Download - Chatlines - Issue 02

  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 02


    May 2008


    Pondering and head-scratching are the order of the day! Whet her to .or whether not too? T he

    subject being pondered is the issuance of your resurrected Chatline. As we are a bit short on deci -

    sion (not really, keep making one and then changing it)), thought wed do it the demo cratic wayand put the question to the vote. Sodo you want to see YOUR publication monthly, bi -monthly

    or quarterly? If the vote-count is for bi-monthly, the next issue after this will be the Jun/Jul issue, if

    quarterly Aug/Sep/Oct, if nobody votes I suppose I may as well turn off the computer and go findmyself another job.

    So come on all you Scouters, were doing our best to give you (hopefully) some extra support and

    means of communication, we just need to know how you want it, when you want it and ifyou

    want it!


    Werent we lucky with the weather? A bit on

    the parky side but only a few drops of rain

    and weve had a lot worse other years. Wehad a good turn-out a gain and the District

    Commissioner was very appreciative of all

    Scouts, Leaders and Parents or helpers who

    gave up their Sunday and took part.

    In the last year or so, more and more shops

    have taken to opening on Sundays. The re-

    sult is that our parade from the Town Hall to

    the Parish Church has a much wider audi-

    ence than in the pre-Sunday- trading yearswhen we marched through almost empty

    streets. Therefore, it is now a big PR boost for

    Scouting in our town, as long as we set a

    good impression before the townspeoplewatching us.

    Unfortunately, I and some others, overheard

    several remarks from Johnny Public which

    were not complimentary about the behav-iour and bearing of a few groups on parade.

    Years ago the RSM at Bruche Police Training

    College used to give us all a re hearsal on the

    Saturday morning and lick us all into shapebefore the parade. Bruche doesnt exist any

    more and while I have no wish to see military

    precision marching, a general look of smart-

    ness and suitable behaviour wouldnt come

    amiss. Perhaps groups could organise theirown rehearsals next year in the run up to the

    parade so the scouts know what is expected

    of them and ca n improve our image.

    At the same time perhaps it would be possi-

    ble to emphasise that standing at the alert

    without talking during the rendering of our

    national anthem is a s ign of respect to our



    A beautiful day, a reasonably good turn-out

    and some groups were highly delighted with

    the fund-rais ing injection they have earnedwhilst enjoying a delightful stroll round the

    nature reserve. I dont have any figures to

    hand at the moment but it was evident that

    some groups were going to benefit exceed-

    ingly well.

    Congratulations to all our youngest members

    (beavers and cubs) who valiantly dragged

    parents, aunties, grannies, and dogs around

    with them. Well done t o all who took partand thereby showed a commitment to their

    group/unit and a willingness to put a little

    back in recognition of what the y gain from

    Scouting and their leaders.

    Thanks are due to the catering staff (couldnt

    have managed without them and the

    cuppas they provided the staff), also to the

    tent and course putter-uppers and taker-downers, the rest of the backroom lads and

    lass es, and to the Nature Reserve for their

    permiss ion to run the eve nt.

    If you werent there you missed a great dayoutmake it a must for next year. See ya


    Dates for May/Jun/Jul

    Troop SC 5

    GSL/Dist Team 7

    Pack SC 8

    Back to Basics 9-11

    Beaver Outing 10

    Fellowship 12

    Beaver SC 14

    District AGM 15

    Explorer SC 19

    Exec Comm 20

    Dist Camp General 4

    Dist Camp Comm 5

    Dist Camp Site Visit 7

    County Parade 8

    Fellowship 9

    County AGM 10

    Distr ict Team Meet 11

    Cheshire Show 17-18

    Distri ct Camp 26-29

    Explorer SC 7

    Beaver SC 9

    Troop SC / Pack SC 10

    Scout Cyclo Cross 13

    Fellowship 14

    Diary Meeting 16

    Camp Site mgmt 17

    County Cub Fun Day TBA

    Exec comm 22

    How about somephotographs of

    the parade andthe yomp that wecould publish inour next issue?

    from HQs PL Training

  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 02



    When was the last time you had a fire

    drill at your Hq and, just as important,a fire drill in a camp situation?


    If your Scouts learn at least one of themethods of signaling it can form the

    basis of quite a few good wide games

    and may one day be useful in other

    PA G E 2

    situations. If they know the morse

    code they could build their own littlegenerator to practice signaling, See


    They could also learn how to make

    and use a heliograph, Morse knowl-

    edge will advantage any scout wish-ing to take up Amateur Radio .(Jamboree-on-the-Air)

    Semaphore can be the basis of a lot of

    games , and has been proved useful inthe hills .

    Both systems can be useful survival


    rules the better, but these tend to get

    complicated by lives, identity cards,passwords or secret agents cunningly

    disguised as parents. Wide games are

    far better in open country where you

    can play steal-a-flag or douse-a-candle

    without waking the neighbourhood.

    Or if you really cant be bothered, try

    walking along a woodland path

    slightly ahead of the Troop: you blowa whistle, they have to hide, whe n you

    have walked another ten paces, turn

    round and the first scout you see takes

    the whistle . Simple and old-fashione d,

    but funand no excuse for not having

    a programme in the first place!

    Wide Games are possible even in city

    centres, but the y do need a proper

    degree of pre-planning and


    Please allow the cashier at the Odeonand the Duty Sergeant at the nick to

    get on with their jobs instead of being

    asked for their signatures by a

    procession of scruffy scouts becauseyou couldnt think of anything else for

    them to collect !

    Make sure your PLs understand their

    responsibility to the rest of their patrolwhile they are out on the wide game,

    particularly any new scouts who may

    be scared if left alone in the dark.

    Finally, ha ve fun but never run the

    game too long, particularly if its anight game and/or cold weather. Call

    a halt while they are still enjoying it

    and theyll be keen for the next one.

    Scavenger Hunt

    Requires nothing but the wits to writea list of assorted and unlikely articles.

    Variations include large plastic bags

    and an anglers spring balance (orbathroom scale) to collect the greatest

    weight of waste paper in a given time.

    Helps clean up the neighbourhood at

    the same time.

    Try a wide game that demands some

    intelligence: li ke list the make and

    colour of every car parked within a

    specified distance your Hq whosenumber plate adds up to more than

    20if you ca n trust them to act ually goout and look!

    A wide game where no-one knowsthe rules is pointless, and the fewer

    T H E C H AT L I N E


    Sp ring Activ ities and getting ready for Summer

    Want to share some of your

    favourite wide game ideas

    with us? Send them in and

    well publish the best withacknowledgements.

  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 02


    Special Announcement

    The Warrington West Scout District AGM

    will be held at Bold Street Methodist

    Church on Thu, 15 May 2008, 7 p.m. A

    special presentation will be given by Scouts

    who attended the World Centenary

    Jamboree following the business meeting

    and presentation of A wards.

    PA G E 3T H E C H AT L I N E


    Go for your brand new

    Eat in Colour Healthy

    Eating Badge. Detailsare available on line

    and how to take part in

    the special competi-


    Beavers are looking

    forward to their trip to

    the Zoo this month and

    the County Challengein June


    This programme is well

    up and ru nning and a

    lot of Scout support has

    already been reported

    here in the North-westby networks, camp staff ,

    leaders and units. Please

    tell Chatline what you

    have done to promote

    the Kids Outdoorsprogramme. Details can

    be found on line.

    National Networkgathering will be held

    this year at Great Towersin Cumbria.

    New Network flag wasdedicated during the St.

    Georges Day service.

    6 out of 9 members on

    the next Explorer Belt toKandersteg, Switzerland

    are from Warrington

    Explorers born before

    Xmas 1990 are invited tothe 20 June Network

    Meet. Email name toHannah@networkrocks.

    Special competition for

    Explorers:. All you have

    to do is write the lastthree lines of the follow-

    ing limerick:

    Explorer Scout DaveExplorer Scout DaveExplorer Scout DaveExplorer Scout Davefrom Pwllhelifrom Pwllhelifrom Pwllhelifrom Pwllheli

    One night was satOne night was satOne night was satOne night was sat

    watching the telewatching the telewatching the telewatching the tele

    Send your best effort to

    the Ed. on a postcard

    along with your name

    and unit.


    D of E weekend was

    held success fully.

    on 20 Jun is t he all you

    can eat buffet followed

    by the Starlight Walk,

    and on 20 July we areholding Challenge Ex-

    plorer. Summer Camp

    already has 45 partici-

    pants signed up and

    looking forward to Gil-well, and 13 September

    is Mingle at our Grap-

    penhall Campsite..

    Go Go Go Explore !!!

    PLs: Organise a special

    meeting of your Patrol

    somewhere different

    and organise a Patrol

    activity to link with

    Cubs ,


    The Orienteering com-

    petition will take place

    on Sunday, 13 J uly


    The date of the Blakfoot

    Hike has been changedfrom 17/19 Oct to

    24/26 Oct due to

    school holidays.

  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 02


    To all recipients of Chatline:

    This free newsletter service is delivered to you in the sincere

    hope that you will see it is further disseminated by you to others

    within your Group, Troop, Unit, whatever; and to any parents,

    friends of Scouting or people you think would like to read it.

    GSLs should, please, als o ensure it is posted on the Group Hqs

    noticeboard, Section Leaders should please pass copies on to

    assistant leaders, helpers, lodge leaders, sixers and PLs, as appro-

    priate.. There are items and competitions for you all.

    Anyway, with no people there cant be any chat ca n there?

    If you have read/seen/discovered Chatli ne and are not on our

    mailing list but would like to be, please contact us with youremail address.


    PA G E 4

    being reissued. Some numbers have been held by several

    Groups over the years.

    The 1935 census listed 30 active Groups of which three we

    would still recognize.

    How has the history of your Group de veloped? Why nottrace it.!

    Good Scouting......George Carman

    The 10th Warrington, Sanke ySt. Marys was registered in

    1927. Pictures of their first

    Scout Hut (corner of Meeting

    Lane & St. Marys Rd) and on parade! (insert from...B. Ed)

    Since Warrington Scouting is 100 years old this year I thought

    that you may be interested in hearing how the District tookshape in those early days.

    Records confirm that the first Scout Troops were formed in the

    Latchford (St. Hildas Mission) and the Winwick Road (Dannet

    St.) areas closely followed by the formation of troops in How-ley, Fairfield, Whitecross and Padgate areas.

    In the early days Troops were identified by location and not

    numbers, I am not sure when the use of numbers was f irst

    used but by 1916 a system of numbers had been established.

    The composition of the District has changed over the years as

    some Groups have become defunct and new Groups have

    been formed resulting in the numbers from defunct Groups

    T H E C H AT L I N E

    A Royal Occasion - Her Majesty

    Queen Elizabeth unveils bronze at

    home of London Scouting

    Presi dents Patch

    Le tter from the Editor L ETTERS TO THE EDIT OR

    (Submissions for print in next issue require d by 28 May 08)

  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 02



    Here are a few suggestions which

    might prove useful at summer or

    weekend camps: produce fire bymeans of a burning glass or with natu-

    ral flint and a steel; experiment with asolar still; dig for water above t he high

    water mark on a beach; improvise and

    use fish hooks; improvise a heliograph;

    make and use a hammock in camp.

    PA G E 5


    T H E C H AT L I N E

    I nside Story Headline

    Got an idea worth passing on? Lets have it!


    Mix the plaster a little thinner than

    usual and pour it into a bottle. Place

    an inflated balloon over the neck ofthe bottle and pour the plas ter into

    the balloon. This can then bemoulded by hand into virtually any

    shape , or by draping it over ot her

    objects or suspending it from string.

    When nearly dry, cut away the bal-

    loon a nd allow the cast to hardencompletely; then decorate with poster

    paints and take home to Mum!


    Stretch a string across a pond ,with

    the middle four feet marked off by

    pieces of wool. Working fr om any-where on the bank, each Patrol/team

    must make a small raft, light a f ire onit, and manoeuvre it to burn through

    the string between the wool markers.

    Time limit 30 minutes, or first to finish


    Detailed reports from Scouters, Explorers and PLs following experiments would be

    appreciated - after all this column is called Scouters SWAP Shop


    We have been offered a superb venue forWe have been offered a superb venue forWe have been offered a superb venue forWe have been offered a superb venue for

    this event but, up to now, only two peo-this event but, up to now, only two peo-this event but, up to now, only two peo-this event but, up to now, only two peo-

    ple have evinced any interest. It s goodple have evinced any interest. It s goodple have evinced any interest. It s goodple have evinced any interest. It s good

    fun and a good laugh and you mightfun and a good laugh and you mightfun and a good laugh and you mightfun and a good laugh and you mighteven remember a bit of what you learnt.even remember a bit of what you learnt.even remember a bit of what you learnt.even remember a bit of what you learnt.

    Need the numbers or we will have to can-Need the numbers or we will have to can-Need the numbers or we will have to can-Need the numbers or we will have to can-

    cel. Call 01925 493753 .cel. Call 01925 493753 .cel. Call 01925 493753 .cel. Call 01925 493753 .

  • 8/8/2019 Chatlines - Issue 02


    Emailor hand deliveror snail mail

    Your replies to arrive with the editor

    Not later than 4 June 2008

    Winners pr ize to be presented at District Camp

    COMPETITIONCOMPETITIONCOMPETITIONCOMPETITION --- - To find the Scoutiest Scout Group in Warrington West. Is itTo find the Scoutiest Scout Group in Warrington West. Is itTo find the Scoutiest Scout Group in Warrington West. Is itTo find the Scoutiest Scout Group in Warrington West. Is ityoursyoursyoursyours????

    The Adventures

    of Scout Leader

    Fred and the 1st


    in-the-MarshScout Troop

    Question 1 For GSL: Where am I?

    Question 2: For SL: What is the tartan badge on the Gilwell Scarf and why is it there?

    Question 3: For CSL: What conservation project have your Cubs accomplished t his year? Details!

    Question 4: For BSL: Who was Dinizulu?

    Question 5: For PL: Devise a humorous commercial to sellyour Scout Leader to t he highest bidder. Poster or

    tape or video or s lide show are acceptable.

    Question 6: For Sixer: What year did Scouting start and when a nd where was the first scout camp?

    Question 7: For Lodge L Who is the Warrington West District Commissioner?

    Question 8: For Scout: Learn a Filipino lashing and teach it t o the rest of your patrol.

    Question 9: For Cub: Why do we shake hands using t he left hand?

    Question 10: For Beaver: How many gnawing teeth does a beaver have?

    Question 11: For Chairman How many beads are there on the necklace of a trained Leader?

    Question 12: For Treasurer From 27 Feb 07 what accounts should Groups prepare with gross income over 10K but

    under 25K a nd who should sign off as a minimum requirement?

    Question 13: For Secretary Who is the Chief Scout of the World?

    Question 14: For anybody A photo of someone in your Group enjoying a Scout activity