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Chapter I


1.1 Background of the Study

There is 75% land in our world and only 25% water. Within that 25% is only 3%

fresh water and 97% salt water. Fresh water comes from lakes, rivers and water sheds

which are carefully monitored and protected because of the billions of humans that rely

on it in everyday life. Water is essential to the human body. An individual is composed of

75-78% water. Not only does the human body have a need for water but also the daily

routines that are essential to everyday life like washing clothes, taking a bath, cleaning

things and watering plants.

The recorded percentage of fresh water over salt water concludes that there is

only a limited supply of fresh water available for human use. But humans are not the only

living things that are in need of water. Fresh water is also essential to animal survival and

plant growth and development. As human population continues to increase, the

possibility of fresh water shortage also comes close. Overpopulation is one of the major

crisis of the world as of today, which concludes that water shortage will then also be

considered a major crisis.


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1.2 Statement of the Problem

One of the most critical resource issue humanity is facing as of today is the

shortage of fresh water. Since plants absorb water for them to live, they also add to the

burden of lacking fresh water. We aim to help in the conservation of fresh water through

trying to figure out if sea water could be an alternative for fresh water for plants. If sea

water could be an alternative, this will lessen the consumption of fresh water and this will

also be a help to the people that live by the sea with very limited fresh water supply to

plant plants to gain additional income and as well as a different food source.

1.2.1 General Objectives

To solve problems regarding the lack of fresh water for plant absorption.

To provide an alternative for fresh water for plants.

To help people that live in places with a limited water supply water their plants

with sea water.

To spread to other people that there is an alternative for fresh water.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

To produce an alternative for fresh water.

To test the product by watering specific plants with it.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The study opens another way for us to make an alternative for fresh water. This is to help

those areas with limited water supply to water their plants with an alternative water source.


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1.4 Scope and Limitations

This study is focused on making sea water as an alternative for fresh water and its effects

on plants. It also deals with the assessment of its effectiveness on plants. We will only test salt

water by using it to water plants and are not responsible for the success or failure on any other

preparations or treatments used with it.