Download - CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Multiple Steady States in a


  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Stability and Multiplicity

    Stability tendency of a system to remain in a certain state

    Multiplicity a system to have more than one state available to it, e.g.


  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Multiple Steady State in a CSTR

    For first-order reaction

    From mole balance:

    From the energy balance (CSTR with heat exchange):

    Neglecting shaft work in CSTR and setting 0 ..

    Substituting mole balance into energy balance:

    . .

    () X + ( 0)


    .( ) ( 0)

    =+ ()

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Multiple Steady State in a CSTR

    Define the ratio of the amount of heat transferred relative to the amount of

    heat used to heat up the reaction mixture as:

    The simplified form:

    .( ) )

    = 0 +()


    . (

    ) )

    =1 + 0

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Multiple Steady State in a CSTR

    We recognize on the left hand side of the equation, we have heat generated

    by the chemical reaction, G(T):

    Whereas the right hand, we have heat removed from the reactor (by heat

    transfer and mass flow), R(T):

    () )


    1 + 0

    . ( )

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Heat Generation term

    Investigating the function:

    To plot heat generated G(T) as a function of reaction temperature, solve for X

    as a f(T) using mole balance, rate law and stoichiometry. 1st order reaction:

    . .

    (1) ( 1 )

    . (1)

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Heat Generation term

    Solving for X gives:

    Which then yields:

    Heat generation is a function of residence time in the CSTR


    . 1 +


    . .

    1 +

    . 1 + .

    1 +

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Heat Generation term

    At low temperatures k is small and so k1, which gives an approximation:


    1 + .

    1 +


  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Heat Generation term

    G(T) can be derived for other reaction orders and for reversible reactions. For

    example, for second-order liquid phase reaction:

    : 2 + 1 4 + 12

    : () [ 2 + 1 4 + 1]2

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Heat Removal term

    Analysing the heat removal function:

    R(T) increases linearly with temperature, with gradient varying with K.

    As entering temperature TiO is increased, the line retains the same slope but

    shifts to the right:

    () )

    =1 + 0

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Heat Removal term

    Varying the non-adiabatic parameter, K. If K increases either by decreasing

    the molar flow rate or increasing heat-exchange area, the slope of R(T)increases and intercept moves to the left


    =1 + 0 .=

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Ignition-Extinction Curve

    By equating the heat generation term G(T) with the heat removal term (G(T),

    the steady-state operation in a CSTR can be found. The points of intersection of R(T) and G(T) give the temperature the reactor

    can operate at steady state.

    Increasing the inlet temperature, TiO:

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Ignition-Extinction Curve




    Steady State Reactor

    Temperatures (TS)

    T01 (a) TS1

    T02 (b) TS2 TS3

    T03 (c) TS4 TS5 TS6

    T04 (d) TS7 TS8 TS9

    T05 (e) TS10 TS11

    T06 (f) TS12

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Ignition Temperature

    Start from T01, increase entering


    Follow bottom line until T05 is


    Any fraction of temperatureincrease beyond T05 the steady

    state T will jump to TS11.

    The temperature at which jump

    occurs is called the ignition


  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Extinction Temperature

    Start from T12, decrease entering


    Follow top line until T02 is


    Any fraction of temperaturedecrease below T02 the steady

    state T will drop to TS2.

    The temperature at which jump

    occurs is called the extinction


  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Perturbation to steady states

    If operating at TS9 or TS7. Small

    perturbation up in T results in

    R(T) > G(T), hence T move back

    to TS9 eventually.

    Vice versa for perturbation down

    in T. Locally stable steady states.

    For middle point 8 represent

    unstable steady state


    If steady state at TS8 and sudden

    increase in T, G(T) > R(T), T

    continue to increase until TS9.

    Vice versa for sudden decrease.

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Runaway Reactions In many reacting systems, the temperature of the upper steady state may be

    sufficiently high that it is undesirable or dangerous to operate on.

    Runaway is said to occur when at the ignition temperature is exceeded. At

    this point, the slope of G(T) and R(T) are equal. dG(T)/dT = dR(T)/dT.

    From the heat generation term:

    Assuming heat of reaction ( ) is temperature independent:

    For irreversible reaction:

    ( )

    ( ) ()



  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Runaway Reactions

    Substituting back into tangent of heat generation curve:

    From the heat removal term:

    ( )


    2 ()





    2 ()

    () )

    =1 + 0

    () )=

    1 + ( )

    0 + 1 +

  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Runaway Reactions The tangent of the heat removal is given by:

    At the point where the tangents are equal, we have:

    Also at this point, G(T)=R(T):


    )= 1 + ( )

    () )


    1 + ()


    () () () 2 ()


  • 7/27/2019 CHE+3054S+Multiple+Steady+State+ST+Ver+1+ Print+Friendly


    Runaway Reactions If the difference between reaction temperature and Tc is exceeded

    Transition to the upper steady state will occur! Runaway!

    For many industrial reactions E/RT is typically between 14 and 24. Reaction

    temperatures, T may be 300 to 500 K.

    Consequently this critical temperature difference T-Tc will be somewhere

    around 15 to 30 K.

    > 2