  • Slide 1

CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE EMERGENCY LOGISTICS SUPPORT Slide 2 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE DON SULLENS Emergency Management Specialist Chatham Emergency Management Agency Slide 3 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES Review the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Logistics Concepts Review Chatham Countys Concept of Emergency Logistics Support Provide an overview of the Countys current plans for contracted Base/Camp support operations Provide and overview of the Countys concept for Bulk Commodity Distribution Slide 4 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE THE OBLIGATORY REVIEW: Slide 5 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE RESOURCES ARE: PEOPLE PLACES THINGS SERVICES The people and stuff we need to do what needs to be done! Slide 6 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ESTABLISHES PROCESSES FOR: CATEGORIZING ORDERING DISPATICHING TRACKING RECOVERING COST REIMBURSEMENT The ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT of Logistics Support to an incident/event. Slide 7 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE LOGISTICS IS PLANNING, IMPLEMENTING, AND MANAGING RESOURCE: PROCUREMENT RECEIPT STORAGE DISSEMINATION MAINTENANCE The OPERATIONAL Logistical Support provided during an incident/event Slide 8 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS) INCIDENT COMMAND (IC) STRUCTURE GENERAL STAFF PLANS OPERATIONSLOGISTICS FINANCE INCIDENT COMMAND Slide 9 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE LOGISTICS SECTION COMMUNICATIONS UNIT MEDICAL UNIT FOOD UNIT SUPPORT BRANCH SUPPLY UNIT FACILITIES UNIT GROUND SUPPORT UNIT SERVICES BRANCH BASIC NIMS IC LOGISTICS SECTION Slide 10 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Establishes jurisdictional/agency GOALS and operational OBJECTIVES required to manage a given incident prioritized by: LIFE SAFETY ISSUES INCIDENT STABILIZATION AND/OR CONTAINMENT PROPERTY CONSERVATION CONSIDERATIONS INCIDENT COMMAND Slide 11 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE PLANS OPERATIONS LOGISTICS FINANCE EVERYBODY CONTRIBUTES TO LOGISTICS SUPPORT DEVELOPES PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH IC GOALS/OBJECTIVES TRACKS RESOURCES AVAILABLE ALWAYS LOOKING AHEAD IDENTIFIES RESOURCES REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH PLAN ORGANIZES AND ASSIGNS TASKS TO AVAILABLE RESOURCES DEPLOYS/RECOVERS RESOURCES IAW ESTABLISHED PLAN PROCURES, RECEIVES, WAREHOUSES, DISSEMINATES, AND MAINTAINS RESOURCES ORDERS RESOURCES CONTRACTS VENDOR SERVICES MAINTAINS RECORDS Slide 12 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE PLANS OPERATIONS LOGISTICS FINANCE REQUIRED/REQUESTED RESOURCES THE PLAN RESOURCE TRACKING RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS ORDERING, CONTRACTING, AND TRACKING Slide 13 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE If Logistics Cant Support It It WILL NOT Get Done! Slide 14 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE CHATHAM COUNTY EMERGENCY LOGISTICS SUPPORT CONCEPT Slide 15 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Logistics Support and Resource Management to and for deployed Emergency Responders within Chatham County is the responsibility of the effected jurisdiction. BOTTOM LINE Slide 16 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Logistics planning and operations are conducted by the effected jurisdiction through established procurement and accountability procedures. MAKING IT HAPPEN Slide 17 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Logistical Support to an event is provided by resources readily available from within the effected jurisdiction or when necessary, by requesting needed resources through mutual aid agreements with partner agencies, adjacent municipalities and jurisdictions. WHERE SUPPORT COMES FROM Slide 18 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES CONTRACTORS VENDORS AGENCY OR MUNICIPAL IC LOGISTICS LOGISTICAL SUPPORT TO SINGLE AGENCY SINGLE JURISDICTION EVENTS Slide 19 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES CONTRACTORS VENDORS EXISTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS AGENCY OR MUNICIPAL IC LOGISTICS LOGISTICAL SUPPORT TO MULTIPLE AGENCY SINGLE JURISDICTION EVENTS Slide 20 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE If a given jurisdiction finds itself overwhelmed by events or in need of resources not available or that are inadequate to support situational requirements; or when an event involves multiple agencies and/or multiple jurisdictions; Upon requested Chatham County may provide support by the most efficient and effective means, including on-site direct support or through the activation of the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). ADDITIONAL SUPPORT ITS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK Slide 21 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES CONTRACTORS VENDORS EXISTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS CEMA AGENCY OR MUNICIPAL IC LOGISTICS LOGISTICAL SUPPORT TO MULTIPLE AGENCY SINGLE & MULTIPLE JURISDICTION EVENTS Slide 22 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Local, single and/or short term multi-jurisdictional events may require the IC or local jurisdiction to request additional support assets outside the scope of already established mutual aide agreements. Under these circumstances and depending on the support requested, CEMA may activate selected Emergency Support Function (ESF) Committees to coordinate the requested support and assist with managing the additional resources. CEMA SUPPORT Slide 23 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION (ESF) COMMITTEES An ESF Committee is a grouping of government and private-sector agencies with specific capabilities into a unified organizational structure. The ESF Committee System of support is the primary operational-level mechanism utilized by CEMA to coordinate emergency management activities. Slide 24 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE CURRENT CHATHAM COUNTY EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION (ESF) COMMITTEES ESF1Transportation ESF2Communications ESF3Public Works and Engineering ESF4Firefighting ESF5Emergency Management ESF6Mass Care, Housing, and Human Services ESF7 Resource Support ESF8Public Health and Medical Services ESF9Urban Search and Rescue (USRR)* ESF10Oil and Hazardous Materials Response ESF11Agriculture and Natural Resources ESF12Energy ESF13Public Safety and Security ESF14Long-Term Community Recovery and Mitigation ESF15External Affairs Slide 25 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES CONTRACTORS VENDORS EXISTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS CEMA AGENCY OR MUNICIPAL IC LOGISTICS LOGISTICAL SUPPORT TO MULTIPLE AGENCY SINGLE JURISDICTION EVENTS ESF1 ESF2 ESF3 ESF5 ESF6 ESF7 ESF8 ESF11 ESF12 ESF13 ESF15 Slide 26 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE COUNTY DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES CONTRACTORS VENDORS EXISTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS CEMA LOGISTICAL SUPPORT TO MULTIPLE AGENCY MULTIPLE JURISDICTION EVENTS GEMA ESF1 ESF2 ESF3 ESF5 ESF6 ESF7 ESF8 ESF11 ESF12 ESF13 ESF15 Slide 27 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Following a major event, there will actually be two logistical operations taking place simultaneously. Logistical support to the responding workforce AND Logistical support to the County and Municipality Infrastructures ISSUE: SOLUTION: PRE-EVENT CONTINGENCY CONTRACTS Slide 28 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE CONTRACTED BASE/CAMP OPERATIONS Slide 29 Title Page BASE CAMPS INTEGRATION HOUSING SHOWERS LAUNDRIES RESTROOMS KITCHENS FOOD SERVICE WATER SYSTEMS POWER HVAC ADMINISTRATION Slide 30 Integration From structural alterations, architectural improvements or electrical, plumbing and HVAC installations, we have the experience and expertise to develop a custom solution that provides maximum utility to the clients container. Deployed Resources specializes in container modifications and integration to suit any need. Slide 31 Integration 2 1 Aluminum framing to maximize interior space. Plug & play water and electrical connections Insulated to R29 Mechanical area is self contained in separate area accessible from the outside. Slide 32 Mobile Offices Each unit is equipped with 2 desks, 4 storage lockers, remote controlled heating and cooling, a 4 drawer file cabinet, fire alarm & fire extinguisher, and ample outlets. Optional satellite connectivity can also be added for remote deployments. Slide 33 Berthing Units Comfortable shelter for 1-4 occupants in 1 or 2 room models Independent climate control systems Bed, storage locker, shelving, lighting, outlets, and a desk Positioning on ground or chassis Slide 34 Engineered Soft Wall Structures Climate Controlled Sized for accommodation Partitioned for privacy as needed Slide 35 Engineered Soft Wall Structures Climate controlled floors, lights, doors fire extinguishe rs cell phone charging stations linen service Slide 36 Containerized Showers Each unit has 6 individual shower stalls with integrated changing areas. Includes lavatory sinks, hot and cold water, climate control and interior lighting Easily adaptable to existing municipal water and sewer systems or can also operate from on- site tanks Slide 37 Laundry Each Containerized Laundry Unit contains 6 washers and 6 dryers housed in a rugged 20 container Units are equipped with hot and cold water and interior lighting Large Scale Tented Facilities Slide 38 Containerized Restrooms Facilities for men and women Housed in rugged 20 container Interior lighting, flushing toilets, sinks, ventilation, HVAC and privacy walls Positioning on ground or chassis Slide 39 Containerized Kitchens Capable of serving over 3,500 persons per meal in the 4 unit configuration Completely self contained All stainless steel interior Equipped with lighting, exhaust hoods, fire suppression, HVAC, and complete kitchen with refrigeration and dry storage. Slide 40 Food Service Turn-Key dining facilities include management and staffing, food storage, preparation, serving Climate controlled dining for 50- 5,000 14 or 21 day rotating menu Overseen by trained chefs and operated IAW USDA food codes Slide 41 Base camp infrastructure includes a water distribution system to support kitchens, showers, laundries, lavatories, and other camp requirements. All water related equipment is NSF61 potable water rated and water quality testing is performed weekly Wastewater is routed to onsite approved sewer locations or collected in tanks via secure pumps and piping system If onsite sewer is not available, all wastewater is transported offsite via sealed vacuum tankers and disposed of at a permitted disposal facility Water & Wastewater Base camp infrastructure includes a water distribution system to support kitchens, showers, laundries, lavatories, and other camp requirements. All water related equipment is NSF61 potable water rated and water quality testing is performed weekly Wastewater is routed to onsite approved sewer locations or collected in tanks via secure pumps and piping system If an onsite sewer is not available, all wastewater is transported offsite via sealed vacuum tankers and disposed of at a permitted disposal facility Slide 42 Water Distribution NSF Rated Distribution Piping - Mains - 2 - 12 Service Lines - CTS HDPE Piping Compression Fittings Modular Below Ground Systems installed Above Ground Slide 43 Water Distribution Slide 44 Temporary Potable Storage NSF Rated Potable Water Tank/Bladders Stainless Steel Tankers-DOH Certified Slide 45 Transportation Slide 46 Potable Pressure Pumps Slide 47 Waste Water Collection Piping HDPE - Fused Piping Schedule 40 PVC Drain Piping Pressure Hoses with Cam Lock Fittings Modular Piping - Bauer HD Slide 48 Waste Water Storage Slide 49 Waste Water Macerator Pumps Slide 50 Power Generation Diesel powered generators, distribution, and fuel, are provided to power all related equipment and facilities.Diesel powered generators, distribution, and fuel, are provided to power all related equipment and facilities. All equipment is NEMA 3R rated for outdoor use and installed by trained electrical technicians in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC). Distribution and and additional outlets are routed as required by site configuration or upon client request.Distribution and and additional outlets are routed as required by site configuration or upon client request. Diesel powered generators, distribution, and fuel, are provided to power all related equipment and facilities.Diesel powered generators, distribution, and fuel, are provided to power all related equipment and facilities. All equipment is NEMA 3R rated for outdoor use and installed by trained electrical technicians in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC). Distribution and and additional outlets are routed as required by site configuration or upon client request.Distribution and and additional outlets are routed as required by site configuration or upon client request. Slide 51 Mobilization 1 Aluminum framing to maximize interior space. Plug & play water and electrical connections Insulated to R29 Mechanical area is self contained in separate area accessible from the outside. Slide 52 Base Camp Management 1 Aluminum framing to maximize interior space. Plug & play water and electrical connections Insulated to R29 Mechanical area is self contained in separate area accessible from the outside. Slide 53 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE BULK COMMODITIES DISTRIBUTION CONCEPT Slide 54 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE BULK COMMODITIES Bulk Commodities generally refer to resources distributed post event to the effected population for a limited duration (plan 7-14 days) These commodities most commonly consist of: Food Water Ice Plastic Sheeting Slide 55 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Experience in recent disasters has confirmed that the major limiting factor in emergency logistic support to a jurisdiction is not the availability of the commodities themselves but rather the existence of an efficient distribution system capable of receiving, storing and distributing the available supplies to the affected population in an efficient manner. HISTORICALLY Slide 56 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE During an event such as a hurricane, national staging areas will deliver predetermined quantities of bulk commodities to the State Logistics Staging Area (LSA) currently located in Forsyth at GPSTC. HOW THE STUFF GETS HERE Slide 57 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Upon request, the State will transport and deliver bulk commodities directly to established County and Municipal POINTS OF DISTRIBUTION. Slide 58 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE POINT OF DISTRIBUTION (POD) A POD is established as the INITIAL point where the effected population may obtain life sustaining emergency relief supplies until such time as power is restored, relief social service programs are in place, and traditional retail and commercial establishments reopen (plan 7-14 days). (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH A MEDICAL POD) Slide 59 PODS GRAPHIC 030708 CHATHAM COUNTY FEDERAL LOGISTICAL SUPPORT STATE LSA TYBEE ISLAND POD COUNTY POD THUNDERBOLT POD GARDEN CITY POD PT WENTWORTH POD BLOOMINGDALE POD POOLER POD COS POD COUNTY CSA COUNTY BASE COUNTY STAGING H H H B S AFFECTED AREA LOGISTICAL SUPPORT LOCATIONS B C S C H BASE CAMP STAGING HELISPOT DIRECT DISTRIBUION INDIRECT DISTRIBUION COUNTY POD COUNTY POD COUNTY POD COUNTY POD COUNTY POD COUNTY POD H H COS POD COS POD COS POD COS POD COS POD COS POD H LSA LOGISTICAL SUPPORT AREA POD POINT OF DISTRIBUTION COS CITY OF SAVANNAH CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Slide 60 PODs are PRIMARILY established as drive-through facilities Slide 61 Note: Individual vehicles drive through and Ice & water is loaded into their trunks. Recommend One case water, 2 or 3 bags of ice per vehicle and 6 MREs Supply trucks for Ice, Water, MREs and Tarps are to be off-loaded promptly and returned for re-supply. Water Ice MRE Tarp Maximum Loads per Day Type III 1 1/2 TYPE III - DISTRIBUTION POINT Serves 5,000 persons per day 3 loading Points 140 vehicles per hour TENT Toilets Dumpsters Stockpiles WIMTWIMT W I M T Supply truck Light Set Forklift EXAMPLE Slide 62 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Other possible distribution methods may include fixed Site facilities (buildings) for densely populated areas (within walking distance) and mobile conveyances (aircraft & all-terrain vehicles) for isolated populations Slide 63 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE PRE-PLANNING Emphasis self-sufficiency because additional support resources may not be available Pre-Planning POD locations provides time to inform the public of those locations prior to an event and before communications are impacted Assists the IC determined route clearing priorities Slide 64 Locations Pre-Identified and Advertized Capable of Receiving Resources Within 24-Hours Post Event Access - Near Major Highways Traffic Control - One-Way Through Site Security Location Convenient to Support Official Relief Operations Examples: flea markets, agriculture centers, farmers markets, public works yards, industrial parks, small airports, fairgrounds, schools POD LOCATION RECOMMENDATIONS CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Slide 65 HOW MANY PODs AND WHAT SIZE POD? US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Disaster Impact Models Click on Disaster Impact Models (left side) Plug in your numbers for a Type III POD Slide 66 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Slide 67 POPULATION OF CHATHAM COUNTY ESTIMATE OF POPULATION WITHOUT POWER = 40%* NUMBER OF TYPE III PODS REQUIRED 100,000/5,000 BASIC CALCULATION INPUT Slide 68 PORT WENTWORTH GARDEN CITY POOLER BLOOMING- DALE TYBEE ISLAND THUNDERBOLT SAVANNAH GEORGETOWN WILMINGTON ISLAND WHITEMARSH ISLAND CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Type III POD LOCATIONS? The Numbers: 13 Municipal POD Locations 5 County POD Locations 18 x 5000 = 90,000 per Day 40% of 250,000 = 100,000 May Need More Locations ISLE OF HOPE SKIDAWAY ISLAND Slide 69 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE ESTIMATED DELIVERIES (TRUCK LOADS) Slide 70 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE POD SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS * * * Where will these PEOPLE come from? * Slide 71 WHERE WILL THESE PEOPLE COME FROM? Municipal and County personnel and agencies Mutual Aid through local, intra-state and the EMAC mutual aid agreements GSDF/National Guard Volunteers (CERT, BSA, Church Organizations) Commercial Contractors CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE Slide 72 COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL, AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITES NOW - Prepare to be self-sufficient during the first 72 hours Following a disaster event. - Identify critical resource shortfalls of supplies, equipment, manpower, or services, and prioritize needs to CEMA in advance of a disaster event. - Make provisions for temporary emergency power. - Plan for POD Operations in advance of a disaster. Provide the following POD Information to CEMA and update as required: Facility/Location Name Type of Facility (School, Armory, Parking Lot, etc.) Street Address, Nearest Cross Street, and GPS Coordinates Slide 73 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE LOGISTICS SECTION COMMUNICATIONS UNIT MEDICAL UNIT FOOD UNIT SUPPORT BRANCH SUPPLY UNIT FACILITIES UNIT GROUND SUPPORT UNIT SERVICES BRANCH BASIC NIMS IC LOGISTICS SECTION Slide 74 FOOD & WATER DISTRIBUTION MANAGER ORDERING & TRACKING MANAGER FACILITIES MANAGEMENT UNIT LEADER PODS MANAGED HERE MOVEMENT CONTROL MANAGER RECEIVING & DISTRIBUTION MANAGER MAINTENANCE MANAGER MAINTENANCE MANAGER EMERGENCY UTILITIES MANAGER FUEL SERVICES MANAGER FEEDING STATIONS LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEF DEPUTY AREA INFRASTRUCTURE DEPUTY WORKFORCE CONTRACT SERVICES BRANCH DIRECTOR SUPPORT BRANCH DIRECTOR ADMIN UNIT MEDICAL GROUP SUPERVISOR FOOD GROUP SUPERVISOR SUPPLY GROUP SUPERVISOR GROUND SUPPORT GROUP SUPERVISOR RADIO UNIT AND FREQ MGR FACILITIES GROUP SUPERVISOR INFO TECH MANAGER TELECOM UNIT LEADER EQUIPMENT MANAGER FOOD UNIT MANAGER SECURITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS GROUP SUPERVISOR PRIMARY CARE MANAGER VETERINARIAN CARE MANAGER MEDICAL SUPPLY MANAGER Slide 75 CHATHAM COUNTY 2008 HURRICANE CONFERENCE ? Slide 76 DON SULLENS Emergency Management Specialist CEMA 912 201 4500 912 658 6106