Download - Chenango County Resolutions SAFE Act

  • 7/29/2019 Chenango County Resolutions SAFE Act


    RESOLUTION # 3-22*

    The Safety & Rules Committee ofWHEREAS, the right to bear arm

    the United States Constitution, as well as tand

  • 7/29/2019 Chenango County Resolutions SAFE Act


    Criminal Background Check Systemwill be very difficult to enforce andcitizens.

    4. Comprehensive review of mental hegranted and review of records to derequired. Sheriffs believe that theremental health care. The new law immental health care professionals andthat a person is a danger to himself

  • 7/29/2019 Chenango County Resolutions SAFE Act


    law abiding gun owners will be affecriminals will still have and use wha

    2. Inspection of schools by state agenciagencies the responsibility to reviewfunding will be transferred to these sproposals. Sheriffs and local police pand can perform these duties efficienof the county, Sheriffs are in the besschools in their own counties, and th

  • 7/29/2019 Chenango County Resolutions SAFE Act


    6. Law enforcement exemptions must bprovisions that might apply to law emuch confusion about whether existto apply.W e understand that the Goagreed to review and modify these p

    Sheriffs want to be part of the discuAdditionally, the exemptions shouldand to others in the employ of the Shperform security duties at public fac

    7. Method of bill passage. It is the view

  • 7/29/2019 Chenango County Resolutions SAFE Act



    The Health & Human Services Committee ofadoption:

  • 7/29/2019 Chenango County Resolutions SAFE Act


    RESOLVED, That the Chenango Countconsideration be given to the removal ofthe Dirrequirement from Mental Hygiene Law 9.46, anreports directly with the Division of Criminal Ju

    RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Boacopies of this Resolution to Governor Andrew MSenator Thomas W. Libous, Assemblyman CliffFinch, other New York counties, and the New Yo(NYSAC).