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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter One: Moving Houses


    Chapter One

    Moving Houses

    It was Saturday afternoon, and the sun was shinningbrightly through the window of Arianas

    bedroom. It wasnt a big room; just enough for one small bed, which is placed on the right corner

    wall and yet the bed covers were still unmade after she woke up that morning, a small brown

    mahogany study table that Arianas father bought for her during her tenth birthday and her very

    old blue polka dot lampshade placed on the desk while some of her books were disarranged on

    the top shelf and some of her notebooks were not properly hidden inside its folders and binders.

    Her dresser were opened, most of her clothes were dangling everywhere from the top drawer

    down to the third. Arianas old and new shirts, jeans, and socks were scattered everywhere on the

    floor folded and unfolded and even unto the side of the bed. The left pair of her trainer shoes was

    facing down while the other still inside its box, as another box whose lid cover were opened

    contained a brown sandals which Arianas mother gave to her on her twelfth birthday and though

    it wasnt as expensive or as beautiful like the others. She treasures it so much because it was

    given to her at that time her parents told her that they were going to make Alton Hills their final

    home for good. The moment Ariana was given that news she made some plans in her mind about

    how is she going to change everything in her life from her school, to attending organizations or

    parties, and especially inviting friends at home, going out on movies, buying clothes together,

    and eating out on Saturday night or a sleepover. It was all Ariana could hope of doing, but of

    course her plans wouldnt come true at all, at least for the meantime. Because three nights ago,

    Arianas parents told her over dinner that they would be moving away again. It wasnt what she

    expected to hear over dinner, while eating. So you could just imagine how Ariana suddenly lose

    appetite after hearing what they were about to tell her.

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    Youre joking right? Ariana looked at her Mother then to her Father.

    No. Mr. James said.

    But, Why-? Ariana asked again.

    Daddys been offered a new position. It was Mrs. James who answered, while helping herself

    with another serving of salad on her plate.

    But I thought you said. you told me last year that were staying here. for good. How come

    are we moving again? Ariana persistently said.

    I know that darling Mr. James said after taking a sip of the soup in front of him.

    But it opportunity I cant miss.

    Darling its not everyday that you get promoted from your job. Its very stiff competition! said

    Mrs. James plainly said.

    And besidesthink of it as -, But Ariana finished it for her mother.

    Another adventure

    Thats right, darling. Mrs. James smiled.

    Ariana continued to sulk quietly on her seat after that surprising revelation during dinner; she

    hated the thought of getting the boxes out of the attic where everything there is so dusty and

    smells so old. But what Ariana didnt like is not about the boxes in the attic, which she has to get

    it; its the thought of traveling again to some strange or deserted places and sta rting all over as if

    theres no ending just beginnings and not having anything permanent in her life. And for once

    Ariana wished that it could be different with her. That she would be like those other kids at

    school, who would go home in one place, stay in one place, meet in one place, and learn in one

    place. That was the news that she didnt like one bit at all to hear or to remember. Even though

    Ariana has been feeling that way even before, she never really told her how she truly feels each

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    time she was made to accept the sudden changes in their lives over and over again. As Ariana

    continued to fix her things in her chaotic room, putting away slowly the pieces of her life in

    Alton Hill which she considered as one of the most happiest of all will be once again back in the

    same old boxes who knew so well of the times she had been away. Ariana stared at the boxes

    around her it has shown the many times it has been used by its owner because of the layers and

    layers of scotch tape topping from one to another. While still choosing what to place inside the

    box, whether its her old pink shirt or her blue faded jeans, Ariana suddenly heard a soft knock

    on her door, Ariana knew who it was on her doorsteps but she decided not to look up. She wasnt

    prepared to face her mother and spill out her feelings to her and this sudden moving away

    scheme that her parents thought of again made her aloof and quiet in the house. Although, Olivia

    James knew all along that her daughter wouldnt take the news easily, still she thought of trying

    at least and perhaps even talk about Arianas feelings over the matter of moving away.

    Still not finish packing, honey Olivia James said as stood quietly at her daughters doorway.

    Mrs. James looked so much like Ariana, their long dark hair and her eyes like amber looked at

    her daughters back whose unlike her mothers neat look, Hers was tied uncarefully in pink

    rubber band, her legs spreading out on the floor, pretending to be too busy with her packing and

    still trying so hard to conceal her feelings, because Ariana didnt looked up.

    What do you think? she muttered.

    Olivia knew so well that tone voice that her daughter used. But she continually ignored it,

    Im just checking you out to see if you need some help. Olivia said.

    Then walked uninvitingly inside her daughters room but still Ariana didnt even glance at her.

    Im okay here- I dont need help, Ariana tartly answered.

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    I can see that. Mrs. James said quietly as she knew that her daughter was hiding her

    disappointment from her and she could hardly blame her for feeling that way towards them.

    Ariana continued to remove some of her clothes from the drawers and placed in on the floor.

    Theres still some empty boxes left, do you still need some. Olivia offered. But still Ariana

    refuses to look at her.

    No, this is just fine. Ariana continued to go back and forth to her drawer to the boxes where

    all her clothes were being placed now.

    Are you sure?

    Yes. I dont need to bring everythingIll just discard some of this things, like you always say

    travel light, so Im throwing some of my things to the garbage. Then she threw her old math

    and science books in another box. Then another an old brown bear stuff toy that Ariana used to

    love to bring anywhere when she was a child. Olivia was surprised at how easily Ariana let go

    some of her old stuff wherein fact, she likes all that she have.

    Thats Mr. Kirby. arent you going to bring him along?

    Why should I? Its old; its not like Mr. Kirby is going to be miserable if I leave him behind,

    Look, I know youre angry-, but Ariana cut her short.

    So, Mum, what do you say what time do we leave? Ariana said dismissively.

    Could you please stop for awhile and just talk to me for a second-, said Olivia.

    I know that youre angry at us. And I know how you feel.

    This time Ariana looked at her mother, Do you really know how I feel, Mum?

    Yes I do. Of course, we do. Olivia said earnestly. This time Ariana stopped whatever she was

    doing and looked at her mother.

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    But why do I get the feeling that you and Dad really dont have any clue, Ariana was trying to

    control herself from crying and yet her chest was starting to get heavy and somehow her eyes

    were starting to swell with tears. You and Dad had already decided whats best for this family.

    Then Ariana quickly turn away again from her mother and continued to put her things inside the

    box in front of her.

    That isnt true. Honey, before we made this decision to go. We thought also about you - whats

    best for you; we would never ever try ignoring you in this family. Youre our daughter!

    Well, if I am part of this family then why wasnt I even asked if I like to stay or go, Huh, Mum-

    ? Considering that I wasnt ignored. Ariana said. Then she took two pairs of jeans and thrown

    it to another box on her right side.

    What can I say that would make you understand, and-Mrs. James was about to speak but

    Ariana cut her short.

    Mum, I really dont feel like talking now. IllIll, Tears stream down on her eyes and

    couldnt hide how she feelsinside. Just go outside for awhile. Ariana said leaving her

    mother inside her room as she stormed out of the house into their backyard and climbed so easily

    up the tree that has been there ever since they moved into that house. Ariana wasnt really afraid

    of heights like most girls her age, she enjoys it, she and her neighbor Monty Finnigan, whom she

    became friends with, the only good friend that shes met at school because there were some girls

    there who were quite a snob because they have it all or some have been already in click, and

    others are just didnt know she existed in the class because she always get to study in the

    beginning or in the middle of the school terms. But Monty was the only one who befriended her,

    and who also loves to climb trees like she does. And from then on, theyve become buddies and

    what was more Ariana has gained some tree mate in Alton Hills. That tree was one of her

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    favorite spot, as she continues to ascend, Ariana still with tears in her eyes settled on top of the

    longest branch, Ariana could see the other side of the village in Alton Hills, the playground,

    same small summer houses like those you see in pictures or in magazines with same color roof

    houses and yards with flowers of red and yellow and blue. Wiping away her tears using her arm,

    the wind softly blew, Ariana took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as she tried to recall the first

    time they arrived in Alton Hill when she ten. How she imagined inside her head how she

    particularly chosen which room she wants to have, and what sort of things she wants inside her

    bedroom. Even the color of her wallpaper of pink strips with flower designs, Ariana was the one

    who chooses how her things are would look inside her bedroom. A smile suddenly crept on her

    face as she imagined all these things. Her first day at school, when she registered a bit of late for

    the school term, because theyve traveled miles and miles away from Alton Hills to Gertrude

    Maine, the city that they used to live. Ariana wasnt totally happy being therebecause their

    house was near the street and her school too far away from home. It was a bit of a busy place to

    grow up and live there, Ariana wasnt really sorry for leaving that place when she was nine.

    While still thinking about her first few months in Alton Hillls, Ariana was very much happy to

    remember them all by, when suddenly like a moving camera, it had replaced the previous

    thoughts inside her head and now, all she was seeing was flashes of light of red and white aiming

    in the air, and Ariana could her noises which she havent heard before. Ariana got scared of these

    flashed quickly opened her eyes and to her amazement saw herself a few inches floating above

    the branch that she was sitting. Arianas heart began to throb so hard and she gasped then


    Aaaaaaaaaaah! After Ariana gave a short cry, she quickly fell down on the branch and

    slipped. Now, Ariana looked like shes been swinging up on the tree. It was a good thing that the

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    branch that she climbed wasnt that high but it seems it was her bad luck when the branch began

    to break and she fell right onto the ground.

    Aww! Her bottom hurt so much, as she tried to massage this until she went back to the

    house, when she got near to the stairs towards the kitchen. He mother came out of the kitchen

    looked at her daughter curiously.

    Whats that noise-? She asked. Was that you-? But Ariana lied to her mother.

    No. Ariana quickly answered. How would she tell her mother that she fell onto the tree

    because she saw herself levitating a few inches from the branch where she was sitting quietly and

    pondering on her thoughts; Of course, she wasnt stupid enough to tell her that. They wouldnt

    believe her story anyway. Ariana thought, so she decided its best that she kept it to herself. But

    that night before Ariana went to sleep, she thought about the flashes that she saw inside her head.

    But unable to understand what it was or who it was, and whats that sound that she heard inside

    her head. Ariana decided to forget about the whole thing and just focus on her present problem-

    like her moving away, and how is she going to tell it to Monty the next day at school. Ariana

    then fell asleep at once.

    The school bell had rung; it was the end of Arianas third period class in Social studies. She

    wasnt really much interested in listening to her teacher, Mrs. Melkowitz about what happened to

    the thirty-year war and whats that all about. Her thoughts strayed from what happened to her on

    the tree. How come she rose up in mid air, like some sort of magic thing that she does always.

    And that flashes of memory seems to nag her a bit.

    Before they could all run out of the classroom, Mrs. Melkowitz seized the opportunity to delay

    them a few minutes like she always does. She was a tall, fat lady whose hair had started to recede

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    in white and black pulled into a tight neat bun with pins sticking out from one side to the other,

    her cat eyeglasses almost dangling on the tip of her nose and that her horrible reddish nail polish.

    Not so fastsince most of you paid so much attention in todays discussion. I have little

    homework for you to accomplish to be submitted next Monday. So you have plenty of time to

    work on it. . But Arianas classmates moaned in complained, that really made Mrs. Melkowitz

    turn as red as her nail polish.

    But thats also the day that were going to pass our science paper. said Melvin Hamster, the

    boy in blue shirt who sits next Erwin Gimly, the wiz kid in their school, who by track record had

    won most of the contest in their school and outside competition.

    Oh whats that I hear Mrs, Melkowitz was trying to pretend that she didnt hear what

    Melvin and Erwin said. So it was Monty who repeated for her who just woke up from dozing and

    who was trying to make sense out of his surroundings when he heard the last bit of what Erwin

    said in which apparently, didnt realized that Mrs. Melkowitz were boiling like a hot pot.

    Mrs, Melkowitz, Erwin said that our science paper for Mr. Marsh is also due next Monday.

    Oh really-How pity... Well-Well, if thats thecase lets change the schedule of your

    submission in my class then

    The class gave a relief sound when Mrs. Melkowitz shouted, YOU WILL ALL PASS YOUR

    PAPER THIS FRIDAY! And therell be no questions about it since we dont want to get in the

    way of your science paper with Mr. Marsh, I reckon. Mrs. Melkowitz smiled as she marched

    out of the room with a triumphant look on her face. Everyone started poking Monty on the head,

    even Erwin glared at him.

    What did I do? Monty asked Arianna innocently.

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    While both of them walked to their lockers just a few steps away from their classroom, When

    Waldo Maximillian, a big boy with a curly brown hair, and who looks like he had swallowed ten

    fried chickens, there never comes a day, when Waldo, more like the walrus as most kids at

    school call him behind his back strut into school like he owns the place and is never without the

    hallways a crying kid. He takes advantage of them because he was much bigger and stronger

    than most of the kids at school. But more than that, he has a reputation in football for beating a

    player each time he couldnt make a pass on the goal.

    Nice going, you Dope! Now I have to ask Doctor Einstein here, Waldo was referring to Erwin

    as he passed by them, a small freckled face boy for some help, the competition is next month,

    and youre ruining it because I have to sit and do stuff that most of as were not suppose to do at


    How was I to know that Viola the Viking Melkowitz was harping the whole classI was not

    the only one whos dozing. Monty said trying to defend himself but his whole face indicates

    that he was getting a bit scared of Waldo.


    about to hit Monty again in the head with his book, when Ariana stepped in front of them.

    Cut it out, Waldo, Montys right. I saw you and you were also dozing off like him. Ariana

    said as she looks at him squarely in the eyes.

    I WAS NOT! Waldo said in denial.

    Oh, yes, you are! And how are going to explain the drool on your left cheek. Ariana said

    pointing at Waldos cheek with a trace of his drool.

    Monty laughed, and so with the rest of those who heard Ariana talked about Waldos drool.

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    Why, You- Waldo was about to push Ariana to the locker behind them but she was faster than

    him because the moment when he was motioning to do so, Ariana pushed Waldo by her hand

    which landed on his chest and for a split second she felt like some hot things creeping out of her

    arms going to her hands that made Waldo look like he was being electrocuted because he shook

    a bit and fell on the floor, Arianas eyes widen in disbelief, the two of them were surprised by the

    sudden impact, because Waldo for a minute got scared. Then realizing that Ariana could fight

    back, especially a girl like her was incomprehensible in Waldos brain.

    You think you can challenge me? Standing again, Are you some kind of freak? Waldo said in


    No. But you are! Ariana said in anger. Waldo was about to charge again but somehow he

    didnt had the chance to because somebody pulled Waldos collar at the back, and once again

    Waldo staggered and fell on the floor twice, and there stood another boy much taller than Ariana,

    she knew him by face but she doesnt know his name; although Ariana somehow recognizes him

    as one of those players who belong to the football team too like Waldo.

    Oi! What do you think youre doing! Pick someone your own size stupid! When Waldo looked

    up, he saw their team captain.

    Sean! What did you do that for? Waldo asked in wonderment.

    Huh, are you dimwit? Or what-? Thats a girl youre after- fool! Waldo saw the angry look on

    his face. He got up from the floor and stood right between Sean Lovington and Ariana. This

    girl over here is no better than this maggot! You heard what she said.

    Oh yeah, clearly! But whats the point in hitting a girl, Stupid! And shes right you know you

    do have a drool. Get that thing off your face, its disgusting!!! Sean said. Then Waldo ran off

    and disappeared to the boys comfort room.

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    Dumb Jocks! Ariana said still watching Waldo disappeared in the crowd. Then Ariana turned

    around to see that Sean was already looking at her and she knew that Sean heard what she said.

    Because Sean gave Ariana a knowing smile that made her feel embarrassed.

    Are you okay? said Sean.

    Yeah, Im alright. Thanks! Ariana all of sudden felt shy in front of this boy. Then the bell rang

    and most students started going towards their next class. Monty walked beside Ariana while

    Sean was on her right side.

    Dont worry about Waldo, hes sometimes could be a pain in the butt, but hes a nice kid. Sean


    Oh, Yeah I could tell. Monty said. Then the three of them laughed.

    Youre new here arent you? Sean asked wonderingly.

    Yes I am. How do you know? Ariana answered.

    Ive never seen you before. Sean said.

    just transferred last semester.

    Oh, Yeah right. Thats why you look so unfamiliar. Sean smiled.

    You know how it is here, its a small town. Every body knows each other.

    Ive noticed that. Ariana said. Uh-Whats your name again? I dont know anybody here yet-

    except for Monty a bit of a clueless

    Oh, Sorry- Hi! Im Sean Sean Livingston Sean extended his hands towards Ariana.

    Hi! Im Ariana James.

    Nice to meet you.

    So whats up with Waldo? Sean asked. Why was he pissed off?

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    Oh, because I told Mrs. Melkowitzthat we cant do her paper on her class because were also

    going to submit one with Mr. Marsh in Science. Monty said.

    So? Whats the problem with that? Sean asked curiously. This time it was Ariana who


    Well- its just most of the students in the class complained, and the Viking Melkowitz got

    angry because nobody wants to do her paper in her class. She only did that because most of the

    students were sleeping or half-asleep during her time. Taking a glance on Monty who was

    pretending not listen, like this guy over here. pointing at Monty, who by the way, woke up

    from sleeping when he overheard what Melvin and Erwin said and repeated what they said. What

    he didnt realize was the fact she was already boiling mad at us.

    No wonder. Seangave a low whistled said. Well, I just hope that when Mrs. Melkowitz

    arrived in our class, she wont be in a bad mood, I dont wanna end up doing her work on

    weekends I got a lot of practicing to do before the match with Preston School said Sean.

    Then Monty went around and placed one arm on Seans shoulder and said, This boy over here

    is one of the best players in this entire school. But Sean pretended he didnt hear what Monty

    said. They both turn to another corridor and then Sean stop at a nearby stair. Thanks for that,

    but there are lots of good players toothen looking at Ariana, Sean smiled and said: I gotta run,

    my next class is with the Viking. Hey, its been nice talking to you. then Sean started

    climbing the stairs going to the second floor landing, See you aroundBye! Then Sean


    I like him! said Monty. Nice bloke! But Ariana only smiled in agreement.

    Cmon well be late for Math both Ariana and Monty preceded the hallway and went to the

    next room.

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    By the time Ariana finished all her classes that afternoon, Ariana was too tired to even go to the

    library to research on their paper for Socials. She was about to leave, when Ariana decided to

    change her mind, instead Ariana went to the library to borrow only a few books and then met

    Monty near the entrance door of their school.

    Are you all done? Ive been waiting for you for ages! Monty complained.

    Look, Im sorry-But I had a hard time searching for the right book for our papers for Mrs

    Melkowtz, I was only spared two.

    Are you sure youre going to do that?

    What do you mean-? Arent you going to do yours? Ariana asked. While both of them started

    walking, Monty took a piece of gummy bear into his pocket and started munching the jelly like

    some goat.

    I Dunno. I probablywill or wont. Who knows-. Then they crossed the other side of the street

    to proceed to the next one.

    Why do I get the feeling that others are also going to do the same thing, Huh? Ariana said in

    wonder. While Monty took another bite of his gummy bear jelly,

    Well- I just overheard Melvin Doyle, Karl Patterson and Jonie Benders group talking that they

    wont be passing any paper on Friday, its too impossible. You know how Melkowitz wants not

    just a paper but a novel for her homework. Ariana agreed silently, because the last time she

    submitted her own written news report, it was just one page. And since Ariana didnt know about

    Melkowitzs technique, Ariana was given a big C on her news report about Wage increase.

    Actually, I was also thinking of the same thing. Ariana said.

    Oh good! Now Ive got one confirmed company whos not going to pass a paper for

    MelkowitzMonty said.

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    Ill probably not be even coming back to school by Monday actually. Ariana said casually to

    Monty who halted and faced her.

    Hang on- what do you mean not coming on Monday-? Why? Where are going? Monty said,

    now looking quite serious.

    I mean-I may not be coming back to school at all. Ariana said.

    Not again? Wait- is this some kind of a joke? Its not April fools day- is it? Ariana rolled her


    Do I look like Im joking? Ariana said seriously.

    But why-?

    My Dad got promoted for his job.

    So. thats great! But what does it got to do with you not coming back to school? Monty

    asked curiously.

    It has got to do with everything! Ariana said, My Dad got promoted but he will be sent to

    another place

    Where-? Monty asked.

    Middleton. Ariana said. Middleton is much worse that Alton Hill, because Middleton Town is

    miles away from civilization. Countryside, with lots of old houses, old people who doesnt like

    life in a city. At least in Alton Hill, they could still grasp whats going on in the city. But Middle

    Town is like being in a deserted island.

    WHAT! But thats that so ANCIENT! Monty said, Hey, are you planning to become a farm


    Of course not!

    But why did your Dad accept a job on some remote place as Middleton? Monty asked.

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    I Dunno- Ariana said. They only said its a promotion.

    I dont know about that, but even if they give me loads of money, I wouldnt go to that place.

    Its too quiet. Ariana agreed silently. And besides that, you just arrived, how long have you

    stayed in here?

    One and a half year. Ariana said.

    You see-, arent you getting tired of hopping from one place to another-Monty said as he

    began to become analytical all of a sudden.

    You bet I am!

    So why just tell them you dont want to go? Monty said.

    As Ariana and Monty resumed their walking they turned to another street on the left and this

    time they could almost see Montys house and two houses away, its Arianas.

    How can I tell them when everythings been decided already. Who am I to be asked? Im just a

    kid you know.

    Youre probably right about that my friend,- stopping now, because they finally arrived on

    Montys house. But theres no harm in trying in convincing themunless-.

    Unless, What-? Ariana asked.

    That youre Dad and your Mum are escape convicts As soon as Monty said that, Ariana

    threw her books towards Monty but it missed. Laughing and picking up Arianas books, Monty

    handed it over to her and said seriously,

    I mean it, and theres really no harm in trying. Dont you want to finish this term with the rest

    of us.?

    Of course I do! Ariana said.

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    Well, then- thats settledGo talk to them tonight, Ariana nodded and started walking again,

    when she heard Monty shouted near his front door.

    Hey, before you leave Alton, show me that trick that you just did with Waldo the Walrus!!! I

    wanna show that big oaf what this kid can do Ariana laughed at the thought of Monty trying

    to challenge Waldo.

    Sure! Ariana shouted back. Then Monty went inside his house and Ariana resume walking

    alone this time leaving a trace of thought and amounting curiosity of what had happened in the

    hallway that afternoon.

    Ariana had decided to write the paper even though she knew that she might not come to school

    Monday next week. Ariana finished writing the paper after two nights of laboring it by

    researching some more during vacant periods with Monty, and even Monty decided to do it, but

    Ariana wasnt all too sure if those things that Monty wrote on his paper were correct, because

    half the time that they were in the library, Monty was as usual sleeping in one corner, or would

    find him reading a book but like always sleeping. Most of Arianas classmates did the paper for

    Mrs. Melkowitz, only a few who were too stubborn to do it, like Coleen Hamster and her gang of

    giggly friends, whom every time Ariana and Monty would pass by would start whispering at

    each other like they have something that they know, and they dont. But whenever Sean would

    be appearing and waving at Ariana and Monty, the gang of giggly girls would be prancing

    around Sean or inviting him at their table. And as for Waldo, he stopped harassing Monty or

    Ariana, but he and Monty would be glaring at each other each time that they meet across the

    hallway. Ariana had almost finished packing her things. What were left that needs to be put in a

    box were the things that Ariana had been using at the moment. The whole house seems full of

    boxes and wrappers and tapes. Clearly, everything is ready now for their leaving. And although

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    Ariana thought about what Monty told her regarding the talking thing that she should do.

    Ariana hadnt dared to speak about it. And by Friday, the last day of school for Ariana, she had a

    hard time waking up that morning, almost dragging her feet to brush her teeth, take a bath or

    even eat at all. The mood hasnt improved at all, since at breakfast, there were only few

    exchanges of words, and Mr. James like the usual continued to read the morning paper while

    drinking his coffee or Mrs. James would be asking her husband, What time would you be gong

    home after work? Or like Could you please pass the milk- or something. But after that, Ariana

    and Mr. James said goodbyes to each other; Mrs. James was left at home to wash the dirty dishes

    after breakfast.

    At school, Ariana had made her usual routines in her daily schedules. The morning classes were

    full of discussions on their science class about gravity, matter and space. In which Ariana

    thought, how she would like her parents to be pulled by gravity and not leave their wondrous

    special place in Alton Hills. Then on Physical Education class, with Ms. Batterton teaching them

    how to serve when playing the volleyball, it was Arianas turn to serve and to the other side of

    the net, Coleen Hamster was waiting hungrily at the turn whether she would commit mistake or

    not, and some of her gang of giggly girls keep distracting her from concentrating, but much to

    their dismay, they were unsuccessful in confusing her, because when she threw the ball up into

    the air, Ariana raised her left arm and hit with some great force, as the ball went like a flash of

    lightning, it swirled so fast and hard that it landed successfully on Coleen Hamsters straight

    into her face and the only recourse for her was to be sent to the school clinic to stop the bleeding.

    During lunch at the cafeteria, she and her giggly friends were nursing her whims as if she was

    dying of some strange disease.

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    Monty was seated in front of Ariana, eating when much to her surprise he was even

    complementing Ariana, You know, for a girl like you with a body like a post You certainly do

    have an arm. taking a bite of his peanut butter sandwich

    I DO NOT! Ariana said indignantly.

    Okay, dont get upset and hit me with the food tray, as I was saying .for a girl like you to hit

    something as thick-faced like that one looking at Coleen, I would have to say. GO GIRL!

    You are definitely had SOMETHING there- and I must say, I am now YOURE OFFICIALLY

    NO.1 FAN! Strike like a real wrestler pushing Waldo- the Walrus like that- and now,

    Coleenits like Barbie meet the Incredible Hulk. . What can I sayare you by any chance

    some kind of an alien?

    No! Ariana said trying hard not to laugh at the thought of it.

    How about you being a descendant of Zeanah-The Warrior Princess in disguise?

    Whos Zeenah- Anyway? Ariana asked in wonder.

    Thats one woman kicking butt! Monty said with a look thats thinking of all possibilities over

    his head.

    Stop it! I am none of those people, or whatever they are- Okay and dont be silly I just got

    really pissed off with those lot. Ariana said, as she continued to eat her food.

    Well you may never know Monty said who raised his two hands slight in the air.

    The whole afternoon, Ariana spent her remaining time learning about fractions with Mr.

    Cadwell, and towards Ms. Petersons class where they have to recite and analyze the poem

    Christopher Marlow, or learning how to make a presentation using the Computer, which Ariana

    doubt if she would get the chance to present hers; And by the time when Mrs. Melkowitzs class

    came everything seems to be interesting now, Ariana thought to herself, maybe because its her

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    last day today, so when the class day finished, Ariana unzipped her bag and placed all her

    remaining books in her locker and slid it inside her bag. She started walking the corridors of their

    school, still bustling with students not yet going home but talking to each other, and the others

    just hanging around doing nothing at all, or two or three people running. The school hallways are

    still very much alive at this very moment, Ariana thought. As soon as she was nearing the exit

    door of their school, Mr.Peppercomb, their Headmaster in Arianas school, was about to leave

    his office who called her back, Ariana, this is your last day right?

    Yes, Sir. Ariana answered politely. His balding gray hair was a bit annoying now, because its

    becoming prominent on top of his head. Like someone from the barbershop intentionally drew a

    wide circle on top of his head and trimmed down in the middle.

    Were going to miss you here in Alton Hill School, Ariana. Said Mr. Peppercomb.

    I know that you will have a different journey at Middleton,but we do hope that everything that

    youve learned from this school you wont ever forget. Mr. Peppercomb smiled so warmly at


    Thank you for that, Sir! I wont ever. Promise.

    So Good luck to you Ms. James to your new school and to your new home inMiddleton. said

    Mr.Peppercomb looked at Ariana smiled sincerely at her. Then they shook hands and

    Mr.Pepprecomb proceeded to another corridor then disappeared, some students who were

    running bumped Ariana and since she wasnt looking at all also did collided with another person,

    and when she looked up it was to find Sean also on the floor like her.

    Oops, sorry. I wasnt looking. Ariana said shyly at Sean who was now helping her pick up

    her papers and books.

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    Thats okay. I wasnt looking either. I haveto meet Coach Henderson at his office. Sean said

    as he and Ariana got up at the same time. Sean handed over the books, which he has collected

    when he bumped into Ariana.

    Oh-Yeah, for the season game right. Ariana said and Sean nodded.

    Well I hope you guys win.

    Thanks. Hey, the first game will be next Saturday, hope you watch us play. Sean said.

    Well- I, -I Ariana was about to say that she wouldnt be coming back next Monday when

    Monty appeared behind Sean.

    For heavens sake, Ive been looking all over for you. Oh, Hi Sean! greeted Monty as he saw

    Sean standing in front of Ariana near the entrance. Hereyou forgot your English book, Mrs.

    Martin was shocked when she learned that you will not be coming back on Monday as Monty

    said this, Sean looked surprised,

    Hang on- what do you mean not coming back? Like some vacation right? He looked at

    Ariana curiously. Is that true? Sean asked looking at Ariana in great shock about what Monty


    Yes. Its true. This is my last day here in Alton. Ariana informed.

    But why-?

    My Dad got promoted as supervisor in a certain store in Middleton. Ariana said as Sean listens

    to her,

    Really-? In Middletonthats so far.

    I know. But what can I do, right? My Dad already accepted the appointment over there, I reckon

    that he has been aiming for that position ever since, it took him awhile, its hard to turn it down.

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    Sean was still quiet, listening but after she finished her story, Sean looked up to her and said, I

    have to say, I am in shock-, I was hoping that perhaps you and Monty could watch the game next

    Saturday. But I guess that wont be possible. Sean handed over to Ariana the last book that he

    took, while Ariana, I was suppose to invite you and Monty at the house after the game, and

    maybe we canplay my new video game on my new PS, it was a gift from my Dads

    Oh, I seebut were moving out on Mondays so I guess, I wont be able to, Im so sorry.

    Thats Okay. Sean said with a tone of regret on his voice.

    I hope youll come and visit us here in Alton Hills someday. There was now a note of

    cheerfulness in his voice unlike the first.

    Yeah, I will. Ill try visiting when I have time. Ariana said.

    So this is not yet goodbye for us right.

    Yeah- said Ariana now smiling widely. While both hands shook each other.

    Its been nice meeting you-even for awhile Sean said sincerely.

    You too Ariana said. And somehow she felt the same way too.

    I think Id better run. Coach Henderson might be wondering why Im taking so long. See yah.

    Then Sean was off leaving behind Monty and Ariana standing near the hallway together.

    Why are you so red on the face? Monty said distracting Ariana who were still looking at the

    direction of Seans way.

    Huh, what did you say? Ariana asked Monty. She wasnt really listening to what he was saying

    to her.

    Never mind, Are you ready? Lets go home. Monty said.

    Yup, I still have a few more packing to do before we leave on Monday. Then they started

    walking off outside the school. And before the school disappeared into Arianas sight, she stood

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    for a while and look at the school, which made her feel, really settled for a year and a half. And

    now its time to move on again to another place.

    Ariana and Monty said their final goodbyes. It wasnt as dramatic at all, onthe contrary it was

    sort of funny and happy, and both of them prefer not to be too serious about the whole thing. As

    Monty puts it Heck, theres always an email and cell phone. But of course, Ariana doesnt own

    any cell phones so she couldnt possibly call him at all. And as for the emails, Ariana thought

    that might be possible for her to do. It was for Ariana, a happy ending meeting.