medicine, engineering and the like would not be professionally inept; that our students could appear in Harvard, Oxford or Toronto with- out feeling inferior; that men and wo- men with a degree from UBC would in time be welcomed everywhere into positions of responsibility because of the reputation of their predecessors.


These hopes have been fulfilled, and chiefly by students who took the view, “I’m here to learn and study.”

But all this is marginal to the more fundamental fact that to immerse one- self in the world of ideas and forms is a supreme pleasure. The student who is holding a dialogue with Heine, Moliere, Shakespeare or Dante; who is gone into the crystal world of mathe- matics; who knows the joy of an in- formed appreciation of one of the fine arts; who is pressing on to achieve mastery of his chosen profession:- need we award him our pity and con- tempt if he “doesn’t march in protest, sit through speeches, or soap-box in anger”? History is full of exemplars of the great principle of withdrawal and return. One thinks of Milton, self- immured in Cambridge, later in Horton,- Or let my Lamp, at midnight hour, Be seen in some high lonely Tow’r, Where 1 may oft outwatch the Bear W i t h thrice great Hermes, or un-

T h e spirit of Pluto to unfold W h a t worlds, or what vast regions

The immortal mind that hath forsook Her mansion in this fleshly nook: And of those Daemons that are found In fire, air, flood or underground, Whose power hath a true consent W i t h Planet, or with Element.

This student later became Latin se- cretary to Cromwell’s council of state, an exponent of parliamentary govern- ment and unlicensed printing, and the author of Paradise Lost, which during the past decade has probably provoked more critical response than any other work of English literature. He had grasped the fact that there is a time and place for everything and that a university affords time and place to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest.

The motto of this University- T u u m est-puts a nice emphasis on individuality. Alienated from the social structure on campus, a student may find himself released into the pleasures of conversation, the rewards of friend- ship, the happiness of sharing an in-



tellectual interest with someone like- minded in a living exchange of ideas. He may well achieve intellectual ma- turity without feeling a need to sit through speeches, to soap-box (I must thank Mr. Morris for this new verb) in anger, or to march in automated protest.

-Roy Daniells, Arts ’30

He’s interested

Please accept my humble but en- thusiastic congratulations on the won- derful job you are doing in the pro- duction of the Chronicle. As one of the pioneer students of that university I am especially interested.

-Gladstone Murray

More about Campus Washout

Dr. Williams’ article on T h e Grecct Campus Washout was exciting to read, especially to one who was involved with some of the events of that day.

I was an editor of T h e Ubyssey at the time, and while I believe we did miss the Tuesday issue, we were out in full form on Friday. However, on the Monday, during a tour of the snow- bound campus, we found that the roof of the library stacks had given in in several places, and a crew of us spent several hours moving books from the deluge.

Dr. Williams is too much of a gentleman to recall that the students immediately called the cave-in on Marine ‘Belch Gulch,’ and when it was filled in they continued to dub the newly created sand below as ‘Belch Beach.’

I have a vivid memory of waiting for the various homes to fall into the gulch. They never did, but we had a good time waiting for it.

-Darwin Baird, ’38

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Cecil Green

Park in

full swing

Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Green

mi HEN DR. AND MRS. GREEN, for whom Cecil Green Park is named, saw the property on a visit to the campus a

year or two ago, they were so taken with :it, the setting and the view, that they authorized Dr. W. C. Gibson in his role as Assistant to the President to arrange for its acquisi- tion and renovation. The agreement was that UBC would be reimbursed for all monies which it had invested in the property.

The alterations that have been made to the building are designed to further the wish of Dr. and Mrs. Green that the house and gardens which they have given to the University might become a focus for studies and activities bringing the University and the community closer together. They were also interested in seeing it provide a home hase to which alumni might return, from whatever part of the world, to the campus which gave them their start in life.

In addition, the relocation of all alumni and fund-raising activities would be facilitated by necessary alterations to the building.

First social function held in Cecil Green Park

was the dinner for alumni members of Senate

on Ianuary 26, 1967.

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Cecil Green Park

Sketch by Corinne Hufnagel

B UILD A BIG HOUSE at the cliffs edge, plant a university at its back door,

and surprising things may develop. As with Cecil Green Park.

Back in 1912, when The University of British Columbia was no more than an Act of the legislature, Mr. E. P. Davis, the outstanding court room lawyer of British Columbia, bought land at the tip of the Point Grey penin- sula and built a home for himself, his wife and their three children.

It was a large house with, in time, a beautiful garden, that required a staff oi six. The Davises gave it the lovely name of ‘Kanab1a’”House on a Cliff. Their neighbours were the Lefevres who had the same year built the ori-


ginal part of the former Graham house, now the School of Social Work. Friends in the city came to visit by car or taxi or by street car to Alma and 4th Avenue, there to be met by the Davis car and chauffeur and driven through miles of bushland to ‘Kanabla.’

‘Kanabla’ remained in Davis hands until 1939. A son, his wife and their two boys shared the home with the older couple for a number of years after World War I, and both couples were part of the society set of their day. The house, we are told by one who knew it well, was furnished with elegance, its conservatory “was fra- grant with exotic flowers and plants,

and the walls throughout the house might have been a picture gallery.” The library housed one of the finest private law book collections in Canada.

Now it was 1939, the senior Davises had both died, the younger couple had moved to a home of their own some years previously, and ‘Kanabla’ was up for sale. It was offered to the Univer- sity, but the University had no funds to avail itself of the offer. “Finally. . . this magnificent mansion, with its lawns, its tennis court and its squash court was sold for $9,000 to a recent arrival from Europe, a Mrs. Sweitzer.”

On Mrs. Sweitzer’s death the house was again offered to the University, again the University did not act, and

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“Kanabla” - “Yorkeen” - “Cecil Green Park” - a gracious home in its second half-century

it was purchased by Senator S. S. Mc- Keen who re-named it ‘Yorkeen.’ After some years he found it too large and sold it to St. Mark‘s College which held it only briefly before offering it to the University. On this, the third time round, the University took up the offer and acquired the property, for something like ten times the asking price of 1939-the usual tale of these later years.

On this third occasion as on the pre- vious two there was no money in the budget for the purchase, but somehow the University financed the deal-it was unthinkable that the opportunity should be missed once more-and a little later good friends came forward

to reimburse the University for its initial outlay and for the very con- siderable alterations and renovations that were necessary. These friends were Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Green.

Dr. Green was an engineering stu- dent at UBC from 1918 to 1921 and received his bachelor and master’s science degrees in engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1964 he received an honorary doctorate in science at UBC.

‘Kanabla,’ with its original lovely wood panelling, its crystal chandeliers, its windows looking out on the sea, its terraces and beautiful fireplaces, has been renamed Cecil Green Park in honour of the couple who have made it possible for the University and its friends to enjoy all this.

Cecil Green Park is now home to various University and University re- lated activities. On the second and third floors are the offices of the Alum- ni Association and Alumni Annual Giving (integrated once more), of the University Resources Committee and the 3-Universities Capital Fund. On the second flmr also is the Board Room, its furnishings the gift of two loyal alumni, Robert S. Coleman, BASc ’46, and Sidney Coleman, BA ’56. In the basement are the activity rooms of the Faculty Women’s Club. This club has taken under its wing the Student Wives Association and made space available to them.

The main floor rooms are being re- tained as a town-and-gown centre, available for booking by any group. In the centre is a spacious lounge, on one hand the dining-room capable of seat- ing 40, on the other the former draw- ing-room, now fitted up for discussion groups, seminars and similar activities. Catering must be arranged by the groups using the centre.

As if this were not enough, there is also a squash court and a squash club open for an annual memberhip of $10.

Cecil Green Park is now in full swing as a town-and-gown centre. Official opening will take place at a later date when Dr. and Mrs. Green can be present.

With all the varied uses to which Cecil Green Park is being put a major one will be to serve as a homecoming ccntre for alumni returning to campus or to Vancouver from elsewhere. No longer are alumni limited to an annual Homecoming; they have now a centre on campus for daily use.


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Frankly name-


“I N THE EARLY DAYS the Letters Club archives were the best source in the

UBC library to read on the modern side.”

That is quite a claim to be made for a small club which limits its member- ship to a total of twenty third-and fourth-year students, a reflection too on the paucity of resources in UBC‘s library during its early years.

The remark was made by the late Professor Thorleif Larsen of the Eng- lish department, and he knew.

The Letters Club was Professor Lar- sen’s baby. He founded it in 1920 and continued as Faculty Critic for twenty- five years. The members became so Fond of it that as alumni they con- tinued coming to the regular monthly meetings, necessitating, eventually, a change in the constitution forbidding them. A way around this difficulty for some alumni was to act as hosts to the Club, For it always meets in private homes. If that is not actually part of the constitution, it is an unwritten law.

by Elizabeth Blanche Norcross

Professor Thorleif Larsen

The key feature of the Club is that every fourth-year member must pre- sent a paper to a meeting on a literary topic approved by the Faculty Critic. It then becomes subject to the criti- cism not only of the Critic but of the nineteen other members of the Club who are among the brightest students on campus in literary matters. Those essays are likely to represent far more hours of work than are given to any mere classroom assignment!

A run through the programs of the first two decades of the Club show that strong tendency, noted by Professor Larsen, to deal with the moderns. ParJers on such literary greats as Joseph

Conrad, J. M. Barrie, John Galsworthy, were presented. “Feminism in 19th Century English Literature” received attention.

A number of club alumni have joined UBC‘s English department at one time or another, people like Dr. Roy Daniells, Dr. Earle Birney, Dr. E. Morrison, Dr. W. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Lewis, Mrs. Sally Creigh- ton.

Some of these have made names in literature, and other fellow club mem- bers have joined them in that field. There are Arthur Mayse; Wilfred Watson whose ‘Friday’s Child‘ won the Governor-General’s award; Lister Sinclair, poet, critic, dramatist, who was in every spring play at UBC; Lionel Stevenson; Carol Coates, poet (the Letters Club made her a poet- she wrote her first poem in order to qualify to attend the Original Con- tributions night).

Others became journalists of inter- national fame: Patrick Keatley of the Manchester Guardian; the late Mar- garet Ecker Francis; Shinobu Higashi, a native-born Japanese who went into newspaper work in Japan and was running a paper in Manchuria when the Russians swept in and swept him off to four years’ imprisoment in Siberia; Pierre Berton; DArcy Marsh.

And Letters Club alumni are among the notables in many other fields. Dr. Arthur Geoffrey Bruun, charter mem- ber and poet, became a world autho- rity on the Napoleonic era. J. V. (Jack) Clyne, after a brilliant career in the legal profession, now heads MacMil- Ian Bloedel. Norman Robertson, who was a Rhodes scholar as well as Letters Club alumnus, lectured at Harvard before being drafted by MacKenzie King for the Department of External Affairs. Kaye Lamb, Dominion archi- vist and parliamentary librarian, was another of King’s appointees. Dr. Al- fred Rive, who became ambassador to Ireland, is. a name not to be forgotten.

“There are probably a dozen or more other Letters Club alumni scattered across the continent in the universities of Canada and the United States,” said Professor Larsen, summing up the whole matter, and that was in 1956. He would probably have added more names in this year of grace 1967.

To talk about the Letters Club is necessarily to be a namedropper. For the names which should have been included in this recital of ‘greats’ and are not, the writer apologizes.


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Class of ’67 T H E CLASS OF ’67 graduates from

the Macdonald era-the years of education action, marches, and the third trek.

In the past four or five years-the years since University President John B. Macdonald’s milestone report on higher education-the focus of student activity has been education: its role in the community and the student’s role in the university.

The Macdonald Report, a tuition fee increase, and a growing concern over crowded facilities culminated in the third Great Trek, in March 1963. Thousands of students paraded down- town and stumped throughout the province, gathering 232,000 signatures to support their new president’s pro- gram.

The pears since have been coloured with an increasing student responsi- bility toward higher education: from seminars to soapboxing, from ‘action weeks’ to a campaign for student rep- resentation on the University senate.

In the Macdonald years, the Class of ’67 has seen a change in student tradi- tions and the switch to the space-age campus: computers now admit one to the University and arrange a date for the next weekend.

These were the years of Sir Ouvry’s Lbmy and his bunwagon-cum-ambu- lance (whatever became of Fuster’s?); the years of radar traps and receding parking lots; the era in which we finally escaped the evils of compulsory PE (remember ballroom dancing?). The cost of education soared-the in- flationary trends even reached the kitchens of the commissary where the price of the traditional morning sticky- bun skyrocketed.

We’ve seen the crew-cut, button- down Ivy League look give way to the Carnaby Street mods. Freshmen will never again know the thirst-quench- ing intimacies of The Georgia-now it’s the Fraser Arms, or maybe the Duff or the Dev.

There are so many grads in each class now that it takes three full days and a new forum (the Memorial Gym) to pass them from the ivy-covered halls to the cruel world.

The Class of ’67 remembers the Tea-


cup Game, the chariot and the boat races; the smallpox scare of ’63; The Bitter Ash (Larry Kent’s debut into the world of celluloid and controversy); the Engineers smashing the statues they made themselves; Mardi Gras and Homecoming; Dietrich Luth on the library soapbox.

There were victories: the Ubyssey was named the best college paper in Canada for six years straight; Lynn Galbraith, the ’62 Homecoming Queen, was named Miss Football USA; Musa Lincke became queen of the Canadian Winter Carnival; Father David Bauer’s hockey team and the rowing crew took UBC colours to in- ternational fame in the Olympics; and the Non-Conforming Calathumpiums claimed the greatest victory of all- they lost magnificently every campaign for student office they entered.

The Class of ’67 leaves for the future the new traditions that have been established in their years: the mid- term break; a new student union building and a new stadium; SFA- Simon Fraser Academy, a home-grown rival; a new dentistry faculty and a new arts program; and a new presi- dent.

It’s fitting that the man who was the new president when this year’s graduates first came to UBC-Dr. Macdonald-will be the honorary grad class president. Dr. Macdonald will officiate at the grad class functions

during Convocation Week, along with the ’67 grad class council, who are: President: Bert McKinnon, Law, 702- 2151 W. 39th Ave., 263-8518; vice- president: Wendy Taylor, Science, 878 Anderson Crescent, 922-7379; secretary: Florence Kepper, Nursing, 6700 N . W . Marine, 224-3337; Treasurer: Brian Robertson, Engineering, 407-1885 Bar- clay, 681-5826; Social: Peter Sampson, Engineering, 21-1304 Jervis St., 681 - 5826; P.R.O.: Roger Poole, Engineer- ing, 81 1 W . 10th Ave., 879-3482.

The schedule of events for grads is: May 30-Tree planting ceremony. May 3C!-Baccalaureate Service, Brock

May 31, June 1, 2-Congregation. June 2-Grad Class Ball, Hotel Van-

Further details will be fully publi- cized so that everyone has a chance to attend the various functions. Ball tick- ets will be available in the Alumni Office at a date to be announced. (AMS cards must be presented in person when tickets are picked up.)

Queries may also be made to the grad executive or individual faculty representatives.

The Grad Council sincerely hopes your graduation will be a memorable and enjoyable occasion. Good luck in the years to come!

-Albert K. MacKinnon, President,

Class of ’67.



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here on Record

Left: to tie


T h e rowing crew brought UBC

international fame in the Olympics

would-be suicides up traffic in rush

:: Fun and games

asked not hours


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News of the University

Kerr named Hamber Professor

Dr. Robert B. Kerr

LAST YEAR Mrs. Eric W. Hamber en- dowed the University with a $500,000 trust fund, as a memorial to her late husband, the Hon. Eric W. Hamber. The purpose of the fund is to support a professorship or chair in the Faculty of Medicine at UBC, the first such endowment to be received by this university.

Now Dr. Robert Bews Kerr, a founding member of UBC‘s Faculty of

Fund bequeathed for Women


women students were recognized in the will of the late Mary Jane Murrin, widow of the late W. G. Murrin. By the terms of the will the University has been bequeathed a $60,000 fund to provide “annual bursaries for worthy and able women students who cannot continue their university education without financial aid.”

Mr. Murrin was a member of the UBC Board of Governors from 1940 to 1957 and on his retirement was awarded an honorary degree in law by the University.

Students to receive the Mary Jane Murrin bursaries will be chosen by the Joint Faculty Committee on Prizes, Scholarships and Bursaries.


Medicine, has been named the first Eric W. Hamber professor of medicine, his appointment effective as of July 1, 1966.

After serving with the Royal Cana- dian Army Medical Corps in WW 11, Dr. Kerr became senior demonstrator in the department of medicine at the University of Toronto from 1945 to 1947, and then assistant (later asso- ciate) professor and head of the de- partment of therapeutics until he came to UBC in 1950.

Dean of Medicine J. F. McCreary, commenting on Dr. Kerr’s appoint- ment, said: “Now that construction is underway of the health science centre, the problem of increasing our propor- tion of medical teachers who are full- time faculty members is becoming more and more pressing. Fully sup- ported endowments of this kind are very important in attracting outstand- ing medical teachers and researchers by providing financial resources be- yond those ordinarily available to the medical school.”

Many-pronged Education Clinic RESEARCH IS NOT THE FIRST THING that comes to mind when one thinks of the Faculty of Education, but very active and very important research is going on there, nevertheless. Take the Edu- cation Clinic.

Dr. Robin Smith, professor of educa- tion psychology and director of the clinic, says it has been estimated that between 10 and 20 per cent of Cana- dian school children have learning dif- ficulties of one kind or another. The teacher dealing with a large class of normal-and restless-children has to be able to spot the three or four or five who have special problems.

The Education Clinic does several things. First, it conducts research into the various sorts of learning difficulties and into methods of overcoming them. It trains specialists who will eventually be employed by school boards to set up smaller clinics to deal with these spe- cial problems and to give guidance to parents and teachers. It serves as a demonstration centre for undergradu- ate students to introduce them to some

of the educational problems they may encounter when they begin their teaching careers. Observation units be- hind one-way glass enables as many as 70 students at a time to watch a demonstration, unseen by the children.

And finally, a number of children, referred by the Vancouver and New Westminster school boards, are helped in their difficulties by the clinic. It is not, however, primarily a service clinic; its main function is to train specialists who will one day be scattered through- out the province, putting the benefits of this research within the reach of all British Columbia’s children.

Massey Medal for Dr. Mackay

Dr. John Ross Mackay

A UBC PROFESSOR has received the top Canadian honour in geography, the Massey Medal. The recipient is Dr. John Ross Mackay, professor of Geog- raphy, and the award was presented to him at Government House in Ottawa by Governor-General Vanier on behalf of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.

Dr. Mackay is the first academic to receive the Massey Medal s i n e it was established in 1959, and the citation reads in part, “for distinguished con- tributions he has made to our know- ledge of physical geography in Canada, in particular the influence of glaciers on landforms. . . ”

In 1964 Dr. Mackay was cited by the Association of American Geographers for his contibutions to the field of geography, the first Canadian to be so honoured.

Dr. Mackay joined the UBC depart- ment of geography in 1949.

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Dr. Arthur Sherwood Flemming

Dr. Flemming became the 10th presi- dent of the University of Oregon in 1961 after a wide experience in univer- sity administration and government posts.

He held several positions with Ameri- can University and was president of Ohio Wesleyan from 1948-53 and 1957-58. He has taught and still teaches political science, government and public affairs.

Dr. Flemming’s government experi- ence includes a number of important posts. He sat on the US. Civil Service Commission from 1939-48 and the War Manpower Commission from 1942-45. He was the Director of Defense Mobili- zation and a member of the National Security Council from 1953-57. Finally, he was appointed secretary of Health, Education and Welfare in 1958 for the remainder of President Eisenhower’s term of office.

Dr. Flemming has been a member and chairman of a number of govern- ment advisory committees. He is much in demand as a speaker and is well known for his excellent addresses.


in the brand-new

British Columbia Ballroom

Hotel Vancouver


Dress: informal

DINNER 6:45 P.M.

Speaker: DR. A. S. FLEMMING, President, University of Oregon

An exciting wind-up event to an exciting and eventful year

Advance ticket reservations should be made.

Wri te or phone

T h e UBC Alumni Of ice


for further information.

Spouses and friends welcome

This will be one of the last oppor- tunities for members of the university community to meet with President John B. Macdonald, so all UBC friends, faculty and staff are welcome to attend with the UBC alumni.


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Dr. Robinson

receives honour DR. J. LEWIS ROBINSON, head of the University’s geography department and second English-speaking Canadian to receive a doctor of philosophy degree in geography, has been cited by the Association of American Geographers for meritorious contributions to the field. of geography.

Dr. Robinson’s published works on the geography of Canada and the de- velopment of the discipline number nearly IO0 items, including six books, 25 encylopedia articles, periodical articles and chapters in various books.

The geography department, which he has headed since 1959, is the largest in Canada and is believed to be the second largest in North America and the fourth largest in the world.

Singapore and UBC conduct Study

AN OVERSEAS STUDENT who took his master of arts degree in political sci- ence at this university and a UBC professor are collaborating in a re- search study on the political develop- ment of two Malaysian states. The fact that they are working 8,000 miles apart is no hindrance whatever, they say.

The UBC alumnus in the team is Professor K. J. Ratnam, now head of the political science department of the University of Singapore, and Professor R. S. Milne, head of the same depart- ment at UBC.

Specifically, the two researchers, with a $6,500 grant from the Asia Foundation, are analyzing the political development of Sabah, formerly North Borneo, and Sarawak. These are two of the 13 states which make up the Malaysian Federation, formed in 1963.

The grant from the Asia Foundation will be used largely to defray travel expenses in the area and for research and translation services by graduate students at the University of Singapore.

This present project grew out of a previous study made jointly by Profes- sors Milne and Ratnam on the 1964 general election in Malaya, a study which resulted in a book to be pub-


lished this year. Now they have reached the planning stage on a second book which they hope to begin writing in the summer of 1969. This will not be done entirely at long distance; they ex- pect to get together. And once again Kipling has been proved wrong.

Bursaries allowed

for athletes IT M A Y BE CONTRARY to a widely-held belief but the athlete is not the for- gotten man under University Senate regulations. Present regulations do make it possible for donors to establish scholarships and bursaries specifically for students who combine merit and participation in a branch or branches of athletics with sound academic standing. This should be good hearing for the many alumni with a keen con- tinuing interest in sports at UBC.

Academic standing is still the major criterion and an award winner who falls below the required standing will forfeit the award, whereas if he must

Work on Insulin

recognized A TOP CANADIAN SCIENTIFIC AWARD has come to a UBC professor, Dr. Gordon Henry Dixon. The award is the Steacie Prize, with a cash value of $1,200, and recognizes a biochemical achievement which led directly to one of the great feats of history- the first laboratory production of a protein by the synthe- sis of insulin.

Last year Dr. Dixon received the $1,OOO Ayerst Award, the research for which it was given involving breaking up haptoglobin, a protein found in human blood plasma.

Dr. Dixon came to UBC in 1963 from the University of Toronto.

Interestingly, within a few days of the Steacie Prize being presented to Dr. Dixon for his work on insulin, a bronze bust of Sir Frederick Banting, discoverer of insulin as a treatment for diabetes, was unveiled at UBC. This is the gift of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Ballard.

cease participation in sport in order to maintain his academic standing, he does not forfeit the award. permit awards “designed for the pri-

While awards may be made for par- mary purpose of recruiting selected ticular sports, Senate policy does not players for teams.”

What‘s a pretty Girl to do . . .

with a mountain of returned mail like this? Mrs. Isabel Galbraith, part-time tracing clerk, says it’s really n o joke when graduates fail to send their new addresses promptly to the Alumni Association office.

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Alumni Association News

The winning Play

LAST YEAR, the Alumni Association’s anniversary year, it was decided to allocate $2,000 of AAG donations to the Fine Arts Department, a field hitherto neglected in our allocations. Fine Arts, in turn, decided to use the funds for a one-act play festival.

Twenty-four one-act plays were en- tered in competition, of which four were selected for presentation.

D. Drinkwater Photo

Pictured above is a scene from the winning play, “Sex, Cold Cans and a Coffin,” by Chris Johnson, a 5th year student in Graduate Studies. The director was Raymond Michal, also a 5th year student in Graduate Studies.

The three other plays selected were by Elizabeth Gourlay, Brian Home, and a second play by Chris Johnson.

Funds remain to run a similar festi- val this year.

NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association will be held at the hour of 8:OO p.m. on Thursday, May 11, 1967, in the British Col- umbia Room of the Hotel Van- couver, 900 West Georgia, Van- couver, B.C.

Any two members of the UBC Alumni Association may nomin- ate persons for the elective posi- tions on the Board of Manage- ment pursuant to Section 8 of the By-laws of the Association. All nominations must be accompan- ied by the written consent of the nominee, and be in the hands of the Director of the Alumni Asso- ciation, Cecil Green Park, 6251 N.W. Marine Drive, U.B.C., Vancouver 8, B.C., at least seven days before the date of the Annual Meeting.

Tim Hollick-Kenyon Director


Program Director


Mrs. Barbara VitoZs, BA’61

ONE OF UBC‘s YOUNGER ALUMNAE was appointed recently to the post of Pro- gram Director in the Alumni Associa- tion Office. She is Mrs. Barbara Vitols who has been in related work since her graduation six years ago.

As Program Director for the UBC Alumni Association Mrs. Vitols will be responsible for the planning of all alumni programs, including homecom- ing, class reunions, annual meeting and dinner, conferences and seminars.

Her extra-curricular activities include skiing and sailing, enthusiasms shared by her husband, Al, who is a television producer for CBC.

r- -.

“What’s the idea of the black tie? I thought this dinner was informal”

3 1

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Sydney C. Barry

1923 Sydney C. Barry, BSA, BSc’60, has

moved from deputy minister of agricul- ture to become first chairman of the Canadian Dairy Commission. The com- mission will serve as a kind of national marketing board for the dairy industry. A veteran of forty-one years in the De- partment of Agriculture. Mr. Barry rose steadily in the department hierarchy to the top post of deputy minister in 1960.

The Forest Products Research Society presented the First Gottschalk Memorial Award to Colonel John H. Jenkins, O.B.E., BASc, for outstanding achieve- ments and leadership in the fields of forest products research, utilization, and administrative work. Since his retirement as advisor to the Deputy Minister of Forestry in 1965, he has continued active in the forest products fields by serving as chairman of the Structural Glued-Lami- nated Timber Administrative Board, and as vice-president of the Canadian Stan- dards’ Association.

Congratulations are in order for Gor- don L. Landon, BSA, retired director of extension and agricultural development in the B.C. Department of Agriculture,



Send !he edifor your news, by press clippings or personal leffer. Your classmafes are infer- esfed and so are we.

who has been elected a director of the Vancouver Local of the B.C. Institute of Agrologists for 1967 and vice-president of the Vancouver local of retired B.C. Government Employees Association.

William G. Mathers, BSA, who mar- ched with the Great Trekkers in the his- toric move to the Point Grey campus, has retired after more than forty-one years with the federal government. He joined the entomology laboratory in Ver- non in 1925, taking charge from 1948 to 1955. Mr. Mathers then moved to Maple, Ontario where he stayed until 1959 when he was appointed entomologist and ad- ministrative officer with the Forest Re- search Laboratory in Victoria.

1925 Congratulations to Lyle A. Atkinson,

BSA, MSA35, former general manager of Fraser Valley Milk Producers’ Asso- ciation, who has been named one of three commissioners of the new Canadian Dairy Commission. He wil! take up resi- dence in Ottawa.

1927 Herbert H. Ross, BSA, explains how

life evolved in shallow waters some three billion years ago, in a newly pub-

lished book, ‘Understanding Evolution’. Dr. Ross is assistant chief of the Illinois Natural History Survey and a professor of entomology at the University of Illinois.

1928 Albert S. Whiteley, BA, (MA29, U. of

Pittsburgh), has been appointed a mem- ber of the Restrictive Trade Practices Commission in Ottawa. He has assisted with the work of several royal commis- sions, with the Wartime Prices and Trade Boards Enforcement administration, and served as Canadian Consul General in Seattle in 1963-64.

1929 Hartley Sargent, BA, BASc’32, Chief

of the Mineralogical Branch, B.C De- partment of Mines and Petroleum Re- sources, has retired following thirty-one years with the B.C. government. He joined the Department of Mines in 1935 as resident mining engineer at Nelson

1930 Charles W. Brazier, BA, senior part-

ner of Davis, Hossie, Campbell, Brazier and McLorg, of Vancouver, has been elected to the Boards of Directors of Commonwealth International Corpora- tion Limited and Commonwealth Inter- national Leverage Fund Ltd., at their annual general meeting.

C. J. -4rmstrong, BA’32

Charles J. Armstrong, BA, (PhD’36, Harvard), addressed the Vancouver In- stitute on ‘The Academic Question’. Dr. Armstrong has been president of the University of Nevada since 1958, begin- ning his career in U.S. universities in 1930 as an instructor in classics at Rollins College.

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1931 Roderick V. Anderson, BASc, president

and director of R. V. Anderson Associa- tes Ltd., Toronto, has joined the Board of Directors of the Canadian Good Roads Association as representative of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada. He worked with the Tropical Oil Co. and Welland Chemical Works before starting his own consulting prac- tice in 1946.


Tung Kong Lee, BA, has been elected president of Lincoln University in San Francisco. He has served as a director of many Chinese and university associations and was a member of the board of direc- tors of the American Red Cross.

1933 John F. K. English, MA, LLD’62, BA

(Alberta), BPaed, EdD (Toronto), has been elected to the Senate of the Uni- versity of Victoria. A former deputy minister and superintendent of education for B.C., Dr. English is now chairman of the Public Works Commission.

Congratulations to Willard ErmA Ire- land, BA, MA’35 (Toronto), who was named B.C.’s Man of the Year by the Newsmen’s Club of B.C. The award was made by the 1965 man of the year, Dr. Patrick D. McTaggart-Cowan, BA’33, president of Simon Fraser University. Mr. Ireland, provincial archivist since 1940 was chosen in a poll of B.C. newspaper, radio and television editors.

George J. Okulitcb, BSA, MSA’35, has been appointed general manager of Fra- ser Valley Milk Producers’ Association. In a thirty-five year career with the or- ganization, he has served as chief bac- teriologist, production manager and as- sistant general manager.

Louis Telemaco Rader, BASc, (MS’35, PhD’38, Calif. Institute of Technology), was honoured by the California Institute of Technology on the occasion of its 75th anniversary when twenty-three of its most distinguished alumni were enter- tained at a convocation dinner. Dr. Rader’s professional career has been

largely with the General Electric Com- pany. He was also recently presented on the Visiting Scholar Program of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute as engin- eering scholar in addresses on automation and computers.

1934 A past president of the UBC Alumni

Association, J. Norman Hyland, BCom, has been elected First Vice-president of the Vancouver Board of Trade. He has been chairman and chief executive offi- cer of the British Columbia Packers, Ltd. since 1964.

George M. Volkoff, BA, MA’36, DSc ’45, PhD’40 (U. of Calif.), professor and head of the Physics Department at UBC, was invited by the National Research Council of Canada to be a member of a team of nine Canadian scientists and technologists who made a ten-day visit to Czechoslovakia as guests of their State Commission of Science and Technology. Universities, research institutes, factories and a brewery were visited in Prague, Pilsen, Bratislava and Brno. Dr. Volkoff also attended the XIV General Assembly of UNESCO in Paris as one of the Canadian delegates. Donald F. W. Mun- ro, BA’38, of the Department of External Affairs in Ottawa was another delegate.

1935 Clare Marie Earle (nee Brown), BA,

MA37 (Columbia), has been appointed administrative assistant to UBC President John B. Macdonald. Mrs. Earle was principal of York House School in Van- couver from 1958 to 1964, and for two years president of the B.C. Independent Schools Association. She comes to UBC from a post as administrative assistant to the minister of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver.

Another honour for a UBC grad! Thomas H. G. Jackson, BA, has been

awarded the Order of Scholastic Merit, First Degree, the highest award of this sort given by the Government of Quebec,

in recognition of his contribution to education in that province.

1936 John Laurence McHugh, BA, MA38,

PhD’50 (U. of Calif.), has been named acting deputy director of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries at Washington, D.C. Mr. McHugh joined the Bureau in 1959 and has been assistant director for biological research. He is also the author of about seventy publications on marine life.

1938 George Hargreaves, BASc, former

manager of technical services for the B.C. Hydro, has been appointed adver- tising and sales promotion manager. He joined the company in 1946 and has served in a variety of positions in the industrial and commerical sales depart- ments.

Lawrence J. Wallace, BA, MEd47 (Wash. U.), has been re-elected to serve a second term on the Senate of the Uni- versity of Victoria. He is deputy pro- vincial secretary for B.C.

1939 W. Royce Butler, BA has been named

head of the Oakland University Kresge Library in Michigan. For the past year, he was associate director of libraries at York University. He previously headed departmental offices in the libraries of the University of Denver and Boston University.

David Burrard Smith, BA, MA’41, PhD’5O (U. of Toronto), has left the National Research Council in Ottawa after fifteen years to become a professor

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of Biochemistry at the University of Western Ontario.

1940 H. Basil Robinson, BA, MA‘48 (Ox-

ford), has been promoted to deputy under-secretary of state for External Affairs from assistant undersecretary. He joined the department in 1945 and has served in London, Paris and Washington, becoming undersecretary in 1964.

Alexander Van Allen, BASc, has been appointed manager of the Alberni Pulp and Paper Division of MacMillan Bloedel Limited. He joined the company in 1940 and has been assistant manager of the Powell River Division and, most re- cently, manager of the Harmac division.

1942 Gan Dick Chu, BASc, MASc’49, was

recently elected president of the East Vancouver District Council, Vancouver- Coast Region, Boy Scouts of Canada. Mr. Chu has been active for the past seven years in the Scout movement, having served as group committee chairman for the 86th Ward Memorial Baptist and latterly as vice-president on the East Vancouver District Council. He is pre- sently a partner in a Vancouver contract- ing business.

Guy R. L. Curwen, BCom, has been appointed manager, Grocery Products Division for Western Canada, George M. Fraser and Company. Most recently he was a partner and sales manager of a Vancouver food brokerage firm which he assisted in founding in 1958. He is past president of the B.C. Food Brokers Association, was honorary secretary and

Council of the Food Broker’s Association is currently a member of the Executive

of Canada. E. Norman Walton, BSc, has been

appointed chief engineer of MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. He joined the company in 1949 and was industrial engineer at the Powell River division before assuming responsibility for the central engineering department.

1943 E. Douglas Sutcliffe, BASc, MASc’46

(U. of Toronto), who was recently nomi- nated to the UBC Senate, has been elected vice-president of the Building Owners and Managers Association. He is the general manager of B.C. Operations for the Dominion Construction Company Limited.

John S. Rogers, BASc, formerly mana- ger of the Alberni Pulp and Paper Divi- sion, has been appointed manager of production, Pulp and Paper Group, Mac- Millan Bloedel Limited. Mr. Rogers, who joined the company in 1953, now has

responsibility for the company’s pulp and paper production at the Port Alberni, Harmac, Island Paper Mills and Burnaby Paperboard Divisions.

1946 The appointment of Neil T. Gray,

BSA, as assistant general manager, was announced by the Fraser Valley Milk Producers’ Association. He joined the F.V.M.P.A. in 1940 and has served as chief bacteriologist and manager of the former Shannon Dairies Division. Pre- sently Marketing manager, he will con- tinue to be responsible for marketing operations of the Association in the Dairyland Fluid Milk & Ice Cream Divi- sion and the Pacific Concentrated Divi- sion.

James A. MacCarthy, BSA, has been appointed manager of B.C. Hydro’s In- formaton Services Department. Since 1946, he has held positions as farm ser- vices supervisor, residential sales super- visor and most recently advertising and sales promotion manager. He is a mem- ber of the Canadian Society of Agricul- tural Engineering and has been active in youth work with the Y.M.C.A. and Junior Achievement of B.C.

Oswald Karl Miniato, BASc, MASc ‘47, has been appointed Technical Mana- ger, Oakville Refinery, Shell Canada. He joined the Stanlow Refinery in 1947, the Shellburn Refinery in 1954 and was transferred to his present position of Senior Process Engineer-Head office Manufacturing in 1964.

1947 William Randolph Clerihue, BCom,

who joined Chemcell Limited in 1964 as Treasurer and Controller, has been appointed Vice-president and Treasurer. He wi l l be responsible for the financial organization of the company. Mr. Cleri- hue is president of the Montreal Chapter, Financial Executives Institute and a mem- ber of the Institute of Chartered Accoun- tants of British Columbia and Quebec.

John Martin McLennan, BCom, has been appointed manager of the Bank of Montreal‘s Main St. Branch in Penticton. Joining the bank in 1948, Mr. McLennan served in branches throughout B.C. until taking over the position of first assistant branch manager at the Carrall and Hast- ings Branch, Vancouver, a post he held for three and one half years before moving to Penticton.

W. Kenneth Wardroper, BCom, deputy head of the economics division of the external affairs department, has been elected a working director of the Asian Development Bank. He joined the exter- nal affairs department in 1947.

1948 William A. Laudrum, BCom, divi-

sional materials handling manager of the T. Eaton Co. Limited, has been pro- moted to the position of divisional operating manager of that company. Mr. Laudrum came to Eaton’s from the Hud- son’s Bay Company, where he held the position of operations manager of the Winnipeg store.

~ _ _ .


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A Vancouver Lawyer, George Buchan McIntosh, LLB, has been unanimously elected president of The Vancouver Sym- phony Society. He has been an active member of the Society since 1959 when he was elected to the Board of Directors and appointed Honorary Secretary. He also served as first vice-president from

Fred Charles Morrow, BA, has been elected president and chief executive officer of The American Life Insurance Company of New York. He joined the company in 1963 as executive vice- president and actuary, having previously served in various management positions with another life insurance company.

1964- 1966.


Knud Elgaard, BA, the former head of the economics division, Canada De- partment of Agriculture in Alberta, has joined the Alberta Department of Agri- culture to do research in resource de- velopment. He joined the CDA in 1950 and has been project leader for a number of farm enterprise studies.

Former plant engineer for Hooker Chemicals Limited in Vancouver C. Newton Hopkm, BASc, has been ap- pointed works manager of the Nanaimo plant. He joined the company at Van- couver in 1957 as a chemical engineer and was plant engineer there from 1958 until his present promotion.

Senior biologist, Dixon MacKiMon, BA, MA51, has been promoted to chief biologist of the Resource Development Branch, Pacific Region, Canadian Fish- erics Department. He will be responsible

for biological investigation in the fields of applied research, development, fish- eries management and pollution aimed at the preservation of the fisheries resources in his region. Mr. McKinnon is past president of the Pacific Fishery Biolo- gists.

Robert A. Milne, BA, manager of Co- operators Insurance Association’s Guelph division since 1959, has been named assistant investment manager in the Guelph central office. He began his CIA career in Toronto in 1951 as an under- writer, and was later supervisor of un- derwriting and claims.

Paul S. Plant, BA, vice-president of Ralph S. Plant, Ltd., has been elected a board member of the Family Service Association of America. He has served as honorary treasurer of the Family Ser- vice Agency of Greater Vancouver and is immediate past president of the or- ganization. He is also a past president of the UBC Alumni Association.

John W. B. Redford, BA, MSc’58, (U. of Minn.), has been appointed professor and director of the school of rehabili- tation medicine at the University of Alberta, effective in April. Dr. Redford is at present chairman of the department of rehabilitation medicine at the Medical College of Virginia.

Gordon J. Roper, BASc, has been appointed department manager, power districts department for the Vancouver Island region of B.C. Hydro. He joined the B.C. Electric in 1949. Since 1965 he has been assistant manager of the power districts department, with headquarters in Nanaimo.

The UBC Board of Governors has approved the appointment of Gordon R. Selman, BA, MA’63, as the new director of the extension department. He will continue his duties as secretary to the Board and executive assistant to Presi- dent John B. Macdonald until June 30. Mr. Selman served in extension from 1954 until 1965 when he moved to the President’s office. From 1960 to 1965 he was the associate director of extension.

David M. Story, BASc, was erroneous- ly credited to the wrong company in our last issue. He is chief engineer, Industrial Division, Underwood McLellan and Associates Ltd. Sorry for that mistake, Mr. Story.

1950 Philip B. Brewer, BASc, has been

named manager of the Detroit division of General Motors Diesel Limited. He joined the company in 1950, working in the field with the locomotive service de- partment. Mr. Brewer also held a num-

The weathervane indicates, though does not govern, the direction of the winds. Some day men may control the weather as they search for further understanding of the unknown.

Through wise, personal planning, Canada Life gives men some control over the unknown by protecting them from the economic hazards of death, disability and old age.



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ber of field positions including that of district engineer at Montreal. In 1956 he was appointed supervisor of locomotive sales and was promoted to parts manager in 1959.

Peter J. J. Hemphill, BASc, has been appointed officer in charge of the B.C Forest Service engineering division. He joined the department on graduation and was in charge of construction in the engineering branch for a number of years.

Donald A. S. Lanskail, BA, LLB, is one of two directors of the Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation who have been re-appointed for a second term of three years. He has been assistant mana- ger and legal counsel for Forest Indus- trial Relations Limited since 1954.

Cecil E. Law, BA, has joined the School of Business at Queen's Univer- sity as a professor, leaving his position as co-ordinator of operations analysis for the Canadian Pacific Railway.

A ' $ 8 A

'* W m . K . Morlock

f William K. Morlock, BCom, CD, an

officer of the Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps, has been appointed Base Comp- troller at Canadian Forces Base, Gage- town, N.B. Major Morlock, who was previously the Base Comptroller at Montreal, is now responsible for the financial and management services of the largest base in Canada.

John LeRoy Olsen, BASc, has been appointed general manager of the atomic power department of the Canadian General Electric. Mr. Olsen joined the company in 1950 and has been associated with the company's work in nuclear energy since 1955, including a two-year assignment as a liaison engineer at Chalk River, Ontario.

Wallace M. Robson, BA, is now mana- ger of Kingsway Lumber Company Limited, Toronto, a division of Mac- Millan Bloedel Limited. He has had extensive experience with the company and has also managed the domestic and international marketing operations of a drilling supply company.

Gordon F. Woram, BASc, has been promoted to assistant manager of the Alberni Pulp and Paper Division of Mac- Millan Bloedel Limited. Mr. Woram has been with the company since 1953 and has had extensive experience in pulp and paper mill engineering and administra- tion.

1951 Victor Emanual Hansen, BASc, asso-

ciated with the pulp and paper industry for over twenty-five years, has been appointed to the position of vice-presi- dent and general manager of Johnson Foils Ltd. of Canada and its U.S. sub-

Mayor Thomas ]. Campbell, LLB'52, who was elected mayor of Vancouver in December, 1,966, with Mrs. Campbell (ne'e Juliette Louisa Lewis), BA'49, daughter Rachael and sons Daen and Jordan.

sidiary. He has served as technical ser- vices manager of Johnson Wire Weaving Ltd. for the past five years.

Rodney Mallinson, BCom, has been appointed manager of Gulf Log Salvage Co-operative Association.

James M. ROSS, BASc, has been appointed western manager, AER Pro- cess Systems Ltd., Vancouver. He is a member of the Association of Profes- sional Engineers of B.C., a member of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers.

1952 E. Gordon Sheasby, LLB, has been

named assistant general counsel for the Interprovincial Pipe Line Company. He joined the company at Toronto in November.

1953 Peter C. Forward, BCom, vice presi-

dent of the Regional Marketing Surveys Ltd., Vancouver, has been appointed managing director of that company. Prior to this, he had been in industrial and economic research work with major B.C. utilities.

John D. Kyle, a senior personnel exec- utive with the Bank of Nova Scotia, was elected president of the Federation of Canadian Personnel Associations at a recent annual meeting. He served in the RCN Reserve, retiring last year as lieutenant commander.

Richard Irwin Nelson, BASc, MBA'55 (Harvard), president of Nelson Bros. Fisheries, Vancouver, was recently ap- pointed a member of the Fisheries Price Support Board. Now in its twentieth year. the board is responsible for the implementation of price support mea-


BENWELL-ATKINS LTD. 1191 Richards Street * Vancouver 2, B.C.



Page 38: cheque handling - UBC Library Home

sures when severe price declines are experienced in any branch of the fisheries.

1954 An interesting letter has come in from

Jacques M. R. Quistwater, BA, MSc’58, PhD (U. of London), FNCRT (London), telling of his new research appointment with Arthur D. Little Ltd. He is now working on the development of new application of plastics and high poly- mers in the biomedical field.

James T. Trebett, BASc, who started his career with MacMillan Bloedel Limited at Franklin River in 1954, has been appointed production manager for the Kelsey Bay, Port Hardy, Queen Charlotte and Stillwater divisions. Prior to his present appointment he served at Northwest Bay, Port Hardy and Frank- lin as divisional manager.

1955 C. Barry Baldwin, BCom, has joined

the Commerce Clearing House Cana- dian Ltd., as one of four representatives in British Columbia. Prior to this he was associated with one of Vancouver’s lithograph companies for eleven years.

William R. B. Bell, BA, has been awarded the silver wings of an American Airlines flight officer after completing training at the flight school in Chicago. He served in the Royal Canadian Air Force, at St. John’s Quebec, from 1952 until 1966, where he attained the rank of Flight Lieutenant.

Edwin Lipinski, BA, MD’60, has been named director of British Columbia’s pro- jected forensic clinic. The clinic will initially provide psychiatric and diagnos- tic services to the courts and probation services of the province. During the three years preceding his new appoint- ment, Dr. Lipinski has been working in the medical clinic at Stanford University.

Out of this door walk the best dressed men

in Vancouver.


1956 Lorne D. R. Dyke, BCom, MA62,

industrial and trade expert with the federal Department of Trade and Com- merce, has been named deputy minister of industry and commerce for Manitoba. Since 1964 he was first commercial sec- retary to the Canadian High Commis- sioner in Trinidad.

Robert H. Lee, BCom, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of H. A. Roberts Ltd. Mr. Lee is a sales executive in the commercial division of that company

Robert W. Termuende, BA, has been appointed to the position of general manager of Grandview Industries Limited. He has had extensive experience in plastic ranging from raw materials through to the finished products.

1957 John Bruk, BCom, LLB’58, has been

appointed to the Board of Directors of E. C. Warner Investments Limited. Mr. Bruk is a partner in the law firm of Lawrence, Shaw, Stewart and McLough- lin of Vancouver.

M. David Hynard, BSA, has now com- pleted graduate studies in city and region- al planning at the University of North Carolina. He is currently senior planner with the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.

1958 W. Craig Clark, BASc, MASc’60, has

been promoted to the position of plant engineer of Hooker Chemicals Limited, Vancouver. He has been associated with the company for six years, serving as a process engineer, plant engineer, and most recently, as an engineering super- visor at the Vancouver plant.

W. H. Bruce Hansen, BCom, MBA‘60 (U. of Calif.), has been named president of the Wilmington Research Corpora- tion. Mr. Hansen is a vice-president of Laird and Company and a member of

the Institute of Chartered Finance Analysts.

1959 A UBC branch contact, Charles J.

Connaghan, BA, MA60, has joined the Anglo-Canadian Pulp and Paper Mills, Limited in Quebec City, becoming mana- ger of industrial relations.

Kenneth Edward Cox, MASc, PhD’62 (Montana State), University of New Mexico chemical engineering faculty member, has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant. It will sup- port a project begun at a Stanford Uni- versity summer program of research par- ticipation for college teachers.

Denis N. Donovan, BA, MEd’63, currently studying for his doctorate in higher education at the University of California, at Berkeley, has been co-inves- tigator and co-director of a study of high school students in California, Illi- nois, Massachusetts and North Caro- lina for the past year. This study, funded by the College Entrance Examination Board and conducted by the Center for Research and Development in Higher Education at Berkeley, will last six years involving some ninety thousand students.

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John F. Ogilvie, BSc, MSc’61, (MA ’64, PhD66, U. Cambridge), has left his posts of Research Fellow of Emmanuel College and University Assistant in Re- search, Department of Physical Chemis- try, in Cambridge to take up a post- doctoral fellowship in the laboratories of the National Research Council in Ottawa.

1960 Gerald Atkinson, BASc, MSc’64, has

been appointed senior scientist in space physics at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.

J. Peter Burnyeat, BA, a freelance writer, has recorded another milestone in his literary career with the publication of an essay, ‘The Political Theology of Thomas Hobbes’.

T. Alan Dixon, BCom, was recently appointed assistant manager of Nesbitt Thomson Co. Ltd. for British Columbia. He joined the company in 1960 and has worked in both Montreal and Vancouver.

D. P. H. Hasselman, MASc, BASc’57 (Queen’s U.), is now a senior research scientist with the Research Institute of Stanford University. He is the author of sixteen scientific publications in the field of the mechanical behavior of refractory engineering materials.

James D. Jamieson, MD, has been awarded a medical research grant by the National Institute of Arthritis and Meta- bolic Diseases, a branch of the U.S. Public Health Service. The grant enables Dr. Jamieson to undertake scientific medical research in his specialized field

of cell biology. The title of the project is ‘Cell Secretion and Membrane Forma- tion in the Exocrine Pancreas’.

1961 Charles W. D. Latimer, BA has been

appointed head of the newly created pub- licity department of the MacMillan Pub- lishing Company.

Ian Walker, BSW, MSW’62, BA59 (U. of Alberta), former assistant director of the Calgary Social Planning Council, has been appointed executive director of that organization. For some time, he was em- ployed by the Juvenile and Family Court in Calgary prior to joining the council as assistant director.

1962 Frank A. Anfield, BCom, has joined

McKim Advertising Limited as an ac- count executive. Prior to this appoint- ment, Mr. Anfield, was product manager with Procter and Gamble.

Walter George Scott, BA, has been ap- pointed field editor for Burns and Mac- Eachern. Mr. Scott has had wide teaching experience in schools throughout B.C. He has also acted as an intermediate con- sultant for the Vancouver School Board, supervisor of intermediate grades for the Abbotsford School District, and has worked in the field of special education.

Richard B. Wilson, HA, Victoria busi- nessman, has been elected as the Uni- versity of Victoria’s second Chancellor by acclamation. He is a former mayor of Victoria.

1963 Ian W. Chang, BCom, is the recipient

of a Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation fellowship, valued at $3,000, towards obtaining a degree in community planning. Mr. Chang is employed as an assistant to the Prairie Regional Econo- mist, CMHC, at Winnipeg.

1964 Carolyn R. Jones, (now Mrs. Richard

D. Chataway), BA, MSW (U. of Toronto) was awarded the Jack Zimmerman Prize for being the outstanding student in her class at the Fall convocation of the University of Toronto.

William J. Merilees, BASc, returned home for a short visit last May before returning to Australia to take the posi- tion of head biologist of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition on Macquarie Island. Prior to his return, Mr. Merilees, spent two years travelling around the world.

1965 Dorothy M. Brooker (now Cameron),

MA, BA64 (Queen’s U.), has accepted a position as an analyst with the occupa- tional research unit of the newly named Department of Manpower and Immigra- tion in Ottawa. The unit of fifteen occu- pational analyists was chosen from across Canada and will take part in a project of setting up a Canadian classification and dictionary of occupations.

William I. Coleman, BA, has been appointed public relations representative for rhe Island of Formosa, by the Chris- tian Science Church. He is currently liv- ing in Taipei and teaching English at Normal University on Formosa.

What’s In It For Me, They Keep Asking IT’S A QUESTIO’N which may not be viable (viable . . . a good IN word this week) as a complete philosophy for living, but it has its uses, not always entirely crass. For instance, when people subscribe to and read a newspaper they quite rightly do so because it provides something for THEM, each and every one. Until computers start turning out people, people will continue to differ from each other in tastes and attitudes in a most disorderly and human way and The Sun will keep right on being a paper in which as many as possible find what they want. SEE IT IN THE@


Page 40: cheque handling - UBC Library Home

U.B.C. Alunmi Association Directory University Associations

B.C. Coast EEFLA coou-Milton C. Sheppard, BA’53, BEd

GRANTHAM’S L A N D I N G ” . R. Kitson, BASc’56, 54, Box 7.

POWELL RIVER-F. A. Dickson, BASc’42, 3409

PRINCE RUPERT-Robert C. S. Graham, BConi

TERRACE-Ronald Jephson, LiB’56, ’P.0. BOX SQUA~ISH-M;~. G. S. Clarke BA’31 Box 31.

TEXADA-Mrs. Dorothy Halley, BA’29, BOX 91,



’59 LLB’60 Box 188.


Gillies Bay.

Gran Bay Logging Co. ZEBALLOS-MIS. Joan St. Denis, BSN’59, c /o

Central B.C. CHAIRMAN-MIS. G. C. Kellett, BSC (Alta.),

ASHCROFT-Gordon H. S . Parke, BSA’52, Bona- 2293 McBride Cresc., Prince George.

BRALORNE-J. S. Thompson, BASc’50, Box 301. CLINTON-Kenneth Beck BSP’57, Box 159.

LYTTON-David S. Manders, BA’39, BOX 5. LILLOOET-Harold E. Sta’thers, BSP’53, BOX 548.

MERRlrr-Richard M. Brown, BA48, LLB’52. PRINCETON-Robert B. Cormack, BA’49, BEd’57,

QIJESNEL-Douglas Feir BA’33, P.O. BOX 508. SICAMOUS-W. Ellaschdk, BA’50, Box 9. SMmHERs-Laurence W. Perry, LLB’SO, P.O.

parte Ranch, Cache Creek.

Box 552.

vANDERH00P”A~vin w. Mooney, BA’35, m, Box 188.

MSc (Alta ) P.O. Box 56.

BA’27, Box 303. WILLIAMS &&-Mrs. C. Douglas Stevenson,

E. Kootenay Post-Secondary Education Association

PRESIDENT-Ray Cooper, BA’49, LLB’50, BOX

Goodwin. Box 810 Kimberl Provenzano. LLB’49. Bc

cREsToN”A1an B. Sta les BA’39, Box 280; Dr.

FERNIE-H. D. Stuart, BEd’60, Box 217; F. C.

Box 88

J. V. Murray, BAY!, i o x 270.

Hislop. LLB’JO, Box 490.

KIMBERLEY-L. F. H. Garstin, Bq’40, MA’46. Box 268; Tom Hutchison.

Box 313; Mat Malnarlch, 590 Knlghton Road.

INVERMERE-James A. warne, BSP’54, P.0.

Fraser Valley PRESIDENT: Dr. Mills. P. Clarke,, BSA’35, MSA

‘37. c/o Donunlon Expenmental Farm,

PAST PRESIDENT: Norman Severide. BA’49, LLB Agassii.

’50, Drawer 400 Langley. SECRETARY: Hunt& B. Vogel, MLA, HA’58,

19952 New McLellan Road, R.R. NO. 7,

AEBOTSFORbJOhn Wittenber 33551 Braun Langley.

Avenue, Box 1046; William %. Grant, BEd’47, Maple Street, Box 37.

AGAssI-Dr. Douglas Taylor, BSA’39, C/O Dominion Experimental Farm.

CHILLIWACK-Judge F. K. Grimmett, BA’32, BOX 10, Sardis; Judge Frank Wilson, MA’37, 25 Clarke Drwe.

cLovEmAu-Magistrate Harold S. Keenlyside,

CULTUS ‘LAKE-W. N. Swanzev, BEd’57, 379 BA’35 Drawer 579.

KELOWNA-John Dyck, BSP’51, Dyck’s DNgs

LUMBY-Ken B. Johnson. Merritt Diamond Ltd., 545 Bernard Avenue.

Mills, P.O. Box 10.

cipal, Elementary School. OLIVER-Rudolph P. Guidi, BA’53, BEd’55, Prin-

osoyoos-Mrs. Douglas Fraser, BA’32, R.R.

PENTICTON-Mrs. Howard J. Hamilton, LLB56,

REVELSTOKE-MTS. H. J. MacKay, BOX 129. SAkvf-ON ARM-Dr. W. H. Letham, BSA’42, Box

No. 1.

789 Carmi Drive.


VERNON-Mrs. Peter G. Legg, BA’37, BOX 751.

LJ I .

61, West Summerland.

Vancouver Island PRESIDENT: Harold S. MacIvor, BA‘48, LLB’49,

PAsT PRESIDENT: John R. Caldwell, BA’48, LLB Box 160, Courtenay.

49, Box 820, Campbell River.

Rd., R.R. 4, Duncan.

’40, BEd‘48, 518 Golden Street, Alberni.


SECRETARY: Mrs. J. H. Moore, BA’27, Norcross



CHEMAINUS-MTS. A. A. Brown, BA’45, BOX 266. DUNCAN-David R. Williams, BA’48, LLB’49,

LADYSMITH-Mrs. T. R. Boggs, BA’29, BOX 637. NANAIMO-Alan E. Filmer, BCom’62, LLB’63,

170 Craig Street.

PARKSVILLE-QUALICUM-J. L. Nicholls, BA’36, 2340 Holyrood.

BEd’53, Principal, Jr.-Sr. High School, Qualicum Beach.

Shawni an Lake School.

ray Road.

Seaview Road, Saanich.

SHAWNIGAN LAKE-Edward R. Larsen, BA’48,

soom-drs. John Lancaster, BA’63, 1962 Mur-

VICTORIA-David Edgar, BCom’60, LLB’61, 2830

West Kootenay Regional Committee CHAIRMAN-R. J. H. Welton, BASc’46, 1137

CASTLEGAR-Edwin McGauley, BA’51, LLB’52, Columbia Avenue. Trail.

Box 615. GRAND FORKS-E. C. Henniger. Jr., BCom’49,

NELSON-Judge Leo S. Gansner, BA, BCom’35. Box 10.

823 Elwvn Street. RlONDEL-HerInan Nielsen. Box 75. TRAIL-Mrs. T. S. Mathieson, BHE’62, 310 Wil-

low Dr. Alberta

CALGARY-P. T. Kueber, BCom’57, LLB’58, 600- 6th Ave., S.W.

10507 - 44th Street.

First Street S.E.

EDMONTON-Gary H. Caster, BA’47, BSW48.

MEDICINE mr-Harry H. Yuill, BCom’59, 473

Saskatchewan MOOSE JAW-Melvin Shelly, BASc’55, MBA’57,

SASKATOON-Dr. Alex J. Finlayson, BA’55, 1156-3rd Ave. N.W.

BASc’56, 418 Preston Avenue.

Manitoba WrNNIPECHarold A. Wright, BCom’63, 1278


Ontario DEEP RIVER-D. D. Stewart, BA’40, 4 Macdonald

GumpH-Walter H. A. Wilde, BA’50, 4 Cedar Street.


Patricia Drive, Burlington. HAMILTON-Har& L. Penny, BA, BSW’56, 439

MANOTICK-John W. Green, BCom’39, BOX 295. OlTAWA--ThOmas E. Jackson. BA’37. 516 GOl-

~~~ - . Cedar Street.

8th Avenue.

den Avenue.

389 College Street.

Box 494, Fonthill.

mNEY-Mervyn M. BA’34, 12283 North PORT ARTm-SYdneY Burton Sellick, RSF’52,

HopE-Eugene Olson, BA’48, BEd’56, Box 221. WELLAN-JOhn Turnbu”’ LANGLEY-Dr. Chapin Kev BOX 636. MISSION-Wilfred R. Jack: BA’35, MA’37, Mc-

Taggart Road, Hatzic.

Northern B.C. DApSON CREEK-Michael R. de la Giroday, LLB

PORT ST. JOHN-AT~ Fletcher, BCom’54, Super- 57, 841-105th Ave.

vising Principal, North Peace River High School, Box 640.

HUDSON HOPE-W. 0. Findlay, Bag Service No. 7, Fort St. John.

Okanagan Mainline PRESIDENT: Don E. Jabour, BA’57, LLB’58, R.R.

PAST PRESIDENT: Mrs. H. J. MacKay, BA’38,

ARMsTR0No”Rona~d R. Heal, BSA’47, BOX 391.

#4, Keloma.

Box 129, Revelstoke.

Victoria Street. mmoops-Roland G. Aubrey, BArch’51, 242


Quebec MONTREAL-L. Hamlyn Hobden, BA’37, MA

Milne, Ltd., 1980 Sherbrooke St. West. ‘40. c/o Pemberton, Freeman, Mathers and

QUEBEC ern-Charles J. Connaghan, BA’59,

Limited, P.O. Box 1487. MA’60, c/o Anglo Pulp and Paper Mills,

SAcKvrLLE-Dr. David M. MacAulay, BSW’61, Deans’ Apartments, Mount Allison University.

New Brunswick

Nova Scotia SVDNEY-Rpbert D. Algar, BCom’65, 179 Wood-

WOLWILLE-BNCe Robinson, BA’36, BASc’36, lawn Dnve.

Box 446.

Newforcndland ST. JOHN’S-Dr. V. S. Papezich, BA’54, MSc’57,

c/o Memorial University.

ETHIOPIA-Arthur H Sage. BA’38 BOX 3005, United Nations

United Nations, ECA, Addis Ababa.


ENGLAN-LONDON AREA-MTS. J. W. R. Adams, Place, London, W.C.l.

BA’23, Thurnham Grange, Turnham near Maidstone, Kent. MIDLANDS AREA-Mrs. c. A. S. Turner, BA’31, “Blue Shutters”, 120 Myton Road, Warwick.

NORTH IRELAND-Joan Arnold, BSc’63, PhD’66, Department of Applied Mathematics, Queen’s

ScoTLANo-Mrs. Jean Dagg, BEd’61, 35 Tweed University, Belfast.

TRINIDAC-D. Gurney Reid, c/o Trinidad Flour Street, Ayr.

Mills Ltd., Wrightson Road, Port of Spain.


FRIENDS OF UBC INC.-PRESIDENT-Sta~ Arkley, United States

BA’25, 9009 N.E. 37th St., Bellevue, Wash- ington.

ARIZONA-John E. Mulhern, BA’16, Casas Adobes Lod e 6810 N. Oracle Rd., Tucson.

cALrPonNrA-(~~h6irman) Charles A Holme BCom’50, 81 Morningside Drive, San Fran: ysco. FuI.LERToN--Lester W. McLennan, BA

Jean Parks, BA’31, 6529 Via Sienna. SAN 22, 917 Sierra Vista Drive. MIRALESTE-Mrs.

FRANCISCO-Dr. Oscar E. Anderson BA’29 MA’31, 185 Graystone Terrace. S A N T ~ CLARA--] Mrs. Fred M. Stephen, BA’25, 381 Hayes Avenue. STANFORo-HBIOId J. Dyck, BA’53, Bldg. 315, Apt. 14, Stanford Village.

WASHINGTON, D.c.-John L McHugh BA’36 MA’38, Assistant Directo;, U.S. Dipartmeni of Interior, Fish and Wild Life Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries.

FLORIDA-Dr. Cora L. Paton, BEd’57, MEd’62, Box 983, Tallahassee.

HAWAII-Donald M. McArthur, BA’21, 295 Wai- lupe Cir., Honolulu.

ILLINOIS-Mrs Richard H. Thompson BA’59, 2255 St. John’s Avenue, Highland A r k .

MISSOURI-Dr Carl Tolman BA’24 MS PhD (Yale), Dept. of Earth Siiences, ’Washhgton

MONTANA-MTS. Glennys Christie, BA’54, 509 University, St. Louis.

NEW MEXICO-Dr. Martin B. Goodwin, BSA’43, W. Cleveland, Bozeman.

NEW YORK-MISS Rosemary Brough BA’47 340 Box 974, Clovis.

E. 58th St., New York. ROCHESTEK”DT. k. T. Kirkpatrick, Dean, College of Applied Science Rochester Institute of Technology, 65 Ply!

OHIO-Mrs. Mllford S. Lougheed BA’36 MA mouth Avenue S.

(Bowl. Green) 414 Hillcrest Drive. BAwlinn Green.


MacSwan, BSA’42, MSA’61, 1629 North 14th 25, 2340 Jefferson Street. coRvaLus-Iain C .

Street. TEXAS-Wilfrid M. Calnan, BA’39, MSW’48,

307 Chenoweth, Corpus Christi. WASHINGTON-SEATTLE-PRESIDENT: John A. M.

Gunn, BASc’40, 9010 N.E. 37th Place, Belle- vue. VICE-PRESIDENT: Miss Nora Clarke, BA ’48, 5041 N.E. 22nd. BELLINGHAM-Fred R. Foley, BA’44. 3217 Plymouth Drive. SPOKANE -Don W. Hammersley, BCom’46, Symmons

WISCONSIN-H. Peter Krosby, BA’55, MA’58, Bldg.

PhD Col.) De t. of Scandinavian Studies, U. of disconsin, hadison.

DENMARK-Mrs. Joy Berthelsen, BA’57, BSW’58,

DOMINICAN RePusLIc-John E. Kepper, BCom

Other Countries Sonder Boulevard 100, Copenhagen V.

PRANCE-Nigel Kent-Barber BA’51 80 rue ’63, Apartado 1393. Santo Domingo.

GUYANA-Ernest Payne, BSA’52, Hosorovo Agri- Gabriel Peri, Massey, SeiAe-et-Ols;

INDIA-&lute P. Buttedahl, BCom’50, MA’63, cultural Station, North West District.

Dept. of Adult Education, University of

ISRAEL-Arthur H. Goldberg, BA’48, 57 Ben

JAPAN-Mrs. Atsuko Ukai, MA’62, 688-5 Suna-

Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Yehuda St., Tel Aviv.

gawa-machi, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo. KENYA-Dr. Gordon M. Wilson, BA’49, Box 5Q27 Nlirnhi

NIGERIA-Mrs. Lucian Gallianari, BA’49, P.O. Box 2403. La os: Mrs. Barbara M. McLean, BEd’62, Box &, Enugu.

NORWAY-BlOrn W. Mever. B’Com’62. Blok-

I -I . , . . I. 1 -I..

kvien 34OSandvika. nr: Oslo. PANAMA-Lester D. Mallory, BSA’27, MSA’29,

7397 c/o Inter-American Development Bank, Box

PORTUGAL-R. Harold McBean, BA’40, c/o Sandwell and Company Limited, Apartado No. 1, Marinha Das Ondas.

SOUTH AFRICA-Donald H. Leavitt, BCom’63, Box 683, Ca e Town.

swEoeN-Mrs. helen Prey, BA’28, Skogsmyrsva- gen 11, Uppsala.

TuRKEu-William L Pringle BSA’SO U N S.F., Project No. 1142: Crop Research ’and intrw duction Centre, P.O. Box P.K. 25, Izmlr. Karsiyaka.

., - -..-...-.

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Births MR. and MRS. RONALD M. B E C K E ~ , ( n t e

JOAN L. MCIVOR, BHE56), a son, Timothy Scot, October 27, 1966. A chosen brother for Daniel Lee.

a daughter, Jennifer Nancy, November 25, 1966 in Vancouver.

DR. and MRS. ROY WESTWICK, BA‘56, MA ‘57, PhD’60. (nCe GWYNETH MARY MC- ARRAVY, BA‘58, MA’60), a son, Paul Roald, October 1, 1966 in Vancouver.


Marriages BETHELL-STRATTON. John Edward Beth-

ell, to Hazel Jean Stratton, BSc’66, September 9, 1966 in West Vancouver.

BOYTINCK-HOLLATZ. Walter Jurgen Boy- tinck, BCom’63, LLB’64, to Marie- Luise Hollatz, January 28, 1967 in Vancouver.

BURTON-REKSTEN. John David Burton,

Returned mail costs money and is inefficient. If your alumni mail is not correctly addressed, please clip current address label and send it to us with the change.

BASc’60, to Judy Reksten, December 28, 1966 in Vancouver.

CAMERON-O’LEARY. William Alexander Cameron, to Maureen Anne OLeary, BA66, November 10, 1966 in Van- couver.

Mary Elizabeth Turvey, BA’57, De- cember 27, 1966 in Vancouver.

to Margaret Anne Rendle, BA’64, December 27, 1966 in New West- minster.

CLEMENTS-BABB. John Carson Clements, BSc’64, to Marcia Rose Babb, Decem- ber 28, 1966 in Vancouver.

COWNDEN-MELVIN. Albert Bernard Cown- den, BEd’65, to Jean Mary Melvin, September 3, 1966 in Trail.

CUBITT-PURSLOW. Ian Leslie Cubitt,

CAMPBELL-TURVEY. Duncan Campbell, to

CLARKE-RENDLE. Leonard Hugh Clarke,



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to Elizabeth Anne Purslow, BA’65, November 5 , 1966 in Vancouver.

DAVIS-GADD. Ronald Murray Davis, BASc ’65, to Daphne Ann Gadd, October 8, 1966 in Vancouver.

FOWLES-BLAIR. Leonard John Fowles, BEd’61, to Judith Beverly Blair, BEd ’61, December 10, 1966 in Vancouver.

GLAZIER-MACKENZIE. Rick F. Glazier, to Marilyn Joan MacKenzie, BA’66, De- cember 22, 1966 in Vancouver.

GREEN-SCHOLEFIELD. John Marshall Green, to Dorothy Jane Stuart Schole- field, BSc’64, MSc’66, November 19, 1966 in Vancouver.


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GREYELL-FIELDER. Bruce Melville Greyell, BA’64, to Carole Margaret Fielder, BASc’64, BPE’65, December 22, 1966 in Vancouver.

GROVES-CROKER. Alan C. Groves, MD’63, to Muriel Kathleen Croker, BA‘63, August 25, 1966 in New Westminster.

HANSEN-MACMILLAN. Carlo Aage Magnus Hansen, BA‘64, to Marian Elizabeth MacMillan, BA64, December 3, 1966 in Vancouver.

HANSON-JONINI. Arthur John Hanson, BSc’65, to Ellen-Louise Jonini, Sep- tember 24, 1966 in Houston, Texas.

HARRIS-AUSTIN. Robert Gordon Harris, to Sylvia Marie Austin, BEd’66, August 20, 1966 in Victoria.

HICK-ULRICH. Kenneth Henry Hick, BCom’65, to Emilie Diane Ulrich, BSN’66, August 27, 1966 in New Westminster.

HORWOOD-SOMMER. George William Hor- wood, BCom’66, to Marjorie Anne Sommer, BA65, November 11, 1966 in Victoria.

JACQUES-MACLEOD. Donald Charles Jac- ques, BSF’63, to Margaret Nina Mac- Leod, December 29, 1966, in Van-

KARYULA-PRANCE. Robert E. Karyula, couver.

BASc’64, to Helga Louise Prange, July 23, 1966 in St. Stephen, New Bruns- wick.

KENNETH-MILLS. Wayne Arthur Kenneth, BA’64, to Shelagh Eileen Mills, Octo- ber 29, 1966 in Montreal.

KERBY-STEFANINI. Robert Christopher Kerby, BSc’66, to Judith Lynne Stefa- nini, September 10, 1966 in Vancouver.

KUEHN-MACRITCHIE. Siegfried Arthur Udo Kuehn, to Donna Mae Nan Mac- Ritchie, BHE’62, July 9, 1966 in Van-

LEE-FITZPATRICK. Bruce Alexander Lee, couver.

BA‘54, to Joan Marie Fitzpatrick, BA ’59, August 23, 1966 in Calgary.

quist, BA‘66, to Mary Agnes Lug- tigheid, September 10, 1966 in Chat- ham, Ontario.

LINDSAY-ELLIOTT. Robert Frederick Lind- say, to Margaret Anne Elliott, BHE ’65, December 30, 1966 in Vancouver.

LOVE-MACMILLAN. Rev. Robert Joseph Love, to Laura Lillian MacMillan, BEd61, December 25, 1966 in Van-

LYTTLE-FOERSTER. Anthony Paul Lyttle, couver.

BASc’64, to Irene Jeanette Foerster, BA’61, BSW’63, MSW64, January 20, 1967 in Mt. Garibaldi, B.C.

MCCAFFERY-HALSTEAD. Francis G. Mc- Caffery, BASc’63, to Beverly Charlotte Halstead, November, 1966 in Okotoks, Alberta.

MCLAWS-LACEY. William Pitfield McLaws, LLB’66, to Joanne Lacey, September 3, 1966 in Vancouver.

MCMULLAN-DINGLE. Wayne McMullan, to


Susan Black Dingle, BA‘63, November 3, 1966 in Vancouver.

MAHLBERG-COLES. Kari Uolevi Mahlberg, BA‘65, to Sheila Coles, December 28, 1966 in North Burnaby.

MATHIAS-MALLEY. Jack Anthony Mathias, BSc’64, to Diane Frances Malley, BSc ’64, August 13, 1966 in Vancouver.

MULLER-FUNK. David Walter Muller, BEd‘65, to Carole Rose Funk, BEd ’65, November 19, 1966 in Vancouver.

PADDOR-KELLY. Dr. Alexander Paddor, to Joan Kristin Kelly, BA60, October 15, 1966 in San Francisco.

PIKE-HARRIS. Robert Leeson Pike, BSc’64, to Nola-Faye Harris, October 8, 1966 in Vancouver.

bertson, BA‘56, LLB’60, to Patricia Phillips, December 10, 1966 in West Vancouver.

SMITH-COUGH. Gary Given Smith, BEd ’65, to Katheen Anne Gough, BEd’66, August 13, 1966 in Vancouver.

STALEY-LONG. Donald Ross Staley, BCom ’65, to Victoria Elizabeth Long, BA‘66, December 3, 1966 in West Vancouver.

SWETNAM-TUCKER. Sydney David Swet- nam, BSP’66, to Sharon Gertrude Tucker, August 20, 1966 in Kamloops.

WILLINGTON-HADDEN. Robert Peter Wil- lington, to Georgina Ellen Hadden, BHE’66, August 27, 1966 in Van- couver.


Deaths 1922

Mary Lillian Reid, BA, MA’23, De- cember l l , 1966 in Vancouver. She is survived by her two sisters.

1923 Tarrant Dickie Guernsey, BASc, PhD

’29 (Columbia University), January 3, 1967 in Victoria. His working life was spent in Africa. In 1928 he was appoin- ted geologist for the Anglo American Corporation and he served with that company in Rhodesia for over thirty years. In 1957 he represented UBC at the installation of Her Majesty, the Queen Mother, as president of the Uni- versity College of Rhodesia and Nyasa- land. He is survived by one sister and one brother.

1926 Reginald Hodson, BASc, February 4,

1967 in Vancouver. He was principal of Cowichan High School at Duncan for a number of years and later joined the re- habilitation department of Shaughnessy Hospital as an education officer. One of the founders of the Greater Vancouver Health League, he acted as a rehabilita- tion consultant with the Vancouver Heart Foundation after his retirement. In his university days he was an active worker in the Great Trek and was also captain of the Thunderbird rugby team. He is survived by his wife and four daughters.

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Margaret Turner (nee Swanson), BA, past provincial president of the P.E.O. Sisterhood and a member of Chapter A.A., February 7, 1967 in Victoria. Prior to her marriage she was well known as a teacher at Victoria High School. She is survived by her husband, one daughter and one son.

1932 William James Roper, BA, MA’41,

teacher at Sir Winston Churchill Secon- dary School, January 12, 1966 in Van- couver. He was one of six B.C. teachers sent to Africa in the summer of 1965 on a Canadian Teachers’ Federation pro- gram to up-grade African teachers’ stan- dards. He is survived by his wife, one daughter and one son.

1951 Edgar Steane Hare, BASc, assistant

city engineer in charge of operations, December 2, 1966 in Vancouver. Mr. Hare joined the city planning department in 1953 and transferred to the engineer- ing department in 1956. He is survived by his wife and three daughters.

1953 Donna Georgia Hunt (nee King), MSW

’53, B.A.39 (Manitoba), February 5 , 1966 in Vancouver.

1954 David de Wolf, BA, BM’60 (U. of

Puget Sound), October 16, 1966 in Van- couver. He spent a great part of his teaching career in the Vernon School District where he contributed very largely to the musical development of the area. He is best remembered for the founding of the de Wolf Male Chorus and the de Wolf Ladies’ Choir. In 1962 he moved to the Vancouver School district. He is survived by his father, mother and one brother.

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