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Characteristics and plasticity of electricalsynaptic transmissionSebastian Curti1* and John O’Brien2*

From International Gap Junction Conference 2015Valparaiso, Chile. 28 March - 2 April 2015


Electrical synapses are an omnipresent feature of nervous systems, from the simple nerve nets of cnidarians to complexbrains of mammals. Formed by gap junction channels between neurons, electrical synapses allow direct transmission ofvoltage signals between coupled cells. The relative simplicity of this arrangement belies the sophistication of thesesynapses. Coupling via electrical synapses can be regulated by a variety of mechanisms on times scales ranging frommilliseconds to days, and active properties of the coupled neurons can impart emergent properties such as signalamplification, phase shifts and frequency-selective transmission. This article reviews the biophysical characteristics ofelectrical synapses and some of the core mechanisms that control their plasticity in the vertebrate central nervous system.

Keywords: Connexin 36, Mauthner cell, MesV neuron, Amacrine cell, Photoreceptor

BackgroundOrganization of neurons into networks is a defining fea-ture of a nervous system. Networks are essential for mostcomplex computations and all conversions of sensoryinput to functional output. This network organization isaccomplished by synapses, which provide the modes ofcommunication between neurons. In all nervous systems,changes in synaptic strength are a fundamental tool tomodify the network for a specific task, to emphasize aspecific input or output, and to learn.Two structurally and functionally different types of

synapses, chemical and electrical, carry the burden ofcommunication between neurons. Chemical synapses, withseparate complex presynaptic and postsynaptic elements,have long been understood to be plastic, undergoingchanges that strengthen or weaken the synapse under cer-tain conditions. Gap junction-mediated electrical synapsesare structurally simpler, giving rise to the misconceptionthat they are also functionally simple. However, electricalsynapses have been found to have great latitude for

plasticity, contributing in many ways to the modification ofnetwork computations essential to optimize nervous sys-tem function. This review will briefly introduce electricalsynapses and summarize the plastic mechanisms used tocontrol neuronal coupling in order to optimize networkfunctions.

Properties of electrical synaptic transmissionGap junctions are composed of aggregates of intercellularchannels that connect the cytoplasm of two cells, consti-tuting a pathway for the diffusion of small intracellularsolutes between cells [1, 2]. Besides this chemical coup-ling, gap junctions support electrical coupling based ontheir ability to allow the movement of ions, thus repre-senting a low resistance pathway for the direct flow ofelectrical current between cells (Fig. 1a, b). Because gapjunction communication occurs without the involvementof any intermediary messenger as in chemical synapses,they provide a fast mechanism for intercellular synaptictransmission.Beyond the first description in the motor giant synapse of

the crayfish [3, 4], electrical transmission has been estab-lished in the nervous systems of many phyla, from primitiveanimals like jellyfish to more evolved ones like mammals[5]. In the mammalian brain electrotonic coupling between

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de laRepública, Montevideo, Uruguay2Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science, University of Texas HealthScience Center, Houston, TX, USA

© 2016 Curti and O’Brien. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Curti and O’Brien BMC Cell Biology 2016, 17(Suppl 1):13DOI 10.1186/s12860-016-0091-y

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neurons has been identified in almost every structure in-cluding the neocortex, hippocampus, inferior olivary nu-cleus, cerebellar cortex, trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus,vestibular nucleus, hypothalamus, the spinal cord and theretina among others (for review see [6]).In many cases these junctions behave as simple ohmic

resistors through which current flow is determined by thedifference in membrane voltage of coupled cells (trans-junctional voltage) and the resistance of the junction. Assuch they support bi-directional communication and tendto equalize the membrane potentials of coupled cells. Thismeans that activation of any cell of a coupled pair willproduce a comparable attenuated potential (the couplingpotential or spikelet) in the other cell (Fig. 1c). Thesecharacteristics of gap junction mediated transmissiondetermine two distinctive physiological properties of elec-trical synapses: high speed and sign conservation. Both ofthese characteristics may promote the synchronic activa-tion of neuronal ensembles. However, beyond these twowell-established and classical roles, electrical coupling inconjunction with properties of the non-junctional mem-brane of neurons provides mechanisms for more complexoperations like inhibition, amplification and frequency se-lective transmission.

Determinants of the strength of electrical synapsesIn most cases, electrical synapses can be considered tofunction as a simple resistance between two coupledneurons. Consequently, the degree to which a neuron iscoupled to another can be described by the electrical in-fluence a voltage change in one neuron has on itscoupled neighbor, i.e. the coupling coefficient (C):

C ¼ V 2

V 1ð1Þ

where V1 is the voltage of the “driver” cell and V2 is thevoltage of the “follower” cell. From this relationship it isevident that coupling potentials present the same sign aspresynaptic signals but are smaller in amplitude (Fig. 1b).In the absence of voltage dependent mechanisms in thepostsynaptic cell this coefficient varies between 0 and 1,and the bigger its value the stronger the degree to whichtwo cells are electrically coupled.For a voltage change at steady state the simplest elec-

trical representation of two cells connected by a gap junc-tion is the circuit depicted in the left panel of Fig. 1d,where Rj represents the junctional resistance, and R1 and

Fig. 1 Basic properties of electrical coupling. a Schematic drawing of experimental design for study electrophysiological properties of electricalsynapses showing simultaneous intracellular recordings using the dual whole cell patch clamp technique applied to a pair of coupled cells.b When a hyperpolarizing current pulse is injected to cell 1 (I Cell 1) a voltage deflection is produced in that cell (V1) and also in the cell 2 (V2),although voltage change in the later is of smaller amplitude. Traces are representative drawings. c An action potential in one cell (cell 1) of anelectrically coupled pair produces a coupling potential or spikelet in the other cell (cell 2), which present a much slower time course comparedto the presynaptic spike. d Left, Drawing shows the equivalent circuit for a pair of coupled cells during current injection into cell 1 (obliquearrow, I) where R1 and R2 represent the membrane resistance of cell 1 and cell 2 respectively and Rj represents the junctional resistance. For avoltage change at steady state (red portion of traces in B) the membrane capacitance is fully charged and current is only resistive. Smaller arrowsindicate the direction of current flow in the circuit. Right, Circuit representing the voltage divider constituted by the junctional resistance (Rj)connected in series to the membrane resistance of the postsynaptic cell (R2). Input voltage is the membrane voltage change in the presynapticcell (cell 1, V1), whereas the output voltage of the divider is the membrane voltage change in the postsynaptic cell (cell 2, V2)

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R2 the membrane resistance of coupled cells [7]. Currentinjected in cell 1 present two parallel pathways to flow,one through R1 and the other involving Rj and R2, thusproducing a voltage change in both the presynaptic cell(V1) and in the postsynaptic cell (V2). On the other hand,because Rj and R2 are connected in series they constitutea voltage divider or attenuator; that is, a simple circuitwhere the input voltage is split among the two compo-nents in a proportional fashion according to the value oftheir resistances, being the input voltage V1 and the out-put V2 (Fig. 1d, right panel). In a voltage divider the out-put voltage depends on the input voltage according thefollowing equation [8]:

V2 ¼ V1 � R2R2þ Rj


From this equation


¼ R2R2þ Rj

; and as C ¼ V2V1

then C

¼ R2R2þ Rj


From the above analysis it can be concluded that thecoupling coefficient depends both on the junctional resist-ance and the membrane (non-junctional) resistance of thesecond postsynaptic cell [7]. However, the strength ofelectrical transmission does not depend on the absolutevalue of any of these resistances but instead on the rela-tionship between them (see below). While the junctionalresistance depends on the properties of intercellular gapjunction channels, the membrane resistance depends onthe number of channels of the non-junctional membraneopen at resting potential and is a major determinant ofthe input resistance of neurons and hence of the way theyrespond to synaptic inputs.

Plasticity of electrical synapsesGiven that the strength of coupling between neurons de-pends on dynamic factors such as the resistance of thegap junction and the membrane resistance of the postsyn-aptic cell, it should be clear that coupling also changesdynamically. Indeed, all aspects that control electrical syn-aptic strength can change over a wide variety of timescales ranging from milliseconds to days, with differentmechanisms participating at different time scales. Thesemechanisms will be treated separately below.

Changes in conductance of electrical synapsesVoltage gating of connexin channelsLike many other membrane ion channels, gap junctionchannels display some degree of voltage sensitivity [1, 9].Voltage gating of connexin channels results in shifts to alow conductance state or subconductance state at the

level of the individual channel [9]. Dynamic voltage gatinghas been observed to occur during cardiac myocyte actionpotentials [10] and contributes to the waveform and propa-gation of the action potential through the syncytium. Thisgating behavior was attributed largely to Cx43 channels,which are the dominant connexin in cardiac myocytes.In contrast to cardiac gap junctions, gap junction chan-

nels formed by Cx36, the main synaptic connexin of themammalian brain, present a weak voltage-dependency. Infact, junctional conductance is nearly insensitive to trans-junctional voltage up to ±30 mV and declines graduallyto ~60 % over a 90 mV range. Moreover, the time courseof the underlying gating process requires hundreds of mil-liseconds to seconds to reach the steady state [11–13].While gating processes of gap junction channels are ableto produce a substantial modification of the junctionalconductance, these changes occur in time scales severalorders of magnitude larger than that of single spikes andsynaptic potentials, the main source of coupling potentialsin physiological conditions. Thus electrical synapses com-posed of Cx36 are unlikely to be susceptible to voltagegating during normal neuronal activity.Other connexins that form electrical synapses in the

vertebrate nervous systems exhibit more robust voltagegating. Cx45, which is present in a small number of elec-trical synapses, is particularly sensitive to transjunctionalvoltage [14, 15], with half maximal reduction of thevoltage-sensitive conductance at 13.4 mV in the steadystate. While voltage gating of connexin channels is drivenlargely by the “fast gate” [9], the kinetics of this mechan-ism are nonetheless somewhat slow and unlikely to have alarge impact on channel conductance during a neuronalaction potential. However, gating is likely to occur in neu-rons that use sustained, graded voltage signaling such asretinal bipolar cells, some of which do use Cx45 in elec-trical synapses [16–18]. The impact of any such changeson electrical signaling is unknown.

Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of channelsVery significant changes in the overall conductance of gapjunction channels that form electrical synapses occurthrough signaling pathways that result in phosphorylationor dephosphorylation of connexins. Studies of retinal hori-zontal cells have shown that catecholamines, dopamine inparticular, reduce the receptive field size and tracer coup-ling [19–22]. These effects were shown to result fromactivation of a D1 dopamine receptor that elevated intra-cellular cAMP via adenylyl cyclase activity [23–25], anddepended on activation of protein kinase A [26]. The re-duced electrical coupling in fish horizontal cells resultedfrom a reduction in the open probability of the gap junc-tion channels without a change in unitary conductance[27]. The horizontal cells in fish contain several connexins:Cx55.5, Cx52.6, and Cx52.9 have all been identified in

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zebrafish [28–30]. It is not clear which, if any, of thesecontribute to the plasticity that has been observed in hori-zontal cells from the fish species studied physiologically.The vast majority of electrical synapses in the mamma-

lian central nervous system utilize Cx36 (homologous toCx35 in non-mammalian vertebrates). A number of invitro studies have shown that electrical or tracer couplingvia this connexin is regulated by phosphorylation drivenby cAMP/PKA [31, 32], nitric oxide/PKG [33], and Ca2+/CaMKII signaling pathways [34, 35], with a few con-served phosphorylation sites being key regulators of coup-ling. The biophysical basis of changes in macroscopiccoupling has not been elucidated but changes in channelopen probability, based upon changes in mean open time,have been suggested as the mechanism of plasticity [35].A number of studies have revealed that Cx36 phosphor-

ylation state changes with conditions that change couplingand is an accurate, and essentially linear, predictor ofcoupling as assessed by tracer transfer [36–39]. In retinalneurons, phosphorylation-dependent changes in couplingare driven by light adaptation [38–40] and/or circadianrhythms [41–43]. The signaling pathways that controlthese changes have been studied in detail in photoreceptor

and AII amacrine cells in recent years, revealing a com-mon theme of regulation by well-defined opposing signal-ing pathways.A role for dopamine D2-like receptors in controlling

rod to cone photoreceptor coupling has been known forsome time [44, 45]. In rodents, this is actually a D4 recep-tor [39, 46], which inhibits adenylyl cyclase via Gi and re-duces cAMP level. Phosphorylation of Cx36 is controlledby protein kinase A (PKA) activity, changing in responseto alteration of cytoplasmic cAMP [38, 39, 47] (Fig. 2). Inboth mouse and zebrafish, the action of the dopamineD4 receptor is opposed by the action of a Gs-coupledadenosine A2a receptor [39, 47]. Secreted dopamineand extracellular adenosine levels vary in retina in oppos-ite phase and are both regulated by circadian rhythms[48]: dopamine is high in the daytime or subjective daywhile adenosine is high in nighttime or subjective night. Liet al. [47] have recently found that the Adenosine A1 re-ceptor is also present. The Gi-coupled A1 receptor hashigher affinity for adenosine than does the A2a and is acti-vated in the daytime by the lower extracellular adenosinelevel that remains. This A1 receptor activation reinforcesthe inhibitory action of the dopamine D4 receptor on

Fig. 2 Signaling pathways that control coupling in two types of retinal neuron. Coupling through Cx36 gap junctions is regulated by Cx36phosphorylation through an order of magnitude dynamic range. Phosphorylation enhances coupling and pathways that promote Cx36 phosphorylationare colored green in this diagram while those that reduce phosphorylation are colored red. Elements colored blue are hypothesized to play a role buthave not been specifically demonstrated. a Retinal AII amacrine cell coupling is increased by Cam Kinase II phosphorylation driven by Ca2+ influx throughnon-synaptic NMDA-type glutamate receptors. This process depends on spillover glutamate derived from bipolar cells and is enhanced by activation ofsynaptic AMPA-type glutamate receptors that depolarize the cell. Reduction of Cx36 phosphorylation is driven by an independent pathway in whichactivation of D1 dopamine receptors increases adenylyl cyclase activity, activating protein kinase A, which in turn activates protein phosphatase 2A. Proteinphosphatase 1 suppresses this pathway. Both pathways are activated by light, but with different thresholds, leading to an inverted U-shapedlight adaptation curve. b Photoreceptor coupling is enhanced by Cx36 phosphorylation driven directly by protein kinase A activity undercontrol of adenylyl cyclase (AC). AC activity is in turn controlled by an intricate set of G-protein coupled receptors regulated by circadian timeand light adaptation. Darkness during the night phase increases extracellular adenosine such that activation of A2a adenosine receptors dominatessignaling and activates AC. Light adaptation or subjective daytime result in reduced extracellular adenosine and increased dopamine secretion suchthat activation of dopamine D4 receptors dominates signaling to suppress AC activity. A1 adenosine receptors supplement this effect. The opposingsignaling pathways routed through a common effector impart a steep monophasic character to the light adaptation and circadian control of couplingin this neural network

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adenylyl cyclase, strongly suppressing Cx36 phosphoryl-ation and photoreceptor coupling in the daytime [47].Since all three receptors act on the same target, adenylylcyclase, the regulation of Cx36 phosphorylation andphotoreceptor coupling is a steep biphasic function thatkeeps coupling minimal during the daytime (Fig. 2).In retinal AII amacrine cells, plasticity of electrical

coupling has been recognized for nearly 25 years [49].This plasticity is driven by light, with a biphasic patternshowing very low coupling in prolonged dark-adapted con-ditions, high coupling with low-intensity illumination, andlow coupling again with bright illumination [50, 51]. Thebright light-driven reduction in coupling is mediated bydopamine, with dopamine D1 receptors increasing adenylylcyclase activity and enhancing protein kinase A activity[49, 52]. AII amacrine cells use Cx36 [53], and the suppres-sion of coupling by protein kinase A activity is inconsistentwith the positive effect that protein kinase A activity hason photoreceptor coupling mediated by Cx36 [38, 39]. Thiscontradiction was resolved by Kothmann et al. [37], whodemonstrated that PKA activity in turn activated proteinphosphatase 2A to drive dephosphorylation of Cx36 in AIIamacrine cells (Fig. 2), resulting in uncoupling.The ascending leg of the AII amacrine cell’s biphasic

light adaptation curve depends on the activity of gluta-matergic On pathway bipolar cells, which are first-orderexcitatory interneurons postsynaptic to photoreceptors.Like other forms of activity-dependent potentiation, en-hancement of AII amacrine cell coupling results fromactivation of NMDA receptors, Ca2+ influx, and activationof Cam Kinase II, which phosphorylates Cx36 [40]. TheNMDA receptors on AII amacrine cells are non-synapticand are closely associated with Cx36 [40], so their activa-tion depends on spillover glutamate. This most likelycomes from rod bipolar cells, which are presynaptic to theAII amacrine cell, but may also come from cone On bipo-lar cells that are nearby. Because the signaling pathways inAII amacrine cells that phosphorylate and dephos-phorylate Cx36 are independent (Fig. 2) and havedifferent illumination thresholds, the light adaptationcurve of the AII amacrine cell shows its characteristicbiphasic pattern.The activity-dependent potentiation of AII amacrine cell

electrical synapses resembles that originally described inthe mixed synapse of auditory VIIIth nerve club endingsonto Mauthner cells in the goldfish [54, 55]. Plasticity inthe Mauthner cell differs in that the NMDA receptors thatprovide the Ca2+ signal are synaptic and require high-frequency stimulation to potentiate. A similar form ofplasticity dependent upon non-synaptic NMDA receptorshas also been described recently in rat inferior oliveneurons [56].A variety of other signaling pathways have been found to

modulate electrical synapses. In interneurons of the

thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN), excitatory input de-presses electrical synapses through activation of metabo-tropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) [57]. This signalinghas been explored in detail recently. Both group I andgroup II mGluRs modulate coupling, but with opposite ef-fects [58]. The dominant effect appears to be through acti-vation of Group I mGluRs, which produce long-termdepression by activation of a Gs signaling pathway, stimu-lating adenylyl cyclase and activating PKA. However, se-lective activation of the group II receptor mGluR3promotes long-term potentiation through activation of Gi/o [58]. This shares the same pathway, routing ultimatelythrough PKA activity. Since TRN neurons employ Cx36[59], through which electrical coupling is increased byphosphorylation [35, 37–39], this signaling mechanismmust include a PKA-activated phosphatase to reduce Cx36phosphorylation upon PKA activation in a manner similarto that in retinal AII amacrine cells.Histamine H1 and H2 receptors have been found to

modulate coupling among various populations of neuronsin the supraoptic nucleus [60, 61]. H2 receptors signalthrough adenylyl cyclase, but H1 receptors instead activateNO synthase, signaling through nitric oxide, guanylylcyclase, and protein kinase G. A potentially similar nitricoxide-driven signaling pathway also selectively regulatesthe heterologous electrical synapses between retinal AIIamacrine cells and cone On bipolar cells [52]. Thus it isapparent that a wide variety of signaling pathways havebeen employed to regulate electrical synaptic strengthvia connexin phosphorylation and dephosphorylation indifferent neurons throughout the central nervoussystem.

Changes in number of channelsChanges in the expression level of connexins provide amechanism to alter coupling over time scales of hours toweeks. Such changes are most prominent in development.Electrical coupling in most areas of the vertebrate CNStends to increase to high levels in early phases of develop-ment, and then reduce again [62–64]. One study foundthat activation of group II mGLuRs was responsible forthe developmental increase of coupling, acting boththrough transcriptional and post-transcriptional mecha-nisms [65].A surprisingly similar increase in neuronal coupling is

also seen following various types of injury [66]. Ischemicinjuries result in an increase in neuronal coupling and thelevel of Cx36 protein, without an apparent increase intranscript level [67, 68]. This has been attributed to groupII mGluR activation, as was the developmental increase,with dependence on a cAMP/PKA signaling pathway [68].Traumatic injuries [69, 70] and seizures [71, 72] also resultin increases of neuronal coupling, although these insultslead to increases in Cx36 transcript level. In these

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contexts, alteration in the expression level of connexinsthat form electrical synapses are important factors in longterm changes in neuronal coupling.Electrical coupling of mature neurons is critically

dependent on maintenance of a steady state population ofgap junction proteins. A recent study showed that elec-trical coupling in goldfish Mauthner cell mixed synapseswas reduced within a few minutes if perturbed by peptidesthat disrupted stabilizing interactions of Cx35 with scaf-folding proteins or blocked SNARE-mediated traffickingof new Cx35 [73]. Another study found circadian regu-lation of Cx36 transcript and protein levels in photorecep-tors [74]. These studies reveal that electrical synapsesare dynamic structures whose channels are turned overactively, suggesting that regulated trafficking of connexonsmay contribute to the modification of gap junctionalconductance.

The role of the passive properties of the postsynaptic cellThe membrane resistance of the postsynaptic cellAs previously mentioned electrical coupling depends onboth the resistance of the gap junction and the membraneresistance of the postsynaptic cell. In fact, while changesof the gap junction resistance due to modifications of thesingle channel conductance or the number of intercellularchannels might produce significant changes in the coup-ling coefficient, modifications of the postsynaptic mem-brane can also underlie significant and highly dynamicchanges in the strength of electrical coupling representingan additional point of regulation. The fact that the junc-tional resistance (Rj) and the membrane resistance of thepostsynaptic cell (R2) constitute a voltage divider (Fig. 1d)implies that when Rj is big compared to R2 most of theinput voltage will drop across Rj and only a minor fractionacross R2 meaning a modest voltage change in thepostsynaptic cell which corresponds to a low coupling co-efficient. In contrast, if R2 is big compared to Rj a corres-pondingly big fraction of the input voltage (V1) will appearacross the membrane of the postsynaptic cell (V2). A largevoltage drop across R2 corresponds to a large coupling co-efficient meaning that cells are strongly coupled. This de-pendency of coupling coefficient on the input resistance ofthe postsynaptic cell determines the directionality of trans-mission when electrical coupling occurs between cells ofdissimilar input resistances. In fact, electrical transmissionwill be more efficient from the lower input resistance tothe higher input resistance cell in comparison to the op-posite direction. Therefore, despite of the presence of non-rectifying contacts, symmetrical communication will occuronly when connected cells present similar input resis-tances. Hence, the directionality of electrical transmissionimposed by asymmetry of passive properties of connectedcells might be a key determinant of the flow of informationwithin neural circuits.

Modification of passive membrane properties bysynaptic inputsInterestingly, modifications of the membrane resistance(Rm) of coupled cells due to nearby chemically mediatedsynaptic actions can significantly modulate the strength ofelectrical coupling in a highly dynamical fashion [5, 75]. Infact, as these synaptic actions usually involve changes ofmembrane permeability to different ion species, they areaccompanied by corresponding changes in membrane re-sistance of the postsynaptic cell and hence of the strengthof electrical coupling. Typically, excitatory synaptic actionsare mediated either by increased membrane permeabilityto Na+ and K+ (decreased Rm) or by a decreased perme-ability to K+ (increased Rm). Usually, synaptic actions aredefined by the sign of its effect on membrane potential ofthe postsynaptic cell (depolarization versus hyperpolariza-tion). What is remarkable is that although both synapticactions are depolarizing shifts of membrane voltage theyhave opposite effects on the efficacy of electrical transmis-sion. Whereas synaptic actions involving an increase inRm enhance the strength of coupling, a reduction in Rmelicits an uncoupling of electrically connected cells [76]. Asimilar shunting effect by nearby GABAergic inputs hasbeen proposed to underlie decoupling in pairs of inferiorolivary neurons [77, 78]. These results indicate that themembrane resistance of the postsynaptic cell is a keyelement for regulating electrical coupling, being as im-portant as the junctional resistance. This means thatchanges in the efficacy of electrical synapses might beaccomplished through modification of either of thesetwo resistances. Alternatively, when electrical couplingis expected to be constant in order to assure stable net-work function, changes in electrophysiological proper-ties of coupled cells require corresponding changes ofjunctional resistance. In fact, concurrent changes of thejunctional and membrane resistances of coupled cellsin a homeostatic fashion has been proposed to underliethe stability of electrical coupling strength betweenneurons of the thalamic reticular nucleus during devel-opment [79].

The time constant of the postsynaptic cellThe time course of membrane voltage changes is domi-nated by the cell’s capacitance, which results from the abil-ity of biological membranes to separate electrical charges.In fact, while a simple ohmic resistor responds to a stepcurrent with a similar voltage step, cells show voltage re-sponses that rise and decay more slowly than the currentstep (Fig. 1b). This property of the membrane can bemodeled by a resistor connected in parallel to a capacitor.The ability of this circuit to slow down changes in voltageresults from the fact that a discharged capacitance offersno resistance to current flow, determining that at the be-ginning of the current step all current will flow through

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the capacitance and nothing through the resistance. Asthe capacitance gets charged it progressively developsmore resistance to current and more current will flowthrough the resistance [80].This circuit comprises a simple low pass filter for input

currents characterized by its time constant. Indeed, theresistance of the gap junction connected in series to theparallel resistance and capacitance of the postsynapticcell behaves as a low-pass filter determining that thehigh-frequency components of presynaptic signals arecomparatively more attenuated. That is, slow fluctuationsof membrane voltage pass more effectively between cellsthan do fast signals [7, 81]. This is a characteristic prop-erty of electrical transmission and underlies the fact thatcoupling potentials present a slower time course in com-parison to the presynaptic signals that generated them(Fig. 1c). As a result of this property, a delay of postsynap-tic responses is introduced with respect to the presynapticsignals. This property of low-pass filters, known as phaselag, represents the synaptic delay of electrical synapses. Al-though current begins to flow across the junction withoutdelay, time is required for charging the postsynaptic

capacitance to a significant level to generate a detectablevoltage change above the noise level [81].Early descriptions of electrical synapses in invertebrates

already proposed that these contacts present low-pass fil-tering characteristics [4, 82, 83]. More recently, filteringcharacteristics of electrical transmission between mamma-lian central neurons have been demonstrated by usingdual whole cell patch recordings and injecting sinusoidalcurrents of different frequencies (Fig. 3b). Under these ex-perimental conditions, coupling coefficients and phase lagwere determined as a function of sinusoidal frequency.This experimental approach in different cell types likeGABAergic interneurons of the neocortex [84–86], neu-rons of the thalamic reticular nucleus [59], Golgi cells ofthe cerebellum [87], retinal AII amacrine cells [88] amongothers, confirmed that electrical transmission presentslow-pass filter characteristics, allowing the passage of lowfrequency signals but strongly attenuating and delayingsignals of higher frequency [6].This property of electrical synapses determines that

slow potential changes (typically subthreshold) are pref-erentially transmitted over action potentials, endowing

Fig. 3 Frequency selectivity of electrical transmission. a Equivalent circuit of a pair of coupled cells including the passive elements (resistanceand capacitance, black) and active voltage-dependent conductances (INap and IK) represented as a variable resistor in series to an EMF. b Toppanel, Sinusoidal current waveform of increasing frequency (ZAP protocol) is injected into cell 1 (I Cell 1) in order to test the frequency-dependent properties of electrical transmission between coupled cells. Middle, Superimposed are depicted the voltage membrane responses of thepresynaptic cell (Vm Cell 1) and of the postsynaptic cell (Vm Cell 2) for a pair of coupled cells which include only passive elements (RC circuit, blackelements in circuit in A). Both responses are characteristics of a low-pass filter where amplitude of membrane response decreases monotonically assinusoidal frequency increases. Bottom, By contrast, when cells present passive and active voltage-dependent currents (IK and INap) membraneresponses present certain frequency selectivity where signals close to the characteristic frequency are of bigger amplitude compared to signalswhose frequency lie far from this value. c Schematic plot of the frequency transfer characteristics of electrical transmission calculated as theratio of the FFT of the postsynaptic membrane response over the FFT of the presynaptic membrane response depicted in B, for a pair of passive cells(gray trace) and for a pair of cells which also present resonant and amplifying currents (IK and INap respectively). Whereas transfer functionwhen cells present only passive elements show the typical profile of a low-pass filter (gray trace), the presence of voltage-dependent currents determinesthat transmission of signals near the characteristic frequency (vertical dashed line) is less attenuated, determining a maximum in the function(red trace). Traces are representative drawings

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electrical synapses with the ability to transmit differentinformation than the spikes transmitted via chemicalsynapses. For instance, in cell types where action poten-tials are followed by a large and prolonged after-hyperpolarization (AHP) due to the delayed activation ofa voltage- and/or Ca++ dependent K+ current, couplingpotentials tend to be predominantly hyperpolarizingevents. This phenomenon results from the low-pass fil-ter properties of electrical transmission. In fact, becausethe high-frequency components of the fast presynapticaction potential are more attenuated than the slow AHP,the coupling potential results in a net hyperpolarizingsignal, inhibiting neural activity rather than promotingactivation of the postsynaptic neuron [85, 87, 89]. In thecerebellar cortex, this effect has been involved in thedesynchronization of the population of Golgi cells dueto sparse depolarizing synaptic inputs [90].

The role of the active membrane properties of thepostsynaptic cellElectrophysiological properties of neuronsIn addition to the passive membrane properties (thosethat are linear with respect to the membrane voltage),excitable cells like neurons present active membraneproperties, which are highly non-linear mechanisms dueto complex time and voltage dependent processes. Themost remarkable outcome of the active membrane prop-erties is the action potential generation underlain by theclassical Na+ and K+ conductances described by Hodgkinand Huxley in the squid axon [91]. Despite these spike-generating mechanisms which allow neurons to commu-nicate over long distances in a non-decremental fashion,excitable cells usually present a large variety of subthresh-old active properties. These active mechanisms along withthe passive properties establish the way neurons integratespatially and temporally distributed synaptic inputs, andhow these inputs are translated or encoded into a timeseries of action potentials. The active membrane propertiesof neurons depend on the kind, density and distributionof voltage operated ion channels in the surface membraneof the different cellular compartments. Central neuronspresent a rich repertoire of voltage operated membraneion channels that endow them with powerful encodingcapabilities represented by the ability to transform theirinputs into complex firing patterns. Indeed, neurons ex-press tens of different voltage operated membrane con-ductances according to their ion selectivity, voltage rangeof activation, kinetics, presence of inactivation, and modu-lation by intracellular second messengers giving rise to awide variety of electrophysiological phenotypes [92–95].

Voltage dependency of coupling potentialDespite the limited voltage gating of connexin intercel-lular channels imposed by its slow kinetics, electrical

coupling between neurons might present marked voltage-dependency. However, this phenomenon does not repre-sent a voltage dependent property of the gap junctionsbut instead are supported by the active properties ofthe non-junctional membrane of the postsynaptic cell.For instance, in fish a pair of gigantic command neu-rons, the Mauthner cells, which are responsible for theinitiation of escape responses, are contacted by a spe-cial class of auditory afferents through mixed electricaland chemical synaptic contacts [96]. These electricalcontacts not only allow the forward transmission of sig-nals (from afferents to the Mauthner cell), but also sup-port retrograde transmission by allowing the spread ofdendritic postsynaptic depolarizations to the presynapticafferents. Moreover, retrograde coupling potentials inthe afferents present a marked voltage dependency. Infact, depolarization of the membrane potential of theseafferents evokes a dramatic increase in coupling potentialamplitude, eventually enough to activate them, and hencesupporting a mechanism of lateral excitation wherebythe sound-evoked activation of some afferents can re-cruit more afferents to reinforce the synaptic action onMauthner cells [97, 98]. This amplifying mechanism isblocked by extracellular application of tetrodotoxin (TTX)or intracellular injection of QX-314, strongly suggestingthe involvement of a Na+ current. Additionally, its sub-threshold voltage range of activation, among otherproperties, indicates that the persistent sodium current(INap) of these afferents is the underlying mechanismof this amplification [98].The INap is a non-inactivating fraction of the Na+

current, which activates at subthreshold membranevoltages and is particularly well suited to perform suchamplification because of its rapid kinetics and sub-threshold membrane voltage range of activation. In themammalian brain similar amplifying mechanisms ofcoupling potentials involving Na+ currents have beendescribed in the mesencephalic trigeminal (MesV) nu-cleus of the rat [99]. This cell population is coupledmostly in pairs and activation of one neuron of an electric-ally coupled pair produces a spikelet in the postsynaptic cell(Fig. 1c). This coupling potential critically depends on themembrane potential, being enhanced by depolarization ofthe postsynaptic cell and eventually triggering an action po-tential in this cell. This spikelet exhibits a positive correl-ation with the membrane potential of the postsynaptic cell,and because of its voltage range of activation and sensitivityto sodium channel blockers it represent the activation of apersistent sodium current [99]. Similar amplifying mechan-ism has been proposed in the cerebellar cortex [87, 100]and the thalamic reticular nucleus [101]. Thus, the INapendows electrical coupling with voltage-dependent amplifi-cation, suggesting a relevant contribution of active mem-brane conductances in regulating the efficacy of electrical

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transmission between neurons. Moreover, as such amplifi-cation of electrotonic potentials might be enough to recruitthe postsynaptic cell, it tends to synchronize the activityof networks of neurons, emphasizing the role of activeconductances in the dynamics of networks of electricallycoupled neurons.

Frequency selective transmissionMost typically electrical transmission between neuronspossesses low-pass filter properties imposed by the RCcircuit of the postsynaptic cell. In contrast, electrical coup-ling between MesV neurons show band-pass filter proper-ties where signals with frequencies in the range of 50 to80 Hz are preferentially transmitted, even better than DCsignals (Fig. 3) [99]. Accordingly, transmission of spikesthrough these contacts is significantly more efficient thanin electrical contacts between FS or LTS interneurons ofthe neocortex, whose frequency transfer resembles a low-pass filter [86]. This suggests that electrical transmissionbetween MesV neurons is well suited for the transmissionof action potentials, which most probably constitutethe main signal source for coupling and promotes thesynchronic activation of pairs of MesV neurons [99].This frequency selectivity or band-pass characteristics

results from the resonant properties of MesV neurons.Resonance is a property that enables neurons to discrim-inate between its inputs on the basis of their frequencycontent, so that synaptic inputs with frequency contentclose to the resonant frequency will produce the largestresponses. Resonance arises from the interplay of twomechanisms with specific frequency-domain properties:the passive and the active membrane properties. As previ-ously discussed, passive properties due to the capacitancein parallel with the conductance of the membrane act as alow-pass filter (whose cutoff frequency is set by the timeconstant of the membrane), attenuating responses toinputs with high frequency content. On the other hand,certain voltage-dependent conductances that activelyoppose changes in membrane voltage, like K+ currents,might confer high-pass filter properties (whose cutofffrequency is set by its activation time constant), thus at-tenuating responses to inputs with low frequency content.While these two mechanisms with opposite filter proper-ties are present in almost every neuronal type, as low-passfiltering due to the RC circuit is a basic property ofbiological membranes and K+ currents are ubiquitousconductances, not every neuron expresses resonance. Infact, to produce resonance K+ current must activate slowlycompared to the membrane time constant. Thus, thecombination of these two mechanisms with appropriatecutoff frequencies creates a band-pass or resonant filter,capable of rejecting inputs whose frequencies lie outsidethis band [102].

Although the combination of these two mechanismssets the frequency of resonance, its expression typicallydepends on the activation of amplifying currents. Suchcurrents are essentially the inverse of resonant currents,that is, they amplify voltage changes and activate quicklyrelative to the membrane time constant. The persistentNa+ current is an example of such an amplifying currentwhose interaction with resonant currents enhances reson-ance. This frequency preference endows neurons with theability to generate spontaneous membrane voltage oscilla-tions and repetitive discharges, or to respond best toinputs within a narrow frequency window [102]. In thecontext of electrical synaptic transmission, resonance willdetermine that signals with frequency content near theresonant frequency will be more readily transmitted thanother signals, even better than DC signals, promoting thetransmission of signals of biological relevance (Fig. 3).MesV neurons are endowed with a rich repertoire of

voltage-gated membrane conductances, like the A-typeK+ current (IA) and the INap supporting resonance,which results in the generation of membrane voltagesubthreshold oscillations and repetitive discharges in therange of 50 to 100 Hz [103, 104]. Consistently, electricaltransmission between MesV neurons exhibits band-passfilter characteristics instead of the classical low-pass fil-ter properties [99]. In fact, the assessment of the filterproperties by means of injecting frequency-modulatedsine wave currents (ZAP protocols, Fig. 3b) and calculat-ing the ratio of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of thepostsynaptic voltage changes over the FFT of the pre-synaptic voltage changes, showed a peak in the range of50 – 100 Hz (Fig. 3c) [99]. Thus the frequency transferfunction of electrical transmission between MesV neu-rons presents a maximum at frequencies near 80 Hz, in-dicating that transmission of electrical signals betweenMesV neurons exhibits some degree of frequency prefer-ence and therefore does not behave as a simple low-passfilter [99]. Consistent with the critical role of activemembrane properties in determining frequency selectivetransmission at these electrical contacts, the addition ofTTX (0.5 μM) to the extracellular solution results in areduction of the amplitude of the transfer function, par-ticularly for values around 50–80 Hz, indicating the par-ticipation of Na+ conductances. The subsequent additionof 4-AP (1 mM), a blocker of the A-type current amongother K+ conductances, further modifies the transfercharacteristics resembling now the properties of a simplelow-pass filter (Fig. 3c). These voltage dependent con-ductances not only improve transmission in terms of theamplitude of postsynaptic signals, but also by reducingthe phase lag between presynaptic and postsynapticresponses. Hence, while amplification increases the effi-cacy of synaptic transmission the mitigation of the phaselag at the same frequency range improves its accuracy,

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promoting the synchronic activation of pairs of coupledMesV neurons [99].Therefore, the active membrane properties of neurons

might play a critical role in synaptic electrical transmis-sion by providing an extremely sensitive mechanism ofvoltage dependent amplification of electrical couplingpotentials and endowing this modality of interneuronalcommunication with frequency selectivity. Moreover,modulation of voltage dependent conductances of thenon-junctional membrane by the action of neurotrans-mitters represents a potential source of modulation ofthe efficacy of electrical transmission.

ConclusionsIn spite of the relative simplicity of the gap junction andthe straightforward rules that govern electrical transmis-sion, electrical synapses formed by gap junctions are farfrom simple. Dynamic processes affecting the resistanceof the electrical synapse and the membrane resistance ofthe coupled cells can alter coupling on timescales rangingfrom milliseconds to days. Active membrane properties ofthe coupled cells can selectively enhance signals with cer-tain frequency content, imparting band-pass filter proper-ties to the coupled network. Combined these factorsendow electrical synapses with a great deal of sophistica-tion. With their high abundance and diverse roles inneural networks throughout the CNS, electrical synapsesmust be considered every bit as important as chemicalsynapses in the expression of neural plasticity.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsSC wrote the manuscript; JO wrote the manuscript. Both authors read andapproved the final manuscript.

DeclarationsPublication of this article was funded by US National Institutes of Health grantEY012857 (JO) and by Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC) -UdelaR, Uruguay (SC).This article has been published as part of BMC Cell Biology Volume 17Supplement 1, 2016: Proceedings of the International Gap JunctionConference 2015. The full contents of the supplement are available onlineat

Published: 24 May 2016

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Curti and O’Brien BMC Cell Biology 2016, 17(Suppl 1):13 Page 70 of 150