Download - Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Page 1: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Chem E 486Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules

•Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career.

•What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”?

-Examples of the technology

-Rationale for using it

-What is the role for Chem E’s

•The Course

•Student Roles and Responsibilities

Page 2: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

NY Times, March 4, 2004Thomas FriedmanBANGALORE, India Jerry Rao wants to do your taxes. Ah, you say, you've never heard of Jerry Rao, but the name sounds vaguely Indian. Anyway, you already have an accountant. Well, Jerry is Indian. He lives in Bangalore. And, you may not know it, but he may already be your accountant.

Societal and economic trends

Page 3: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Societal and economic trends

Page 4: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Societal and economic trends

Page 5: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Societal and economic trends - Questions to think about

•What advantages/disadvantages do you have vis-a-vis various internationally-educated B.S. Chem Es?

•What aspects of Chem E are easiest to “outsource”? Which are the hardest?

•What Chem E employment sectors are likely to stay in USA? What are their

distinguishing traits?

Page 6: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”?

Images from

Page 7: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Why “Lab-on-a-Chip” instead of regular analysis?

Data from

Page 8: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Another “Lab-on-a-Chip” example

Images from

Page 9: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Another “Lab-on-a-Chip”

Images from

Sip reagents into storage wells

Page 10: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Another “Lab-on-a-Chip”

Images from

Mix and react sample with reagent

ATP-dependent kinetics at 37 ˚C

Page 11: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Another “Lab-on-a-Chip”

Images from

Flow products to separation column

Run electrophoretic separation

Electrophoretic separation

Time (s)

Page 12: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Do you have what it takes to design a “Lab-on-a-Chip”?

Key Elements (all done at the micro-scale):

•Flow of fluids in channels (Chem E 330, 436)

•Automated control (Chem E 480) of fluid temperatures (Chem E 340, 436, 437)

•Chemical Reactions (Chem E 465, 437, many Chem classes)

•Mass Transfer/Separations (Chem E 326, 435, 437)

As Chem E’s you have the technical foundation needed, but now need to learn SPECIFIC information, FAST!

Page 13: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Specific information will come from

•Taking a “short-course” (here, class lectures during weeks 1-4) (1) microfluidics: intro to physics (2) microfluidic/transport/reaction simulations with FEMLab (BAF) (3) microfluidics: process equipment and practical issues (4) heat transfer at the microscale (5) separations at the microscale (6) microreactor concepts

•Talking to experts (here, mainly Schwartz, Chen, and Manghani)

•Working on prototype problems (here, weeks 1-3)

•Doing literature research

Life-long learning---do it or stagnate as a professional.

Page 14: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Design Objective for Chem E 486

Develop a product line that satisfies the educational marketplace’s need for low cost, effective, experiments that reinforce fundamental science and engineering concepts, while also providing insight into emerging science/engineering areas (here, Lab-on-a-Chip technology). Investors will provide the initial capital needed to manufacture and market your product line if you can show a plausible economic scenario that will return a 20% discounted rate of return on investment over a 7 year investment window.

Lab session 1 will discuss this in detail

Page 15: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Student Roles and Responsibilities for Chem E 486

•Groups with 3 or 4 students

•Each group member to take on role as a ”Specialist” -Simulation Specialist-Microfabrication Specialist-Marketing/Economic Analysis Specialist-Communications Director (three person groups combine the last two)

•Specialists will lead and coordinate activities in their areas, but not do all the work in that area (they must also delegate tasks to others).

Page 16: Chem E 486 Designing Educational “Lab-on-a-Chip” Modules Societal and economic trends likely to affect your career. What is a “Lab-on-a-Chip”? -Examples.

Time Table for Chem E 486

• Weeks 1-3---Skill acquisition boot camp-Lectures presented in “Short-Course” format-Specialists given preliminary projects to build expertise

Deliverables: Specialist (Sim/Fab/Market) reports demonstrating skill and knowledge acquisition. (15% of Sim/Fab/Market grade)

• Week 4---Preliminary design conceptsDeliverables: Preliminary and alternative design concepts (25% of Comm Director, 10% of specialists, grade)

• Week 5-8---Refinement of design/simulation/fabrication/economic analysis Deliverables: Weekly work plans and progress updates (10% of grade)

• Week 9---Final design report and product demonstration Deliverables: Written report and a demonstration device will be completed (40% of grade)

• Week 10---Oral Report and Peer ReviewDeliverables: Oral Presentation of technical and economic design (15%). Turn in Leader/Subordinate evaluations of colleagues (10%).