Download - CHAPTER I




1.1. The Background of The Study

Human being can’t be separated with language. It plays a great part of human life,

because through language we can communicate each other, express our feelings, ideas,

emotion, reaction and giving or looking for information, etc. This is supported by Clark

& Clark ( 1977 : 25 ) who states that the fundamental function of language is

communication which involves three main elements namely a speaker, a listener, and a

signaling system. Where the definition of communication it self is a process whereby

information is encoded and imparted by a sender to a receiver via a channel or medium

( signaling system ).

Furthermore, the signaling system must be one that both of speaker and listener

understand each other. It shows human communicate through the same language they use

to avoid different ideas. Because when two people speak in different language, probably

it will influence a misunderstanding and finally the communication doesn’t run well.

In the world of information today, as the development of technology, there are

two forms of guidance or instructions for people to share or to get information to be

believed, without get people come to the information takes places. Those are : written

form whether it is magazine or newspaper and the other is spoken form whether it is

named broadcasting.

Broadcasting plays an important role in delivering many kinds of information and

it has become a key source of news especially for people. That is way the effectiveness in



shaping sentences is very important for getting the listeners to stay tune on. Since the

information broadcasted is spoken language which heard then disappear. It is quite

different with written language where it can reread to get the ideas.

Generally, broadcasting is differentiated into two. They are : Radio and

Television which serves theirs own interesting program.

Television as a part of broadcasting, is the most favorite one which used to

communicate, to give, and to share information. Since it broadcasts its programs without

any distance as long as the area can receive its channel. It also provide pictures of

programs to its watchers so it seem more reality.

One of many kinds of Television program is Indonesia This Morning, which

present daily news in English, and actually this is the main point as the object of this


News extremely needs sentences, paragraph and even whole text to grab the

listener’s attention and get them interest enough to want to know more. In order to

stimulate the viewer’s interest positively of news in broadcasting, so the sentences should

be arranged as good as possible, brief, clear and uncomplicated in explanation and in

language exploration.

Since news in Indonesia This Morning is delivered through spoken language

which heard then disappear, Sometimes the listeners find difficulties to understand the

whole information of the news in English especially in broadcasting, more ever they have

less knowledge about the types of sentences.

e.g. The cat lived in the backyard, but the dog, who knew he was the superior, lived

inside the house.



Probably, confusion comes from complex sentence and compound-complex sentence.

From the example above, the most important idea delivered is the cat lived in the

backyard, and the dog lived inside the house. But it is probably, a listener focuses on he

was the superior as the most important idea delivered in this sentence. That is way, it is

very useful to study types of sentences.

The researcher is interested in analyzing the types of sentences in news because

so far the researcher found that there were a few study on types of sentences but only in

reading text. For example the study which made by Respin Siburian, student of language

and arts faculty 2002. So the researcher wants to find out the types of sentences in spoken

language. Here the news sentences will be analyzed based on number of full predication

which interpreted by Frank.

1.2. The Problems of the Study

The problems of the study are formulated as the following :

1. what types of sentences are used in news in Indonesia This Morning?

2. which types of sentences is the most dominant used in news in Indonesia This


1.3. The Scope of the Study

Sentence is defined by meaning and function. Because they are too large to

analyze all so the researcher will limit this study to the types of sentences based on

number of full predication.



1.4. The Objectives of The Study

The objectives of this study are described as the following :

1. to describe the types of sentences used in news in Indonesia This Morning

2. to find out the most dominant types of sentences used in news in Indonesia This


1.5. The Significance of The Study

After finishing this study, the researcher expects that the result will be useful for:

1. presenters or reporters in broadcasting especially in English news program, how

to present news with good sentences

2. the listeners of news program, especially Indonesia This Morning in order they

can learn the type of sentences

3. students of English Department in increasing their knowledge about the type of

sentences especially used in news.





2.1 Sentences

In daily life, we use sentences in speaking and writing to inform, convey our

ideas, feeling, desire, perception to other people.

The term of sentence is derived from Latin sententia, which literally meant “

feeling or opinion ” Verspoor ( 2000 : 33). It means that a sentence is an utterance used to

express a feeling or opinion.

Orthographically, a sentence begins with a capital letter and is terminated by full

stop. The same thing said by Webster ( 1981 : 1653 ) says that sentence is a word or

group of words; usually containing a subject and predicate beginning with a capital letter

and ending with and end mark ( period, of suspension ). It is clear that the first letter in a

sentence should be started by a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or

exclamation mark, depends to its sentence.

Bhatia ( 2000:5 ) clarifies that there are two main parts of a sentence, they are :

1) The Subject.

Part of a sentence about which something is said. The subject maybe a

person, place or thing. Simply, subject is the doer of the action or

something is being told.

2) The Predicate

Part of sentence which is said about the subject. It can be just a single

word or a number of words.



e.g :

- Rain falls.


- Fithra sleeps.


- Mary will go to Jakarta


Frank ( 1972 : 220 ) defines sentence in two ways. That is by meaning and by


1. By meaning.

According to this definition, a sentence is a “ complete thought ”.

2. By Function.

According to this definition, a sentence consists of a Subject and Predicate.

This definition is more satisfactory because it is actually possible to identify

the structural functions of subject and predicate in a sentence.

The definition above can be simpler that a sentence is a group of words that

consisting subject plus predicate with a finite verb and makes full sense.

Sentences are classified in two kinds, by types ( some says purpose ), and by the

number of formal predication as stated by Frank ( 1972 : 220 )

2.1.1. Classification of Sentences by types ( meaning, purpose )

When people do communication, they do it for various reasons. The reasons can

be to inform someone about something, to get information from someone, to get someone

to do something or to express one’s attitude about



something. Based on these reasons or purposes, Frank clarifies sentences into four types,

namely Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory Sentence.

1. Declarative Sentences ( Statement )

Declarative sentence is a sentence used to state something, give information. It is

also called assertive. It is the most common type , commonly used to makes a statement.

And to show that one has no doubt and usually end with a full stop.

e.g :

- I am going home.

- The lamp is above the table.

- The child ate his dinner.

2. Interrogative Sentences ( Questions )

An interrogative sentence is used to request or seek information. The sentence

ends with a question mark in writing and an intonation in speaking.

e.g :

- When did you arrive ?

- Did the child eat his dinner ?

- Are you a teacher?

3. Imperative Sentences ( Commands, Request )

An Imperative sentence gives a direct command to someone to do something. An

imperative sentence only use predicate is expressed. It ends with a period or an



exclamation mark in writing, depends on how great the force command is and a drop in

pitch in speech.

e.g :

- Shut up!

- Go to work at 7.30 tomorrow morning.

- Clean the room please.

4. Exclamatory Sentences ( Exclamations )

An Exclamation generally a more emphatic form of statement. It conveys a strong

emotion about something. The sentences begin with what or how plus a predicate and

marked with an exclamation mark at the end.

e.g :

- What a wonderful day this is !

- How beautiful she is !

- What a clever boy you are!

2.1.2. Classification of Sentences by Number of Full of Predications

In this case, The classification of sentences is based on the number and kind of

clauses which used in sentence. Clause expresses a whole event or situation with a

subject and a predicate Verspoor ( 2000 : 34 ). There are two kinds of clauses, namely

independent and dependent clauses. Independent clause is a full predication can stand

alone as a sentence. In contrast, dependent clause can’t. it depends on independent clause.



According to this, sentences are divided into four types; namely : Simple,

Compound, Complex, and Compound - Complex Sentence.

1. Simple Sentence.

A simple Sentence consists of one main clause ( independent clause ) only with

no dependent clause. It describes one thing or idea only with express a complete thought.

e.g :

- Bob and Sue went to the store.

- The girl ran into her bedroom.

- My father bought me a new car yesterday.

2. Compound Sentence

According to Allsopp (1963 : 21 ) a compound sentence consists of two or more

simple sentences joined by co-coordinating conjunctions. The two or more independent

clause ( main clauses ) express related ideas. Each of that independent clause can stand

alone and has a complete idea.

The two independent clauses in a compound sentence joined by coordinating

conjunctions ( and, or, for, but, nor, so ,yet ) or by punctuation or both of them. There are

also a few variations on these coordinate conjunctions, consisting of a coordinate

conjunction combined with another word or phrase, called correlative conjunctions.

Verspoor ( 2000:36 ) use the term coordinator to refer to both types of conjunction at



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Coordinate conjunctions Correlative conjunctions

and for both…and

but so not only…but also

or yet




The following examples show the coordinators in bold word, to connect the two clauses.

- The negotiations were successful, so the diplomats returned to their homes.

( the sentence consist of two main clause where both clauses are independent

and may stand on their own without miss its idea.. They can be “ The

negotiations were successful ”, “ The diplomats returned to their homes ”. )

The two are joined by conjunction so to connect these two clauses.

- I’ve tried all day, but I still get nothing.

( the two sentence joined by conjunction but. They can stand alone without

miss its idea. “ I’ve tried all day ”. “ I still get nothing ”.

3. Complex Sentence

A complex sentence contains an independent clause ( main clause ) and one or

more subordinate ( dependent ) clauses and the subordinate clause is part of the whole

sentence said Hasibuan ( 1996:201 ). The clauses are connected through either a

subordinator or a relative pronoun.


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The difference between a compound and complex sentence is that in a compound

sentence, both parts are really just simple, independent clauses. In a complex sentence,

the dependent clause can’t stand on its own and functions as a ( subject, object, adverbial

or attribute ) of the main clause.

Here are the common subordinators used :

After how (ever) so that where(ever)

Although if that whether

As(if)(though) in order that though while

Because in spite of unless who(m)(ever)

During once until whose

Even rather than what(ever)

Though since when(ever)

Here are the examples of complex sentences :

- We went via Birmingham in order to save time.

( the main clause of that sentence is we went via Birmingham, which become the

most important idea, while the less, in order to save time, is dependent clause which

become the less important idea of the sentence).

- Because I woke up late, I missed the bus.

( the idea that want to emphasize in this sentence is I missed the bus, while

because I woke up late is just the less important idea, as the reason of the main



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4. Compound – Complex Sentence

A compound – Complex sentence is a sentence consists of at least two main

clauses and at least one subordinate clause called as Compound – Complex Sentence said

Morley ( 2000 : 69 ).


- Gene thought that Finny wanted venerability, but Finny, who did not care,

thought that he was just being a friend.

( the independent clauses of that sentence are : Gene thought that Finny

wanted venerability. Finny thought that he was just being friend. While the

dependent clause is who did not care.

2.2 Broadcasting

Broadcasting plays a great role in our life especially in delivering information. It

forms a very large segment of the mass media. Broadcasting is a part of mass media

which belong to electronic media.

Broadcasting transmits its program to audience by audio or video signals. It has a

large number of audience. The audience may be everyone, depends on its program. It


Broadcasting include radio and television. Radio was the first medium for

broadcasting, which transmit its program by audio only. It means radio broadcasting

transmits its program by sound only without any picture. Later, as the development

Television comes with audio visual, means it transmits program with both of sound and


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picture, and displaced radio and newspaper as the main news source. But it doesn’t mean

that the other mass media can’t be the source of news.

2.2.1 Broadcasting Language

Each media has specific characteristic according to types of media itself.

Broadcasting and printed has differences in using language in delivering information in

news, since the medium of them is different. Printed media use newspaper, magazine, etc

to inform the news where people read it to get the information, while broadcasting

delivers the information through direct way, spoken. There fore, Words and sentences in

news must be effective and efficient in deliver information(word economy). It means that

redundancy of sentences, complex sentences, and uncommon vocabulary must be

avoided, so it is easier for viewers to understand news. This is supported by

Maessener(1990 :47) who said there are some principles in shaping news sentences in

broadcasting since the strict time limits observed. They are :

a. tighten your sentences, this basically means that you shouldn’t waste words.

Eg. The Minister of Public Works said it would have been impossible to have chosen a

better site than the Pudu area for the central bank building.

Become : The Minister of Public Works says Pudu area is the right choice of site for

central bank building.

b. avoid needless repetition, don’t say the same thing twice.

Eg. It’s a true fact.

c. avoid subordinate clauses, they are rarely used in everyday conversation. Avoid the

clumsy “which” clause. The easy way out is to split the sentence in two.


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Eg. All one hundred men in the boiler making section of Millers limited, who have been

on strike for a fortnight in protest again the dismissal of a welder, reported for work this


Become : All one hundred men in the boiler making section of Millers limited reported

for work this morning. They have been on strike for a fortnight in protest against

dismissal of a welder.

d. avoid starting a sentence with a participle.

e. the simpler the syntax of a sentence, the better.

2.3 Television

Television as a medium of communication of reality through space is the most

effective means of mass communication known to mankind. It because of television

broadcasts with sound and picture so make it seem more reality. Nowadays, It is not a

luxurious thing anymore. Because almost every family has it.

The New Book of Knowledge ( 2005:61 ) says, Originally, the word television is

derived from Greek, “ tele” and mixed Latin, “ visio ” . It means to see from far off. That

statement tells us that by Television we can get know about something which place is far

from our environment.

In the other hand in Encyclopedia ( 1983 : 870 ), television is a conversion of a

scene in motion with its accompanying sounds into an electrical signal, transmission of

the signal and its reconvention into visible and audible images by a receiver.

That definition says television serves its program with audiovisual which provide

sounds and picture, so we can see the picture and hear what is talking about. It makes the


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information broadcasted seem more reality and indicates people believe with the news.

People just stay tune on certain program in order to get information.

2.3.1 National and Private Television

Indonesian television station has been standing since 1962. The first station is

TVRI. People have staid tune on one channel only for 27 years, TVRI. TVRI as the first

channel and the oldest one is the only one station belong to national television. Its first

program was the anniversary of Indonesian independence day – 17 in Jakarta. At that

time it was still monochromatic ( black and white ).

Today, television stations have been increasing continuously. There are so many

private television broadcast its own interesting program . The first private television is

RCTI, which stood in 1989. Then, TPI, SCTV, ANTV, INDOSIAR, METRO TV, TV7,

TRANS TV, LATIVI, GLOBAL TV, etc come to broadcast their program.

Metro TV as one of popular private television especially with its news program,

was established on November 25th , 2000. It is owned by Mr.Surya Paloh. Mostly, it

broadcast news program, but it doesn’t mean there is no other interesting program beside

that in this channel.

2.3.2 Programs

Each of television station keep trying to offer the interesting programs to audience

in order the audience keep stay tune on their channel.

A program is an events that features a particular person or work or topic. It means

there are various programs, such as : news, music, tv series , reality show, etc.


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Maesener ( 1985 : 20 ) says news is a new piece of information about a

significant and recent even that affects the listeners and is of interest to them. So, news

got to be new. It can be something happened recently, last, or what will happen. And it

also can be an event, idea or opinion.

“ Indonesia This Morning ” is one daily news program in Metro TV. It is

broadcasted at 7 a.m. It is delivered the news in English. It provides information from

various fields, such as economy, law, politic, music, etc.


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3.1 Research Design

This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive

qualitative method doesn’t intend to find new theory but to find new evidences to prove

the truth of the theory and sometimes the theory may change according to the conditions

of the field. Since this study is trying to describe and classify types of sentences found in

news in Indonesia This Morning. In this research, the study based on the phenomenon

which exist in the field without manipulated the data.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1. Population

Population is the whole number of subjects or people under observation in a

research said Arikunto ( 1998 : 130 ). That definition means population is a group where

the researcher is interested in getting information.

The population of this research was taken from a month editions of Indonesia

This Morning daily news. There were 30 editions of Indonesia This Morning daily news

during June 2009 which issued in Metro TV everyday as the population.

3.2.2. Sample

Sample can be defined as a small part of population which selected as

observation. Arikunto suggests if the population consists of large number, the sample can


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be taken between 10%-15%, or 20%-25% ( 1998 : 134 ).In this study, the researcher took

15% of the population as the sample. It was 5 editions broadcasted. Every edition of

Indonesia This Morning has several news delivered. In this case, from each edition of

sample was taken two news randomly. It means there were 10 news will be analyzed.

3.3 Technique of Collecting the Data

The data were collected through the following procedure :

1. listening and recording to the news “ Indonesia This Morning ” which

broadcasted every morning at 7 a.m.

2. listening to the recording of the news in order to get the transcript of the sentences

of news in Indonesia This Morning.

3. writing all the transcript of the sentences into papers.

3.4. Technique of Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data, the writer applied some procedures. They were conducted

as follows:

1. reading through all the transcript of the sentences of news in Indonesia This


2. identifying the types of sentences of each sentence based on the number of full


3. classifying each types of sentences based on the number of full predication

4. counting the total number of each types of sentences

5. finding out the most dominant one, by using the formula


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X = F N

Where : X : the percentage of each type F : frequency N : total number of types of sentences


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4.1 Data

As stated in the previous chapter, the data were obtained from the daily news

namely Indonesia This Morning. The data were collected randomly from a month edition

of Indonesia This Morning daily news, that was from June 2009 edition. There were 30

editions during the month. It was taken 5 editions broadcasted. Every edition of Indonesia

This Morning had several news. In this study, each edition was taken 2 news randomly.

The total of the news from each of the five news edition were 10 news. After

collecting the data, it was found 42 sentences represented from 10 news analyzed. They

were identified and classified to the types of sentences based on the number of full

predication. The data can be seen from the table below.

Table 1

No Titles of News Edition Sentences Percentage(%)

1 Pussycat dolls rock Jakarta 3 June 2009 5 11,91%

2 Ambalat latest 3 June 2009 4 9,52%

3 Manohara disappears 8 June 2009 5 11,91%

4 Indonesian and Malaysia

on Ambalat

8 June 2009 5 11,91%

5 Battered Indonesian worker

to take legal action against

12 June 2009 4 9,52%


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Malaysian employer

6 Malaysian to defuse

tensions in Ambalat

12 June 2009 4 9,52%

7 Christ John paints 23 June 2009 5 11,91%

8 Djoko Tjandra update 23 June 2009 3 7,14

9 Six Indonesians infected by

H1N1 virus

26 June 2009 4 9,52%

10 Michael Jackson dead at 50 26 June 2009 3 7,14%

Total 42 100%

4.2 Data Analysis

Those sentences as the data were divided into four types. They were simple

sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound-complex sentence. Each

type had different number and percentage.

Table 2

Date Titles Simple









3 June Pussycat dolls rock


2 - 3 -

Ambalat latest 1 - 3 -

8 June Manohara 1 - 3 1


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Indonesia and

Malaysia on


3 - 2 -

12 June Battered Indonesian

worker to take legal

action against



2 - 2 -

Malaysia to defuse

tensions in Ambalat

- - 4 -

23 June Christ John paints 3 - 2 -

Djoko Tjandra


- - 3 -

26 June Six Indonesians

infected by H1N1


1 - 3 -

Michael Jackson

dead at 50

- - 3 -

Total 13 - 28 1

Percentage (%) 30,95% 0% 66,67% 2,38%

The types of sentences were tabulated as follow; column 3 shows that the total

number of simple sentence was 13 (30,95%), compound sentence 0 (0%), complex

sentence 28 (66,67%), and compound-complex sentence 1 ( 2,38%)

This is also shows that the most common types of sentences that found in the

news in Indonesia This Morning is complex sentence.

Related the result of the study to the theory before, the principles of shaping news

sentences in broadcasting said by Maessener ( 1990 :47) that is to avoid the use of


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complex sentence, it means that principle was ignored in news in Indonesia This Morning

on June 2009 edition. It also means that the reporters of news in Indonesia This Morning

preferred to use complex sentence in delivering news. They tend to emphasize the news it

self to the viewers.

Here are some examples of the representative data based on the types of sentences in

Indonesia This Morning.

1.Simple Sentence

a. The Malaysian navy has been making daily incursions into the ambalat area over the

past few month. ( Ambalat latest )

Simple sentence consists of one main clause only with no dependent clause.

b. A delegation from parliament’s first commission on Political and Security touched on

the political, territorial and economic interests at stake in Ambalat with Malaysian

Defense Minister Dato Sri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.( Indonesia and Malaysia on Ambalat )

c. It still didn’t take detract from their performance ( Pussycat Dolls Rock Jakarta)

2.Compound Sentence

There was no found any compound sentence in news in Indonesia This Morning on June

2009 edition.


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3.Complex Sentence

a. The Pussycat dolls will take their act to Singapore, where they will perform next

Thursday ( Pussycat Dolls Rock Jakarta ).

Complex sentence contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clause. The

main clause of the sentence above is The Pussycat Dolls will take their act to Singapore,

which become the most important idea. while where they will perform next Thursday,

become dependent clause which become the less important idea of the sentence.

b. He says Indonesian and Malaysian leaders should discuss the crisis ( Indonesia and

Malaysia on Ambalat ).

The main clause of the sentence above is Indonesian and Malaysian leaders should

discuss the crisis. Wile He says is just dependent clause.

c. The ESPN sports network reports that John fainted during training in Los Angeles

( Christ John faints )

The idea that want to emphasize from the sentence above is John fainted during training

in Los Angeles which become the main clause, while the clause before just an additional

information which belong to dependent clause.

4. Compound-Complex Sentence

a. The Indonesian embassy in Malaysia is also planning to sue her, after she implied that

a diplomat posted there took bribes her in laws, the Kelantan Royal Family ( Manohara

Disappears ).

Compound complex sentence consists of at least two main clause and at least one

subordinate. From the sentence above, the main clause are The Indonesian embassy in


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Malaysia is also planning to sue her and a diplomat posted there took bribes her in laws.

while the other is subordinate clause, after she implied that.

4.3 Research Findings

After analyzing all the sentences based on the kind and number of full

predications contained in the news in Indonesia This Morning, the findings can be

representative as follow :

1. There were only three types of sentences based on the number of full

predication were applied in news in Indonesia This Morning on June 2009

edition. They were Simple sentence, Complex Sentence, and Compound

Complex Sentence. There was no found any Compound Sentence in that


The total number of sentence occurrences were 42 sentences, where the total

number of simple sentence was 13 (30,95%), compound sentence was 0 (0%),

complex sentence was 28 ( 66,67%), and compound complex sentence was 1


2. The most common type of sentences in news in Indonesia This Morning on

June edition was complex sentence.


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5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing all the 42 sentences which had become the data based on the

types of sentences based on the number of full predication in news in Indonesia This

Morning, the conclusions were drawn as the following :

1. There are just three types of sentences used in News In Indonesia This

Morning on June 2009 edition. The total of types of sentences occurrences are

42 (100%) with the deals as follow : complex sentence is 28 ( 66,67%), and

followed by simple sentence 13 (30,95 %), compound complex sentence 1

(2,38%) and compound sentence 0 (0%).

2. The most dominantly types of sentences based on the number of full

predication used in news in Indonesia This Morning on June edition 2009 is

Complex Sentence. Complex sentence deals to emphasize the main idea of

that sentence or to give additional information of the main idea.


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5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, the following suggestions are forwarding :

1. Those people who work in broadcasting especially presenters or reporters can

improve their knowledge about the effectiveness of news sentences used in

broadcasting in a sense that they can use other types of sentence not only

complex sentences, so that the news itself becomes more easy to grasp by the

listeners overall.

2. The listeners of news program to learn about types of sentences.

3. The students of English department ought to learn more about the types of

sentences in speaking especially in news broadcasting.


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Allsopp, F.J and O.W.Hunt. 1963. Using Better English. Sydney .

Arikunto,S. 1998. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Bhatia,H,S.2000. Comprehensive English Grammar & Composition. Delhi India : Book


Clark, H.H. and Eve, c.v. 1977. Psychology and Language. New York : Harcourt Brave


Encyclopedia Britannica vol IX. 1983.

Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English a Practical References Guides. New York :

Prentice Hall.

Hasibuan,S,R. 1996. English Language Structure “ A Complete Reference

Book”.Jakarta : Djambatan.

Maeseneer,P,D. 1990. Here’s the News” A Radio News Manual”.Unesco Associate-


Morley David. G. 2000. Syntax in Functional Grammar : An Introduction to

lexicogrammar in Systemic Linguistics. London : Wellington House and New

York : Lexington Avenue.

The New Book of Knowledge. 2005. United States : Scholastic Library Publishing, inc.

Verspoor,M., and Sauter,K. 2000. English Sentence Analysis in Introductory Course.

Amsterdam/Philadelpia : John Benjamin Publishing.

Webster.1971. Third New International Dictionary. Massachusets: G & C Meriamew., accessed on 1st March 2009. /IndonesiaThisMorning, accessed on 1st March 2009


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June, 3rd 2009

Pussycat Dolls Rock Jakarta

1. Nicole Scherzinger, Melody Thornton, Ashley Roberts and Kimberley brought

the Istora Senayan area down with hits like “ Don’t Cha ” and “ Stick With U ”,

as well as their sensual moves. ( Simple Sentence )

2. Though the girls had to tone down their attire and their moves in deference to

muslim sensibilities in Indonesia and Malaysia. ( Complex Sentence )

3. It still didn’t take detract from their performance. ( Simple Sentence )

4. The Dolls also received plaquer, after their debut album received platinum status

in Indonesia. ( Complex Sentence )

5. The Pussycat Dolls will take their act to Singapore, where they will perform next

Thursday. ( Complex Sentence )

Ambalat Latest

1. The commander of the Eastern Indonesian Fleet, Rear Admiral Lili Supramono

says he has been ordered to prepare the deployment of seven vessels to Ambalat. (

Complex Sentence )

2. Supriyono adds that Indonesia won’t tolerate further Malaysian incursions.

( Complex Sentence )

3. The Malaysian navy has been making daily incursions into the Ambalat area over

the past few months. ( Simple Sentence )

4. Indonesian and Malaysians disputed Ambalat because of its vast oil and gas

reserves. ( Complex Sentence )


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June 8th 2009

Manohara Disappears

1. Manohara and her mother have not been at their house in Slipi, West Jakarta over

the past three days. ( Simple Sentence )

2. Rumors saying she had been staying at the Ascott apartment, were denied by the

Apartment security. ( Complex Sentence )

3. Meanwhile, Manohara’s lawyer OC Kaligis and other attorney representing her

resigned from her case, because of the media exposure. ( Complex Sentence )

4. Kaligis also says Manohara and her mother are liars, who try to profit from her

case. ( Complex Sentence )

5. The Indonesian embassy in Malaysia is also planning to sue her, after she implied

that a diplomat posted there took bribes her inlaws, the Kelantan Royal Family.

( Compound-Complex Sentence )

Indonesia and Malaysia on Ambalat

1. A delegation from Parliament’s First Comision on Political and Security touched

on the Political, territorial and economic interests at stake in Ambalat with

Malaysian Defense Minister Sri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. ( Simple Sentence )

2. Hamidi downplayed the scale of the crisis. ( Simple Sentence )


Page 32: CHAPTER I

3. He says Indonesian and Malaysian leaders should discuss the crisis. ( Complex

Sentence )

4. Hamidi adds that he will send the Chief of the Malaysian Armed forces to Jakarta

to discuss the issue on June 9th. ( Complex Sentence )

5. The Ambalat crisis have been flaring on an off since 2005. ( Simple Sentence )


Page 33: CHAPTER I

June 12th 2009

Battered Indonesian Worker to Take Legal Action Against Malaysian Employer

1. The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and the Indonesian National Agency

for the placement and protection of Migrant Workers or BNP2TKI pledged to aid

Hajar’s case. ( Simple Sentence )

2. Indonesian ambassador to Malaysia Da’I Bachtiar and BNP2TKI Jumhur Hidayat

say they will apply a new monitoring system to ensure that cases of abuse like

those which afflicted Hajar will not happen again. ( Complex Sentence )

3. Meanwhile, Michelle’s sibling paid Hajar her 17 thousand ringgit or nearly five

thousand dollar salary which are owed her in arrears. ( Complex Setence )

4. Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia often face abuse and even death on the

job. ( Simple Sentence )

Malaysia to Defuse Tensions in Ambalat

1. Speaking during his visit to Jakarta Thursday, General Abdul Azis maintained

that his forces didn’t enter Indonesian territory in Ambalat. ( Complex Sentence )

2. He attributed stands off between the two forces in Ambalat to misunderstanding,

because of a lack of a joint agreement on the border between both nations.

( Complex Sentence )

3. Azis added that he and his Indonesian counterpart General Joko Santoso will take

measures to defuse tensions over Ambalat. ( Complex Sentence )

4. He said that the steps include joint Patrols on their respective sides of Ambalat.

( Complex Sentence )


Page 34: CHAPTER I

June 23rd 2009

Christ John Faints

1. The ESPN sports network reports that John fainted during training in Los

Angeles. ( Complex Sentence )

2. The channel didn’t disclose the WBA champ’s unconsciousness. ( Simple

Sentence )

3. But John’s doctor said he suffered a blood problem, which is reportedly a

symptom of Hepatitis B. ( Complex Sentence )

4. John’s manager canceled the title fight against his challenger Rocky Juarez.

( Simple Sentence )

5. The bout was scheduled to be hold on June 27th in Houston, Texas. ( Simple

Sentence )

Djoko Tjandra Update

1. The Papua New Guinea Embassy in Jakarta acknowledged that he might be

related to prominent Papuan Businessman Sir Soekandar Tjandra. ( Complex

Sentence )

2. But the Embassy didn’t disclose if Sir Soekandra helped Tjandra escape.

( Complex Sentence )

3. But the Embassy assured that it will hand over Tjandra to an Indonesian court,

despite the lack of an extradition between both countries, and difficulties proving

that he is in Papua. ( Complex Sentence )


Page 35: CHAPTER I

June 26th 2009

Six Indonesians Infected By H1N1 Virus

1. The Sulianti Suroso Referral Hospital said that it’s treating a 37 year old pilot

identified as WA. ( Complex Sentence )

2. Doctors said WA might have contracted the virus during his travel from Pert,

Australia to Hongkong. ( Complex Sentence )

3. The Hospital tightly restricted contact between WA and his family. ( Simple

Sentence )

4. The other five cases include a Health Department Official who attended a seminar

on handling the H1N1 virus in Beijing, China. (Complex Sentence)

Michael Jackson Dead at 50

1. Doctors at the UCLA medical center said he died in hospital, after paramedics

rushing to an emergency call at his home failed to revive him with CPR.

( Complex Sentence )

2. His spokesman said that Jackson was planning to go on one last world tour.

( Complex Sentence )

3. Jackson started off as a child star before becoming a musical giant with hits like “

beat it ” and “ Billie Jean ” as well as multiple Grammy awards. ( Complex

Sentence )


Page 36: CHAPTER I


June, 3rd 2009

Pussycat Dolls Rock Jakarta

Nicole Scherzinger, Melody Thornton, Ashley Roberts and Kimberley brought

the Istora Senayan area down with hits like “ Don’t cha ” and “ Stick With U ”, as well as

their sensual moves. Though the girls had to tone down their attire and their moves in

deference to Muslim sensibilities in Indonesia and Malaysia. It still didn’t take detract

from their performance. The Dolls also received plaquer, after their debut album received

platinum status in Indonesia. The Pussycat Dolls will take their act to Singapore, where

they will perform next Thursday.

Ambalat Latest

The commander of the Eastern Indonesian fleet, Rear Admiral Lili Supramono

says he has been ordered to prepare the deployment of seven vessels to Ambalat.

Supriyono adds that Indonesia won’t tolerate further Malaysian incursions. The

Malaysian navy has been making daily incursions into the Ambalat area over the past few

months. Indonesia and Malaysia disputed Ambalat because of its vast oil and gas



Page 37: CHAPTER I

June, 8th 2009

Manohara Disappears

Manohara and her mother have not been at their house in Slipi, West Jakarta over

the past three days. Rumors saying she had been staying at the Ascott Apartments, were

denied by the Apartment security. Meanwhile, Manohara’s lawyer OC Kaligis and other

attorney representing her resigned from her case, because of the media exposure. Kaligis

also says Manohara and her mother are liars, who try to profit from her case. The

Indonesian embassy in Malaysia is also planning to sue her, after she implied that a

diplomat posted there took bribes her in-laws, the Kelantan Royal family.

Indonesia and Malaysia on Ambalat

A delegation from Parliament’s First Commission on Political and Security

touched on the political, territorial and economic interests at stake in Ambalat with

Malaysian Defense Minister Dato Sri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Hamidi downplayed the

scale of the crisis. He says Indonesian and Malaysian leaders should discuss the crisis.

Hamidi adds that he will send the Chief of the Malaysian Armed forces to Jakarta to

discuss the issue on June 9th . The Ambalat crisis have been flaring on an off since 2005.


Page 38: CHAPTER I

June, 12th 2009

Battered Indonesian Worker to Take Legal Action Against Malaysian Employer

The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and the Indonesian National agency

for the placement and protection of Migrant Workers or BNP2TKI pledged to aid Hajar’s

care. Indonesian ambassador to Malaysia Da’i Bachtiar and BNP2TKI Jumhur Hidayat

say they will apply a new monitoring system to ensure that cases of abuse like those

which afflicted Hajar will not happen again. Meanwhile, Michelle’s sibling paid Hajar

her 17 thousand ringgit ot nearly five thousand dollar salary, which are owed her in

arrears. Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia often face abuse and even death on the


Malaysia to Defuse Tensions in Ambalat

Speaking during his visit to Jakarta Thursday, General Abdul Azis maintained

that his forces didn’t enter Indonesian territory in Ambalat. He attributed stand off

between the two forces in Ambalat to misunderstandings, because of a lack of a joint

agreement on the border between both nations. Azis added that he and his Indonesian

counterpart General Joko Santoso will take measures to defuse tensions over Ambalat.

He said the steps include joint patrols on their respective sides of Ambalat.


Page 39: CHAPTER I

June, 23rd 2009

Christ John Faints

The ESPN sports network reports that John fainted during training in Los

Angeles. The channel didn’t disclose the WBA champ’s unconsciousness. But John’s

doctor said he suffered a blood problem, which is reportedly a symptom of Hepatitis B.

John’s manager canceled the title fight against his challenger Rocky Juarez. The bout was

scheduled to be hold on June 27th in Houston, Texas

Djoko Tjandra Update

The Papua New Guinea Embassy in Jakarta acknowledged that he might be

related to prominent Papuan Businessman Sir Soekandar Tjandra. But the embassy didn’t

disclose if Sir Soekandra helped Tjandra escape. But the embassy assured that it will

hand over Tjandra to an Indonesian court, despite the lack of an extradition between both

countries, and difficulties proving that he is in Papua.


Page 40: CHAPTER I

June, 26th 2009

Six Indonesian Infected by H1N1 Virus

The Sulianti Suroso referral hospital said that it’s treating a 37 year old pilot

identified as WA. Doctors said WA might have contracted the virus during his travel

from Pert, Australia to Hongkong. The hospital tightly restricted contact between WA

and his family. The other five cases include a Health Department official who attended a

seminar on handling the H1N1 virus in Beijing, China.

Michael Jackson Dead at 50

Doctors at the UCLA Medical Center said he died in Hospital, after paramedics

rushing to an emergency call at his home failed to revive him with CPR. His spokesman

said that Jackson was planning to go on one last world tour. Jackson started off as a child

star before becoming a musical giant with hits like “beat it” and “ Billie Jean ” as well as

multiple Grammy Awards.


Page 41: CHAPTER I